There are no windows 7 connections available to do. What to do if there are no available connections for your laptop

Windows users often encounter a problem when the laptop is not connected to the network wireless connection, and a “cross” appears in the tray on the connection status icon.

At the same time, the point WiFi access It functions properly and distributes the Internet to other gadgets and devices.

If you hover your mouse over such an icon, the notification “no available connections" The situation is unpleasant, but there is no need to rush to take your PC to a service center.

After all, even if in running window There is no Wi-Fi icon in the Network Control Center; it is possible that the PC hardware is in good working order and does not need repair.

In most cases similar problem You can diagnose and solve it yourself. To do this, you just need to know the reasons for its occurrence and how to correctly configure the wireless connection.

A short list of possible sources of the problem and their solutions

Among the most common reasons why there is no wireless network connection on a computer are the following:

Often, laptop models provide “Fn” buttons and one of the function keys, for example, “F2,” for this purpose. On the desired button a conscientious manufacturer always applies an appropriate design symbolizing wireless communication.

Sometimes a separate switch with this pattern is placed at the ends of the laptop:

  1. Infection malicious applications. The actions in this case are obvious, you should perform full analysis PC for the presence of viruses and, if found, remove them;
  2. It often happens that the network is unavailable due to blocking of some functions antivirus utility or firewall. It is recommended to try deactivating them for a while.

How to make sure you have a Wi-Fi adapter?

If this module is missing, the Wi-Fi icon in the tray is also missing. And if it is there, but a message about no connection is displayed, then the manufacturer usually indicates the device model on a sticker that can be found on the laptop case.

The owner of a desktop PC can accurately verify the presence wireless receiver just looking around system unit. When found external antenna we can conclude that most likely it belongs to the WiFi adapter.

It is very easy to determine the adapter model using Windows tools. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out only a few sequential actions:


Windows provides automatic download drivers, however it happens that software some devices are not installed or are not working correctly.

In such cases, you need to install the software yourself. To do this you just need to take a few steps:

If the above does not lead to a successful result, then you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go back to the “Actions” tab;
  2. Click the line “Install old device”;
  3. In the window that appears, click “Next”;
  4. Specify " Automatic search"or "Manual";
  5. Then select “Network adapters”;
  6. Find the device model in the list;
  7. Wait for the installation to complete and restart the PC.

If it is necessary to update drivers, the algorithm will consist of the following steps:

  1. Guided by points 1 – 5 from the first instructions, launch “Device Manager”;
  2. Then call the context menu from the problematic equipment;
  3. Click “Update driver”;
  4. It is recommended to specify “Automatic search”, and the OS will automatically find and install the software;
  5. Or, if the user downloaded the software in advance and saved it on the PC, click “Search on your computer” and show the location of the downloaded drivers.

To manually find and download suitable software, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Open the device developer resource;
  2. In the search field, type the equipment model and click “Enter”;
  3. Enter the “Devices” section;
  4. Save drivers for the device in PC memory.

If you encounter difficulties performing a task manually, you can use programs that are specially designed for software installation. One such application is Driver Booster.

The advantage of using it is mainly automatic detection device model and downloads of the latest software modifications.

Network configuration

In order for the laptop to connect to Wi-Fi correctly, diagnostics are required.


Quite often, many users of computers running the seventh and eighth Windows versions It may happen that a cross appears instead of the usual wireless connection icon, indicating that there are no connections available.

Moreover, this happens mainly on a fully working computer. At the same time, up to
At that moment everything was working fine and it was possible to connect to the Internet, but now there is no such option. This problem may occur due to various reasons, however, it all comes down to the fact that the operating system does not see the Wi-Fi module and considers it turned off, as a result of which it displays a message about the absence of connections. But this problem can be fixed. There are several methods for this.

If Wi-Fi has not been used on this laptop before, or Windows has been reinstalled

If you have never used a wireless connection on your laptop, but now you have a Wi-Fi router and you need to connect to it, but an error occurs: this problem, then you need to search the Internet for advice on why Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop.

The main thing to do in this case is to install everything necessary drivers, which must be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official resource, but not the driver pack. At the same time, it is necessary to download drivers not only for the Wi-Fi module, but also to maintain the functionality of the laptop keys, which are designed to turn on the wireless adapter.

If your wireless network was working and now there are no connections available

If up to this point everything was working fine, and then this problem suddenly appeared, then you need to check all the methods described below in turn. You can try disconnecting the router from electrical network, and then turn it on again. In addition, it is worth trying to use the “Troubleshooting” section, which appears when you click on the Wi-Fi connection icon with a cross.

In addition, you need to check whether Wi-Fi is turned on on the laptop, if it has one, and whether you can turn it on using the function keys. It is also worth visiting a proprietary Wi-Fi network management program, if available. In addition, you need to make sure that wireless connection available in the list of connections.

In the “eight”, in addition to all the methods described, you should go to the “Control Panel” and select “Options”. In this section, you need to click on “Change PC settings”, and then select “Network” or “ Wireless connection", depending on the version. Here you need to check that all modules are active. In 8.1 you need to check if
Is Airplane Mode enabled?

In addition, it is worth visiting official resource laptop manufacturer and download drivers for the Wi-Fi module from it and install them. It's worth doing, even if you already have such drivers, it's still worth trying.

If after doing all this, nothing has changed, then you can try another method. It is not the simplest, so for inexperienced users it will not be so easy to complete.

Remove wireless Wi-Fi module from device manager, install it again

To open the device manager, you need to press Win+R and enter the command devmgmt.msc, after which you need to click OK. Then you need to go to “Network adapters”. Here you need to right-click on the Wi-Fi module. It's worth checking that context menu There was no “Enable” option. If there is one, then you need to use it and not perform the steps described below. If this is not the case, then you need to select “Delete”.

After removing the device from the operating system, in the device manager you need to select “Action” and click “Update hardware configuration”. This will start searching for a Wi-Fi module, after which all necessary drivers. Perhaps after this everything will start working.

See if the WLAN AutoConfig service is enabled in Windows

To perform this method, you need to go to the “Control Panel”. In this section you need to select “Administration”. After this, you need to click on “Services”. In this section you need to find the “WLAN Auto Configuration” service. If it says “Disabled”, then you need to double-click on it and in the “Startup type” line set it to “Automatic”. After this, you need to click “Run”.

These are all ways to solve problems with Wi-Fi connection. Surely one of them can help. They are all pretty simple. In addition, among them there are those that even novice users can use without harming the computer.

If your desktop computer or the laptop is connected to the Internet, then such an unpleasant moment may come when you have access will be lost to the network, and the network connections icon in the notification area will be crossed out with a red cross. When you hover your cursor over it, a message will appear explaining everything. "No connections available". This happens especially often when using a Wi-Fi adapter. Let's find out how to solve a similar problem if you are using a PC with Windows 7.

There are quite a few reasons that can cause the problem we are studying:

We will not talk in detail about such a banal reason as the real lack of accessible networks. This can only be “cured” by returning to the Internet accessibility zone or changing the connection method to one that is valid in the given area. There is also no point in talking too much about hardware faults. They can be eliminated either by a hardware repairman or by replacing a failed part or equipment (Wi-Fi adapter, network card, router, modem, etc.). But we’ll talk in detail about the other reasons and ways to eliminate them.

Method 1: Standard diagnostics

First of all, if you experience the error discussed in this article, follow these simple steps:

  • Unplug the Wi-Fi adapter from the computer connector and then connect it again;
  • Reboot the router (it is better to do this by completely disconnecting it from the power supply, that is, you need to remove the plug from the socket);
  • Make sure you have your Wi-Fi hardware switch turned on if you are using a laptop. It turns on different models laptops different ways: either using a special switch on the case, or using a specific key combination (for example, Fn+F2).

If none of the above helped, then it makes sense to make standard procedure diagnostics

Unfortunately, this method helps in a fairly limited number of cases. Therefore, if you are unable to resolve the problem when using it, then proceed to the following methods, which are described below.

Method 2: Enable Network Connection

It is likely that the cause of the error may be a disconnected connection in the network connections section "Control Panels". Then you need to activate the corresponding object.

  1. Click "Start" and open "Control Panel".
  2. Go to section "Network and Internet".
  3. Go to "Network Control Center...".
  4. On the left side of the window that appears, click on the inscription "Change adapter settings".
  5. The window that appears shows all configured for this computer network connections. Find an item that is relevant to you and look at its status. If set to "Disabled", then you need to activate the connection. Click on the object right click mice ( RMB) and select "Turn on".
  6. After activating the connection, the problem described in this article will most likely be resolved.

Method 3: Removing the adapter from Device Manager

If you connect to the Internet via a Wi-Fi adapter, then one of the ways to solve the problem is to disable it in "Device Manager", and then reactivation.

  1. Go to "Control Panel" by the method that was considered in the description Method 2, and then open the section "System and safety".
  2. Click on the one posted in the group "System" element "Device Manager".
  3. Will start "Device Manager". In the list of equipment types that opens, click "Network adapters".
  4. In the drop-down list, find the name of the equipment that you use to connect to the Internet. Click on it RMB. Carefully examine the context menu that appears. If it contains a clause "Engage", click on it. This will be enough and that's it further actions, described in this method, you will not need to perform. The device was simply turned off, and now you have turned it on.

    If the specified item is not present, then this means that the device is likely to malfunction. Therefore, it needs to be temporarily deactivated and then turned on. Click in the context menu "Delete".

  5. A dialog box will open warning you that the device will now be removed from the system. Confirm your actions by clicking "OK".
  6. The procedure for deleting the selected device will be performed.
  7. After that in horizontal menu click "Action", and then from the list that opens, click "Update configuration...".
  8. A search will be made for devices connected using the technology "Plug and Play". The network adapter will be reconnected, and its drivers will be reinstalled.
  9. Next, restart your PC. Perhaps after this the connection availability error will disappear.

Method 4: Reinstalling drivers

One of the reasons for the occurrence of the error we are studying is that incorrect or outdated drivers network adapter. Most often it occurs when connecting the device for the first time or after reinstalling the OS. Then the drivers should be replaced with a current analogue. It is advisable to use exactly those copies that were supplied on a CD or other media along with the device itself. If you do not have such media, you can download desired object from the official website of the adapter manufacturer. Using similar software from other sources does not guarantee a solution to the problem.

  1. Go to "Device Manager", using the same algorithm of actions as in the previous method. Open the section again "Network adapters" and click RMB by name desired device. In the list that appears, select "Update drivers...".
  2. Next, the shell for selecting the update method is activated. Select an option “Search for drivers...”.
  3. In the window that opens, you must specify the media and directory where the drivers will be installed. To do this, click "Review…".
  4. The shell opens "Browse folders". Here you need to indicate the folder or media (for example, CD/DVD) where the drivers supplied with the device or pre-downloaded from the official website are located. After selecting a directory, click "OK".
  5. After the directory address is displayed in the driver search window, you can proceed to install them by clicking the button "Further", but before doing this, make sure that opposite the parameter "Including subfolders" the checkbox has been checked.
  6. The necessary drivers will be installed, and the problem with the lack of Internet connection will probably disappear.

But what to do if for some reason you do not have the driver media that came with the device, and the company’s official website does not work? In this case there is additional features install the necessary drivers, although they are recommended to be used only in the most extreme cases, since they do not 100% guarantee interconnection between the OS and the adapter. You can use the following options:

If your Internet does not start at all, then you will have to search and download from another device.

Method 5: Enable the service

If you use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet, the problem we are investigating may occur due to a service outage "WLAN Auto Configuration". Then it needs to be activated.

  1. Go to the section "Control Panels" entitled "System and safety". This is discussed in the description Method 3. Click on the title "Administration".
  2. In the list that opens system tools choose "Services".

    "Service Manager" can be activated in another way. To do this, dial Win+R and enter in the displayed area:

    Then apply button click "OK".

  3. "Service Manager" will be open. To quickly find an element "WLAN AutoConfig Service", arrange all services in alphabetical order by clicking on the column title "Name".
  4. Find the name required service. If the status is not set opposite its name "Works", then in this case it is necessary to activate. Double-click on her name with the left mouse button.
  5. The service properties window opens. If in the field "Startup type" set value "Disabled", then in this case click on it.
  6. A drop-down list will open where you need to select "Automatically". Then click "Apply" And "OK".
  7. After returning to the main interface "Service Manager" select the name "WLAN AutoConfig Service", and on the left side of the shell click "Run".
  8. The service will be activated.
  9. After this, the status will be displayed opposite its name "Works" and the problem with lack of connections will be solved.

Method 6: Checking system files

If none of the above methods did not help, that is, it is likely that the integrity of the system files was violated. In this case, it is necessary to perform an appropriate check and then restore if problems are found.

  1. Click "Start" and select "All programs".
  2. Open the folder "Standard".
  3. Find the element with the name "Command line". Click on it RMB. From the list of action options that appears, choose to run as administrator.
  4. Opens "Command line". Type into its interface:

    Then click Enter.

  5. Integrity Scan Procedure system elements will be launched. Information about the dynamics of its passage will be displayed right there in the window. « Command line» in percentage terms. While this process is running, you should not close the current window, but you can minimize it. If violations in the structure are detected, a procedure for restoring missing or damaged files will be automatically performed.
  6. If, after completing the scanning procedure, a message appears informing you that recovery is impossible, repeat the entire process again, but this time you will need to.

Method 7: Eliminate viruses

The cause of the problem of lack of available networks may be a virus infection of the computer. Some malware Internet access is specially disabled so that the user cannot use external assistance to remove them, while others simply arbitrarily “kill” or modify system files, which ultimately leads to the same result.

To remove malicious code there is no point in using standard antivirus, since he has already missed the threat, and, therefore, will not react to the virus, and may also be infected by this time. Therefore, we recommend using specialized anti-virus utilities that do not require installation. One of best programs of this class is . It is best to check from another device or when starting from LiveCD/USB. This is the only way to ensure the maximum likelihood of detecting a threat.

If antivirus utility will discover malicious code, then in this case, follow the tips that will be displayed in its interface. There is a possibility that the virus has already damaged system files. Then, after eliminating it, it is necessary to carry out the appropriate check discussed in the description Method 6.

As you can see, the source of the problem with the availability of connections, and therefore with the performance of the Internet, can be very many various factors. They can be both external (real lack of network) and internal (various failures), caused by both the software and hardware components of the system. Of course, before fixing a problem, it is recommended to establish its exact root cause, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible. In this case, simply use the methods described in this article, checking each time whether the malfunction has been eliminated or not.

The misunderstanding, which we will touch on in our article, increasingly worries users of laptops connected to a wireless network. This misunderstanding is of a technical nature - the essence of the problem is the unexpected refusal of the built-in or external router to receive and transmit data.

In this case, the network icon in the tray takes on a characteristic appearance - a ladder crossed out with a red cross - and when you hover over this cross with the mouse, a message appears stating that there are supposedly no connections available in Windows system 7. This network behavior comes as a complete surprise to the user. We will teach you how to deal with this problem, but in the meantime, draw your attention to the fact that it often appears immediately after reinstalling the operating system.

It may very well be that the cause of the network failure is incorrect installation of drivers or installation of drivers that are not entirely suitable for your adapter model. In this case, find out the model of your adapter and download the most suitable ones for it. fresh drivers

. To do this, go to the laptop manufacturer’s website - they will probably be found there. Download and install everything that is offered to you. The fact is that in addition to the drivers necessary to ensure the operation of the network, drivers may also be required to support function keys. Many laptops use adapter to control function keys type "Fn". If you do not use these keys, then controlling the adapter becomes a hassle. The so-called flight mode is also activated by the keys. Without installing the appropriate programs, you lose most of the functionality. No wonder that WiFi module

starts to behave strangely.

First attempts to fix the problem

  • To get started, we can suggest trying the following:
  • Rebooting the router sometimes helps. To reboot, simply unplug the power cord from the outlet and plug it back in. Call standard tool from the context menu of the connection icon.
  • Sometimes the WiFi hardware switch on the laptop panel is turned off. Check its condition.
  • For WiFi connections you can try to run service utility, supplied by some computer manufacturers with drivers.
  • Go to the "Network Connections" section of the control panel. Check if the wireless connection icon is active. If not, activate it from the context menu.
  • Check the drivers again.

In theory, these events should liven up your network. However, this may not happen. In this case, follow our further recommendations.

Device Manager - to help

Like any computer device, the wireless adapter is registered in Windows snap-in, called “Device Manager”. You can access the dispatcher in different ways:

  • Right-click on the “My Computer” icon. In the context menu, select “Properties”. In the window that opens, select the “Hardware” tab and click on the “Device Manager” button.
  • But you can do it differently. Without further ado, call up the “Run” command window and enter devmgmt.msc in the command field – this is the name of the snap-in. The “Run” window itself is called up either by the mouse from the “Start” menu, or by the “Win” + “R” key group.

As a result, a dispatcher window will open, something like the one in the figure:

  • Go to the "network adapters" node.
  • Expand this node.
  • Find in its list a device whose name includes the word “Wireless” - this is the wireless adapter.
  • Then right-click on its name and select “Delete”.
  • Then go to the main menu of the dispatcher window.
  • And in the “Actions” item, click on the “Update hardware configuration” item.

If after this the network remains unavailable, try tinkering with the system services settings.

WLAN Auto Configuration Service

The service in question may also be responsible for the problem. It is located in the same place as everyone else. Windows services, at “Control Panel” => “Administration” => “Services”. Find the “WLAN auto-configuration” service in the list and find out whether it is running. To do this, right-click on the service name and select Properties in the context menu that opens. A window similar to the one below will open:

Make sure the Startup Type field is set to Automatic. If this is not the case, then set this parameter, and then restart the service by first clicking on the “Stop” button and then on the “Start” button. Save the changes made by closing the window with the “Ok” button.

Hello, Kirill!

IN Lately this is very known issue, this happens especially often after any changes or reconfigurations. This may include: reinstalling the operating system, replacing WI-FI router and/or firmware update, driver failure, etc. Let’s take a closer look possible options.

Lack of drivers

  • If you saw that on WI-FI icon(ladder) or a red cross appears on the monitor icon, this may indicate problems with the network adapter driver. Very often, especially after reinstalling the system, specialists forget to install this driver because it is rarely included in the Windows builds. You can solve this yourself.
  • All you need is to find a disk with drivers for your laptop. If it is not available, you can download it from the official website of your PC manufacturer. Very important: from the official website, because in other places you may find virus-infected files.
  • Install the resulting driver and reboot the equipment.

After the manipulations have been performed, you need to check the result. This can be done in Device Manager. If there, on the list network devices, you see your WI-FI adapter, it means everything went well and you can connect to the network.

Checking receiver activity

Often modern models laptops are equipped with a toggle switch turning on WI-FI cards. There are many cases when the user himself or his relatives turn off this switch, which leads to the absence of the network.

You can find out whether this toggle switch is active by the presence of an LED on the laptop case. Its location depends on the model and manufacturer.

If the LED is on or flashing, you need to be guided by its color:

  • yellow - disabled;
  • white, green - included.

If your model does not have an indicator, there is another option:

  • go to “Start”;
  • then go to “Control Panel”;
  • Find the item “Network and Internet”, and in it “Network and Sharing Center” shared access»;
  • click on “Change adapter settings”;
  • then right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” shortcut;
  • select "Enable".

If after this the color of the label changes, then you did everything correctly.

Settings problem

Quite often it happens that the settings wireless network the laptop gets lost due to glitches or the settings in the router get lost.

The result of such processes is a ladder icon with a yellow blot, i.e. There are available networks, you just need to enter the connection data. You need to click on this icon and select the desired network and enter the password for it in the field.

To check the status of settings on your wireless WI-FI router(if it exists), you need:

  • in the browser enter in address bar IP address: or;
  • enter in the authorization window login admin, password admin or 1234 or leave this field blank;
  • make changes to the settings wireless mode And WAN mode, in accordance with your provider's standards and save them.

If after this nothing has changed, then you can take the following steps:

  • remove the wireless adapter from device manager and restart the PC;
  • Check if the WI-FI Auto Setup service is enabled. To do this, go to the panel Windows management, select “Administration” - “Services”, find “WLAN Auto Configuration” in the list of services and if you see “Disabled” in its parameters, double-click on it and in the “Startup type” field set “Automatic”, and also click "Run" button.
  • Check on the router in the security settings which mode b/g/n is selected. There may be a discrepancy between the router mode and the laptop.

That's all. I hope some of the advice helps you.

Best regards, Evgeniy.