How to create a Yandex wallet. Brief instructions

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk in detail about one thing in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet - Yandex Money.

From this article you will learn how to register and create a wallet in, how to deposit or withdraw money, how to top up, cash out and transfer funds to the YaD wallet.

Yandex Money are the main competitor of WebMoney in RuNet (read about and), as well as, and are quite popular among Internet users.

Hacking of Yandex money wallets does not happen as often (however, my money was stolen the other day, but more on that below) as hacking of WebMoney, which can make YaD a more attractive settlement option for .

In order to start using Yandex Money, it will be important to go through register and create a wallet, which can be used via a web interface. There used to be a program that was installed on your computer (it was considered more in a safe way, but since 2011 it is no longer supported and everyone is recommended to switch to the first use case).

Registration and creation of a wallet in the Yandex Money system

In order to start using the web interface of the Yandex Money service, you need register(the login and password you receive will serve as registration data for all other RuNet mirror services):

Please note that at this step you must indicate your number mobile phone not necessary (you can click on the “I don’t have a phone” button and select as a protection measure Security Question and enter the answer to it). However, if you are starting a wallet for further work with Yandex money, it would be better to indicate your mobile phone number, as this will increase the security of working with your account.

If you already have an account on this mega-portal, then simply log into it. There is also alternative option- entry through your social media accounts(Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, and Odnoklassniki), the buttons of which you will see at the bottom of the authorization form:

After registration, you will be taken to the “passport” page, where you can top menu select “More” - “Money”.

If you already had an account, then just go to the Yandex Money service using your login (or through social networks) and click on big button "Open wallet":

By default, at the first registration step you are offered indicate your mobile phone number:

I strongly advise you to take advantage of this opportunity, unless there are compelling reasons not to do so. The point is that linked mobile number will help you quickly restore access to your wallet if your password is lost or your account is hacked, will allow you to connect SMS notifications about transactions with your account, and will also allow you to use not a permanent, but a one-time payment password, which will be sent to your cell phone every time in the form of an SMS message , which will increase work safety by an order of magnitude.

Previously, Yandex Many still allowed you to do without specifying your mobile number, but now they have abandoned this. Apparently, the level of security for working with wallets is greatly reduced.

At the second step of registering in Yandex Money, you will need to enter code received in SMS message to the mobile phone number you specified, indicate your contact Email, agree to the terms and conditions and click on the “Open wallet” button:

Previously, a permanent one was also used payment password, which was transmitted over encrypted channels when you carried out some actions in your Yandex Wallet (replenishment, withdrawal, cashing, etc.), but now it has been abandoned in favor of using a one-time payment password, which will be automatically sent every time by SMS to your cell phone number.

In the future, you can replace it with a password that will be generated by the one installed in your cell phone special application from Yandex, if this seems to you a more convenient option.

By the way, authorization in Yandex Money will automatically stop 15 minutes after you stop using the service. Therefore, even if you forget to close the Yandex service page with an active wallet, after 15 minutes you will lose access to your information, and no one will be able to take advantage of your forgetfulness and withdraw (cash out) or transfer funds.

How to use Yandex Money, settings and capabilities

After filling out all the available fields on the registration page, click on the “Open wallet” button. As a result, you will go to the service page, where in the top right you will see the number zero (this is the balance of your current account), by clicking on which you find out your money wallet number. Previously, by the way, it was displayed in the left column and there was no need to frantically search for it in different menus.

In the center of the main page, you will be described other possibilities for working with this type of money (how to replenish, transfer, withdraw, cash out, spend, link bank card etc.):

Let's first go over the settings of our Yandex wallet.

Settings for your Yandex wallet

To do this, you will again need to click on the amount of your current balance and go to the drop-down menu item “Manage wallet", which is shown in the previous screenshot (if you don’t know, it will take quite a long time to search for it, which is not good in terms of usability):

Let's start in order. By default, Yandex system Money can be considered anonymous, because you are free to indicate any of your data, but now, however, you cannot refuse to display your mobile phone number.

However, this way of working imposes some restrictions on the capabilities of your wallet. There is an alternative way to work when you follow the link "Change status", get acquainted with new features and ways to connect them. By default, your status will be anonymous, but, for example, to change it to a personal one, you don’t even need to go anywhere:

It will only be necessary to special form Enter your real name and passport details. But to obtain the status of an “Identified” Yandex Money user, you will have to provide one form or another to the system administration your passport details, and then new opportunities will open up for you, described at the top of the screenshot (extended limits on payments, transfers and withdrawals).

Not all users of the system will need advanced features, but they may be needed by someone who uses Yandex money for their business needs. For example, recently I wanted to use poison, but received a spanking from the system, because I have a personal account, and for this action an identified one is required. Now I’m thinking - either bother with changing the status, or withdraw it to WebMoney as before.

Let's return to the Yandex wallet settings, which were shown in the second screenshot of this chapter (the “Wallet Management” item in the balance menu of your account). In the "Information" area you can activate receiving SMS notifications about account transactions (expense transactions and replenishment) by clicking on the “Pay subscription” link. This service costs 20 rubles per month. Notifications by email are, of course, free.

Previously, Yandex Many used a one-time payment password, which was, a priori, more vulnerable than the one-time passwords sent to you SMS messages(free, of course). Now all payment passwords are one-time, but you can still protect yourself, for example, in case you lose your mobile phone save or print trouble codes, which will allow you to confirm any payment or service without SMS.

It’s somewhat unpleasant for me to remember about emergency codes now, because today 9 thousand rubles were stolen from my Yandex wallet using phishing (I myself gave one of these emergency codes to the attackers). But as I write this article, I hope to gather my strength and describe my shameful carelessness.

Installing the mobile application "Yandex.Money: online payments"

If you make payments, transfers and withdrawals from Yandex Money on stream, then the best option May be installation mobile application , which will generate one-time payment passwords. SMS messages do not always and not always reach everywhere, but the application will always be at hand.

To do this, click on the button with an arrow (sort of a spoiler) in the right top corner area “Passwords” (I would re-check the usability of the new interface for professional suitability), and in the window that opens, click on the link “Change protection method”.

On the page that opens, you will need to go to the “Application” tab, where links to installing it in Android, iOS or Windows Phone will be given.

In the case of Android in Google Play, it is called “Yandex.Money: online payments” and is placed in the usual way.

After entering the login and password for your Yandex account, you will also be asked to come up with a password to enter this application in order to protect you from unauthorized access to your wallet while the phone is in the wrong hands. The application itself looks very nice and is easy to use:

How to use the wallet?

That's it, now you can fully use the payment system - deposit funds (replenish your account), transfer the required amount to another wallet, withdraw (cash out or simply withdraw) money from the system. To do this, use the corresponding menu buttons located on the left.

For example, in order to transfer money to another Yandex wallet, you will need to click on the “Translate” button and simply go to the page located “”. In the window that opens, you can specify either the recipient's wallet number, or his email address, or his mobile phone number (the data is checked on the fly against the database and you will be given a message if no such user is found in the system):

Although you are free to transfer funds by indicating in the “To” field the mobile phone number of a user who does not have a Yandex wallet at all. He will have to go through the registration procedure in the system described above and indicate his cell phone number. Upon completion of registration, he will need to go to history from the left menu (section “Top-ups”) and click the “Receive” button.

In the “Payment” field, you can enter the amount that will need to be withdrawn from your Yandex wallet, or in the “How much” field, enter the amount that will need to be deposited into the recipient’s account (you cannot withdraw, deposit or transfer money just like that, but only by paying for This system commission of 0.5 percent from the amount, which is why there are two fields for entering the transfer amount).

digital code, without which the addressee will not receive this transfer. You should also set the lifetime of the protection code. This time is given to the recipient for this and that. If he does not enter the correct protection code within the specified period, the money will be safely returned to your wallet. In any case, protection will allow you to insure yourself in the event of incorrect entry of the recipient's data.

Then click the “Transfer” button and on the page that opens, making sure that the amount you want to transfer is correct, enter your one-time payment Yandex password money that came in the form of an SMS to your mobile phone (or generated by the mobile application you installed - read about this above).

All goods and services for which you can pay with Yandex Money, you will find on this page - (you will get to it from the left menu by clicking on the item of the same name). The range of services and goods that you can pay for is quite wide.

When paying, for example, mobile communications You can set up auto payment. Then the account on your mobile will be replenished automatically from Yandex wallet as soon as your balance drops below given threshold. For the forgetful, it seems to me, this is just the thing.

To confirm payment, each time you will have to enter a one-time payment password received via SMS or taken from your mobile application (if your phone is in at the moment is not available, you can use one of the emergency codes, which you have hopefully already printed and saved).

In the same way you can pay for invoiced various services accounts. For example, when paying or renewing hosting, you select the Yandex.Money option (if provided) and you will be transferred to your wallet to confirm this payment.

Yandex Money bank cards, account linking and replenishment

In your account settings (the “Wallet Management” item in the drop-down menu of your current balance), you can find the “Bank Cards” area, where after clicking on the spoiler (the arrow in the upper right corner of this area) you will be offered three options for working with them:

Let's look at them all in sequence:

In general, in my opinion, there are quite good way see user reviews about this or that exchange office, although this service belongs to WebMoney and is called Advisor. There, users of the WebMoney electronic payment system can leave reviews about the sites they dealt with.


How to withdraw (cash out, withdraw) Yandex Money

Yandex money can be withdrawn and cashed in several ways, which I will try to list. Moreover, in any case, withdrawal and cashing will cost 3 percent commission:

  1. A multi-step way to withdraw Yandex Money is to transfer it to an Alfa-Bank card attached to your wallet, “OTKRITIE”. Then you will need to cash out the funds at the ATM of this institution.
  2. A simpler, in my opinion, way to cash out is to withdraw them in cash at CONTACT or RNKO RIB.
  3. You can also withdraw Yandex Money by transfer to an individual’s bank account.
  4. Recently, Individual entrepreneurs it became possible to transfer funds to an account opened on legal entity. Yandex Money now allows you to transfer your account to a professional account for entrepreneurs. True, you will no longer have a way back and you will lose some of the methods that allow you to deposit money into your wallet, but if you accept payments in Yandex Money, then in order to avoid problems it is better convert your account to professional.
  5. Well, in general, many people use their wallet to pay for various goods and services (pay for telephone, Internet, hosting, utilities, etc.) to cash out.
  6. Issue your Yandex money card and use it to pay for goods at the nearest supermarket, gas station or any other physical or online store. Personally, I chose this method of withdrawing money from my account.

How my money was stolen from Yandex Wallet

Well, for starters, a sad story about a careless man who steps on the same rake for the second time. A few years ago, about twenty thousand rubles were stolen. After that, I began to take security seriously, and made access to all funds possible only through confirmation by mobile phone.

Yes, indeed, banal hacking in this case becomes unprofitable, but social engineering still works successfully. After all, I knew about similar stories, but I still acted like a boy and told the thieves everything they needed. (), which completely imitated the Yandex Money interface. And they lured him with a letter warning about the possible blocking of my wallet.

Confidence was generated by the fact that the letter indicated the correct amount of the current balance. Apparently, at first the mailbox was hacked, on the same account with which the wallet lived. Just before the arrival of this fake letter, I received a notification about replenishing the Yandex wallet balance indicating its exact value.

Unfortunately, I read the letter in the Email client and did not notice the obvious discrepancy in the sender's address noted in the screenshot. As a result, the enemy received from me “in good faith” one of my emergency codes, after I followed the link from the letter and entered it myself into the proposed form on a fake website that completely copied / (V address bar Naturally, I didn’t even bother looking - but in vain).

Previously I received in Yandex plastic card and I spend money on it in stores. But today I was just writing this article and when I went to the website I was a little stunned by the displayed balance: 33 rubles instead of 9000. I go to “Payment History” and see two transfers to Qiwi:

It was a little stressful, and while waiting for technical support to get through, I managed to contact them via a ticket, and also went into these payments (on Qiwi) by simply clicking on them and writing a “complaint” (there was such a button there). What is noteworthy is that technical support wrote back to me that the money had already been withdrawn and they could not do anything, but in the evening, while continuing to work on this article, I noticed that one of the payments was returned to me and the application with my claim for payment was displayed as satisfied .

But the second payment has not yet arrived. And it seems that not everything is in order with the returned money, because I was not able to top up the balance on my cell phone with it. It is possible that a temporary block has been imposed, or it is possible that the payment was returned incorrectly. Learn from my mistakes and do not go to sites from emails, but only from browser bookmarks or through a search. This is fraught with loss of money and a lot of nerve cells.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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11 best services to withdraw or transfer money (note to freelancer)

Hello dear visitors! The Internet has firmly entered our lives, and with it electronic payment systems, which we increasingly use for various financial transactions. Often this is payment for the Internet, mobile communications, housing and communal services, purchases in online stores, etc.

On this page we'll talk about the electronic payment system Yandex.Money.

From the article you will learn how to create Yandex.Wallet and order a Yandex.Money card. Also, using the example of step-by-step instructions, you will learn how to identify Yandex.Wallet and link a bank card to it.

So, let's move on from the introductory part to the instructions.

Opening an account in Yandex.Money is very simple. To do this, go to the page (the link will open in a new tab) and follow the instructions below.

We fill out the registration form, come up with a username and password. As the email for notifications about payments, we indicate the login (email) that we just came up with. It will receive notifications from Yandex.Money. Then enter your phone number. Click “Continue”.

An SMS will be sent to your phone with a code to confirm your number. Enter the code and click the “Create wallet” button.

And voila! Now you have a Yandex.Money wallet!

If you already have Yandex.Mail, then you don’t have to create new account in Yandex. Just follow the link “I have a Yandex login.” Then log into your account, enter your phone number and confirm it. And after that, a Yandex wallet will be linked to your account!

Registration in Yandex.Money via social networks

You can also easily and quickly register through any proposed social network in which you have an account.

Let's take Mail ru mail as an example. Click on the corresponding icon. And in the window that appears, indicate the login and password for your social network account. Click “Login and Allow”.

We confirm our consent to the processing of personal data by clicking the “I am a new user” button.

Enter your mobile phone number and click “Continue”. Then we confirm our number with the code from the SMS message. And finally, click the “Create wallet” button.

IN in this case all notifications from Yandex.Money will be sent to Mail.Ru.

How to create a wallet in Yandex.Money - video instructions.

Identification in Yandex.Money

After registering in the Yandex Money system, your wallet will have the status “Anonymous”. An anonymous wallet does not allow you to use all the capabilities of Yandex Money to the fullest. For example, with an anonymous wallet it is not possible to make payments all over the world, make transfers from Yandex.Wallet to a bank card, etc. Therefore, it is better to identify the wallet or at least make it personal.

How to identify Yandex.Wallet or make it personal?

To get through identification in Yandex.Money V personal account go to settings, select “Change status”.

A page will open where you need to select the desired type of wallet.

Personalized wallet

If you want to make your wallet personal, then in the appropriate column follow the link “Fill out the online form”.

Fill in all the required data and click “Save Data”. After this, your wallet will become personalized.

Identified wallet

To get identified Yandex.Wallet Click “Pass identification”. Choose one of the proposed identification methods and follow further instructions the Yandex Money system itself.

First way The most convenient way is to go through identification through “ Mobile bank" You don't even need to leave your home to do this. You will just need to provide the necessary data and make a control transfer from your Sberbank card to your Yandex.Wallet (payment amount does not exceed 10 rubles).

You can identify Yandex.Wallet through Mobile Banking if:

  • You are a citizen of Russia,
  • Do you have a Sberbank card,
  • balance on the card is at least 10 rubles,
  • You have activated the Mobile Bank service and the same phone number is linked to your Yandex wallet.

If you changed your passport after opening an account with Sberbank, then identification through Mobile Bank may not work.

Second way Less convenient is to identify the wallet in Euroset stores.

1) Choose identification through Euroset, fill out an application on the Yandex.Money website, and print it out.

2) Take a printed application, your passport and go to the nearest Euroset store.

3) Tell the cashier that you need to identify your wallet in Yandex.Money. Submit an application, present your passport and make a payment of 50 rubles (the amount of the contribution may have changed).

4) The cashier will enter the data and print the receipt. Check your details and account number on this check. If all the information on the check is correct, then sign the check.

5) Come home. Open your wallet on the Yandex.Money website and click on balance. Follow the link and confirm your identification.

Third way– wallet identification in Svyaznoy. The same as through Euroset. You need to do the same steps. Come with an application and passport to Svyaznoy and pay 300 rubles for identification.

Fourth method– identification at the Yandex.Money office. This option almost similar to the previous methods.

1) On the Yandex.Money website you need to download the application form and fill it out.

2) Come with an application and passport to the Yandex.Money office and give the documents to the secretaries so that they can scan them.

3) After a week, a link to confirm identification will appear in your Yandex.Wallet next to your balance.

This method is suitable exclusively for those who have a Yandex.Money office in the city. But so far, unfortunately, the offices are located in only a few cities in Russia. So, I think this option will not work for most Yandex.Wallet owners.

Fifth method– identification through partners in other countries. This option is intended for citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries, and this method is also suitable for residents of Crimea. To undergo identification using this method, you need to contact an identification agent and check with him for a list necessary documents, the cost of the service and arrange a meeting with him. You can find out the addresses and contacts of identification agents on this page.

Yandex.Money also has several other identification methods in its arsenal, but some of them are even less convenient, more expensive and are not suitable for everyone.

Once you have an identified wallet, then, if necessary, with its help you can almost instantly identify several more of your wallets. You just need to copy data from one account to another.

How to link a card to a Yandex.Money wallet

If necessary, you can link your bank card to your Yandex.Money wallet.

1) To do this, go to settings, then to the “Linked cards” section and click “Link a card”.

2) Enter the details of the card that you want to link to your wallet. Click "continue".

3) Confirm payment of the invoice (1 ruble). This amount will be debited from the card and credited to your Yandex.Wallet.

4) If everything is done correctly, a notification about the successful binding of the card will appear.

How to transfer Yandex.Money to a bank card

In order to transfer money from Yandex wallet to a bank card, go to the section “ Money transfers" Or click the “Remove” button next to the avatar. We choose to transfer money from a wallet to a bank card. Click “Continue”.

We indicate the bank card number and the desired amount for transfer. Click “Continue”.

On at this stage We check the card number and transfer amount again. If everything is specified correctly, click “Pay”.

The time it takes for funds to be credited to the card depends on the bank; usually the transfer is carried out instantly. Personally, I often transfer money to a Sberbank card and there have never been any delays, the money always arrives on the card in a few seconds.

And don’t forget that the Yandex.Money service charges a commission for transferring funds.

How to withdraw funds from Yandex.Wallet to a bank account

To send cash to a bank account, open the “Money transfers” section, follow the link “To a bank account”.

We indicate all the necessary details and the amount for transfer. Select “Bank Account” as the identifier for crediting. Click “Next”.

Then we confirm the transfer.

The money will arrive in your bank account within 3 business days.

How to top up your wallet in Yandex.Money

Topping up your Yandex.Wallet balance is quite easy. In your Yandex.Money personal account, next to your wallet balance, click the “top up” button. Select a method to top up your wallet and follow the instructions.

How to create a Yandex.Money card

If you make money on the Internet Yandex.Money, then it makes sense order a Yandex.Money card(MasterCard). Yandex.Wallet and card have one account. Therefore, you don’t have to transfer money from an electronic wallet to a bank card while losing money on transfer fees. With a Yandex.Money card you can pay for various services, bills and in stores, just like any regular bank card. You can also withdraw money from ATMs using a Yandex card. Without commission, you can withdraw up to 10,000 rubles every month. For cash withdrawals of more than 10 thousand per month, a commission is charged. Servicing the card costs 300 rubles for three years (the cost may change).

For those who do not yet have Yandex.Wallet, it is possible to get 100 points from Yandex.Money, which equal 100 rubles.

To get points, create a wallet by clicking here. Then, order a Yandex.Money card, and after activating the card you will receive 100 points.

Points can be spent on things, equipment, paying for the Internet, rent, traffic police fines, etc. To pay with points online, simply place an order, and when paying, add points to real money.

To order a Yandex.Money card:

1) Open the “Yandex.Money Cards” section. Select desired type cards and click “Order card”.

2) Choose a card design that you like. Click Continue.

3) Fill in the required information and click “continue”.

4) Enter your home address to which the card will be sent. Click "proceed to payment". Pay 300 rubles for card servicing in the most convenient way for you.

5) After some time in post office An envelope with a card in your name will arrive. I received the letter within about 10 days. Pick up a letter with a Yandex card at the post office. Log in to Yandex.Wallet. Go to: and enter your card number. Then activate it and come up with a PIN code.

Now you are the owner of a Yandex.Money card!

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Greetings to my blog visitors!

IN lately I started using the Yandex.Money e-wallet very often. I pay for purchases in online stores and receive money for my freelance services. Some clients who do not have such a means of payment ask me: how to create e-wallet Yandex. Money.

And I decided to write a detailed step by step instructions on creating a Yandex Money electronic wallet. Before you start registering your Yandex.Money wallet, you need to log into your Yandex mailbox. If you don’t have Yandex mail yet, then you need to create one.

Step 1. Go to Yandex and find the Yandex Money service.

Let's go to home page Yandex: Click on the word “more” above the Yandex search bar. In the menu that opens, click on “All services”

On next page Find the yellow “Open wallet” button and click on it.

Step 2. We begin registering a wallet on Yandex

In the window that opens, enter your Yandex email address, your phone number and click on the “Continue” button.

Step 3. Confirm your phone number and complete wallet registration

At this step we need to confirm your phone number. To do this, we need to wait for an SMS with a password from Yandex and enter it in the appropriate field.

We are waiting for this very minute and Hurray! - our wallet is open!

In the window that opens, we can see the account number of our wallet.

Pay attention! Now, when we need to find out the number of our wallet in Yandex.Money, we open this pop-up window in the upper right corner.

Topping up your Yandex money wallet

Now you can top up your wallet in any way available to you.

Pay attention! Yandex.Money can be topped up for free, without commissions, instantly from a Sberbank card through an ATM, or without a card through Sberbank ATMs where cash is accepted.

In the latter case, payment may take up to 10 days. Tested by me personally 😉

Another proven way to replenish a Yandex.Money wallet is through Euroset stores, where the commission for replenishing a Yandex.Money wallet is also zero.

That's all. Thank you for your attention!

Don't forget to subscribe to updates so you don't miss the next articles.

See you soon on the pages of my blog!

P.S. Feel free to ask questions in the comments or on the Contact page. I will answer everyone.

If you need to top up your mobile or Internet account and you do not have an electronic wallet, then register your wallet in Yandex Money. This is a very reliable and easy-to-manage payment system with which you can easily withdraw money. Registration in Yandex Money is free!

And so that register with Yandex Money It will only take a minute of your time. You can register and create a wallet using an already existing registered E-Mail address in Yandex or by creating new address, which will be used not only as a login for the Yandex Money payment system, but also in any other services. It is also possible to register a new wallet using your account from social networks such as: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, FaceBook, Twitter, Moi Mir, Google+.

Creating a Yandex Money wallet without having Yandex mail

If you have not had any E-Mail box from Yandex, this will not complicate your registration at all. In order to register a Yandex Money wallet, go to the payment system website using this link: I am Yandex Money.

After you get to the website of the Yandex Money payment system, you will see the “Open wallet” button in the center of the screen, click on it.

In the window that opens, fill out the registration form. Come up with and enter a login to log into Yandex Money, which will also be your E-Mail address. Come up with complex password, which was not used in any other projects. I also do not recommend using your login as a password. Create a password similar to the one shown in the picture. Specify the E-Mail address to which payment notifications will be sent. You can receive notifications to the address that will be created after registering with Yandex Money. In the last field, indicate your real name, valid number mobile phone, as it will need to be confirmed. After filling out the form, click on the "Continue" button.

After this, another window will appear in the form, in which you need to enter the code received via SMS to the number specified during registration. You can also create an additional login, which will serve as a phone number. Next, click on the “Open wallet” button.

This completes the registration procedure for the Yandex Money wallet and you can use it for your own purposes. Also now you will have an E-Mail from Yandex, which you can also safely use in the future.

Registering a Yandex Money wallet from an E-Mail from Yandex

If you have already registered an E-Mail address in Yandex or registered in any projects of this search engine, then you can use this address to register a Yandex Money wallet.

To do this, you just need to log in to Yandex and go to the website of the Yandex Money payment system. In this case, the registration form will be filled out independently if you have previously specified all the parameters. If any field is empty, fill it out and click on the “Continue” button!

To complete registration, you will also need to enter a verification code, which will be sent via SMS to specified number upon registration. Enter it in the field and click "Open wallet".

Registration in Yandex Money using social networks

Registration in various projects using social networks has become quite a popular trend. The Yandex Money payment system also allows its users to register using the most popular social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, FaceBook, Twitter, My World, Google+. Let's look at registering with Yandex Money using the VKontakte social network. To do this, go to the payment system website using this link: I am Index Money. Click on the button in the center of the screen "Open wallet".

Today I want to talk about another popular payment system, only in Russia - this is Yandex money. It, like any other payment system, can be useful to you to pay for goods and services on the Internet. Yandex money is the same wallet that we use in real life, only in electronic wallets located electronic currency, which you can use on the Internet, when buying something or when earning money.

Registration in payment system Yandex Money is absolutely free and takes literally two minutes.

The Yandex money electronic wallet is less popular than the WebMoney (WebMoney) payment system. But still, in Russia quite a few people use a Yandex wallet.

How to register in Yandex money

So let's get to the question: how to register in Yandex money? In order to register in the Yandex payment system, you need to go to the address: Here you will see a button “open an account”, you need to click on it.

In the next window you will see a login form. To log in you must have a Yandex mailbox. Because we enter your mailbox in the login field, and your password in the password field. But if you are not yet registered in Yandex, I advise you to register. All novice webmasters sooner or later have to register with Yandex in order to use services for webmasters. And to register with Yandex, you must have Yandex. This is such a vicious circle, so don’t even think about it, open a mailbox on Yandex. What is needed for this? To do this, click on “register” in the login form.

Of course, if you do not want to register Yandex mail, you can log in without entering a password using social networks. But I’ll tell you how I did it, so click on “register” - an extra mailbox won’t hurt.

After clicking, you will be taken to the first registration step, where you need to write your first name, last name and login. Login will also be used as your name mailbox. For example, I’ll write – SdelaemBlog. After I entered the desired name for my mailbox, Yandex immediately reports that such a login is free. After this, click on the “next” button, thereby moving on to the second registration step.

In the second step, you need to come up with a password for the mailbox (and the system as a whole) and confirm it. Then you need to select security question, you also have the opportunity to indicate your question. Next point- “another E-mail”, it is optional, but can be useful if you lose your password, for example. After this, you need to indicate your mobile phone number (also optional). You may need it if you have forgotten the password you specified above. Next, you need to enter the characters that you will see in the picture; if for some reason you do not see the image, you can update it. Click on “show another picture”. The last thing that is required is to agree to the Yandex user agreement after reading it first. And only if you agree, you need to tick the checkbox and click on the “register” button.

If everything is filled out correctly, you will see this page on which you will be congratulated on the successful completion of registration.

Open a Yandex Money account or create a Yandex Money wallet.

What to do next? We need it Yandex money wallet. It's very simple. Just below, under the congratulations, you can see the inscription: “start using Yandex services.” And under this inscription several services are offered for use, one of which is Yandex money.

After clicking on the Yandex money service icon, you will be taken to a page where you will need to come up with a payment password and after that registration in the payment system will be completed. But before that, you can get to a page on which you will again see the “open an account” button, click on it. And now you should definitely be on the page for filling out the latest data.

The first thing you need to do here to open an account in Yandex money is create a payment password, which will additionally protect the money in your wallet. In the next field you need to write recovery code. It should consist of more than seven numbers, which you must not forget, but rather write down. In general, it is better to write down all passwords and similar things, for example in a notepad, so as not to accidentally lose or forget. And hide the notepad from prying eyes. In the next column you need to indicate your phone number, but this is not necessary. Then write your address email , which we just registered, or another address that you previously had. Next column is yours birthday. And the last thing to write is repeat the payment password again, which we indicated at the very beginning.

After all these steps, you need to click on the “open an account in Yandex money” button.

And finally, we see a message that our account is ready. This is your Yandex money wallet. Here you can see your account number, balance and other information. Now you can link your bank card to your account in the Yandex payment system. Top up your account and even collect Yandex money for charity or a personal project. In our case, it could be a blog or a website.

After you top up your account in the Yandex Money payment system, you will be able to buy goods or services on the Internet, transfer money to other users, pay receipts and much more.

In general, now, with the help of the Internet and electronic money you can do almost everything, from purchasing goods and services to paying fines and tickets.

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