Bonus 1 ruble for Yandex money. Ways to receive money on Yandex.Money

Part of the EPS loyalty program aimed at attracting new users. The reward is transferred to the participant and accumulated in the account for performing specific work. In the future, the accumulated bonuses can be used to receive discounts on products and services of partners.

What is the essence of Poison bonuses and where to collect them

Today, EPS users have access to free bonuses for Yandex wallet. Participants receive a bonus for performing transactions on the Internet: solving specific problems, making purchases, and more. When choosing an option, you need to remember about scammers and trust the information about bonuses indicated on the official Yandex.Money website or partner resources. If you believe the attackers, you can be left without funds and rewards from the system.

Products or services are not given away for free. To earn bonuses, you need to try. To avoid meeting with scammers, you need to be careful about the following offers:

  1. Downloading and installing suspicious software with an unclear purpose. Programs do not distribute bonuses in Yandex.Money. Their goal is to take possession of the user’s personal data, and subsequently his money. The attackers promise that the bonus will be credited within two to three days, but in reality they gain access to the user’s computer or laptop, pumping out data of interest or infecting the PC with malware.
  2. Installation and use of “magic” software. The developers claim that using their software you can increase the number of bonuses received in Yandex.Money. In practice, we are talking about a standard fraudulent scheme aimed at deceiving a person. Common programs for cheating in EPS: Yandex Huck, Vzlomoyad and others.
  3. Transferring money from one wallet to a dummy vault. The essence of the deception: the recipient promises to send the money back after receiving it, taking into account Yandex.Money bonuses. In practice, returns do not always occur.

Despite the existing risks, people often fall for the tricks of scammers and lose funds from their Yandex.Money wallet without receiving the expected bonuses. But this does not mean that official remuneration is not provided. Special gifts are provided on the websites of many exchange offices, in catalogs and social network communities.

The purpose of bonuses is to attract new users and increase turnover within the EPS.

Magic wallets and reward bonuses

The demand for bonuses for Yandex.Money is explained by people’s desire to receive a free bonus, which can later be used to save money. You need to know how to earn points. In practice, most users are interested in magic wallets. The idea is to receive points for transferring a certain amount to another user’s account. The recipient sends back a larger amount (including the premium).

Magic wallets don't always work. For example, while the user sends small amounts, the money is actually returned taking into account the bonus funds. But as soon as you transfer more money, the probability of a return tends to zero. Despite the fraudulent nature of the applications, the software continues to work. The task of users is to stop in a timely manner or not use the wallet at all to receive bonuses from the Yandex.Money payment service.

An additional way is to collect rewards on various Internet sites. Resources can be found using special directories through a search engine. You need to be careful when choosing an option.

Taking into account practice, many distributions are under the control of scammers who profit from gullible Yandex.Money users.

Special programs for accessing Yandex.Money resources and discounts

The next way to accumulate points is to download and use software to increase bonuses on your account. This refers to programs that increase premiums. The application promises money, but subject to mandatory data entry, which raises suspicion, because the software creators simply steal information about Yandex.Money participants. The creators and distributors of suspicious software are scammers.

There are also free options for accumulating points:

  • Platforms offering additional money for the Yandex.Money wallet. As an option - the BestChange service. To receive points, you need to go to the resource, find the bonus window at the bottom left, indicate and click the receive button (you must first confirm that the user is not a robot). Before using the method, you need to make sure that the service is reliable, because the size of the transfers is minimal.
  • Participation in promotions on the Yandex.Money website. You need to log into the service using your username and password, explore the available options, go to the “Miscellaneous” section, and then - “Today only”. Then you need to study the rules and available promotions.

The list of current programs is constantly changing. Information of interest can be obtained by following the link .

What are points in the Yandex.Money system

Administrators of the payment system offer Yandex.Money participants to take part in a special game and earn rewards. Users receive emails inviting them to play with EPS. The essence is receiving tasks and completing them for cash bonuses received if performed correctly.

The solution to the problem is available to everyone. After completion, a person receives a certain number of points. Bonuses are awarded for any work completed, be it ordering a card, passing identification, or solving another problem. EPS sees any actions of the client and encourages them. One earned point (bonus) is equivalent to a real ruble. The savings can be spent in the future (if the required amount of reward has been accumulated).

Accrual rules

The key point is the secrets of accumulating points to receive benefits in the future and apply bonuses when using Yandex.Money services. There are two ways to accumulate rewards:

  1. Just. The task of the wallet owner is to log into the mailbox from time to time and look at the items that come from the Yandex.Money EPS. Sometimes you can find pleasant offers in letters.
  2. Making payments. The second way to receive points is to make payments from your payment system account.

The use of EPS bonuses is relevant because the situation does not change for the user. The participant continues to use the system wallet, but now receives an additional reward for this.

Actions encourage the user to make more active translations and use the platform’s functionality.


The payment service gives out points to Yandex.Money participants for no reason. The task is to periodically look at incoming emails linked to the EPS.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Login to mail.
  2. Link search and transition.
  3. Automatic activation of bonus points and transition to the service.

For payment made

You need to look at the letter. There, Yandex.Money administrators inform the user about the provision of bonuses for completing payment transactions from certain pages of the service. To obtain accurate information, please follow the link provided in the email. After making the payment, the recipient presses a certain key, and the points are credited to the internal account of the EPS participant.

How to spend points

The key question is where you can spend the points accumulated as a result of these actions. Yandex.Money clients have a wide range of options at their disposal:

  1. Payment for city transport.
  2. Purchasing tours, air and train tickets: Russian Railways Online, Aeroflot, Sovavto, and others.
  3. Purchase of electronics: Wow!, Tsifrograd, Kay, M.Video, Eskor, RS-1, Intercom-NN and others.
  4. Large household appliances: Ozone, M.Video, Eurostandard, DNS.
  5. Women's clothing: Pache, BOUTIQUERY, Love Dresses and more.
  6. Clothes for everyone: Molly, Arsenal, Cornflower, Beloyar, Buff, Next.
  7. Pet products: ZooLife, UniZoo, etc.
  8. Cosmetic and medicinal products: Magic of the East, Elixir of Beauty, Lens Courier, Roxy, etc.
  9. Other: grocery delivery, pizza delivery, purchase of rolls, lunches, etc.

With the help of Yandex.Money EPS bonuses, you can buy goods from China, automobile products, products for apartment renovation, training courses, hosting and domains, and participate in charity. A complete list of available options is available here But that’s not all: with the help of points you can pay for your apartment, pay taxes and fines, pay for games and get other options.

Accumulating the required number of points is only half the way. It is important to use them correctly. The spending process has much in common with the principles characteristic of other sites:

  1. Opening the required payment from the list on the Internet resource.
  2. Selecting a wallet as an option for making a payment.
  3. Estimation of the number of points available in the account at the time of the transaction.
  1. Setting a checkmark in the bonus usage window.
  2. Indication of the amount of reward that must be spent.
  3. Clicking on the payment button.

If after purchase the user returns the product, the entire cycle follows the reverse algorithm. The user is returned money and bonuses from the Yandex.Money EPS.

To apply bonuses correctly, you need to know their number in your account. To obtain information you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to the Yandex.Money website using your personal login and password.
  2. Click on the link to view “Wallet Balance”.
  3. Studying data on how many bonuses have accumulated in the internal Yandex.Money account.

In the future, before transactions on the Internet with Poison, you can check your savings and see whether there are enough points to make a purchase or not.

In contact with

Another scammer, be careful!

Name: Automatic system for collecting Yandex.Money bonuses up to 17,000 rubles daily. Reviews

Websites :

Attention!!! The scammer can change the link to the site. So that you can recognize the scam by its appearance, I take a screenshot of the top part of the site. Be careful!

Verdict: Male scammer, despite the fact that he introduces himself as Maria Bershenova. Automatic system? Do you still believe in such crap? Pre-prepared page where “collection is in progress”:

In fact, on this page there is a regular GIF animation. Here she is:

A pre-prepared page for a divorce on the first payment:
Think with your head about who and what you are paying money for! THIS IS A SCAM!


If you are new here and do not know about the start of sales of the recommended course, then go to the following for detailed information.

Your activity helps protect others from deception and develop the project! Repost posts from this site, they hit the pockets of scammers very seriously!

Tell all your friends and acquaintances about the scammer:

Many of us are users of electronic wallets, and many prefer the wallet on the Yandex Money website. With its help, you can not only pay for purchases on the Internet, but also pay for various services. And, accordingly, the question arises among users about how to get Yandex Money for free, that is, without making any effort. Let's consider whether this is possible in principle and how to implement it.

Money for free

Who wouldn’t want to receive money just like that, even electronically? There is no person who would refuse such an opportunity. On the Internet, mainly on forums, you can come across messages with the approximate text “send a certain amount to wallet No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and receive three times more.”

Quite a tempting offer, and besides, the amount of risk is small, somewhere in the range of 200-1500 rubles.

It’s only worth noting that absolutely everyone wants to receive money on Yandex wallet for free, but there are quite a lot of people who want to do charity work. If you want to get money, you will need to try or work. By the way, there are quite a lot of offers on the Internet for making money, and most of them do not require any skill. And, yet, you should not seriously consider offers on how to get money to Yandex wallet for free, you are risking your funds and personal data.

Earn money on the Internet with withdrawal of money to Yandex wallet

So, if you want to earn extra income, then you have many opportunities. Today, any user can make money on the Internet, regardless of age and place of residence. Here is an example of ways to earn extra money with withdrawals to Yandex wallet:

  • participating in surveys, you register on specialized sites and answer a few simple questions, for which you receive a modest reward;
  • earning money by entering captcha, the task is extremely simple, you need to enter characters from pictures, the salary fully justifies the tasks;
  • making money on social networks;
  • working as a freelancer is the most profitable way, but requires certain skills;
    watching commercials.

Please note that the size of your salary largely depends on your diligence and the chosen method of earning money.

Earning service Yandex Toloka

Yandex.Toloka service

This is a new service that allows you to get a little extra income for simple tasks. The essence of the service is that you are required to complete simple tasks, for example, compare photos or text. You will receive guaranteed payment only if you complete the task correctly.

Please note that transfers are made in dollars, and the cost of one task often does not exceed $1.

So, how to get money to Yandex wallet for free? Most likely, you do not have such an opportunity, unless, of course, you issue loans at interest and are not engaged in other commercial activities. The smartest thing to do is find a way to earn extra money that suits you best.

Anyone can receive bonuses on Yandex wallet for free - these are kind of incentives for performing certain actions. However, owners of Yandex electronic wallets interpret this concept differently. Some people think of a bonus as a discount provided when purchasing goods or paying for services. Other users of the system regard the funds added to the account as a reward for completing tasks. It should be noted that both options are correct and provide the opportunity to receive a cash gift.

What are Poison bonuses and the likelihood of getting them for free

As already noted, a free bonus on Yandex.Money is a reward paid by the service for performing certain operations. Today, the World Wide Web provides users with more than a wide range of opportunities to receive bonuses to their accounts in electronic payment systems. However, it should be borne in mind that there are a considerable number of fraudulent schemes related specifically to offers to make money online.

First of all, you need to realize that no one ever gives away any goods, services, and especially money. It is strongly recommended that in 2018 you treat with the utmost caution the following offers to obtain nominal Yandex EPS symbols:

  1. Downloading software of dubious origin and purpose. As a rule, in such situations, entering personal data is required. As well as the desired amount of remuneration. Theoretically, it should appear on the account within a few days. In practice, scammers gain access to personal information in this way, as well as to the PC or laptop itself, which allows them to infect devices with viruses.
  2. Operation of “magic” programs. Allegedly allowing you to “wind up” money or make collections. These include “Yandex Huck”, “Vzlomoyad” and many others.
  3. Sending funds from your electronic account to another. In such situations, scammers promise, through so-called promotions, to return back an amount several times greater than what was sent.

Despite such warnings, it should be noted that receiving bonuses for the Poison wallet is quite possible. Such offers can be found on the websites of exchangers, some catalogs and even in specialized groups on social networks. The distribution of rewards can be described as a kind of promotions designed to attract resource visitors and potential clients.

Advice! The use of special services allows you to quickly track information about available bonuses. For example, the Bonus.WS website accumulates such data and helps you navigate through a large number of offers.

Magic wallets and reward points

The popularity of distributing bonuses on Yandex.Money is due to the completely logical and natural desire of the vast majority of users of both the network in general and payment systems in particular to receive some kind of reward for free. That is why you should consider the most popular ways to implement such plans for replenishing your account.

Statistics show that many users are interested in so-called magic wallets. The essence of the whole process is that the account owner is offered to transfer a certain amount to another account. At the same time, he is guaranteed the opportunity to get back several times more money.

In accordance with reviews from hunters for easy money, sometimes an increased amount can be returned to the wallet, but only as long as we are talking about small funds. As soon as the transfer amount increases, feedback from the “benefactor” within the framework of this “promotion” ends. Despite the obvious signs of fraudulent activity, this type of offer to receive “bonuses” continues to exist.

Another way to get free bonuses for your YaD wallet is to collect points on different sites. You can find such resources through the mentioned bonus catalogs. You can also use any search engine.

Important! The selection of specific proposals should be treated with the utmost care. As long-term practice shows, most “free” gift giveaways are the actions of scammers.

Special software, website visits and discounts from YaD

Next on the list of receiving cash rewards to your Yandex.Money account is supposedly paid software downloading, as well as the use of cheater programs. An important point here is the mandatory entry of personal data. In the vast majority of cases, such offers to receive funds for free to an electronic wallet come from scammers.

Now you need to move on to real and the safest options for receiving the coveted bonus. First of all, this is earnings from visiting sites, the owners of which thus increase traffic to their resources. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Advice! Before performing all of the above operations, it is recommended to make sure that the site is reliable. It should also be taken into account that the size of bonuses for visits is small.

In addition to all of the above, an EPS user can take part in promotions offered by the service and receive reward points. To do this you need:

To summarize, it should be recalled that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Therefore, receiving any real bonuses requires the fulfillment of certain actions and conditions. Otherwise, the risk of becoming a victim of fraudulent activities increases. You can protect yourself as much as possible by studying user reviews about a specific type of offer before agreeing to it.

The popularity of e-commerce is rapidly growing in the lives of both entrepreneurs and ordinary users. Life is getting faster and faster and no one has enough time for long financial transactions. Wallets make life easier. You can instantly pay for utilities, transfer money to your phone or transfer a certain amount to a bank card and withdraw money anywhere in the world. But, of course, in order to pay for something you need to have funds in your account. You can use the usual method and simply top up your wallet, or you can get, for example, Yandex.Money for free.

Increase the amount of funds

The most famous method that is proposed in order to get free poison is to send a specific amount so that the return is tripled. If you search in Google, Yandex, Mail search engines for how to make money using electronic payment systems, you will see mysterious information on various forums that there is a magical Yandex.Money wallet.

The essence of this method is simple. It is proposed to transfer about 200-1500 rubles to some mysterious wallet and within a couple of hours they promise to return three times as much. When information about this first appeared, it was a hoax. People transferred their money and received nothing in return.

Further, new information has appeared on the network: supposedly, these wallets are configured automatically and if you send 300-600 rubles, then the money will definitely be returned, because these accounts are programmed in such a way that they do not return if they receive 800-1000 rubles.

However, you need to know that most often they will try to deceive you and these miracle wallets do not work. You must definitely check everything thoroughly and not be very gullible, dreaming about how to get free money on Yandex money.

Such advertisements look like this:

Yandex.Money bonus

But this is not the only thing they offer in order to make money. Users also have the opportunity to receive bonuses. Of course, there are a lot of places where you can do this. A huge number of websites provide the opportunity to earn additional income. But again, not everyone can be trusted. Basically, this is a scam and sites are simply created to extract money from you or to place advertisements. Yandex.Money bonuses can be placed as follows:

This is what the site looks like.

  • You just need to enter your Yandex account number and confirm the operation. But there is absolutely no guarantee that you will get what you expect.
  • Be careful. The main thing is that you do not lose anything and do not infect your computer with viruses.
  • Also, there may be some kind of tournament as a bonus. You can win cash in the competition.
  • You may come across announcements that bonuses are being distributed. Here's what such an ad might look like:

How to earn Yandex.Money: Video

Programs for Yandex.Money

On the Internet you have the opportunity to find programs and applications in order to increase Yandex.Money. This is another option on how to get money on Yandex.Money for free. You need to download the application. But be careful, because the program requires you to enter your data. Sometimes it happens that your data is sent to third parties. This application is called Yandex.Money Hack. Sometimes it even happens that you download an application, but it turns out that it is a virus. So be sure to check what you download.


Before looking for information on how to double Yandex.Money, keep in mind that there are very few philanthropists in the world and everyone wants to get money for free. So don’t immediately believe that they want to help you. Check each method you choose to top up your account for free.

Yandex.Money for free: Video

What is Yandex.Money: Video