Popular frameworks. How to choose the right PHP framework

PHP frameworks are designed to simplify complex coding problems PHP developers. This globally recognized programming language helps developers create exclusive web applications in a short time. In fact, best part PHP is easy to adapt. It is easier to learn compared to other scripting languages.

By using PHP frameworks, developers can significantly reduce development time, avoiding the need to code from scratch. Without a properly designated PHP framework, it is difficult to manage the code. PHP operates on MVC (Model-View-Controller), which is an architectural pattern available in programming languages, creating a bridge between logic subject area And user interface. The task of domain logic is to work with the ability to manage the exchange of information between the database and the user interface. This simplifies the whole process.

Here is a list of 42 best PHP-frameworks that you can use in 2017.

The Laravel framework has expressive and neat language rules that make web applications stand out from the rest. This framework was created to provide developers with a free, open source source code PHP framework for web applications. Adding to the popularity of this framework are certain features such as strong construction tools, large powerful applications with a dedicated inversion management container, a communicative migration framework and a tightly implemented maintenance testing program.

Being a very popular PHP framework among expert developers, Symfony is used to develop excellent websites and applications through various professional and creative methods. It is a powerful framework that helps reduce the problems of repetitive coding structures. Moreover, it guarantees a stable platform, making it one of the most sought after PHP frameworks around the world.

Considered flexible, codeigniter is open software PHP, which managed to achieve recognition for its classic execution. In fact, it has the ability to support the next generation of application development that requires simplified coding. This means that there will be no restrictions in the coding process and no complex configuration will be required to make the framework work. In a nutshell, the beauty of Codeigniter is that it provides simple solutions complex problems programming to create web applications.

It is a fast, secure and expert PHP framework that provides powerful caching assistance and is built to work smart with AJAX. Undoubtedly quick solutions framework development, makes it very easy for developers to create applications in short time. Beautifully designed with quality documentation in a tight time frame, applications built using the Yii Framework provide amazing user experience and features.

Of course, falling into the category of powerful frameworks, Cake PHP 3.0 is one of the most important PHP frameworks trusted by developers. It has been updated over the years with impromptu management sessions, ORM-based enhancements, and more. The platform also offers solutions for creating self-contained libraries with endless support for increased modularity.

Considered as a full-stack framework, this PHP structure written using C and C++ languages. These languages ​​are added to the Phalcon performance factor. Thanks to its innovative features, Phalcon has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for creating web applications.

Another outstanding PHP framework. A completely innovative, secure and flexible framework that coders need to create web applications. Over the years, Zend has been used in large enterprise projects. Being an open source software, this framework requires the use of object-oriented code to develop web applications. Combined with strong mechanism standard library Zend offers high performance with MVC implementation, confirming its status as an influential and flexible framework.

This is a collection of high quality, fully tested, standalone libraries that can be used intelligently in any type of coding framework. It is specifically designed for those who believe in clean coding, fully decoupled libraries, and self-managing suites. The collection also offers trivial, thoroughly tested and standard structures.

It is a lightweight, nimble, community-driven PHP 5.3+ framework that relies on best ideas from other structures. Popular as a presentation model, Fuel PHP is imbued with additional functionality between controllers. It is a powerful, professional and responsive PHP framework that helps you create incredible websites.

PHP developers who are looking for a lightweight PHP framework choose PHPixie because it runs on an MVC template platform to help developers create applications in a short period of time. It is an easy-to-learn tool that flawlessly creates high-quality web applications. In addition, it offers a solid foundation for development. Requiring less configuration and easy to use, the framework will become more and more popular in the coming days.

Kohana is a stylish PHP framework with a wide range of features for creating web applications. He helps in quick creation web applications thanks to numerous integrated universal components such as translation tools, code profiling, database access, encryption, verification and much more. The framework also has excellent debugging and profiling tools to help resolve any issues. Kohana is designed to be a fast PHP framework optimized for real world processing.

Designed as a lightweight framework, Slim is a micro-framework that allows you to quickly create lightweight and powerful web applications. It has a robust router, image template, http caching, flash messages, secure cookies with AES-256 encryption, logging, error handling and debugging, and lightweight configurations.

Flight is a common micro framework aimed at PHP developers and is known as a fast, lightweight and flexible framework. The best part framework is that it allows developers to quickly and easily create powerful web applications. It requires PHP 5.3+.

Medoo is the most lightweight and easy to manage PHP framework used to speed up your web development process. It only takes up 13kb of space in one file. This framework is extremely easy to learn and implement, compatible with various SQL databases, such as MySQL, SQLite and MSSQL DBMS, Maria DB, Oracle, Postgre SQL, Sybase and others. The platform is provided free of charge MIT licenses. Medoo is a big relief for those developers who don't want to get confused in managing complex coding requirements.

The design of the POP PHP framework is quite heavy, but easy to use with an efficient API. It requires PHP 5.3+ and has managed to maintain its minimalism and lightweight character. Although many new features have been added, it can still be used solely as a tool, or as the basis of your applications.

This is a powerful assistant to developers in creating better websites. It uses radical technologies that eliminate security holes and mishandling like XSS as well as session recordings. The framework has strong debugging tools that help in detecting errors.

Being a powerful and easy to use micro-framework, Fat-free was created by Bong Cosca in 2009. Indeed, this is one of the lightest frameworks, weighing less than 50 kb. It was created almost entirely in PHP with features such as a URL router, multilingual application support, and a cache engine. There are many plugins for the vast database of backend operations such as MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase, MongoDB, DB2, CouchDB and Flat File.

To be continued…

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Among all languages server programming The PHP framework is undoubtedly the most suitable for learning. It is almost always installed even on the cheapest web hosting. It is also easy to install on any work machine. Beginners with some experience in developing web pages using HTML and CSS will be able to easily master the basic concepts: variables, inline conditionals, and include statements. PHP also provides many commonly used functions that are useful for developing dynamic websites.

Everything suggests that PHP language can be learned quickly without any problems. However, this advantage also has its disadvantages. Beginners may turn a blind eye to many nuances and make mistakes in the code, since they will learn everything quite quickly and will be too confident in their knowledge. Most often, as functionality is added to the site, the output code will become more and more complex. This is because PHP doesn't have a mechanism out of the box to help separate problem solving.

Let's now look at the PHP framework, or rather the 5 best of them, which will help you cope with many problems when working. We'll briefly introduce the ones that are definitely worth exploring in 2017, and tell you exactly how they can make app development easier. Go!

  1. Laravel

The PHP framework has been around for quite some time. One of the latest, newbies, is Laravel. After the release of version 3, its popularity increased dramatically, and today it is one of the most famous and widespread frameworks. Laravel's GitHub repository ranks higher than its more mature counterparts such as Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, and Yii. We will talk about them later.

Laravel reuses and mounts existing components, providing you with a glue layer on top of which you can build your web applications in a more structured and practical way. Taking the best from popular frameworks (not just PHP, but other languages ​​as well), Laravel provides a complete set of tools and application architecture that combines many of the best features frameworks such as CodeIgniter, Yii, ASP.NET MVC, Sinatra, Ruby on Rails and so on.

Below is a graph that clearly demonstrates the growth in popularity of Laravel (source: Google Trends). The maximum value (100) indicates the maximum popularity of the technology. A value of 50 indicates that the technology has become 50% less popular, and a value of 0 indicates that the technology has decreased in popularity to 1%. All this is also relevant for popularity graphs of other frameworks.

The rise in popularity of Laravel
(source – Google Trends)

Most PHP frameworks use the MVC (Model-View-Controller) separation paradigm. If you've ever worked with one of the above tools or are familiar with MVC, master Laravel 5 (the most latest version framework) will not be difficult.

  1. CodeIgniter

Like Laravel, CodeIgniter is based on the MVC pattern. This is an approach to software development that separates the application logic from the presentation. In practice, this allows you to minimize the number of scripts on the page, since the presentation is separated from the execution of the PHP scripts.

CodeIgniter is a great, lightweight PHP framework designed for programmers who need a simple, accessible set of tools to create feature-rich web applications.

The rise in popularity of CodeIgniter
(source – Google Trends)

CodeIgniter comes with a simple template engine based on the replacement principle. Add-ons and plugins are available for most full-featured template processing engines. You can also use your own coding standards and naming conventions, which have only a few caveats regarding class name conflicts. CodeIgniter is designed to free you up, not limit you.

  1. Symfony

While many other frameworks just follow the rules of MVC, Symfony is a framework that has MVC at its core. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the Laravel framework and content management system (CMS) like Phpbb have adopted many components from Symfony and began to follow in its footsteps.

Symfony standards make it easier to handle errors and write high-quality code. Every year his community grows. Symfony is an advanced component-based PHP framework. It will allow you to create high-quality websites and web applications.

Rising popularity of Symfony
(source – Google Trends)

Symfony 3 is a set of isolated and reusable components that once powered premium PHP applications such as Drupal and phpBB.

PHP framework – we talk about the best of them in 2017

  1. Yii 2

Yii is a general web programming framework. This means that it is easily suitable for PHP programming for various types of web applications. Its component-based architecture and advanced caching support make it especially suitable for building large-scale applications. For example, you will be able to create portals, forums, online stores, content management systems (CMS), RESTful web services and so on.

Yii uses the MVC architectural model, so the code is organized based on this approach.

The rise of Yii
(source – Google Trends)

Yii 2 is a comprehensive PHP framework that provides a large number of trustworthy and ready-to-go features. These include query builders and the ActiveRecord template for various databases (particularly relational and NoSQL), support for developing RESTful web APIs, support for multi-level caching, and so on.

  1. Nette

The Nette framework is another confident player in the market of PHP frameworks for developing web applications, which deserves the highest praise. Comes with powerful features and makes life easier for web developers. It uses advanced technologies to address security weaknesses and counteract various types attacks such as cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, session hijacking and fixation.

Nette is a modern PHP framework that supports technologies such as AJAX/AJAJ, dependency injection, KISS, MVC, SEO, cool URL and Web 2.0.

Rising popularity of Nette
(source – Google Trends)

We continue to talk about the most popular and useful tools for working with languages. This time we will talk about PHP frameworks.


This framework has gone through a rapid journey from just promising to one of the leaders of the PHP movement. Short description as follows: open source, work with the MVC architectural model, convenient and intuitive interface, extended functionality.

The last point is manifested in the following possibilities:

  1. Support for third-party modules, of which there are a considerable number, which significantly expands standard features framework.
  2. Reverse routing, allowing you not to waste time updating links while working - everything happens automatically.
  3. Eloquent ORM design patterns that help in defining strict relationships between database objects.
  4. Automatic loading of classes. This, on the one hand, reduces the amount of code due to the absence of the need to write include..., on the other hand, unused classes are not included with all the consequences.
  5. Unit testing - availability large number tests to prevent the accumulation of errors.
  6. Database version control system. If you expect to frequently update your product in minor ways - this function will allow you not to waste time on the same type of entries.

As you understand, this is not a complete list of features that Laravel developers provide their clients. For a complete list, please visit the official website or plunge into the world of this framework in person - you will definitely like it.


This framework, which is already more than 11 years old, has gained fame due to its unpretentiousness regarding the resources used, simplicity, convenience, a huge number documentation designed for developers of any level, no restrictions. At one time, Laravel was created precisely as a competitor to CodeIgniter, so until recently it was a universal reference point.

Despite its simplicity, like any popular framework, CodeIgniter also has a couple of useful features:

  1. Great support from the CodeIgniter Reactor community, including libraries, modules, templates and documentation.
  2. Templates for working with databases that are very similar to SQL syntax.
  3. Server-side caching capability.
  4. Using a package manager for quick connection libraries from command line.

But CodeIgniter is not going to deviate from the basic idea of ​​simplicity and accessibility. Therefore, you shouldn’t expect this framework to do everything for you, although formally this is possible.


Despite the fact that the release of the third version took place back in 2015, it is the second version of Symfony that single-handedly holds 3rd place in popularity among frameworks. The reason here is similar to CodeIgniter - speed and overall simplicity. But so that this does not conflict with functionality, the user is asked to choose one of 3 versions for specialized work:

  1. Standard Edition - for introduction and implementation common tasks. The Hello World Edition distribution is based on it, which contains exactly one optimization script for further use in benchmarks.
  2. Symfony CMF - adaptation for developers working with CMS systems.
  3. REST Edition - optimization for working with REST architecture (online stores, search engines etc.).

Symfony is stereotypically considered to be a framework for command line enthusiasts. Indeed, the built-in SensioGeneratorBundle interface will help you get a whole skeleton for your code from one line of text.

An undoubted advantage will be the availability of official documentation in Russian. It is worth mentioning that it is available only for the first version of Symfony, but among the unofficial releases you will find translations of official releases and independent high-quality documentation.


Yii is touted in many rankings as Symfony's main competitor. There are indeed reasons for this: both languages ​​work with a full stack, both have source code on GitHub, both represent template development quite well. However, while Symfony provides only a model and a controller, Yii provides full MVC interaction. In addition, the interface in Yii is much more convenient, code generation using the Gii browser element is a little more powerful, and in fact, Yii will allow you to save more time on development, and the application will run a little faster.

Nette Framework

Perhaps the least known of the top PHP frameworks, which is surprising given its 13-year age and wide possibilities. Here are some of them:

  1. One of the most productive PHP frameworks.
  2. Perfect for beginners, the learning curve is quite smooth.
  3. Powerful Tools to help: Tracy - for tracking errors, Latte - a fast and intuitive template generator, Tester - a utility for high-quality testing of your application in close to real conditions.
  4. Possibility of collective work of several developers on one project.
  5. Excellent documentation and friendly community (and not only in Czech).

In general, if you haven’t tried Nette yet, we recommend it; if you find any shortcomings, be sure to write in the comments.

Short line

CakePHP is a popular Ruby on Rails clone, only focused on PHP. All the benefits are also similar.

FuelPHP is a lightweight framework that has not received due recognition due to lack of uniqueness and high expectations. As you understand, this does not affect real work for the worse.

Phpixie - one of the main features of this framework is updating. You no longer have to wait several months for a new revision. Found -> downloaded the fix -> continue working. The principle is something like this.

Fat-Free is a very light, fast and simple framework for development on a quick fix. Minimum of extraneous worries.

Slim - this framework is easy to learn and get started with PHP, but is practically not in demand in the adult professional world of the web.

Phalcon is an excellent framework with high performance, negligible load on memory and file system. The downside is that the project is quite crude and has a lot of underwater C-stones.

Choosing the right framework for a PHP project is the first step for its successful implementation. From our article you will learn about the best PHP frameworks of 2016.


Slim is a microframework ideal for small projects or applications where a full-fledged framework would seem superfluous. It is used by many PHP developers to create RESTful APIs and services. Slim's features include client-side HTTP caching, URL routing, session and cookie encryption, and instant messaging over HTTP requests. The documentation is complete and high quality.


Phalcon was created in 2012 and quickly became popular among PHP developers. It is considered very fast as it is written in C and C++ to achieve the highest possible level of performance optimization. But don't worry, you don't have to learn C - all the functionality is contained in PHP classes that can be used for any purpose.

Since Phalcon was originally created as a C extension, its architecture is optimized at a low level, which significantly reduces the resource consumption typical of MVC-based applications. Phalcon not only increases execution speed, but also reduces resource costs. This PHP framework has many other great features: universal autoloader, resource management, security, translation, caching, etc. The documentation for Phalcon is quite extensive and it is easy to use.

Interesting fact: back in the year, Phalcon was the second most popular framework, according to sitepoint.com. And already in 2015, he noticeably lost ground and moved closer to the end of the list.


The CakePHP framework is already ten years old, and it is still at the top. It's easy to learn how to use it, and templating is fast and customizable. The built-in CRUD function is very helpful when interacting with the database. The latest release - CakePHP 3.x - has improved session management and modularity (they decoupled several components), and also expanded the ability to create more individual libraries.

Among the projects implemented on CakePHP are the BMW and Hyundai websites. Choose it if your web application requires high level security, because there are plenty of functions for this:

  • input validation;
  • Protection against attacks using SQL injection;
  • preventing cross-site scripting;
  • protection against cross-site request forgery and much more.

Zend Framework 2

Zend Framework 2 is an open source framework used for developing web applications and services in PHP 5.3+. It uses 100% object-oriented code and most new PHP functions 5.3: Namespaces, late static binding, lambda functions and closures. Zend is a robust solution with many configuration options. Usually it is not recommended to use it for small applications, but for major projects this is it.

Zend Framework 2 features include: cryptographic coding tools, an easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor with support for front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), instant online debugging, unit testing tools, and a database configuration wizard. The creators of this framework took into account the Agile methodology, which allows them to create high-quality applications for corporate clients.

Zend's partners include IBM, Microsoft, Google and Adobe. A year ago, Zend announced its next major release, Zend Framework 3, which was optimized for PHP 7 but still supported PHP 5.5 and above. Everyone was waiting for the new product back in the fall of 2015, but even now, in April 2016, there is still no third version.

Yii 2

Choose Yii to improve site performance. It is faster than all other PHP frameworks because it uses lazy loading technology. Yii 2 is completely object-oriented and based on the Don't-Repeat-Yourself principle, so the code base is clean and logical.

Yii 2 is integrated with jQuery and comes with a set of AJAX features. The skinning and theme selection mechanisms here are simple, so the framework will appeal to those who have previously worked in front-end development. There is also powerful generator source code - Gii, which promotes object-oriented programming and rapid prototyping, and provides a web interface in which the desired code can be generated interactively.


PHPixie is a relatively new framework created in 2012 for business card websites. Like FuelPHP, PHPixie supports the HMVC scheme. It is built on independent components that can be used even without the framework itself. PHPixie component modules are fully tested and require a minimum of other components to function.

There is a training video on the official PHPixie website that states that you can learn how to use the framework in just half an hour. Their blog also contains many practical cases. Among the functions: working with the database at the object level (ORM), caching, input validation, authentication and authorization capabilities. You can use the HAML markup language, make changes to the database structure easily, and there is also a well-thought-out routing system.

Interesting fact about PHPixie: according to a 2015 Sitepoint study, it is the favorite framework of Ukrainian PHP developers. The Kultprosvet company is also located in Ukraine, but for some reason we cannot put this framework in first place, our hand does not rise. PHPixie is also popular among the under 18 group of respondents. We think this is thanks to the picture with the fairy on the site: D


CodeIgniter is a PHP framework with ten years of experience and very simple process installations requiring minimal configuration, so it will be easy to get started. A good choice if there is a risk of conflict between different PHP versions: it works perfectly on almost all shared and dedicated hosting platforms.

CodeIgniter doesn't exactly rely on MVC schema. Controllers are required, but models and views are not, so you can apply your own coding and naming standards. This framework suitable for those For those who are cramped within the framework, there is a sea of ​​​​freedom. It's essentially a simple 2MB framework, but you can optionally add third-party plugins if more complex functionality is required.

Symfony 2

Components of the Symfony 2 framework are used in many great projects, for example, phpBB and Laravel - (spoiler alert!) the winner of our rating. Symfony boasts a large developer community and a large number of loyal fans.

Symfony components are PHP libraries that can be reused and used to perform many tasks: form creation, object configuration, routing, authentication, template creation and much more. Any component can be installed using Homestead, which is essentially an add-on to Vagrant.

Comparison table of PHP frameworks

LaravelSymfony 2CodeigniterPHPixieYii 2Zend Framework 2CakePHPPhalconSlimFuelphp
php version
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Web development

Top frameworks for web development in 2018

The world will never be the same because we have web development. One of the leading areas of human activity in terms of relevance, influence and degree of involvement. And part-time - one of the leading profiles of our company. So we decided to do short review the most popular frameworks of 2018. Stay updated with web development and keep up with modern technologies.


Angular is a JavaScript framework from Google designed specifically for creating dynamic web applications. It has been extremely popular for almost ten years. By working with Angular, you can create front-end applications without the need to use other plugins or frameworks.

Its structure includes a number of interesting features. Here are some of them:

  • Using templates, you can show information from the model and controller.
  • Angular supports MVC architecture. As a result, the developer can simply split the application into MVC components. Everything else will be managed by the framework.
  • All expressions are like code snippets enclosed in braces. They don't use loops and conditional expressions. On the contrary, they are used to format and display data.

All of these features are part of a platform that will allow you to build a great website. Here are just some examples of platforms developed using this framework: Netflix, Freelancer.com, GoodFIlms, etc.

Ruby on Rails

This framework is built on the famous Ruby programming language. What is its main feature? The fact is that reusing code radically simplifies and speeds up the development of web applications. In addition, this approach allows you to add some additional functions. Popular websites written in Ruby on Rails include Basecamp, Ask.fm, GitHub, 500px, etc.

Ruby on Rails has a huge developer community where you can easily find help for your project. We cannot say that RoR is a cheap technology. However, the framework provides a bunch of goodies. And above all we mean fast development with less code written and errors. Among other advantages, we highlight:

  • Flexibility. The framework is suitable for all business sectors, be it project management or construction.
  • Speed. We have already written about this and will repeat it again: Ruby on Rails reduces the development time of web applications by about 30-40%.
  • The ability to make changes to the code is completely painless. This is why RoR is ideal for long-term projects. Sudden changes in requirements or a change in the development team - none of this will become a serious problem.


YII is an open source framework built into PHP5. Thanks to the clear design and convenient interface, this framework makes web development extremely easy and fast. YII is optimized for performance, so it can be used for any project from small to large. Additionally, the platform contains a ton of great tools to help you debug and test your application. Another plus is the well-developed documentation.

Key features of YII in one line:

  • The framework does not include classes and objects until they are needed. This speeds up loading applications.
  • Using OOP standards, which means reliability and security.
  • All professional resources are absolutely free.

All these features contribute to creating a high-performance framework that will allow you to develop cool websites. Here are some of them: TASS, Craftcms, HumHub and so on.

Meteor JS

This framework is written on the Node.js platform and allows developers to create various real-time web applications. One of the coolest things about Meteor JS is that it's a great foundation for creating simple personal websites.

Meteor JS is an open source isomorphic JavaScript web framework. What does this mean? The fact that it allows pages to load much faster. Plus, with an integrated JavaScript stack that extends from the database to the screen end user, you can do in 10 lines of code what would normally take 1000 lines.

Another interesting feature is that you can use the same code when developing for iOS, web, Android or desktop. You can also use various popular frameworks and tools and focus on building features instead of writing disparate components together.


And another framework on the Node.js platform. You should definitely use it if you want to develop a web application and API as quickly as possible. Why? Because Express.js covers a number of important functions with plugins. The framework can also be used to create mobile applications.

Essentially, Express.js consists of Angular and a MongoDB database. This means that you only need knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop websites. And using npm modules, you can expand the functionality of applications as much as you like and in any way you like.

Express.js is ideal for creating simple web services. Not high-load portals, but applications that are put together “in a hurry.” If you need an MVP or just want to practice web development, grab Express.js and don't let go.


Zend is an opensource framework written in PHP. It is focused on developing modern, reliable and secure web services.

Zend uses various professional PHP packages that make developing high-end websites much easier and faster. In addition, the framework uses MVC architecture, which separates the database and business logic from the presentation layer. This way we get clearer and cleaner code.

Zend is based on object-oriented programming concepts such as interfaces and inheritance, which helps you extend the various components of the framework. We also note the routing, which does its job flawlessly. Well, cache functions. You will be surprised that you can use them without restrictions.


The most popular web development framework written in Python and using the MVC architecture. We list key features of this platform:

  • Speed. The main goal of the framework is to help developers make an application as quickly as possible. Moreover, at all stages of production - from idea to release. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness - this is how Django’s motto can be formulated. The framework is ideal for developers who have deadlines.
  • Safety. You can even make some security mistakes. They typically involve SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting. Django manages all usernames and passwords efficiently, and the user authentication system is known to play a crucial role.
  • Scalability. Most business websites use Django to quickly meet their traffic needs.
  • Full stuffing. The framework includes various additional options for help with sitemaps, user authentication, content administration, RSS feeds and more. Each of them provides significant assistance in the web development process.


Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks. With its help you can easily develop both web and mobile applications for small sites and large businesses. Laravel has many interesting features such as authorization technique, object-oriented libraries, MVC support, database migrations, cross-site requests, etc.

The main advantages of this framework include:

  • Possibility of increasing traffic to the site. And yes, this technology applies to any browser and device.
  • Flexibility. The framework has a modular structure, which helps simplify the website itself and the process of its development.
  • PHP doesn't need special ways service. This is due to the automatic loading of an object that is contained in the software.
  • The Laravel framework can create unique URLs because it implements different routes with the same name.


Choosing the right framework is one of the key points affecting the quality of the future website. Each of the described technologies can be called complete in all respects, since they are used for both frontend and backend development. Therefore, our advice will be outrageously banal. Simply choose a platform according to your programming language preferences. Only you can formulate your own requirements the best way. And only you know your strengths and weaknesses.