What to do if photos are not displayed. How to enable or disable Turbo mode in different browsers

The other day, the laptop stopped displaying thumbnails of pictures in folders. That is, I open “My Documents” -> “Images”, and there...

However, this happens not only in one directory, but throughout the entire disk! Since the situation is not hopeless and is resolved in just less than a minute, what I thought about most was its origin. Accordingly, the first thing I did was not only return normal look files (I will describe how I did it later), but also checked the computer for errors and viruses. I didn’t do a system rollback because I decided that if this problem was caused by accident - normal human factor, then there is nothing terrible. And if viruses and serious failures are detected, then I will resort to recovery.

Fortunately, everything worked out fine - the antivirus did not detect any malware, and the test showed that the system was fine.

Why is the thumbnail of the image not displayed?

It's all about the settings of the folder itself. Open any and in the right top corner Go to the “Organize” tab -> “Folder and Search Options”.

In the “View” window that opens, uncheck the “Always display icons, not thumbnails” checkbox.

AND the final stage Click the “Apply” and “OK” button.

How else can you enable the display of pictures?

To do this, go to the Start menu, right click Click on “Computer” and select “Properties”.

Then go to the “Advanced” -> “Options” tab.

Go to “Visual Effects” and check the box marked in the screenshot.

Save the changes.

Pictures are displayed, but only the icon of the program that is used to view images, but it is much more convenient to see thumbnails of photographs. Thumbnails are miniature images, that is, you can immediately select the photo you need from the list, without even opening the picture in a special program.

This problem may occur due to changes in the registry and incorrect folder display settings. Another reason could be that you installed third party program, for viewing images, which in turn may not support thumbnail views. This situation does not occur often, since the built-in utility has sufficient functionality, and therefore there is no point in developing a new bicycle. So what to do if pictures are not displayed in folders?

First, you should consider a simpler solution to the problem; usually it is enough if you have not used dubious applications or all kinds of cracks.

Display images in thumbnails using File Explorer

  1. Go to any folder using Explorer;
  2. Next, if you have Windows 7, click on the button top menu, which is called "Arrange". If you have Windows XP, you need to click “Tools” in any folder, and select “Folder Options” in the drop-down menu;
  3. In the drop-down list, find the item “Folder and search options”;
  4. Go to the “View” tab;
  5. Uncheck “Always show icons, never thumbnails.”

Similar procedures need to be carried out in other Windows versions not described in this method.

If you do not have a checkmark in this item, check it, apply the changes, and then uncheck it again.

This option can also help, but if you still can’t restore correct display pictures, you will have to use the second method, which requires using the Registry Editor.

Restoring the thumbnail view of images using the registry

In general, most failures in the display system are directly related to changes in the registry. It stores almost all the variables used by Windows to personalize the system; if something is displayed for you when it shouldn’t, or vice versa, it’s the fault of the registry settings. Unfortunately, in automatic mode, thanks to programs, this problem is not solved, due to the fact that these settings are personal options that each user is free to set at will.

  • Launch the registry editor, to do this, open the “Run” line by pressing Win + R and enter keyword regedit or enter this key into the search;
  • Next, go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer branch;
  • Find and remove the DisableThumbnails setting;

  • Restart your computer.

This is usually enough to recover the desired type images, but there are times when the settings are reset again.

Reasons why the settings are reset again: the first is that the system is infected with viruses, usually manifests itself as a symptom of the disease, because changing the display of thumbnails is not the purpose of viruses.

To solve this problem, use antivirus programs and manipulate the registry again. Another reason is also programs, but not malicious ones. To solve you should disable not required applications. If the problem persists, install the program that caused it and configure it correctly.

How to disable unnecessary applications at startup?

1 way

  1. Open the Run line and enter msconfig;
  2. Uncheck applications that you do not want to see when you boot your computer. This action will also have a positive effect on system performance and Windows boot speed.

Method 2

Another option is to use special programs, for example: to do this, go to the “Tools” tab and select “Startup”.

Restoring images in thumbnails using the “performance” tab

The problem may be caused by the fact that you have turned on the maximum performance mode, usually used by computers with weak characteristics, which also does not have the function of displaying photos in thumbnails. It, in addition to other settings that remove beautiful view in favor maximum speed, also removes the display of thumbnails, which can significantly reduce the loading time of a folder that contains many images.

3. You need the “System and Security” group;

4. You will need to click on the “System” link or you can right-click on “My Computer” and click on the “Properties” option;

5. Click on the link in the right menu “Advanced system parameters”;

6. In the “Advanced” tab you will see the “Performance” section;

7. Go to “Settings...” located in this block;

8. You can select the appropriate option from the list or simply select “Provide the best view.”

Due to the fact that the changes will affect not only desired element, but also various other visual effects, you should use the provided method as a last resort when other options have failed. If this method does not suit you, you can always follow the same path and set the option “Provide maximum performance" The difference between these two options can be very noticeable, especially on older computers.

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Scientists have long found out that information is perceived much better if text or speech is supported by images and illustrations. This helps the brain form an associative picture of the event. Therefore, the absence of images on web pages or their incorrect display may cause confusion in the perception of information. Moreover, the problem often lies directly in the browser.

Why are pictures not displayed in the browser?

By external we mean everything that is not specifically related to the user’s computer:

  • Internet connection problems;
  • hosting blocked by providers or government agencies;
  • site server overload;
  • developer errors inside file system resource and more.

In all these cases, the user is powerless to correct the situation. However, it is worth noting that external problems do not affect all sites at once: bugs with displaying images can only be observed on individual resources. If the images have completely disappeared on all web pages, you need to look for the reason inside the browser or computer.

There can also be quite a few internal reasons:

  • browser settings, built-in extensions and ad blockers;
  • cache and cookies files;
  • different modes of accelerating and unblocking access to sites;
  • viruses and antiviruses;
  • exceptions in the display of page elements;
  • browser's own files (if the data is damaged, programs can produce very different results).

As far as I can tell from my experience, the main internal reasons that the browser does not display images correctly are the settings for displaying page elements or a full cache. In the second case, very often the browser itself “slows down”, and the entire operating system begins to malfunction.

How to solve the problem with images not displaying on web pages

The solution to the problem with displaying pictures depends on the reason that is causing the problem. In the most advanced cases, when no action helps, you may need complete removal browser and reinstalling it.

Full cache and cookies

Full cache and cookie stores can have a detrimental effect on your overall browser experience. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically delete the contents of temporary files.

How to clear cache and cookies

For browsers on Chromium engine(Opera, Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Orbitum, etc.) the history is cleared in the same way:

In the browser Mozilla Firefox Deleting the cache works a little differently:

  1. Opening new tab, in the upper right corner, click the gear icon.

    Go to settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner

  2. In the settings menu, go to the “Privacy and Protection” item, in the “History” column, click the “Delete History” button.

    On the “Privacy and Security” tab, click the “Delete history” button

  3. Set the deletion time range to “All”, expand the “Details” list and select the data that needs to be cleared. Then click the “Delete Now” button.

    Mark the data that needs to be cleared and click the “Delete Now” button

In the browser Microsoft Edge Clearing history follows the principle of Chromium browsers:

In the browser Internet Explorer temporary files deleted through browser settings:

  1. In the upper right corner, click the gear icon and select “Internet Options” from the drop-down menu.

    Select “Internet Options” in the settings menu

  2. Next, in the “General” tab, in the “Browser history” column, click “Delete”.

    Go to the “General” tab and select delete browser history

  3. As in the examples above, check the categories with cache and cookies, then click “Delete”.

    Check the boxes for cache and cookies and click “Delete”

Clearing the DNS cache

Problems with DNS often arise after changing the provider or type of Internet connection. Although sometimes they can happen “out of the blue”, without any reason. Since cleaning literally takes place in one command, it is recommended to carry out this operation immediately if strange things occur in the operation of browsers.

Video: How to Clear DNS Cache

How to enable or disable Turbo mode in different browsers

The so-called “Turbo Mode” in browsers is nothing more than the provision of a VPN service from browser manufacturers. On this moment Only two browsers have such built-in functions - Opera and Yandex.Browser. At the same time, the acceleration of page loading is very conditional, however VPN service can either unblock the user’s access to pictures or block it if the site creator considers that using the ability to bypass blocking harms his resource. Therefore, using Turbo mode is a double-edged sword.

IN Opera browser This mode is activated as follows:

In Yandex.Browser this is done even easier: in top panel, next to the “Collapse” button, click on the icon with three horizontal lines and in the drop-down menu select “Enable turbo”.

Click on the icon with three horizontal lines and select “Enable turbo” in the drop-down menu

VPN services can be installed for other browsers as extensions. However, you will need to choose between free and quality products.

Video: how to enable Turbo mode in Yandex Browser

Managing page element display exceptions

In addition to the above, browsers have a setting that allows you to disable some page components, such as images. In addition, there is the possibility of exceptions, i.e., creating conditions like “Display everywhere except this site” or, conversely, “Disable images everywhere except this site.”

In the Opera browser, exceptions are handled as follows:

  1. Open the settings and go to the “Sites” tab. In the “Images” column, check the “Show all images” option.

    In the “Images” column of the “Sites” tab, set the switch to “Show all images”

  2. To manage exceptions, click the button of the same name in the same column. Then we register the site, select the exception type for it - “Allow” or “Block” - and click OK.

    Click “Manage exceptions” and configure the display of images on individual resources

  3. To remove an exception, simply click on it and on the right click on the cross icon that appears.

    Click on the exception and on the right click on the cross icon that appears

IN Google browser Chrome settings exceptions for images are placed slightly differently:

  1. In the upper right corner, click the icon with three vertical dots and select “Settings”.

    In the upper right corner, click the icon with three vertical dots and select “Settings”

  2. At the bottom of the page, open “Advanced”, then click on the line “Content Settings”.

    In the “Advanced” section, select “Content Settings”

  3. Open the “Pictures” item.
  4. Switch the toggle switch next to the “Show all” item to the right. On the same page we manage exceptions for sites.

    Switch the toggle switch at the “Show all” item to the right

Images do not allow ad blockers to display

Images may be blocked by some browser internal features or extensions, such as ad blockers. These functions act as filters through which site traffic passes, and in the case where the image contains advertising and is added from another source, there is a high probability that it will be blocked.

To correctly display all site content, you will need to disable the blocker, but it is worth remembering that these utilities, in addition to removing advertising, protect against possible hidden threats that may be contained in the same pictures. Technology has reached the point where even opening an image in separate tab may lead to targeted installation of utilities on your computer that will put your personal data at risk. Not to mention virus infection. That is why I do not remove protection from browsers under any circumstances and advise doing this only in the most extreme cases.

In the Opera browser:

IN Google settings Chrome disabling blocker occurs in a similar way:

In the Yandex Browser settings, the ad blocking function is located in the settings, on the Settings tab. It is enough to uncheck the “Blocking inappropriate advertising” checkbox for the program to stop filtering content.

In the “Settings” tab, uncheck the “Blocking inappropriate advertising” option

IN Mozilla browser there is no single setting that is responsible for advertising. This option is divided into two parts:

How to reset your browser to factory settings

In addition to the settings described above, there is often a button inside the browser that allows you to reset all user changes. This was created in case a person accidentally disrupts the browser by installing incorrect settings, and will not be able to return them to their original position on their own.

In the Opera browser you need to do the following:

In Yandex.Browser, open “Advanced settings”, as shown in the example above, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Reset settings”.

IN additional settings“Yandex.Browser” click “Reset settings”

In Chrome, settings are reset in a similar way: open additional settings, click “Restore default settings”, then click “Reset settings”.

In additional settings, click “Restore default settings”, then click “Reset settings”

For Internet Explorer, a reset function is also provided: in Internet Explorer, go to the “Advanced” tab, click “Restore” Extra options", then "Reset". We agree when the system prompts you to confirm the action, and restart the computer.

In IE settings, in the “Advanced” tab, click “Restore advanced settings”, and then “Reset”

Incorrect antivirus settings

Except internal settings The browser also has system settings that are regulated by the antivirus program. For example, standard Defender has scanned settings for downloaded content.

PC is infected with viruses

There is a small chance that the pictures are not displayed due to a virus infection on your computer. Direct interference by pest programs in the display of images on web pages is unlikely, but worms and Trojans can directly affect browsers, and this already entails a variety of consequences.

We need to fight viruses in an integrated manner, namely:

What to do if nothing helps

If none of the above returned the correct display of content to the browser, last chance to fix the situation is to complete reinstallation browser, as there is a high probability that the program files have been damaged and are not working correctly.

  1. Right click on Windows icon and select the “Applications and Features” element.

    Select the folder with the name of the browser, press the key combination Shift+Delete and confirm the action in the window that appears

Video: how to completely remove the browser from your computer

Restoring the display of images on web pages is very simple. You just need to follow the instructions to fix this problem, then the information in the browser will be presented correctly and consistently.

Many people have a problem - Mozilla Firefox does not show images. However, when you reinstall the program, the problem does not disappear. There are several ways that can help with this: disabling or changing the settings of the ImgLikeOpera extension, clearing cookies and cache, checking whether loading images is prohibited on the site and full reset Firefox settings.

Problem with ImgLikeOpera extension

One of the reasons for this may be the effects of an extension called ImgLikeOpera. To display pictures, you must either disable it or change the content loading options in its settings.

You need to click “Menu” (Orange icon with Firefox in the upper left corner of the browser) and select add-ons. The Manage Add-ons page opens.

In it, you need to select the “Extensions” tab in the left area (it shows a blue mosaic piece) and go to the ImgLikeOpera settings (or click disable).

After that, in the window that opens, in the “Cache, Miscellaneous” tab, in the New windows/tabs policy item, select the “Load all” option by default. Then you need to click OK and restart the browser.

Clearing cookies and cache and other ways to solve the problem

In addition, in some cases, problems that arise when loading images on sites can be solved by deleting unnecessary cookies and clearing the cache. To do this, click on the orange Firefox button, hover over the History item and select “Delete recent history” from the menu that opens.

In the window that opens, select “All” from the drop-down list, click on the arrow next to Details, leave a checkmark on the “Cookies” and “Cache” items and click “Delete now”.

Some sites on the Internet may also disable loading images to speed up the page loading process. You need to click on the icon located to the left of the site address in the browser bar (this may gray image planets, green or gray castle, Exclamation point in the orange triangle). In the window that opens, click the “Details” button.

In the window that opens, you need to go to the “Permissions” tab, in the “Upload images” item, uncheck the default option and select the “Allow” button.

It could also be a problem with the website itself. To check this, you need to go to the site from another browser and see if the pictures are displayed.

Resetting your browser settings

If none of the options help solve the problem, you can resort to the so-called Firefox reset. This will return all browser settings to default values. All bookmarks and open tabs will be preserved. To do this, you need to click on the orange Firefox button and hover over the “Help” item. In the menu that opens, select Troubleshooting Information and click the “Reset Firefox” button located in the top left.

Hi all! Friends, today I will show you and tell you what to do if thumbnails (previews) of images are no longer displayed on your computer. Activated image preview is very convenient, as you can quickly find the photo or image you need without opening it. So, if you have Picture thumbnails are not displayed, then in this article we will solve the current problem.

Before we begin, I want to say that image previews are displayed by default in Windows 7,8 and 10. If you are using a pirated system, then this function may be disabled, it all depends on the so-called collectors. The same can be the case in the case of actions that are potentially different unwanted programs. You can read how to remove unwanted software. When the preview images are not displayed it looks like this:

There are two ways to enable the display of image thumbnails. Let's take a look at them.

Method one
First of all, we need to get to the Control Panel,

We are interested in “Explorer Options”, click on it,

The File Explorer settings window will open. operating system, we need View tabs. Here, pay attention to the option “Always display icons, not thumbnails”, which is checked. If we uncheck this box, the thumbnails of the pictures will be displayed.

You can verify this by opening any folder with images,

As you can see, everything is very simple.

Method two
Let's open the folder with our pictures. At the top of the panel, go to the View tab,