Scheme of a smooth regulator for a car heater. Powerful PWM regulator

Another electronic device with wide application.
It is a powerful PWM (PWM) controller with smooth manual control. It operates at a constant voltage of 10-50V (it is better not to go beyond the range of 12-40V) and is suitable for regulating the power of various consumers (lamps, LEDs, motors, heaters) with a maximum current consumption of 40A.

Sent in a standard padded envelope

The case is held together with latches that break easily, so open it carefully.

Inside the circuit board and the removed regulator knob

The printed circuit board is double-sided fiberglass, soldering and installation are neat. Connection via a powerful terminal block.

Ventilation slots in the case are ineffective, because... almost completely covered by the printed circuit board.

When assembled it looks something like this

The actual dimensions are slightly larger than stated: 123x55x40mm

Schematic diagram of the device

The declared PWM frequency is 12kHz. The actual frequency varies in the range of 12-13kHz when adjusting the output power.
If necessary, the PWM operating frequency can be reduced by soldering the desired capacitor in parallel with C5 (initial capacitance 1nF). It is not advisable to increase the frequency, because switching losses will increase.
The variable resistor has a built-in switch in the leftmost position that allows you to turn off the device. There is also a red LED on the board that lights up when the regulator is operating.
For some reason, the markings on the PWM controller chip have been carefully erased, although it’s easy to guess that it’s an analogue of NE555 :)
The regulation range is close to the stated 5-100%
Element CW1 looks like a current stabilizer in the diode body, but I’m not sure exactly...
As with most power regulators, regulation is carried out via the negative conductor. There is no short circuit protection.
There are initially no markings on the mosfets and diode assembly; they are located on individual radiators with thermal paste.
The regulator can operate on an inductive load, because At the output there is an assembly of protective Schottky diodes, which suppresses the self-induction EMF.
A test with a current of 20A showed that the radiators heat up slightly and can draw more, presumably up to 30A. The measured total resistance of the open channels of field workers is only 0.002 Ohm (drops 0.04V at a current of 20A).
If you reduce the PWM frequency, you will pull out all the declared 40A. Sorry I can't check...

You can draw your own conclusions, I liked the device :)

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This button accordion has been known to everyone for a long time, they just perform it differently. For many this will seem inconvenient, but for me the goal (minimum rework and parts) has been achieved. Owners of cars of the classic VAZ 2101-2107 model know that the control of the rotation speed of the heater motor is useless and are modifying it in every possible way (I saw and installed a nine motor under the hood, although this is probably not news to many). And I decided to keep up with this trend.

My father-in-law's car was damaged.

The resistor highlighted in red is not needed, because I wanted to use it for indication, but did not use it.


It all works as follows: Power is supplied from the switch (J1) to the voltage stabilizer, having previously smoothed out the ripples with a 25V 470 µF condenser (C1), from the stabilizer (DA1) 7805 the 5V voltage powers our controller (DD1 Tiny13). The controller generates PWM with a frequency of 40 KHz (at this frequency it was possible to achieve silent operation of the motor).

The pulse is fed through a 100 ohm limiting resistor R2 directly to the Gate of the field switch IRF640 (N channel), the source of the field switch is pulled up to the gate potential by a 1 kohm resistor R3 for reliable closing.

Since the maximum current of the motor is 3A (according to dsh at 5V Gate-Source), the field driver draws a little more than 5A and at a frequency of 40 KHz they do not heat up, which completely satisfies me, that’s why there is no driver in front of the field drivers. Although it is correct that it is needed at least for bipolar patients. And we remove our PWM on the motor from the Field Worker.

The signal to increase and decrease PWM is supplied through the KT817(NPN) transistor switch to the MK port. To protect the field switches from the induction of the motor, a reverse diode was installed (crimped) in front of the motor.

Diode with reverse current 10A.

PWM frequency

You also need a diode as the anode to But in and the cathode at +12V to maintain power.

The device works as follows:

  • 1.When turned on for the first time, the motor spins up to maximum speed and decreases to the value that remained after turning off in the EPROM, but not lower than 30%. (This was done to be sure that at the minimum duty cycle the motor will spin if condensate is frozen to it (precisely according to This is why my thermostat burned out on the rheostat of the Priora stove) or something similar)).
  • 2. By moving the switch to the second position, the PWM duty cycle gradually increases, as soon as the desired speed is achieved, press the button to the first position and the current duty cycle is saved in the Eprom.

If you need to reduce the PWM, repeat step 2.

A short video.

And who is trying to make an equivalent craft using an analogue, on a 555 timer.

All elements are marked.

The strangest thing is that the frequency is 9.6 MHz/4 = 2.4 MHz. Timer divider 1 = 2.4 MHz. Divider by 8 is disabled in fuses. But often it turned out the same as on the multimeter. The multimeter doesn't lie, I checked it with a generator.

Scientists have proposed making microcircuit elements the size of one molecule. Modern silicon electronics has almost reached the limit of miniaturization. The use of organics potentially makes it possible to create microcircuit elements the size of one molecule. Scientists from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI are conducting active research in this area. They recently modeled changes in the excited state of an organic semiconductor molecule. The results of the work were published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry. Organic electronics are considered promising for two reasons. Firstly, the raw materials for organic synthesis are quite accessible. Secondly, the use of organic materials makes it possible to make microcircuit elements the size of one molecule, which brings them closer to the intracellular structures of living objects. Targeted design of organic molecules and functional materials for organic electronics is a promising scientific direction. Scientists summarize existing world experience and engage in predictive modeling. “Our group is engaged in predictive modeling of the properties of materials for organic electronics, specifically for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). When an OLED operates, electrons are supplied from the cathode, holes are supplied from the anode, somewhere in the middle of the device they meet and recombine, and light is emitted. State , when an electron and a hole are nearby, but do not recombine, it can live quite a long time - it is called an exciton, most often this exciton is localized within one molecule,” said one of the authors of the study, an assistant at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI "and researcher at the Center for Photochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexandra Freidzon. According to her, by transferring an exciton to neighboring molecules, it is convenient to control the color and efficiency of the glow of OLEDs: between the layers of n- and p-type organic semiconductors, an emitting layer (usually also a semiconductor) is placed, where electrons and holes meet, recombine and do not “separate” . “We studied the behavior of an exciton in the molecule of a typical hole semiconductor, also used as a matrix of the emitting layer. It turned out that the exciton is localized not on the entire molecule, but on its individual parts, and can migrate throughout the molecule. In particular, it can migrate under the influence of small perturbations - such as the presence of another molecule (for example, an emitter dopant),” said Alexandra Freidzon. The researchers clarified the mechanism and estimated the time it takes for an exciton to migrate from one end of the molecule to the other. “It turned out that along one of the paths migration occurs very quickly, on a picosecond scale – and very specific intramolecular vibrations help it in this,” added an employee of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. According to the authors, it is now possible to assess how this process is affected by the presence of neighboring molecules, and to propose modifications to the structure of the original molecule in order to make the process of transferring excitation energy to the emitter molecule as efficient as possible. This is the process of virtual design of functional materials: scientists isolate a key function of a material and build a model of the process underlying that function to determine the main factors influencing the efficiency of the process and propose new modifications to the material. Scientists note that they are now at the first stage of understanding the process of exciton migration in organic semiconductors. Soon they will be able to give recommendations on modifying the molecules used in the matrices of OLED emitting layers. Read more.