How to recover your Facebook login. Recovering your Facebook account

Losing access to a Facebook page is a problem that almost every social network user faces. The main reasons are self-deactivation of the account or its blocking by moderators. In both cases, it is possible to restore the page, and we will now tell you how to do this.

Restoring a page after temporary deactivation

If you need to close access to your account for a while, you probably used deactivation. As you know, using this function you cannot permanently delete your page - you can only temporarily block it. You can restore your account at any time - even in twenty minutes, even in a few weeks. You are required to know the email address and password specified during registration, as well as access to this email.

The procedure itself is very simple and consists, by and large, of one step. First, go to Facebook, then enter your registration data in the upper right part - e-mail and password - and click the “Login” button.

You can use your account again! So, in just a minute, you can restore access to the social network and continue communicating with friends.

Restoring an account after it has been blocked

There are often cases when moderators on Facebook are forced to block certain accounts. Most often this happens due to suspicious activity - sending spam and excessively active participation in placing “likes”, joining groups, etc. Sometimes this activity comes directly from you, and sometimes it is the result of a simple hack. There is no need to worry in either case - restore access to social media. network you still can.

It’s quite easy to return a page blocked by moderators. It all comes down to the fact that you need to go to the main Facebook page and follow the instructions that appear on the site. Most often, you will need to answer a security question that you selected during registration. If you answer correctly, you will restore your Facebook account, but do not forget that you must enter a new password. This measure will help secure the page in case it has been hacked.

Be prepared for the system to give you a little test. You will be presented with avatars of your friends, which you must match with their names. Or you will be asked to send documents confirming your identity. Of course, in order to restore the page, you have to go through all these tedious procedures, but it all takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, there is one convenient way to recover your account - the trusted friends feature. The point of this function is that secret codes will be sent to your friends whom you have specified in your trusted list. To restore access on Facebook, you must simply enter these codes. The procedure itself is simple. The main thing is that your friends are aware and pass on the received codes to you.

Thus, restoring a deleted or blocked page is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But it’s still better to avoid such situations altogether. Therefore, do not forget to change your password from time to time, do not use dubious third-party programs, and follow all the rules established by Facebook management.

The use of social networks has become an integral part of the life of modern society. In this process, situations inevitably arise when, due to some circumstances, the user loses access to his account, or deletes it by mistake, and then wants to restore it. Is this possible, and what should be done in such cases, let's look at the example of the world's largest social network - Facebook.

Analyzing the descriptions of problems with a Facebook account shared by users online, all their troubles can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Account blocking by Facebook administration.
  2. Problems with your account login and password.
  3. Erroneously deleting your account.

Account blocking is a special topic that should be considered separately.

We can look at the remaining two options in more detail.

Option 1: Recovering your login and password

Losing your password or password and login together is one of the most common reasons for losing access to your Facebook account. This problem is quite multifaceted and, depending on the specific situation, has slightly different solutions. Let's look at them in order.

The user remembers the login, but forgot the password

This is the most harmless problem that can arise when using a social network. Solving it will only take a few minutes. To recover your password, you must:

Then all you have to do is specify a new password and access to your account will be restored.

The user does not remember the login or access to the email used as login has been lost

The situation when a user does not remember any details about his account seems absurd, but it still happens, although much less frequently. Let’s immediately make a reservation that no contact with Facebook support will help here. But this does not mean that you need to fall into despair, you can try to fix everything.

If you used a login for authorization, you need to ask one of your friends to open your page. The last word in the browser address bar after the slash will be the login to your account. For example:

Having found out your login in this way, further actions to restore access to your account can be performed according to the algorithm described above.

If you used an email address or phone number as your login, you can also ask your friend to look it up in the contact information section on your page. But it often happens that users leave this field empty. In this case, all that remains is to randomly try all possible addresses and telephone numbers, in the hope of finding the right one. There is no other way.

Option 2: Recovering a deleted page

There are situations when a person deletes his Facebook page, succumbing to momentary emotions, and then regrets it and wants to return everything to the way it was. To correctly understand the problem, the user needs to clearly distinguish between two concepts:

  • Account deactivation;
  • Account deleting.

In the first case, the user can reactivate the account at any time. You just need to log in to your page, or log in to another resource via Facebook. The page will begin to function fully again.

If we are talking about deleting a page, then this means completely erasing user data from Facebook servers. This is an irreversible process. But in order to avoid annoying misunderstandings in connection with account deletion, the administration of the social network has blocked the ability to immediately start this process. The user must first submit a request to remove the page. After this, 14 days are given to make a final decision. During this time, the account will be in a deactivated state and can be reactivated at any time. But after two weeks, nothing can be done.

These are the ways to recover your account on the social network Facebook. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about them. But in order not to completely lose their data, the user needs to be careful and strictly follow the rules established by the Facebook administration.


To return to Facebook, go to the official page of the site and click on the “Forgot your password?” link. You will see three ways to recover your password: the first is when you need to enter your e-mail or phone number that was registered in your account. The second option is to enter your username on Facebook in the format or vasya. Method three is to enter your name and your friend's name.

In all three methods, after entering the data, the same page will open - for the account. Next, select the option to receive an identity verification code: email or text message to your phone. If suddenly you did not enter your mobile phone number and also lost access to the specified e-mail address, click on the link “No more access?”. On the next page you can enter a new e-mail, which will receive an email with a confirmation code. So, after you have chosen the method for receiving the code, click on the “Change password” button.

The letter arrives immediately, but if this does not happen to you, then do not forget to check the Spam folder, in most cases it is located there. The email will contain a six-digit code that you must enter on the password recovery page. Another way is to click on the link in the letter and immediately go to a new page. Now enter a new password and click on the “Change Password” button again. You will be notified by e-mail of successful password change. The letter will indicate the exact time and date of the password change, the country, city and from which the recovery was made, as well as a link where you can resume control of your account if you are the victim of a phishing attack. Facebook will also prompt you to add additional email addresses and mobile phone numbers to enhance your account security. If you are not interested in this, click "Save and Continue". After this, access to the lost page will be restored.

Finding the necessary, timely information on the Internet is a great success. The World Wide Web is rich in thousands of sites on the same topic, but it is not always possible to find something that fully answers the question you asked in a search engine. It also happens that you accidentally open a new page and you understand - here it is, long desired and compactly collected in one place. And it can be a shame when, due to absurd carelessness, this window closes. But don't panic, let's figure it out.


Some browsers have a “History” tab on the program’s text menu bar, which displays a list of recently opened windows and tabs. And if you look for the right page after a short time - after a few hours or the next day, then it will probably be present in this list.

If you have just mistakenly closed the one you still need, then you can easily return it. To do this, right-click on the line with the names of your tabs and in the context menu that appears, select “closed tab”, this way you can return more than one to the overview page.

A page that was closed, for example, a week ago, can be restored by clicking on the “Journal” icon on the quick access panel and a list of certain periods of time will appear on the left - last week and previous months, by selecting which you can see the list that you opened during the corresponding period. The appearance of this menu can also be configured by , by frequency of visits, etc.

Helpful advice

To make it easier to work with pages you constantly use, it is advisable to add them to bookmarks or to the bookmarks bar that appears when you open a new empty tab.

There are situations when you need to use your old email or account on a social network, forum, or online store. In most cases, we are faced with the problem of entering a password. If you use the same system code everywhere, then there will be no problems, but if you forget it, then you should do a series of sequential actions.


If a code word was specified during registration, you remember it, then this makes the task much easier. Most resources have a password reminder link. After clicking on it, the system will ask for a code word; if it is entered correctly, you will be prompted to enter a new one password and the ability to log into your account.

If you don't remember the answer to your security question, you should contact support. Many sites have a form for contacting the resource administration, or contacts for feedback indicating an email. Usually these contacts are located at the bottom of the Internet page.

When filling out an appeal to the owners of the resource, you need to indicate your username to log in to the system and the data that you filled in when contacting. These include: full name, year of birth, city of residence and address. If you consider it necessary to provide additional information, for example, which letters you answered, which friends you communicated with most often, this will not be superfluous. Some resources require additional information, namely a copy of the pages of a passport or other document.

The application review process itself requires some time. In different companies it can reach 72 hours or more. If the support service has no doubt that you are the owner of this login, then a link to specify a new password will be sent in a response message or letter.

Video on the topic

The user can solve the problem of restoring the IP address of his computer without using additional third-party software and will not take much time.


Click the “Start” button to open the main system menu and go to “All Programs” to initiate the procedure for restoring your IP address.

Select Internet Explorer from the list of programs and launch the browser.

Specify the desired connection and click the “Settings” button.

Select the "LAN Setup" button when using a leased line or local network and uncheck the "Use a proxy server for this connection" checkbox.

Click OK to execute the command and confirm the application of the selected changes by clicking OK again in the general settings window.

Use the same algorithm in other browsers:

Opera: “Tools” - “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Network” - “Proxies”;
- Mozilla Firefox: - “Tools” - “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Network” - “Configure” - “Manually setting up a proxy service.”

Return to the main Start menu and go to Run to launch the command line tool.

Enter command in the Open field and click OK to confirm the command.

Enter the ipconfig value in the text field of the command prompt window that opens and confirm your choice by pressing the Enter function key. This action will cause the current IP address settings to be displayed.

Enter the value ipconfig/release and press the Enter function key to disable the Internet connection and restore it by entering the ipconfig/renew command.

Press Enter to confirm the command to restore your IP address and exit the Command Prompt tool by entering exit in the text box.

Press Enter to apply the selected changes.


  • How to change your IP address
  • How to recover your IP address

If a person has not used an account for a long time, and then suddenly the need arises, it is not always possible to remember the password. At the same time, the old account stores a lot of important data. It will be possible to access them by restoring your old account.


If you use Google email services (Gmail) and, the procedure for recovering your account is as follows. Go to the official website and click on the “Forgot your password?” link. Next, you will be asked to enter the email address for which you forgot the password, after entering, click “Next”. So, you will have three options for recovering your account - answer the secret question, receive a password on the specified mobile phone, or enter additional e-mail addresses (this option will be displayed if you entered additional e-mail addresses). After answering your security question, you will be prompted to enter a new password. If you used the second option, a letter with a link to restore your account will be sent to an additional e-mail.

To restore your account on Google's email service - Gmail, go to Gmail and click on the link "Can't access your account?". Next, select the problem: forgot your username or forgot your password. In the first case, you will need to enter an additional e-mail that was linked to your account. In the second case, first you will need to enter the e-mail for which you need to recover the password. Then, as in, you will be offered three recovery options: a confirmation code to your phone, an answer to your security question, and a link to an additional email address. Select any of the convenient ones and click the “Continue” button.

If you did not enter or do not remember this data, Google prompts you to confirm your identity. To do this, click on the link of the same name under the “Continue” button. You will need to indicate the last date the account was used and other data that will help prove that this is your account.

Helpful advice

The “Forgot your password” link exists on most sites and programs that are somehow connected to the Internet. Therefore, always fill out your registration information as accurately as possible so that you can easily restore access to your accounts in the future.

The Facebook website has been actively developing since 2004. At the moment, this is one of the world's leading social networks, in honor of which a feature film was made by David Fincher based on a script by Aaron Sorkin. To create a page on this resource, you just need to register on it.


For the registration process, you need to go to the main page of the Facebook website. Currently, authorization on many sites, including Facebook, occurs only if you have an email, which receives information about registration confirmation and resource news. Also, to register, you indicate your data on the main page: first and last name, password, date of birth and gender.

To avoid misunderstandings when using Facebook, we recommend that you read the terms of use and data policy. To do this, you need to follow the special link located below the registration data fields.

At the beginning of your work, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with some services and innovations; you can skip this step. A link with your photo and name will be located at the top of the site header, click on it to go to the main page of your account. Now you can indicate personal information: education, place of work and study, upload photos and applications.

If you want to create a page not for an ordinary user, but for an organization or famous person, use the link “Create a page for a celebrity, music group or business.” A window will open in front of you in which you will have to select the direction of the page: Local company, or Place; Company, organization or institution; Brand or product; Performer, musical group or famous person; Entertainment; A common idea or community. Then specify a category, set a page name and click the "Get Started" button.

In the new window, indicate: do you have an account; email; password; text from the capture field; agreement to the terms of use. Then click the "Register" button.

The browser automatically remembers the last person who entered the site, so if you have several people in your family registered on Facebook, click the “Log Out” button every time you finish working on the social network.

Facebook is a social network where people communicate on their own behalf. This community's rules require you to provide your real name so you can know who you're really talking to. You can change your name or add a new name (such as your nickname or maiden name) in your account. This is done according to the following algorithm.


First, log into your Facebook account. After logging in, when you are on your page, turn your attention to the top panel. In the upper right corner, click on the round icon, and then select “Account Settings” from the menu that appears.

After this, you will automatically be redirected to the page for editing your data - “General account settings”. Opposite the top “Name” line, hover your mouse over the “Edit” link and click on it. A form will open allowing you to change your Facebook name. This must be your real name as it appears on your passport, student ID, credit card, etc. In addition, in these settings you can change your middle name and last name. You can also enter your alternate name, such as your nickname or maiden name.

Very often people have such a problem as a forgotten Facebook password. In this article we will tell you in detail how you can recover your lost password.

Forgot password

At the very top of the Facebook home page, you need to click on the “Forgot your password” button.

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After this, a window will pop up with your email address or phone number linked to the page, if you specified it instead of E-mail.

If the user has forgotten his password, but remembers his nickname on the page, he will be immediately redirected to the next page, where he will be given a choice of password recovery options. It could be:

  • A message with a link to reset your password by email.
  • SMS message with a password recovery code.

By choosing the first option, you will receive an email with a code specially selected for you, which you must enter in the password recovery window. After entering it, you will be able to log into your account and change your password there to a new and more secure one that you can remember. The same password recovery process works by sending an SMS message to your mobile phone.

How to recover your password if you forgot it?

Password recovery will only work if your password was reset by you personally, and the Facebook page was blocked by the resource administration.

If the site management believes that your account has been hacked and is being used without your knowledge, it will be blocked immediately. In this scenario, you will have to change your Facebook password using the above methods.

Video tutorial - How to recover your Facebook password:

How to change your password on Facebook?

You can change your password at any time at your request. It is recommended to change your password periodically to keep your Facebook account secure. Also, it is strongly recommended to change your password if there are any suspicious actions on your page without your participation. Changing your Facebook password is quite simple, you just need to follow each step suggested by the system.

Step #1

Log in to your Facebook account, go to the “Settings Menu” on the main page of the resource and select the “Account Settings” button.

Step #2

In the window that opens, select the “Password” column and then click on “Edit”.

Step #3

Come up with a strong password that you won’t forget and that no one else can easily guess.

How to find out your Facebook password?

Unfortunately, the rules of the social network do not provide for finding out an old or forgotten account password. The only thing you can do is get a temporary password from the administration to authorize your account. The password is not sent to you by email for one simple reason - so that the password intended for your account does not fall into the wrong hands and attackers do not use your page without your knowledge.

How do I reset my password?

An equally common problem today is a crash in the Facebook system and the inability to reset your password. Due to glitches on the site, people trying to reset their password to get a new one are unable to do so. There are three solutions to this problem:

  1. Answer a “personal” question.
  2. Get a temporary email address.
  3. Ask friends for help.

These options can only be seen if you have configured them in advance in the “Settings Menu”. You can check whether this function is configured in the following way:

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  • Enter your login information.

  • Click on the “Search” button on the page that opens.

  • In the pop-up window, look for your email address; if you are unable to get into any of them, click on the “No more access?” button.

Password recovery with the help of a friend is a new and relatively simple procedure. By and large, this requires having up to 5 friends whom you can turn to for help if you lose your password. Settings for this function can be set on the “Trusted Contacts” page.

The process of sending a password is very simple: your friends will be sent a special code that they must share with you. This recovery method is used when there are no other recovery options.

If you cannot find and remember the data, you have not visited your account for a long time, or you have been banned from starting to use the service again, I need to restore my Facebook page. When you enter your password but can’t get to your profile, Facebook offers you to use a special link. It is located directly below the data entry form. When you click on it, the resource will help you find your page.

Don't remember the email or number you linked your account to? Enter your name in the resource. Next, tap search. Facebook will show all accounts that match your name. By you can find your page. Afterwards, tap the “this is my account” form.

Choose the method by which the service will send you other data for recovery. What to do if your account is not listed on Facebook? To do this, go to the page with tips from the resource, which is located when you click on the link “I can’t find my profile.” In this case, Facebook recommends that you, first, try to remember all the names that may be similar to your name and nicknames Try entering your name in Latin. If nothing works, ask one of your Facebook friends to see how you are registered. What to do when you suspect that someone else has started using your page? name, other users receive spam, you see that money has been debited from the advertising account or the data has been changed, contact Facebook for help. Go to the hacking help section:

scroll down. Here you will see the corresponding item and an exact description of what to do. perhaps through the help of the service. Enter “Help on Facebook” in your browser. Send a message to the admins. As a rule, blocking an account on Facebook does not happen immediately. Before this, the service sends a warning to the user that he has posted inappropriate materials. If posts or photos prohibited by the rules of the resource are not removed , then Facebook applies a block. If you do not agree with this, you want to challenge the measures:

  1. Go to Facebook help section
  2. Carefully read the resource rules and the blocking article.
  3. At the bottom of the article, you will notice a link to appealing the actions of administrators.
  4. Click on it. Write your appeal.

Afterwards, you need to send information about a photocopy of your passport or, by asking, one of write in tech. support confirmation. Further, if the answer is positive, you will again have access to the page with and the posts you had before freezing.

How to recover a Facebook page after deletion

Temporary deactivation will help you disappear from the resource for a while. Then, upon activation, you will simply need to enter your login information. This will not be possible when deleting. All data will be completely lost after 30-90 days. You will have to create a new page again.