Fitness club landing page. Top sports-themed landing pages

A fitness club’s selling website is like a store window on which the best cakes, the freshest and the most delicious, are beautifully displayed. You can convince me as much as you like that you buy cakes and pies only on the recommendations of friends or, say, after seeing a huge billboard with a delicious eclair (similar to attracting customers to a fitness club).

But for some reason it seems to me that the majority make the choice to buy something sweet precisely when passing by a huge transparent display case with “sweets”. And you need such a showcase for your fitness club in the most accessible place - on the Internet.

To start talking about a selling website for a fitness club, it is important to understand the basic concepts:

  • Landing Page(landing page, one-page site, sales page) is an Internet site that consists of one Internet page and invites potential clients to take the first simple step to start training in your club. This step should be valuable for the client and the main task of such a page is to maximize this value.
  • Website conversion— the percentage of potential clients who performed a target action on the site (left a request or called) in relation to the total number of visitors to the site. To analyze conversion, you will definitely need tools such as Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics.
  • Traffic to the site- this is the number of potential customers who visit your website. It is important to be able to manage traffic and “turn on” it at the right time.

Landing Page

There is no need to talk on the website about what brand of exercise equipment you have or what sports categories your trainers have. People didn’t come to your site to find out how cool you are, they want to solve their fitness-related issues. And your job is to show them the first simple step that will bring them closer to achieving their fitness goals.

Your task: Create a Landing Page and on the first page offer your potential clients a very valuable service, providing a simple mechanism for receiving it (submitting a request on the fitness club website takes 10 seconds).

Website Conversion

As a manager, you don't need to delve into the concepts of page load times, bounce rates, scrolling heatmaps or UTM tags. To begin with, it will be enough to know and understand one simple indicator - website conversion. Conversion rate is a very simple and understandable assessment not only for your website, but for the entire marketing system.

If the website conversion is 1%, then most likely your offer on the market is no different from your competitors. And when choosing between essentially identical offers, the only important factor for choice is price. Therefore, in the fitness market, it so happened that the budget can only be made through promotions and super sales. But that's not true!

Your task: Connect (or ask to be connected to) Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics and measure the conversion rate of your site. This will tell you a lot.

Traffic to the Site

To increase the flow of new clients, it is not enough to create a landing page with high conversion. If 10 people visit your site and the conversion is 7%, then you will have 1-2 requests or calls once every 2 days. This will not allow you to have a controlled flow of potential clients, and accordingly you will not be able to “turn it on” at the right time, say, in the “off season”.

It is also not recommended to create such a flow of clients to the fitness club website that your sales department cannot cope with it. At the initial stage, this can be done to find weaknesses, but then you need to take control of it and increase traffic to the site very smoothly.

A healthy mind in a healthy body. And a healthy landing page results in healthy conversion. In today’s selection, we’ll look at several examples of successful landing pages for the sports niche. In this area, a person often chooses based on the picture he sees. Especially if the prices are the same and the distance to the fitness club does not matter. However, they are not the only ones included in our selection. Reade set Go!

X-Fit Fusion

A completely suitable landing page that attracts attention with high-quality background images, drawn icons, and a description of the benefits that a person who joins the club will receive. Special mention should be made of the offer on the first screen offering 100 free days of classes: it sounds tempting, but there is no explanation of how it works, and it wouldn’t hurt to immediately place a form for leaving an application.

Justfit Club

The landing page is dedicated to clubs where training takes place on exclusive EMS simulators. The product is somewhat unusual and incomprehensible to the average consumer, so the landing page is overloaded with texts and seems heavy, which may be a necessary evil. But the developers took the trouble to describe the advantages of the technology in all the nuances and present them from all sides: statistics, reviews from public people, videos, and press publications.


Let's temporarily jump across the ocean and see how one of the most expensive sports clubs in the world presents itself. Their landing page design is appropriate—you can find a lot of inspiring ideas here.

Crossfit Westside

Another example from the other hemisphere. The landing page is quite simple, and that’s what captivates us. A polished design, a strict, energetic color scheme and many high-quality unique photographs - as we see, this is quite enough.

School of acrobatics in Moscow

A good landing page for an acrobatics school that accepts almost everyone. Perhaps there are some drawbacks in it, for example, the design of some blocks might not be so templated, but the landing page is as detailed as possible and probably answers all the questions a potential client might have. In addition, there is a sufficient amount of evidence that schooling is truly effective.

Ilya Zakharov

A very beautiful landing page for a personal trainer - a lot of animation that pleases the eye and always looks appropriate. It is not at all overloaded with texts, and they are not needed here - this is the very case when the design speaks for itself and inspires trust.


Many people tend to think about their health only when problems with it have already arisen. However, the majority still strives to lead an active lifestyle, which means services and goods in the field of sports and physical education will always be relevant. This is evidenced by the great demand for the services of numerous fitness clubs, group and individual classes with fitness trainers, yoga, Pilates, etc.

Despite the saturation of the sports and health niche with offers, there are not so many truly high-quality sites on this topic. A modern, presentable landing page can help you get ahead of your competitors and ensure sales growth. We offer a brief overview of the 10 best landing pages from the field of fitness, yoga and sports services.


A typical “sports” landing page for a popular Moscow fitness club with a good selection of background images.

The design follows the signature X-Fit style with bright green color accents. Simple, crude icons and font are used. On the first spread there is a large logo with a descriptor, a small slogan and a call to hurry to take advantage of the limited offer. In honor of the approaching New Year holidays, animation in the form of falling snowflakes has been added. All target buttons lead to various closed capture forms, except for the mobile application buttons and the official website button at the very end of the page.

Logic for constructing blocks:

  1. The first screen with a standard set of elements and a button for ordering a club card.
  2. Benefits block with brief descriptions and a button for purchasing a guest visit.
  3. A block with a short video presentation.
  4. Block with benefit bulletins.
  5. A small photo gallery with a button to sign up for a tour.
  6. Block "Our Team".
  7. Another block with advantages.
  8. Reviews.
  9. “Special offers” block with a button to clarify prices.
  10. Promotion with a countdown timer and a button to order a card at a discount.
  11. Contacts with satellite map.

Landing is not without certain shortcomings, the elimination of which could further increase conversion:

  • closed forms of capture, as a rule, sell worse than open ones;
  • the slogans “the energy of your success” and “winter as a gift” on the first screen are too abstract, do not really communicate anything and do not contain real, concrete benefits for the user;
  • the elements of the first block of benefits are not clickable and do not provide any additional information that would be useful here;
  • the presentation video is uninformative, without any CTA (call to action) and ends abruptly “mid-sentence”;
  • the photo gallery is small and without navigation, and in the “Our Team” block there are only 4 coaches without biographies or any additional data;
  • there are only 3 reviews, which raises doubts about their reliability;
  • in the “Special Offers” block it is not clear what price we are being asked to find out;
  • the landing page lacks more responsiveness and parallax effect for better UX (User Experience).


Vinnytsia fitness club page.

A high-quality modern landing site with a stylish design in a simple “black-white-red” color scheme and adaptive layout. On the first spread:

  • logo with descriptor;
  • navigation menu in the header;
  • a title and subtitle with a specific message to the user;
  • a target button leading to detailed programs;
  • 5 clickable triggers, also leading to detailed descriptions.

It’s bad that the target button does not lead the user, for example, to the subscription registration form, but takes him away from the page. In general, many elements on this site lead visitors away from the main page. On the one hand, this harms conversion, but on the other, the user receives comprehensive answers to questions that arise, which makes the landing site informative.

The TOP GYM fitness club page has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other niche one-pagers, templates and unprofessional ones:

  • original blocks: “Plan for a beginner”, detailed schedule of group classes, “Club Rules”;
  • responsive layout - most elements actively respond to the mouse cursor and user actions;
  • adaptability - the site is easy to view on small screens;
  • informative - a large amount of additional information;
  • repeated often on pages, simple open form of capture;
  • a high-quality virtual tour of the fitness club.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • frequent user redirects from the main page;
  • the target button on the first spread does not lead to an action or form of capture;
  • lack of buttons for target actions and capture forms on the main page, which negatively affects conversion;
  • there is no button or form for feedback;
  • poorly visible, under-registered shares that you don’t immediately notice;
  • non-obvious prices on the price list page - it’s not entirely clear what’s what;
  • The blog on the site is almost empty.


Landing page for a new fitness club in Moscow for lovers of yoga, Pilates and fitness, inviting users to a free guest visit.

For the first spread, an automatic slider with 5 screens was used, each with its own USP (unique selling proposition). The landing page also resembles a landing site with various separate pages, but here, unlike the previous one, everything is in order with CTA elements. The main page has both target buttons and a button for feedback, as well as an open capture form for signing up for a free guest visit.

There is a news block and a blog with articles that help promote the landing page. There is a drop-down chat for online consultations and a convenient navigation menu. The reviews are quite adequate and similar to the opinions of real people. At the end of the page there are detailed contacts and a half-screen satellite map. The small anchor button to return to the first screen refuses to work. We are pleased with the selection of different club cards, but we are disappointed by the problems with displaying the page on screens of different sizes, especially considering the font is too small.


Landing page for a small family fitness club in Solntsevo.

The entire first spread is occupied by a New Year's promotion with a countdown timer and an open capture form with a field for entering a phone number. This is followed by standard benefit triggers for such a landing page, and then a not-so-standard photo gallery. Instead of ordinary photographs, hand-drawn 3D interiors were used. It looks original, but is doubtful: real photographs of the premises of a fitness club would be more appropriate here.

The next block is completely dedicated to the unique genetic screening service. A service that only you provide on the market is always a powerful competitive advantage, which can sometimes help you gain a strong foothold in your own niche.

After genetic screening, you are offered 4 club cards to choose from. Ends
landing page for another promotion with a countdown timer and a capture form, as well as a block with contacts. In general, the page design is quite modest, but at the same time its layout is modern, adaptive and works well on any screen. It should be noted that it was unexpected to see such a strong landing page from a marketing point of view for a fitness club from a small locality.


Stylish landing page for a yoga studio in Kharkov.

There are many websites dedicated to yoga on the Internet, but landing pages in this niche are rare. But a really good, modern landing page for a yoga studio is generally rare. This one is just one of those. Notice, for example, how the floating navigation menu in the header reacts to the process of scrolling across the page. An interesting “feature”, although it needs some improvement.

The developers did a good job:

  • the design is pleasant, discreet, no frills;
  • smooth animation of elements;
  • the layout is spacious, bright, responsive and adaptive;
  • a lot of additional information about services, trainers, schedules, and most importantly, it opens in a pop-up window and does not take the user away from the page;
  • a very convenient interactive block with a detailed schedule of classes and a small “trick” - a button for embedding in your own calendar;
  • block with answers to frequently asked questions;
  • “transparent” prices and pleasant promotions;
  • good presentation video;
  • an unobtrusive, floating target button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

At the end of the page, before the contacts, there is a large open capture form for signing up for a trial lesson, which allows the user to decide for themselves whether to subscribe to the newsletter or not. The only mistake is that the “Schedule” block is repeated three times, two of them in a row. In addition, the landing page needs optimization, as it noticeably “slows down” when viewed.


An interesting landing page for a yoga center in Moscow.

A long landing page made up of similar blocks, each of which is dedicated to a separate service. For background images, high-quality photographs are used with a fine grainy texture superimposed on them, which makes the text more readable. At the same time, the photos are original and made specifically for the landing page, and not taken from stock. All target buttons lead to an open capture form at the end of the page, and their names contain a call to action and are not repeated.

The convenient navigation menu behaves in an original way: it is not made to float, but simply appears in the header of each block while scrolling. There are additional pages that contain a lot of useful information, especially for those new to yoga. An excellent, thoughtful, well-optimized landing page with a responsive layout.


Information landing page for promoting sports brand products at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games, with a whole arsenal of cool technological and design features.

A stunning landing page with rich visual content for a campaign to promote high-tech sporting goods. A laconic first screen, any click on which leads to the second, where an interesting visual “X-ray” effect is implemented. Scrolling the page is accompanied by parallax effects and animation of the appearance of blocks. Content-rich information blocks with product presentations alternate with simple ones that tell some interesting fact about winter sports.

The sports brand's product blocks feature capture points that open up additional information with a variety of slides, infographics, and presentation videos.

All this is implemented using pop-up windows so that the user does not leave the page (because once he leaves it, he may not return back). There is an interactive map of Russia with a switch that replaces the locations of branded fitness clubs with points of sale of sporting goods for home fitness.

The last information blocks were a block with a competition for fitness clubs and a news block. The landing page is available in Russian and English, and ends with a beautiful video background with contact information.

Despite a number of unexpected technical difficulties that the foreign developer encountered when dealing with the Russian Yandex, the Life Fitness landing page was made impeccably. It is perfectly optimized and works on any mobile device.


A simple and responsive landing page for a gym in Vancouver.

Foreign landing pages often delight you with a cool, professional design. Here, stylish black and white photos are skillfully seasoned with flashy bright red color accents, setting the tone for the entire visual design of the page. It looks very impressive. The first spread is occupied by an automatic full-screen slider. The floating header has a navigation menu button at the top, and the logo and tagline at the bottom of the screen: “community + lifestyle + accessibility.”

In the list of trainers, in addition to the photo, name and position of the employees, there is their short biographies and certificates. However, there is a serious drawback in the design of this block - the slider at the bottom. You have to scroll through the list manually, which is very inconvenient. The slider should be replaced with a slider with side buttons, and when opening additional information about the coach, photos and text should be automatically centered.

After blocks about services, each of which has a button with additional information and prices, as well as an anchor button to a large open capture form at the end of the page. The capture form has an interesting feature that protects against robots and spam - the button for sending data becomes active only if the fields are filled out correctly. This landing page is very simple, and therefore understandable and user-friendly. The responsive layout is high-quality, and not a single element takes away from the page.


Landing site of one of the most expensive and prestigious chains of fitness clubs in the world.

The Equinox brand offers its clients only the latest equipment, a team of famous trainers, the most luxurious service, impeccable taste and reputation. The quality of his landing pages is, of course, appropriate. A powerful promotion on the first spread and two buttons: one for step-by-step registration of membership in the nearest fitness club, the second with a closed form for a visit. The button of each next block leads to other service landing pages.

A landing page for a fitness trainer or club is a tool for two-step visitor engagement. In order for a reader to become a lead, he needs to be offered an immediate benefit in the form of a promotional code, a free lesson, or a consultation with a nutritionist. This approach will help the client contact the consultant who will carry out the transaction.

Other specific features of landing pages for sports agencies:

  • decoding of terms directly in the text. Complex names, specific words and other information unknown to the visitor should be revealed immediately or absent from the page. Without this, the client will think that he is being taken for an uneducated person and will leave the portal;
  • lack of negative motivation. If the landing page of a fitness club tells a potential customer that without visiting the gym or an individual consultant he will not achieve anything, will become ugly/unpleasant/stupid or something else, then he will not bring a single order. Nobody likes insults and attacks on their way of life;
  • Stock photos perform worse than real images. Ready-made pictures with beautiful girls and bodybuilding trainers attract attention, but can work against the site: the client will want to get to exactly the consultant he sees, but the club, for obvious reasons, will not be able to provide him;
  • The landing page for fitness and sports should adapt to any screen. Clients often view sports agency landing pages on their smartphones or tablets and are turned off by inappropriate navigation and design.

Every person who has self-respect, strives to achieve some success in life and be fully realized as a person, must monitor the state of his physical health. As the famous saying goes: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” Therefore, many modern people, in order not to fall out of the rhythm of life and to keep themselves in good shape, turn to the services of fitness trainers and related institutions.

Landing page for a fitness club

In order to popularize your business among a specific audience, you often need to use all available means. Since in our time the most relevant platform for advertising is the Internet, the emphasis should be placed on the World Wide Web. To more effectively influence a potential client, it is better not to stop at one type of online advertising (business card website or corporate website), but to use a set of measures for popularization.

Using a landing page could be the best choice for such a purpose. A gym landing page will be able to capture an empty niche and successfully complete an integrated approach to advertising on the Internet. Since the principles of attracting clients of a regular and landing site are very different, such a complex can significantly contribute to the growth of popularity and demand for your fitness services among consumers.

A fitness club landing page is a kind of miniature poster of your business. In it, you should briefly talk about the exclusivity and uniqueness of your service in such a way that the user would choose your offer.