Daemon tools lite is not uninstalled, what should I do? How to uninstall DAEMON Tools

Modern information Technology impossible to imagine without virtualization. Fashion for creating electronic digital copies has reached its maximum: everything is being digitized, from natural phenomena to living beings. The computer components themselves did not go unnoticed: virtual disk, virtual audio cable - all this has long become commonplace and familiar. Many in daily work even face virtual computer, realizable VMware applications, Virtual Box, etc.

Despite this, for the majority of users, CD drive emulator programs are the most popular. Previously there were quite a lot of them: Virtual Emulator from Paragon, Virtual Drive, Alcohol 120% and Daemon Tools. Currently, it can be argued that the invisible confrontation has won the application for Daemon emulation Tools (DT). But everything good has reverse side, so it’s understandable that novice users began to ask the question “how to disable a virtual disk.”

When installing DT, it creates a virtual drive in the operating system and assigns a drive letter to it. Then everything is simple: insert it into and work with the image as with a regular compact. Everything seems to be clear. But very often newbies unknowingly create unnecessary ones in the system. virtual drives and start looking for an answer on how to delete a virtual disk. This does not affect performance in any way, but if you logical partitions, a hardware drive is installed, and here a few more virtual ones are added - it’s time to get lost.

There are several ways to solve this problem. We will consider them, simultaneously answering the question “how to delete a virtual disk.” The easiest way is to use the tools of the program itself that created such a disk. In our case it is DT.

Click the “Start” button and look for Daemon Tools in the list. Let's launch the application. The main program window appears, divided into two: at the top is the image directory, and at the bottom are the created virtual drives. Click to select the extra one and press the right mouse button. How to delete virtual disk here? Very simple! In the menu that appears, there is an option “Delete drive”. That's all.

The second option differs in the choice of menu item. Go to “Options”. In the “Drive letter” drop-down list, select “Not installed”.

The third option to help you understand how to delete a virtual disk in Daemon Tools. Select the extra one by clicking the left mouse button and click on the icon with the image of the drive and the red cross (a hint appears - “Delete virtual drive”). We repeat the steps for all unnecessary devices. You can remove everything. It’s just as easy to add them later.

If for some reason it is impossible to use the program tools, then you can delete the virtual disk using the tools Windows systems. Calling right click properties of the “My Computer” desktop icon. If it is missing, go to “Start” - “My Computer” - “Properties”. Next, on the left, select the link to “Device Manager”. Open the list of drives and on the virtual drive select “Properties - Disable” (do not confuse with physical device). Everything can be returned at any time by clicking “Engage”.

Similar option:

Select the properties of “My Computer” and go to the “Manage” item. Here in storage devices we are looking for the ability to manage disks. Call up the menu (right button) of the virtual drive and go to “properties”. Next is the “Driver” tab and the “Disable” button. It's that simple.

As has already been stated many times, when in the indicated ways disconnection, you can (if necessary) very quickly return everything back. But if you completely uninstall from operating system DT, then the virtual disk will disappear forever (up to reinstallation programs).

daemon tools not installing? Often, after removing DAEMON Tools, install more new version becomes impossible.

This is due to the fact that DAEMON Tools was not completely uninstalled, and if latest installation this program had errors, then there are definitely drivers left in the system virtual devices, registry entries and other garbage that prevents you from reinstalling the program.
Errors can be different, but they can be treated in one way - completely removing DT and thoroughly cleaning Windows from it.
We have two options for developing the scenario.

Option one - DAEMON Tools still somehow works.

  1. Disable virtual drives and emulation. For this:

1.1. Click on the tray icon (located next to the clock).
1.2. Select the item “Virtual CD\DVD ROM” (Virtual CD\DVD ROM)
1.3. Select the virtual drive and context menu remove the drive (Set number of devices, then Disable).

2. Click on the tray icon (located next to the clock).

2.1 Item “Emulation” - turn everything off (Emulation - All options OFF).

If this does not work, you need to remove all virtual devices manually through the device manager.

To do this, open the “Device Manager” (Start - Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager or right-click on the My Computer icon - Properties - Hardware tab - Device Manager).

In Device Manager, select DVD and CD-ROM drives.
Find and delete at this point all devices whose names end with SCSI CdRom Device
If there are other emulators on the system, although it is not recommended to install several emulators together, make sure that you are removing CdRom Device from DAEMON Tools.

To do this, right-click on the DT icon in the tray – Virtual CD\DVD ROM and for each device look at its name – “Set device parameters” – Fields “Manufacturer” “Model” (Virtual CD\DVD ROM – DEVICE No. – Set device parameters). It should match the names in Device Manager.

3.Remove DAEMON Tools using the usual method.
To do this, open the “Add or Remove Programs” menu (Start – Control Panel – Add or Remove Programs), find DT and click the remove button. Or through the main menu (Start - all programs - DAEMON Tools - Uninstall). Or through third party program deletion ( Uninstall Tool or similar).

4. Clean the registry manually (), or with any program that has a registry search.

5. Restart your computer.
If you used to have a different version of the program, you can try installing it with a new one, and then uninstall it in the standard way. If during the installation process it is detected installed version DAEMON Tools, it can be immediately removed using the installer (in the window that appears, select “Delete” or “Uninstall”).
If the problem is not resolved by the method described above, move on to the second option.

We repeat the first point and go straight to 6.

Option 2 - Uninstall DAEMON Tools manually.

1. Delete the default DAEMON Tools installation folder - C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Pro (in a word, the folder where you put DT)

2. Clear the folders: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP, C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp,

3. delete the DAEMON Tools folder in this path C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\DAEMON Tools Pro

4. Check again that all virtual DT drives have been deleted (point No. 1 of the first option).

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5. Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and delete the virtual device driver files (they may be called like this: d347bus.sys, d347prt.sys, dtscsi.sys, up55bus.sys, up55prt.sys, st77bus.sys, st77prt.sys). Just in case, do it backup copy.

6. Open “Device Manager” - “System Devices”.

Start - control panel - system - hardware - device manager or right-click on the My Computer icon - properties - hardware tab - device manager.
Uninstall the Plug and Play Bios Extension driver (the driver file name may be vax347.sys, vax347p.sys).

Uninstalling the SPTD driver.

The process is far from the simplest, but quite realistic. All described actions are carried out in safe mode.

1. Reboot the computer as soon as the download has started (the very first screen), quickly press F8 many times. When the boot selection screen appears, select “Safe Mode” and boot into it. As soon as the message “Press ESC to cancel loading SPTD.Sys” appears at the bottom of the screen, press the ESC key to cancel loading. This needs to be done so that the system allows us to remove this driver.

2. Open the registry editor and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
and delete the partition sptd.Delete the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_SPTD.
To delete these branches, you must have administrator rights.

3. If you can’t delete sptd, download a clean distribution sptd version 1.50 and higher (installation file), put it on system disk(by default C:\).

4. Boot into Safe Mode.

5. Open the Start menu - Run. In the window that opens, enter C:\sptdinst_x86.exe remove and click OK ( sptdinst_x86.exe- this is the name installation file, which you downloaded in point No. 3, it may be different).

6. Reboot to normal mode.

7. Clean the registry manually (), or with any program that has a registry search.

Now DAEMON Tools should be completely removed and there should be no problems with installation and operation.

When uninstalling Daemon Tools, all components are often not completely removed (especially if errors occurred during installation) - undeleted virtual device driver files remain (in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers folder), as well as registry entries (including in autorun sections), which leads to errors when loading the system, errors when reinstalling/updating DT, and the inability to permanently remove the virtual drive.

1. Disable virtual drives and emulation (if DT still works somehow):

Right-click on the DT icon in the tray->Virtual CD/DVD-ROM->Set number of devices...->Disable.
- Right-click on the DT icon in the tray->Emulation->All options OFF
If that doesn't work, remove all virtual devices manually through Device Manager -
open Start->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->DVD/CD-ROM drives
and delete there all devices whose name ends with...SCSI CdRom Device.

If there is an Alcohol 120% emulator in the system, you should check that the devices to be deleted belong to DT
(click on the DT icon in the tray->Virtual CD/DVD-ROM and for each device look at its name (DEVICE No.: ->Set device parameters), it should match the name in the Device Manager.
In general, it is not recommended to install both emulators on the system at once; in most cases (but not always) they conflict with each other (sometimes this can be cured by updating the motherboard drivers).

2. Removing Daemon Tools in the usual way

Open Start->Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs, find DT and click "Uninstall"
or through the main menu (Start->Programs->DAEMON Tools->Uninstall)
- Clean the registry (for example using jv16 power Tools 2008, thorough mode).
- Restart your computer and repeat the installation.
P.S: If you previously had old version Daemon Tools, then try installing the old distribution, and then uninstall it, and if during its installation an already installed version of Daemon Tools is detected, select Uninstall in the window that appears.
If the problem persists, repeat step 1, then go to step 3.

3. Removing Daemon Tools manually

If you can't remove DT using the usual method, try doing it manually.
- Delete the DT installation folder (in C:\Program files\...).
- Clear the folders C:\Windows\Temp, C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\Local settings\Temp,
delete the folder C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\Application Data\DAEMON Tools.
- Once again, make sure that virtual drives are removed from Device Manager (step 1).
- Open the C:\Windows\system32\drivers folder and delete the virtual device driver files. Depending on the DT version,
they can be called, for example, like this: d347bus.sys, d347prt.sys, dtscsi.sys, up55bus.sys, up55prt.sys, st77bus.sys, st77prt.sys.
(keep a backup copy just in case).
- Open Start->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->System Devices
and uninstall the Plug and Play BIOS Extension driver (driver file name may be vax347b.sys, vax347p.sys).
- Open the registry editor, use the search, find and delete all branches whose names contain the words
daemon tools, daemon, dt, driver file names (dtscsi.sys, etc.), in short, any mention of Daemon Tools and drivers,
Pay special attention to the autorun and HKLM\system\CurrentControlSet\Services branches. Go to point 4.

4. Uninstalling the SPTD driver

(all operations are carried out in safe mode)

Restart your computer in safe mode (while booting, press and hold F8(or F5 or F12) and select Safe Mode).
When you see the message “Press ESC to cancel loading SPTD.sys” at the bottom of the screen, press the ESC key.
This way the SPTD driver will not be loaded and can be removed.
- Delete the file C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys
- Open the registry editor, go to the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services branch, find and delete the sptd key.
- Find and delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_SPTD branch.
Administrator rights are required to delete these branches.
- If you can’t remove SPTD, download a clean SPTD distribution version no lower than 1.50 (SPTDinst_x86.exe),
put it on the C:\ drive. Boot into safe mode, open Start->Run,
type c:\sptdinst_x86.exe remove and click ok.
- Reboot in normal mode, clean the registry.

P.S: If the system does not allow you to delete registry branches (an error window pops up), then right-click on the registry branch, select "Permissions", select your account and put a tick in the " Full access". To do this, you must have system administrator rights.

Daemon Tools and SPTD should now be removed.

Threat information

Threat name: Daemon Tools Toolbar

Executable file: DTToolbar.dll

Threat type: Toolbars

Affected OS: Win32/Win64 (Windows XP, Vista/7, 8/8.1, Windows 10)

Affected browsers:Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari

Daemon Tools Toolbar infection method

Daemon Tools Toolbar is installed on your computer along with free programs. This method can be called "batch installation". Free programs suggest you install additional modules(Daemon Tools Toolbar). If you do not decline the offer, the installation will begin in the background. Daemon Tools Toolbar copies its files to your computer. This is usually the file DTToolbar.dll. Sometimes a startup key is created with the name Daemon Tools Toolbar and the value DTToolbar.dll. You will also be able to find the threat in the list of processes named DTToolbar.dll or Daemon Tools Toolbar. a folder called Daemon Tools Toolbar is also created in the C:\Program Files\ or C:\ProgramData folders. After Daemon installations Tools Toolbar starts showing promotional banners and pop-up ads in browsers. It is recommended to remove Daemon Tools Toolbar immediately. if you have additional questions about Daemon Tools Toolbar please . You can use programs below to remove Daemon Tools Toolbar from your browsers.

We noticed that you are on smartphone or tablet now, but you need this solution on your PC. Enter your email below and we’ll automatically send you an email with the downloading link for Daemon Tools Toolbar Removal Tool, so you can use it when you are back to your PC.

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Our technical service support will remove Daemon Tools Toolbar right now!

Contact our service technical support with a problem related to Daemon Tools Toolbar. Describe all the circumstances of the Daemon Tools Toolbar infection and its consequences. The team will provide you with solutions to this problem for free within a few hours.

Description of the threat and removal instructions provided by the company's analytical department Security Stronghold.

Here you can go to:

How to remove Daemon Tools Toolbar manually

The problem can be resolved manually by deleting files, folders and registry keys belonging to the Daemon Tools Toolbar threat. Damaged Daemon Tools Toolbar system files and components can be refurbished if available installation package your operating system.

To get rid of Daemon Tools Toolbar, you need to:

1. Stop the following processes and delete the corresponding files:

  • DTToolbar.dll
  • uninst.exe

Warning: You only need to delete files with the names and paths specified here. The system may contain useful files with the same names. We recommend using for safe solution Problems.

2. Remove the following malicious folders:

  • C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Toolbar

3. Remove the following malicious registry keys and values:

  • Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\DT Soft\DAEMON Tools Toolbar
  • Key:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\DAEMON Tools Toolbar
  • Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\DTToolbar.ToolBandObj.1
  • Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\DTToolbar.ToolBandObj

Warning: if the value of a registry key is specified, then you need to delete only the value and not touch the key itself. We recommend using for these purposes.

Uninstall Daemon Tools Toolbar and associated programs via Control Panel

We recommend that you review the list installed programs and find Daemon Tools Toolbar as well as any other suspicious and unfamiliar programs. Below are instructions for different Windows versions. In some cases, Daemon Tools Toolbar is protected by a malicious process or service and prevents you from uninstalling itself. If Daemon Tools Toolbar does not uninstall or gives an error that you do not have enough rights to uninstall, perform the following steps in Safe Mode or Safe mode with boot network drivers or use .

Windows 10

  • Click on the menu Start and select Options.
  • Click on the item System and select Applications and features in the list on the left.
  • Find Daemon Tools Toolbar in the list and click on the button Delete near.
  • Confirm by pressing the button Delete in the opening window, if necessary.

Windows 8/8.1

  • Right-click in the lower left corner of the screen (in desktop mode).
  • In the menu that opens, select Control Panel.
  • Click on the link Remove a program In chapter Programs and components.
  • Find in the list Daemon Tools Toolbar and other suspicious programs.
  • Click the button Delete.
  • Wait for the uninstallation process to complete.

Windows 7/Vista

  • Click Start and select Control Panel.
  • Select Programs and components And Remove a program.
  • In the list of installed programs, find Daemon Tools Toolbar.
  • Click on the button Delete.

Windows XP

  • Click Start.
  • From the menu, select Control Panel.
  • Select Install/Remove programs.
  • Find Daemon Tools Toolbar and related programs.
  • Click on the button Delete.

Remove Daemon Tools Toolbar add-ons from your browsers

Daemon Tools Toolbar in some cases, installs add-ons in browsers. We recommend using free feature"Delete toolbars" in the "Tools" section in the program to remove Daemon Tools Toolbar and related add-ons. We also recommend that you conduct a full scan of your computer using Wipersoft and Stronghold AntiMalware. To remove add-ons from your browsers manually, do the following:

Internet Explorer

  • Launch Internet Explorer and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner
  • From the drop down menu select Configure add-ons
  • Select a tab Toolbars and Extensions.
  • Select Daemon Tools Toolbar or other suspected BHO.
  • Click the button Disable.

Warning: This instruction only deactivates the add-on. For complete removal Daemon Tools Toolbar use .

Google Chrome

  • Launch Google Chrome.
  • IN address bar enter chrome://extensions/.
  • On the list installed add-ons find Daemon Tools Toolbar and click on the trash can icon next to it.
  • Confirm deletion Daemon Tools Toolbar.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Launch Firefox.
  • In the address bar, enter about:addons.
  • Click on the tab Extensions.
  • On the list installed extensions find Daemon Tools Toolbar.
  • Click the button Delete near the extension.

Reset search and home page settings in browsers

Daemon Tools Toolbar infects your browsers, namely, it changes the search settings of the home page and new tab in Google browsers Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. We recommend that you use the free feature Reset browser settings on the menu Tools in to reset all settings installed browsers. Please note that before this you need to uninstall all programs associated with Daemon Tools Toolbar and delete all files created by these programs. To manually reset and restore home page execute the following actions:

Internet Explorer

  • If you are using Windows XP, click Start, and click Execute. In the window Launch enter "inetcpl.cpl" without quotes, and click Enter.
  • If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, click Start. In the search box, enter "inetcpl.cpl" without quotes, and click Enter.
  • Select a tab Additionally.
  • Click the button Reset..., which is located below.
  • Check the box Delete Personal settings and click the button Reset.
  • Once completed, click Close in the window Reset settings Internet settings Explorer.

Warning: In case this doesn't work, use the free feature Reset browser settings In chapter Tools in Stronghold AntiMalware.

Google Chrome

  • Go to the folder with installed by Google Chrome: C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\User Data.
  • In folder User Data, find the file Default and rename it to DefaultBackup.
  • Launch Google Chrome and it will be created new file Default.
  • This will reset the settings.

Warning: This option may not work if your Google Chrome is syncing with another computer. In this case, use the function Reset browser settings In chapter Tools in Stronghold AntiMalware.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Mozilla Firefox.
  • Click on the icon with three horizontal lines and then to the icon question mark and select Problem Solving Information.
  • Click on the button Reset Firefox.
  • Once the procedure is complete, Firefox will create backup folder on the desktop. Click Complete.

Warning: Using this function you will also reset all remembered passwords for sites. If you don't want this, use the function Reset browser settings In chapter Tools in Stronghold AntiMalware.