Communication software. Oxygen Phone Manager II

Some people don’t need this at all, because the purpose of connecting a mobile phone to a PC can be much more serious. For such advanced users, there is a functional and not very easy for beginners program Oxygen Phone Manager II.

One of her most interesting features is a function of saving all phone information in one file. If you lose data or the phone itself, the information can be restored. By regularly reading information from your phone, you will be to some extent protected from the loss of data that is important to you. For example, phone numbers can be very difficult to recover, and some are even impossible. It turns out that this is not only possible, it is also quick and convenient.

No wonder it's free trial version includes the ability to save all data: to restore it later, you need to buy the program. It's interesting and effective way increasing sales volumes.

Naturally, you first need to set up a connection between your phone and your PC. This can be done via Bluetooth, infrared port or cable. It is important that they are supported non-original cables. For example, I connected mine using .

When I first connected, I agreed with interest to save all the data from the phone, so that later I could see how I could recover it. The whole process took about ten minutes, which is due to the cable itself (low data transfer speed). And here are some pictures for clarity:

Phone book

A phone book is, of course, a list of contacts. It is designed in the form of a table that records all the information stored on your phone: subscriber’s photo, name, phone numbers, fax, address, e-mail, etc. It also indicates whether the contact is stored in the phone's memory or on the SIM card. You can view your contact list separately by group (for example, family, colleagues, etc.).

A list of configured speed dials is displayed.

Through context menu a contact can be assigned to one of the subscriber groups, and you can also select in which memory it should be recorded. It’s easy to edit information and add new information right in the general list. The main thing is not to forget to save the changes to your phone, because the program does not make most changes at the same time as you make them. They are visible in the manager window itself, but de facto occur only after pressing the button to save changes to the phone. And so with almost all manipulations: first you create, edit, delete, download, and then all this is synchronized with your mobile phone. Perhaps this makes working with the program a little more difficult, because it requires some getting used to.

The Personal version of Oxygen Phone Manager II was provided for testing, which does not include the ability to import (export) a phone book from MS Outlook or address book Windows. The program informs you that a Business license is required for this.

It remains to be said that subscriber groups can not only be created and edited, but also assigned to them individual melody, logo – a graphic file in BMP, JPEG, GIF or other format that will be displayed when calls from group subscribers. You cannot do the latter on your phone without using the program; you can only select one of several icons that are not interesting.


The general list of calls consists of received, outgoing and missed calls. There is one very useful feature: in the “time” column 5 latest calls. This way you can see when you called to this subscriber last 5 times he called you also last 5 times and 5 missed calls:

The next calls to this subscriber in the program window will be made in a new block (5 more pieces).
There is also an archive in which calls can be shown in numbers of up to ten pieces.
There is an export function that saves the call list in separate file. The formats are varied, for example: Excel file, Text Document and others.

If the number in the call list is not stored in your phone book, you can immediately save it through the context menu. However, in order for the number to be recorded in the phone, you need to go to the “Phone Book” section and press the button to copy contacts to the phone.

Calendar– these are those events that can be tied to dates and times. That is, meetings, calls, reminders, notes, birthdays. Import from MS Outlook and Lotus Notes is possible, but again a Business license is required.

Depending on what kind of event you are adding, in addition to the date and time, you can enter: the end date, the start and end time of the date, and the actual text of the note. If this is a call, then the subscriber’s number can be selected immediately from your address book. Everything is quite simple and convenient. Events can be viewed both as a general list and by type.

Modes- Very useful feature, well implemented in Nokia phones. While this isn't something that you have to edit all the time, just look at how well and simply configured they are:

Logos can be drawn in the built-in graphics editor. It's more of an anachronism that was interesting when phones had monochrome displays. The editor supports different colors, but it’s unlikely that anyone will draw logos this way. Let me make a reservation, this is my personal opinion. Perhaps someone will be interested in this too.

SMS Manager contains the same folders as the phone itself. You can note the possibility of saving messages in one file (*.osm format), if you are interested in storing the history of your correspondence. You can later restore the saved messages to your phone. I should note that after loading saved messages, the “record to phone” button did not work. Apparently this is a limitation of the personal version. The export function also did not work: the program reported that this function Available only in Business license.

The most important function of the SMS manager, in my opinion, is sending messages. If you are sitting at a computer and your phone is connected to it, then it is much more convenient to type a message on the keyboard:

If you write SMS in the Russian alphabet, then you need to enable Unicode (check the box). Again, clicking the "send" button will save the message in the "Sent" folder. Therefore, you need to open this folder and click the “Send messages” button. These are the default settings, fortunately you can configure the SMS manager so that messages are sent immediately.

Working with gallery You can also set it to record changes immediately, which is undoubtedly pleasing. Drag&Drop is supported, so it’s not difficult to upload ringtones, pictures or animations to your phone. By calling the context menu of a graphic file, you can set it as wallpaper, screensaver, operator logo, background menu (if your phone supports it), or shutdown image. Perhaps the most interesting thing here is the operator’s logo, which under normal conditions cannot be removed. Many people don’t like to look at the operator’s name, especially if it covers beautiful picture, maybe a photo of your loved one. A little trick and this problem can be solved: just create a 1 pixel file in a graphics editor (this is easy to do in Photoshop). Upload this file to your phone and assign it as the operator logo. This pixel can be seen on the screen, but this is no longer a problem. In addition, its color can be matched to the tone of your wallpaper, then you will not notice anything at all.
This, of course, is a small deviation from the description of the program itself, but I hope it is useful.

Everything seems to be clear with the gallery, but with the “Applications and Games” item, not everything is good. To download an application or game, you cannot use Drag&Drop; you must click the add button and then specify the path to the *.jad or *.jar file. Not all applications are downloaded, for example, a Java book created by the ReadManiac program is downloaded without a *.jad file. And the Java games that I downloaded from the network in many cases could not be loaded: the program wrote “cannot be written, the *.jar file does not exist.” What caused this – I don’t know. But let me compare OPM II and the simple Mobi MB version 3.3 in this regard: Drag&Drop works in the latter, the same games load successfully. It turns out that OPM II is worse suited for loading java.

Well, it's time to return to saving all the information from the phone, or rather, to restoring it. As an experiment, I deleted all contacts and all content from the phone and reset the settings to standard.

The recovery is going well. First of all, I look into phone book: contacts are in place, groups too. Then I look at what’s going on with the modes: names, settings - everything is normal, but the melody Nokia call Tune, not my custom one. I go into the gallery: the signals and graphics have been restored, although the wallpaper, operator logo and menu background are also standard. You still have to make some minor adjustments.

Saved messages have been restored. What about Java? Games, “Collection” folder are restored, but no mobile phone Opera browser mini, which was downloaded outside of these folders, but directly into “Applications”. Interestingly, the same games that OPM II refused to load that I downloaded through Mobi MB were restored! It's strange, of course, but it's a fact.

By and large, we can say that the program coped with data recovery. There are phone numbers - that's the main thing. The rest is not implemented 100%, but this is not critical, in my opinion.

© Kobylyansky Nikita, Test laboratory
Article publication date: December 12, 2006
We thank Oxygen Software for providing the product for testing.

Oxygen Software company specializes in developing service software for mobile phones and smartphones. The company's main product is the communication program Oxygen Phone Manager. Available in two versions - for regular phones and smartphones. The list of supported models is almost complete the lineup telephone sets Nokia, Mobiado, Samsung phones, BenQ, Motorola, Panasonic, Sendo, Siemens smartphones, Sony Ericsson and Vodafone. The regular version of the program supports Vertu phones – Vertu Ascent, Signature. Constellation support will be implemented soon.

Since November 2001, Oxygen Software has been an official member of the Nokia Trade point project.

Compared to standard software distributed free of charge by Nokia and Sony Ericsson, Oxygen Phone Manager has a number of additional features.

Installation and registration of the program

The demo version can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website. It has an unlimited validity period with restrictions on the ability to write data to the phone. After purchasing the program, each user receives a unique SaleID number, which allows you to go to a personal page with download links full version programs.

After installing the program on your PC, you need to install an agent on your smartphone to work with the program. Various versions agents for smartphones are located in the SymbianOPM\Agent program folder. Last available version has number It works with S60 devices of the second and third editions and devices based on S80 and S90. Support latest models Sony Ericsson based UIQ3 will be fully implemented in the next version of the program, but the developers have provided a test version that supports working with these devices. It comes with its own agent for installation on a smartphone. The version for devices based on UIQ3 supports work with all other smartphones.

Phone connection method

You can connect your phone with the program using an infrared connection, a Bluetooth connection, or a USB cable. The current version also supports devices based on Windows Mobile 2003 at the level of phone book entries. Full support for newer devices will be implemented in one of the next versions. In the connection settings, you can specify an antivirus to scan data downloaded from the phone, select colors for phone types and events.

Before starting the program, you must connect your phone to the PC, launch OPM Agent on the phone and select the connection type. You can connect several devices at the same time. After starting the agent, you can run the program on your PC.

After launching the program, a window appears on the screen with a list of all connected and registered phones. If you connect the device for the first time and it is not in the list of registered phones, you will be prompted to register it. Without registration, data recording into the phone is impossible.

The registration window consists of a list of registered phones (on the right side). A new device appears on the left side of the window, which can be registered. You can remove registered phones from the list in the right window. To do this, just mark the appropriate line. When you delete a phone from the list of registered ones, the program warns that it will be impossible to register this device again in the future. This approach seems to me to be an obvious disadvantage. It is easy to imagine a situation in which a user has a license for one device. If you need to change the device, you will have to delete the existing entry and register new phone. But it will no longer be possible to go back to the previous model. This follows from the product licensing policy. If you want to use several devices, you will have to pay additionally for support for each subsequent one. In any case, you need to be very careful with this point.

I received a comment from developer support clarifying the company's position on this issue (slightly abbreviated).

1. Impossibility re-registration a direct consequence of controlling the number of licenses a user has. There have been cases when users tried to make several keys, each of which only works with one phone. We don't count this problem critical. If the user unregisters the phone, he does not lose the ability to read data from it - Only recording is closed. If the user registered the phone by mistake, he can always write to us and explain the situation. We always meet halfway in such cases. Since the registration history is stored in the database, the purity of the user’s intentions is visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, it is impossible to automate this moment.

2. The same applies to the case if the phone changes its owner (although usually the software passes to the new owner along with the device). The only problem - this is not done automatically and requires a new user to contact support.

Our comment

IN real life Transferring the software along with the phone is unlikely to be possible, given that the program is installed on a computer that will most likely remain with the previous owner.

3. In principle, such situations arise very rarely, and in most cases it concerns the erroneous deregistration of the phone. In our memory, there were no problems with phones bought by hand: unfortunately, the percentage of legal users of our software among device users in Russia and the CIS countries is not so high yet;-) Therefore, there is a need for preliminary IMEI check No.

The position of the developers on this issue is completely clear. We also appreciated the slight irony regarding the number of registered users in Russia and surrounding countries. However, the developers' desire to solve specific problems is respectable. From own experience using this program, I can only note its popularity and constant messages on thematic forums with a request to send keys dedicated to the release of each new version. Meanwhile, the cost of the product is low, especially for those who can afford a new device with minimum cost from $300. In any case, everyone chooses how to purchase the product independently - look for the key to the hacked version or use a licensed copy. In my opinion, the choice in favor of the official version is obvious.

After selecting all the required actions (registering new devices, deleting unnecessary ones), we go to the Web request page. The page for generating a new registration code opens. The process may take some time. Its result is the creation of a code that takes into account everything last changes. The code must be copied from the Web form and pasted into the Help/Enter menu item registration code. Simultaneously new code is automatically sent to the mailbox specified during user registration. For changes to take effect after entering the code, you will need to restart the program.

Working with the program

Main information window

In the main window (when you select “My smartphones”), information about all registered phones is displayed, indicating the model, firmware version and IMEI. The upper part of the window displays information about the license owner and current version programs. The lower part of the window shows the connection method, the total number of registered and connected currently devices.

Transition to specific model calls up a window with a picture of the phone (they can be downloaded from the network), the factory index of the device, the date and time in the phone, the operator cellular communication. The firmware version is indicated along with the time of the last update.

Capacity data is shown at the same time hard drive(phone memory) and memory card. Not all data is displayed correctly, some are not displayed at all. For Sony smartphone Ericsson P990i firmware version is not indicated; Nokia N91 displays incorrectly free place on your hard drive. Used for communication regular version N91 with 4 GB disk. The difference in the readings of the OPM program and information about the state of memory received directly from the smartphone is quite significant. When preparing a new version, developers should take these inaccuracies into account and correct them.

On the left side of the main window, information about the phone book, calendar, gallery and SMS messages for each phone is presented in the form of a tree structure. These points are present in top menu main window.

Main menu

Phone – allows you to register devices, read data, set a password for accessing data, and lock the device.

Phone book – read and write information to the device, add and delete contacts, save and load phone book data to a file, import and export data. To write to a file, a special program format is used that allows you to save phone book data (extension *.spb, *.pb2) and data about subscriber groups (extension *.scg) on ​​a PC. You can import data from Outlook folders, Windows Address Book and *.csv files. Export can be carried out in a wide variety of formats, including text files with tabs, MS Excel files, HTML, RTF, XML, database files, vCard format business cards and some others. To somewhat anticipate the subsequent presentation, I note that the greatest consistency of data when transferring a phone book from one device to another was achieved by saving the data in a *.spb file with subsequent restoration. In almost all other cases, problems arose related to inconsistencies and features of displaying fields in different models devices, both among themselves and when using synchronization with Outlook.


Working with the calendar from the main menu includes reading from the phone, adding and deleting events, searching, saving and restoring events to a file. The *.scf format is used to save events. Possible event creation types include meeting, note, anniversary, and task.


The menu item allows you to create and send messages directly from your PC. The created message can be downloaded to your phone or sent directly from your computer. Before sending a message, a warning is displayed indicating that payment will be charged according to the operator’s rates. If necessary, this warning can be disabled.


This menu item includes connection and synchronization settings, font options and selection of interface language. The standard package includes English, French, German, Italian and Russian. Additional languages ​​can be downloaded yourself from the program website. The interface language can be changed directly while the program is running.

The last item in the main menu is the traditional Help. It includes a help file itself, which is perfectly structured and contains all necessary information about the product. This menu item also includes a link to the program’s Web page on the Internet, a link to the support forum, and items for requesting and entering registration codes. A separate line contains a link to the personal page of the registered user, from which you can always download latest versions programs. The menu item “About the program” does not need any comments.

Working with the phone book

One of the main advantages of Oxygen Phone Manager over Nokia and Sony Ericsson utilities is convenient work with phone book contacts.

To work with phone book entries of any registered and connected device, you must first read data from it. Buttons for reading and writing data are in the upper left corner of the window. The main difference between the program and proprietary software is that to work with contacts from the address book, it is enough to read the data from the phone once. Subsequently, you can work with the contact list even without a connected device.

Options for creating and editing an address book

The standard window for creating and editing a contact includes several tabs that allow you to enter an unlimited number of phone numbers for each entry. Moreover, each number can be assigned one of three identifiers - main, home or business. Each identifier has its own icon. In addition to the standard option of relating to a photo entry, implemented in MS Outlook and standard communication programs, Oxygen Phone Manager allows you to assign a personal melody to a contact. The same option exists for groups. The most interesting option for working with the address book (list of contacts) is the ability to save phone book data to a file and then restore it to compatible phone. The same applies to working with groups of subscribers. All existing groups in the phone book are transferred to the program sheet; groups can be added, edited and saved to a file. Moreover, these will be groups created in the smartphone, and not MS Outlook categories. You can also save the list of groups to a file and restore it on another device. A serious drawback when working with a list of groups is the lack of association with the group of direct contacts. That is, you can transfer the list of groups from one device to another, but you will have to fill it out on the phone yourself. However, this can be done directly from the program.

Quite often there is a situation in which it is necessary full transfer address book data from one device to another. If you prefer MS Outlook, then special problems you won't have it. If for some reason this program does not suit you, then transferring data even between devices of the same manufacturer using standard software can cause serious problems. This also applies to third-party software, especially if the program version is for new edition does not exist. Meanwhile, this problem can be easily solved using Oxygen Phone Manager. The current version supports almost all smartphones from different manufacturers based on the second and third editions of Symbian OS. In the next official release, devices based on UIQ 3.0 will be added to the list of supported models. The entire process of transferring data from one device to another consists of copying contacts read from one device (or saved to a file) and pasting the data into another device. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary that these phones be connected at the same time.

General impressions the most positive results from working with your contact list. It was not for nothing that I provided a list of several devices that were connected to the PC during testing. Very often the user has several handsets for different tasks- different mobile operators, Internet connection, etc. In this situation, contacts are added to the phone book at once, as needed, and exactly to the device that is in your hands. After some time, a problem arises in synchronizing the added contacts between different devices. And then it turns out that the easiest way to do this is using the described program using one of the methods listed above. Practically unique feature It is also possible to transfer groups, add ringtones to contacts and groups. The ease of learning the program is facilitated by a user-friendly interface and detailed file help. Competent product support is also important – the developers readily answer questions both on the forum and by email.

Working with the calendar is also easy. The program allows you to create four standard type events, specify reminder times and repetitions for them. Calendar data can be saved to a file, exported, or transferred from one device to another.

Working with multimedia files

The principle of working with multimedia files is to read data from the device’s memory and memory card. You can view the content in the program separate folders, copy it and transfer it from device to device. Only protected files are not displayed in folders digital signature. Accordingly, they cannot be copied or transferred to other devices. What seemed most interesting was the implementation of working with photographs and graphic files. After they are read from the device, they are displayed on the PC screen in the form of a list. You can open the window preview, in which a drawing or photograph can be enlarged to its original size.

Working with messages

The program allows you to download messages from your phone without restrictions on type and size, but this condition applies only to those located in the “Messaging” folder. Messages located in mailboxes created, for example, in the Profimail program, are not synchronized. For messages Email Only headers can be viewed, regardless of the status of the letter itself in the phone. That is, even if the received letter is downloaded completely, the program will display only its header. There are no additional options for working with email messages - you cannot reply to them directly from the program or download attachments.

Things are much better with text messages. Create and send text messages can be done directly from the program using a small, convenient editor. It allows you to add multiple recipients, select an SMS center for sending, and use Unicode text when entering.

The last two functions of the program are related to the ability to view the log and install applications. The log displays all events - calls, messages, GPRS connection sessions. Using the filter system, you can display information that interests you at a particular point in time. Using the application manager, you can install compatible programs without using proprietary software. According to the developers, this utility should show and already installed applications, but with S60 third edition phones and UIQ 3.0 this option does not work. This situation is probably due to the peculiarities of the protection system folders in these devices.

General impressions of using the program

The program is positioned by the developers as a replacement for standard software, and is distributed for money. This factor alone suggests the presence of capabilities not found in standard software. After a detailed acquaintance with the program, such capabilities include data synchronization between phones from different manufacturers. This feature of the program can be called the main one. The version for smartphones allows you to exchange data between phones from different vendors - the list of supported devices includes almost all of the most popular models. The second important feature is the ability to save personal data even if the phone is lost. The data is saved directly in the program and does not require reconnection to be read. It is enough to carry out this procedure once. When editing data, the program allows you to access all fields in the phone. Data editing can also be carried out when the device is disconnected, with subsequent data synchronization after connection.

Disadvantages of the current version

The program does not allow you to edit or change installed applications (both Java and specialized ones). It is not possible to edit the list of FM stations.

If you have to frequently use several devices, then this program is almost irreplaceable. It combines convenient integration of modules, ease of learning and rich functionality. In my opinion, it is mandatory for all owners of several devices based on the Symbian OS. The popularity of the program is indirectly evidenced by constant attempts to hack new versions.

Related links

To test the program, we used smartphones Nokia 6630, N80, N91, N93, provided by Nokia, and Sony Ericsson P990i, provided by New Land.

The licensed version of the software is provided by Oxygen Software.

Oxygen Mobile ActiveX Control is designed for software developers who want to use the capabilities of Nokia mobile phones in their projects. The price includes delivery.

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This is an unusual game that will introduce you to unusual characters. Of course, when I talk about unusual characters, I mean this particular genre, because in this genre a lot has already been explored and sometimes it seems that there is nothing left to surprise. But everything is not as it seems to us. You will need to learn to survive in extreme conditions, where the most valuable thing is oxygen. And he is constantly missing. The game is being given to us by the same guys who gave Don't Starve, but this already speaks volumes about the quality of the project, doesn't it? You will go to a remote space colony and try to survive there, and you will be interfered with in this, like various characters, and simply the surrounding conditions, which, to put it mildly, are far from ideal. On the basis of your colony, you will be able to manage its inhabitants, you will help them explore, extract resources, maintain life on the base and monitor the well-being of all aspects of the colony. the name of the game says oxygen, you can guess that this is the basis, but everything is much more complicated, and in order to survive you need to take into account many more factors.

You may also find the controls unusual in a game that does not include oxygen by default. You will need to learn how to build colonies in the very depths of the asteroid, and do not expect an arcade game gameplay, because all the control is indirect, which means that almost hardcore awaits you. If you look a little at the pictures for the game, you will immediately understand that the developer is not without a sense of humor, so you will have time to smile more than once during the passage of this exciting adventure. In general, the game is very impressive in its scale in some aspects; you can’t help but think that the developers are trying to catch up with Dwarf Fortress in its popularity. When working with resources, you will also need to take into account their various possible states and processing temperatures, arrange water and heat connections, and also deal with the constantly changing state of your colonists. You see, they have been in space for so long that their psyche sometimes fails. This is most likely due to lack of oxygen.

System requirements:

  • Requires 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)
  • CPU: Dual Core 2 GHz
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Video card: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent)
  • DirectX: Versions 11
  • Disk space: 2 GB
Oxygen Phone Manager II allows you to manage your Nokia mobile phone using a PC. Oxygen Phone Manager II provides work with the phone book, call list, calendar, to-do list, SMS and MMS messages, logos, ringtones, GPRS settings, WAP, modes, voice recorder recordings, FM stations, Java games and applications. The completeness of supported functions depends on the specific phone model and its capabilities.

Key Features and Functions

SMS Manager
The SMS manager is made according to the usual principle mail client, making it quick and easy to get started.
. Phone book
The phone book is one of the most frequently used functions of a mobile phone. With Oxygen Phone Manager II you can easily edit your phone book.
. Call list
The call list consists of three parts: dialed numbers, missed numbers and accepted calls. The program provides detailed information about the time the call was made, the subscriber and his phone number. If necessary, the contents of the lists can be cleared entirely or selectively.
. Calendar
Oxygen Phone Manager II works with all kinds of calendar events: “Notes”, “Meetings”, “Calls”, etc. Events can be either created manually or transferred from MS Outlook and back, which ensures convenient synchronization and constant up-to-date data on your phone and computer.
. To-do list
Editing the to-do list is as easy as editing calendar events: you can set the name, priority, deadline for completing the task, and also (for the latest phone models) the reminder time. When a task is completed, it can be given the appropriate status.
. Notes
Sometimes you need to store the most varied information on your phone. A convenient solution may be to use the "Notes" section. With its help, you can record notes of arbitrary content of almost unlimited size into your phone.
. Modes
Oxygen Phone Manager II allows you to convenient form edit phone mode settings. You can set the ringtone, alert type incoming call and message, ringer volume, select groups of subscribers to which the settings will be applied, enable vibration alert, etc.
. Logos
The ability to decorate your phone with a logo is a nice feature of mobile phones. Perhaps you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to create your own original logo.
. Ringtones
The Melodies section is designed to work with monophonic melodies. It contains large collection melodies, which is regularly updated. You can also create your own melodies using virtual keyboard piano or add new melodies in the common RTTTL format.
. Applications and games
Java applications are gaining more and more popularity in the world of mobile phones. With Oxygen Phone Manager II you can easily manage applications and games: download them from your phone, install new ones, delete unnecessary ones.
. MMS Manager
Oxygen Phone Manager II will help you enter the fabulous world of MMS technologies. The program will allow you to view messages stored on your phone, transfer them between folders, and, of course, create your own messages.

The program supports the following phone models: Nokia: 2112, 2126, 2127i, 2270, 2275, 2280, 2285, 2300, 2505, 2605, 2608, 2610, 2626, 2630, 2650, 2652, 2660, 2600 classic, 2680, slide, 2760, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3109 Classic, 3110 Classic, 3120, 3120 classic, 3200, 3205, 3210, 3220, 3300, 3310, 3315, 3320, 3321, 3330, 3350, 3360, 3390, 3391, 3395, 3410 , 3500 Classic, 3510, 3510i, 3520, 3530, 3555, 3560, 3570, 3570i, 3585, 3585i, 3586, 3586i, 3587i, 3588i, 3589i, 3590, 3595, slide, 3606, 3608, 3610, 3610 fold, 5000, 5070, 5100, 5110, 5110i, 5130, 5130 XpressMusic, 5140, 5140i, 5190, 5200, 5210, 5220 XpressMusic, 5300, 5310 XpressMusic, 5510, 5610 XpressMusic , 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6061, 6066, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6088, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103, 6108, 6110, 6111, 6125, 6130, 6131, 6133, 6138, 6150, 6151, 6 152, 6170, 6190, 6200, 6210, 6212 classic, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6250, 6255, 6255i, 6256i, 6265i, 6255i, 6267, 6270, 6280, 6282, 288, 6300, 6300i, 6301, 6310, 6310i , 6315i, 6320, 6340, 6340i, 6360, 6370, 6385, 6500, 6500 classic, 6500 slide, 6510, 6555, 6560, 6585, 6590, 6590i, 6600 fold, 6600 slide, 6610, 6610i, 6650, 6651, 6660 slide, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7070, 7088, 7100 Supernova, 7110, 7160, 7190, 7200, 7210, 7210 Supernova, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7280, 7310 Super nova, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7380 , 7390, 7500 Prism, 7600, 7610 Supernova, 7900 Prism, 8208, 8210, 8250, 8290, 8310, 8390, 8600, 8800, 8800d, 8800 Arte, 8801, 8810, 8850, 55, 8890, 8910, 8910i. Vertu: Ascent, Ascent Ti, Ascent Ti-C, Constellation, Signature. Mobiado: Mobiado Professional, Mobiado Professional Executive.