Headings and tags: what are they for and how to compose them? Strong and Em accent tags.

HTML tags are the basis HTML language. Tags are used to delimit the beginning and end of elements in markup.

Each HTML document consists of a tree of HTML elements and text. Each HTML element is identified by a start (opening) and ending (closing) tag. The opening and closing tags contain the name of the tag.

All HTML elements are divided into five types:

  • empty elements - , ,
    , , , , , ,
    Used for storage additional information about the page. This information is used by browsers to process the page, and by search engines to index it. There can be several tags in a block, since depending on the attributes used they carry different information. Indicator of measurement in a given range. A section of a document containing navigation links for the site. Defines a section that does not support scripting. Container for embedding multimedia (e.g. audio, video, Java applets, ActiveX, PDF and Flash). You can also insert another web page into the current HTML document. The tag is used to pass the parameters of the plugin. Ordered numbered list. Numbering can be numeric or alphabetical. A container with a title for a group of elements. Specifies an option/option to select from the , or , drop-down list. Field for displaying the result of a calculation calculated using the script.

    Paragraphs in the text. Defines parameters for plugins embedded using the element. A container element containing one element and zero or more elements. By itself it does not display anything. Allows the browser to select the most appropriate image. Outputs text without formatting, preserving spaces and text breaks. Can be used to display computer code, messages email etc. An indicator of the completion of a task of any kind. Defines a short quotation. Container for East Asian symbols and their decoding. Defines the text nested within it as base component annotations. Adds brief description above or below the characters contained in the element, displayed in a smaller font. Marks embedded text as additional annotation. Displays alternative text if the browser does not support the element. Displays text that is not current with a strikethrough. Used to display text representing the result of executing program code or script, as well as system messages. Displayed in monospace font. Used to define a client-side script (usually JavaScript). Contains either script text or points to external file script using the src attribute. Defines a logical area (section) of a page, usually with a header. A control element that allows you to select values ​​from a proposed set. Variant values ​​are placed in . Displays text in a smaller font size. Specifies the location and type of alternative media resources for the , , . Container for inline elements. Can be used to format passages of text, such as highlighting individual words. Places emphasis in the text, highlighting it in bold. Includes embedded style sheets. Specifies subscript writing of symbols, for example, element index in chemical formulas. Creates a visible title for the tag. Displayed with a filled triangle, clicking on it allows you to view the title details. Specifies the superscript spelling of characters.

    What kind of texts are there for websites, why are they needed and how much is needed to promote a website and please readers.

    If you remember, our task is to learn how to write good optimized selling texts for the site. To please both users and search engines.

    To understand how to write such texts, you need to understand headings, tags and meta tags. Why can't we ignore these important elements for the text? What benefits do they provide for promotion? What is a “catchy headline” and who should it hook? There are many questions. But it’s worth starting not even with this, but with keywords.

    The basis of SEO promotion is high-quality keywords. All of them add up to semantic core site.

    You probably have a list of requests for which you dream of attracting clients (the list, if not in electronic form, then at least in my head).

    To make it clearer, I’ll tell you a story about one site.

    As part of the comprehensive service “Search Engine Promotion of a Website,” we compiled a semantic core for the website of a children’s club in Moscow and a relevance map. That is, we selected keywords that drive potential clients, and distributed according to which requests which page we will promote).

    In general, it is better to entrust the selection of keywords to professionals. It is very long, difficult and definitely wrong to take the keys from your head - it is correct to base it on real statistics and select those keywords that will bring potential paying clients. But if you decide to compose the semantic core yourself, then here is a wonderful book with which you can assemble your semantic core step by step.

    So, you have about three keywords for the page (we recommend using 1 to 5 keywords per 2000 characters, no more) on which you will write text, what to do with them next?

    In our case, we wrote text for home page.

    The main page was promoted for three queries: preparation for school, English language for children + in Moscow, sections + for children + in Moscow.

    The first step is to add these keywords to your tags.

    Title tag

    This is the page title. The user can see it in the browser. This is what it looks like:

    It tells search engine robots what this page is about and what the topic of the content is. When assessing relevance, search engines place great importance on the information you include in your tag content.

    But this does not mean that you urgently need to enter all possible keywords in, listing them separated by commas. No. Forget about it altogether. Since this is an important element for promotion, there are a number of rules for writing this tag. The main thing is that we write for people, not for robots!


    70 characters. This volume does not include the company name, region and phone number, but it must be included in the main tag.

    In addition to Cyrillic and Latin letters, you can use characters such as period, comma, colon, and dash. Quotation marks, apostrophe, slash, percentage and other characters are stop characters. They interfere with indexing.

    Key words:

    Ideally, promote one page for an average of 3 requests. Accordingly, taking into account the allowed length (70 characters), try to write the tag using the 2 most important queries. Put the keyword with the most impressions first. I recommend using direct entry.

    Where to place it?

    We write the tag in the Head block of the page code. Like this:

    Meta Description Tag

    Description of the page. The information contained in this meta tag can be used to generate a snippet. Description is displayed only in the page code. For users this element not visible.

    Key words:

    Since this meta tag has more character volume than the tag, you can try to include all 3-5 keywords for which you plan to promote the page. Start the Description with the second most frequent request and also try to take it in a direct occurrence (provided that the readability for the user is not impaired, remember that the user is more important than any optimization). Dilute the content of the tag with marketing elements - information about prices, discounts, and great deals.

    Where to place it?

    Like the title, we write the Description meta tag in the Head block of the page code. Example:

    We've sorted out the tags. How to place them on the site was written in the article. Let's move on to the next ones important elements structures - headings.


    The title is the first thing a user pays attention to when visiting a page. How good and enticing you make it depends on whether the visitor will stay on the resource, continue reading the text, or move on to search on other sites. Remember - you only have a few seconds to arouse the user's interest.

    However, headings in texts on websites should also be optimized: we do not forget for a second about our most cherished goal - to conquer the TOP. Therefore, of course, we also use keywords here.

    There are headings on every web page. different levels from to . How to write them correctly and place them on the page - read the article.

    - the most significant title. For it, choose the most important keyword that describes the page as accurately as possible:

    As a result, you should get a relevance map like this:

    What did you achieve in the end?

    After our work, traffic from the search engines Yandex and Google increased.

    How to write selling headlines?

    What came first - the chicken or the egg? How to write optimized text and improve its readability? Or vice versa? Still, it would be better and more correct to write selling texts first, and then sharpen them for search engine promotion. This is also reflected in the headlines.

    Below I will tell you about some rules that help you create headlines that are not only interesting for users, but also liked by Yandex and Google robots. Let me note in advance that all these techniques are not a panacea. This does not mean that they are unconditionally suitable for all sites, no. This largely depends on the topic of the business.

    You must clearly understand who your target audience is and build on their needs and desires. For example, if your target audience is young mothers who want to send their children to the center early development- they have the same needs. IN in this case You can appeal to the feelings of women in the title: every mother wants to raise a genius who will definitely achieve success. An example of a headline tailored for the target audience:

    Rule 2: Be specific

    Put numbers, facts or something in the title important information(important for users, not for the business owner). Remember: we write the headline from the side of benefits for the client. Numbers, prices and other facts inspire confidence among users.

    Rule 3. Don’t “moo”

    “We are this, we are second, we are fifth, we are tenth” - the user doesn’t care how great you are. He is only interested in what he himself will receive after collaborating with them. Therefore, stop “mooing”. In general, this can only be done in the texts of the “About the Company” section, and even then in moderation. Write YOU-oriented headlines. Thus, the user understands that you care and think about him, and are trying to solve the problem with which he came to you.

    These are not all the rules that should be followed when writing texts. You can learn about 7 rules for writing texts for a website. If you don’t have the time or desire to understand all the intricacies, write to us! We will be happy to take on this job.

    website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

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    This resource is sorted using tags. A tag is a keyword (or short phrase) that describes the category to which the article belongs. For example, if an article talks about how to change the wallpaper on the GNOME desktop, then it would be quite reasonable to tag it "GNOME" And "Design".

    Articles tagged with tags are included in indexes, which are formed very simply: all articles with the specified tag are displayed on the page in the form of a list. For example, for the tag "GNOME".

    Thus, the user documentation is structured as follows: all articles are divided into categories, each of which is assigned a specific tag. For each category there is an index page, which can be accessed via links from the main page of the section user documentation. To the index page of any category automatically All articles tagged with this category are included.

    An article can have multiple tags and thus belong to multiple categories, as in the example above. When creating an article in the user documentation section, you must clearly define which categories it belongs to and put the appropriate tags so that your article does not get lost. You can put tags for which there are no corresponding categories yet; perhaps they will appear in the future, as soon as a sufficient number of articles on this topic have accumulated. In general, it is advisable to describe the content of an article as fully as possible by marking it with tags.

    If you are at a loss with the necessary tags, tag the article "NEW", editors will see this and add the necessary tags.

    All articles created in the user documentation section in mandatory must be provided with at least one tag, in addition, they must fall into at least one section.

    Tags are not case sensitive, but it is still worth writing them uniformly, i.e. the first word starts with capital letter, write everything else in lowercase, while observing the accepted rules for writing various abbreviations, etc., for example, "GNOME" spelled exactly like "GNOME", not how "Gnome" and certainly not like "GNoMe".

    Article types

      HOWTO - detailed guides.

      Tips - tips and advice.

      Problems - articles devoted to solving certain problems.

      The remaining articles are articles that do not belong to any of the above types.

    Dividing into types allows you to group articles not only by category, for example, on the GNOME index page, articles are divided by type.

    To classify an article as one of the types, you need to add the appropriate tag: "HOWTO", "Tips", "Problems" or none of them for the remaining articles. The article must relate to only one of the above types.

    How to add a tag to an article

    To add tags to an article, you need to insert the following construction at the end of the article:

    ((tag>your tags))

    Tags are separated by spaces; if you want to insert a tag consisting of several words, simply replace the spaces in it with underscores, for example, when inserting this construct:

    ((tag>Tag_of_four_words simple tag))

    your article will be marked three tags: “Four-word tag”, “simple” and “tag”.

    How to find out which tag matches which category

    Let's say you wrote an article and want it to be included in the indexes of some categories. To do this you just need to put necessary tags. But how do you know which tag matches which category? This is not always obvious, so in the lower right corner of each index page there is a tag that brings articles to this page (do not confuse it with the tag « Index page» , which is included for each index). For example, below

    Hello everyone, in my last article, I talked about how to create a semantic core for your website. After you apply all the acquired knowledge in practice and create a semantic core, you will have three groups of keywords, low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency.

    Because there are few competitors, it is much easier to promote a site using low-frequency keywords, and bring such articles to the top 10 search results easier. Promotion using low-frequency words will cost you much less than promoting mid- and high-frequency words.

    After you run out of low-frequency keywords, you will write for them and post them on your website, only after that start writing for mid-frequency keywords, then for high-frequency keywords. Let's move on to the main topic.

    What are tags for? In order for our site to be better promoted in search engine. One of the most important tags on the site is the title tag. Let's consider where the title is, where it is displayed in the search engine.

    Let's go, for example, to Yandex, enter any keyword, any phrase.

    What is highlighted in bold blue is the Title tag. What you write in this tag will eventually be displayed in search engines.

    What to write in title tag ?

    The keyword should come first, then it should be diluted with a thematic addition. For example: keyword " " addition on one's own. This phrase should be used in the title tag. I recommend writing each article that you post with only one keyword. The keyword under which you write the article should be in the title tag, in the first place.

    Description tag

    This is the description of the article. In this tag you should briefly describe what your article is about. Let's look at an example: I have an article about how to create a semantic core and in the description we can write:

    Also in this tag, you need to apply once the keyword of your article.

    keywords tag

    Key words in this article. You need to write down the main words of your article. For example: I have an article about the semantic core, and I have written 4 keys.

    Now I will show you exactly where these tags are located, which we just looked at.
    For example, if the site is in html, that is, it was made in the most common website creation program Dreamweaver, then we have these tags in the site code, for example:

    Now let's look at what these tags look like in common WordPress engine. We create new entry, in order to add these tags here, we need to install a plugin called . After you install this plugin on WordPress, a module will appear at the very bottom of the post; you need to enter a title, description and keywords.

    Now let's look at what these tags look like on the site, I'll open it now source code pages, any of your entries.

    H1 tag

    And the last tag left is the h1 “heading”. We write a keyword in the h1 tag, or we can add an addition.

    That's all, and finally a detailed video.

    The topic and purpose of the article is to give the most full description use of tags on the site. I’ll tell you what tags are, how webmasters use them, and of course I’ll show you a tag cloud.

    What are tags?

    Tag (pronounced “tag” in English) is a sign of a mark or marking. Translated from English it means: mark, label, price tag, tag, shortcut, label.

    A tag is an informative identifier that simplifies the categorization of elements (articles, descriptions, data fields) for the formation internal structure content and more convenient search.

    Don't confuse a tag as a label and a tag as an HTML markup element ((, , )!

    In modern Russian, the use of the word "tag" applies to two main things:

  • A tag, like an article or blog post tag, is used to group and categorize content tagged with the same tag, metadata.
  • A tag as a hashtag - #tag #tag #hashtag - is used on Twitter to tag messages associated with a single topic or trend. Created for ease of correspondence.
  • Why even use tags on a website, on Twitter, or anywhere else?

    Well, actually tags have been used for a long time, for example in librarianship or in categorizing music. Here's what groups look like for music tags in Windows:

    In the “Music” library, you can assign specific tags to each composition, indicate the author of the song, year of appearance, album, genre. And then it’s very easy to navigate this diversity - you don’t need to put everything into folders, and even several times. Just use the “Dubstep” tag and get all the songs of this genre, no matter what folder they are in.

    The same thing happens on the web. There is no need to “push” a post into several categories at once; just assign the appropriate tags to it and you can always group blog posts by one tag - just like music on your computer.

    In the new blog template for seven bloggers, the tags are hidden as unnecessary, but this functionality relates to the basic functionality of sites on WordPress, so the tags are there. For example here:

    Many people now “hide” tags outside the site and prohibit their indexing, because in CMS tags often create duplicate content that is poorly perceived by search engines - they begin to get confused in ranking and relevance. Here, for example, is a ban on indexing tags in the robots.txt file:

    How to use these tags?

    As a rule, no one structures tags; they are simply expressed as keywords that are parts of the parent content. Those. These are short meta-words that partially describe the content of large content. Let me give you an example.

    Let's say we have a list of posts with tags (indicated in brackets):

    • How to fix WordPress (Wordpress, instructions);
    • How to install the Photorama plugin for WordPress (instructions, plugin, WordPress);
    • Gallery plugins for WordPress (plugin, gallery, WordPress);
    • Review of the most popular plugins for WP (plugin, WordPress);
    • The plugin for WP does not work, what to do (plugin, WordPress);
    • Planning and development of the semantic core (seo, semantic core, instructions).

    In front of you clear example how such tags can make life easier, because I can see all the posts under the tags “instructions”, “Wordpress”, “plugin” at once - depending on the need for information.

    How to navigate through all the variety of tags, you ask? The answer is simple - the tag cloud helps with this.

    A tag cloud is literally a “cloud of tags.” I'll show you now.

    As you can see, the importance and frequency of use of a keyword tag is marked by color and font size - it’s convenient that you can quickly perceive well-known terms, as well as mentally rank their popularity relative to each other.

    This or a similar thing can be built into the site and the user, with a quick glance, can very quickly understand what exactly this site is about. About 5-10 years ago, in the so-called In the era of Web 2.0, it was very popular to place such clouds in the sidebar of blogs and collective sites. WordPress even has a tag cloud widget, but there were other plugins that expand functionality and add dynamism. Now tag clouds are much less common.

    Why? Well, because in certain moment there are not just a lot of tag clouds, but a lot. And the usefulness was not perceived by all users, they say, “not such a helper in navigation, I better search I'll use it." So the pioneering sites abandoned mass tagging and the cloud, and after them almost everyone abandoned the cloud. Flickr developers even apologized to users for the tag clouds on the site. Strange guys.

    Well, the problem was immediately clear. Since there are no clear rules on the Internet for writing tags and forming tag clouds, on different sites such clouds are created in different ways - often incompetently. There is even “tag blindness,” which gave rise to the mini-meme “no one reads tags.” The point was that almost no one reads them (especially if there are a lot of them) and you can fool around this way.

    However, such visualization significantly simplifies the user’s perception of the site as a whole, rather than individual articles. A similar effect can be observed in the so-called. mind maps, when one topic is revealed and branches into different sides, forming a bizarre structure.

    For example, look at the comparison of speeches and frequently used words in the speeches of US presidents.

    And if on the Internet they have become less likely to use tags and mark entries with tags, then the scientific community is sometimes nowhere without such functionality. An example is bibliographic software like Zotero for taking notes. Yes, even easier, closer to real life, tags are in advanced notebooks OneNote or Evernote.

    What other tags are there: triple tags, hashtags, knowledge tags

    There are also special types of tags that are used not on websites, but in other systems for organizing and publishing content.

    Machine triple tags use a specific syntax, making them more descriptive for more high-quality processing computer programs. For example, the geotag “geo:long=55.574847” consists of three parts: name, predicate and value. The development of this type of tags got its name - geotagging. Similar tags are used in biology and photo content.

    Hashtags (read as “hashtags”) are metadata starting with a hash or hash - “#”. Used in microblogging (Twitter) and social networks: Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram.

    Knowledge tags are a more complex thing. This is meta-information that describes a number of aspects of information (documents, tables, images, pages). In this case, tags are profile cards in which a special background information: description, semantics, classes, comments, hyperlinks, etc.

    They are designed to inventory, classify and organize groups of information according to specific patterns - for more convenient control knowledge, so to speak. An excellent example of such scientific tagging is provided by Wikipedia.

    Those. this is a kind of inventory of information, among other things, pointing to hub pages in the data warehouse, where similar information is contained about other subjects of research.


    Such tagging, or assigning tags/labels, - great tool for classification large systems data, which is clearly seen in the example of Wikipedia classifiers and templates. The tool helps to indicate class or group affiliation, indicate boundaries and dates, and determine identity - if required by the knowledge library.

    A tag can be in the form of a picture, word, or other mark that is understandable to humans (and in computer systems- for the car), which will help in identification. Tags were used in the real world even before the advent of the Internet - for example in topography or museum affairs to classify objects, make information coherent and easy to navigate.

    And now tags are widely used when users create all types of content. Of course, such tagging is methodologically inferior and inferior in quality to tagging systems with a clear methodology. But this is up to the users - whoever needs it will develop their own methodology for applying labels to records in Evernote or own blog. And who doesn’t need it, well, it doesn’t need it. That's why it's user-generated content.

    That's probably all. Fuck tags. Autumn has arrived! 🙂

    Tag for creating a table.
    Defines the body of the table.
    Creates a table cell.
    Used to declare HTML code fragments that can be cloned and inserted into a document by a script. The content of a tag is not a child element.
    Creates large text input fields.
    Defines the table footer.
    Creates a table cell title.
    Defines the table title.
    Defines date/time.
    The title of an HTML document that appears at the top of the browser's title bar. May also appear in search results, so this should be taken into account when providing the title.
    Creates a table row.
    Adds subtitles for elements and .
    Highlights a passage of text by underlining, without additional emphasis.
    Creates a bulleted list.
    Highlights variables from programs by displaying them in italics.
    Adds video files to the page. Supports 3 video formats: MP4, WebM, Ogg.
    Indicates to the browser where a long line might break.