The computer requires a system restore. How to restore the system to an earlier date? Restoring the system via BIOS how to do it

And I already wrote how to create a restore point. Now is the time to write, how to do a system restore in Windows 7, and to put it more simply, now I will write about that how to do a system rollback.

If you have some kind of problem with your computer, for example, it has become very glitchy, or even worse, it won’t start at all, then the first thing you need to do is do a system rollback, thereby we will return the settings and system files from the backup that was created for example two days ago, when the computer was still working normally.

This good opportunity quickly fix your computer and return it to normal working condition. I will write three ways in which you can rollback in Windows 7.

  • The first method: how to rollback from Windows.
  • Second method: how to restore the system from safe mode.
  • Third method: recovery using boot disk with Windows 7.

When restoring the system, your personal files will not be affected.

System rollback from Windows 7

This method is useful when the computer turns on and works, it doesn’t matter how it works, the main thing is that it works :). For example, after installing some program or driver, problems appeared with the computer. You uninstalled the program, but the problems remained. In this case, a system rollback should help.

We do this: click “Start” and start writing in the search bar "recovery". Find and run the program in the search results “System Restore”.

A window will open in which we click “Next”.

Now you need to select the restore point to which you want to rollback and click “Next”.

Confirming the restore point. Click “Finish”.

One more warning, click “Yes”.

A window will appear asking you to prepare for recovery. Then the computer will reboot and a message will appear stating that .

If this does not solve your problem, then try rolling back to another point. This is where we can finish with the first method.

Restoring the system from safe mode

Roll back the settings and system files possible from safe mode, when, for example, Windows does not boot into normal mode. There were cases when this method helped me out a lot.

First, we need to go into safe mode, as I wrote about how to do this in the article. Well, if you missed the link, then I’ll write in a nutshell how to enter the secure Windows mode 7.

Restart your computer and as soon as it starts to turn on, press F8. A black window will appear with additional options downloads. Choose “Safe Mode” and press “Enter”.

We wait until the computer boots into safe mode. Next, all the steps are almost the same as restoring from Windows, but I’ll write it again, just in case :).

Click start and enter “recovered...”, launch the utility “System Restore”.

Since I just did a system rollback, I now have an option to cancel the restore. Choose “Select a different restore point” and click “Next” (you will probably just need to click next).

Select a point for rollback and click “Next”.

Click on the “Finish” button.

We answer “Yes” to another warning.

The computer will restart and turn on in normal mode. Of course, if the rollback to previous settings helped solve your system boot problem.

Rollback to previous settings using a boot disk

I left this method for dessert, because here you will need a boot disk with Windows 7. But this method also has its advantages. For example, you can rollback when even safe mode does not work, in short, in the most severe cases :).

As I already wrote, you need a bootable disk with Windows 7, the article explains how to create one. Next you need to go into the BIOS and boot from the installation disk.

The search will begin installed systems. If you have more than one, then select the one you need and click “Next”.

Then select “System Restore”. Then the whole process is no different from the first two methods.

Click “Next”.
Select a point for rollback and click “Next” System Restore in Windows 7. How to perform a system rollback? updated: January 15, 2013 by: admin

Greetings, dear readers.

Often due to the most various reasons computers fail. If this problem is directly related to the operating system, the best solution there will be a reinstallation. But what to do if there are important files left on the main drive or desktop? After all, when you reinstall everything, everything will be deleted. The solution is a tool like recovery Windows systems 7 from disk. This function allows you to return the operating system to functionality when the latter refuses to load.

In addition to a malfunctioning computer, we also need a bootable Windows disk. And this can be either a plastic carrier or a flash drive. Moreover, it is desirable that this be the same image from which the current shell was installed. Otherwise, due to a mismatch of versions, the process may not proceed.

If the element from which the current system was installed is lost, try to find it on the Internet on another computer. Download the disc and save it to your hard drive.

After the system image is on one of the partitions, it must be scanned for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, then correctly written to a portable device. To do this, use one of the many programs. For example, I like Rufus. The application allows you to complete the task as quickly as possible. It has an intuitive interface, so anyone can create a disk.

Procedure( )

There are many reasons why Win 7 can become so faulty that it stops loading. To solve the problem, you need to use a tool that allows you to return everything to its place. It runs via BIOS:

It is worth noting that some laptop manufacturers even create special software that allows you to quickly return the device to functionality. For example, HP offers " Recovery manager», Samsung – Solution. In general, any large company provides similar functions.

With its help, the OS can save key system parameters and the most important data from the point of view of stability of operation in special file areas. And if suddenly a failure occurs in the operating system - restore necessary files. How to use this function correctly? How to make System Restore a reliable data protection tool?

Windows OS (if we take into account its most popular versions - XP, Vista, 7, 8) is equipped with sufficient a large number features designed to protect files and the system as a whole from failures.

Recovery is just one of them, but it is recognized by many IT specialists as the most important. It is also worth noting that this function works closely with many others.

Recovery functionality in Windows 7

One of the most popular modifications of Windows OS today is presented in version 7. This operating system is endowed with quite a lot of functionality in terms of recovery. In particular, it can save files responsible for the correct operation of drivers, video and audio codecs. If any of the marked software components fails, then Windows 7 system recovery will work perfectly, returning the computer to full functionality. Also, the PC will be quite reliably protected against registry failures and boot errors. Files responsible for the corresponding areas in the OS are also securely stored and easily restored.

In what cases is the function especially needed by the user? Most common option- erroneous installation of a program that greatly interferes with the operation of the PC, and it is impossible to remove it. Also, recovery can be useful if the user set certain settings some time ago. system settings, and now doesn’t want to waste time changing them to original state or simply forgot how to do it.

Among the most common problems- Windows refuses to boot. This situation may arise if, for example, a virus infected the system or the user himself accidentally installed a malicious program, or even inadvertently deleted important files with his own hands. In this case it will be useful to us special disk for restoration - today we will also talk about the intricacies of its use.

How does recovery work?

At the heart of the conservation mechanism key files- This is the “restore point” of the system. Depending on the OS version, this or that data is included. If we talk about, say, Windows XP, which is still popular, it writes relatively few types of files to the recovery point. Mainly this system libraries, registry entries, some applications. In more advanced versions of the OS from Microsoft, where there is system recovery - Windows 7, 8 or Vista, this function involves the use of a much wider range of data. IT specialists say that the total volume of protected files is such that in the event of a failure, almost any OS function can be restored without problems. True, many of the user files do not fall under backup(but this is even noted by experts as a plus - when the system is restored, the data will not be affected and therefore will not disappear).

A separate system recovery program is usually not needed if we use modern versions of Windows. The built-in application provides high quality this function. The corresponding program, which is normally present in Windows, can be flexibly controlled manually, or you can run it automatic execution, which ensures that “restore points” are created by the system regularly. In version 7 Windows minimal interval (according to default settings) - 7 days, provided that the user has not installed programs, drivers or downloaded OS updates.

Consumed resources

How many resources does the function in question consume? How to make system recovery a more economical process from this point of view? Everything, however, depends on the actual resource availability on a particular PC.

If the disk is relatively small - less than 64 GB, then the operating system allocates about 3% of this volume for the recovery function. If the hard drive is more capacious, then the OS can use 5% for backup. At the same time, in modern Windows versions there is a function for automatic optimization of the used disk space. For example, if the allocated resource runs out, then the previous recovery points are simply deleted. Note that the system recovery program that Windows 7 is equipped with allows the user to very flexibly manage the corresponding disk resources.

Setting the function

Actually, access to the recovery function settings is located in the OS management area, which is actually responsible for protecting the system. Find the desired option very easy. This can be done by going to the "Control Panel", then selecting the "System" icon, and then the "Protection" option. If you cannot find the icon you need, then required settings can be found in another way. To do this, click right click Click on the "Computer" icon on the desktop, then select "Properties", and then find the "System Protection" option. A third option is also possible - press the combination WIN keys(the one with the Microsoft branded flag next to ALT and SHIFT) and R, then enter rundll32.exe in the window that opens, then a space and add shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL, sysdm.cpl, 4. This option may be useful if, for example, the contents of the desktop are not displayed on the screen for some reason (due to a virus, other malware or system failure).

In the window that opens, you can actually launch the recovery function, configure it, delete unnecessary checkpoints or set new ones. Here you can also set the allowed amount of disk space used.

Nuances of settings

Let us list the main nuances regarding the settings and selection of system recovery options - using the interface in Windows 7 as an example.

Among the most useful features is the ability to choose to protect files from individual system parameters. True, IT experts are not very loyal to this option, believing that data that ensures the correct operation of the OS should be backed up as a priority.

Windows 7 users can optionally delete all “restore points” created by the system. If we are working with XP or Vista, then in any case we will need to leave one - the one that is the latest. Experts recommend using this option with caution. Once the files copied to the backup are deleted, it will be impossible to restore them.

“Dots” are always needed, since there is a possibility that due to unintentional user actions or due to virus infection, system files will be deleted. It is likely that in order to continue working with the computer, you will need third-party software, and possibly a special system recovery disk - Windows 7, 8 or XP do not have regular means with similar functionality.

Starting the recovery

Having familiarized ourselves with the theory, let's move on to practice. How to run System Restore? There are quite a few ways to do this. Let's list the main ones that apply to Windows 7.

First, you can click the “Start” button, then in the “Search” line enter the word (in Russian) “Recovery” and select the item of the same name.

Secondly, we can also click on “Start”, move the cursor to “Run” and enter rstrui.

Thirdly, there is an option to run System Restore through Control Panel items. Go to this settings area and select the “Archive” icon. Then click on the “Restore system parameters” option.

In most cases, the OS will prompt the user to select a checkpoint. By what criteria should this be done? It all depends on what exactly required - removal the desired file or software error- system recovery. In the first case, you should focus on the date when the file was still on the computer. But, as a rule, it is enough to select the most recent OS “point” created.

Selecting all necessary settings, you can start the process. Its duration varies greatly depending on the number of files on the PC, the period of use of the operating system, the performance of the hardware, etc. It is problematic to derive any average values ​​here. But there is a chance that Windows will do it in a few minutes.

System recovery and backup image

System Restore in Windows 7 is being expanded most useful function. The point is that the computer can create a “backup image” of Windows. His fundamental difference from files backed up as part of recovery, in that it contains a set of almost all system data. A backup OS image can be guaranteed to help the user out if the most important ones from the point of view of Windows performance data.

It is also worth noting that Windows 7 has another interesting option - cancel recovery. The fact is that directly during the process of returning the system to one of the previous “points” launched by the user, another one is created - the current one. This is useful if, for example, System Restore was launched by mistake. Or the user did not guess correctly control point, and the process did not bring the expected results. You can create a system image in the same program area that we discussed above - “Backup and Restore”.

Should I disable recovery?

There is a version among IT specialists that the recovery function consumes too much system resources, and therefore it is advisable to turn it off. To some extent, this point of view is close to the truth. Indeed, in order to consistently set a working system restore point, the computer requires memory and processor resources, as well as hard drive space. However, their number is absolutely not critical. On modern PCs, even if we take into account devices with average performance, the noted types of resources are more than enough. The slowdown in your computer will be barely noticeable, so disabling this feature is not advisable.

What other recommendations from IT specialists can you take into account? Many of them, in particular, do not recommend minimizing the amount of disk space allocated for running an OS such important function. There is no need to think about how to make system recovery extremely economical in terms of system resources, experts say. A disk space volume of 3-5% of the total hard drive volume is quite a bit, especially if you compare this resource with the capabilities of the function.

Disk recovery

In some cases, we may need a system repair disk. Above, we have already indicated in which cases the likelihood of this is greatest - if, due to a virus or by the user himself, the key ones for work were accidentally deleted Windows files. Another option is an error standard program system recovery.

IT specialists highly recommend making such a disk in advance. There's nothing complicated about it. To create a disk, click "Start", then select "Control Panel", and then select the "Backup and Restore" option. We find the item “Create disk” for the appropriate purpose. Next, follow the instructions displayed on the screen. Of course, even before we open this program area, you should put it in the DVD drive blank disk. The recording process takes several minutes.

If we plan to use the disk, we will have to run system recovery through the BIOS. More precisely, not to carry out the process itself using this tool, but to make settings that are key from the point of view correct loading functions from disk.

How exactly to restore the system in this case? Through BIOS we need to set the correct boot sequence relative to those installed on the computer disk drives. The point is that according to Windows default runs from the hard drive. To set the correct settings, go to the BIOS (DEL key at the very beginning of booting the PC), then select the item Boot menu Sequence or similar to it. After that, we put the DVD drive in first place in the sequence of media. Then we save (usually F10) and reboot. After this, the computer will start not from the hard drive, but from the system recovery disk.

Working with him software interface is somewhat different from the similar process in Windows itself. Let's consider its features. How to perform a system restore from disk? Which scenario should I follow?

In the "disk" recovery interface, there are three options to choose from. The first is work at the level of loading system files. It's called "Startup Repair" and allows you to rewrite critical correct operation OS data from disk to hard drive. The second option is "System Restore". This function is generally similar to the one that is launched in Windows in the “Control Panel” according to the instructions we discussed above. There is, however, an important difference - the restoration in this case cannot be canceled. However, as with Windows, you can select different “points” one by one. The third option is "System Image Restore". This, as we said above, is an alternative to recovery, in many cases more reliable in terms of subsequent correct operation of the OS. But, in order to use it, we must create an image of the system in advance.

Thus, depending on the goals of system recovery, we choose one of three options. In most cases, the functionality of your PC can be restored from the disk, even if the most important files have been deleted. System recovery on a laptop using a disk is carried out using approximately the same algorithms.

Windows 7 has a sufficient number of built-in recovery tools without a disk, so if the OS has crashed and there is no way to boot it in the usual way, you can use one of the available standard solutions. These include booting the environment in safe mode, loading Last Known Good Configuration, and a troubleshooting utility.

Returning the last known good configuration

Windows after each successful download The system remembers the current PC configuration by storing information in the registry. If the boot process fails, it is best to immediately roll back without the disk to the last known known configuration. To do this:

It is not a fact that this method will be able to fix serious boot problems, but usually this simple remedy is always used before resorting to other options.

Selecting a control point

Before every significant change - installing drivers, applications, etc., Windows creates another system configuration point. This way it saves the current stable condition- you can always roll back to it even without a boot disk if the OS crashes as a result of this intervention.

Any of these saves is also available from the window that restores the OS:

All you have to do is click “Finish”, after which the OS will roll back to the point you selected and after a reboot, even without using the disk, you will get a fully working environment.

Automatic recovery

This is also a very simple way to bring the system back to life. It doesn’t always work, but it’s worth trying even before trying to rollback Windows 7 to the old saved configuration. This module also works from the troubleshooting window.

This item is called “Startup Recovery” and is the very first on the list. If you select it, the environment will try to automatically find and get rid of problems that prevent it from starting normally. If the cause of the failure is identified, a new window will appear informing you that relevant problems have been found and offering to fix them. You should agree with this, after which a reboot will occur and, probably, the problem will be solved.

Boot in Safe Mode

It often happens that Windows, being unable to boot in normal mode after a crash, boots in safe mode. In this case, only the most important drivers and utilities, so it is possible to remove viruses, drivers that cause conflicts and crashes, and solve other problems without reinstallation.

You can enter here from the same OS recovery tool window by selecting boot in safe mode. The line below offers us the same mode with support command line. This feature can also be useful if booting into normal diskless safe mode fails:

  1. Select the appropriate line and go to the command line window;
  2. Enter sfc team/scannow, which forces Windows 7 to scan essential files with replacement of all damaged ones;
  3. You can run the utility that disinfects the system here using the rstrui.exe command.

The command line in safe mode provides a variety of functionality. For example, typing devmgmt.msc will take you to Device Manager.

The Windows XP operating system includes a convenient recovery tool that allows you to roll back changes that caused unstable work. In most cases, this tool allows you to perform without reinstallation full recovery Windows XP systems with saving all user files.

Enable recovery

To be sure that you can roll back XP back to the key date, make sure that the restore feature is working. If it is deactivated, you must enable it:

You can configure recovery settings by specifying how much space should be allocated for points for Windows rollback. The default is 12% of the total volume, but you can make this setting a little smaller to save space on your hard drive.

Rollback to key date

System Restore is enabled, let's see how it works:

If you are unable to return your system to a working state, you can restore your computer again by selecting a different day. You can also run a rollback if XP does not boot normally. What to do:

The recovery program will appear operating system. Through it, you can rollback Windows back by selecting a day when XP was running smoothly. The disadvantage of this method is that you will not be able to use the recovery tool to roll back the system to factory settings, since the old points will be overwritten by the new control marks.

Last Known Good Configuration

The first thing to do if Windows won't boot is to run the Last Known Good Configuration.

You can perform such a rollback and return XP back to a working state due to the fact that the latest successful launch systems. Using the function above, you apply this saved configuration, correcting all Windows errors. The advantages of the described method are that you do not need any flash drives with system distributions, special recovery programs, or changes to the BIOS settings.

Reinstallation with saving files via BIOS

If rolling back XP does not fix the problem, you can update the system - return it to original condition, resetting to factory settings. On XP, a factory reset works slightly differently than in later versions. On Windows 7/8.1/10, when installing the system, a partition is created on which the recovery image is located. Special program allows you to run through the BIOS or in Windows environment reset to factory settings. On XP there is no such program (there is no section either), but you can return the operating system to factory settings.

Restart your computer; go into the BIOS and set to boot from the flash drive. You can do this in the BIOS like this:

Note: you can not change the BIOS configuration, but use the menu that is called up by pressing the F11 key when starting the computer.

After launching the system installer, press Enter to begin installation. Accept the terms license agreement. The installer will notify you that it has been detected. copy of Windows– press “R” to restore it.