What is a case of technology in education. Case – technology in the educational process

Can be considered a source of stable and progressive social development. Increasingly, you can hear about new goals and objectives of education, which are focused on training specialists in completely different fields who are able to independently and effectively operate in an environment of constantly changing trends and a fast pace of life. Based on this, changes also affect educational practice, and new requirements are being put forward for technologies in the field of education.

And today, any educational technology must meet a number of parameters:

  • First, it must allow students and learners
  • Secondly, it should motivate students and students to various types activities
  • Thirdly, it should involve working with different sources of information, taking into account the fact that information today in itself is a means of organizing activities, and not the purpose of learning, as it was before
  • Fourthly, it must allow for the organization of group interaction
  • Fifthly, it must involve cognitive activity in several areas
  • And finally, it should be a contextual learning technology that will allow solving a large number of professional problems

And all the presented requirements are best met by the case method in the educational process.

Case method

The case method or case method is one of the solution methods With false problems, which do not have a clear structure and involve students using their creative potential and. It is characterized by the presence actual problem or the situation, the characters, the drama and the need to make choices. Along with this, the case method involves subjects who are faced with a specific problem or situation in real life.

Cases, riddles, games, puzzles and tests for the comprehensive development of your skills are available at. Click on the link to find out more

The case method can also have several sources (types of information base):

  • Social life with all its abundance of difficulties and reliable facts
  • Education defining tasks, goals and methods of teaching
  • Science asking methodological basis and providing a variety of techniques
  • Literature of an artistic and journalistic nature, from which you can draw ideas and build a scenario for the case itself
  • Statistical and other data

All this makes the case method very effective and easy to use. How to use it?

Features of the case method

Most often, the case method is carried out in the classroom, despite the fact that the initial, i.e. The preparatory stage consists of independent work by both teachers and students outside the classroom.

Preparatory stage

The teacher's task at this stage is to provide appropriate preparation, which means:

  • Identifying facts and determining the nature of the relationships between participants in the process of applying the method - during the implementation of the case problem
  • Modeling a situation, its beginning, development and completion
  • Identify questions, arguments, and counterarguments that participants may have (questions should serve as pointers for students to move in the right direction)
  • Compiling homework
  • Development of a case solution evaluation system

Students on preparatory stage study the text of the situation (case) provided by the teacher and complete the necessary tasks that relate to it.

Case implementation

The name of the method itself suggests that some kind of situation will be presented for analysis. Often, a case can be any work of art or journalistic work, where all the necessary elements are present: characters with all the characteristics, including the inner world, experiences, thoughts, motives, etc. A description of the immediate environment of the main characters, as well as the relationships between them, may also be offered.

It is interesting that the context of the case (active, emotional, social, psychological) can confuse the case participants so that they cannot initially catch even hints of the problem posed. In some cases, the context of the case includes the outlines of distracting and false problems. Based on this, the result of the case work depends on how efficiently and competently distractions are eliminated.

Diagnosis of the situation

In order to analyze the situation, the case method also includes the stage of diagnosing situations, which consists of three parts:

  • The first part describes the real state of the object, taking into account specific parameters
  • The second part - the proper state of the object is determined, taking into account specific parameters
  • The third part – the real and supposed state of the object are compared

If no differences are found, then practical activities with the object can be continued. If the differences can be fixed, then the type of these differences is determined and developed possible ways their elimination.

Development of alternatives

The development of alternatives is another stage in diagnosing the situation. It is aimed at finding alternatives with the help of which a problematic situation can be resolved. But this stage can be considered a qualitatively new phase of diagnostics.

The main task is to identify all the options through which the problem can be solved. The result should be the development of several options, a detailed analysis of which will set the pace for further work.

Simultaneously with the development of students’ cognitive activity in the process of discussing a case, the teacher can solve a number of other tasks, for example:

  • in Group
  • Create an atmosphere in the classroom that encourages students to express and defend their positions
  • Assess students' knowledge and points of view on various issues
  • Stimulate students' mental work
  • Maintain students' enthusiasm for different learning topics
  • Analyze students’ performance of work assignments and exercises
  • Test the material learned by students in practice
  • To form in students a creative attitude to the material being studied and

Discussion of findings

This stage is considered final. During it, the teacher discusses with the students the problems they identified during the case. In most cases, at the very beginning of the discussion, its purpose and expected results are determined, and a specific time for the conversation is set.

During the discussion, it is very important that each participant can speak, but at the same time his position must be reasoned and clarified. It also implies the activation of those participants who take a passive position in the discussion, and the containment of the most active ones.

It is equally important to take into account the emotional and problematic aspects. The emotional aspect involves managing the emotional states of students, and the problematic aspect involves isolating the most important issues and the participants specifically on them.

It should be noted that the final stage is less controllable than the initial stage, because it is necessary to “slow down” the discussion, which may not be easy. And the form of completion of the entire event, which sometimes depends on the course of the discussion, must correspond to the goals initial stage goals. Moreover, you should not complete the lesson in only one way, because... this may reduce the interest of participants.

To complete this, you can use the following options:

  • Introduce short summary based on conclusions made during the lesson
  • Ask additional questions that were not addressed during the process
  • Provide new data (if case diagnostics did not solve the problem, it is fashionable to offer additional data on the topic further development events implemented in the case)
  • Allow students to summarize (summaries can be either individual or group, they can be presented orally or in writing, and they can be announced either at the end of the current lesson or at the beginning of the next one)

The experience gained in the process of applying the case method by various organizations, teachers and other people whose activities are related to learning has shown that the case method repeatedly increases the effectiveness of the educational process, because allows you to model the future activities of case participants and create positive motivation to master the material and obtain new information further.

Case technologies in primary school

L.V. Porshneva, primary school teacher,

Cherevkovskaya Secondary School

There are different names for case technology. In foreign publications you can find the namessituation study method, business story methodand finally justcase method. Russian publications most often talk about the method of analyzing specific situations (CAS), business situations, the case method, and situational tasks.

Case technology emerged as a way to analyze specific situations at the beginning of the 20th century. at Harvard Business School (USA). The name comes from the Latin term "casus" - a confusing or unusual case.

main feature method - study of precedents, i.e. past situations from business practice. At first it was used in teaching students of legal and financial specialties. Gradually, case technology began to be used in school (first at the middle level, and then at the elementary level).

Case technology ismethod of active problem-situational analysis of specific task-situations (cases). It is aimed at developing the ability to develop problems and find solutions, and learn to work with information. At the same time, the emphasis is not on obtaining ready-made knowledge, but on its development, co-creation between teacher and student.

When teaching using case technology, specific answers are not given; you need to find them yourself. This allows students, based on own experience, formulate conclusions, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, offer your own (or group) view of the problem.

A case is a single information complex. Typically, it consists of three parts: supporting information needed to analyze the case; description of a specific situation; assignments for the case.

There are different types of cases.

Printed case (may contain graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, which makes it more visual).

Multimedia case (the most popular in Lately, but depends on the technical equipment of the school).

Video case (may contain a film, audio and video materials).

In the case, the problem is presented in an implicit, hidden form, and, as a rule, it does not have a clear answer. In some cases, students need not only to find a solution to the problem, but also to formulate the problem, since it is not presented explicitly.

When creating a case, you need to answer three questions:

For whom and what is the case written?

What should children learn?

What lessons will they learn from this?

After this, the case creation process will look like this:

Structuring educational material

The purpose of training

Choice organizational forms, methods and means of teaching

Case technology uses the following methods: incident method, business correspondence analysis method, game design, situational role-playing game, discussion method and case study.

In the centerincident methodthe process of obtaining information is underway.

The purpose of the method is the student’s search for information, and (as a result) training him to work with necessary information, its collection, systematization and analysis. Trainees do not receive the case in full. The message can be written or oral, like: “It happened...” or “It happened...”.

Although this method of working is time-consuming, it can be seen as particularly close to practice, where obtaining information forms an essential part of the entire decision-making process.

Methodanalysis of business correspondencebased on working with documents and papers related to a particular organization, situation, problem.

Students receive from the teacher folders with the same set of documents (depending on the topic and subject). The student’s goal is to take the position of a person responsible for working with incoming documents and cope with all the tasks that it implies.

Examples of using the method include cases in economics, law, social science, history, where it is necessary to analyze a large number of primary sources and documents.

Targetgame design- create or improve a project. (Russian language lesson. We created the “Winter Page” project. The children really enjoyed creating things themselves rather than having to execute what they had planned.)Class participants can be divided into groups, each of which develops its own project. Such work carries elements of a creative attitude towards reality and allows for a deeper understanding of phenomena. today, see the ways of its development. It is important that projects can be of different types: research, search, creative, analytical, predictive.

Situational role-playing gameallows you to create in front of an audience(in the form of dramatization) a true historical, legal, socio-psychological situation and then give students the opportunity to evaluate the actions and behavior of the participants in the game. One of the varieties of the staging method is role-playing game.

Discussion methodconsists of exchanging opinions on any issue in accordance with more or less defined rules.

Purpose of the methodcase study- through the joint efforts of a group of students, analyze the presented situation, develop options for solving problems, evaluate them and choose the best one. This method is characterized by a large volume of material, since in addition to the description of the case, the entire amount of information that students can use is provided. The main emphasis when considering a situation is on analysis and synthesis of the problem and on decision making.

Let us list the features of the case study method:mandatory research stage of the process; collective learning or group work; integration of individual, group and collaborative learning; use of project activities; motivating students to achieve success.

Using case studiesallows you to acquire new knowledge and skills practical work; helps to gain knowledge in those disciplineswhere there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed, but there are several answers that can compete in the degree of truth (for example, in a literary reading lesson when analyzing the story by V.A. Belov “The fry was guilty” or in a lesson on the world around us during a conversation on the topic “ Fire - friend or foe"). This method is fundamentally different from traditional ones: the student has equal rights with other students and the teacher in the process of discussing the problem and searching for the truth. When working with it, the classic learning defect associated with the “dryness”, lack of emotionality in the presentation of the material is overcome: there are so many emotions, creative competition and even struggle in this method that a well-organized discussion of a case can resemble a theatrical performance.

Working with the case proceeds through the following stages.

Stage 1. 3familiarity with the situation and its features.

StageII. Identification of the main problem (problems) and personalities that can really influence the situation.

StageIII. Suggesting concepts or topics for brainstorming.

StageIV. Analysis of the consequences of making a particular decision.

StageV. Case solution - offering one or more options for a sequence of actions, indicating important issues, mechanisms for their prevention and solutions.

During the implementation of case technology, the teacher creates a case or uses existing ones; distributesstudents in small groups (4-6 people); introduces them to the situation, the system for evaluating solutions to the problem, the deadlines for completing tasks; organizes work in groups, determines speakers; conducts a general discussion; evaluates students' activities.

There are 3 possible strategies for the behavior of the teacher (teacher) during work with the case:

teacher gives clues in form additional questions or information;

under certain conditions, the teacher himself answers the questions posed;

The teacher waits silently while the students work on the problem.

Any teacher who wants to introduce case technology into his practice can do this by studying special literature, undergoing training and having in hand learning situations. However, the choice to use interactive learning technologies should not become an end in itself: case technology should be implemented taking into account educational goals and objectives, class characteristics, interests and needs of students, the level of teacher competence and many other factors.


Voronina Yu.V. Modern lesson about the surrounding world in elementary school: Toolkit. Orenburg, 2011.

Derkach A.M. Case method in teaching // Specialist. 2010. No. 4.

Zagashev I.O. and etc. Critical thinking: technology development.

St. Petersburg, 2003.

4. Prutchenkov A.S. Case study technology in the education of schoolchildren // School technologies. 2009. No. 1.

Reasons for introducing new educational technologies modernization of the educational system offers different content, approaches,
behavior, pedagogical mentality;
searching for answers not only to the questions “what
teach?”, “why teach?”, “how to teach?”, but
and to the question “how to teach effectively?”;
there was a need to use
learning technologies focused on
personal-activity approach in

Structure of pedagogical technology

Rules and sequence of their use
Selecting a specific teaching technology
discipline is carried out by the teacher on the basis
his personal beliefs and constitutes his
individual teaching style
Training technology should be aimed at
effective achievement of the goal


A case (from the English “case” - case, situation) is
description of a specific real situation,
designed to teach students to analyze
different types information, its generalization, skills
formulating the problem and developing possible
options for its solution in accordance with
established criteria.
Case technology is learning by doing.
Case-study method, or the method of specific situations is a method of active problem-situational
analysis based on learning by solving
specific tasks - situations (solving cases).

Using the case method in education

Harvard School
Manchester School
search training
the only true
cases can be
big enough
volume (20-25 pages,
8-10 illustrations)
first collection of cases
in 1921
solutions to the required
cases are small

Ideas of the case stady method (situational learning method)

Designed to gain knowledge in the disciplines
where there is no clear answer to the questions posed;
receiving not just one, but many truths and orientation
in their problem area.
The emphasis in training shifts from mastering ready-made
knowledge for its development, for the co-creation of students
and teaching; the student becomes equal with others
students and teacher in the process of discussing the problem.
The result is not only knowledge, but also
competencies that are formed in the process of solving

Analytical skills. Ability to distinguish data from
information, classify, highlight essential
and non-essential information and be able to recover
Practical skills. Use in practice
academic theories, methods and principles.
Creative skills. As a rule, logic alone cannot solve a case situation. Creative skills are very important
generation alternative solutions that are not allowed
find it in a logical way.

Case – method as pedagogical technology
Formed when teaching the case method:
Communication skills. Ability to lead a discussion
convince others. Use visual
material and other media means to cooperate in
groups, defend one’s own point of view, convince
opponents, write a concise, convincing report.
Social skills. Assessing people's behavior, skill
listen, support in discussion or argue
opposite opinion, etc.
Introspection. Disagreement in a discussion contributes to
awareness and analysis of the opinions of others and one’s own.
Emerging moral and ethical issues require
formation of social skills to solve them.

Case method in educational process
Reasons for implementation:
1. Orientation of educational standards towards development
practical skills
2. The need to form a professional
3. Method the best way promotes development:
Ability to process large amounts of information
Consistency and effectiveness of actions in different conditions
Interpersonal interaction
Decision making abilities

Case requirements:
Clear compliance with the goal set during creation
Availability of appropriate level of difficulty
Illustrating several aspects modern life
Relevance today
Illustration typical situations
Development of analytical thinking
Provoking discussion
Multiple solutions available

Technology of using the case study method

a model of a specific situation is developed;
there must be a problem in the description
or a number of direct or indirect difficulties,
contradictions, hidden problems to solve;
During operation, additional
information retrieval;
As a result, students find their own
problems (often
ambiguous multiple solutions) and
come to their own conclusions.

Modifications of the methodology for analyzing a specific situation and the corresponding didactic goals

In vocational education
classification is usually used
based on didactic goals.
In principle it is possible to highlight
6 different modifications of case technologies:

1.Case Method (Search for a solution)

In this option, the main task is
solution to the problem. Trainees receive all
necessary information for analysis
situations, so cases are usually compiled
very voluminous. Using the presented
data needed to solve the problem.
For example: Which location should be chosen for
shoe store, on the outskirts or in the old town?

2. Case Study Method (Finding a problem)

The main objective of this method is to
so that the majority of the time trainees
designed to work with the case,
analyzed the situation using
information provided. The emphasis is on
searching and understanding the essence of the problem, only then
a decision is being considered.
For example: For a shoe factory it is described
historical development, legal form, place
locations, competitors, market share, structure
personnel, etc.

3. In-Basket-Exercise-Method

The core of this method is solving problems under
time pressure (business analysis
correspondence and acceptance
management decisions).
For example: From today you must
take workplace colleagues who
is on vacation. In your inbox
there are several letters that
require a decision and information
not enough.

4. Stated Problem Method

In this version, in addition to describing the situation
(all available
essential information) are given
decisions made, which also
analyzed and subjected to critical
assessment. Students are often offered
develop own solution, thereby
their motivation increases when compared with
alternative solutions.
For example: How can you create a creative
atmosphere at the enterprise?

5. Incident Method (Information Search)

This modification of the method is dominant
involves the process of searching for information, since
obviously contains information gaps in
description of the situation. Therefore, students for
we have to analyze the situation ourselves
missing information. To search for information
the teacher must make available
students for a certain period of time
or be prepared to give this information in answers to
questions asked to him.

6. Project Method (Design) or Consulting (Consulting in real cases)

This method involves interaction
with a real enterprise (for example, through
company or expert information desk).
Therefore, the student must have
thorough professional knowledge.
The problem should not only be worked out
theoretically, but also find practical

Case creation scheme

Definition of curriculum section.
Formulation of educational goals and objectives,
solved in the process of working on the case.
Definition of the problem of the situation (educational, scientific,
life) and the creation of a generalized model.
Search for an analogue of a generalized situation model in
real life, education or science.
Identification of sources and collection methods
Choosing a technique for working with this case.
Definition of the desired result (evaluation sheet).
Creation of a given model.
Approbation during the learning process

Case difficulty levels

1st level
There is a practical situation
there is a solution
Level 2
There is a practical situation
find its solution
Level 3
There is a practical situation
identify the problem and find it
Students determine
is the solution suitable for
this situation, it is possible
is there another solution, another
Compare, find points
commonalities and differences
There may be solutions
many and all options
have the right to
existence, discussion

Lesson stages

Preparatory – the teacher specifies didactic
goals, develops an appropriate “concrete situation” and
lesson script.
Introductory – involving students in a live discussion
real situation (it is important to think about the most effective
form of presenting material for review).
Analytical - analysis of the situation in the group, the development process
decisions (the process is limited in time).
Final – presentation of the results of analytical work
groups, comparing several options for solving one problem.

Teacher's actions in case technology

Create a case or use an existing one.
Distribution of students into groups (4 – 6 people).
Familiarization of students with the situation, system
evaluating solutions to problems, time frames
completing tasks.
Organization of work of students in groups.
Organization of presentation of solutions.
Organization of general discussion.
Summarizing speech, analysis of the situation.
Student assessment.

Working with a case

Organizes preliminary
Divides into groups
Leads the discussion in
groups, provides
Evaluates student work
Evaluates accepted
decisions and delivered
Asking questions,
deepening understanding
cases and problems
Develops options
decisions, listens to what
others say
Makes a decision or
participates in the adoption
Composes a written
report on the lesson on this

What should the case be like?

interesting, written simply and
intelligible language;
be problematic; expressively
determine the “core” of the problem;
show both positive examples and
and negative;
meet the needs of the chosen
student population, contain
necessary and sufficient quantity

Examples of cases

1. In the painting “Moscow Courtyard”, painted in 1878,
Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov depicted a typical corner
old Moscow - the Church of the Savior on the Sands, located in
one of the alleys near the ancient Arbat street.
This church still stands today, surrounded now by a completely different
urban environment. Find this place and take a photo. How
What would this picture look like now? Describe her.

Card for teacher assessment of skills in working with a case

Isolating and formulating the main thought (idea)
Drawing up plans of various types
Description of facts, phenomena, events, details
Work with key concepts, topics, problems
Logic of presentation
Data analysis
Skill in identifying and developing a problem
Speaking to an audience
Drawing up a summary of the topic, report, review, etc.
Possession different ways self and mutual control
Ability to debate and participate in discussions
Ability to solve problematic educational problems




The problem of learning has been haunting teachers for a long time. Almost every human action in life, not just studying, is associated with the need to assimilate and process certain knowledge, this or that information. Teaching to learn, namely to assimilate and properly process information, is the main thesis of the activity-based approach to learning.

One of the new forms effective technologies learning is problem-based and situational learning using cases. The introduction of educational cases into the practice of Russian education is currently a very urgent task. A case is a description of a specific real situation, prepared in a specific format and intended to teach students how to analyze different types of information, generalize it, and skills in formulating a problem and developing possible options its decisions in accordance with established criteria. Case technology (method) of teaching is learning by action. The essence of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of active independent activity of students to resolve contradictions, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs.

The term “case method”, “case technology” translated from English as the concept “case” means:

1 - description of a specific practical situation, methodical technique teaching according to the principle “from typical situations, examples - to the rule, and not vice versa”, involves an active learning method based on the consideration of specific (real) situations from the practice of students’ future activities, i.e. use of situational training methodology “case – study”;

2 – a set of specially developed educational and methodological materials on various media(printed, audio, video and electronic materials) issued to pupils (students) for independent work.

The advantage of cases is the ability to optimally combine theory and practice, which seems quite important when training a specialist. The case method promotes the development of the ability to analyze situations, evaluate alternatives, and choose best option and plan its implementation. And if this approach is used repeatedly during the educational cycle, then the student develops a stable skill in solving practical problems.

What is the difference between a case and a problem situation? The case does not offer students a problem in open form, and the participants in the educational process will have to isolate it from the information contained in the description of the case.

The technology for working with a case in the educational process is relatively simple and includes the following steps:

Individual independent work students with case materials (identifying a problem, formulating key alternatives, proposing a solution or recommended action);

Work in small groups to agree on the vision of the key problem and its solutions;

Presentation and examination of the results of small groups at a general discussion (within study group).

Case – stages:

Step 1: Formulate one specific problem and write it down.

Step 2: Identify and write down the main reasons for its occurrence (reasons are formulated with the words “not” and “no”).

Steps 1 and 2 represent a minus situation. Next, it must be transferred to the “plus” situation.

Step 3: The problem is reformulated into a goal.

Step 4: Reasons become tasks.

Step 5: For each task, a set of measures is determined - steps to solve it; for each step, responsible persons are appointed who select a team to implement the measures.

Step 6: Those responsible determine the necessary material resources and time to complete the activity

Step 7: For each block of tasks, a specific product and criteria for the effectiveness of solving the problem are determined.

Distribution of functions between students and teacher:

Work phase

Teacher actions

Student Actions

Before class

1. Selects a case

2. Defines the main and
auxiliary materials
to prepare students

3. Develops a script

2.Individually prepared
to class

During class

1. Organizes a preliminary discussion of the case

2. Divides the group into subgroups

3. Leads the discussion
case studies in subgroups, provides students with additional information

1. Asks questions that deepen understanding of the case and problem

2. Develops options
decisions, takes into account the opinions of others

3. Accepts or participates in
decision making

After class

1. Evaluates student work

2. Evaluates decisions made and questions raised

Prepares a written report on the lesson in a given form

Typically, cases are prepared in a package that includes:

  1. introductory case (information about the presence of a problem, situation, phenomenon; description of the boundaries of the phenomenon under consideration);
  2. information case(the amount of knowledge on a topic (problem), presented with varying degrees of detail);
  3. strategic case(development of the ability to analyze the environment under conditions of uncertainty and solve complex problems with hidden determinants);
  4. research case(similar to group or individual projects - the results of the analysis of a certain situation are presented in the form of presentation);
  5. training case(aimed at strengthening and more fully mastering previously used tools and skills - logical, etc.).

In our lessons, we use case technologies when studying new topics and in revision and generalization lessons. For example, a lesson in 11th grade on the topic"Oxidation-reduction reactions."

Educational objectives of the lesson: development of student knowledge about the types of redox reactions: types of redox reactions, factors determining the direction of redox reactions, redox reactions in solutions; development of skills to compile OVR using various methods.Developmental objectives of the lesson: development of schoolchildren’s knowledge about chemical processes in the formation of knowledge about OVR.Educational purpose of the lesson: formation of a scientific worldview.

Handouts: case with theoretical material - 6 pieces; a set of tasks with three levels of difficulty - 6 sets; tokens for distribution into groups; tokens for issuing to groups for solved tasks;

Main stages of the lesson:

  1. Organizational activities. Teacher's word. Introduction to the course of the lesson.
  2. Working with a case. Analysis.
  3. Homework.
  4. Lesson summary.

During the classes:

Organizational aspects.

Upon entering the office, students take tokens and are seated in groups at tables on which the token they have chosen lies. The teacher introduces the progress of work in the lesson.

Updating students' knowledge.

Formulate the concepts: oxidation state, oxidizing agent, reducing agent, oxidation, reduction.

Working with a case: teacher's introductory speech. The teacher introduces the students to the case. Working with a case. Analysis of the situation using the “Brainstorming on the board” method.

Stage 1 – introduction to the problem

Stage 2 – collecting information on the case task

Stage 3 – decision making

Stage 4 – consideration of alternatives

Stage 5 – comparative analysis

Stage 6 – presentation of solutions

Thus, case technologies in the educational process allow:

  1. Increase learning motivation among students;
  2. To develop intellectual skills in students that will be in demand during further education and in professional activities.


  1. Polat E.S. Modern pedagogical and information Technology in the education system: tutorial for students universities / Polat E.S. ; Bukharkina M.Yu. - 2nd ed., erased. - M: Academy, 2008. - 368 p.
  2. Pozhitneva V.V. Case technologies for the development of giftedness//Chemistry at school.-2008.-No.4.-P.13-17
  3. Polat E. S. Organization of distance learning in Russian Federation// Computer science and education. – 2005. -No. 4, P.13-18
  4. Pyryeva V.V. Case teaching technology and its application in studying the topic “Algorithms” // Informatics and Education. – 2009. -No. 11, P.25-28

Case – technology in the educational process

Historical background Work with cases as part of the educational process was first implemented at Harvard Business School in 1908. In Russia this technology began to be implemented only in the last 3-4 years.

Case technology is... - a teaching technique (case - from English “case”) using a description of a real situation. Students must analyze the situation, understand the essence of the problem, propose possible solutions, choose the best.

Case technologies are aimed at developing the competencies of trainees - they gain communication skills; - develop presentation skills; - form interactive skills that allow you to effectively interact and make collective decisions; - acquire expert skills and abilities; - learn to study, independently find the necessary information to solve situational problems.

Methods of case technology The most common method of case technology is the method of situational analysis, the varieties of which are: - analysis of specific situations (CAS);

- situational tasks and exercises; - case study or method of teaching specific situations. Case study or method of teaching specific situations The essence of the case study method is that a group of students gets acquainted with a situation, analyzes it, diagnoses the problem and presents their ideas and solutions in a discussion with other groups.

The case study method is a teaching method in which students and the teacher participate in direct discussion of business situations or problems, which makes

this method

most effective. The technology of the case study method is as follows: 1. According to certain rules, a model of a specific situation is developed, reflecting the complex of knowledge and practical skills that students must acquire. 2. The described situation must contain a problem that the students themselves diagnose. 3. Students offer solutions to the problem based on existing knowledge and skills. The teacher acts as a manager of the student interaction process.

Advantages of the case study method It is a type of research and analytical technology. It is a technology of collective learning. Integrates developmental learning technology. Acts in teaching as a synergetic technology (“immersion” in a situation, “multiplying” knowledge, “insight,” “discovery”)., authorities.

The goal is to independently identify the problem and indicate ways to solve it. 4. Applied exercises – cases in which a specific current situation is described and a way out of it is sought. The goal is to find ways to solve the problem. Procedure for working with a case Students are offered (orally or in writing) specific case, describing real events (situation). This information may be summarized in documentary form or through verbal or visual aids

(showing a video, slide, etc.).

(showing a video, slide, etc.).

Work can take place both in groups and individually

set time , after which alternative solutions are presented. Stages of working on a case

Conclusion: The ability to identify, analyze, and calculate every step leading to a solution is one of the biggest advantages of case technology.

A feature of the case technology method is the creation of a problem situation based on facts from real life.

The immediate goal of the method is, through the joint efforts of a group of students, to analyze the situation (case) that arises in a specific state of affairs and develop practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and selection of the best one in the context of the problem posed.

Method for analyzing business correspondence (“basket method”) The method is based on working with documents and papers related to a particular organization, situation, problem. Students receive from the teacher folders with the same set of documents, depending on the topic and subject. The student’s goal is to take the position of a person responsible for working with “incoming documents” and cope with all the tasks that it implies. Examples of using the method include cases in economics, law, social science, history, where analysis is required large quantity

primary sources and documents. Game Design The goal is the process of creating or improving projects. Class participants can be divided into groups, each of which will develop their own project. The process of constructing a perspective carries within itself all the elements of a creative attitude towards reality, allows you to better understand the phenomena of today, and see the paths of development. Game design can include projects

different types

: research, search, creative, analytical, prognostic.

Situational role-playing game The goal is to create in the form of a dramatization a true historical, legal, socio-psychological situation for the audience and then provide an opportunity to evaluate the actions and behavior of the participants in the game. One of the varieties of the staging method is role-playing game.

Discussion method Discussion is an exchange of opinions on any issue in accordance with more or less certain rules of procedure. Intensive learning technologies include group and intergroup discussions.

Case study The purpose of the case study method is to work together with a group of students to analyze the presented situation, develop variants of problems, find their practical solution, and end with an assessment of the proposed algorithms and selection of the best one. The case study method involves: a written example of a case; independent study and discussion of the case by students; joint discussion of the case in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher; following the principle “the process of discussion is more important than the decision itself.” defend their decision Comparison of results: comparison of decisions made in groups Purpose of the stage Understanding the problem situation and the decision-making situation Learn to obtain the information necessary to find a solution and evaluate it Development of alternative thinking Comparison and evaluation of solution options. Reasoned defense of decisions Assess the interconnection of interests in which individual decisions are located

Features: There is a research stage of the process Collective learning or group work Integration of individual, group and collective learning A specific type of project technology Stimulating student activity to achieve success

Using a case study... Allows you to acquire new knowledge and practical work skills; Helps to gain knowledge in those disciplines where there is no clear answer to the question posed. Fundamentally different from traditional methods: the student has equal rights with other students and the teacher in the process of discussing the problem and searching for the truth; Overcomes the classic learning defect associated with “dryness”, non-emotional presentation of the material: there are so many emotions, creative competition and even struggle in this method that a well-organized discussion of a case can resemble a theatrical performance.

The student’s work with the case Stage 1 - familiarization with the situation and its features; Stage 2 - identifying the main problem(s), identifying personalities who can really influence the situation; Stage 3 - proposing concepts or topics for brainstorming; Stage 4 - analysis of the consequences of making a particular decision; Stage 5 - solving the case - proposing one or more options for the sequence of actions, indicating important problems, mechanisms for their prevention and solutions.

Teacher's actions in the case - technologies for creating a case or using an existing one;

There are 3 possible strategies for the behavior of the teacher (teacher) during the work with the case: The teacher will give clues in the form of additional questions or (additional) information; Under certain conditions, the teacher will provide the answer himself; The teacher may do nothing (remain silent) while someone else is working on the problem.

Types of cases A case is a single information complex. Typically, a case consists of three parts: supporting information needed to analyze the case; description of a specific situation; assignments for the case. Printed case (may contain graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, which makes it more visual). Multimedia case (the most popular recently, but depends on the technical equipment of the school). Video case (may contain a film, audio and video materials. Its disadvantage is the limited possibility of multiple viewing? distortion of information and errors).

Examples 1 (preparation for the Unified State Exam) 2 (Use of elements of case technologies using the example of a physics lesson on the topic “Elasticity Force”. 7th grade) 3 (Electrification of bodies. Two types of charges. Conductors and non-conductors of electricity. Physics lesson. 8th grade. ) 4 (The influence of “school noise” on the student’s body, research on the quality of soap)

Conclusion Almost any teacher who wants to introduce case technology can do it quite professionally, having studied special literature and having teaching situations on hand. However, the choice in favor of using this training technology should not become an end in itself: after all, each of the named technologies of situational analysis should be implemented taking into account educational goals and objectives, the characteristics of the educational group, their interests and needs, the level of competence, regulations and many other factors that determine the capabilities implementation of case technologies, their preparation and implementation.

“The most important thing in life is your own experience.” W. Scott