The plastic window does not close: we are looking for the cause and troubleshooting. Yandex browser does not close (Tab not closing)

Quite often you can hear complaints about them from happy owners of plastic windows.

A properly installed and glazed window usually does not require adjustments, although sometimes adjustments and adjustments are still necessary.

Either it doesn’t close, then the handle falls off, then it fogs up a lot, then when closing it you need to press on it, etc. In fact, there are quite a lot of nuances in their operation. So what to do if the plastic window does not close or closes poorly? The most important thing, of course, is not to panic. Well, it’s also not worth repairing a plastic window for a person who doesn’t have the slightest idea about their structure.

Since this can lead not only to complete failure of the fittings, but also to its falling out of the opening both outside and inside the apartment.

The most common reason that the doors do not close is their age. The older you are, the worse the situation. Most likely, the window is more than eight years old. At the time it was installed, there simply were no proven high-quality fittings yet. And if some companies had it, then the specialists installing it did not have sufficient experience to install it efficiently.

Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of the breakdown during inspection. Let's look at the three most common causes of failure:

1) The first reason is sagging of the sash

This manifests itself in the fact that the sash begins to close poorly and constantly clings to the side or bottom of the window frame. To close the sash, you need to lift it slightly. And every time it becomes more and more difficult to do this.

The reason for the sagging is the fact that the sashes have never been adjusted before. The frames themselves are very heavy. Their weight plus their frequent opening and closing leads to a problem such as sagging. But this defect is easy to fix. The most important thing is not to delay. You need to remove the decorative plastic trim from the hinges and look at the end at the bottom and at the top. There is an adjustment element there. As a rule, this hole is an asterisk, a hexagon or a hole for the most ordinary screwdriver. The tool you need to do this job depends on the type of hole. There are fittings where there are special adjustment elements on the hinges on top.

You need to carefully tighten all the elements. After that, try to open and close the door. If done correctly, this should not cause you any effort. After checking, you need to put the decorative trims back.

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2) The second reason is the case when the sash hangs on one hinge from below and does not close

There is an element on the sash called a blocker against erroneous opening. Its function is that it prevents the window from opening in the tilt position. Some windows do not have such an element. Consequently, if it is not opened correctly, then a dangling sash appears on one hinge from below. The upper part of the room falls inside. With a strong gust of wind, it can tear out the loop from below and fall inside or outside.

The reason for this failure is the absence of a blocking element on the glass unit. If it is not there, then you must hold the window when you open and close it. You can try to correct this situation by turning the handle to the folding position and pressing the sash with your shoulder, pressing it forcefully against the frame. In this position, you need to try to turn the handle again to the rotary position. If this technique does not help, you need to call a repair specialist. Since frequent attempts to repeat such a technique can lead to the complete failure of the fittings.

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3) The third reason is that the handle is in the folding position and does not turn

If the fittings have a lock, but it often jams, then the handle will sooner or later stop moving to the swivel position from the folding position.

If the fittings have a lock, but it often jams, then the handle will sooner or later stop moving to the swivel position from the folding position. When you try to turn it, you will feel as if the handle is hitting something. You should not turn it by force, as you will simply break all the fittings. The reason for this situation is that an element such as scissors, which are located at the top of the sash, simply flew out of their grooves. To correct this situation, first of all, you need to remove the sash. To do this, remove the decorative trim from the hinges and press on the hinge pin from above. Using pliers or pliers, you will need to pull out the yielding pin. After this, you will need to carefully remove the sash from its hinges and, placing it on the floor, try to turn the window handle to the folding position. If this fails, you will need to press the opening lock by mistake. It looks like a spring bar next to the handle on the side of the sash.

In today's realities, the most popular OS family is Windows. Even system administrators and professional programmers who use other solutions have to deal with Windows from time to time. The problem with this operating system is that anyone can write software for it. Testing is often not carried out very carefully. And this leads to freezes of the software or the entire OS of the end user. Sometimes products from well-known developers present surprises and stop responding to commands. How to close a program if it does not close, read the article.


The easiest way to shut down a frozen program is to wait. 5-10 minutes is usually enough. In the vast majority of cases, the application will close on its own or finish all resource-intensive algorithms and continue normal operation.

Computer games, office suites, programs for complex mathematical calculations, antiviruses - all this requires considerable resources. When your computer can't handle a sudden increase in load, applications freeze.

There is only one drawback to this method - waiting requires free time.

How can I close a program if it won't close? Use hotkeys

This method is as simple as the previous one. Left-click on the application window and press the combination Alt + F4 on the keyboard, sometimes you can use F5.

Most likely, the utility will exit or a window will appear on the screen asking you to force close it. The operating system will then continue to function normally. After the program exits this way, wait a couple of minutes so that its process actually stops performing all operations.

Task bar

How to close a program if it does not close even using hotkeys? Hover the cursor over the symbol of the frozen utility and right-click on this area. In the context menu that appears, click on the “Close” item. After this, the software often shuts down.

Task Manager

Task Manager is a powerful utility built into Windows that can be used to close frozen applications. To launch this tool, right-click on a free area of ​​the taskbar and select the desired menu section. Another way to launch the “dispatcher” is by entering the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del.

On the Applications tab, you can see a table with the names of all running user applications. Highlight the desired line and press the Del button on your keyboard. Then confirm your intention. Typically, a hung utility closes immediately. But how can you close a program if it does not close using this method?

Go to the Processes tab and find the name of the application's executable file here. If the search does not produce results, it makes sense to go back, right-click on the program name and select the item that says “Go to process”. To close the application, press Del.

It must be said that in the process table you can see information about how much RAM each program occupies, what is the percentage of use of the central processor and network resources. This helps to understand which specific utility is frozen. If you find suspicious processes in the task manager list, then you need to scan your computer for viruses. It is quite possible that freezes occur because of them.

Command line

When a process running in freezes so that even the task manager is unable to help, you have to use Work in it is possible only in text mode. There are no buttons, check boxes, or interactive tips here. This is similar to performing actions in

How to close programs on your computer using the command line? Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and follow the path “Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt”. Right-click on the last inscription and run the utility as administrator.
  2. In the main area of ​​the window that opens, enter tasklist and press the Enter key.
  3. A table will appear. It will show all the processes running in the OS.
  4. Find the name of the frozen application in the list. On the same line is the PID number. You need to remember it, since you won’t be able to force close the program without the exact value.
  5. Type taskkill /pid__. Replace the underscores with the number mentioned in the previous paragraph. After this, the process will be completed.

The command line is a professional’s tool, but even it cannot 100 percent guarantee the solution to all problems if application freezes occur systematically. When products that work reliably on most machines freeze on your PC, it means that you urgently need to check your computer for viruses.

Also, in some cases, comprehensive OS optimization can help. Defragmentation, cleaning hard drives of debris, deleting incorrect registry entries - without all this, Windows begins to fail over time. Don't forget about maintaining the physical components of your computer. These include procedures such as cleaning cooling radiators from dust, timely checking hard drives for bad sectors, and monitoring the temperature of main components.

Despite the reliability of modern windows, over time they may no longer close properly. As a rule, owners of window structures installed more than ten years ago face this problem. At that time, technologies and materials were far from modern, and specialists had not yet understood all the intricacies of the installation process.

An expert from REHAU gives advice on what to do in this situation.

First of all, if you have operational problems, you don’t have to spend money on installing new windows. Most often it will be much faster and cheaper to make repairs. Many problems can be fixed yourself, avoiding unnecessary costs for certified specialists. Repairing windows is almost always possible; you just need to accurately determine the cause of the problem.

Why doesn't the window close and how can I fix it?

1. Problem: the sash sank. This is due to the fact that it was too heavy for the awnings, or it was not opened for a long time.

Solution: to correct the situation, you need to adjust the sash using a hex wrench or screwdriver, which adjusts the lower hinge. To get to the adjustment screws, you need to remove the plastic panels from the sides of the sash.

2. Problem: the locking mechanism did not work in time, and the handle got stuck in the wrong position.

Solution: The only way to solve this problem is to remove the window sash completely. To do this, first remove the lining from the hinges, then remove the pins and disconnect the sash. Then you need to manually bring the locking mechanism into the correct position. The handle should turn freely in any direction without encountering obstacles. If everything is done correctly, you can hang the sash in place. If you are not sure that you can solve this problem yourself, it is best to immediately contact a specialist.

3. Problem: Over the years, the fittings begin to jam, and the window stops closing. Most often the reason is that the lubricant dries out.

Solution: Simply lubricate the window mechanism. Use high-quality silicone-based lubricant and be sure to check its expiration date.

4. Problem: the sash fell out of the frame. This happens quite often: a sharp turn of the handle forcefully causes the fittings responsible for ventilating and opening the sash to operate simultaneously. As a result, the entire sash is supported only by the lower hinge and the opened upper scissors.

Solution: in most cases the situation can be easily corrected. It is enough just to turn the handle so that it takes the folding position, and then press the sash tightly against the window frame (it is especially important to fix the upper corner of the top hinge) and close. Wait for a click to confirm that the mechanism is activated. As a rule, you can easily deal with this problem yourself, but if for some reason it was not possible to return the sash to its original position, you can always turn to the experts.

5. Problem: the handle is cracked or broken, causing the window to no longer close properly. Too much pressure on the handle is not uncommon, so banal mechanical damage is the most common failure. Please note that with high-quality window handles (for example, from REHAU and other leading manufacturers), such troubles are practically excluded.

What can be done: the easiest way to fix this kind of problem is to just buy a new handle and install it. Changing the handle is not difficult; you can do it without special skills. Simply turn the decorative cover 90 degrees and unscrew the screws located under it. Then remove the old handle, put the new one in its place and screw the screws back. Check that the new handle moves well in all directions after installation.
So, if a plastic window does not close, many problems can be easily fixed on your own. This does not require professional tools or special skills. Follow our instructions, and your windows will serve you faithfully for many years!

Today, the most popular and practical solution for replacing old wooden window frames is the installation of metal-plastic windows. They consist of frames of complex design using PVC profiles, double-glazed windows themselves and high-quality mechanisms for opening window sashes.

There is a huge variety of profiles and fittings on the market, which differ in quality depending on the price. A plastic window is the most justified purchase in any home, as it has a lot of advantages. But what if there is something wrong with the plastic window? Does it close poorly or not at all? How to fix it? Let's figure it out.

The main causes of problems with closing plastic windows

It happens that problems with the operation of plastic windows arise literally on the third day after their installation. And some - after some time. Since the installation uses mechanisms, they require periodic adjustment and maintenance. If desired and possible, you can do this yourself, having all the necessary tools for this.

The most common problem is related to closing a plastic window. The most likely reasons for this could be:

  1. loose window handle (the bolts located under the rectangular handle trim are slightly loose);
  2. the handle is difficult to turn (this problem occurs due to poor-quality fittings or installation errors);
  3. when closing the window, the handle jams (perhaps the mechanism of the handle itself and the fittings requires additional lubrication or the clamping mechanism is too tight);
  4. the handle is jammed (error in the locking mechanism);
  5. “clinging” of the sash to the frame (most likely the reason is a violation of the geometry of the sash or incorrect installation of the frame of the window unit in the opening).

These are the most basic reasons that people most often encounter after installing a plastic window. What to do if everything seems to be in order, but the window does not close tightly?

What to do if the plastic window does not close tightly

If this happened in the summer, it’s not a problem, but what if it’s winter outside, and an icy wind blows directly into this formed gap? We need to act quickly and decisively. There may be several reasons:

  • Incorrect operation of the clamps

This is a part of window fittings that is located around the perimeter of the window sash. To tighten it, just use a screwdriver. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the quality of the seals will decrease and they will need to be changed more often. In summer, for example, you can loosen the sash a little for better ventilation, and in winter you can press it harder to retain heat in the room.

  • The seals around the perimeter of the frame have deteriorated

A seal is called ordinary rubber, which, like all things, has its own shelf life. And it often happens that owners forget the important recommendation to coat the seal with glycerin or a special substance every six months. This can cause it to crack or come off. The easiest way, of course, is to replace the old seal with a new one. You can purchase such a kit in specialized stores. The replacement process itself is quite simple: the old seal is removed, the frame is wiped clean of dust, the perimeter is lubricated with glue and a new one is applied.

  • The sash is sagging on its hinges

Since the double-glazed window itself has considerable weight, the sash on which it rests can gradually sag. More often, this problem is faced by those who purchased cheap metal-plastic windows, but owners of high-quality profiles are not protected either. To tighten the hinges, you need an hex key, for which a special hole is provided in the hinges. The key only needs to be turned one millimeter. The sash will immediately rise and can be pressed against the frame.

The plastic window does not close at all

There are situations when a plastic window does not close at all. If the problem is serious and the broken hardware cannot be fixed on your own, then it would be wise to call in specialists. But what if the handle is in the reclining position and does not turn into the swivel position? Or maybe foreign objects are preventing the closure? What can be done?

  • If the handle is in the folding position and does not turn into the swivel position

The first thing you should check is whether there is a blocker. If it jams, then turning the handle is impossible. It seems that it is resting against some object. It would be very stupid to use force in this case, because this could completely break all the fittings.

  • Reason is the departure of the scissors, at the top of the sash, from the grooves.

Window fittings element - scissors

To correct this situation, you first need to remove the sash itself. This is done very easily by pressing on the top hinge pin. Next, carefully place the finished sash on the floor and move the handle to the folding position, that is, to 12 o’clock. If this action fails, then you need to slightly tighten the bar, which is located on the side of the sash, next to the handle (wrong opening blocker). The scissors themselves, located at the top of the sash, need to be pressed against the seal. Here it is important to be careful and follow the movement of the scissors to understand where to insert them. But there is no need to worry, since this point is very obvious.

  • If everything seems to be in order, but the window still does not close

To determine the cause, you need to fully open the sash and very carefully inspect the window frame. If there are no foreign objects there, then most likely the drainage protective strip has shifted. If this is so, then it, resting against the frame, interferes with the hermetically sealed closure of the window. To fix this, you just need to carefully align the strip on the window profile and return it to its place.

We examined the problems that most often arise in the operation of metal-plastic windows. Some of them can be avoided if you ask the technicians to correctly adjust all modes during installation. It would be a good idea to check everything yourself. Regular window maintenance, which includes cleaning, lubricating and adjusting, will also eliminate problems.

Good day everyone.

This is how you work, you work in the program, and then it stops responding to button presses and freezes (and often does not even allow you to save the results of your work in it). Moreover, when you try to close such a program, often nothing happens, that is, it also does not respond to commands (often at these moments the cursor becomes an hourglass in the video)…

In this article I will look at several options for what you can do to close a frozen program. So…

Option #1

The first thing I recommend trying (since the cross in the right corner of the window does not work) is to press the buttons ALT+F4 (or ESC, or CTRL+W). Very often, this combination allows you to quickly close most frozen windows that do not respond to regular mouse clicks.

By the way, this same function is also available in the “FILE” menu in many programs (example in the screenshot below).

Option No. 2

Even simpler - just right-click on the frozen program icon in the taskbar. A context menu should appear from which you just need to select “Close window” and the program (after 5-10 seconds) usually closes.

Option #3

In cases where the program does not respond and continues to work, you have to resort to the help of the task manager. To launch it, press the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC buttons.

Next, you need to open the “Processes” tab and find the frozen process (often the process and the name of the program are the same, sometimes they are slightly different). Usually, opposite a frozen program, the task manager writes “Not responding...”.

To close a program, simply select it from the list, then right-click on it and select “End task” in the pop-up context menu. As a rule, the majority (98.9% :)) of frozen programs on a PC are closed in this way.

Option No. 4

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find all processes and applications that can be running in the task manager (this is due to the fact that sometimes the name of the process does not coincide with the name of the program, which means it is not always easy to identify it). Not often, but it also happens that the task manager cannot close an application, or simply nothing happens to the program being closed for a minute, two, etc.

Kill a process in Process Explorer - Del key.

Using the program is very simple: just launch it, then find the desired process or program (by the way, it displays all processes!), select this process and press the DEL button (see screenshot above). This way the PROCESS will be “killed” and you can safely continue working.

Option #5

The easiest and fastest way to close a frozen program is to restart a computer(press the RESET button). In general, I do not recommend doing this (except in the most exceptional cases) for several reasons:

  • firstly, you will lose unsaved data in other programs (if you forget about them...);
  • secondly, this is unlikely to solve the problem, and restarting the PC often is not good for it.

By the way, on laptops, to reboot them: Just hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds. - the laptop will automatically reboot.

PS 1

By the way, very often many novice users are confused and do not see the difference between a frozen computer and a frozen program. For those who have problems with PC freezing, I recommend reading the following article:

- what to do with a PC that often freezes.

PS 2

A fairly common situation with the PC and programs freezing is associated with external drives: disks, flash drives, etc. When you connect them to the computer, it starts to freeze, does not respond to clicks, when you turn them off, everything returns to normal... For those who have this happen, I recommend reading the following article:

- PC freezes when connecting external media.

That's all for me, good luck! I would be grateful for practical advice on the topic of the article...