How to open ports closed by the provider. How to open a Windows port

Today we’ll look at how to open ports on Windows 7 using its own means, provided that the standard network security program is active. Usually the firewall is turned on, but if you have one, let's turn it back on first.

Let's consider only the simplest method.

  1. Call “Control Panel”.
  1. Click "Windows Firewall".

If the window icons are ungrouped, the item will be in the “System, Security” category.

  1. Open the program activity management window.

  1. We move the trigger switches relating to the required networks to the first position and save the settings.

If you work on the Internet through a router, modem or other device, you will also have to open the required port on it.

Creating rules in settings

The instructions assume that the firewall window on the computer is already open, otherwise we perform the first two steps of the previous subsection.

  1. In the firewall, click on the “Advanced settings” link.

Administrator rights are required to perform this action.

  1. Click on the item responsible for the summary of rules for incoming network connections.

  1. To open the window where we will open the port, click “Create new...” in the right vertical column.

A wizard window will open that will help you carry out your plans.

  1. In it, put the switch next to the second item and click “Next”.

  1. Select the protocol type and enter the port number to unblock it.

The network interfaces of the TCP and UDP protocols do not overlap, that is, the port of one protocol (for example, 8080) does not at all interfere with the operation of another protocol through the interface with the same address (8080).

We did not touch the first option, since it satisfies us, and we indicated interface number 443 as the desired one, since it is often used by games.

To open all ports, move the second trigger to the appropriate position.

  1. We need to enable the specified interface, and not close it, so we select “Allow connection”.

  1. Depending on the goals pursued, you should check the boxes next to the required items or leave all the checkboxes.

  1. Enter a name with a description and click “Done” to add new rules.

Thus, we were able to configure the computer to work on the network without compromising its security.

Our entry will appear at the top of the list in the central column.

You can change any of the installed options and even more in the rule properties (located in the column to the right).

We managed to create a rule for incoming connections. Outgoing traffic is allowed in exactly the same way.

If any of them won't open and you don't know why, contact your Internet service provider. Most likely they are closed at the provider level.

If you are one of those users who writes: “I can’t open the port in the firewall, help...”, try doing this via the command line.

We launch it through the “Run” window or the “Start” search bar.

  1. You have chosen the first method: press Win + R, enter “cmd” and click “OK”.

Administrator rights are required here.

  1. We execute a long command like: “netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=L2TP_TCP protocol=TCP localport=XX action=allow dir=IN”.

For the “protocol” value, enter the desired TCP or UDP, “Localport” – the port number.

Using the netstat utility, you can view all active connections. To do this, open the command line and execute the command with the “-a” argument: “netstat -a”.

Video instruction

The attached video demonstrates the described process, which will simplify the learning of the material and answer most of the questions that a beginner may have.

On routers, many people know. But there are often situations when the user does this, but an external check shows that the port is still closed. Some are stuck with this problem and don’t understand what to do next. One of the common reasons is the security system of the personal computer. The fact is that, having learned how to open ports for a router, a person does only half the job. They also need to be opened in the firewall rules on the computer. Next, we will describe in detail how to open ports on Windows 10 and lower versions of the operating system.

How to get into the firewall settings

These settings are located in the Control Panel, where there is a “System and Security” section. In new versions of the operating system, you can use a desktop element such as search. In it, you need to start typing the word “firewall”, and the user will see the desired link in the results. Another very quick and convenient method for getting into the settings is to press the Win+R combination. A line will appear in which you should write: “firewall.cpl” and click OK.

How is the computer in the firewall?

In the built-in firewall settings, you need to go to “Advanced settings”, after which the section with settings in enhanced security mode will open. On the left there is a field with rules for incoming connections. You need to open it and create a rule. To do this, in the “Actions” window on the right, click the corresponding item, and the “Wizard for creating a connection rule” will open. The rule type must be selected for the port. Next, the protocol type is selected and the port is specified. As a rule, TCP is chosen as the protocol, and less often - UDP. The port number is also indicated here. How do you know which port to open? Each game and program requires its own specific number. You can find it using the search engine. After this, the checkbox is checked to allow the connection, a name is created for the rule, and that’s it. The port is now open. You can check its availability from the outside using the special program PFPortChecker. If the check shows that the port is closed, you can resort to this option: allow the program any type of network activity. How to open ports this way? Again you need to go to the settings and create the rule again. But now it is created not for the port, but for the application. In the window that opens, you need to select the program you need access to. The checkbox is checked again to allow the connection, and a name is invented. Now the rule has been created for the program.

If this step did not help, then how can I open more ports? You can try to completely disable the firewall built into the system.

How to disable the firewall?

To disable it, you need to select the item called “Turn on and off” in the settings. A window will open with parameter settings for network types. For each, you need to check the box that disables the firewall. After confirmation, it will become inactive, and the operating system on the current computer will become completely open to threats from the external network. Therefore, it is recommended to disable the security system either for a short period of time to check for problems related to port availability, or if migrating to a third-party packet filter. And it is highly undesirable to constantly work on the network with the firewall disabled.

How to open ports for the server?

To do this, you need to open the router settings, log in, and then go to the “Firewall” item. Here you select the “Virtual Servers” option. It is worth noting that the names may differ on all routers. A window will open where you need to fill in all the fields in accordance with which server is needed. There is nothing difficult here.

How to open a port in Ubuntu?

It's no secret that Windows is aimed even at inexperienced users. That is why in this system all operations are performed using a graphical interface. In Ubuntu, all operations are carried out using special commands written on the command line. How to open ports in this system?

The answer may surprise you: not at all. The thing is that here no ports are blocked at all by the default firewall. The user, on the contrary, can block them if he wishes. If somehow the port turns out to be closed, then you can use the Nmap program to check it. It is able to recognize different port states. Thus, the Open state means that the application is ready to receive packets on this port. Filtered means that a filter or firewall is blocking a port on the network. The program cannot determine whether it is open or closed. Closed means that the port is not currently associated with any application, but can be opened at any time. Finally, the Unfiltered state means that the port is responding to the utility's request, but there is no way to determine whether it is open or closed.

If you press the space bar while scanning, the progress will appear.

If the user is closer to graphical rather than textual programs, then there is the Zenmap utility, which is a graphical shell for Nmap. She knows how to build a network map.


Thus, in order to open ports on computers, there are many different ways. Some are suitable for some operating systems, others for others. The user must decide on the appropriate means, and the operation itself will not take much effort. In addition, it is useful to become familiar with the operation of computer technology in more detail. Such skills will always come in handy.

About ports, and it will clarify the situation.

Everyone has been using simulators for a long time ( local network), after some providers at the beginning of the new decade disconnected all their subscribers from the local network, leaving them only with an Internet connection.

It was from that moment that the popularization began imitators, because without them, it was impossible to play with a neighbor with any toy. And from that moment on, the question about " opening ports"became more popular, and many “pseudo-sysadmins” tried to post up-to-date guidance on how to open ports on their hardware. But not everyone knows what and how to do it correctly.

What is " Open port"? Yes, everything ingenious is simple - any computer on the network has a certain identifier (name, MAC address, IP), so, according to IP a certain packet arrives at the router, but it doesn’t just arrive via IP, and by special channel (port), through which the program sends/receives requests from the external network. According to the standard, this packet will not pass beyond the router, since by default (hereinafter referred to as default), the port on which the program runs is closed, and in order to receive the packet, it must be opened.

What they write on the Internet - you can open ports, regardless of what network equipment is installed - all this is nonsense! Any knowledgeable system administrator will tell you that IPs are divided into two types - " White" And " Grey", and only on one can you open ports to receive "packets" from outside. Grey- this is when IP can move from hand to hand many times (also referred to as dynamic), White- or real (in other words static) can be assigned only for one user, and will not change hands.

It is according to the “White” IP that you should open ports on your equipment. To get your “White” IP you need reverse to your provider, and after that, he will assign an IP to you. This service is paid everywhere, and depending on the region it can range from 50 rubles/month.

Let's say we bought real IP from your provider, and now you need to start setting up. Let's look at the settings for 4 popular router models (ASUS/TP-Link/D-Link/Zyxel):

Setting up an ASUS router

Opening ports on a real (white) IP in an ASUS router

Note: setup was carried out on the equipment ASUS RT-N12 C1 with firmware (black interface)

  1. ), with login and password ( admin/admin
  2. In the left menu select " Internet" (or WAN) -> Port Forwarding(or Virtual Server/Port Forwarding)
  3. Enable this option by checking the box next to " Enable Port Forwarding: Yes".
  4. We select specified ports from ready-made templates, or enter our own:
    • Service name- you can be anything
    • Port range- you can enter either one port (for example 80) or a range (27000:27099)
    • Local IP
    • End port- just like in “Range”, you need to enter it depending on what you entered first - one or a range.
    • Protocol- TCP/UDP/BOTH /OTHER - select one (TCP/UDP ports select)
  5. After entering the data, click on the plus sign (to the left of the filling form).
  6. And after entering the data, click “Save”.

Setting up a D-Link router

Opening ports on the real (white) IP in the D-link router

Note: setup is done on the router D-link DIR 615 with white interface of the latest firmware 2.5.20 .

  1. Connect to your router via a browser ( . or in some ), with login and password ( admin/admin). You can find out about this on the back of the router or in its instructions.
  2. In the left menu select Firewall/Virtual Servers.
  3. We choose from ready-made templates, or enter our own (by selecting " Costom"):
    • Service name- you can be anything
    • Protocol- select the desired protocol.
    • External port (initial)
    • Internal port (initial)
    • Internal IP
  4. Apply", and then through " System" - select the item "", and only after that the ports should open.
Note: The interface items and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Setting up a TP-Link router

Opening ports on the real (white) IP in the TP-Link router

TP-LINK TL-WR940N / TL-WR941ND with firmware 3.13.31 .

  1. Connect to your router via a browser ( ), with login and password ( admin/admin). You can find out about this on the back of the router or in its instructions.
  2. In the left menu select Forwarding (Forwarding) -> Virtual servers (Virtual Server).
  3. After opening the section " Virtual servers"You should see a page with a list of open ports. In order to open the port you need, here you need to click on the “Add new” button and fill out the form:
    • Service port– external port. Here you need to enter the port (or a range of ports separated by a hyphen, for example, 10100-10200)
    • Internal port– an internal port that will be used by programs on your computer.
    • IP address
    • Protocol
    • State (Status) – port status.
  4. After entering the data, you can click " Save" (Save).
Note: The interface items and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Setting up a ZyXEL router

Opening ports on the real (white) IP in the ZyXEL router

Note: setup is done on the router ZyXEL Keenetic with firmware 2.0 .

  1. Connect to your router via a browser ( ), with login and password ( admin/admin or admin/1234). You can find out about this on the back of the router or in its instructions.
  2. In the left menu select "Safety"(in the form of a shield) -> .
  3. After opening the section " Network Address Translation (NAT)"Click on the "Add" button and add according to the template:
    • Interface– select the required interface.
      Attention! The value of the Interface field must be specified correctly. Depending on whether your ISP uses authentication (PPPoE, L2TP or PPTP), the meaning of this field may vary. If authorization with the provider is not used, you should always select the Broadband connection (ISP) interface. If your provider uses PPPoE to access the Internet, then you should select the appropriate PPPoE interface.
      If you are given simultaneous access to the provider’s local network and the Internet (Link Duo), you need to select the Broadband connection (ISP) interface to forward a port from the local network, and select a tunnel interface (PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP) to forward a port from the Internet.
    • Protocol– you can specify a protocol from the list of presets that will be used when forwarding the port (in our example, TCP/21 is used - FTP File Transfer). When you select TCP or UDP in the Protocol field, you can
    • TCP/UDP ports- specify the port number or range of ports.
    • Redirect to address- indicate the local IP address of the computer.
  4. After entering the data, you can click " Save".
Note: The interface items and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion - that in order to forward ports and save your nerve cells, it is better to immediately buy from your provider static (white) IP, since on gray - port forwarding will not be possible. If everything was done successfully, then the visibility of the ports can be checked on , or on . From the experiment with routers, I was able to do everything correctly on only three out of four routers (except Zyxel).

When using various programs that use the Internet, many users have encountered a problem when some ports do not open. In most cases, these problems are related to firewall restrictions. Before we begin to cover the topic of how to open a port on a computer, let’s first find out what ports are and what they are needed for. The address of any server on the Internet has the form, where the numbers before the colon are the address, and after the port of this address.

Ports are needed to make it easier for the system to understand to which program packets from the network were assigned. The number of ports in any system is limited to 65536 pcs. some of them are reserved by the system and when you try to open them, problems may arise, to solve which you will first need to stop the program that uses it.

Ports are used in two types of protocols: TCP and UDP. Their differences lie in the fact that the TCP protocol uses checking of all incoming packets for their integrity and this creates additional load on the server. The UDP protocol does not perform such a check, and there is a risk of partial data loss, but the servers have the ability to process a larger number of connections. The UDP protocol is often used for video streaming and online gaming.

In addition to all the useful functions of ports, attackers who write software for transmitting stolen information have also learned to use them. To prevent the penetration of viruses, worms and their hidden activity, firewalls and firewalls were developed that monitor open ports. Ports can be opened either manually, through system settings, or they are opened automatically by programs when various files, programs, and music are downloaded from the Internet.

Opening ports:

Before you start opening the necessary ports, you need to find out whether they are already open. To find out which ports are already open, you can use online services, firewall settings, as well as the command line (if you are using Windows). I will show you using the command line as an example; to do this, you need to enter the command “netstat -a”.

Now, in order to purposefully open the necessary ports (in my example 7000-7001) I will create a rule in my firewall. To do this, go to the control panel, and in it we use the address to the settings window of interest “Network and Internet System and Security-Windows Firewall-Advanced Settings.” This is where we will create rules for the ports we need. First for incoming connections, then for outgoing ones.

When creating rules, select “For port”, click next, and in the next window indicate the desired protocol and our range 7000-7001.

In the next window, indicate “Allow connection” and by clicking next twice, enter a name for the created rule. It can be anything. After this, the newly created one will appear in the general list of rules.

The next step is to create a similar rule for outgoing connections. After completing the above steps, the firewall will not block these ports and you will be able to configure any program on these ports as needed.

But, this situation works if you do not have additional firewalls installed, like Comodo, Kerio, Outpost, etc.

I would like to clarify one point: when opening ports, try not to use 1-1024, they are usually registered or used by the system. Unforeseen problems may arise later.

How to open ports: step-by-step instructions

Many people know how to open ports on routers. But there are often situations when the user does this, but an external check shows that the port is still closed. Some are stuck with this problem and don’t understand what to do next. One of the common reasons is the security system of the personal computer. The fact is that, having learned how to open ports for a router, a person does only half the job. They also need to be opened in the firewall rules on the computer. Next, we will describe in detail how to open ports on Windows 10 and lower versions of the operating system.

How to get into the firewall settings

These settings are located in the Control Panel, where there is a “System and Security” section. In new versions of the operating system, you can use a desktop element such as search. In it, you need to start typing the word “firewall”, and the user will see the desired link in the results. Another very quick and convenient method for getting into the settings is to press the Win+R combination. A line will appear in which you should write: “firewall.cpl” and click OK.

How to open a port on a computer in a firewall?

In the built-in firewall settings, you need to go to “Advanced settings”, after which the section with settings in enhanced security mode will open. On the left there is a field with rules for incoming connections. You need to open it and create a rule. To do this, in the “Actions” window on the right, click the corresponding item, and the “Wizard for creating a connection rule” will open. The rule type must be selected for the port. Next, the protocol type is selected and the port is specified. As a rule, TCP is chosen as the protocol, and less often – UDP. The port number is also indicated here. How do you know which port to open? Each game and program requires its own specific number. You can find it using the search engine. After this, the checkbox is checked to allow the connection, a name is created for the rule, and that’s it. The port is now open. You can check its availability from the outside using the special program PFPortChecker. If the check shows that the port is closed, you can resort to this option: allow the program any type of network activity. How to open ports this way? Again you need to go to the settings and create the rule again. But now it is created not for the port, but for the application. In the window that opens, you need to select the program you need access to. The checkbox is checked again to allow the connection, and a name is invented. Now the rule has been created for the program.

If this step did not help, then how can I open more ports? You can try to completely disable the firewall built into the system.

How to disable the firewall?

To disable it, you need to select the item called “Turn on and off” in the settings. A window will open with parameter settings for network types. For each, you need to check the box that disables the firewall. After confirmation, it will become inactive, and the operating system on the current computer will become completely open to threats from the external network. Therefore, it is recommended to disable the security system either for a short period of time to check for problems related to port availability, or if migrating to a third-party packet filter. And it is highly undesirable to constantly work on the network with the firewall disabled.

How to open ports for the server?

To do this, you need to open the router settings, log in, and then go to the “Firewall” item. Here you select the “Virtual Servers” option. It is worth noting that the names may differ on all routers. A window will open where you need to fill in all the fields in accordance with which server is needed. There is nothing difficult here.

How to open a port in Ubuntu?

It's no secret that Windows is aimed even at inexperienced users. That is why in this system all operations are performed using a graphical interface. In Ubuntu, all operations are carried out using special commands written on the command line. How to open ports in this system?

The answer may surprise you: not at all. The thing is that here no ports are blocked at all by the default firewall. The user, on the contrary, can block them if he wishes. If somehow the port turns out to be closed, then you can use the Nmap program to check it. It is able to recognize different port states. Thus, the Open state means that the application is ready to receive packets on this port. Filtered means that a filter or firewall is blocking a port on the network. The program cannot determine whether it is open or closed. Closed means that the port is not currently associated with any application, but can be opened at any time. Finally, the Unfiltered state means that the port is responding to the utility's request, but there is no way to determine whether it is open or closed.

If you press the space bar while scanning, the progress will appear.

If the user is closer to graphical rather than textual programs, then there is the Zenmap utility, which is a graphical shell for Nmap. She knows how to build a network map.


Thus, in order to open ports on computers, there are many different ways. Some are suitable for some operating systems, others for others. The user must decide on the appropriate means, and the operation itself will not take much effort. In addition, it is useful to become familiar with the operation of computer technology in more detail. Such skills will always come in handy.

How to open ports

The World Wide Web is the main source of danger for a computer. Therefore, the antivirus and Windows firewall constantly monitor what data enters the system. For security reasons, most inputs (i.e. ports) are closed by default, meaning no data packets pass through them.

But how to open ports if you need them to run a program or connect to a game server? Without permission, you won't be able to play Minecraft or any other popular multiplayer game normally. The connection simply will not be established or will work with constant failures until you open the right door.

Setting up a firewall

For example, let's take data exchange cell number 80, the opening of which is necessary for stable operation of the GTA V online mode. Let's try to make it available in the system parameters.

On the first screen of the wizard, select “For Port” and click “Next”.

Then specify which protocol to allow access. You will have to find out this information yourself for each individual game or program. In my case it is the TCP protocol. In the line “Specified local ports” enter the number 80.

In the next window, select the operating mode – “Allow connection”. If necessary, you can also configure a secure connection or block access here.

A screen will then appear with a selection of profiles for which the assigned principle applies. By default, all presented items are checked; nothing should be changed.

Finally, the wizard will prompt you to enter a name and description. Be sure to indicate the name, and don’t bother with the description - just click “Done” to save the configuration.

Some programs/games require allowing access via two protocols at once - TCP and UDP. In this case, two rules are created specifying different protocols. If this method does not work, try allowing access to a specific program. The meaning is the same, only in the first window of the wizard you need to check the “For program” option, and then specify the path to the application’s executable file - for example, gtav.exe

Opening access in the router

If you use a router to access the network, you need to make the port available in its settings, otherwise the connection to the server will not be established. First of all, find out the physical address of the computer.

You have found out the physical address of the computer, now go to the router settings. Log in to its web interface using the address indicated on the case or in the documentation for the router. I have a D-Link DIR-615, its interface is available at

The “Virtual Servers” section is responsible for opening access in the router’s web interface. For DIR-615 it is located in the “Firewalls” menu.

Go to the list of virtual servers and click “Add”.

Fill in the fields:

After filling out the form, be sure to save the configuration. If you wish, you can check the availability of the specified address. Go to the website and run the “Port Check” tool.

Enter the number and click "Check". The status “Open” or “Closed” will appear at the bottom.

Working with a third-party firewall

Some antivirus programs disable the Windows firewall, using their own firewall to protect the system. For example, I have ESET Smart Security on my computer, which is configured in such a way that the Windows firewall is not needed at all. If you also use this antivirus, repeat after me:

A form for creating a rule will open, which must be filled out correctly. Nothing complicated, just a few lines:

Then go to the Local tab and click Add. The name and description should not be touched, they will change automatically: enter only the number and click “OK” to save the configuration.

You can go the other way: open the “System Integration” section and set the value to “Inactive” or “Disabled”. The antivirus application's firewall will stop working, and Windows will prompt you to enable the built-in firewall for protection.

If you have a different antivirus, you can still use the instructions above. The names of paragraphs and sections will differ, but the essence remains the same. As a last resort, you can disable the firewall in the settings and use the standard Windows firewall.

Now you can easily open ports on your computer!

Now we will look at how to open a port on your computer or laptop. Do we need it, is it dangerous or not to open ports on a computer?

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog. Today I am writing the first article of the new year 2015.

I have drawn up a work plan for the year, it’s time to work. Unfortunately, at the end of 2014 I lost ground. But I guarantee you that in this new year everything will change beyond recognition.

Well, that will come later, now let's move on to the topic of the post.

A lot of people and users want to know how to open a port, but do you know how to open a port correctly?

By the way, I started recording the “Windows Command Line” course.

While I developed the plan, I wrote down the introduction.

Unfortunately, there is no website yet; creating a website will be the last step. I set the release date to February 15th.

If you want to know about the release without remembering and writing down this date, you can simply subscribe to blog updates. In this case, you will receive a letter stating that the course has been released and a link to receive it.

Well, now to the topic of our today’s post. And yes, by the way, I decided to return to the old design of the post, for example, as I did in the article - Internet addiction, how to fight.

Namely, before you start writing, first sort the article into pieces. Having created a list of items, you can go to any part of the article. Which, in my opinion, is very convenient.

If you think that this is completely unnecessary or should be done like this, write in the comments.

Well friends, this is what we will talk about today:

  • What is a port and what is it for?
  • Why and why to open a port, is it dangerous?
  • Opening a port on Windows
  • Check the port for availability on your computer
  • Conclusion

Well, let's go through the list.

What is a port and what is it for?

In our understanding, a port is something like a naval base where ships, dry cargo tankers, etc. moor. Each ship is assigned a berth and given permission. Right?

Why am I even talking about computers, said shipping? Yes, because it works the same way on our computers. Each program has an access request.

In other words, in order to allow a particular program to work on our computer, we must give it a place to reside. Or a port.

If a program asks you to open a port, but you have it closed, the program simply will not work on your computer.

Let's take Skype, which we already know, as an example. It uses port 80. This port is automatically enabled on the system. Therefore, this program receives access from us and runs quietly on our computers.

That is why some programs, other than official ones, may simply not work on our computers.

That's all, friends, a port is needed for ships (programs) to enter and perform their functions.

If they get access, they work.

If they do not have access, they will only be installed and float around us constantly, launch with errors, do nothing, freeze, and so on.

Why open ports and in general, if programs require access, do you need to run headlong to open this or that port?

We'll talk about this right now.

Why open the port, is it dangerous?

What do you think, if programs work through ports and each has its own port, should the ports be open to everyone?

At first glance it may seem like YES!

The first and most serious failure, because the more open ports your PC has, the more programs can get into it.

Well, okay, if you installed them yourself, to hell with them. What if programs are viruses?

The second, in my opinion, is the point why you should not open access, because you will make your computer a “passage yard”. Any student can access your computer.

There are a few more minor questions and points, but you can write 5 pages about this.

I think that with these two points, I showed you that I highly do not recommend opening ports just because it is necessary.

There are times when you just need to open a port for this or that program to run. What to do?

Well, then open the port. We'll talk about how to do this right now.

How to open a Windows port

Well, we learned what a port is, what it is needed for, and that it is not advisable to open it.

But sometimes we really need to open this or that port. Let's do it right now.

In order to open the port, we need to go to the Firewall of our operating system.

Everyone probably already knows how to go to the Firewall.

The first time I mentioned this wonderful thing was in an article on Internet security.

But, this time we need not only to go to the windows firewall, but also to perform several actions.

There are several ways to get into the firewall. I'll tell you one. I think this will be enough.

Now we need to go to the “exception” settings. Here we are shown what manipulations we can do. But we are only interested in ports.

Of course, there will be lessons on other firewall topics in the future. So subscribe so you don't miss out.

Well, now just click on the “Add port” button.

Well, that’s all, our system has understood everything, and immediately offers us only two fields. This is the name of the port, which you can enter absolutely anything, and the port itself.

When I open a port, I enter the name, the name of the program. This is convenient and you can immediately see for which program specifically this port is allowed and open.

After entering, leave the checkbox on the first option and click “OK”.

Thus, we have just allowed our system to run or communicate with programs from outside. Great, we succeeded. Everything is working.

And I just want to add, for general development, so to speak, about finer settings. They are hidden under the “Change Area” button. I won’t bother you too much, everything is shown, described and given as examples.

I will only say that this setting allows you to open ports or add programs to exceptions not only in full access, but also on the local network, and finer settings can be as one IP.

How do I use this setting? I have a second computer, or in other words, I have a server where I organize my work, files, documents, and so on.

This computer is in an ordinary closet. Using remote access to connect these two computers.

In general, I set the firewall settings to open the port only for such and such IP! This means that only my server machine has access to this port and NOBODY else.

I think you understand.

That's all, this is how we can open a port on the windows operating system. Customize it for your needs, for your purposes and SAFETY!

Ports on other versions of Windows operating systems open in the same way! The only thing is that the design, names of functions, etc. have been changed.

In all Windows operating systems, the firewall opens the ports. Therefore, we will not go into more detail in the following paragraphs.

If you have any questions or something is not clear, write in the comments, email me, and so on.

You will definitely get an answer to your question.

Great, we also learned how to open ports, how to configure them, and how to work with the settings. Most likely, you have a question, Listen Gen, everything is fine, of course, but now I’ll open a bunch, but how to keep track of them?

Well, guys, a list of open ports will help us here. To do this, move on to the next paragraph of our article.

Check whether the port is open or closed.

There are several ways to do this, through the command line and special programs. But we will use the method that I used at the initial level.

When I just started understanding the computer. Simply open our browser and go to the website

As you can see, there is a lot of good stuff there. But we only need to “check ports”. After that, click start checking.

In a few seconds the service will give you a whole list. This way, you can check whether a particular port is open or not.

Everything is very simple, easy and fast.

If we see red text, the port is closed, if you see green. I congratulate you.

If after all the steps the port is not open, then call your Internet company. Most likely they closed this port.

At the end of the article, I would like to summarize and collect all the key points that you need to pay attention to.


So, never open ports unnecessarily. Especially if he asks you to open a port, some kind of student-trainee program.

If you simply cannot avoid opening a port, then first see if it can be opened for one IP, or at least your local network. Or for anything and everything.

You shouldn’t neglect this, and I don’t recommend it, because it can lead to disastrous consequences.

Once you have determined for what purpose and which option to open the port to use, immediately turn on your computer’s protection to maximum. Various firewalls, antivirus programs, etc.

Once you are confident in your protection and the program that required you to open the port, you can safely start working with it.

Never, under any circumstances, grant access when the program itself requires it! 98% it's a virus!

This is a spy program. Designed exclusively for stealing data from your computer.

Programs developed by software companies and global brands will NEVER require you to open a port!

And even more so, they won’t indicate which one.

If you follow these simple tips that I have personally gone through, opening the port will be painless for you.

Well, that's all for me. Now you can manage your ports, open, close and so on.

How to open a port in an operating system, as you can see, is very easy and simple; there is no longer any need to run to a friend and ask him to tell you how to open a port.

You may have noticed that the article only mentions windows xp. And you need it for others. Therefore, I am attaching a video that will show you in video lesson format how to open a port in Windows 7.8.

Thank you for your attention, Gennady Nikulin was with you. Merry Christmas to you, dear friends!

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Until next time.

Have you already opened ports, have you encountered any difficulties?

Opening a port in Windows 7

For some software products to function correctly, certain ports must be opened. Let's establish how this can be done for Windows 7.