Enter bios on hp laptop. Reinstalling Windows on an HP laptop

Good morning everyone!

I don’t know whether this happens on purpose or by accident, but Windows installed on laptops is often terribly slow (with unnecessary add-ons and programs). Plus, the disk is not very conveniently divided - there is only one partition with Windows OS (not counting another “small” one for a backup copy).

Actually, not so long ago I had to “figure it out” and reinstall Windows on an HP 15-ac686ur laptop (a very simple budget laptop with no bells and whistles. By the way, it was on it that the extremely “buggy” Windows was installed - because of this I was asked to help . I photographed some moments, and that’s how this article was born:))…

Setting up the BIOS of an HP laptop to boot from a flash drive

Remark! Since this HP laptop does not have a CD/DVD drive, Windows was installed from a USB flash drive (as this is the easiest and fastest option).

I do not consider the issue of creating a bootable flash drive in this article. If you do not have such a flash drive, I recommend reading the following articles:

  1. Creating a bootable USB flash drive for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 - (in the article I discuss installing Windows 10 from a flash drive, created based on this article :));
  2. Creating a bootable UEFI flash drive -

Buttons to enter BIOS settings

Remark! I have an article on my blog with a lot of buttons for entering the BIOS on various devices -

This laptop (which I liked) has several buttons for entering various settings (and some of them duplicate each other). So, here they are (they will also be duplicated in photo 4):

  1. F1 - system information about the laptop (not all laptops have this, but here they built it into this budget one :));
  2. F2 - laptop diagnostics, viewing information about devices (by the way, the tab supports Russian, see photo 1);
  3. F9 - select a boot device (i.e. our flash drive, but more on that below);
  4. F10 - BIOS settings (the most important button :));
  5. Enter - continue downloading;
  6. ESC - see a menu with all these options for booting the laptop, select any of them (see photo 4).

Important! Those. if you don’t remember the button to enter the BIOS (or something else...), then on a similar range of laptops, you can safely press the ESC button after turning on the laptop! Moreover, it is better to press several times until the menu appears.

Photo 1. F2 - HP laptop diagnostics.

Note! You can install Windows, for example, in UEFI mode (to do this, you need to burn the USB flash drive accordingly and configure the BIOS. More details about this here:). In my example below, I will consider the “universal” method (since it is also suitable for installing Windows 7).

So, to enter the BIOS on an HP laptop ( approx. Laptop HP15-ac686) you need to press the F10 button several times - after you have turned on the device. Next, in the BIOS settings, you need to open the System Configuration section and go to the Boot Options tab (see photo 2).

Photo 2. F10 button - Bios Boot Options

  1. Make sure that USB Boot is enabled (must be in Enabled mode);
  2. Enable Legacy Support (must be Enabled);
  3. In the Legacy Boot Order list, move the lines from USB to the first places (using the F5, F6 buttons).

Photo 3. Boot Option - Legacy Enabled

Actually, now you can start installing Windows. To do this, insert a pre-prepared bootable USB flash drive into the USB port and reboot (turn on) the laptop.

Photo 4. Boot Device Option (selecting an option to boot an HP laptop)

A window should appear in which you can select a boot device. Because We install Windows from a flash drive - then you need to select the line with “USB Hard Drive...” (see photo 5). If everything is done correctly, then after a while you should see the Windows installation welcome window (as in photo 6).

Photo 5. Selecting a flash drive to start installing Windows (Boot Manager).

This completes the BIOS setup for OS installation...

Reinstalling Windows 10

In the example below, Windows will be reinstalled on the same disk (though on a completely formatted and partitioned slightly differently).

If you have configured the BIOS correctly and burned the USB flash drive, then after selecting the boot device (F9 button (photo 5))- you should see a welcome window and offers to install Windows (as in photo 6).

We agree with the installation - click the “Install” button.

Photo 6. Welcome window for installing Windows 10.

Next, having reached the installation type, you need to select “ Custom: Windows installation only (advanced users)". In this case, you can format the disk as needed and completely remove all old files and OS.

Photo 7. Custom: Windows installation only (for advanced users)

The next window will open a (sort of) disk manager. If the laptop is new (and no one has “commanded” it yet), then most likely you will have several partitions (including backup ones, for backups that will be needed to restore the OS).

My personal opinion is that in most cases, these sections are not needed (and even the OS that comes with the laptop is not the best, I would say “stripped down”). It is not always possible to restore Windows OS with their help; it is impossible to remove some types of viruses, etc. And a backup on the same disk as your documents is also not the best option.

In my case, I simply selected them and deleted them (every single one. How to delete - see photo 8).

Important! In some cases, removing the software that comes with the device is a reason for refusing warranty service. Although, as a rule, software is never covered by a warranty, and yet, if in doubt, check this point (before deleting everything)…

Photo 8. Deleting old partitions on the disk (which were on it when the device was purchased).

Photo 9. Everything was deleted - there was only one unallocated disk left.

Then all that remains is to select this partition (97.2GB), click the “Next” button and install Windows into it.

Remark! By the way, the rest of the space on your hard drive doesn’t need to be formatted at all for now. After Windows is installed, go to Disk Management (through the Windows Control Panel, for example) and format the remaining disk space. Usually, they just make another partition (with all the free space) for media files.

Photo 10. One ~100GB partition was created to install Windows on it.

Photo 11. Installation process (you just need to wait :)).

At the very beginning, let's look at the question of what the HP Pavilion G6 and its BIOS are. And then let's look at its purpose and main functions. So, HP Pavilion G6 is a budget version of a laptop from the famous company HP. The cost of this gadget is relatively small - up to five hundred US dollars. Moreover, this laptop has fairly good technical parameters, which makes it very popular among owners of various gadgets.

But inexperienced users often have a question when purchasing or reinstalling an HP Pavilion G6 operating system: “How to enter the BIOS?” Why does this question even arise? Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic is preinstalled on the laptop, but not every user will agree to work with this particular system. Therefore, the question of reinstalling the laptop operating system is often raised. Moreover, the installation can be carried out from different media, namely the BIOS determines from which media the boot will be carried out first. And on different laptop models, the entrance to this system is different. Therefore, the question for HP Pavilion G6 owners is: “How to enter the BIOS?” - is quite relevant.

What is laptop BIOS?

Now let's find out what BIOS is. In fact, this is the name of the program that is the first to start working immediately after turning on the computer. Thus, this program is located in ROM and does not depend on the availability of power on the computer itself. It is flashed at the laptop manufacturer and shows the computer how and in what order to work with this or that peripheral device. After downloading this program, a picture appears on the screen, which can be seen in the photo.

Moreover, working with BIOS is fraught with certain dangers. If this program is configured incorrectly, the computer may simply stop booting. But there is an even greater danger, especially for beginners - when working with various gadgets, the user is often faced with the release of new updates. And if you want to reflash the BIOS, a situation may arise that restoring a laptop will cost about the same as buying a new one. Therefore, it is recommended to update this program only to experienced specialists who have already done this more than once.

HP Pavilion G6: how to enter BIOS?

When you turn on the computer, you need to be quite attentive to the information that appears on the screen. This also applies to those who use the HP Pavilion G6 laptop. Entering the BIOS is not a problem, because all the information about it is on the screen, as shown in the photo.

As marked in the image with a red arrow, the key that gives the right to enter the BIOS for this model is F10. But other models, even from this manufacturer, may have other keys that provide input. The whole problem for inexperienced users is that the information on the screen flashes quite quickly. And before you can blink your eye, another program begins to load. And the answer to the question tormenting the owner of the HP Pavilion G6: “How to enter the BIOS?” - remains unfound.

Boot mode setting

The BIOS itself has several tabs, by configuring which its owner can achieve his goal. So, the boot system settings are located in the “System Configuration” tab of the HP Pavilion G6.

The user can easily understand how to enter the BIOS and install the boot after pressing the F10 key. Thanks to this, he opens a tab with system configuration, in which he selects the storage medium on which the installation files will be located.

The importance of high-quality BIOS settings

As we have already seen, setting up the BIOS is a very responsible task that is best performed by experienced users. It is important to remember that after all changes made to the BIOS, you must save them. The F10 button will also help the user with this. After clicking it, the BIOS will offer to save the selected settings. However, it is always possible to return to the factory settings and cancel the changes made.

In the main tab of the BIOS settings menu, the user can get various information about the system being used, the serial number, restore or update the BIOS, and also set the time and date. In the security tab, the user can easily set a password to start the system and configure (change) already set parameters.

In the system diagnostic menu, the user is provided with several standard programs through which he can test certain system components. Such utilities allow you to diagnose and then fix problems in a timely manner. The user can test either the software for errors or the hardware installed on the computer. If a fault is detected specifically in the equipment, a corresponding message will appear, with which the user can send a message about the faulty components.

The system configuration menu allows you to change many startup settings, language, and boot sequence. In this menu you can: configure the BIOS display language, enable or disable hardware boot options, change their boot order (it is recommended to assign the hard drive as the very first boot option).

In order to launch the BIOS settings menu on HP laptops, you should turn on (reboot) the device and press the Esc button several times. A startup menu will appear, where the user will be offered several options for starting the personal computer. To enable the BIOS environment, press the F10 key on your keyboard.

If the standard BIOS startup option is not suitable, that is, it does not turn on, then you can try pressing one of the following buttons instead of Esc: F2, F6, F8, F11 or Delete. After clicking the appropriate key, either a selection menu should immediately appear (F1 - to obtain system information, F2 - to diagnose the system, F9 - to set startup priority, F10 - to launch the BIOS, F11 - to restore the system), or the BIOS itself.

After you have made the necessary changes, you can go to the Exit tab and select Exit and Save Changes or simply press the F12 button and confirm the action. If something goes wrong, you can return the default settings in the same Exit menu using the special option to restore default settings.

In this article I want to talk about how to enter the BIOS of HP laptops. Not all, but most. Since I have a laptop from this particular company, I’ll start writing with it. Then I will try to describe other models with BIOS commands. Perhaps we'll talk about updating the BIOS, but the update procedure is quite dangerous and should be carried out with caution.

How to enter BIOS on an HP Povillion laptop

If you have an HP Pavilion model, then you can enter the BIOS as follows:

  • Turn on the laptop and quickly press the key ESC.
  • A section will appear with a selection of various items. What everyone is responsible for:
    • F1– System information;
    • F2– System diagnostics;
    • F9– (read the link to see what this means);
    • F10– Login to BIOS;
    • F11– System recovery.
  • To get into the BIOS, just press the F10 key. Sometimes you can immediately press this key to get into the settings without using the ESC key.

If you have a different model, then entering the BIOS can be done using slightly different buttons, although this happens extremely rarely - F1, F11, F6, F2, F8, Del. Try them if the method above does not help.

Using the F10 key you can log in to the HP Pavilion G6-2283ER, HP 250 G4 and many others. You can also read the article on many other models of motherboards and laptops.

HP BIOS Settings

In the BIOS settings window, we first see the main menu. The section is called Main.

Main (Menu)

In this section you can see the following parameters:

  • System Time– system time;
  • System Date– system date;
  • Notebook Model– laptop model name;
  • Product Number– device number;
  • System Board ID– motherboard identifier;
  • Born on Date– date of creation;
  • Processor Type– processor type;
  • Total Memory– amount of RAM;
  • BIOS Version– BIOS version;
  • BIOS Vendor– BIOS vendor;
  • Serial Number– serial number;
  • UUID Number– identification number UUID;
  • Product configuration ID— product configuration identifier;
  • System Board CT Number– serial number of the system board;
  • Factory installed OS– installed operating system;
  • Primary Battery SN– battery number;
  • WLAN FCC ID– network card/Wi-Fi identifier;
  • Bluetooth FCC ID– Bluetooth ID.

The section may also contain information about the language, installed drive and hard drive. These device subsections may contain information about capacity, type, sectors, cylinders, and much more.

Once again, in this article I mainly describe the parameters of the HP Pavilion 15 laptop, which may not have many options. There is simply an opinion that many settings have been cut out.


There are only two parameters here that are responsible for clearing or setting the administrator password and the power-on password and entering the BIOS.

  • Administrator Password– Administrator password when entering BIOS;
  • Power-On Password– Password when logging in.

System Configuration

This section contains the main parameters, where we set the boot priority, virtualization support, card reader and other parameters.

  • Language– setting the language;
  • Virtualization technology– enabling virtualization technology, allowing the installation of 64-bit systems and virtual machines ();
  • Card Reader Power Saving– enable or disable the card reader for connecting SD cards to the laptop;
  • Fan Always On– the laptop cooler is always on (it is not recommended to disable it);
  • Action Keys Mode– disable or enable the FN key on the laptop;
  • Boot Option– contains options for enabling or Legacy BIOS, as well as setting the boot order of devices.

Boot Option

  • POST Hotkey Delay (Sec)– delay when loading the POST procedure process;
  • CD-ROM Boot– Enable or disable the drive;
  • Internal Network Adapter Boot– for devices with no memory storage, where the system is loaded through a terminal server;
  • Network Boot Protocol– enabling one or another type of protocol;
  • Legacy Support– Enabling support for legacy BIOS;
  • Secure Boot– Protective boot (Usually does not allow installation of left-handed systems);
  • Platform Key– Platform key supplied by the operating system manufacturer;
  • Clear All Secure Boot Keys– clear all secure boot keys;
  • Load HP Factory Defaults Keys– loading factory keys by default.


The section contains exit options. In most cases they do not differ in

  • Exit Saving Changes– exit BIOS and save settings;
  • Exit Discarding Changes– exit BIOS without saving settings;
  • Load Setup Defaults– reset settings. (Reading:)

How to update HP BIOS and install drivers on a laptop

To do this, just go to the official HP website and enter the name of your laptop, and if you don’t know, then the BIOS serial number (Serial Number) - https://support.hp.com/ru-ru/drivers.

A page will open with sections for downloading drivers, for example, for audio, graphics, mouse, keyboard, chipset, and more.

  • To update the BIOS, open the BIOS tab and download the utility.

  • Install the utility as a regular program. After launch, you will see the “HP System BIOS Update Utility” window. Press the button " Next».

  • To create a bootable USB flash drive for updating the BIOS, you must select the option " Create Recovery USB flash drive».

  • Before this, you can copy the image of the already installed BIOS version by selecting the “Copy” option.
  • Now select the drive and click “ Next».

  • Finish" The bootable USB flash drive for updating the HP laptop BIOS is ready.

After writing down the code, you can exit the BIOS.

On the screen at the time of updating you can see a process that should not be interrupted. Make sure your laptop is connected to the network. If the update fails, the tool will immediately start the recovery process, so there is nothing to worry about.

Updating HP BIOS from Windows

I did it a little differently. I launched the utility and immediately selected the Update BIOS option. At this moment the fan began to work at maximum, so it was a little alarming. Then a warning window appeared, which said that the laptop should be connected to the network, do not turn it off, and do not put it to sleep.

After the update, the laptop reboots and the BIOS update begins.

In this article, we touched on two topics - analysis of entering HP BIOS settings and decoding parameters, as well as updating the BIOS.

Not long ago, the American company Hewlett-Packard released its line of g6 laptops, which are positioned as mid-budget with entry-level business class. The main elements of the external decoration of the body of such devices were glossy plastic elements using the structured surface of the cover, as well as metal elements of the moving body structures. Screen matrices are used by TN-film, providing the necessary level of display of both information for work and multimedia applications. The hardware of the devices varies from initial working capacities to initial gaming ones, which allows the user to choose a device “for themselves.” G6-series laptops run Windows, Linux and ChromOS. The connecting link between the operating system and the hardware of these laptops is a special BIOS settings system. Here the user can enable or disable those integrated into the product, change the boot priorities of hard drives and external media, and also fine-tune individual elements of the laptop.

What is BIOS and how to enter it?

BIOS is an element of computer device software implemented at the microcircuit level that allows operating systems to use the entire arsenal of its hardware.

A special version of this program is also installed in the HP Pavilion g6. devices, we will consider further.

The login procedure is as follows:

  • With the laptop turned off, press the power button.
  • Quickly press Esc several times.
  • Press the F10 button.
  • How to enter the BIOS of HP Pavilion g6, solved. Settings menu on screen.

It is worth noting that changing the settings in this menu must be done by a user who has an idea of ​​what he is doing and why, otherwise there is a high probability that the laptop will malfunction and malfunction due to incorrect changes.

Learn more about BIOS menu items

How to enter the BIOS on the HP Pavilion g6 has already been discussed. Now let's look at each item in the BIOS settings menu separately.

Main menu

Here you can find basic information about the installed processor, RAM, BIOS version, device ID and its elements. It is also possible to configure the system date and time.

Security menu

Password settings for entering the BIOS when connecting to a hard drive and enabling/disabling additional security elements.

Diagnostic menu

Includes elements for checking the operation of basic hardware elements and displaying information about their status.

System Configuration

After entering the HP Pavilion g6 BIOS, at this point the user can change the menu language, enable/disable processor virtualization technology (if supported), and configure the cooler operating mode. And also in the “Settings” submenu Boot set the boot priority

Exit menu

Everything is simple here: you can select the exit mode with saving changes, without saving, or reset the settings to factory settings.

Basic BIOS settings for installing Windows

Before you start Windows on an HP g6 series laptop, you need to set the appropriate settings in the BIOS.

We place it at the workplace How to enter the BIOS is already known. Go to the "System Settings" menu and open the Boot settings sub-item. Here, using the F5 and F6 keys, we move the device with the Windows installation image (flash drive, CD) to the very top of the priority tree. This action will allow the system to start the installation process from the specified media upon startup. Before exiting the BIOS settings, in the “Exit” menu, you must select the option to save the settings and confirm your choice. After rebooting the laptop, the installation process will begin.

Having mastered the information on how to enter the BIOS on the HP Pavilion g6, Windows 8, 7, XP can be installed without much difficulty.

Benefits of correct BIOS settings

It is always better to read and understand the instructions for setting up something than to troubleshoot problems later. So it is in the case of owning an HP Pavilion g6 laptop. How to enter the BIOS and configure it correctly before installing/reinstalling the operating system is very important to understand when mastering the device. A properly configured BIOS allows the device to operate stably, quickly and without failures. Therefore, if you install a new operating system without making changes to the BIOS settings, problems may arise in the performance and functionality of the device. It is better to complete the process 100% than to stop halfway.

With the above knowledge, it is easy and simple to unlock the full potential of the HP Pavilion g6 laptop. Now you know how to enter the BIOS and configure it correctly.