Cleaning a laptop at home. How to clean your laptop from dust: important recommendations and videos

Dust consists of small particles that enter through the cooling grille of a laptop. After six months or a year, a laptop that is perfectly clean inside becomes dirty. The fans cannot blow out all the dust that tightly clogs the radiator of the cooling system, and then motherboard and components. Gradually, dust increases in size and interferes with the operation of the device; overheating especially affects the battery life of a laptop.

If you do not clean it in a timely manner, the laptop will simply overheat and stop working. Unpleasant fan noise and noticeable heating of the case are clear signs of a clogged cooling system, followed by a decrease in performance. Many people shell out a pretty penny for the service to keep their laptop tidy. However, in most cases, you can save your budget and do this simple task yourself.

What to do if your laptop overheats

If your laptop has overheated, then before starting cleaning work, we recommend that you conduct a test and measure the temperature of the processor and video card. A repeat test after cleaning will help determine how effective this procedure was. To warm up the processor, you can use the built-in stress test in CPU-Z utility, and take the temperature using HWiNFO until the values ​​stabilize. For a video card, one FurMark test for 10 minutes is enough.

How to clean your laptop from dust without disassembling it

This method of cleaning a laptop from dust is not always effective, but does not require special skills or tools, and is often enough to remove the bulk of the dust in the ventilation shaft of the cooling system and the keyboard.

First, make sure the laptop is turned off and not in sleep mode. If possible, disconnect battery, after which you can begin cleaning.

The bulk of the dust can be blown out through the ventilation holes. Use available tools: a vacuum cleaner, a powerful hair dryer, a small brush. It is more effective not to suck up dust, but to blow it out. If your vacuum cleaner cannot do this, then you can buy a special can of compressed air(sold in computer stores and on radio markets).

A car compressor or electric pump is also suitable for this purpose. The main thing is not to overdo it; a powerful jet of air can damage laptop parts.

You can clean the keyboard with a vacuum cleaner using a soft-bristle attachment. You can wipe the screen and then the body with a soft terry microfiber lightly moistened with water.

How to clean a laptop from dust with disassembly

If cleaning the laptop without disassembling it did not give the desired result, the laptop still gets hot or makes noise, then there is no way to do without disassembling it. First of all, search the Internet or YouTube for instructions on how to clean your laptop model. If the process seems complicated to you (you need to disassemble almost the entire laptop), then don’t take risks - contact a reliable service center or a trusted computer store that provides such a service.

If you see that everything is simple for your model, just remove back cover and cooling system, then you can safely proceed to self-disassembly and cleaning, but in any case, take your time and remember to be careful.

What you need to disassemble and clean your laptop

The tools you will most likely need are:

  • small Phillips screwdriver
  • unnecessary plastic card
  • tweezers (not always necessary)
  • soft paint brush

If the design of your laptop's cooling system does not allow you to clean the fan and radiator separately, but requires complete removal of the cooling system from the processor and video card, then you will additionally need the following:

  • thermal paste (we recommend Artic Cooling MX-4)
  • cotton wool and cotton swabs (or matches)
  • alcohol or solvent (such as acetone)

Prepare all this in advance, since when removing the entire cooling system, you must remove the old one and apply new thermal paste.

The main stages of disassembling and cleaning a laptop

The main steps in disassembling and cleaning any laptop include the following:

  • turning off the laptop and disconnecting the battery
  • Removing the back cover of a laptop
  • disconnecting and cleaning the cooling system
  • cleaning the inside of a laptop
  • removing old thermal paste from the cooling system and chips
  • applying new thermal paste
  • reinstalling the cooling system
  • closing laptop lid
  • battery installation
  • Cleaning the keyboard with a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment
  • wiping the screen and body with a slightly damp microfiber

All this is quite simple to do and will only take about an hour of time, of course, if your model does not require removing the keyboard and completely disassembling the case for cleaning. In this case, it is better to contact qualified specialists, as there is a high risk of breaking something.

Beware of static electricity; do not use woolen clothing when disassembling and cleaning your laptop; static can also accumulate when walking on the carpet. Touch the battery before starting work to remove the charge. If you notice static discharge when using a vacuum cleaner, then using it to clean your laptop is dangerous.

As with in-person cleaning, the first step is to disconnect the battery. Then you can remove the back cover of the laptop (sometimes the screws are under the rubber feet/plugs or under the battery). If the battery is non-removable, then it will have to be disconnected after removing the cover.

It is advisable to put all the screws in separate boxes or jars, with a mark where they come from, so as not to confuse them during assembly. In order to remember how the parts you will be removing were attached, it is a good idea to take a photo of the insides under the cover. If necessary, take additional photographs of how certain parts are secured.

Carefully disconnect the cables and smoothly unfasten the latches (if you have to do this during disassembly, which is not always required). Do not disconnect anything that can be cleaned without removal. If the fan and radiator can be cleaned without removing the entire cooling system, then do not remove the entire cooling system. It is recommended to do this only on initially hot laptops to replace the thermal paste with a more efficient one.

Unscrew the cooling system mounting screws according to the numbers indicated next to them, starting with 1,2,3, etc. First, loosen all the screws evenly, then unscrew them completely. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order - first all screws are tightened evenly, starting with 6,5,4, etc. Then the screws are evenly pressed to the end in the same reverse order. This is necessary to avoid distortion of the cooling system during installation, otherwise heat from the processor and video card will be poorly dissipated.

To prevent old thermal paste from smearing, remove it first with dry cotton wool, and then lightly moistened with solvent. Apply new thermal paste in as thin a layer as possible, since a thick layer impairs heat dissipation.

When cleaning an already removed cooling system, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but be careful so that the fan does not spin and break the blades. To clean the interior, it is better to use a soft paint brush. It is not advisable to blow on anything with your mouth, as dust can get into your eyes, and saliva can get into sensitive areas. electronic components or screen (stains will remain).

If after cleaning and assembling the laptop the fan makes noise, you will have to remove it again, disassemble it, thoroughly clean it with alcohol and lubricate it with lubricant (preferably thick silicone, but lithol or machine oil will also work), you only need a little bit of it.

You can also time the disassembly and cleaning of the laptop to increase the memory capacity or replace the disk, if you were planning on it anyway, so as not to disassemble it again later. But, if the laptop was malfunctioning, it is better not to rush into an upgrade; you may have to change it altogether.

Frequency of laptop cleaning

If you use your laptop in a very dusty environment, then it should be cleaned as often as possible - at least once every 3 months. In other cases, the optimal cleaning frequency is 6-12 months. In the future, you can easily determine how often you need to clean your laptop. But don’t wait until it starts to get warm or make noise; carry out preventive maintenance according to a set schedule, for example, set an annual reminder in your smartphone calendar.

Now you know how to clean your laptop from dust yourself. Many companies inflate the cost of this service and you cannot control how conscientiously they perform their work. Therefore, if possible, it is better to do it yourself, saving your budget and time for trips to the service. In the next video you can watch simplest example Clean your laptop from dust and see for yourself how easy it can be.

If your laptop begins to “roar” like a jet plane during operation, and its body resembles a heating device when touched, then it’s time to do preventative cleaning. Also, the fact that cleaning the laptop is necessary may be indicated by its spontaneous shutdown during operation. You shouldn’t neglect taking care of your laptop, because dust getting into the radiators prevents the processor from cooling and, if it overheats, it can simply burn out. To avoid damage, you should clean your laptop approximately once every six months.

How to clean a new laptop under warranty

Most services that service warranty equipment will terminate the contract and refuse service if you tried to get inside the device yourself. Therefore, you should not unscrew or remove the cover of a new laptop if the warranty period has not yet expired. There is an easier way to clean your laptop from dust. Usually, new laptop has not yet had time to become very dusty from the inside and “blow away” the dust and small trash(hairs, crumbs, etc.) can be done by acting on it from the outside. To do this, you need a vacuum cleaner with an air blowing function. Remember where the air comes from when your laptop is running, find this hole (most modern laptops have it on the left), switch the vacuum cleaner's mode to blow and lean its tube against the computer's vent. A few minutes will be enough for dust and small debris to be “blown out” of the laptop. A powerful hair dryer is also suitable for such preventative cleaning.

How to clean an old laptop

If the laptop is old and its warranty period has long expired, then you can give it a global cleaning from the inside. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a small Phillips screwdriver, a clean brush, a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer and a damp cloth.

First, you should turn off the power and remove the laptop cover, unscrewing all the bolts with a screwdriver, otherwise the laptop will be dust free? It’s better to prepare a small box in advance and put them in it so as not to lose it or accidentally brush it off the table. First of all, pay attention to the motherboard. If there is a layer of dust on it, carefully blow it off with a hairdryer, but under no circumstances wipe it with a napkin, cotton swabs, or even touch it with a brush. Any microscopic lint from napkins, remaining on the mat, can damage the tracks or even cause short circuit.

The radiator and fans especially attract a lot of dust and dirt. The latter must be carefully removed and wiped with a damp cloth. The radiator (the most contaminated place in) will have to be cleaned with a hair dryer, brush, damp cloth, and difficult cases You may need a toothpick to help pick out any clumped dust that has stuck to it.

To complete this step, apply a couple of drops of machine oil to the fan shaft and install it in place. “Blow” the surface and ventilation holes with a hairdryer.

Carefully install the laptop cover and tighten the bolts one by one using a screwdriver. Turn on the laptop and listen, if it becomes quieter, it means you followed all the instructions correctly and now you know exactly how to clean your laptop from dust at home.

Do you know where the dirtiest place in your apartment is? No, this is not a rug near the front door. It is much closer: in front of you on the table. This is your laptop.

Computers with active system cooling systems, including mobile ones, do not collect dust inside worse than a vacuum cleaner. Its deposits clog ventilation grilles, preventing heated air from escaping, and cover internal devices with a layer of “felt,” which contributes to their overheating and creates the risk of damage to electronics. static electricity. In a word, they are bringing the untimely death of your iron assistant closer. Not ready for such an outcome? Then read how to clean your laptop from dust yourself.

How often should you clean your laptop?

Average cleaning frequency mobile computers from dust is 3-6-12 months - it all depends on the environment and operating conditions. If you smoke in your home, if you keep pets that shed hair, if you have a lot of carpet or permanent place laptop - a soft sofa, the need for cleaning may occur more often than once every 3 months.

If the device is constantly standing on a cooling pad, if it is working indoors air conditioning equipment(air purifiers) and wet cleaning is often carried out, then signs of overheating from dust accumulation may appear only a year and a half after purchasing or last cleaning the laptop.

How to tell if your mobile computer needs cleaning

The main indicator of dustiness in the “insides” of the device is overheating. It is indicated by:

  • . First they happen under intense load (during games), then under medium load and, finally, almost immediately after turning on. The worse the heat dissipation, the more pronounced the symptom.
  • Noticeable heating of the case around the keyboard combined with weak air flow from the ventilation holes (the radiator is clogged with dust).
  • Fan rotation high speed, which is often accompanied by noticeable noise.
  • Reduced performance (in order to protect against thermal damage, some computer components - processor, chipset, video chip - slow down). Indicates the need for cleaning when combined with other symptoms of overheating.

  • and other devices in monitoring programs under normal load. Critical temperatures the bulk of modern mobile processors, at which there is a decrease in performance (thermal throttling) and further shutdown of the device, are 85-100 °C. For video processors and chipsets it’s about the same, for hard drives– 50-55 °C.

Preventive laptop cleaning without disassembly

Preventive cleaning without disassembly, or rather, purging the cooling system, does not require any special training or knowledge of the device’s design. The method is very simple, effective and can be applied to a laptop of any make and model. If you make it a rule to carry out such preventive maintenance regularly - at least 1-2 times a month, the need for major cleaning will decrease significantly.

For blowing, you will need a compressed air cylinder (sold in computer stores) and 2-3 wet wipes.

Execution order:

  • Cover the ventilation grille (through which heated air is blown out of the laptop) with a napkin, leaving a small section of it free on one side - on the right or left.
  • Bring the nozzle of the cylinder to the edge of the grille and blow from it inward for 1 second (if you blow longer, you can damage the fan bearing). Hold the napkin with your other hand at this time; dust will settle on it. There is no need to be afraid of spreading dirt all over the “stuffing” of the laptop; the cooling system fan is fenced off by walls, so dust will only be blown out.
  • Repeat the blowing process until the wipes are no longer dirty.

Blowing works only when the ventilation hole is freely passable. If it is completely clogged with compressed dust (which can be determined visually and by the strength of the air flow from it), there will be no benefit from blowing. On the contrary, a dense dust lump, torn from its “home”, can wrap around the fan and stop it. In such situations, only cleaning and disassembly helps, which will be discussed later.

Cleaning with disassembly

Cleaning with disassembly involves opening the laptop case, dismantling the cooling system, manual removal contamination and changing the thermal interface on the processor and other devices (if any).

For cleaning you will need:

  • A small Phillips screwdriver (less often of another shape), preferably with a magnetic head.
  • A spudger (a special spatula for releasing latches) or a device that replaces it.

  • Tweezers for working with small details, for example, for carefully removing cables and cables from connectors (may not be necessary, but it’s better to be prepared).
  • Brush for sweeping away dust.
  • Compressed air cylinder.
  • A napkin for removing old thermal paste.
  • Fresh thermal paste. , F1comp told earlier.
  • A spatula or plastic card for applying thermal paste.
  • Thermal pads (may not be useful).
  • (of necessity).

Access to the cooling system on different models laptops are implemented in their own way. On some devices, to do this, it is enough to unscrew 4-5 screws and remove one cover, others need to be disassembled halfway, and others almost completely.

Disassembling a laptop is rarely intuitive, especially for a person who is taking it on for the first time. But, fortunately, instructions for opening many mobile computers can be found online, in particular on Youtube. As a rule, they are recorded and filmed by the owners of the devices themselves. Such materials are not always good quality, but it's better than nothing.

To find instructions for disassembling your laptop, enter search engine request “model_name service manual” or “model_name disassembly”. For example: " acer aspire e15disassembly" English-language queries, as a rule, produce more useful results than Russian-language ones, but you shouldn’t refuse the latter either.


Let's consider, as an example, the process of disassembling and cleaning laptops of the series Lenovo G470/G475/G570/G575 Based on materials from the official service manual (available in the public domain).

  • Turn off your computer. Disconnect the power supply and battery. Remove the outer screws shown in the diagram. Remove the cover highlighted in grey.

Many models of modern laptops are equipped with batteries that are located inside the case. Moreover, on some of them the battery cannot be turned off until you disconnect some of the devices. If your device is one of these, be sure to make sure that it switched off, and is not in sleep mode.

  • Unscrew the screws securing the fan (1), followed by the screws of the metal part of the cooling system (2). The order of unscrewing the screws holding the heat sinks of the microcircuits is usually indicated by numbers. Please note that you must first unscrew the screw under last number, then - under the penultimate one, etc., for example, 4-3-2-1. If there are no numbers, unscrewing is done diagonally or in a zigzag so that the pressure on the heat sink is loosened evenly, otherwise the chip crystals can be damaged. Lastly, disconnect the fan connector (3).

If your laptop has a lot of screws various sizes and forms, so as not to confuse them during assembly, draw on a piece of paper a diagram of the bottom cover and cooling system of the device. When unscrewing the next screw, stick it into the place in the diagram where it was located in reality.

  • Lift the cooling system vertically upward. If it does not give way, which often happens when thermal paste hardens, gently move it from side to side in a horizontal position.

  • Using a brush, an air can and wipes, remove dust from internal parts laptop. Clean the fan and radiator. If the fan is dismountable, you can remove the impeller and rinse it under the tap. Before reinstalling the impeller, apply some machine oil to the shaft.
  • Remove any remaining thermal paste from the heat sinks of the cooling system and microcircuits. If it is dry, rinse the radiator under the tap. Remaining paste can be removed from the surface of the microcircuits with a damp (not wet!) cloth, but under no circumstances try to scrape it off with a hard object.

  • Apply a thin layer of fresh thermal paste to the processor, spread it over the surface using a spatula or plastic card. Don't forget about other nodes if they were also covered with it. Check the condition of thermal pads - pieces of rubber-like material that are often used in laptops instead of thermal paste. If they remain soft and elastic, you can leave them, if they have hardened, replace them.
  • Reinstall the cooling system. If you washed it in water, make sure it is completely dry. Secure it with screws. The screws should be screwed in by number, but this time in direct order - from first to last. Connect the fan.

Be sure to return all films, stickers and other similar elements that you removed before cleaning. These things tend to serve as insulation. Without them, the laptop may short circuit when turned on.

  • Reassemble the device in reverse order. Before closing the lid, make sure that there are no “extra” components left outside and that all parts are in place.

That's probably all. First time self-cleaning De-dusting your laptop may seem like a difficult and painstaking procedure, but over time you will be able to complete it in 15-30 minutes.

I believe that everything will work out for you!

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How to clean your laptop from dust yourself updated: May 2, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

Even if the house is sterile, over time the question still arises of how and with what to clean the laptop. The PC attracts a lot of dust, which can become clogged in places inaccessible to view. This leads to overheating, unstable work or device failure.

Before you clean your laptop, you need to unplug it and let it cool down.

How to clean a laptop case?

Put in order laptop you can use the tools at hand that everyone has:

· dust cloth;

· vacuum cleaner;

· high-quality brush with stiff bristles.

Before you start cleaning, you need to turn off the PC and cool it (wait for it to cool down, and not put it in the refrigerator). The power cord must be pulled out, the USB connectors freed, and only then proceed with the procedure. How to clean a laptop?

1. Vacuum the device, sweeping dirt out of the crevices with a brush. Its bristles should be dense: if the hairs fall off and remain in the connectors, breakage cannot be avoided.

2. After cleaning, wipe the housing with a damp cloth.

3. Once again, run a napkin over the surface of the PC, but this time it’s dry.

If there are at least basic knowledge O internal structure laptop, you can clean the cooler and radiator. To do this, you need to remove the back cover and begin the procedure. In order not to confuse the order of the parts, it is recommended to photograph each step taken - this will make it easier to return everything to its place.

How to clean a laptop screen?

To keep your monitor clean, you need to wipe it at least once a week. To clean dust, just use a dry, lint-free cloth. If there is dirt on the screen, you can use the following remedies:

· wet wipes impregnated with a special composition;

· gels and aerosols for monitors;

· foam from baby soap (in very small quantities).

How to clean the camera on a laptop?

The way you care for your webcam is also determined by the degree of contamination. If there are no stains, you can get by with a dry rag, brush or cotton swab. The following tools are suitable for “wet” cleaning:

· pencil for cleaning optics;

· special napkins for equipment;

· wet soft cloth.

To remove heavy stains, you should use an alcohol solution. However, this can only be done in extreme cases, when other, more innocent methods have proven powerless.

Good day, dear friends! Do you know how important it is for your computer to have a high-quality ventilation system?

This will provide not only good cooling all elements, but also on the performance of the computer. But only such air exchange contributes to the rapid accumulation of dust.

Therefore, if you often use modern technology, then you just need to know how to clean your laptop from dust yourself.
Let's find out how to properly clean smart equipment and whether it needs to be disassembled.

So, the fact that it’s time to clean the laptop is indicated by freezing and even system braking.

Dust often collects in the cooling elements. In this case, the cooler begins to perform its functions poorly.
In this case, the video card and processor may begin to get very hot, which will cause the computer to break down.

Different manufacturers use specific cooling systems. For example, if you take apart Samsung, Acer, Asus or Lenovo equipment, they will look different.

Some models may require cleaning after only a year of use.

It is best to clean your laptop every six months to a year. It is believed that cheaper models require cleaning frequently, while expensive ones require cleaning less often.

For example, once every 2-4 years.

The following signs will help determine whether you can start cleaning:

  • the surface of the laptop gets very hot;
  • there is noise coming from a dusty fan;
  • the operation of the device deteriorates. Unexpected shutdowns, slowdowns and glitches appear.

To clean the equipment, you need to stock up on supplies such as special wipes for the monitor, dry rags, a shaped screwdriver, a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner, silicone grease or machine oil.

Rules for cleaning a laptop

Conduct proper cleaning The following rules will help you:

  1. You need to carry out the cleansing while it is turned off and cooled down.
  2. To get rid of dust you need to use cling film or a plastic bag. They help attract dust to their surface.
  3. You need to purchase a special cloth to wipe the monitor.
  4. Alcohol-free wet wipes, flannel cloth or cosmetic pads work well.
  5. If the contamination is severe, then a 3-6% vinegar solution or soap solution will do. You need to dip a rag into this mixture, then wring it out well and wipe the screen.
  6. Do not use foam sponges, paper napkins, terry towels or toilet paper for cleaning.
  7. It is prohibited to use washing powders, window cleaners and substances containing alcohol to wipe the monitor.
  8. To remove heavy stains, it is not recommended to use nails, a knife or other hard objects. It is better to use a plastic spatula or wooden stick.
  9. The corners of the screen can be cleaned using cotton swabs.

How to clean equipment without disassembling?

You can carry out cleaning work without first disassembling the equipment. In this case, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

With its help, you need to process the holes for supplying air to the fan, as well as the holes for the outlet of heated air.

Cleaning the ventilation outlets must be done with the computer turned off. The largest accumulations of dirt form on fans. The following methods are used to clean them:

  1. Blowing with a hairdryer.
  2. Cleaning with a can of compressed air.
  3. Blowing with a vacuum cleaner.

To clean, you will need a fairly powerful vacuum cleaner with a blowing mode.
The cleaning process is carried out as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network. If possible, remove the battery.
  2. Turn on the blowing mode on the vacuum cleaner. You only need to use the main pipe, without additional nozzles.
  3. The hose should be brought to the fan grille, and then turn on the device.
  4. The pipe must be drawn from side to side. It is important to ventilate the grille and fan.

Some of the dust will come out through the holes in the housing. You can also use a can of compressed air or a hair dryer.

This procedure should be performed regularly.
In some cases, a major cleaning may be required.

Cleaning with disassembly

If preventative cleaning has not been performed for several years, complete disassembly of the equipment may be required.

But remember that you can only unwind the equipment if the warranty period has expired.

If the warranty is valid, then you can contact the Lenovo, Sony, Toshiba or any other service center.

Before work, you need to prepare a screwdriver, antistatic gloves and a can of compressed gas.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the device and also disconnect all additional connections.
  2. Unscrew the bolts from the back wall.
  3. Remove or slide the cover.
  4. Determine the location of the radiator and cooler. The cooler is similar to a fan and is housed in a box, while the radiator is housed in a grid box.
  5. Use a can to blow out these two devices. Then process the chips.
  6. It is important to clean the fins in the radiator. It is in them that a significant amount of dirt accumulates. For cleaning, use a thin brush or needle. Cotton swabs are useful for cleaning the fan.

The motherboard cannot be cleaned. Dust from this mechanism can only be blown off or removed with a vacuum cleaner, but it is prohibited to touch the surface.

If even microscopic particles of tissue get inside, this will lead to a short circuit. When working, you should maintain the recommended distance so as not to snag or damage the necessary elements.
There are models in which the fan can be removed. In this case, a more thorough cleaning can be done.

If there are no problems with the cooler, then you can blow it out with a can of compressed air. The cooler must be unscrewed very carefully to preserve all the spare parts.

Finally, you need to check all places for debris, and then begin assembling all the parts. After completing assembly, you need to check the operation of the device.

For example, how video works. In this case, the sound should be quiet. And during prolonged operation there should be no overheating.
The procedures for removing contaminants are practically the same for different models.

The difference may be in the parsing process:

  • V portable devices Aser, HP or Aspire you need to remove the battery and also unscrew the bolts from the cooling system cover;
  • laptops Samsung, Asus, Packard bell require removal of the entire rear panel;
  • A Asus model The Ee PC will have to be carefully disassembled to get to the cooling system.

How to clean your keyboard

A necessary step is cleaning the keyboard. Accumulates under the keys a large number of debris that may affect operation. There are two cleaning options.

Surface does not require disassembling the device. In this case, you need to turn off the device, and then go over all the keys with a brush and vacuum the surface.

A cotton swab dipped in alcohol can be used to remove dirt from the buttons.
There is also a deeper cleaning method. In such a situation, you need to sort out back panel, and then disconnect the cable from .

In this case you will have to perform the following actions:

  1. Turn off the power and remove the battery.
  2. Remove the back cover and all bolts.
  3. Disconnect the cable and remove the keyboard.
  4. Then take a photo of the location of all the keys.
  5. Remove each element using a flat object.
  6. Treat the surface first with a dry cloth, and then with a cotton swab and alcohol.
  7. Wipe down each key and arrange them in their proper places.
  8. Reconnect the keyboard.

How to care for your laptop

The frequency of cleaning directly depends on the operating conditions of the structure. If the laptop is frequently moved, then cleaning will be required much more often.

For prevention purposes this procedure can be done once a year.
To make the internal mechanisms of your laptop less likely to become clogged, follow these simple rules:

  1. For protection, use special USB coolers.
  2. To work in a chair or on a bed, use special tables. It prevents dust from entering from upholstery.
  3. You should not eat or drink.
  4. Do not forget to turn off the device or put it into sleep mode in time.

High-quality and timely cleaning will keep your equipment in good working order. long time. In this case, the cooling process will be sufficient, and overheating will not damage delicate circuits.
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