How to call such a menu? What happens when you click on the specified button.

  1. What happens if you click on the specified button?

    Will be created empty page in this document

    There will be a transition to “Preview” mode

    Will be created new document Word

    The current page will be printed

    Which tab should I go to to change the document author, title, and keywords?

    Youwant toso that the bottom paragraph looks like the top one. Which button should you press?

    In what part of the screen do you double-click the left mouse button to make it possible to enter a header and footer?

    How to highlight on a sheet cell range, marked in yellow?

    Select the range of cells E2:E8, then hold ALT key, select the range H3:H8

    Select the range of cells E2:E8, then hold down the CTRL key and select the range H3:H8

    Select the range of cells E2:E8, then hold SHIFT key, select the range H3:H8

    Use conditional formatting

    You have decided to count the number of people holding government positions and positions in the state civil service in the executive and legislative authorities in 2013. Which option solves this problem?





    In the diagram shown below, you decided to change the scale of the vertical axis for greater clarity by setting maximum value 5. Which menu item do you need to go to?

    You want the "Summary" label in the left table to be centered in the selection area, just like in the right table.

    Which button should you press?

    You want the "Summary" label in the right table to be positioned the same way as in the left table. Which button should you press?

    What value will appear in the selected cell if the function =MIN(H5:H8) is entered there? Do you want the number in right cell

    Youwant todisplayed the same as the number on the left.

    Which menu item should I select?

    so that in the selected cell C19 there is a difference between cells A19 – B19. Where should you start entering the formula?

    From space

    From the minus sign

    From the equal sign From cell name If stretch the selected area with the numbers 1, 2, 3 beyond the lower right corner, holding left button mice then

    the result will be, as in the fragment:

    AtWhat instrument was used to obtain the picture as in cells A24:A28?

    OnWhich tab should I go to to add slides to my presentation?

    To the button must be pressed to convert the selected text of Fragment 1 into bulleted list, as in Fragment 2?

    Toshould the button be pressed to convert the selected text in Fragment 1 to the same form as in Fragment 2?

    Todoes the button need to be clicked to make the word “Cell” in the top table look like the one in the bottom table?

    How do I switch to slide show mode?

    Whatdoes the indicated icon next to the slide number mean?

    Slide included in custom show

    The slide will be skipped when showing the presentation

    The slide uses animation effects

    Slide contains video files

    Whichselect a menu item to get the result as in the picture on the right?

    WhatShould I use the shortcut to launch the browser to view WEB pages?

    To youYou must immediately go directly to the site. In which field should I enter the address I'm looking for?

    AtWhich tab should I go to to print text from the site?

    AtWhich tab should I go to to change the encoding?

    Not closing the site tabs, you want to go to the portal by opening it in a new tab. Which option should you use?

    Whatwill happen if you click on the specified button in Internet Explorer?

    Turns on safe mode viewing

    A new tab will open

    The page you are viewing will be added to “Favorites”

    Animation effects will turn on on the page

    Whatwhat happens if you click on the indicated icon?

    Stop page loading

    Closing Internet browser Explorer

    Go to previous page

    Page update

    You got email, where there are several recipients in the copy. If you click the “Reply” button, what addresses will appear in the “To” field of your letter?

  • Igor Zhuravlev, Andrey Kurosh, Alexey Chumachenko, Polina Vafina

    Igor Zhuravlev, Polina Vafina

    You received an email with several recipients in the copy. What happens if you click the Reply All button?

    A letter will be created, where the address from which you received the original letter will be indicated in the “To” field

    A letter will be created, where in the “To” and “Copy” fields all addressees listed in the original letter will be respectively indicated.

    An email will be generated with empty field"To whom"

    A letter will be created, where the recipients listed in the original letter will be indicated in the “Copy” field

    You received an email from a specific address.

    There are several more addresses in the “Copy” field. You want to reply only to the person from whose address the letter came. Which button should you press?


    Reply All

    Create a message

    ForwardForNews bulletin

    ... complex measures will be developed on regional level ... admission on state civil service ... issues law, order and security For filling positions state civil services St. Petersburg senior group. Reception ...

  1. Information bulletin of the Administration of St. Petersburg No. 39 (890) dated October 20, 2014

    News bulletin

    ... at injury, test questions on definition plants and knowledge ... admission on state civil service ... For filling positions state civil services St. Petersburg leading group. Reception documents from applicants on ...

  2. Information bulletin of the Administration of St. Petersburg No. 40 (841) dated October 21, 2013

    News bulletin

    Audi. 203) by issues: - about the readiness of engineering and energy complex and housing and communal services... Reception documents from applicants For participation in the competition on inclusion in the personnel reserve For filling a position state civil services ...

  3. ... Reader on Psychology: Textbook For students X91 ped nn-tov...


    ... versions ... services picked this one up again question ... complex ... at present level our knowledge ... on test ... receipts in the first grade, schools currently achieve higher level ... civil ... state ... question. Forward definitions we'll stop there on ...

For some reason, the “unable to create an icon” error on Android phones occurs quite often. The phone does not display both old and newly taken pictures, and may not record video. Mostly found on Lenovo smartphones.

If I receive an alert saying “Icon cannot be created,” what should I do?

Reboot your phone

Sometimes it helps to simply restart the phone. Software self-corrects the error and the photos are reproduced again.

Clear the Gallery app cache

To do this, go to the settings menu, select “Applications”, find “Gallery”, select “Clear cache”. Reboot the phone. This method often helps when there are a lot of pictures on the phone and there is not enough memory.

Eliminating a faulty CD card

If photos are saved to external memory (CD card) by default, you can move them to internal memory phone and open from there. If there is another CD card, then insert it into the phone and see if the application works with it. If the problem is external memory, then instead of the message “it is impossible to create an icon,” photos from the internal memory or another card will be displayed.

Photo app problem

Download any file manager, go to the DCIM/ folder. It contains a folder.thumbnails - delete it and restart the phone. If this does not help, go to the Camera folder and look at the size of the photos. When the application does not work correctly, the files will be empty. It's worth updating your photo app and rebooting your phone.

No contact with Gallery app

In the case where, instead of photos, the phone displays “it is impossible to create an icon,” but when you connect it to a computer, the pictures are visible, most likely the issue is in the way the photos are displayed on the phone.

Download the file manager. Through it, open the memory (internal or external) on which photos are stored, go to the DCIN folder, then to the Camera folder. Click on any photo file and hold until internal menu. Select "Open with". A list of applications that open the file appears. Click on the "Gallery" application. If there is a “Save as default” item at the bottom of the screen, mark it.

Now the pictures will be displayed correctly.

Phone firmware

Sometimes, the error "unable to create icon" appears if you need to update the phone's firmware version.

Open the "Settings" menu, subsection "About phone", click "Update system". If a new version firmware is available, a list of warnings and a “Download” button will appear on the phone screen. Let's press it. The download of the update package begins. After the download is complete, select when to start installing updates.

After the updated version is installed, the phone will reboot itself. Now you can view photos and shoot videos. The "unable to create icon" error on Android will disappear.

Incredible facts

Today it is almost impossible to imagine your life without applications designed for messaging.

Whatsapp is one of the most popular applications , which helps you stay in touch with friends and acquaintances.

There are many features in this application that users are not even aware of, but which can significantly improve their text communication skills.

1. Become invisible on Whatsapp .

To remove evidence that you have read messages, go to Settings - Account - Privacy - Read Receipts and uncheck the box. However, if you keep this option disabled, it may become suspicious.

Before opening a questionable chat, you can also turn on airplane mode. Now you can read messages without receiving notifications. Sign out of messages before turning off Airplane mode and the message will remain unread by the person who sent it.

2.Hide visiting hours in WhatsApp.

If you want to avoid an awkward conversation and don't want others to see when you're in last time visited the chat, this can be done easily.

Go to Settings – Account – Privacy - Visiting time, and choose who can see when you were last active.

3. Recover deleted correspondence in whatsapp.

If you accidentally deleted messages, don't worry because there is a way to restore conversations. However, you need to anticipate the situation.

To do this you need to install backup your chats. Go to . You can then choose to back up daily, weekly or monthly. Whatsapp will only copy your chats when the phone is on.

If you accidentally deleted a message or chats, you can restore them by reinstalling this app.

4. Quote the message in whatsapp as evidence.

Instead of scrolling through hundreds of messages and taking a screenshot to prove that your friend promised to come 2 hours ago, use the quote feature.

To do this you need to select the right message by holding it and pressing left arrow(on Android) or the " button Answer" on iPhone to quote the desired message.

5. Make text bold, italic or strikethrough in Whatsapp.

WhatsApp is very convenient to use for many things, but like everything text messages, he conveys intonation poorly. You can use bold, italics, and even strikethrough for these purposes.

If you want to put emphasis on a certain word, you need to use certain keyboard shortcuts.

To highlight in bold, you need to put an asterisk on both sides of the word, *like this*, for italics use underscore_words_, and for strikethrough there is a wavy hyphen ~like this~. You can also combine *_bold italics_*.

6. Turn off notifications in chats on Whatsapp.

For example, you want to know what time there will be a meeting tomorrow. But this simple question turned into a three-hour conversation between the rest of the chat participants.

You can now avoid annoying notifications by selecting the chat name at the top and selecting silent mode. Click on the button Do not disturb in the upper right corner and uncheck the option Show notifications.

7. Turn off saving photos whatsappin your gallery.

All files you receive are automatically saved in your phone's gallery. If your friends are sending photos that you don't want others to see, there is a way to avoid it. For iPhone, go to Settings - Chats and disable the option Save media.

For Android you must have installed file manager, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. After downloading, go to WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Images and create a file called .nomedia.

8. Save your smartphone memory from unnecessary files in WhatsApp.

When someone sends you pictures, gifs, audio and video files, they are downloaded automatically. To prevent them from clogging up your smartphone's internal memory, set it to download only the types of files you need when you connect to Wi-Fi or a mobile network.

For iOS Go to Settings – Data, where you can choose the download method. For Android, go to to find them.

9.Create a shortcut for a specific contact in whatsapp.

If you find it difficult to constantly look for your best friend in the total mass WhatsApp chats, you can give preference to certain people (if you have Android). You can reduce your search time by saving shortcuts of your favorite WhatsApp contacts on your phone screen.

Click on the desired chat and in the menu (ellipsis in the upper right corner) and select " Add a shortcut", and a shortcut with the contact will appear on your phone screen.

10. Turn off sounds in whatsapp andhide the chat from prying eyes .

There are times when you don't want anyone to see your WhatsApp messages.

11. Send private messages to many users in whatsapp .

If you want to send one message to a number of people, you don't necessarily need to create a group chat where everyone can communicate with each other. In this case, it is better to choose a newsletter.

Click on the menu button in the top right corner and select New newsletter. This will allow you to send one message to many people, creating an individual chat with each one.

12. Move your messages whatsappto another phone .

If you don't want to lose your messages if, for example, you buy a new phone, you can back up your messages.

Go to Settings – Chats – Backup copy chats and save a copy of messages daily, weekly or monthly. When you access WhatsApp from a new phone, the messages will be transferred to the new device.

13. Easily find important messages in whatsapp.

Many people know the feeling of having to scroll through several hundred messages to find a message about the right address or meeting time. But there is more easy way do it.

Long press the message you want and tap the icon stars.

You can now view all flagged messages in the menu where you will find the option Featured Posts.

14. Find out when your message has been read (checkmarks in WhatsApp).

Long press on the message you sent and tap the " icon info". A window will open where you will see who has read and who has received the message with specified time, when did it happen.

15. Keep your Whatsapp group chat private.

If you don't want friends of friends you've never met but are friends with group chat, have reviewed your personal data, you can make the necessary changes.

You can restrict access to your profile photo and personal status, going to Settings – Account – Privacy, and selecting the desired options.

16. Mark unread chat on Whatsapp.

Let's say you can't respond to a message right now, but you don't want to risk your friendship with the person. You can set a visual reminder that you have messages to respond to.

This can be done in the chat list, by highlighting the chat and marking it as unread.

17. Send a voice message on Whatsapp.

Instead of dictating a message, you can use a virtual Siri assistant(for iPhone) to control WhatsApp without having to pick up your phone. To do this you must have the latest installed whatsapp version where you can say: " Hey Siri. Send WhatsApp to mom".

You can also read messages using Siri by saying: " Hey Siri. Read Last messages whatsapp" and you will hear the latest unread messages.

For Android users use OK Google by asking " send WhatsApp to (name)".

18. Make a video call to whatsapp .

To make a video call, open a contact and click on the video icon.

19. Draw on photos or add emojis on WhatsApp.

Take a photo in the app, then use the various tools at the top of the screen to draw on the photo, add emoji, or text.

20. Turn videos into GIFs on Whatsapp.

WhatsApp already has a large gallery of GIFs that you can send to friends and acquaintances in messages. If you haven't found the GIF you need, you can translate own videos V GIF format. Click on the photo and video gallery icon, select the video and click the GIF button in the upper right corner.

· Click right button mouse on the desktop

· Left-click on the “Desktop”

· Keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Alt + Del”

· Windows key

The storage medium (disk, memory card, flash drive) of what size allows you to record a file given size?

· 70 MB

237. Which application allows you to open files indicated by the following icon?

· Graphic paint editor

· Text editor Word

· Preparation program PowerPoint presentations

· Program for working with Excel tables

· Explorer browser

238. Which application allows you to open files indicated by the following icon?

· Graphic editor Paint

· Word text editor

· Software for preparing PowerPoint presentations

· Program for working with Excel tables

· Explorer browser

One of the programs is frozen (not responding). How do I bring up the task manager (shown below) to execute the "end task" command?

· Keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Alt + Del”

· Key combination “Ctrl + Shift”

· Key combination “Ctrl + Alt + Shift”

· Keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + X”

The window shown below is active. You want to select all the files in this window. What keyboard shortcut can you use to do this?

· Ctrl+A

You inserted it into the USB port removable drive. Which icon do you need to click on to see it?

What happens when you click the Type button?

· Files of the same type will be grouped together

· The type of selected files will change

· The File Type column will be removed

· To the right of the “File Type” column will be added new column

What should you enter in the specified field to find all MS Word (doc, docx) files in the “General” folder?

· *.doc*

244. MS Word application is not responding. You called up the task manager and highlighted this application in it. Which button should I press now to force close the application?

To restore by accident deleted file Ivanov.rar, You have opened the “Trash”. Which button should I press to start file recovery?

Which button should you press if you want to convert the selected text into two columns?

Which tab should I open to find out the number of characters, paragraphs, and lines in a document?

In Mac OS X, there are two ways to move or copy icons from one location to another: using drag-and-drop or using the Copy and Paste commands.

Copy by dragging

You can drag icons from one folder to another, from one drive to another, from a drive to a folder on another drive, etc. (if multiple icons are selected, drag one of them; others will follow). If the process is not yet completed, this can be seen even if the process indicator is obscured by the window, since the icons of the copied objects in the new location look pale and darken only after copying is completed. (It also helps that Leopard's progress bar is much clearer and prettier than before.) Copying can be canceled by pressing the period or Esc keys.

Advice If files are copied to a drive or folder that already contains objects with the same names, Mac OS X will ask about each of them separately (“An older object called Nonsense.doc is already contained in this location”). Note that (thank goodness!), Mac OS X tells you whether the version you're replacing is older or newer than the one you're moving.

Check the Apply to all option if you want all new icons to replace (or not replace) old ones with the same names. After that, click the Replace button or Don't Replace, depending on your situation, or the Stop button to stop copying.

Many beginners find it difficult to understand when an icon being dragged is copied and when it is simply moved. But everything is quite simple here (see Fig. 2.5), if you take into account the following:

Dragging from one folder to another on the same drive moves the icon.

Dragging from one drive or drive partition to another copies the folder or file. (You can drag icons to open window or directly to the disk or folder icon.)

If you pressed Option key, releasing the dragged icon, it is copied rather than moved. This action creates a duplicate file in the same folder with the name “[Whatever previous name] copy”.

Copying a disc by dragging and dropping
Help! I'm trying to copy a CD to a hard drive. I drag the CD onto the icon hard drive, but I only get an alias and not a copy.

That's right, dragging one drive onto another creates an alias. But creating a copy of the disk you're dragging is quite simple: press the Option or key while dragging.

Although, to be honest, why would you need to copy a disc this way? By creating a disk image using Disk Utility, you'll save disk space, be able to set a password, and make almost any program on that CD think it's on the original CD.

If you press the key while releasing the dragged icon, the file or folder is moved and thus deleted from the source disk.

Advice Pressing the Option or key after you've already started dragging is not very convenient, but it has its own charm. For example, this means you can change the target of your drag as you go without having to go back and start over.

And if it turns out you just dragged something into the wrong window or folder, pressing -Z (a shortcut to Edit>Undo) will return the item to its original location.

Copying using the Copy and Paste commands

Copying and moving by dragging icons is probably attractive due to its clarity. The user sees the cursor arrow move the icons to a new location.

But the pleasant illusion comes at a price. It is possible that you will have to tinker with the windows for some time, clearing the “drag line” between the icon being moved and the destination folder. (The window in the background will kindly slide forward to accept the object you're dragging. But if it wasn't open to begin with, nothing will happen.)

Eat the best way. You can move icons from one window to another using the Copy and Paste commands (by the way, this is done in the same way in Windows, although on a Mac you can only copy icons, but not cut them). It happens like this:

1. Select one or more icons you want to move. Use any technique.

2. Select Edit command(Edit)>Copy. Or press -C.

Advice Steps 1 and 2 can be combined by Control-clicking the icon and selecting from the menu that appears quick access Copy command(Copy); you can also use the menu. If multiple icons were selected, say five, the command will display the message “Copy 5 items.”

3. Open the window in which you want to place the icons. Select Edit > Paste.

You may prefer the keyboard equivalent of this command - -V. You can also Control-click inside the window and choose Paste from the shortcut menu that appears or from the Action menu.

A progress bar may appear while files and folders are copied. To interrupt copying, press the -dot or Esc keys. The disappearance of the indicator means that the icons that now appear in the new window have been successfully moved.

Drag from window title

You may remember from Chapter 1 that hidden in the title bar of every Finder window is a pop-up menu. When you click on it, a ladder of folders appears, showing your current location in the folder hierarchy. You may also remember that to the left of the window name there is a small icon that you can grab to drag the folder to another window.

In most programs, document windows have the same functions, as shown in Fig. 2.5. For example, by dragging a small document icon next to the document name, you can perform the following two interesting tricks:

Drag to desktop or Dock. By dragging this icon onto your desktop or onto a folder or drive icon, you instantly create an alias for the document you're working on. (Drag to the right edge of the Dock to place a document icon there.) This feature is useful when, for example, you're about to finish work at the end of the day and want to have easy access to your work document the next morning.

Drag and drop into the Dock. By dragging an icon from the window title in the Dock onto the corresponding program icon, you open your document in that new program. For example, while working on a report in TextEdit, you decide that you need all the power to design it Microsoft Word, and then you can drag the icon from the header directly onto the Word icon in the Dock. As a result, Word will launch and this document will open for editing.

Unfortunately, open document can't be dragged straight to the trash can—which would be handy for writers struggling with drafts.

Self-extracting folders: dragging and dropping icons into closed folders

Here's a common problem: you need to drag an icon not into the folder itself, but into a folder nested within it. To solve this inconvenient task, you usually need to open the folder itself, then the subfolder, drag the icon there, and then close both windows. It is not difficult to imagine that the task becomes even less manageable if you need to move the icon to a subfolder of the next sub-level or even sub-sub-level.

Instead of all this fuss with windows, you can use the capabilities of self-extracting folders (see Fig. 2.6).

This is done with just one drag and drop: you drag the icon into the first folder and do not release the mouse button. After a few seconds, the folder window will automatically open and the mouse cursor will be in the center.

In Icon view, the new window immediately replaces the original one.

In "column" view mode appears new column with the contents of the target folder.

In List and Cover Flow views, a new window appears.

Without releasing the button, drag the icon onto the subfolder; her window will open too. Then drag and drop onto the subfolder next level etc. (if the subfolder you want to open is not visible, you can scroll the display by dragging the cursor close to any edge of the window).

Advice You can even drag and drop icons onto drives or folders in the sidebar (Chapter 1). At the same time, the contents of the disk or folder where you dragged the icon appear for a moment in the main part of the window. When you move the mouse away, the main window again shows the contents of the drive or folder from which you started dragging.

To put it briefly, sidebar Combined with self-extracting folders, it creates amazing capabilities for dragging and dropping icons from anywhere, anywhere—without ever having to manually open or close any windows.

When you finally release the mouse button, the final window will appear in front of you. All windows preceding it will close (unlike previous versions Mac OS). You carefully placed the icon deep into the subfolders.

How to use self-extracting folders

The self-extracting folder technique sounds good in theory, but in practice it can be confusing. For most users, waiting a long time to open the first folder is a waste of time, which can almost completely devalue the advantages of the method. Moreover, after the long-awaited opening of the first window, the user is often in for a surprise. Suddenly, the cursor (mouse button still pressed) is inside the window, sometimes right above another folder that no one intended to open. But before the user can react, her window opens too and he finds himself out of control.

Fortunately, you can regain control of self-extracting folders in the following ways:

Select Finder>Preferences. Delay slider under Spring-loaded folders and windows(Automatically open folders and windows) set the setting that is less annoying to you. For example, if the first folder takes too long to open for your liking, drag the slider handle toward Short.

You can even disable this feature altogether by selecting Finder>Preferences and unchecking Spring-loaded folders and windows.

Press Spacebar to make self-extracting folders open at your command. In this case, even if the slider in Finder>Preferences is set to Long, you can force each folder to expand itself by lightly hitting the spacebar while holding down the mouse button when you're ready. Of course, you will need both hands here, but controllability will increase immeasurably.

Advice The space trick works even when the Spring-loaded folders and windows checkbox in Finder>Preferences is unchecked. This convenient setup, because a folder window will never open accidentally.

Create your own icons
You don't have to be content with the icons provided by Microsoft, Apple, or anyone else who wrote your programs. You can replace the icons for files, drives, and folders with others to make them easier to distinguish at a glance.

The simplest way to replace an icon is to copy it from another icon. To do this, select the icon, press the Option key and select File>Show Inspector. In the window that appears, click on any icon and select Edit>Copy.

Now click on the icon where you want to paste the copied picture. Its icon will appear in the Info dialog box, which is still on the screen. Click the icon in the dialog box and this time select Edit>Paste.

Those who want to add completely new icons can borrow some very nice examples from and other icon sites by following the links from Once you've loaded these special icon files, you can copy their images in the Get info window just like you would copy any icon.

To create a Mac OS X icon from scratch, use graphic editor like Photoshop or popular conventional free program Graphic Converter.

Once you've saved your icon file, select it and then copy and paste the icon using the Show Inspector command in the same way as described above.

Note that the icons for folders that Mac OS X considers important, such as Applications or System, cannot be changed.

However, you can change the icons special folders Mac OS X in your personal folder - Pictures, Documents, etc., and even the hard drive icon). It is also prohibited to change the folder icons of other Mac users who log in under their own names (Chapter 12).

Whenever the folder opens itself, forming a window, immediately move the cursor up to the title or down to the status bar of the newly opened window. This action ensures that the cursor does not end up hovering over the subfolder and it does not open by mistake. Having parked the cursor on the gray space, you can slowly examine the contents of the window that has just opened and, having regained your bearings, dive into the subfolder.

Advice IN mail programs, such as Entourage and Mail, also have self-extracting folders. You can drag a letter from the list onto one of the filled folders, wait until the folder opens itself and the subfolders become visible, and then drag the icon onto one of them.