Alias ​​certificate limits. WebMoney personal certificate, how to receive it by mail

Hello dear friends!
Just a few days ago I received personal certificate and it took me one day. Today I will try to write in detail how to get a personal webmoney certificate, and why it is needed in general.

If you just earn a little money on your website, then in principle there is no need to open a personal certificate. But if you want, then you will definitely need it, and here’s why:

  • Having a personal certificate, you can easily obtain a seller's certificate. To do this, you will need to add your online store to the Megastock Catalog. This means that you can automate payment acceptance on your website or blog.
  • You will be able to participate in affiliate program The certification center for issuing initial certificates, which means that you will earn money.
  • You will be more trusted on the Internet. For example, if you work with, you can always say that you have a personal certificate and offer payment only after work. The same applies to the sale of any goods, people have now become quite smart and no one will pay money to an anonymous person. But if you have a personal certificate, then that’s a different matter.
  • You will be able to participate in the credit WebMoney exchange Transfer.
  • Post news on websites,, etc.

Besides this, there are also many other advantages, you can read more about them. As you can see, getting a personal certificate is a very profitable business, and if you decide to work on the Internet for a long time and seriously, then I advise you to do it.

Well, now you will find out how to open a personal webmoney passport:
1. First, you need to go to this page and find a person from your city who issues personal certificates. If this is not the case, then you can find a registrar from any other nearby city where it is not difficult for you to travel. There was no registrar in my city, but in the city of Lviv there are 3, I chose this one. Since I study at the Lvov military department, meeting the registrar after the department is not so difficult.

If the registrar is generally very far from you, and you don’t want to go there, then it’s okay, later I’ll write what to do in such cases.

2. Find the person’s phone number, call him and ask if he is currently issuing personal certificates, as well as when and where you can meet him. I called one person first, he said that he would be in Lviv only in 2 weeks. The second one didn’t communicate very well with me on the phone; I didn’t like the phrase “pay, and then we’ll talk: smile:.” As for the third guy, I quickly agreed with him where and when to meet.

3. Carefully fill in all your passport information on the webmoney website. Moreover, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise you will need to correct it later. And one more thing, if your Last Name, First Name and Patronymic are not in Russian, then you need to write here so that they can correct it for you. For example, I had it in Ukrainian, I wrote a letter and they corrected it very quickly.

You should also understand that you can only get a personal certificate when you have a formal certificate. And it is issued free of charge, you just need to fill out your passport details.

4. Select a registrar and pay for the application. To do this, go here and click “more details” next to the registrar you have chosen:

5. We write down our wmid, take our passport and go to meet the person. I was told to take only a wmid and a passport, but in any case, just in case, you can also clarify what you need to take with you so as not to go a second time.

The receptionist gave me a form to fill out my personal information and also answer a few questions. simple questions, like, “what is webmoney” or “what is webmoney keeper for?” It is not difficult to answer these questions, but personal data must be filled out very carefully, otherwise you will have to rewrite everything from the beginning: smile:.

OK it's all over Now. The next day I opened this page and saw that my certificate had been changed to personal.

Great! Now you need to add your site to the Megastock catalog to receive a seller certificate.

But what should those who live in a city where there is no such a good person nearby do? You can choose a registrar who issues certificates based on certified documents. Such registrars are located. I would choose " certification center No. 1", since the opening cost is only 19 wmz. As you can see, I could even save 11 wmz, but the problem is that I will have to wait until the letter with your notarized documents arrives to them. If you want to quickly get a certificate, then it is better to meet in person.

This is where I end this article. I think now it should definitely be clear how to get a personal certificate webmoney:smile:. Good luck, friends!

If you are an e-mail user payment system Webmoney and have a personal certificate, then you can not only conduct financial operations, but also earn decent money. WebMoney offers its clients to earn money by cooperating with them. I’ll tell you now how and what needs to be done for this.

Webmoney affiliate program

If you use WebMoney, then you probably know what the certificates of this payment system are, what they are needed for and what opportunities they provide. You can obtain them from representatives of the system by paying a small fee (from 1 to 100 dollars, depending on the type of certificate chosen, as well as the indicated cost for your region).

In order to attract as many clients as possible and simplify the process of obtaining certificates for them, Webmoney is trying to expand its coverage area and the network of its representatives. You yourself can become one of them if you join the company’s affiliate program.

There are 2 types of earnings on WebMoney:

On issuance of initial certificates.

By choosing this option, you will receive Personalizer status, you will be able to issue people an initial Webmoney certificate and receive a reward of 50% of the cost of the service for this. You set the price yourself, but there are restrictions - it can only vary from 1 to 100 dollars.

To be certified and start working, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a personal certificate for at least a year.
  • You are ready to pay a guarantee fee - 100 WMZ.
  • Your BL (Business Level) is greater than 50.

After studying your data and confirming the “Agreement of Assignment”, you will be added to the register of personalizers and can begin to work.

On the issuance of personal certificates.

You will be assigned the status of a Registrar and given the opportunity to issue a personal certificate to WebMoney clients, for which you will receive 75% of the cost of the service. In addition, you will still be able to check initial certificates, for which you will be paid 25% of the reward for it. You can set the price yourself, but it must be no less than $5 and no more than $100.

You can become a registrar only after passing a personal interview in Moscow with a representative of the Certification Center and if you meet the following requirements:

Don't be afraid of paying a security deposit. It will be frozen and returned to you at the end of your certification activities, if no claims are made against you regarding your work and the documents of certified WebMoney clients submitted to the Certification Center.

How much can you earn?

I think I’ll get it right if I say that what interests you most is how much you can earn on the WebMoney affiliate program. Let's count together.

According to payment system statistics, in 2017, a total of 17,456 personal and initial certificates were issued. (5,973 personal and 11,483 initial). In total, 69 registrars and 171 personalizers (240 representatives) participate in the affiliate program.

Let's take the city of Omsk. There is 1 registrar and 1 personalizer working here. According to Webmoney data, 1.31% of certificates were issued here out of all certified users of the payment system.

17,456*0.0131= 229 – this is exactly how many certificates were issued in Omsk in 2017.

The average cost of issuing them is $26 ($40 for a personal certificate, $12 for an initial one).

26*229 = $5954 – total payment for all issued certificates.

The personalizer receives 50% of the cost of the certificate for his services, the registrar - 75%. Let's take the minimum - 50%. Total: 14,066 * 0.5 = $2977 - each of them approximately earned in a year, and this turns out to be about $248 per month.

It should be borne in mind that the calculations are approximate and have errors, since we do not have data on exactly how many certificates each of the WebMoney representatives issued. In addition, it is possible for citizens of the Russian Federation to receive an initial certificate automatically by sending their certified documents, and therefore it is unknown how many people decided to personally visit the personalizer, and how many decided that it was easier for them to have their documents certified and sent electronically than to see someone .

However, based on these calculations, you can still see how much earnings you can expect when participating in the WebMoney affiliate program.

What to do if there are already competitors in your region

Many regions of Russia are not yet covered by the network of Webmoney personalizers and registrars. However, if you are unlucky and you live in a city where there are already representatives of the payment system, this does not mean at all that you should abandon this method of earning money. Of course, the income will be less than if you were the only person in the city who issues WebMoney certificates, but it will still be there. Why give up money? All you need is to attract clients to you. You can do this in two ways:

  • By offering a certificate issuance service at a lower price than competitors.
  • On the one hand, the method is effective, but on the other... Would you want to work for a small amount, considering that the average cost of the service is only 20-30 dollars? And why spoil business in your region?

  • Offer additional services or better service.
  • The issuance of certificates involves a personal meeting between the client and a WebMoney representative. And not everyone has the time or desire to adapt to someone’s time and spend an hour or two on the road to get new opportunities in the payment system. Therefore, by offering, for example, a service such as visiting a client at a time convenient for him, you can significantly expand the circle of people who want to contact you, and not another registrar or personalizer.

Earning money on WebMoney is reliable way receive money and be sure of payments and the absence of scammers. However, it is more suitable as a side hustle rather than a main income. It is difficult to influence the number of clients. It can be both empty and dense. However, you can be sure of one thing - all the money you earn will be paid to you fairly. And paying $10-30 to meet a person and accept his documents is quite good.

By using electronic money on the WebMoney website, users carry out fast transfers funds without resorting to banks or postal services. However, before starting to work in the system, certification is required. This procedure helps reduce the risk of fraud using the service. After registering in the payment system and receiving a WM-identifier, the participant can be issued an anonymous, formal, initial or personal

What kind of document is this and what is it for? The Webmoney certificate is a digital certificate issued to registered users of the service who provide personal data to the site. Each participant in the payment system receives it. After the first authorization, an alias certificate is issued. The system imposes a number of restrictions on user actions.

To remove some of them, the participant must obtain a formal certificate free of charge. To do this, you just need to confirm your passport details. The higher the status of the document, the more efficient the business individual in the Internet. Maximum privileges are provided only by a personal Webmoney passport. After purchasing a digital certificate, all services of the service become available to the user.

Advantages of a personal certificate

This document allows the owner to create budget machines on the Capitaller website, participate in the operation of the Credit Exchange system, receive payments from buyers in automatic mode. The user can also become a Webmoney Transfer consultant.

The owner of a personal passport has access to the DigiSeller service, designed to create trading platforms in the Internet. The user also gets the opportunity to send applications for registration of their sites in all sections of the Megastock catalog and take part in any affiliate program. When ordering debit card Star/Plus needs to remember that the Webmoney passport must be no lower than a personal one.

Do not forget that the presence of a digital certificate itself high level inspires trust among participants and shows the authority of the user.

How to get a personal Webmoney passport

First you need to log in to the system. Then you need to make sure that the user is already the owner of the formal/initial certificate. Scans of passport data must be verified by the Registration Center.

To obtain a certificate, the user will also need to confirm their actual place of residence on the WebMoney website. To do this, you need to send a request to Moscow. After receiving a letter with a verification code in the mail, you must enter the numbers in the WebMoney service. After this, the address user specified, will be confirmed.

It is worth emphasizing that a personal Webmoney certificate is issued only once. If the participant has already received a digital certificate, he will not be able to purchase the document again, even with a new WM-identifier. A personal Webmoney certificate is issued for a small fee. The cost of the service depends on the conditions of the registrars.


Before you create a personal Webmoney passport, you need to run the Keeper program with the required identifier. In this case, you need to be registered in the WM Transfer system. The user must understand why he needs a digital certificate.

You should take into account the fact that the Certification Center does not answer questions not related to the procedure.

Obtaining a personal Webmoney passport

The user needs to open home page"Certification Center". Then you need to select the “control panel” section. Then you should log in with the WMID that needs to be certified. Next you need to open the “personal data” section. All information about the user is listed here.

You need to click on the “get a certificate” link. On the page that opens, fill out the form. All necessary information and passport data must be indicated without abbreviations. On the “select an attestator” tab, you need to specify the registrar and click on the “get” link. The system will offer to upload scans of your passport for verification.

You need to fulfill the condition and wait for confirmation that all documents have been accepted. Then you need to return to the “control panel” section and pay for the application ($10-20). Money needs to be transferred only to the “Certification Center”. Next, you need to open the “documents and rules” section, and then download and print the “applicant’s application”.

Meeting with the registrar

After completing the above steps, the user needs to contact the assessor and confirm the date and time for the interview. You need to bring your ID, photocopies of your passport and 2 copies of the printed application with you to the meeting. You must come to the office at the appointed time. The registrar will definitely ask why the system participant needed a certificate. The user also needs to know the date of registration on the site, nickname and version of the Keeper program.

The application is filled out at the time of transfer of photocopies of the passport. Then the signature and date are placed. After the interview, the provided data is checked. The processing time for information is 2 days. After confirming the information provided, the WMID will be certified.

It is worth emphasizing that a minor child can also contact the registrar with an application. He must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at the meeting. If errors and inaccuracies are detected in the completed questionnaire, the system will send a message via internal mail with a proposal to make amendments. After changing the data, you need to contact the registrar.

Sending an application by mail

To receive a personal Webmoney certificate without a personal meeting, you need to find the registrar with the “envelope” icon in the list. This icon indicates that it is possible to send data by mail. Then you need to print and fill out the application. It should indicate your passport data and WM-identifier. Then you need to sign and have it certified by a notary.

Then you need to send the documents to the registrar by mail. A business card with the notary's contact details should be attached to the application. You can simply write his work phone number on a piece of paper. Waiting for a decision from the Certification Center depends not only on the timing of the verification, but also on the speed of delivery of the letter by mail. To receive a response as quickly as possible, it is recommended to pay for DHL services.

In this case, the user does not have to worry about losing documents. In the “recipient” column you should enter the line “Webmoney, st. Koroviy Val, 7, building 1, Moscow, Russia, 119049.” Once the information provided is verified, the user will receive an email.

Many owners of personal certificates are wondering what to do when changing their passport or last name. You need to go to the “control panel” section and make changes to the questionnaire. Then you must re-pass the certification and receive a digital certificate within 1 month. Its issuance is paid in full by the system participant. If you change the address, telephone number or other information on the application form that does not require identification, you do not need to undergo re-certification.

Features of use

For owners of personal certificates, almost all system restrictions are lifted. They can withdraw up to 3 million rubles daily through the Keeper program. The monthly limit of personal certificates reaches 9 million, which provides ample opportunities to use such access for work purposes.

: what are the advantages and disadvantages of this calculation system. One of the drawbacks I mentioned was the system of certificates and limits, because of which you cannot “register and immediately start moving millions” :) But in reality, not everything is so simple here. Certificates and limits are a real stumbling block, which, on the one hand, significantly complicates the use of the system, and on the other, brings order and additional security to it. Therefore, let's try to understand all these concepts together...

So, let's begin.

To begin with, it would be nice to understand the concept of a certificate itself, or rather, what is meant by this word in the electronic payment system. In Webmoney this concept replaces the term “identity documents” in our Everyday life. This is a set of personal data that the user enters into the system, both during registration and during its subsequent use. Both wallet limits and spending limits directly depend on the type of certificate - the higher the certificate, the higher the limits. In total, the payment system has more than a dozen different certificates, among which there are 4 most common among ordinary users: pseudonym certificate, formal certificate, initial certificate and personal certificate. But to complete the picture and completely eliminate information illiteracy, to one degree or another, I will try to touch on each of the existing types.

Alias ​​certificate

The pseudonym certificate is the very first step. This type a certificate is automatically issued to each user during his registration in the system. The few data that the user fills in (address, contacts and full name) are not checked by anyone at this stage, as indicated on the WMID (identification card) page. As you might guess, this type of certificate has minimum limits for both storage and crediting/writing off title units.

The pseudonym certificate is one of the few that are issued absolutely free.

Having understood the conditions for obtaining it, let's turn our attention to its inherent limitations. And due to the absolute lack of confirmation of the data, they are more than serious. For example, you can store no more than 15,000 WMR in your wallet. And if you look at Belarusian currency wallets, it’s impossible to get them with such a certificate at all. Or rather, you can open a wallet, but you won’t be able to credit anything to it (due to the specifics of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, only those who have an initial certificate or higher can use the electronic analogue of our currency :)).

This type of certificate allows you to small payments(payment utilities, Internet, communication services, etc.), transfers within the system, pay and generate bills, as well as convert currency within the above limit (on any wallet - 15,000 WMR equivalent). True, with the amounts of transfers/payments, not everything is as smooth as we would like - without having a confirmed phone number, there is no way to spend funds at all. That is, all you can do is accept payments and store funds in your wallets. And in order to start spending you will have to link to account phone number and activate the confirmation function, which can be done via SMS (10 cents per item) or free service ENUM. The daily transaction limits here are as follows: 15,000WMR (Russian rubles), 100WMZ (US dollars), 100WME (euro), 6,000WMU (hryvnia) and 0WMB (Belarusian rubles) :)

The limits and restrictions listed above are subject to the use of
WM Keeper Standard.

After the phone number is confirmed and verified (and the option to confirm the transaction via SMS or via ENUM is activated in the account settings), the maximum amount of title units allowed for storage in your wallets will increase significantly. In order not to return to this issue again, the values ​​​​for each type of certificate are presented in the summary table:

If you use WM Keeper Mobile (and all your wallets were received during the registration of this keeper) and the level of your certificate is below the initial level, then the system will further limit your options.

Firstly, the maximum amount allowed for storage in all wallets cannot exceed 15,000 WMR. If the wallet currency is different from Russian ruble, then the restriction will apply to the equivalent amount when recalculating it to the Central Bank exchange rate Russian Federation. So, no matter how much you want, you will not be able to receive a transfer exceeding 15,000 WMR.

Secondly, the maximum amount of one transfer will be limited to 1000 WMR (or the equivalent of this amount in any currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of the transfer).

There are several ways to increase limits, both for storing funds and for incoming/outgoing transactions, among which we can highlight: linking a number to the account mobile phone, increasing the level of the certificate (formal, initial or personal), including confirmation of the transaction with via SMS or ENUM and assigning a phone number to WM Keeper Standard or changing the type of management of your wallets from WM Keeper Standard to WM Keeper WinPro or WM Keeper WebPro. After this, you will have increased limits on the amounts that you can accept and store, and you will also have the opportunity to spend honestly earned money :)

Formal certificate

The next step in the evolution of a Webmoney user is obtaining a formal certificate. It is issued in the same way as a pseudonym certificate absolutely free of charge and this is done automatically. To receive it, the user must fill out a special form and upload a scan of the passport so that the support service can check the entered data. This is done remotely in the WebMoney Transfer Certification Center. The form required to request a formal certificate looks something like this:

This type of certificate is the most popular among system users due to the ease of obtaining it and increased financial limits. It's great for freelancers and others active users systems. Upon receipt of a formal certificate, the possibility of withdrawal opens Money from the Webmoney system. System users who have received a formal certificate can:

  1. transfer funds within the system (subject to the limitation of the maximum amount on the wallet of 15000 WMR or its equivalent at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);
  2. replenish your wallet balance via Postal transfer, bank payment and cash;
  3. withdraw funds from the system through bank transactions;
  4. link a bank card (Visa or MasterCard) to your account (WMID) to replenish them from a dollar wallet (WMZ), as well as receive new bank cards Webmoney systems;
  5. link a bank account to your account (WMID);
  6. pay fines and taxes, as well as make payments to the accounts of any (registered in Russia) company or government body;
  7. replenish wallets or withdraw funds through CONTACT, Unistream, etc. systems;
  8. use the services of exchange exchanges;
  9. use the service for automating the receipt of funds - Merchant;
  10. leave feedback to network resources V Webmoney system Advisor ;
  11. submit claims and claims against other users of the system to the arbitration system;
  12. create wallets with currency “X” - an analogue of bitcoins (1WMX = 0.001BTC), which can be used for deposits and withdrawals;
  13. leave comments on news published on the official Webmoney blog, as well as communicate with each other.

As for the restrictions associated with the movement of funds, when receiving a formal certificate they are as follows:

As you can see, the characteristics this certificate more than enough for full use systems. Personally, I am more than satisfied with the formal certificate and I have no plans to move on to the next level :)

Initial certificate

But if anyone wants more more freedom, then it is necessary to issue an initial certificate - the first type of non-anonymous certificate, that is, to receive it you will have to appear in person, not forgetting to take your passport with you. Where to come? To a meeting with the personalizer - the person authorized by the system to issue certificates. Besides that this procedure will require spending time on the trip, and it will also be paid. To obtain a certificate you will have to pay from 5 to 100 WMZ, depending on the greed of the one who will issue it :). And despite the fact that there are more than enough personalizers, those who live in small towns or rural areas may have problems visiting them. Agree, traveling 200-300 km to get a certificate is simply terrible!

And therefore, the system provides a second option for receiving it - automatic (without a personal meeting). True, it only works for citizens of the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Russians can receive an initial certificate automatically if:

Moreover, in each of the cases described above, the initial certificate is issued absolutely free of charge! It's a small thing, but it's nice :)

Citizens of Ukraine can receive an initial certificate automatically if:

  • will successfully pass identification in the BankID system. The cost of issuing a certificate is 11WMU and is available only to bank clients connected to the BankID system;
  • when replenishing your wallet from a bank account through the website Here the requirements are exactly the same as for Russians when obtaining a certificate through the resource

The certificate is issued within three working days from the date of implementation of a particular procedure.

After receiving the certificate, system users can:

With increased limits: transfer funds to other users of the system, replenish wallet balances, and also withdraw funds;
- take part in the collective management of wallets in the interests of a group of users (Capitaller service);
- register resources in a limited number of Megastock sections;
- act as a news author on the official WebMoney blog.

However, despite all these difficulties in obtaining, the initial certificate is also not without financial restrictions. True, here they are significantly higher than in the two previous cases:

And yes, it is at this stage that it becomes possible to use the electronic analogue of Belarusian rubles :)

Personal certificate

Personal certificate - the crown in the system of evolutionary steps regular user Webmoney. It is issued exclusively on a paid basis and involves giving the system participant much broader rights to almost completely remove limits on the movement of funds. To obtain a personal passport, you will have to contact a registrar authorized by the system, who will verify your passport data with those available on your identification card (WMID). The cost of the procedure varies from 10 to 100 WMZ. In addition to the fact that you will have to go to God knows where (or look for a notary to draw up a package of documents, which will entail additional costs), there is another serious disadvantage - flashing your passport in front of someone you see for the first time. And even though this person is certified by the Webmoney payment system, what thoughts are hidden in his head is a mystery... Personally, I prefer to keep my passport data away from prying eyes.

This certificate is primarily of interest to those who plan to earn money using Webmoney tools. The user has the opportunity to open exchange offices, create trading platforms, post information in any section of the Megastock system, obtain the status of a system consultant, issue initial certificates, and so on.

However, despite all this, financial restrictions still exist. No, with the receipt of a personal certificate they do not disappear completely, but are simply significantly reduced.

That's probably all I wanted to tell you about the four most popular certificates of the Webmoney payment system. But in order for the essay on certificates and limits to be complete, I think it is necessary, at least briefly, to go over the remaining certificates of the system.

Seller's certificate

A seller's certificate is automatically issued to a user with a personal certificate after registering a site that accepts Webmoney in the Megastock catalogue. The main purpose of the certificate is the ability to accept funds automatically, practically without restrictions (but they still exist).

Capitaller Certificate

The Capitaller certificate is automatically issued to the user with a personal certificate after he registers the budget machine in the appropriate service.

Payment machine certificate

A payment machine certificate is issued to a representative of a legal entity who has a personal certificate. The purpose of obtaining a certificate is further use legal entity Merchant systems. The basis for issuance is the conclusion of an agreement with the guarantor of the Webmoney system.

Developer Certificate

A developer certificate is issued to a user with a personal certificate who is engaged in development software by order of Webmoney or together with the service development team.

Seller, Capitaller, payment machine and developer certificates are issued free of charge.

Registrar's certificate

The registrar's certificate is the apogee in the Webmoney step-by-step certificate system. To obtain it, it is not enough to have a personal certificate. It is necessary to act as an arbiter in the arbitration of the system or to issue personal certificates with all the attendant... In addition, to obtain a certificate, you will have to visit the Webmoney headquarters in Moscow, communicate with the employees of the certification center and enter into an agency agreement. Oh yes, I almost forgot, you still need to make a guarantee payment in the amount of 3,000 WMZ. But he has no restrictions :)

This is the end of personal certificates. The system also provides technical certificates that ensure the functioning of the system as a whole. This is a certificate of the WMT operator, WMT guarantor and WMT services. Only those who work for Webmoney Transfer can receive them. For personal use they are of no interest.

Well, that’s probably all I wanted to tell you about the Webmoney system of limits and certificates. Hope, this information It will be useful or at least educational for you :) And if you have any questions, write in the comments or in the appropriate section on the forum - we’ll try to figure them out together.

Initial and formal certificates WebMoney imposes certain operating restrictions for system users. A Webmoney personal passport gives you much more opportunities. It allows you not only to transfer, top up and cash out electronic money, but also to receive income through access to all WebMoney Transfer tools. When issuing this certificate, all documents are checked by an authorized representative in person, whereas to obtain an initial and formal one, it is enough to upload a scan of the passport to the website.

Advantages and features of use

For those who decide to receive a personal passport in the Webmoney system, the opportunity will open up to use a variety of financial instruments and additional options:

  1. here is higher than on other certificates.
  2. Fast in case of loss/hacking/blocking, based on the passport.
  3. Access to the credit exchange. Its participants have the opportunity to take and provide loans (in WMZ).
  4. Access to Capitaller financial service (collective management electronic wallets using a budget machine - a specialized version of WM Keeper).
  5. The ability to automate payment acceptance on the website using the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service. This indispensable tool for owners of online stores and online services.
  6. The ability to add your Internet projects for free to the catalog of resources that accept WebMoney - Megastock.
  7. Access to affiliate program Certification Center and earnings from checking documents/assigning certificates. Obtaining the status of Personalizer and Registrar.
  8. Free placement of news posts on payment system websites.
  9. Getting status Webmoney consultant. Opportunity to provide paid consultations to other participants on registration and work in the system.
  10. The ability to write and correct materials on the Wiki service (a knowledge repository about the WebMoney system).
  11. Creating trading platforms in the online store designer DigiSeller.
  12. Possibility of connecting to special service , guaranteeing the purity of transactions between WebMoney Transfer participants.

Design methods

A personal passport (or, as it is also called, a certificate) is a paid service, provided after filling out an application and checking the passport (copy or scan) by the Registrar.

There are two ways to upgrade your Webmoney passport to personal:

Attention! Persons under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with proof of identification to meet with the Registrar. Otherwise, the procedure does not differ from the standard one.

Issuance procedure

To create a personal certificate, you must do the following:

  1. Go to Certification Center website and select “Get certificate”.

  2. Next, click on “Personal”. You will be redirected to the section where you can submit an application and make a payment.

  3. Select from the list the Registrar closest to you who has the appropriate powers (document verification/certificate upgrade). Remember that you need to meet with him in person. Therefore, if such a possibility this moment If you do not have one, you should select a Registrar authorized to carry out the procedure for verifying documents by mail.

  4. Return to the original section and make payment.

  5. Fill out all points of the relevant Application.

  6. Make an appointment with the Registrar and give him personally the completed application and a copy/scan of your passport. If you have chosen a Registrar with the authority to check documents remotely, have your signature on the application notarized (a copy of your passport does not need to be certified) and take a business card from a notary. Then send by mail (not electronic, regular) an application, a copy of your passport and notary contacts. The address is the same for everyone: 119049, Russia, Moscow, PO Box 38, WebMoney.Ru LLC.

You can receive a personal passport in the WebMoney system within:

  • several hours after the meeting with the authorized person;
  • 5-12 days after sending documents by mail.

Information about your certificate being awarded will be sent to you by email.