Where can I get a cam module for my TV? Modules for digital television

Modern TV provides its users with great opportunities, including watching TV channels in high definition with excellent sound, but this requires additional equipment as a module for the TV and a personal smart card of the subscriber. It is also worth considering that not all models provide a CI slot, so to be able to connect digital television with a large selection of TV channels, you need to purchase and install a TV receiver, into which a smart card with a module will be installed.

Many TV models from leading manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, Sony have long had a number of built-in designs that provide television screens with advanced functions. Developers try to equip their TVs with convenient devices, thereby freeing the user from the need to connect additional equipment that takes up space. For example, built-in tuner or in other words, a digital receiver allows you to receive streaming video and decorate the signal of different broadcast formats. However, in order for it to cope with its tasks, it definitely needs external signal support - this is provided by the CAM module.

This device resembles a small computer that first conducts digital stream decoding, and then sends a signal to match it with a specific TV model. This electronic device, equipped with a special card, is designed to reproduce digital signals and premium channels in high definition.

And, if the TV model has a built-in DVB-C tuner, the device in question will save users from additional wires, installation of a separate TV set-top box and a second remote control.

How does he work

Configured equipment makes it possible to receive media content with various expansion and quality options, and the image will be automatically adjusted to certain parameters. The latest models of the electronic devices in question can independently record streaming video and play it back at the time required by the subscriber.

What types of CAM modules are there?

According to technical specifications, the entire range of manufactured conditional access devices to encrypted channels are divided into types. The simplest modules are T2 and single-channel with support for only one coding system. Multi-channel and universal models are also offered.

  1. Single channel module capable of decoding paid channels broadcast only by the selected provider (satellite). If you change service provider or satellite with a different broadcast system, the module becomes inoperable.
  2. Multichannel models devices allow you to switch from one encoding system to another using SIM cards from different providers. The device automatically recognizes the inserted SIM card, rebuilds itself and updates the software.
  3. Universal module Manufacturers are firmware to work with several signal coding systems. The device can automatically adjust signal parameters, configure programs, and work with SIM cards from any provider. Suitable for working with paid software packages.

If speak about module cost, then in specialized stores you can see a fairly wide range of prices. As a rule, the cost of the first option ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. The price of more modern models varies around 5000-6000 rubles. Experts recommend not to opt for too cheap options. Otherwise, this will lead to a quick replacement as they cannot cope with the latest technology, and the purchase will end up being much more expensive than planned.

The advantages of such equipment

Before purchasing a new LG, Philips or Sony TV, you should think about purchasing a model with a built-in receiver and a slot for a CAM module, since such electronic equipment has undeniable advantages.

  1. Better price. Purchasing a conditional access module will cost less than a regular TV set-top box or Smart set-top box.
  2. Easy to install and configure. You just need to insert it into the slot along with the subscriber card and carry out a simple setup of the equipment.
  3. Doesn't take up space. This device is slightly larger than the size of a plastic card, which is inserted into the CI slot on the TV panel. It does not require hanging additional shelves, especially if the TV panel is mounted on the wall, as for an external TV set-top box. In addition, such wireless equipment does not take up an extra outlet, since it is powered by the TV.
  4. Simple controls from the TV remote control.

How to install a CAM module in a TV

Connection and configuration do not require special knowledge. The main thing is to make sure before purchasing the module that it is a suitable device for the TV - there is a C.I.-slot The installation algorithm is identical for any TV, be it Lg or Samsung.

  1. First, you need to correctly install the smart card into the adapter. That is, insert the card electronic chip up, while holding the module facing you (the provider’s logo is placed on it).
  2. The adapter equipped with the card is inserted into the PCMCIA slot of the turned off TV, with the front side facing out.
  3. Now you can turn on the TV. A corresponding message about connecting new equipment should appear on the screen.
  4. Often you don’t have to configure anything; just run an automatic search for programs.

If nothing happens after turning on the TV, the equipment is most likely not installed correctly. You should turn off the TV and do all the installation steps again. Health Status can be checked in the TV menu; depending on the manufacturer, the name of the corresponding item in the interface may be called “CA Module”, “CA Interface”, “CAM”, “CI Interface”, “Common Interface”.

If the equipment is connected, the TV sees it, but the channels cannot be tuned in, you should contact your service provider.

Precautions for use

When operating the CAM module, the user is required to comply with the following recommendations:

  • avoid serious mechanical impacts: falls, squeezing;
  • when installing the module into the television receiver, strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • ensure that the module does not overheat;
  • The SIM card should not be stored near sources of electromagnetic radiation;
  • if necessary, remove the SIM card from the module, strictly follow the instructions;
  • To avoid connector failure, do not unnecessarily remove the module from the TV.

Protecting providers from software hacking

Paid content is offered by a large number of providers. Each service provider protects its channel packages with one or another encoding system. To make it more difficult for attackers to crack software codes, providers systematically change the control key in the code combination. Receivers of subscribers who have paid for the service receive a code combination via satellite to decrypt encrypted channels.

The CAM module is intended for owners of LCD or plasma TV models that are equipped with a built-in receiver and support HD Ready or Full HD digital formats. Such an electronic device, equipped with a smart card, provides the ability to watch pay TV channels. Simple installation does not take much time and does not require special knowledge. The main thing is to make sure before purchasing that the TV has a built-in DVB-C tuner and a CI slot for such an adapter.

In the fall of 2013, a new product appeared on the Russian TV equipment market - Cam CI+ tricolor TV. More precisely, this is an improved version of the old generation tricolor device. Previous equipment could only open optimal and super optimal packages, but channels of improved quality..

Are available

Updated CAM for viewing coded operator channels version 1.3. The device is suitable for receiving MPEG2, MPEG4, HDTV channels. The main purpose is to work with modern TVs that have a built-in DVB-S2 satellite tuner, as well as a card slot..

Are available

A conditional access device designed to work both in receivers that support CI+ technology and have a CAM slot, and in modern S2 TVs. To check the TV, look for the presence of a screw-on connector on the rear panel or support for the DVB-S2 standard in the technical data sheet for the device..

Are available

Conditional access card and pcmcia slot included for receiving NTV Plus programs. The device is designed to work with modern TVs that support DVB-S2 satellite signal and set-top boxes that have a pcmcia slot and work with CI+ technology. In order to select a TV according to...

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Official slot for Viaccess encoding. Works with an old generation NTV Plus card. This device is not suitable for viewing HD and MPEG4 channels. The device can be used both in modern TVs that receive satellite signals and in set-top boxes that have slots for...

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Provides viewing of paid Telekart TV channels on TVs with a built-in DVB-S2 satellite tuner. Supplied complete with an access card with payment for 1 month of the "Standard" package. The card is refillable and allows you to select and activate any of the package options offered by the operator.

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A new tricolor TV slot that supports all available operator packages. The device can view news, music, movies, sports and other operator packages. High definition HD channels are also available for equipment owners. The device operates using technology...

Not available

What is a Cam module?

The word "cam" stands for Conditional Acess Module, that is, a conditional access module, which is a device with which paid channels transmitted from satellites are decoded. The equipment does not receive a signal from the satellite, but is used only as an additional device to a TV or satellite receiver. The devices are installed in different systems - cable networks, terrestrial broadcasting, satellite TV. This equipment has found the most frequent use. To work with the cam module, the TV must support the required standard. Today there are three options - DVB-S/S2 (SAT), DVB-T/T2 (Ostankino), DVB-C (cable networks). To connect via a satellite set-top box, the receiver must have special slots. Conditional access devices differ in the encoding system they support. As a rule, each operator has its own chosen encoding option for paid content and produces its own equipment for each encoding. Of the operators present on the market, the most common are tricolor access modules and NTV access modules. Devices for paid channels are supplied complete with a smart card, the task of which is to receive information for activating and deactivating paid or unpaid channels. Using devices on TVs is quite convenient, since the subscriber has only one remote control for working with television and satellite channels, and there are no additional set-top boxes next to the TV.

What types of conditional access modules are there?

All devices can be divided into household and professional. The former, as a rule, are used for home use, the latter in professional cable networks with headends. Household options allow you to decode no more than one channel at a time; for private users this is quite enough. Professionals can simultaneously decrypt 2 or more channels, which is important when connecting stations, since there is no need to purchase several TV access modules. But the price of such equipment is much more expensive.

Each device operates in a specific coding system. The most common encodings include Viaccess, Irdeto, Cryptoworks, DRE Crypt, Conax, Mediaguard. There are also universal HD access slots that support several systems simultaneously. The main manufacturer of devices is currently the Chinese company SMIT; the equipment of this company is sold on the Russian telecommunications services market.

CI+ access modules

The CI+ standard appeared relatively recently. Allows you to protect content from copying, preventing the recording of many programs and programs, rewinding, and deleting advertising blocks. This technology also allows you to bind the module to receiving equipment - TV, receiver. For the user, this system carries restrictions; many programs and programs cannot be recorded, it all depends on how the copyright holder of the content agreed with the broadcaster-operator. All modern TVs with a DVB-S2 input and a cam slot support the CI+ standard. If you are going to connect the module using a set-top box, then here you should look at the possibility of working with this standard. Quite often this is implemented by installing special software for CI+.

Our company has been working for more than 12 years in the field of sales, installation and configuration of satellite and television equipment and can offer its customers both advice in choosing and work on connecting it at the Customer’s site. You can buy the CI+ conditional access module either through the order form on the website or by placing an order over the phone.

Nowadays, the buyer of a satellite television system who has a modern TV that supports the CI+ standard and a built-in DVB-S2 tuner, you have a choice - to purchase a CI+ CAM module from one of the satellite TV operators for viewing, placed directly into the TV, or buy a full-fledged satellite receiver. We have been working with both solutions for watching satellite TV for a long time and I must say that both solutions have its advantages and disadvantages. These are what we will consider in this material.

CAM module CI+ for satellite TV - pros and cons.

In order for satellite channels to be viewed directly from the TV, the TV itself must be equipped with a built-in DVB-S2 tuner. The module itself, placed in the TV, performs the function of decoding the stream received from the satellite.

Pros of using the module lie in the fact that the resulting image is processed directly on the TV. And the resulting image is immediately displayed on the screen. Thanks to this approach, there is no loss of image quality during transmission. Such losses in image quality are typical for a satellite receiver-TV combination.

Another advantage of using the module on a TV is the ability to perform all actions with just one remote control - turn it on with one remote control, use it to set the sound volume, and use it to switch channels.

Another plus of the module- this is the compactness of the solution. There is no need to come up with a shelf for the receiver, or how to mount the receiver if the TV itself is hung on the wall. There is also no mass of annoying connecting wires - connecting the receiver to the power supply and connecting from the receiver to the TV.

Now about the disadvantages of using the CI+ CAM module

1. It is not possible at all (or convenient) to view the EPG - electronic program guide, i.e. satellite channel program, which is transmitted from a satellite and received by your antenna.

2. There is no way to call up a large and convenient list of channels like on a satellite receiver. On the receiver for Tricolor, using the “OK” button you can call up a list of 32 channels and conveniently scroll through it. The TV menu does not allow such a convenient display of a list of satellite channels.

Plus, only on a satellite receiver is it possible to create a list(s) of favorite channels and navigate only through these selected channels.

Among other things, both on the receiver from Tricolor and on the receiver for NTV+ it is possible to apply a thematic filter to the channel list - i.e. display, for example, only federal or only educational channels. A TV with a module cannot do this. At least this functionality is not provided on the 2013-2014 models.

3. Satellite channels are more difficult to register on a TV using a module. When you buy a receiver for Tricolor or NTV+, the channels are already registered on it or are registered automatically in 2-3 simple steps.

If you are using a module, then You must register the channels on the TV yourself - the TV is universal- it allows you to add channels from any sat TV operator - Tricolor, NTV+, Telekarta, Continent. And at the same time he doesn’t know what to add to you - you do this yourself. The exception is LG smart TVs with the latest firmware.- they distinguish between different TV operators and in a step-by-step setup wizard they ask which operator’s channels to register on your TV. Samsung and Philips TVs are lagging behind in this regard by the end of 2014.

4. If a sat TV operator makes changes in the list of channels (one was added, others were removed), then on a satellite receiver it is enough to rescan the channels in two steps, but on a TV this action will take longer and require more adjuster skills from you.

In case of NTV+ Humax 3100 receiver, then this receiver itself, every time it starts, rescans the channels and adds new ones, removes those that have left the broadcast list - we really like and are impressed by this functionality.

These are the difficulties and pleasures that satellite TV lovers will encounter using compatible TV and CAM module CI+

Using a satellite receiver to watch satellite TV - pros and cons

In the case of the receiver and its pros and cons, everything is exactly the opposite.

Let's look at the disadvantages:

1. Dimensions of the receiver and the need for its convenient installation. There is not always a convenient place to install the receiver.

2. The need to use two remote controls - for the TV (turn on/off, select TV input and adjust the volume) and for the receiver (volume, program guide, channel selection)

During the initial setup of your LG smart TV, the system will ask you to select which TV channels will be broadcast. The user has three options to choose from: cable, digital or satellite television. During or after setting up cable channels, an error often occurs - there is no CL module on the LG TV; we will look at what to do in such a situation in this review.

The cl module allows access to the provider’s encrypted channels; its absence, accordingly, blocks this opportunity altogether. In fact, the solution to the problem lies in the same setting, which, most likely, was performed incorrectly, as a result of which this error appeared.

During the setup process, pay your attention to the selection of search parameters for TV channels; if you check the box for digital TV, and the equipment does not have a built-in dv module, the same error will appear. That is, select the “cable television” item and wait for the process of searching for available programs to complete, after which you must remember to save the settings, otherwise the error will appear again.

If this method does not bring results, it is possible that your TV's software is outdated and it is unstable. In this case, contact the LG service center specialists for help, so you can count on professional hardware diagnostics and software updates for LG Smart TVs.

There is also an alternative setup method that can also help solve the problem with the missing CL module on your LG TV, but there is no guarantee of success.

This method involves changing the region; if you set Russia as your place of residence at the very beginning, now replace it with Germany or Finland. Once this is done, search for TV channels again. The error with the missing module should disappear, provided that everything is done correctly. I repeat, this method is not suitable for all TV models, in addition, it may depend on the provider that supplies the cable TV service.

The standard connection diagram for Tricolor satellite television is as follows: satellite dish - receiver (receiver) - TV. If you have a modern TV model, then this chain can be simplified: instead of a separate TV set-top box, use a CAM module. What it is, how it works, how to connect and how to configure the Ci “Tricolor TV” module, we will consider further.

What is a CAM module?

A CAM module, or conditional access module, is a special device that is inserted into the Ci or Ci+ slot in a TV equipped with a built-in DVB-S2 receiver. The module's task is only to decode the provider's paid channels using a smart card with a chip and a unique individual number. The satellite signal is processed by the TV itself.

How does the Tricolor TV CI module work?

How the Tricolor TV Ci module works can be described as follows: it decodes the received signal and then transmits it in decrypted form to the receiver built into the TV. The previously encrypted channels of the Tricolor TV operator become available for viewing. When using the module, it is important to monitor software updates for the TV itself, because The signal is processed by the DVB-S2 tuner built into the TV. If access to channels is terminated (the channels are encrypted), and the module and smart card are not damaged, then you need to configure the TV itself.

What types of Tricolor TV CAM modules are there?

Custom CAM modules for viewing Tricolor TV are produced in only one format: single-system, single-channel. They are easy to set up and operate and provide access in the DRE-crypt encoding system on a single TV. Universal multi-channel modules, with which you can watch several channels simultaneously on different devices, are too difficult to set up and require special expensive equipment to operate.

Single system option

Universal option

Universal modules are capable of supporting several channel coding systems and broadcasting different channels to subscribers on the television network. You will watch the channels of the operator whose smart card you purchased and inserted into the module. But to operate such devices, you need special expensive television stations and complex programming and configuration of equipment. For this reason, universal modules are used only when connecting a large number of subscribers, for example, in apartment buildings.

The advantages of such equipment

The following are the significant advantages of using the CAM module:
— the absence of a second remote control for the TV tuner, as well as the TV tuner itself as a separate element;
— the satellite dish is connected directly to the TV, which eliminates unnecessary wires and improves the quality of broadcasting;
- higher image quality - the ability to view channels in both SD and HD formats, as well as in the new ultra-high quality - Ultra HD 4K (UHD).

How to configure the Ci “Tricolor” module on a TV?

Module "Tricolor TV" Ci: how to connect and configure? This procedure is quite simple. To connect the Tricolor TV conditional access module, first you need to make sure that your TV is equipped with a Ci-slot, purchase a CAM module and a smart card. To connect the Tricolor TV Ci module, you need to insert a module with a smart card installed in it into a special port on the TV. This must be done with the TV turned off.
Now let’s figure out how to set up the Ci+ “Tricolor” module on your TV.
After turning on the TV, information about identifying the module and the Tricolor TV smart card should appear on the screen: “Attention, access rights are being checked.” If the check does not occur, then go to the Ci module settings and click on the “Reset to factory settings” button. The TV will reboot. When the module is identified, a green light will appear on it. After this you need to configure the channels. In many modern TVs (especially Samsung and LG), channel tuning is carried out automatically when you select the Tricolor TV operator. If your TV does not support this mode, then you need to manually enter the parameters: type of antenna, satellite, converter. If you managed to do all this, then move on to setting up channels in the corresponding section of the menu. Request channel search frequencies in advance from Tricolor TV technical support or look on the Internet. After you finish setting up the channels, leave the TV on the “Russia-1” channel until the programs are activated (from a few minutes to 8 hours).

How to update the CI module "Tricolor" TV?

For continuous display of channels and correct operation of the Tricolor TV Ci module, it is necessary to promptly update: the software of the TV and the module itself.
If the TV is connected to the Internet, set “Automatic software update” in the settings, then it will happen automatically. If it is not possible to connect your TV to the Internet, then follow the updates yourself on the manufacturer’s website, download to a USB flash drive and update according to the instructions via the USB connector.
The module software is updated via satellite. All you need to do is turn on channel number 333 “Telemaster”, which will offer to update to the latest version, and click the “OK” button. After installing the update, the module should automatically reboot. If this does not happen, you need to turn off the TV, remove the adapter from the slot and put it back, then turn on the TV. If for some reason you were unable to update automatically, you can download instructions on the Tricolor website that describe how to update the Tricolor TV Ci module yourself by downloading files with the latest version of the software to a USB drive. If nothing works, you can contact the Tricolor TV support service or call a wizard to configure the module.