Which flash player should I install? Adobe Flash Player is outdated or not working - how to update, remove and install the latest version of the free flash player plugin

Adobe Flash Player is the most common plugin for playing web content, even despite the introduction of its competitor - HTML5. You can install and activate it in any browser you use. In this article we will tell you how to install and configure a flash player in just a few steps.

Updating flash player to the latest version

Step 1.

Download and install flash player latest version.

Step 2
Download the Adobe Flash System plugin. You will find a large yellow button that says “Install Now” (click it).

Note: Along with the flash player, Adobe also offers to download additional software. Usually this is McAfee antivirus. If you do not want to install it, uncheck the box under “Additional offer”.

Go to the directory where you downloaded installation package. Double click open the downloaded installer. This will start the installation process. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.

Note: It is recommended to close all browsers during installation, otherwise the changes will not take effect until you restart them.

Enable flash in your browser

In most browsers, the Flash player is automatically activated after installation, however, with some security settings, it may not be activated. In this case, it must be enabled manually.

Open the browser you use most often.

Go to the "Tools" menu. And select "Extensions" or "Add-ons".

Find the Adobe plugin Flash Player or Shockwave flash and check the “Enable Flash Player” checkbox.

Checking Flash Player

Step 1

Restart your computer. You can do this manually by pressing the "Reset" button (not recommended) or find the corresponding option in the operating menu "Start" Windows systems.

Open your browser and load a page that uses Flash technology, such as the popular YouTube video resource. Try uploading a video. If it loads without any problems, you have successfully enabled Flash Player.

Setting up the Adobe Flash Player plugin

The manager is used to configure the flash player local storage, which can be opened by going to the “Control Panel” and selecting “Flash Player”.

Local storage settings are used to manage permissions to use the plugin and store information.

Using local storage settings, you can allow or block websites from storing information through Flash Player, and you can set the amount of information stored. Websites can store browsing history, flash game statistics, and computer information.

To allow Internet resources to store data on the user’s computer, select the “Allow sites to store data on the computer” option.

To allow only certain websites to store data, select the "Ask before allowing new sites to store information on this computer" option.

To prevent all web resources from storing data on your PC, select the “Block all sites from saving information on this computer” option.

Note. When choosing last parameter, absolutely all local storage is deleted from your computer. Before this, you will see a request to confirm deleting local storage and setting a ban on data storage.

Adobe Flash Player is a world-famous player that is necessary for playing Flash content on various web resources. If this plugin is missing on your computer, it means that many flash games, videos, audio recordings, and interactive banners simply will not be displayed in the browser. In this article we will take a closer look at how to install Flash Player on a laptop or desktop computer.

IN Lately there are more and more rumors that the developers popular browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, will refuse Flash support Player due to the presence of serious vulnerabilities that are actively exploited by hackers. But until this happens, you have the opportunity to install Flash Player in your browser.

It should be understood that some browsers require the user to download and install Flash Player separately, while other web browsers already have this plugin built in by default. Browsers that already have Flash Player built into them include all web browsers based on Chromium browser– these are Google Chrome, Amigo, Rambler Browser, Yandex.Browser and many others.

Flash Player is installed separately for Opera, Mozilla Firefox browsers, as well as derivatives of these web browsers. Using one of these browsers as an example, we will consider the further procedure for installing Flash Player.

How to install Adobe Flash Player?

1. At the end of the article you will find a link that will redirect you to the official website of the Adobe Flash Player developer. In the left area of ​​the window, pay attention to the automatically detected Windows version and the browser used. If in your case this data was determined incorrectly, you will need to click on the button "Need Flash Player for another computer?" , then mark the required version according to Windows OS and your browser.

2. Pay attention to the very center of the window, where by default you will be asked to download and install additional software on your computer (in our case, this is anti-virus software). McAfee utility). If you do not want to download it to your computer, you will need to make sure to uncheck the boxes.

3. Complete Flash download Player for your system by clicking the button "Install Now" .

5. At the first stage of installation, you will have the opportunity to select the type of installation of updates for Flash Player. This parameter It is recommended to leave it as default, i.e. near the parameter "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" .

6. Next, the utility will begin downloading Adobe Flash Player to the system. Once it is completed, the installer will automatically proceed to install the player on your computer.

7. At the end of the installation, the system will ask you to restart your browser for which Flash Player was installed (in our case, Mozilla Firefox).

This completes the Flash Player installation process. After restarting the browser, all Flash content on sites should work correctly.

If you have ever had problems playing videos or launching games while browsing the Internet, then I am 99 percent sure that the problem lies in the Flash Player. If you don't have Flash Player installed, That great amount various information it simply won’t work in your browser.

Video on YouTube or VKontakte will not play, most games will also refuse to load, various banners on websites and everything else that uses flash animation in their work will not work.

When playing songs you will see errors like this:

Or this when playing a video:

To avoid all these problems we need install Flash Player. But before starting the installation, I would like to say a few words about this player.

Firstly, this player is necessary for almost every user when working in a browser. Since it, as I said above, is necessary for downloading games, videos in social networks, video lessons that have recently spread across the Internet.

Secondly, before installing Flash Player you need to understand that this is not the same player as, for example, on Windows computer Media Player, which opens when playing a video or song, there is a button for stop, pause, volume, and so on. Flash Player is hurry up the application for the browser, which is not visible to us, but it constantly does its job by loading all the flash on the sites that we visit.

Thirdly, you need to know that you need to install your own Flash Player for each computer. Which one do you need install Flash Player determined based on the operating system and browser used! So the player that is used for Windows XP in Opera browser, is unlikely to fit Chrome browser in Windows 7. Therefore, you must install the Flash Player that is suitable specifically for your system and browser. Otherwise, this may cause inability to work, it seems like Flash Player installed, but videos won't play, games won't load, etc.

Fortunately, when we download the player from the official website, we download exactly what we need, the site automatically selects what we need. Let's look at my example of how to install Flash Player correctly.

Installing Flash Player

So I have operating system Windows 7 and I need to install a player for the Google Chrome browser. First, I'll download it!


IN address bar I enter the address http://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer and press the “Enter” key.

The site loaded and then I see that the program on the site automatically determined that I have a Windows 7 system and I need the player for the Google Chrome browser. A little lower I remove the unnecessary checkbox, and a little lower I click “Download”.

Select a folder to save the program and click the “Save” button.

After downloading, close all browsers and run the installation file. Since updates are released very often for the player, before installation we are asked whether to install new versions automatically or give a choice?

Happening Flash Player installation, within ten seconds.

When the installation is complete, we need to click the “Finish" button.

That's all, Flash installation Player is complete, I think I'll finish here! Now you are unlikely to have problems playing videos, songs or downloading games!

The question of how to install "Adobe Flash Player" is being discussed more and more actively, because the modern Internet can no longer do without this decision, it is a fact. Games, music, videos and other content support this technology.

A few words about technology

Next we will look in detail at Flash Player on any computer running the Windows operating system, but first a little theory. This technology has a number significant shortcomings, and many experts are waiting for it to be closed and replaced with more convenient HTML5.

Note that a certain part of YouTube videos no longer require an installed player, as they work using HTML5 technology. However, flash remains in demand despite its excessive demands on resources.

In what cases should you install Adobe Flash Player?

Probably, if you are interested in this publication, you already know why a player is needed. But let's try to bring some clarity. Most often, the browser or individual sites inform the user that to proper operation you need to install the "Adobe Flash Player" plugin (in the case of a browser).

To use the audio service, you must install a Flash player." And the video hosting site YouTube reports: "In order to play the video, Adobe Flash is required." On other sites where such messages do not appear, simply individual elements may not work.

If a site needs a specified add-on, at the top of the page in most cases you will see a prompt to install the latest "Adobe Flash Player". If there are problems with previously installed player, it must first be removed properly.

Get a newer browser!

First, you need to update your browser to the latest version to avoid conflicts in the future. Now we will look at how to do this with the most popular browsers.

Let's start with "Opera". This browser During each startup, it automatically checks for updates and offers to install them. It should be noted that new versions of this browser appear quite often. In order to manually check whether an update has passed you by, you need to go to the “Menu”, then open “Help” and “Check for updates”.

If a new version is available, install it. If not, you don't need to do anything.

The installed version can be found in the "Menu", section "Help", subsection "About the program".

"Google Chrome". This browser is actually to check this fact, you need to go to the “Menu” to the “About Browser” item. If an update is needed, the browser will notify you.

"Internet Explorer". This browser is also updated automatically. You need to check for the corresponding checkmark in the "Menu", section "Help", subsection "About the program".

IN in this case you need to go to the "Menu", then go to "Help" and select "About FireFox". The browser will check for new versions and, if there are any, it will offer to apply them, apply them. Important point: if your browser contains additional modules, which are not compatible with the latest version, you will be notified accordingly.

Congratulations! Browsers are updated! If something doesn't go according to plan, don't

Don't worry, move on to installing the player anyway.

Let's move on to installing the player

Next, you will see that it is very easy to install "Adobe Flash Player" for free, and we will show you how to do it. Let's move on to the main thing. At this step everything is intuitive. Let's go to the official website, where you will be asked to install "Adobe Flash Player 12" or more new version. Download the installer and run it. Next we will discuss the nuances.

Check whether the language and operating system deployed on your computer have been correctly detected. If it is incorrect, then click on the appropriate item and indicate your option. Please note that there are two installation options: directly for the Internet Explorer browser, as well as for all other browsers.

How to install "Adobe Flash Player": what are the nuances

In order to install correct version, you need to go to the site from exactly the browser for which you want the player. If a version other than “Internet Explorer” is selected, the plugin will be installed in all browsers available on the computer: “FireFox”, “Opera”, “Chrome” and others. As for the "IE" version, it is only compatible with this browser.

It should also be noted that "Chrome" already has "Flash Player", but it is not updated

as often as it does official version product. From time to time, a built-in plugin conflicts with one that was installed manually.

To install "Flash Player", you need to uncheck the box that is responsible for the installation additional programs and add-ons, and click "Download". A window will open for you to save the installer. Save it, run it and follow the wizard's instructions. Note that on at this stage running browsers should be closed.

If you have problems with the installation, check to see if there are any running processes left, launched by browsers, or restart your computer, and then run the installer again. When asked about how to update the player in the future, we recommend choosing the first option and allowing Adobe to install updates in the future.

Checking that the player is installed correctly

If you have any doubts about the normal operation of your player, you can easily check this. If banners appear on sites that include moving elements, then everything went well, but if gray squares appear in their place, “Flash” for some reason does not work.

Activation in browsers

If necessary, you can also check the activity of the plugin in browsers. It's easy to do. If you have an Opera browser, enter in the browser address bar: “opera:plugins”, find in the list “ Shockwave Flash" Please note that this add-on must be enabled.

If you use " Mozilla FireFox", go to "Menu", then "Add-ons", then open "Plugins" and find the "Shockwave Flash" item in the list. If the add-on is disabled, enable it.

For “Internet Explorer” the instructions are as follows: go to “Menu”, go to “Browser Options”, open “Programs”, then “Manage add-ons” and finally “Toolbars, extensions”. Find "Shockwave Flash" in the list that appears.

Now let's discuss Google Chrome. Enter “chrome://plugins” into the address bar, look at the section called “Flash Player”.

Fixing "Shockwave Flash" crashing on "Google Chrome"

There may not be any problem if you use Google Chrome exclusively. But many people use several browsers simultaneously for different purposes. "Google Chrome" is attractive with a built-in flash player. But other browsers do not have such a solution, and you have to install the player separately. It turns out to be "porridge". "Chrome" connects all plugins during startup: its own and all those installed on the computer that it finds. It is at this moment that the error occurs. To solve the problem, disable the extra Flash modules, leaving only one. To do this, go to the plug-in settings. This can be done using the menu or simply by inserting the following text into the browser line: “chrome://plugins”. To get to your destination through the menu, go to "Settings", then " Additional settings", then "Content settings" and "Disable modules".

Let's sum it up

Now we will try to answer briefly how to install “Adobe Flash Player” on your computer. In the very in simple form installation can be reduced to the following steps: quick automatic transition to the official Adobe website, download the program and launch the appropriate installer.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Probably not very many of you know what flash technology actually is, and also what why do you need adobe flash player.

But when your browser stops showing videos or games, does not play audio, and the menus of some sites do not react to your actions in any way, then you start looking for the reason (or).

Most likely, you will quickly be enlightened that perhaps that same mysterious Flash Player is outdated (or simply does not work). To solve the problem, you will be advised to update it or completely reinstall it (uninstall it and then install it again).

In addition, the reason may lie in the settings of the Flash Player plugin in . However, all these general words are not always able to lead to a solution to the problem, so I decided to dwell on the question in more detail installations, correct removal, updates and settings the brainchild of Adobe on your computer.

Flash Player update - why is it needed?

Let me start right away with the fact that in some browsers the Flash Player plugin is built-in along with the engine update. First of all, this applies to the Google Chrome Internet browser, which we discussed in detail. However, for some reason this plugin may be disabled there. How to enable it, read below.

Player system module too can track the appearance of its own updates, and you probably saw this window more than once the next time you turned on your computer:

I strongly recommend not to neglect the possibility of timely updates, because they may also include security updates. It is possible that this will save your computer from infection. I just wrote about the importance of updating all the key ones (including the flash player), because found security holes are quickly plugged in them.

If you have no desire to install this extension, but you want to know do you have the latest installed? Flash version , then there is a way to check from official developers. All you have to do is go to this page and click on the “Check Now” button at the top to find out the information you are interested in:

However, unexpected problems may arise with the operation of Flash in your browser, when movies are not shown, games are not played, and the menus of some sites do not open. Apparently there is some problem with the Adobe Flash plugin. So let's see how we can install or update Flash Player.

Installing Flash Player and solving emerging problems

In the simplest case, you just need to go to the official Adobe Player page and click on the “Install” button located there:

If suddenly your browser and operating system are detected incorrectly, then you can click on the link “You need a Flash Player for another computer,” where you make the changes you need and click the “Install now” button. As I mentioned just above, in the case of the Google browser separate installation The plugin is not required, because it is included in the browser, but if you wish, you can still install the Adobe® Flash® Player system module:

In most cases, this will be enough for installation or updating, but sometimes unexpected problems arise when, even after installing the player, video, audio and games are still not displayed in the browser.

There may be many reasons for this state of affairs, but the most effective and in an effective way there will probably be complete reinstallation flash player. To do this, you will need to close all browsers you have open, go to the panel Windows controls(in Vista this is “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”) and remove this program (plugin). After that, go to the official website again and install Adobe Flash Player from scratch. In theory, some of the problems preventing normal operation, will have to be eliminated.

How to remove all “tails” from a flash player?

However, even after this, problems may remain. Then you will need to remove the “tails” of the player using a specialized removal utility developed in Adobe
Uninstall Flash Player. The procedure should be approximately as follows:

  1. Download the flash player removal utility from the link above.
  2. Before starting it, do not forget to close all browsers and other programs that may use Flash technology, otherwise complete removal it may not succeed. Check them out possible job V background(look in the tray).
  3. Launch the utility and follow its instructions.
  4. Once the uninstallation process is complete, restart your computer.

After this, you can install Flash Player again from the official website using the link provided. How to check its functionality? Well, you can again use the test from Adobe - just go to this page and make sure that in the fifth point you are watching an animation on the theme of a tree and clouds floating across the sky.

How to enable the Flash Player plugin in your browser

When the flash does not work, then in addition to the option of removing the player from the OS and its reinstallation, you can also look for the answer in your browser settings. The fact is that Adobe Flash Player is installed as a plugin, and for some mysterious reason it may simply be disabled. It's quite easy to check. It all depends on the browser you use:

If none of the methods described above bring results (Flash is not displayed in browsers), then I advise you to contact the developers (or their forum) for help, describing in detail the problem you are experiencing with Flash Player.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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