You can transfer traffic to another tele2 phone. How to share Gigabytes on Tele2: “Share Gigabytes” service - we give away extra Internet or take the missing one

Do you like sharing? Then the new Tele2 option “Share gigabytes” will definitely seem useful. In recent years, the telecommunications company has been releasing tariff plans for its subscribers with large Internet traffic packages. If it is not possible to spend all the gigabytes in the paid month, then there is no longer any need to spend days “hanging” on the network and deciding how to spend the maximum paid. All you have to do is use the desired option to distribute the surplus to your loved ones and friends. For those who are interested, we will find out how Tele2 subscribers can share excess Internet with loved ones.

How to use the “Share Gigabytes” option: description of the service and its features

Here's what else you need to know before dealing with the question of how to give away extra Internet to friends:

  • You can give the excess to a subscriber with a tariff package that provides for payment for Internet traffic;
  • if the subscription fee is not paid, the transfer is impossible;
  • Gigabytes transferred to a friend can only be used for a week (7 days). Their validity period can be increased to 30 days. Those subscribers who do not know how to extend the period, after receiving GB, need to dial the USSD request from the smartphone keyboard - *974*7#. You will have to pay a fee of 50 rubles.

Important! Not all types of traffic can be shared. You can transfer gigabytes from the package provided for by the tariff, as well as those received within the framework of the “Exchange minutes for GB”, “Transfer balances” and “Set up a tariff for yourself” options to another Tele2 subscriber.

Having figured out how to transfer GB to a friend, you need to take into account that your own traffic package after the operation will decrease by exactly as many GB as were transferred. Therefore, it is wiser to check the balance before the procedure. Don't know how to do this? You need to type a short command from the keyboard - *974# and call.

Important! If there is a need to transfer more than 5 GB, then the corresponding field must be filled in manually. You can send traffic in whole gigabytes (in 1 GB increments), that is, 5, 6, 7 ... 10 GB. Minimum volume 1 GB, maximum 30 GB.

  • USSD request. The method will be convenient for those Tele2 subscribers who are interested in how to quickly transfer traffic to another number without logging into your Personal Account or installing an application. To do this, you need to type the following request from your smartphone keyboard:

*974*Tele2 recipient number*volume of Internet traffic# and call.

Important! When specifying a phone number, you must adhere to the entry format 7ХХХХХХХХХХ. That is, the request will look like this: *974*79772058198*7#.

How to provide for all the nuances of donation: other conditions of the option and their meaning

Having figured out how to transfer traffic from a Tele2 number to another Tele2 number, it is worth taking note of other conditions for the provision of the service. There are several of them:

  • transferred traffic is subject to consumption first, only then exchanged, transferred from the previous month. The package provided by the tariff plan is used last;
  • two or more transmitted Internet packages cannot be connected;
  • the gift package cannot be shared, it cannot be transferred to the next month;
  • to receive the next gigabyte package you need to disable the previous one;
  • the number of transfers is limited to 5 (five) transactions per subscriber month;
  • changing a tariff where the “Share...” option is not provided will result in the inability to receive and transfer GB. Previously received will be canceled automatically and will not be rolled over to the next month;
  • The GB donation operation can only be carried out within the home region.

Important! Bonus traffic cannot be gifted. We are talking about GB received as part of the “Add traffic”, “More” and “Lots of Internet” promotions.

The “Share gigabytes” option is not valid in the city of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea. This is one of the most useful Tele2 services, which should be used with caution, because by transferring traffic to others, there is a chance that you yourself will be left with a canceled package. Therefore, before making a transfer, it is worth checking the balance.

USSD commands are short combinations of numbers that allow you to perform various interactions with the services of the mobile operator Tele2. Such combinations are entered on the mobile phone keyboard and transmitted to the operator using the “call” key. After this, all the information necessary for the user is displayed on the phone screen. In this publication, we have compiled a list of basic USSD requests that every Tele2 subscriber may need.

Account management

Every user of the Tele2 network needs to know the USSD commands used to manage the account. The following are the main combinations:

*105# - obtaining information about the status of your mobile account. This command will allow you to find out the balance on your balance, which is especially useful for subscribers who pay a monthly subscription fee for a tariff or services.

*122*1# - activation of the “Promised payment” option. It will come in handy in cases where the user forgot to replenish the balance. After sending the request, a “trust payment” will be credited to your account, and you will again be able to make calls and use the Internet on the Tele2 network.

*123*number#- activation of the “Top up my account” option. After sending such a request, the subscriber whose number is indicated in the combination will receive an SMS message with the text “Please top up my account.”

*145# - information about the “Mobile transfer” option, with which you can top up the balance of any Tele2 subscriber. In order to transfer funds to the account of another user, you must enter the following combination: *145*recipient number*transfer amount# and press the call key.

Information about tariffs and services

The following USSD commands will help you find out important information about your tariff and the status of connected services.

*108# - after sending such a request, the name of the valid tariff plan will appear on the phone screen.

*107# - information about the tariff parameters. After sending the request, information about the amount of Internet traffic, available minutes and SMS messages in your tariff package will appear on the phone screen.

*146# - information on tariffs for international and intranet roaming Tele2.

*153# - this command allows you to control all connected paid offers. After sending the request, data about all connected paid functions will appear on the phone screen (including “Black List”, “Beep”, “Anti-AON”).

*115# - information about the “Beep” option. Using this combination, you can find out all the necessary information about the melodies installed as a beep on your phone, as well as their cost.

*117# - information about the Caller ID service, which allows you to hide your phone data when making outgoing calls. You can activate the option using the USSD command *117*1#.

*220* subscriber number#- a command that allows you to add another user’s number to the Black List. After this, the subscriber will not be able to make calls or send you SMS messages.

*111# - connection to the automatic help service “Tele2 Guide”. This portal allows you to quickly obtain all the necessary information about all current operator offers.

Internet traffic information

You can get information about the used and available Internet traffic in the connected tariff using special USSD requests.

*155*0# - information about available free minutes, SMS messages and traffic in the tariffs of their “Black” line (“Black”, “Very Black”, “Blackest”, “Super Black”).

*155*15# - remaining traffic when the “Internet from phone” function is connected.

*155*19# - the remaining available traffic in the “Internet Package” option.

*155*200# - using this command you can find out traffic data in the Internet Portfolio service.

*155*201# - certificate of unused traffic when the “Internet Suitcase” option is connected.

Other important commands

*201# - with this request you can find out your mobile number.

*202# - by sending such a request to the operator, you will receive information for manually setting up WAP/GPRS/MMS services on your phone.

*144# - such a command will allow you to manage your subscriptions on the Tele2 network.

*159# - this command opens access to the portal for paying for goods and services from a mobile account.

Today, profitable tariff plans with a large amount of Internet traffic or even unlimited access to the network are in great demand. But if your traffic is limited, you may often encounter a situation where there are still a few days left until the end of the month, but the gigabytes have already run out. To stay online, you need to learn how to convert minutes to gigabytes on your body2.

This function will be relevant for those who do not use all the package minutes, but the Internet is spent in full. A unique option that no other cellular operator in Russia has. Tele2 is rapidly capturing the market and doing it very successfully.

To whom is it available?

Agree, it would be a sin not to take advantage of such an attractive offer, especially today, when fewer and fewer calls are made and more and more people communicate online. However, this service is not available to everyone. There are only a few Tele2 tariffs where you can convert minutes to gigabytes without any problems:

  • My online;
  • My online+;
  • My conversation.

As you can see, these are the packages where there is a certain number of included minutes and a small limited traffic.

If your TP is not on this list, go to your Personal Account to clarify your capabilities.


And now you notice that megabytes are already running out, and you want to make the exchange as quickly as possible. It's very easy to do. The command *155* will help you convert minutes to gigabytes of Tele2, namely:

  • To exchange digital units, dial *155*62*number of characters to be changed#.
  • In order to clarify the availability of a resource for exchange, dial *155*77#.
  • And by calling *155*64# you can view previous transactions.

For example, to exchange one hundred minutes, enter the following combination: *155*62*100# .

You can also carry out the operation on the website in the user’s Personal Account or in the smartphone application.

What is the rate

No matter how favorable or not the exchange rate may be, there is no need to argue, since there is still no alternative.

  • 1 min. – 10.24 MB
  • 10 min. – 102.4 MB
  • 100 min. – 1 GB.

Conditions and features

You already know how to convert minutes to gigabytes on Tele2, let’s now talk about the terms of the service.

The first thing everyone cares about is the cost of the commission. We hasten to please you, this service is completely free and no commission will be charged for the exchange operation. In this case, it is important that the subscription fee for the tariff is paid.

In exchange you can give:

  • Resources included in the main package;
  • Transferred minutes from last month thanks to the Transfer balances option;
  • And also those received using the function Customize the tariff for yourself.

Interestingly, the Exchange minutes for GB service can be used not only when megabytes are running out. If you know in advance that you will go beyond the limits, you can stock up on the limit in advance, even from the beginning of the new month according to the tariff.

If you are concerned about the order in which GB is written off, it will be as follows:

  1. First of all, the meters exchanged using the described option are consumed;
  2. Then those carried over from last month, if any;
  3. Last but not least – batch stocks.

If within thirty days you have not used all the traffic you received, let’s call it bonus, it does not transfer to the next month. In addition, when changing the TP, the entire remaining GB disappears.

When using tariffs with installment terms, this option will only work after 100% has been paid.

The function is available throughout Russia, except Crimea.

Bottom line

So we have learned how to convert minutes to gigabytes, I hope this information will help you more than once.

But those subscribers who have already mastered this service often wonder whether it is possible to transfer gigabytes to minutes in Tele2? That is, on the contrary, those who like to chat want to convert extra Internet into free calls. Unfortunately, the operator does not yet provide such an offer.

The mobile operator offers a lot of options aimed at increasing the level of service. Now you can transfer gigabytes to your friends and acquaintances, which allows you to use your funds rationally. You no longer need to activate additional options. It is enough to ask a friend for help. Does Tele2’s “Share Gigabytes” service have any pitfalls, and how to properly use this unique opportunity?

The service is provided free of charge and is available for all tariffs of the “My Tele2” and “My Unlimited” line. There is no need to add any options in your personal account. All users automatically become participants in the unique offer.

Please remember that you can use the service only after the subscription fee has been charged. Otherwise, the subscriber cannot complete the procedure.

Who can I give it to?

You can share traffic only with Tele2 subscribers who have mobile Internet packages. The opportunity is available, including for those subscribers who use archived offers.

Mobile Internet can be given as a gift only to those who are located within the home region (the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory the contract for the provision of communication services was concluded). After the manipulation on the sender’s balance, the amount of traffic is reduced by the number of gigabytes that were transferred to another subscriber.

How to transfer gigabytes of Internet from Tele2 to Tele2

Before donating gigabytes to another Tele2 subscriber, you should study all existing methods in order to use the most suitable one:

  • Using your Tele account
  • Through the “My Tele2” mobile application.
  • Entering the USSD request *974*recipient number*number of GB#.

When sending a quick command, you should enter the subscriber's phone number in the format 7хххххххххх. If entered incorrectly, the process will not be completed and no debits will occur from the sender’s account. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the transfer procedure, paying attention to the format for entering the telephone number.

If a user changes a tariff plan that does not include the “Share GB” service, the Internet package is automatically turned off. You cannot transfer bonus traffic received as part of such offers as “Much Internet”, “Add traffic” and “More”. For more information, please contact your network's customer support team.

Other Features

  1. Transferred GB expire after 7 days.
  2. You can donate gigabytes no more than 5 times per day.
  3. It is permissible to transfer no more than 30GB per month.
  4. First of all, gift traffic is written off.
  5. You can transfer from 1 to 30 GB (increment - 1 GB, megabytes cannot be transferred).
  6. To extend for a month, use the command *974*7# (price - 50 rubles).
  7. It is possible to connect only one gift package at a time.
  8. To receive a new mobile Internet package, you must spend the current one or cancel it by entering USSD – *974*6#.
  9. Traffic from the received packet cannot be transmitted to another subscriber.

  • you can share Gigs with Tele2 completely free of charge;
  • You can give Gigabytes to all Tele2 subscribers who use package tariffs;
  • You can transfer GB only if you have a tariff from the “My Tele2” line;

The subscriber who received them can use the transferred gigabytes for only 7 days. If you need to renew, you will have to pay 50 rubles.

What gigabytes from Tele2 can you share? This is of interest to everyone who has excess traffic on their balances.

You can give:

  • gigabytes provided in the current package;
  • gigabytes that transferred from the previous month;
  • gigabytes purchased under the “Set up a tariff for yourself” program;
  • gigabytes received in exchange for minutes.

In order to give Internet traffic to someone, you can use Tele2’s “Personal Account” or the “My Tele2” mobile application.

If it is currently not possible to access the Internet, then from your mobile device send the command for “Share gigabytes to Tele2” and send excess traffic:

  • *974*number of the subscriber to whom you are transferring GB*amount of GB# - all without spaces.

How many GB can be given to a subscriber?

  • minimum - 1 GB;
  • maximum - 30 GB.

Useful commands for managing “Share gigabytes” Tele2

We offer a number of commands that will help you share Tele2 traffic more easily:

  • check the remaining GB that can be given away - *974# ;
  • get a history of how many GB have already been given from the number - *974*3#;
  • if you do not need the GB package that arrived, which another Tele2 subscriber shared with you, turn it off, command - *974*6#;
  • extend the GB received using the “Share Gigabytes Tele2” service - *974*7# (50 rubles will be deducted).

Other conditions

There are a number of other conditions that must be observed for the “Share Gigabytes” service of Tele2. This:

That's all the rules! Don’t lose traffic, don’t buy it, if it’s not enough, share Tele2 Gigabytes for free, enjoy life!