We update the Internet Explorer browser to the latest version. Updating Yandex Browser - two cool ways

You can use 2 paths: destructive and creative.

Let's consider both options, sticking to the following plan:

Let's start in order.

Destructive version of Yandex.Browser update

This option can be described in words from a famous hymn:

“We will destroy the whole world of violence
Down to the ground and then
We are ours, we will build a new world.”

This option for updating Yandex Browser involves 2 steps:

  1. first remove the old version of the browser from your computer (via Start - Uninstall Programs),
  2. and then install the new version for free from the official website.

The official website always offers the latest version of the browser, so you can rest assured that the latest version will be installed on your computer.

It happens that the updates were installed incorrectly, or for some other reason the Yandex browser works strangely, not as usual. That’s when the destructive update option is suitable: remove the browser from your computer, and then install it again from the official website.

How to remove the old version of Yandex browser

In Windows 7, in order to remove the Yandex browser, you need to follow the route: Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features - Uninstall or change a program (Fig. 1).

Then, in the list of programs installed on the computer, you should find the Yandex browser and select it with the left mouse button, as shown by number 1 in Fig. 1.

Now you can apply the uninstall command to the selected program, that is, to the Yandex browser. To do this, click on the “Delete” button (number 2 in Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Removing the old version of Yandex browser

The “Delete Yandex browser?” window will appear, in which the question “Delete all browser settings?” will appear.

Rice. 2 We solve the issue of saving browser settings, and then delete the browser

If you do not need the settings, then you need to check the box next to this question. In Fig. There are no 2 checkboxes, because I want to save the settings so as not to make them again after installing the browser.

Having decided the issue of saving or deleting the browser settings, click on the “Delete” button (number 2 in Fig. 2). After a few seconds, the message “Yandex.browser has been deleted” will appear.

Where can I find the latest version of Yandex browser?

After uninstalling the old version of the browser, you can proceed to installing the latest version from the official website:

Rice. 3 Download Yandex browser from the official website

Before downloading, check the selection of the device for which you need to install the Yandex browser. In Fig. 3, the number 1 indicates that the browser version for the computer is selected. There are versions for smartphones and tablets. Click on the “Download” button. Since the download comes from the official website, there cannot be any viruses there.

After downloading, you need to install a browser. To do this, you need to find the installation file on your computer. It is usually downloaded to the "Downloads" folder. To find this folder on your computer, enter the word: Downloads or Downloads in the Start menu in the search bar. And then in the Search results, where the “Files” heading is, click on the found “Downloads” folder.

In this folder, look for the Yandex file (yandex.exe), click on it. A security warning window will appear, in which we click on the “Run” button. And here: “Wait, locomotive, don’t knock the wheels” in the sense that you should stop and think about the ticks.

If you want to use the Yandex browser as the default, then the checkbox should be in front of the “Set as default browser” option (number 1 in Fig. 4). In this case, the Yandex browser will always load and open first on the computer, and not any other browser.

But it’s better to remove the second checkbox next to the option “Take part in improving Yandex services: automatically send anonymous browser usage statistics” (number 2 in Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Important checkboxes before you start using Yandex browser

Having dealt with the checkboxes (1 and 2 in Fig. 4), click “Start using” (number 3 in Fig. 4). Your Internet connection will be checked and the installation will be completed in a few minutes. After installation, the Yandex browser icon can be found on the desktop of your computer.

However, there are many reasons when a disruptive browser update option won't do the trick. For example, with this approach, there is no absolute guarantee that “everything acquired through back-breaking labor” and saved in the old Yandex browser will be just as familiar and understandable in the new version installed from the official website.

Therefore, in most cases, the option of creatively updating the browser is preferable.

A creative option for updating Yandex Browser

This option involves gradual browser updates as they appear on the official website. You can update in two modes:

  • automatic,
  • manually

By automatic updating of the Yandex browser, I mean a voluntary-compulsory “reminder” that can appear when you log into the browser in the form of a banner or link asking you to update. I won’t consider it, because everything is clear with it.

Let's move on to manually updating the browser. First you need to understand whether you need to update.

  • according to the Yandex browser settings (number 1 in Fig. 5, click on Fig. 5 to enlarge it),
  • in the menu that appears - select the “...Additional” option (number 2 in Fig. 5),
  • then click on the “About Yandex Browser” option (number 3 in Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 How to find out the Yandex browser version and whether you need to update

In the “About the program” window you can see the Yandex browser version: 15.2.2214.3645, and also find out information about the need to update. If there is an “Update” button (number 1 in Fig. 6), click on it to install the latest version of the browser.

Rice. 6 An offer to “Update” the Yandex browser, which...is impossible to refuse

After this, a message will appear: “Yandex is being updated.” At the end of this process, you can click on the “Restart” browser button (number 1 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7 The update is complete, all that remains is to restart the browser

After the restart, we will see a happy message that Yandex.Browser has been updated.

Rice. 8 Yandex browser has been updated, this is the latest version

Let's sum it up

To update Yandex browser to the latest version, it is advisable to use the creative update mode (that is, automatic or manual update method).

And if there are any problems with the Yandex browser, you should use a destructive update method: first, delete the browser, then download and install it again for free from the official website.

Today, even a schoolchild knows that a browser is an application software created for the purpose of viewing web pages. You have all heard such names as Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, etc. You often ask questions: how to update your browser? How to update your browser for free? Why do you think browser creators regularly release more and more new versions of their creations with corresponding improved functionality or eliminated vulnerabilities?

The answer is very simple: every day the Internet becomes less and less secure, and therefore access to the network through outdated browsers is associated with risks: hacking, advertising, malware. To avoid such consequences, it is best to install add-ons, such as Adblock and Adblock Plus, see the link:

Let’s not forget about the battle for the client in the browser market. To win such a battle, at least temporarily, you should regularly add innovations, keeping an eye on the competitors' innovations. Although browsers are free, their creators make a fortune. For example, Firefox recently installed Google's default search engine, earning more than a billion dollars.

Knowing how to update your browser today is as important as remembering the password for your social media page. And although the update most often occurs automatically in the background (which we don’t see), you shouldn’t be lazy and “every fireman” look at the current version of the search engine. If the need arises, you can manually initiate the update process. This is best done when the browser has stopped updating automatically. How to do this correctly? Read about it below.

Let's take a closer look at how to update each of the following browser types for free:

Now let's talk about everything in order.

How to update Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome browser Recently it has been very popular all over the world, especially abroad. And this despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently. Each Google tab is an autonomous system process, and therefore if such a tab freezes, the browser itself will remain fine. This is a big advantage when working on articles, for example in the WordPress CMS. Also, if your computer freezes unexpectedly, or you have to restart it, all your tabs will be automatically and very quickly restored as soon as you reopen the browser. As for advertising, it is best to install an add-on that will . You can use for example Adblock or Adblock Plus for Chrome.

But let's not be distracted from the main topic - how to update Google Chrome. Click on the icon located in the upper right corner (where three horizontal stripes will be shown). Now select the button “ About the Google Chrome browser" or " Dovidka” for Ukrainian-speaking users, and then the “ button about Google Chrome” (for more details, see the screenshot).

Update Google Chrome browser you can automatically after a reboot (to do this, close and reopen the window). However, if the browser has been left open for a long time, then you can find information about the release of new versions of the browser in the background color change. You should see exactly the same icon with three horizontal lines. If they Green colour, which means the automatic system managed to update Google Chrome two days ago. However, the new version will be installed on your computer only after you restart the browser. If the stripes have bright orange color, the update happened four days ago. If the bars are red, you have been using an outdated version of the browser for a week.

By clicking on the item “ “, You will see a window that shows the process of comparing the current version and the new one, which is already available on a special update server (see screenshot below).

Checking for Google Chrome updates

After the comparison process has come to an end, a button will appear to restart the browser and use the downloaded updates (see screenshot below).

Google Chrome Update

Also, if you have the latest version of this browser installed, then on the screen you will see the inscription “ You have the latest version of Google Chrome”.

The same effect will occur if you normally close the program and then launch it again. This will ensure that you have installed the latest version of Google Chrome, which contains all the necessary security updates plus new functionality.

But no one is immune from a failure during which the installation of a new version of the browser is disrupted or the connection with the update server is interrupted. Don't be scared! First, you need to clear the cache in your old browser. You can see how to do this in the article:

Now you just need to go to the official Google Chrome website and download the latest version of the browser for your operating system. The system is detected automatically after reading data from the computer. To do this you need to follow the link:

Click on the button " Download Chrome«.

When the download is complete, you need to activate the update process for the previously installed version of the browser. To do this, close Chrome and install the latest current version by clicking on the icon you downloaded. Be sure to make sure that all bookmarks, passwords and settings are saved. Before you update your browser, You need to sync your browser settings with your Google account.

Downloaded plugins, extensions, and Chrome add-ons can be easily and simply updated by force. First, click on the button with three lines with the right mouse button, select “Additional tools” - “Extensions”.

Now you need to check the box “ Developer Mode” and click on the item “ Update extension", which is located in the upper right corner (see below).


Remember that such an engine will be run on Chromium browser, which by default includes all programs contained in updates to an unreleased version of Chrome.

How to update Mozilla Firefox browser

Here the upgrade process is very similar to everything that you already done with Chrome. By default, the browser updates automatically, but this can be done manually if desired or necessary. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the button with three lines in the upper left corner, and in the window that opens, click on the icon. Where is the question mark? It is located at the bottom of the drop-down list. Depending on the version, it may be in different places at the bottom.
  2. In the menu that opens, click the button at the very bottom “ About Firefox"(see screenshot).

If the browser has been open for a very long time, after downloading the updates, you will be prompted to restart the browser in order to apply the updates.

Latest version of Mozilla Firefox installed

If you don't want to automatically updateMozilla Firefox, you should simply disable the auto-update option. To do this, go to the settings of Mazila Firefox by clicking on the button with three stripes and selecting “ Settings«.

Mozilla Browser Settings

Don't be alarmed if tabs appear " Additionally", here click " Updates", as in the screenshot below.

Here you can work in three options:

  1. By default, the upgrade is downloaded and installed in the background, you just need to check the box (shown in the screenshot above) to be warned if installed plug-ins or browser extensions are not compatible with the new version.
  2. The update is checked automatically, but each time you will be bothered before the installation begins.
  3. The browser may not check for new versions at all. You will need to do it yourself using the procedures already described. update Mozilla Firefox browser, as soon as you want it.

The main strength of Mozilla is the simplicity of the settings, so we recommend that you don’t worry and automatically update Mozilla. Also, if after updating your browser a large number of advertisements appear, we recommend using the Adblock or Adguard add-on. How to remove ads in this browser, see:

How to update the Opera browser

But here everything is not as simple as we would like. A couple of years ago, the creators of this browser abandoned the use of their own engine, replacing it with the same which is used in Google. The engine is distributed free of charge.

The latest version on the old engine is Opera 12.17. more modern versions are no longer compatible with it. Today it is no longer possible to update the twelfth Opera. If it is installed on your computer, then you need to click on the “ button in the upper right corner Opera”, in the drop-down list select “ Reference" or " About Opera” and then click on this item or select “ About the program" Look at the version as shown in the screenshot.

If you select Check for Update, you will be told that you are using the latest version. Many people use version 12.17 because it has an integrated email client and many other bells and whistles. Since you cannot update version 12, go to the official Opera website and download a special program to install the browser. To do this you need to follow the link:


And press the “ Download now”.

Now updateOpera you can separately from the twelfth version, but this will pull out all the bookmarks from the latest (the same applies to the settings you have installed, passwords, etc., see what it is.). This is quite convenient because you can painlessly and quickly switch to another version, just like with a regular browser update. This is a big advantage of Opera.

If you like everything new and you already have a version of Opera installed that is older than the twelfth, you don’t need to take any special steps to update it, because it has an automatic update mechanism. After the upgrade, a window will appear informing you that the process is complete.

The browser checks for new versions at certain intervals. If you couldn't update your Opera browser, a window with a corresponding reminder will appear. You can view the version you are currently using by selecting " Opera" paragraph " About the program"(see screenshot below).

If for some reason your automatic upgrade mechanism is malfunctioning, go to the official Opera website (see above), and then download the distribution kit for your operating system. Then complete the installation by closing the browser first. The new version appears in place of the old one, and this is the same as updating Opera in the standard way. If your goal is to download an older version that you are already accustomed to (including Opera 12.17), download it from the official archive.

How to update Safari browser

UpdateSafari also quite simple. This browser was designed for Apple users, although there is now an updated version for Windows.

To update the Safari browser, follow the instructions:

  1. You need to go to the official Apple website and download the desired version of the Safari Browser. To do this, follow the link: https://support.apple.com/ru_RU/downloads/safari
  2. Now you need to download the latest version of Safari;
  3. After downloading the file, you need to run it.
  4. During the download, the program will offer to run or save the file. Click "Run" and the update will begin immediately.

Update Safari easier than any other browser, you just need to go in, download and run the update.

To see what version of this browser you have installed, you need to find the gear in the upper right corner, click on it and select “ “ About Safari”.

After clicking, a window will appear in which you can view the current version of the browser.

How to update Yandex browser

This browser runs on the same engine as Google Chrome or the latest version of Opera, and therefore it has an automatic update option. Please note that this option cannot be disabled. However, if you have not used Yandex for a long time, then when you go to the page for viewing the new version of the browser, you will find a button to update or restart the program (applying the changes already downloaded). See the screenshot for more details.

Select the button with three horizontal sticks that is already familiar to you in the context menu, click on it and select “ Additionally» — « About the Yandex browser«.

However, no one is immune from the case when the auto-update system is “buggy.” So in this case you can update browserYandex, downloading the latest version from the official website, and then installing it on top of the already downloaded one. This is the same as standard update Yandex. Make sure that all your settings are saved.

In order to download the Yandex Browser, you need to go to the official website using the link:


On the page you need to click the button " Download» and follow all recommendations.

Yandex browser interesting because it is based on the same engine as Google Chrome, but it has several unique functions. But as you can see, updating this browser only takes a few minutes. Also, if after the update you have problems with advertising, we recommend that you look at this article:

How to update Internet Explorer Browser

This browser differs from all those previously discussed because it belongs to the Windows operating system . You will not be able to update to the latest version for every type of Windows. Most likely, this is due to Microsoft's attempts to increase sales of its new operating systems.

Internet Explorer version

There is also a simpler method. To implement it, you need to go to the official Internet Explorer website using the link:


Download this browser and install it on your computer again. This will update the old version of the browser to a newer (latest) version.


So, let's summarize:

  1. Browsers have their pros and cons, and which browser to choose is a purely individual matter.
  2. Updating your browser is necessary in order to protect your computer from hackers or viruses, since the latter are constantly being improved and find weaknesses in the security systems of a particular version of the browser. Don't neglect updating your browser!
  3. Personally, we recommend using browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, because they have the most understandable and rich functionality, and also have an automatic update option. Even if such a system is malfunctioning, updating the browser manually in the case of Mozilla or Google is as easy as shelling pears. Both of these browsers can be upgraded for free.

It's hard to imagine a modern computer without a couple of browsers. Quite often, users stop following program updates after installation. However, experts recommend checking for updates regularly, since every year the Internet is becoming an increasingly less secure environment. Attackers can take advantage of outdated browser vulnerabilities and harm the user's computer or data. Keeping programs up to date will not only ensure the security of confidential information, but will also delight you with new functionality and a convenient interface.

How to update Mozilla?

To update Mozilla Firefox, you need to click on the “Menu” icon (in the form of three horizontal lines) in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the context menu that opens, click on the “Settings” item.

The necessary functionality is located approximately in the middle of the page in the “FireFox Update” section (the “Basic” settings tab).

The section provides the current version of the browser and information about its relevance. To check the utility for updates, click on the “Check for updates” button.

If the latest version of Mozilla is not installed, the user will be prompted to update the application.

In addition to the function of checking the program version, this section contains automatic update settings. You can choose from downloading and installing all updates automatically (the default option), checking for updates and asking the user for permission to install, or completely abandoning checks.

Information about the current version of the software is also located in the “Help” menu item, the “About Firefox” subsection.

Additionally, the page provides information about the license, user rights and privacy policy.

How to update Opera?

You can find out the current version of the program by clicking on the branded icon in the upper left corner of the screen and selecting “About the program” in the drop-down context menu.

A window will open with information about the program and system version. In addition, the browser will automatically check for updates and update itself if necessary.

You can check the program version manually in the “Update and Recovery” menu item.

A new tab will open with information about the current version and the date of the last update. To check your browser is up to date, click the “Check for updates” button.

How to update Google Chrome?

By default, the browser updates itself in the background every time you restart it. If the browser has not been closed for a long time, then its version may be out of date. You can check this using the special color indicator “Customizing and managing Google Chrome,” which is located in the upper right corner of the screen (three vertical dots).

If the icon is green, then a new program update has not been installed for more than 2 days, orange - more than 4 days, red - the browser is out of date a week ago. If the icon is gray, then no update is required.

To update Chrome, you need to click on the “Settings and management...” icon and select “Update Google Chrome” in the context menu. If such an item is missing, then the utility does not require an update.

You can find out the current version of the browser, as well as check for updates, by clicking on the “Settings and management...” icon and selecting “Help” - “About Google Chrome browser”.

A tab will open indicating the current version of Chrome. When you go to this page, your browser will automatically check for updates and install them if necessary.

How to update Yandex?

The browser from the famous search engine Yandex updates automatically - this option cannot be disabled. The program will be updated even if you do not use it. The only thing available to the user is setting up automatic updates in the background. To go to the corresponding menu, you need to click on the “Yandex Browser Settings” icon (in the form of 3 horizontal lines) and select “Settings”.

A new page will open, which you need to scroll down, and then click on the “Show additional settings” button.

Some users, when visiting certain sites, have probably encountered pop-up messages about the need for a browser version. This is most likely due to the use of Internet Explorer 6 or other outdated software.

You will need

  • - Internet browser.


All you need to do is update the program files of your Internet browser. This is quite easy and simple to do by choosing one of the existing methods. Before downloading a new version of the software, be sure to back up your files and settings. To do this, you need to copy the program folders from Program Files and Application Data.

Open Windows Explorer, select your system drive, and navigate to the Program Files directory. Right-click on the browser folder and select "Copy". On drive D:/, create a directory called BackUp and paste the contents of the clipboard through the context menu. The same action must be performed in relation to the browser folder in C:/Documents and Settings/user_name/Application Data.

If the update cannot be launched directly from the browser, open the developer's home page. The address of this site can be found from the information in the notification window that appears. On the loaded page, find the “Download” or “Download” button. Click this button to download the new version of the product.

The “Saving Files” window will appear in front of you; here you need to click the “Save” button and specify the path to the desired directory, for example, the Soft or “Desktop” folder. Now you should close the browser, saving the data before exiting, selecting the exe file to run.

After a short installation, launch the browser by double-clicking on the program shortcut (on the desktop or quick launch panel). When you launch a new version, a window may appear notifying you about the installed version. This information can also be obtained by selecting the “Help” menu and clicking on the “About” line. Usually in the same window there is a link to the official website from which you downloaded the application.

Every browser needs updating. New functions, interface, and performance become available to users only in updated versions of the software. Internet users spend most of their time in browsers; for comfortable use, it is recommended to promptly monitor and install updates issued by developers.

Instructions for updating your browser

Developers offer many browsers. They differ in interface, performance, and additional features. The update methods also differ.

Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge

Internet Explorer comes pre-installed on all Windows operating systems. It is rarely used for its intended purpose, but the browser is necessary for the correct operation of many programs. Microsoft Edge is used on corporate computers and is updated in a similar way.

To update Internet Explorer, you need to go to the official download page. This can be done through any convenient browser. This page stores the latest version of IE.

The system will automatically start installing the update after downloading. When the installer completes, you will need to restart your computer.


The Opera browser supports automatic updates. If for some reason the automatic update does not start, you can do it manually. Manual updating is carried out after starting the program. In the upper right corner you need to call up the menu using the corresponding button. Then go to the “About” section.

Find the "Version Information" section. The current version of Opera is displayed here. The program will report the presence of uninstalled updates, if any.

By clicking on the update button, the user will start downloading and installing the necessary files. You will need to restart Opera once the procedure is complete.

Mozilla Firefox

This browser also updates automatically, but there is a manual update option. You need to open the Mozilla Firefox settings menu. It is located in the upper right corner and looks like 3 horizontal lines. In this menu you need to select “Help” and “About Firefox”. The user will be directed to the information page.

If there are uninstalled updates, the information page will have a button that says “Restart Mozilla Firefox to update.” By clicking on it, the user activates the download and installation of files.

After restarting Mozilla Firefox, the program will be completely updated.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome provides notifications about new updates. A bright indicator appears in the upper right corner. If the user does not refresh the browser for a long time, the color of the indicator changes.

To update, you need to call the context menu in the upper right corner. Hover your mouse over the “Help” section. An additional context menu will appear where you need to select the “About Google Chrome browser” item.

In the information window there will be a warning about using an outdated version and a suggestion to update Google Chrome. By clicking on this menu, the user will refresh the browser. When fully updated, Google Chrome says "The latest version is already installed."


This browser runs on Apple operating systems. If an update is released, the device displays the message “This version of Safari is no longer supported” when you try to turn on the program. You need to open the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen and select the software update section.

The user is automatically redirected to a page where a list of all available updates for installed programs is offered. You can download and install the new version of Safari by clicking on the confirm action button.

After restarting, the Safari browser will stop giving you a reminder about the outdated version and will update itself.


Designed for Linux operating systems – Chromium, almost a complete copy of Google Chrome. Chromium does not automatically update. The user needs to run several commands:

sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree – install

If there are new versions of Chromium. They will be installed. In the browser itself, you can only view the current version.

Yandex browser

Yandex software is updated as standard through the settings menu. You can call the menu using the button in the upper right part of the screen.

In this menu, you select additional settings and the “About Yandex” item.

In the window that opens, information about available updates and the version of Yandex software used will appear. If there is an “Update” button, you need to click on it and wait until the updates are completely downloaded and installed. After restarting the program, the changes will take effect.


The Amigo browser is very similar to Google Chrome and Yandex. Updated using a similar system. You need to call up the settings menu in the upper right corner. Hover your mouse over the “Advanced” tab and select “Help”.

A window with information about Amigo will open. If updates are available, you need to click on the download and install button and restart the program.