How to connect sound from a laptop to a TV. All the secrets to effectively setting up HDMI on your computer

Today, almost everyone has large LCD TVs, which have successfully replaced the anachronism in the form of old CRT models. Their huge advantage is not only the highest image quality, but also the ability to connect to a computer. Using regular laptop, you can make an excellent media center by spending very little money on it.

It’s just that, in principle, there is nothing complicated about this, but sometimes there are minor problems that require a little time to resolve. No need to worry, as almost all problems can be solved relatively easily, and the reward for your efforts will be a movie in excellent quality that you can enjoy on your home TV screen!

General information

So, to connect, you need a TV itself that supports this mode, as well as a computer or laptop, which can also be connected via an HDMI connector. Of course, you also need the cable itself. So how do you set up your TV via HDMI? To answer this question, you will have to conduct a small educational program on the most basic concepts.

Types of HDMI connectors and cables

By the way, what is this? It's comparative new interface for video and audio transmission high definition. Its peculiarity is that it uses exclusively digital transmission of encoded data, which provides excellent picture and sound quality. No wonder that this interface Today it is one of the most popular all over the world.

There are three types of standard HDMI connectors:

  • Type A. Standard, found in any modern technology.
  • Type C (micro HDMI), as well as Type D (mini HDMI). These connectors are familiar to all owners of modern cameras, smartphones and tablets. Being smaller, these modifications have all the advantages of their predecessors.
  • Type B. It differs in that it is capable of transmitting video with a resolution higher than 1080p, but is still rare.

Of course, among such a colorful “hotbed” of connectors themselves, no less varieties of cables have appeared that can connect them:

  • Standard. It is most common and can be used to transmit video with a resolution of up to 1080p.
  • High speed. You can watch 3D and other ultra-high definition formats.
  • Standard/Ethernet. Not only supports audio and video transmission, but can also be used to connect to local network. Rare, however, as are devices that support this feature. In any case, connecting a computer via HDMI to a network is almost impossible to see in our country.
  • High Speed/Ethernet. Everything is the same as was said regarding the modification described above, only it is even less common and supports all high-definition video formats.
  • Automotive. As the name suggests, it is used to connect devices that support this interface in cars.

Choosing a cable

Beginners usually have difficulties not only with how to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI, but also with the question the right choice cable. What you don't hear in stores! And about oxygen-free copper and gold-plated contacts! Some of these stories are relatively true, but you definitely shouldn’t believe everything.

So, remember one simple rule: if you are not going to watch 3D movies on TV, and the cable length in your case does not exceed 1.5-2 meters, you can take any model, even a Chinese one. In this segment there is no difference between a cable that costs six thousand and one that costs 200 rubles. If you just need 3D, then you should choose a cable with a specification no lower than HDMI 1.4. In the case where there is none, you will not be able to watch a 3D movie via HDMI, since the cable simply cannot cope with such a volume transmitted information.

However, even then you shouldn’t run to the store to buy a cable, paying 500 or more (!) dollars for it. Any cord of the required specification will be sufficient. Forget about the myths that talk about “better signal transmission” and other nonsense. Specifics digital transmission The fact is that it either exists or it doesn’t exist at all. Simply put, if the cable is capable of transmitting a signal, then it will transmit it in any case, and the quality of the image and sound will not suffer in any way. But when the computer stubbornly does not see the TV via HDMI, it still makes sense to replace the cable. It may happen that it was manufactured in violation of technology.

And now a few words about where the connectors are.

If we talk about a TV, then most often they can be found on its back panel. However, in latest models HDMI connectors are often located on the side wall. It's easier with computers. All required inputs are on the video card. If we are talking about a laptop, then standard case The desired input is located close to the USB 3.0 connector. Before connecting your laptop via HDMI, it won’t hurt to look at the instructions for it again. It will also not be superfluous to visit the manufacturer’s website, where you can familiarize yourself in detail with all the specifications that this device uses.


So how to connect your computer to your TV via HDMI? Everything is very simple here. Connect the plug to the connector on the TV, and then insert the other end into a similar port on the computer’s video card. Attention! Both devices must be turned off at this moment, otherwise they are likely to break!

Here's how to connect your computer to your TV via HDMI. If only one TV is connected to the computer, then everything should work immediately after they are turned on. But if you need it paired with a monitor, then numerous and varied problems are possible, the occurrence of which is associated with several factors at once.

Connection problems

So, at first you may find that all the icons and controls on your TV screen appear stretched or warped. This is due to wrong resolution. As a rule, modern operating systems set the appropriate value automatically, but this is not always the case.

To adjust the resolution, you need to click right key mouse over any free space on the desktop, then select the “Screen resolution” item in the context menu. Keep in mind: it is better to set the recommended values, since otherwise no one can guarantee good quality Images. This applies to both maximum and minimum values.

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to click on the “ Extra options", then go to the "Monitor" tab. There you should click on the “Screen refresh rate” drop-down list. You need to make sure that under this item there is a checkbox “Hide values ​​that may harm your equipment.”

Important! All of the above especially applies to laptops, in which damage to the screen will lead to the replacement of the entire laptop assembly. Only after you make sure that all parameters fully comply, you can connect the laptop to the TV via HDMI.

The minimum suitable value is 60 Hz. However, the more, the better. Of course, the color rendering quality must be set to 32 bits. If after clicking the "OK" button the system does not work normally, just wait 15 seconds, after which everything will return to the default settings.

Setting up the connection of multiple displays

If to system unit not only a TV is connected, but also a monitor, the system will consider all devices as displays. The specific type of equipment in this case is completely unimportant. Windows 7/8 has two main modes for this case: duplication and cloning. You can choose between them in the same dialog box in which you set the required display resolution.

Duplicating screen

As you can guess from the name alone, your two desktops will be displayed in front of you on all connected displays. Important! Alas, but standard Windows tools(and Windows 8 is no exception) do not allow you to set for each monitor eigenvalue. Imagine what the image will look like on a large TV and an old 4:3 monitor!

Simply put, for comfortable use this mode you will have to use devices with the same resolution, otherwise some display may be turned off altogether. Since we are talking about connecting a TV, this option is still unlikely. However, you can simply pair it with your TV widescreen monitor. In this case, it will be possible to experimentally find the most suitable resolution, and there will be no annoying black bars on the sides of the desktop on the computer.

Here's how to connect your computer via HDMI using this mode.

Expanding the screen

This method is much more interesting. In this case, the TV can be made into one desktop, and the laptop or computer monitor can be made into a second one. Simply put, with the mouse you can select the active one on this moment The monitor on which the application will run.

The OS will automatically number the displays, and familiarize yourself with them serial numbers you can in the same “Screen Resolution” section. If you have gone too far with the number of TVs and monitors, and therefore no longer understand which one is which, just click on the “Detect” button, after which the devices will be sorted in order, and the currently active monitor (or TV) will be highlighted.

Manual distribution

In the event that you do not like the order of automatic distribution of display numbers, you can simply grab them with the mouse and place them on Right place. So, it is preferable to place the TV in the front rows, since in this case it will be much more convenient to display content on it. After all this, you can click on “Apply”, after which the desktop will be expanded to multiple monitors. Using the “Make Primary” button you can set the priority.

Roughly speaking, the monitor you select will have a Start button, and all other connected displays will be considered slaves by default. As practice shows, setting the TV as the main monitor is not very wise. Of course, except for those cases when it will “officially” replace your work computer monitor.

Other options

If you have installed control programs for your video card (NVidia, AMD), then connecting via HDMI can be done using the methods suggested by their developers. For example, in the first case, you need to right-click on a free space on the desktop, and then select “Panel” from the context menu that appears. NVidia control" Go to the “Display” section and make the settings you are interested in. AMD programs are managed in a similar way. In general, all setup steps are similar to what we described above, so it won’t be difficult to figure them out.

How to output sound to TV via HDMI

What about sound via HDMI? Don't forget that an HDMI cable is a very functional thing. Not only images are transmitted through it, but also sound. Many novice users completely forget about this, and therefore spend a lot of time trying to fix “problems” that actually don’t exist. For sound to be transmitted correctly, you must have the most current versions of drivers installed on your video card. Of course, the same applies to drivers for audio output devices (integrated into motherboard Realtek core or discrete audio card).

Let's learn how to set up sound via HDMI. To understand whether you have a sound output module installed through it, you need to open “Device Manager”. It's easy to open. Right-click on “My Computer”, select “Properties” in the context menu, and in the dialog box that opens, in the far left part of it, click on to the desired point. A new one will open working window, in which you need to find the “Sound, gaming and video devices” section. It should contain a line like High Definition Audio, which indicates support for digital quality audio playback.

Next, go to the “Control Panel” (search through the “Start” button), select the “Sound” item there. It should also have something similar to "HDMI Device". If everything is in order, turn off the computer, connect the TV, and boot the system again. The device should change its status to “Ready”. You need to right-click on it, and then select the “Use as default” option in the context menu that opens.


Alas, not all models can transmit sound to a TV via HDMI in principle, as this is due to the characteristics of the connectors. As a rule, the first connector, which is specifically designed for connecting computers, laptops and other reproducing equipment, should in any case have such capabilities. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to dig deep into the TV settings. There you can often find a lot of useful things - setting up sound output, for example. However, connecting a TV via HDMI largely depends on the manufacturer and model of the device. Remember this. Therefore, it won’t hurt to read the instructions again.

That's it, after this the audio should go via HDMI. To be sure, reboot the entire system again, and then start enjoying movies in high resolution transmitted from a computer or laptop. Here's how audio is transmitted over HDMI.

Don't forget about the remote control!

It happens that you have already tried all the methods, but the image stubbornly refuses to appear on the TV screen. Why is there no signal via HDMI? In this case, it won’t hurt to take a closer look at the remote control for your TV. There is probably a small Source button there, with which you can select the signal source.

Click on it, then activate the one in the selection menu that appears HDMI port, to which you already have a computer connected. Most likely, after such a simple action, everything will work perfectly. Here's how to connect your TV via HDMI.

And again about the problems

Alas, Windows would not be itself if everything was so simple. As a rule, many users encounter problems associated with duplicating images from a PC monitor to a TV screen. So, very often people complain that they are unable to display an image on a TV unless they make it their main monitor. As you can understand, this is not advisable in all cases.

As a rule, a TV is used as a media player, and a regular monitor is used for work. If it is not active, you will not be able to work fully or watch movies normally. Unfortunately, the creators of Windows are once again “behind the times”, and therefore regular funds there is simply no way to properly manage a multi-monitor configuration. We have to look for third-party alternatives.

The most powerful and flexible program This type is an excellent application called Actual Multiple Monitors, which we will talk about now. The program is paid, which is important for our region, but its capabilities are worth the stated price. Of course, there are some absolutely free utilities, but not always their capabilities can be compared with those of the program described below.

Actual Multiple Monitors - assistant in connecting a TV

Of course, when creating this utility, the developers were unlikely to focus exclusively on connecting a TV via HDMI, but the program really simplifies its use when connecting to an existing computer/monitor pair.

Unlike standard utilities this application can make a desktop on computer monitor and TV are absolutely identical, but at the same time on each of them you can easily set different resolution! This perfect solution for those users who are quite happy with the old 4:3 monitor, but who would like to use a TV as a second display.

But that's not all! You can easily determine which application windows will be displayed where. Simply put, you can only display the window of the player you are using on the TV screen. Agree that this option is extremely convenient and useful! And one more pleasant circumstance. The application allows you to use a separate desktop image for each monitor, which will certainly be appreciated by all aesthetes. The program is paid, it costs around 40 dollars, but it works out its cost in full.

How to connect two TVs if the video card only has one HDMI connector?

If you have the opportunity to connect two TVs to the system at once, one of which will be used for its intended purpose, and the second you will work on, then that’s great... But most modern video cards only have one HDMI connector. What to do in this case?

This problem can be solved in two ways. In the first case, you will need to find a DVI/HDMI adapter. Connect it to analog output video card, and then use a cable to connect the system unit to the TV. However, if you use old monitor, which connects to the system unit only via an analog connector, you will not have such problems at all. Important! Through such an adapter, sound is not transmitted to the TV via HDMI, and therefore the issue with acoustics will have to be resolved separately.

The problem is that the quality of the signal that is output to it is not very high. What to do if you have a high-quality monitor and TV that you would like to connect via a normal interface? In this case, you will need to buy a so-called HDMI splitter, which allows you to connect several devices to one output at once.

Important! As with cables, don't try to buy the most expensive products of their kind. In stores you can see models costing $500, but practice clearly shows that they do not have any significant advantages over the “Chinese” ones for 300 rubles. An exception should be made only for cases when you plan to view “heavy” 3D video. If this is really the case, you will have to buy a more expensive model, since cheap modifications rarely support such signal density.


Here's how to connect your computer to your TV via HDMI. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to be a little more careful. We warn you once again - all devices must be turned off at the time of connection! It is not uncommon for ports to burn out if this instruction is ignored!

This unfortunate circumstance is due to the fact that this cable is actually under quite high voltage. Surely everyone knows stories about flash drives that caused fires USB ports. And this despite the fact that the voltage on the ports is negligible (compared to HDMI)!

Many users connect their computer to the TV, as it is convenient and the image is of better quality. But after they turn it on, they discover that there is no sound on the TV. Then the question immediately arises. What did I do wrong, that there is no sound and how can I generally set up the sound via HDMI on my TV so that it works.

After you decide to watch a movie on the Internet by connecting your computer to your TV, you will need: TV, computer, HDMI cable. The devices connect directly to each other. On TV, select HDMI and you're done. you get wonderful sound effect And high quality Images. In the case when it is connected correctly, but the TV is turned on and does not speak, then something has been done wrong.

Sound not working via HDMI? This is a problem that any user who tries to synchronize two equipment may encounter. Before you resolve the issue of setting up voice playback, you need to at least find out the reason why this is happening. Most often, in automatic mode, after connecting, the sound does not play on the TV and then you need to adjust the sound. This is done as follows:

  • on the “bell” icon, you need to click right click mouse and in the window that appears, select the “Playback devices” option;
  • the window that will open in front of you will display the transmitted signals, including required picture from TV;
  • after that, select the “bell” from the TV and configure the “Use as default” item.

Having completed these manipulations, the sound when connecting a computer will begin to be transmitted through the television device.

If you opened the settings and did not find the icons from the second device there, how to configure it in this case. If there is no sound via HDMI on the TV and the icon that is responsible for this, you can try restarting the computer. And most likely everything will be fine right away.

If the audio signal does not sound and nothing works during setup, then just download it from the Internet necessary drivers and you can use it.

How to connect correctly so that everything works

There shouldn't be any problems in this matter. How to output sound? In order for a TV to transmit audio, it must have the Sound over HDMI protocol installed. But the fact is, even all new TVs have this feature. Then you will need a regular cable that needs to be connected to the Audio in output. And on the device that transmits the sound there must be a connection Audio Out. After the connection is made, you will receive a sound when connected.

Please note: if you yourself cannot figure out what is required for a beautiful sound, then it is better to have it all done by a professional. It will really make any device sound.

Setup instructions

After you have connected all the necessary wires and cables, pay attention to the fact that a picture should appear on the screen. If it is there, it means you connected it correctly. But suddenly you discovered that there was no volume. So how can you make it appear? The user immediately has a standard question: why not? high-quality sound to HDMI on his TV?

So, how to connect sound:

  • First, we check whether everything is on the equipment. To do this, go to the computer menu and click the “Start” button;
  • In the selected menu, click on Control Panel;
  • Next is a panel for adjusting the sound. If you can't find the icons you need, you can simply enter the computer search and enter the word sound.
  • After the procedure is completed, 4 bookmarks will open in front of you. You need to select "Play". If you are using an HDMI cable for connection, there will be a green check mark on this panel in front of the speaker. In this case, you need to change the settings and select the “Default” item.
  • Save accordingly and immediately hear what you wanted on your TV.

Even after connecting the HDMI cable there is no sound on your TV, then you can use the instructions that came with it. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the TV menu there is hidden settings that need to be activated. Couldn't cope on your own? Then it’s easier to turn to a specialist who knows the tricks of the trade. He will quickly help you deal with the problem that has arisen.

Acts as a monitor. Connecting a laptop or personal computer to the TV expands the capabilities of the computer, improves the quality of films and music. There are several ways to do this, but you need to consider the characteristics and capabilities of the technology. Most universal method– connection via HDMI wire, since problems rarely arise with it, and almost all TVs have HDMI connector. But one problem may arise here - there is no sound on the TV, and the audio still comes from the laptop speakers or computer speakers, although it should come from the TV. How to properly adjust the sound on your TV? This problem can be solved quickly and easily: just change certain settings on the computer, and for Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10 these settings are very similar. Let's consider possible reasons absence audio track and options for solving this problem.

Setting the sound on the TV when connected via HDMI.

If, when connecting a computer to a TV, there is no sound at all, even from the PC speakers, then the reason may be trivial - the sound is simply reduced to a minimum. Check:

  • The sound level of the TV itself.
  • Volume on a laptop or computer.
  • Check the button silent mode on the remote control.

This is especially true if the equipment worked before.

IMPORTANT. Make sure you connected the HDMI cable. VGA cable does not transmit sound signal.

2. Check playback devices

On modern operating systems such as Windows 7, 8, 10, when you connect a laptop or any other device to the TV, the sound is played automatically on the connected device. The OS itself determines the connected audio playback device. However, sometimes this may not happen and you need to select on PC suitable device manually. For this:

  1. We connect the computer using a cable to the TV (and do not disconnect it during all the steps).
  2. Find the notification panel, the speaker icon and right-click. You need to select "Playback devices".

ATTENTION. in certain Windows updates 10 You must first select Open Sound Options and then open the Sound Control Panel.

  1. The window that appears will list all available playback devices - TV, laptop speakers, headphones (if available). Please pay attention to which device is used. You need to select your TV (or any connection that has HDMI in its name) and check the “Use as default” checkbox. Apply the settings.

IMPORTANT. If the TV is displayed in the “Playback devices” column, but marked “Not connected” (or “Not active”), then you need to restart the PC without disconnecting the HDMI cable.

This usually helps solve the problem. But there are special cases, when in active devices there is nothing related to HDMI connection. Try clicking on free place and check the box “Show hidden and disabled devices.” If the sound still doesn't work, let's try following methods fix the problem.

3. Check the controller

If the TV still does not appear in playback devices, then the problem may lie in the controller High Definition Audio. To check the activity of the controller, do the following:

  1. Launch the device manager and go to " System devices" Let's see if the controller is turned on. If there are any icons next to it, we try to turn on the controller by right-clicking.
  2. Open the properties and check how the device works. If there is no indication that the device is working normally, you can try turning it off, restarting the computer, and turning it on again.

IMPORTANT. do not remove the controller! There is a possibility that the system will not be able to install it again automatically, and then the sound will disappear completely.

  1. Check the “Audio inputs and outputs” tab. A device that has no audio may appear there. All adapters must be active.
  2. If the methods listed above do not work, try opening “Sound, game and video devices”. There, depending on your video card (AMD or NVIDIA), you can check the operation of the adapters.

4. Checking the drivers

If you've tried everything available devices, and there is still no sound coming from the TV, then the problem may lie in the drivers for audio output, which are either installed incorrectly or not installed at all. Perhaps, when installing drivers for your video card, you manually selected necessary components. To fix this, do the following:

  1. We go to the device manager (or open the desired window by clicking on the “Start” button for Windows 10).
  2. Find “Sound, game and video devices”.
  3. Select “View” and turn on the display of all hidden devices.
  4. We look at the number of displayed connections. If a device with HDMI in its name is available but disabled, then right-click on it and click “Enable”. If in the list you only see sound card laptop itself, then move on.
  5. Download or update video card drivers using the official website of your video card manufacturer. Before installing drivers, double-check that the HDMI audio driver will be installed.

ATTENTION. You can risk updating the drivers using DriverPack Solution. This method is not reliable, but can sometimes help.

  1. Reboot the computer.

If problems arise with installing drivers, then there may be problems in the operation of existing video card drivers. In this case, you can try removing all previously installed video card drivers and reinstalling them.

5. Not a single method solved the problem.

If none of the above options help, it makes sense to try diagnosing the problem. To do this, right-click on the speaker icon and select “Diagnostics sound problems.” The OS may be able to detect and fix the problems. Double-check if the sound disappears. If it still disappears, try repeating the steps above.

We hope you were able to set everything up! If not, write in the comments about your problem, as well as possible ways solutions we forgot to mention. Good luck!

There are several ways to connect sound to a TV from a computer; choosing the best one depends on whether the equipment is equipped with certain connectors.

The main method is how to connect sound to a TV from a computer. When transmitting sound through this cable, difficulties very rarely arise, and the quality of the audio signal is very high. Most best option for new TV models. HDMI cable often comes in a set with various television and audio equipment; it can also be purchased separately.

Connection diagram:

  1. Disconnect the computer and TV from the power supply.
  2. Connect the cord to both devices.

This option does not require any additional settings; just select the HDVI output on the TV as the sound source.


  1. Right-click the sound icon, then select the “Playback equipment” tab and select your equipment from the list of devices that appears.
  2. Key computer mouse Click on the selected option and check the box next to the “Default” tab.

The procedure is performed with the equipment connected to each other. If the HDMI cable is connected to the devices, but the PC does not see it, then you should reboot.


Another popular way switch sound from personal computer to TV. There are three types of connectors:

  1. Analog connector.
  2. Digital connector.
  3. Combo connector.

With this type of setup, the computer video card must support the audio format via DVI. Scheme:

  1. In the TV settings menu, select the DVI signal converter.
  2. Connect the cord to the devices.


This scheme for outputting audio from a computer to a TV is recommended only if the device cannot transmit a signal via DVI. This method is usually used on outdated equipment.

It is a common occurrence that the VGA connector is occupied by the PC screen, so the switch can only be done using a special adapter, and then a VGA cable is connected. This transfer option is considered the most difficult and expensive.


This method is only possible if the TV has DLNA support, and a multimedia player is also required. All modern panels support DLNA, so this method can be considered an alternative to transmitting audio via HDMI. Thanks to this option, the connected screen works directly with PC files. Scheme:

  1. Make sure that plasma panel has a module for distribution via WI-FI connection.
  2. Turn on devices.
  3. Installing and configuring the DLNA server.
  4. In the TV menu settings, select the “WIRELESS CONNECTION” tab.
  5. To transfer sound to TV, you need to download a special computer application called media server.
  6. To transmit audio sound, the user must open this program and select “Ethernet”.

You should know that the connected server goes huge pressure, this leads to a decrease in speed.


The best option is to transmit the audio signal to older TV models. This cord is often called “TULIP”, it has three branches, the red socket is responsible for the sound on the right, the yellow socket is responsible for the left sound, and the white socket is responsible for the video signal. Scheme:

  1. Disconnect all devices from power supply.
  2. In the PC settings, you should expand the computer monitor settings to match the size of the television screen.
  3. Switch the TV to “VIDEO” mode.

Of all the listed sound transmission methods, HDMI and Fi-Wi are considered the best. Since they provide high sound quality and reliable operation equipment.

Laptop and TV

Instructions on how to output sound from a laptop to a TV. The user needs to purchase HDMI-HDMI cable or JACK–2RCA cord.


  1. Turn on the laptop and LCD panel.
  2. After loading the laptop OP, open the sound setup program.
  3. Select the system type "FRONT SPEAKERS".
  4. In the TV menu, select the “SOUND SOURCE” tab.
  5. Open the player and play any music composition.
  6. Set up the equalizer.


  1. Connect laptop and plasma with using HDMI cord.
  2. In the panel settings, specify HDMI as the main signal transmission source.
  3. On your laptop, open the control menu and go to the “HARDWARE AND SOUND” section.
  4. Select the “Manage sound devices” link; in the “Playback” section, the “SPEAKER” item should be activated.
  5. Click on the HDMI Output icon, select “Properties”, activate the “Use this device” tab.
  6. In the previous menu, activate “DEFAULT”.
  7. Play any musical composition to check the sound.
  8. The setup is complete.