How to withdraw the promised Beeline payment. How to receive the promised payment on Beeline - a simple combination of numbers

Hello, dear readers. Surely you will agree that in modern realities a person must always be in touch. Technologies allow us to make a call or send an SMS message from almost anywhere in the city or country. Also, many people go online where it is convenient for them. The information age is upon us. However, we do not get all these conveniences for free, and in order to be in touch all the time, we need to maintain a positive balance on our cell phone. How to take the promised Beeline payment: detailed step-by-step instructions

Why take the promised Beeline payment?

Once the subscriber's account reaches negative amounts, the opportunities provided to us by cellular operators are quite limited.
And almost anyone can forget to top up their account, unexpectedly finding themselves cut off from communications.

And the reason is they just forgot to check the balance.

And another attempt to make an urgent call may be unsuccessful. The robot's voice will notify us that the call cannot be made due to a lack of funds in your mobile phone account.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to top up your account. There may also be various reasons, the most common of which is the lack of payout terminals nearby.
All cellular operators are well aware of this and offer opportunities for their subscribers to top up their cell phone accounts on credit.
For Beeline subscribers by this company the “Promised payment” service has been implemented. This service is currently one of the most popular, because with its help a Beeline subscriber can receive temporary crediting of funds for cellular communication services.
Within the framework of this article, we will discuss in detail the question of how to take the “promised Beeline payment”, and we will also talk about what features this service has. If you do not want to familiarize yourself in detail with the features of this service, then below we will provide you with brief instructions on how to activate the “ ” option.

ATTENTION: in order to check the trust payment amount available for crediting, use the USSD command: *141#7. Please note that the amount of funds credited is determined in each case individually. USSD command to activate the “Trust Payment” service: *141#

Trust payment service

Undoubtedly, if you know how you can take a trust payment on Beeline, you can avoid finding yourself in a situation where the services of a cellular operator are unavailable to you.

The procedure for connecting the promised payment on Beeline

Connecting this service everything is available to Beeline subscribers on all tariff plans and is carried out by the USSD command: *141#
The amount of the contribution itself is calculated for each subscriber individually and depends on how much money the subscriber spends monthly on cellular services.

Features and conditions for connecting to the Trust Payment service

For activating this service, you will be charged 15 rubles. This write-off will only occur after you have repaid the principal portion of the debt.

Tariffication of the service promised payment from Beeline

  • During activation, you will not be able to specify the amount you require for crediting. It, as mentioned above, is determined automatically. This figure is calculated based on how much you spent on average over the last 3 months.
  • Maximum amount of trust payment, available for enrollment, is 450 rubles. This is only if your monthly costs for cellular services are more than 3 thousand rubles. If you spend less than 100 rubles per month, then you will be credited 50 rubles accordingly.

Attention: in order to find out what amount will be credited to your account when activating the “Trust Payment” service, use the USSD command: *141 *7#

  • Use the Trust Payment service again you can only after 24 hours have passed since the last enrollment operation.
  • Also The validity period for this service is 3 days. If you do not use the entire credited limit, all funds will expire after 3 days.
  • Also if you do not pay off the debt, your phone number will be temporarily blocked. Once the money is credited to your account, your number will be active again.
  • In that case, if you have previously subscribed to the “Welcome” tariff or to any of the tariffs of the “Beeline World” line, your trust payment amount will be 60 rubles for a one-time credit.
  • If you If you use your SIM card for less than 60 days, this service will not be available to you. Such a restriction was introduced in order to cut off unscrupulous subscribers.

More ways to take the promised payment on Beeline

  • Connecting the “Trust payment” service possible by calling the contact center. However, this method is not entirely convenient, since during rush hour it is quite difficult to get through to the operator, and it takes a lot of time to process the procedure.

Additional features when connecting the promised Beeline payment

You can also connect to the service using the USSD command. To take the promised Beeline payment, enter the command *141# on your phone, and you will be credited as part of your expenses for the last three months.

You can find out the available limit using USSD request *141 *7#

If you have a connection, you can activate the Promised Payment service through the modes of this service. To do this, log in to your “Personal Account” on the official Beeline website, then go to the “service management” section and activate the Trust Payment service.

How to activate automatic promised payment on Beeline

In addition to the previously listed methods of receiving the Promised Payment, you should also pay attention to the “automatic promised payment on Beeline” service.

This service will be useful for those subscribers who communicate a lot, but often forget to top up their mobile phone account.
In order to always have a positive balance and stay in touch, we recommend activating the “autopayment from Beeline” service
According to the terms of this service, you will be automatically credited whenever the balance in your account decreases below 50 rubles.
The remaining conditions are similar to the Trust Payment.

ATTENTION: to activate the BEELINE automatic payment service, you need to dial the ussd command *141 *11#. This service can be disabled by command *141 *10#. The limit size is called by the command *141 *9#

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The telephone is a constant and faithful companion of modern man, allowing him to maintain instant communication with the outside world via the Internet or ordinary cellular communications. However, a mobile phone can fail at any time. And it’s not just a matter of a weak battery - the main problem for mobile users can be considered the sudden depletion of funds on the balance. Many operators allow you to quickly correct an unpleasant surprise, for example, by borrowing money to avoid a negative balance – including the popular Beeline, which provides this option. Find out about ways to temporarily borrow a certain amount of money, perhaps by reading the article below.

Beeline is one of the operators that provides such a service as borrowing money on your phone, most easily and quickly in the amount of 30 to 500 rubles. To activate the service, officially called Trust or Promised Payment, using a mobile device directly, you need to dial a simple combination of characters on the telephone keyboard: *141# (asterisk-one-hundred-forty-one-hash) and press the Call button. After this, an inscription will appear on the gadget’s screen indicating that the application has been accepted. Later, a short message will be sent to the user’s number about enabling the function or about rejecting the application.

For example, that the user borrowed 100 or 300 rubles for a phone. Then the mobile client should expect another notification - specifying the amount of funds provided - for example, from 30 to 500 rubles - and the period for which the service is provided. After the stated time has passed, exactly the amount of money that was spent will be automatically debited from the subscriber’s account. Borrowing money on Beeline for 100, 300, 500, 50 rubles using the gadget itself is quite easy and quick.

In this case, the smartphone does not require an Internet connection or other additional options. Each operator cares about the convenience of its own customers and provides them with several possible ways to borrow money on Beeline, not only on the phone.

How to borrow money in your Personal Account

Personal Account - a convenient Internet service for users of the Beeline mobile operator - allows you to perform many different actions with funds in your account, connect, disconnect services and monitor their operation, select and change a tariff plan, and many others. The wide range of options is complemented by the Trust Payment option or, more simply, how to borrow money temporarily for a number so as not to end up in the red and borrow a certain amount of funds, for example, 100.

To carry out such a procedure, you need to log into the Personal Account resource by visiting the address: and entering individual login information in the required fields. Next, find the section dedicated to the offer and fill out the appropriate boxes to receive 30, 300, 500 or another amount, for example, 100 rubles for a smartphone. So, it is possible to borrow money on Beeline not only on a smartphone, but also using the Internet service.

Is it possible to borrow on Beeline for a modem?

The Beeline operator allows customers not only to borrow money for a phone, but also to be constantly and uninterruptedly online at any time via a modem, without being in the red. Temporary replenishment of your mobile Internet loan account by 100, 200 or more is carried out by dialing the number: *141*7#. In this case, the largest amount is 300. Such debt must be repaid within three days.

How to automatically take out a loan when there is a minus on your phone

In order to prevent being in the red, a Beeline user can use the automatic connection of the Trust Payment. At the same time, when the client’s balance tends to minus, the operator will automatically top up the account, for example, by depositing 100 or 50 rubles into his own account. It is possible to automatically borrow money for a phone or modem if you build the following combination of numbers and symbols: *141*11# and make a call at the end with the Call key. In the absence of the need to automatically and temporarily replenish the account, automation can be easily disabled by using the key combination: *141*10# and the Call button, respectively.

How to choose a loan amount yourself

The mobile network operator provides its own users with all the necessary services, but the client using the Promised Payment offer does not have the opportunity to independently choose the amount to top up by 30, 500, 50 rubles. Even if the client right now needs to borrow 100 rubles on Beeline for his phone, the operator himself will calculate the individual parameters for the client. In order to borrow 50 rubles for a phone, the user’s average monthly income should not exceed 100 rubles.

A smaller loan amount - 30 rubles - is issued when spending in the amount of fifty to seventy. It’s not hard to guess how to borrow 500 rubles from Beeline - you need to spend on average about a thousand a month on mobile communications. It is worth remembering that those who have been using a SIM card for at least six months can borrow money and not be left in the red. Each Trust payment will involve the payment of an additional amount, calculated automatically from the size of the loan provided.

How much does it cost to borrow money on Beeline?

Like many services offered to mobile customers, Trusted or Promised Payment is not free. In addition to the amount temporarily provided to the client, it is necessary to pay a connection fee. Sometimes it represents quite a large amount of money, as it is calculated based on their average monthly mobile communications costs.

So, if a user receives a loan of up to 100 rubles, he will have to pay another 15 for using the service. If you owe a debt of 300 or 400 - according to the same scheme - the fee is already 25. If you borrow from Beeline from 400 to 600 at a time, you need to pay another 40.

For a larger amount of borrowed funds, the fee increases accordingly. Despite the convenience of the function that allows you to borrow from Beeline and not remain in the red, obvious inconveniences arise. On the one hand, according to customer reviews, this is uneconomical - the fee for using the offer seems too high. On the other hand, Beeline cannot accurately calculate how much money the user needs at the moment and proceeds only from automated calculations, completely depriving the client of the right to choose, but deducting a good fee for the service.


Thus, a service that allows you to perform a similar operation, like taking out a loan on Beeline - Trust payment - is available to verified users - who have been using the operator’s communications for more than six months. Activating the option to avoid a minus balance and receive 50, 100, 200, 300 or 500 rubles into your account is possible in three ways: from a gadget, using an Internet service, or setting up an automated account replenishment. The offer is valid for three days and involves an additional payment for connection, calculated individually depending on the amount lent by Beeline.

A common problem among mobile phone owners is the lack of money on their balance. Most often, this problem occurs when you need to make an urgent and important call. In this case, mobile operators offer loan services for a short period.

Terms of payment

Beeline offers the Trust Payment service only if certain requirements for users are met. Moreover, these requirements differ for individual groups of numbers.

Terms of payment differ for tariffs without payment or with daily payment, for packages with a monthly subscriber, for the “All in one” line and for roaming.

In the absence of a subscription fee, when paying daily or when roaming, the following conditions must be met:

  • Be a Beeline customer for 60 days or more;
  • Average expenses for the last three months - at least 50 rubles per month;
  • Do not use tariffs for mobile modems. Otherwise, you can activate the service for the modem only with a minimum usage time of 90 days.

With monthly payment and with the All-in-one tariff, the requirements change. They look like this:

  • Be a Beeline client for 90 days or more;
  • Average expenses for the last three months are at least 200 rubles per month.

There are two groups of Beeline network users who, in principle, cannot use the “Trust Payment” service. The first group is the owners of numbers with a postpaid payment system. In this case, payment is made at the end of the month. The second group is “Always Connected” users. This service allows you to choose in advance how much the owner of the number is willing to go into the red. Therefore, no loan is required.

Amount of trust payment

The size of the trust payment always depends on the selected service package and the average monthly telephone costs. This also affects the cost of payment.

For numbers no monthly fee, or at a daily rate, the payment amount is as follows:

With a monthly subscription fee, the maximum payment amount is equal to the cost of the subscriber. For example, with a subscriber of 400 rubles per month, the user has access to a trust payment of up to 400 rubles.

Ratio subscriber/payment and the prices look like this:

Beeline offers similar prices for line tariffs "All in one":

When roaming The prices for trust payments abroad look like this:

Methods for activating the service

Sometimes, due to our dynamic rhythm of life, we are not able to see everything. This is especially true for your mobile phone balance. Every day our number receives a huge number of messages and notifications, and in such a flow it is quite easy to miss an SMS notification that your account balance is zero. We often find out about this when we need to make a vital call, find out about the health status of relatives, the whereabouts of a child, or solve work problems.

It is not always possible to quickly deposit money into your account. There may not be a terminal or ATM nearby, or, according to the law of meanness, they may not work for technical reasons. To avoid such unpleasant cases, you can use the “Trust Payment” service. In this article you will learn how you can borrow money from the Beeline operator, as well as the conditions of this service.

A trusted or promised payment is a lending service from a mobile operator. When you activate this service, you receive an amount of money that depends directly on your average monthly expenses over the last three months.

The amount is debited from your balance after three days, partially or in full if there are not enough funds in the account to repay the loan.

Depending on how much communication costs you per month, you can charge from 100 to 3,000 rubles.

Conditions for connecting to the “Trust payment” service on Beeline

  1. There should be between $1 and $2 in your account.
  2. Over the last three months, your mobile communications costs must be at least 50 rubles per month.

How to receive the promised payment?

  1. Using Internet access. After you log in to your Personal Account on the official website, at the very bottom of the main page, go to the “Payment” section, and then to the “Trust payment” tab. To deposit money, you need to click on the “Receive $” item, the amount that is available to you as the promised payment.
  2. No internet access. Use the command *141# and click on "Call".

Perhaps everyone has been in a situation where it is absolutely necessary to contact someone or access the Internet, but the funds on their mobile account have run out. And, unfortunately, the time and circumstances do not always allow you to quickly deposit money into your account. In this case, Beeline helps out its subscribers. Let's look at what you need to know about this service and who can use it.

The principle of operation of a trust payment is as follows: the subscriber sends a short request, after which money is instantly credited to his account. The credit amount is calculated based on the tariff plan and communication costs for the last two months. Five days later, or after the balance is replenished, the funds lent and the amount for their use are debited from the subscriber’s account.

However, there are some limitations to using the service that are important to be aware of:

  1. The promised payment is available only to individuals on prepaid plans.
  2. To borrow money from Beeline, you need to be a subscriber of the company for at least 2 months (at least six months on certain tariffs).
  3. The subscriber must spend at least 50 rubles per month on communications (statistics from the last 12 weeks are taken).

The comparative table will tell you more about some of the nuances of the Trust Payment service:

Rates Amount of promised payment Conditions Service cost
Tariffs for phones with daily subscription fees and tariffs for Beeline USB modems Depends on communication expenses for the last 2 months. From 30 to 500 rubles Be a Beeline subscriber for at least 8 weeks (in the Beeline World line - more than 12) If the payment amount is 30 rubles, the service is free, in other cases it depends on the amount of the payment.
Line “Welcome!” Maximum – 100 rubles Be a Beeline client for at least six months. Up to 20 rubles
Tariffs with a one-time subscription fee Depends on the tariff. It is possible to receive a trust payment equal to the subscription fee. From 90 to 3000 rubles Spend from 200 rubles monthly on communications and be on the Beeline network for at least 12 weeks. Depending on the tariff.
From 15 to 180 rubles
Line “All in one for 1 ruble” In the amount of the subscription fee +1 ruble Based on the tariff, from 25 to 130 rubles

Please note that individual conditions for receipt apply to subscribers in international roaming; you can clarify them by calling toll-free numbers 0611, 8-800-700-0611 and +7-495-974-88-88.

The cost and size of the trust payment may change, to clarify the information on the validity of the service on your tariff, you can go to your Beeline Personal Account, contact technical support or dial the USSD request *141*7# “call”.

How to receive a Beeline trust payment?

In order to receive a trust payment on Beeline, just send a short request *141# “call”. After this, the borrowed money and an SMS notification about its crediting will be sent to your account. You can take the promised payment again only after writing off the previously borrowed funds from the subscriber’s account.

You can connect a trust payment only to an unblocked number with a zero or positive balance: .

Any subscriber can set a ban on connecting to the service by submitting a passport to the Beeline office. If you have set a ban on receiving a Beeline trust payment, you can also remove it only in person at the company’s office by presenting your passport.