How to add a new location on Instagram. How to specify, create and add a location on Instagram

Not every Instagram user wants to describe their place of stay under each photo, and many have long been wondering how to create a place in blue. Yes Yes! It’s geolocation that we’ll talk about today, let’s go!

The convenience of using geolocation is obvious - you don’t need to remember the names on a tourist trip settlements, if you are in the place where you agreed to meet your friends, it will be easier for them to find you using the map. And most importantly, you won’t have to answer annoying questions: is this the interior of your home? Where is this drawing on the wall? Which nightclub were you in? Particularly spontaneous people even use geolocation to restore the route of yesterday’s movements in case of memory failure. Others, with its help, return to their favorite camping spot in nature if they don’t remember well the way there from last year, etc. In general, geolocation is an extremely useful thing, and without it, an Instagram user simply cannot be considered advanced. This means that if you have not yet attached importance to setting up this valuable service, it’s time to start.

How to set up location tag on Instagram?

1. Download the FaceBook application to your mobile phone, then register or log in if you are already on this social network.

2. Click on the button “What do you do?” and from the list that appears, select the item “Where are you?” Important! If you just signed up, you will need to follow at least 1 user.

3. Remember, before adding a point, you need to enable location services.

To activate them on your iPhone, go to Settings, then Privacy, and straight to Location Services. In the list of applications, activate Facebook and Instagram.

4. Return to the “Where are you?” section. on Facebook and indicate our location, which we will then add to Instagram. To the question “Where are you?” we decided to add a conditional place called “On the Moon”. You call yours as your inner voice tells you :)

5. After you click the “Add” button, a screen for selecting a location category should appear in front of you; select the one that is most accurately associated with your point.

6. On next page Facebook will automatically detect your location; if you wish, you can enter your coordinates.


If you want your place not to get lost in the list of nearby places with the names “home” and “My home,” choose a more interesting name for it. Of course, there is no need to write the address. There are already a lot of options for names - hut, my basement, den, bunker, rookery, abode, place of happiness, place of rest, hearth - and all this with the addition of a name, funny nickname, login... The scope for imagination is incredible. You can create many of your own places - give special funny names to your home and place of work, study, places where you often visit - for example, “Visiting a friend,” “Bench,” “Favorite store,” etc.

In general, use location services in a way that will lift the spirits of others and, most of all, yourself.

Who needs these geolocations?

This is true when a person is outside his usual place - another country or a cool establishment. In general, this is a way to show off for some and a convenient opportunity to view your photos on a map for others (this function is available on the profile page).

It happens that required geolocation(that’s what places on Instagram are called) no, and then the logical question arises: how to add a place on Instagram yourself so that it becomes available to all users for searching and publishing photos.


Before Facebook bought Instagram and before updating the app at the end of 2015, there were no problems adding a new location - you could do it right in mobile application. Now adding new places occurs through Facebook app. Prepare yours mobile devices and read more about this further.


We will need:

Before you create a place on Instagram, you need to include a definition current location(geolocation). Yes, this is necessary even if you are not currently in the place you are going to add.

Settings > Privacy > Location Services

After activating this setting, scroll down the page and make sure that the Instagram app is allowed to use location services

Settings > Options > Location

I hope there is no need to talk about the fact that the device must have access to the Internet. Now let's move on to the procedure for creating a location.

Create a location on Instagram

1. Open the Facebook application, at the top of the screen click on “Where are you”, if you don’t have such an item, then first click on “What are you thinking about?”

2. B search bar enter the name of the new place (be careful for typos, after adding a place it is not possible to edit it) and click on "Add..."

4. Have you chosen a category? Now you need to find the place itself on the map. Click on “I’m here right now,” if so, on the name of the automatically detected city, or use the city search at the top of the screen

5. Here we go last step adding a location. Once again, make sure that the name is written correctly, the selected category reflects reality, upload a photo - an icon of this place (for example, a company/store logo) and, if necessary, enter the exact address.

If the point on the map points “to the wrong place,” then uncheck “I’m here now” and enter the exact address of the place you are adding.

Ready? Click on "Create"

6. Publish a test post on Facebook indicating the newly created location

7. Let's see what happened. Does it look the way it should? Let's move on! No? Go back to the first point and create a new place.

8. Now that the place has been created, it’s time to go to Instagram app and publish the first photo in this place

9. During the publication process, click on “Specify a place” and use the search to find the place by name. By the way, if you are geographically far from the desired location, then finding it will not be easy.

10. Post a photo and... BINGO! The publication indicates our newly created location, it is highlighted in blue, which means that you can click on it and see other publications indicating this location.

How to create a place on Instagram and finally set up a normal geolocation? It's very simple, you just need to do it simple instructions on setting up location on Instagram. If you regularly share your life moments with followers and friends, then specifying a geolocation is a great way to add a little more information, in addition to the description of the post, about the place you were. Fans can also track where their idol was, what establishments he visited and what countries he flew to on vacation.

Create Locations

To create new point geolocation on Instagram, you need to have personal page on Facebook. You may ask: what does this social network have to do with it? The fact is that it was Facebook that completely bought out Instagram. Therefore, many services have become integrated. Let's figure out how to create a location for photos and videos on Instagram today.

Don't know how to create an Instagram location with an address? Now we'll tell you:

Then you can read how to organize a contest on Instagram in another review.

Add a place in a published post

Let's move on to further actions:

That's all! Now you know how to create a geolocation for your previously published post.

Useful: what is sfs on Instagram?

See also video instructions on how to add a place to Instagram.

Problems and solutions

Why doesn't geolocation work on Instagram? If your seat is not detected automatically the first time you need it, it means that this function is not enabled in the settings of your mobile device. To correct this issue, you need to follow the steps described below for the two most current operating systems.

Why doesn't Instagram detect location on iPhone? On device from Apple you need to do the following:

Why is it impossible to upload a place to Instagram on Android? For smartphones and tablets on operating system Android instructions look like this:

  1. Open settings;
  2. Now go to the “Options” tab;
  3. In it, turn on the slider next to the “Location” line and try to create a place mark.

Now you know why Instagram stopped detecting location on iOS and Android, and you also know how to fix this problem and create a tag.

Why doesn't Instagram detect location? If you have already followed the steps provided in the instructions, but the location still does not appear near the post, then there may be several solutions to this:

  1. Try rebooting your device;
  2. Disable and enable geolocation detection again;
  3. Restart your internet connection. The location may not be detected if you are using a Wi-Fi access point as an Internet source;
  4. You can also restore geolocation on Instagram if it is lost by reinstalling applications. You can then create a location marker.

Let's tell you, is it possible?

Now you know what to do if Instagram has stopped detecting your location on iOS or Android, and also how you can set a location tag for your post on social network.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today we will continue the conversation about the social network Instagram and I will tell you how to use georeferencing coordinates. This function can be useful for bloggers when doing business online.

After registration, the first thing users do is start looking for friends, adding new photos, and following their acquaintances. Why do people post photos? They probably want to capture happy moments from life: what they saw, what they did and, of course, what they ate – these are the main topics of photographs on Instagram.

This social network also has a feature - location under the photo. You probably noticed the captions under the photos, when you clicked on them the map opened. Geolocation allows you to show people not only the reminders that you have seen, but also where you have been. But how to create a place on Instagram so that its name becomes unique?

Most often, people use Instagram geolocation when traveling to different countries, while visiting historical monuments, or theatrical performances.

So, having familiarized ourselves with the theory, let's move on to practice.

How to create a place on Instagram

On early stages development of the social network, before publishing a photo, it was possible to select a geolocation by default and create your own. When updating applications this function disappeared and now creating a place is not so easy, but it’s possible - you’ll have to pull off a couple of “feints”.

The difficulty is that to create a place on Instagram, you need to do the same on Facebook, and import it into Insta. Don't worry, it's not difficult.

We create:

  • First of all, download Facebook messenger to your smartphone, register or log in if you already have an account on this social network. Let's move on to the next step.
  • In the initial tab, click on the “What are you doing?” button, then select “Where are we?” from the list. If you started new account and the button does not appear, then you need to subscribe to any user.

  • Now an item should appear where you need to select a geolocation category. Choose what is important to you.

  • IN next point click “City Search”, enter the city in which we live, select it from the list.

  • So, having completed the previous steps, we will be taken to the geolocation creation form. You will need to move the button to the right -> I'm here now<-, нажать на ползунок «Создать», который находится в верхнем уголку экрана смартфона.

  • We're done with Facebook, let's move on to Instagram. When publishing a photo, click on the item indicating the location. In the search box we write the name of the created place. That's it, now you can submit for publication. Please accept my congratulations.

Who really needs Instagram geolocation?

If you want to create a place, highlight your home, then I want to tell you - not the best idea. Why? Now I'll try to explain. Information and content in your profile can be viewed not only by friends, but also by complete strangers - if the account is not closed. And no one can predict for what purpose they may be looking for you.

Maybe someday you will become a super secret agent and be identified by your IP =). And now, no joke, you shouldn’t disclose personal information on the Internet, especially your location.

For business

For businessmen who have their own store, supermarket, etc., geolocation comes in handy. With its help, he will attract new clients and grow his business from scratch.

How to promote a business using geolocation

Take photographs of your restaurant, try to encourage visitors to do so, make marks on maps and believe me, the influx of new customers will increase significantly - arrange different promotions.

Location problem

There are cases when users, when adding photos, are unable to determine the location. In most cases, this problem can be solved in two clicks – by turning on geolocation.

If you have an Apple device, go to Settings, then Privacy, Location Services, drag the button to the right.

In Android everything is much simpler: go to “Settings”, then select “Options” and move the Location slider to the right.


As you can see, everything is quite simple. I hope the article helped you and you understood the “life hacks” and the intricacies of indicating your geolocation on the Instagram social network. All the best.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

The social network Instagram is one of the first to introduce geolocation for its users. The convenience of this location designation is obvious: there is no need to describe the place where the photo was taken under each publication; It will be much easier for friends to find you if a photo with your location is marked on the map. Geotags are also useful for business owners who promote goods or services through Insta. In response to numerous questions from the Instagram audience, in this publication we will look at how to create a geolocation on Instagram and what needs to be done for this.

Geolocation is a powerful tool for business promotion

A lot can be said about the benefits of geotags on Insta. However, the most compelling fact is a real-life example.

The story of a girl (let's call her Irina) began in a small provincial town, of which there are thousands in our vast expanses. She is a disabled person from childhood. To feel needed and earn at least some money, she created a page on Insta, where she began promoting her florist service.

The flower business is focused exclusively on consumers from one locality (flowers simply will not survive long-term transportation without the appropriate equipment). The use of geotags in her publications and competent geotargeting (selection of a target audience by geographic location) enabled the girl to offer quality services to her fellow countrymen, and for herself to become a very successful (in her own circles) businesswoman, despite a rather complex disease.

Location, geolocation, geoposition: defining the terminology

Before moving directly to the instructions for creating a geolocation on Instagram, you need to clarify some of the nuances of the terminology used in this context.

Geolocation is a service implemented in modern mobile devices. The purpose of this tool is to determine the location of the subscriber. Search is carried out by:

  • coordinates from cell stations;
  • geostationary satellites and GPS technology;
  • IP address of the gadget.

The user's geographic position is requested by some applications, for example, Instagram, Google maps, etc.

Conclusion No. 1: Geolocation is a process that allows you to determine the location of a specific mobile device. That is why, to determine a location point, the word location is more appropriate, instead of the borrowed Anglicism geolocation.

A geotag is a location point that is set automatically or manually when publishing a photo. To implement this process, several conditions must be met:

  • the geolocation service on the smartphone must be enabled and configured;
  • The location coordinates have been entered correctly.

Location is the location of the object within the radius of which the photograph was taken. The location is determined automatically when the geolocation service is turned on on the smartphone. Depending on the geopositioning technology, the location can be located within a radius of several kilometers from the actual location of the object.

Difference in Definitions

Now let's look at concepts like adding or specifying a place on Instagram. Many users ask if there is a difference in the definitions? There is a difference. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

  1. Specifying a location is adding the location where a photo was taken from the list suggested by Instagram.
  2. Adding a new location is a set of measures for adding a location when the one you need is not in the proposed list. Read more about this in the article.

In principle, the difference is small, but it creates confusion in the minds of newly joined Insta users who do not yet understand all the intricacies of using geolocation.

How to indicate a place on Instagram: step-by-step instructions

So, you have photographed a “magical” place. It urgently needs to be added to Instagram before others do it.

To indicate the place where the photo was taken, you need to do the following:

  • select “Where are you?”;
  • select the category from the list that best suits your photo;

  • Enter the city name and address in the search bar.

Once the app determines your location, select "I'm here right now."

  • click “Create” at the top of the window;

Now go to Instagram.

  • process it, add description, tags;
  • select "Specify location."

How to create a place on Instagram so that others can add it?

For a location to appear publicly, it must be registered in the Foursquare database. You can do this manually, or you can use the Swarm application.

  • install the Swarm application on your smartphone and launch it;
  • When you are in the desired location, “check in” by clicking the “Check in” button in the lower right corner;
  • Type the name of the place in the search bar;
  • click “Add a place”;

  • fill in your location data;

  • check the location on the map;

  • Click “Add a new location”.

The photo shows all the steps you need to take to add a place to your Foursquare database.

Now the standard procedure for specifying a location on Instagram is:

  • take a photo or upload a photo from the gallery;
  • add description, meta tags;
  • select “Add location”;

  • select a ready location from the list.

This method allows not only others to use your location. That's the whole point. That this method makes the location an active link. This will be very useful to everyone. Who promotes their business. In one click, any user can see where the photo was taken.

Also, everyone who promotes a business will need information about the promotion itself: .


In this publication, we examined in as much detail as possible the question of how to create a geolocation on Instagram, defined the terminology, and learned how to create an active location. In principle, everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions presented in this publication.