How to close recently opened applications on iPhone. How to close all open tabs on iPhone

You may have met someone who double-clicks the Home button and methodically swipes all recently launched applications from the Multitasking Panel until it appears empty.

For many, this has become a common ritual due to the popular belief that minimized apps continue to run in the background, draining the iPhone's battery. Accordingly, in order to prolong the operation of the device, according to this logic, you need to periodically manually close applications.

In this article you will learn why this point of view is nothing more than a myth.

How multitasking works in iOS

Any application in iOS has five possible states:

    Not running. The application is not running, no processes are happening, which means there is no battery consumption.

    Actively. The application is running and system resources are being used as much as possible.

    Not active. This happens when the device goes into sleep mode or the screen is locked while an application is running. In this case, no energy is wasted.

    Background mode. The application is minimized, but some processes continue to run. For example, updates are downloaded. iOS gives such processes a minimum priority and directs resources to active applications.

    Stopped. All processes are stopped, but the application remains in RAM. It does not consume power and is used to quickly load an application from the multitasking panel.

While working with the application, it is in the “Active” state. When you press the Home button, the application minimizes and goes into the Background. And very soon it completely completes the current tasks and goes to “Stopped”. In this state, it does not consume power, but allows the system to restart it more quickly.

Why you shouldn't close applications yourself

Thus, the applications in the Ambiguity Panel are nothing more than shortcuts that help you quickly return to a previously launched application. They do not display currently running processes, do not consume energy, and deleting them does not increase battery life.

Quite the contrary: the system has to spend more resources to restart the application than to load it out of ambiguity. As a result, we get an effect completely opposite to what was expected. Constantly opening and closing applications throughout the day wastes resources without any benefit.

What applications should you close?

Most applications stay in “Background” for a short time and go to “Stopped”. However, there are categories of applications that constantly remain active in the “Background”, consuming resources and traffic.

These include navigation and music
applications, those that constantly request the device’s location and check the relevance of the content.

Such applications should be closed immediately after use, as they require a lot of energy and traffic.


Now you know that constantly unloading applications from the Multitasking Panel is pointless. iOS is smart enough to take care of itself.

Apple Vice President of Software Craig Federighi shares the same opinion.
A 9to5Mac reader wondered if it's worth closing apps in the Multitasking Toolbar. He addressed this question to the head of the company, Tim Cook.

"Hello Tim.

How often do you close apps in the iOS Multitasking Panel, and will this help save battery power? I just want you to stop this argument!”

Apple's Senior Vice President of Software Craig Federighi answered this question.

“Hi, Caleb.

I know you asked Tim, but I can put in my two cents. No and no again," Federighi replied.

It seems that one should not wish for a more reliable answer to this question.

There is no need to close applications all the time, but sometimes you have to do this if the application freezes or the iPhone becomes very slow.

After you first launch apps and when you exit them, iOS automatically pauses them to save battery, then resumes them when you open it again.

But some programs - especially Facebook, Pokemon and heavy media applications - do not always work reliably. If you are facing the problem of the application freezing or not working correctly, you need to restart it, but you need to close it first.

In the past, I was a proponent of force closing all unused applications, but now I recommend closing them only if it is glitchy or hanging, since launching an application for the first time consumes much more energy and time than launching it from a paused state.

How to close three apps at once on iPhone

You probably won't close more than one app often, as this will inevitably reduce performance and battery life since the first launch uses more power. But if you can't find the source of slowdown or rapid battery drain, you can use the close gesture for up to three applications at once.

How to Close Apps Without Entering the Application Manager on iPhone or iPad

If for some reason you don't want to use the Application Manager app interface to close one of the programs, you can close it the old-fashioned way: By holding down the Power and Home buttons.

These are two different ways to close apps on iPhone and iPad, but the results are the same.


Do you have any questions about how to close an app on your iPhone or iPad? Ask them in the comments.

Before the introduction of the iPhone X, the transition from one iPhone was absolutely smooth and hassle-free for the user. Because previously, in each new model, everything worked exactly the same as in the previous ones, and if changes appeared, they were very minor.

But, with the new iPhone X (or as it is also mistakenly called iPhone 10), there is no longer a familiar Home button and all the operations that were previously performed with its help are now done completely differently. In particular, now running applications are closed differently, differently, and differently.

In this article we will talk specifically about closing applications. In previous iPhone models, in order to close an application, you had to double-click the Home button, after which a list of applications would open and you could close them by simply swiping from the screen. But, due to the lack of a Home button on the iPhone X, this does not work. Instead, closing apps relies solely on the device screen and gestures.

So, in order to close the application on iPhone X, you need to perform the following simple steps:

Step #1. Swipe from the bottom edge of the screen to the center of the screen and pause your finger for a second. This gesture is used to open a list of running applications. If you simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen, you will simply go to the Home screen.

Step #2. Tap on any of the running applications and hold your finger until a button with a red minus appears next to the application windows.

Step #3. Close unnecessary applications by pressing the red minus button or simply swipe the applications up.

That's all, as you can see, it's nothing complicated, you just need to get used to it a little, and you won't remember that you closed applications in any other way.

By the way, from iOS 4 to iOS 6 a very similar method was used to close applications. At that time, in order to close an application, the user had to click on the close application button. Starting with iOS 7, this method was abandoned and since then, the now familiar swipe from the screen has been used to close applications on the iPhone. Now Apple has partially returned to the old method, combining it with a new one.

When I first encountered the iPhone, I was very surprised when I looked at how many open applications it had accumulated, such as Instagram, WhatsApp, photo album, folders, safari pages, games, camera and other things - in a word, as they usually call “windows” in Windows "

I had to experiment quite a bit before I learned how to close it all. It should be noted that the procedure depends slightly on the version of iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 10 or iOS X.

Almost nothing depends on the version of the phone, for example, iPhone 5s, iPhone 7, iPhone 6, iPhone se, iPhone 5, iPhone 6s, iPhone x, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, only on the version of the operating system.

Just before moving on to the description of how to close open tabs on an iPhone, I recommend that you decide whether it is necessary to close open program windows on an iPhone at all. See last section.

How to close open apps and tabs on iPhone

iOS 7 brought a lot of changes to the system, both in terms of appearance and functionality.

Not all of these changes are intuitive for everyone. In iOS 6, we had to press the Home button twice to get the icon bar to pop up.

To close one of them, you need to hold your finger a little longer on one of them, which forced the system to enter edit mode and we could close open programs

In iOS 7 - 10, this view is completely replaced by a full-screen App Manager, which displays background programs as preview tabs.

We still get in there by double-tapping the Home button, but apps close differently.

For every open program in the background on iOS 7, an icon with its name appears at the bottom, and a preview tab appears above it.

To close apps, simply pull an open tab to the top of the display, as if you'd like to throw it off the screen. In version 10, closing is also performed with a sharp jerk from the top.

By swiping left or right, you can switch between open windows and turn them off.

You can also close two apps at the same time - just use your second finger to "throw away" two tabs.

How to close an app on iPhone X

Swipe from the bottom of the iPhone X display and hold your finger in the center of the screen. Pausing is the key to unlocking app tab switching.

Hold your finger on the window of any tab from the running windows until the delete icon is displayed at the top left.

Click the icon or swipe up on a tab to close it completely.

How to close all tabs in Safari

Safari has an interface that makes closing tabs convenient. Thanks to a simple trick, you can even close everything at once at the same time.

To do this, hold your finger on the first icon (show icon) at the bottom right - in the form of two squares superimposed on one another.

After this, a menu will pop up at the bottom and close all open tabs at once (the number will be indicated.)

NOTE: In iOS 9, you must close all cards one by one. In iOS 10 you can do this with one click.

Should I close open windows on my iPhone?

All active applications slow down devices - they use memory, battery power and processor resources.

Logically, you should manually close these processes. Only when you press the Home button does iOS disable apps.

It stops using CPU and battery power. First, the application goes into the “background” and then stops (Suspended).

At the same time, although it takes up minimal memory, it does not use the processor resource and battery power.

Although the application takes up memory, it is not necessary to close it - as soon as you launch, for example, a large game, the system will automatically stop everything unnecessary.

So, you don't have to worry about it yourself - you don't have to manage background applications. The system will do this for you, and whether you close everything manually or not is of course up to you. Good luck.