School of fast typing keyboard trainer. Keyboard trainer - blind and fast typing method

How to quickly learn to touch-type with ten fingers? In this article, TeachEto will review online keyboard simulators and programs for teaching ten-finger and touch typing (typing).

Special courses have been created for this, and in Western countries it is a subject in schools.

The main advantages of the ten-finger blind method

  1. When you type with all your fingers, the number of errors decreases.
  2. All fingers will work, with each of them corresponding to certain keys.
  3. Typing occurs mechanically - the desired key is struck only with the finger with which you have learned to hit it.
  4. If you master this typing method and apply it, you can save your health. You won’t need to look from the monitor to the keyboard and back, your vision won’t deteriorate as much, and your eyes won’t get so tired. You will be able to do more work.
  5. If you learn this method, you can achieve a typing speed of 400-500 characters per minute. And if you take a whole team that has mastered the blind ten-finger method, then their productivity increases by 10-15%. All documents, notes, reports, balances, texts, letters are prepared more accurately, better and faster.
  6. When typing blindly, your attention is focused not on typing, but on how to best express your thoughts (conclusions, recommendations, conclusions, proposals).

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    How to learn?

    There are many tools, including the already mentioned special programs, online classes and touch typing courses. We will not focus on the Teach This courses, but we will talk about online simulators and the program.


    In general, most of these programs are built on the same methodology. First, the “entrant” studies the row of the keyboard, which is located in the middle - this is FYVAPROLJE, and tries to learn how to type certain letters with certain fingers. At this moment, the most difficult thing is to “move” the little finger and ring finger. Once you've mastered the middle row, move on to the bottom and top rows. Also, during learning, you may experience irritation due to the fact that your fingers press the wrong keys, you get a lot of mistakes, and so on - this is inevitable. You shouldn’t be too upset – this is a pretty serious skill, and you need to work hard to get it.

    Keyboard solo

    The most popular program on the RuNet for learning the ten-finger touch typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. Teach This will be discussed in more detail, because this is not an ordinary program, but a large training course. In addition to the usual set of letters, SOLO contains tips, detailed instructions and other materials that can help you cope with irritation and not leave everything halfway.

    The entire course consists of 100 exercises. If you pass all 100, then this guarantees that you are already typing with ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. All exercises consist of 6-7 tasks. In addition, when you go through a lot of exercises, you may be returned to some previous one. Also, in each exercise there are jokes from the creators that can cheer you up and you can relax a little. You can also read letters from people who have already completed SOLO. In these letters, people described the problems they had and what was most difficult for them. When you complete the task, the program will give you a grade on a five-point scale.


    This is a free keyboard trainer with a fun and simple interface. The author of this program simply has a colossal sense of humor and he is not shy about showing it in the interface of the program itself. The training is based on step-by-step implementation of various tasks, and their complexity gradually increases. For example, in the first task you need to type the letters O and A in various combinations, then the letters L and B are added, and so on. You complete the entire task to pleasant music. Also, all kinds of events are accompanied by funny sounds, for example, when the program closes, the phrase “I’ll be back” is heard. The program also contains a toy, which, however, has nothing to do with learning, but you can play with it.

    Rapid Typing

    A free program from Western developers, in which you can learn on the English and Russian layout. It has a friendly, attractive interface. There are also lesson statistics that can help you navigate your studies. As usual, the display keyboard diagram is below.


    This is not your average keyboard trainer. The authors claim that their method is extremely effective. Their website says that after five to fifteen hours of practice you will be able to touch-type at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really not similar to the standard one. Here you will immediately start typing text, which consists of letters from all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the strings for typing are generated by a special algorithm that creates related phonetic sequences of characters.

    But, UchiEto believes that this approach is very difficult for beginners. Explanations of which fingers to press, how to hold your hands correctly, and much more are in the help. It also says that switching from two-finger poking to ten-finger typing is quite difficult. At the same time, it is very difficult to learn which finger is responsible for which key, looking only at the keyboard model. There is a huge chance that a beginner will simply give up studying.

    Fast Typing School

    This keyboard trainer is designed for people who want to learn ten-finger touch typing. The simulator has all sorts of interesting sections built into it:

    1. 1. Sound dictation - like in school, the voice dictates, and you must type at speed and without mistakes.
    2. 2. Touch typing - is an imitation of working on a printing press, consolidates and strengthens the skill of touch typing.
    3. 3. Typing – develops skills.
    4. 4. The game “falling letters” will help take your mind off learning the keyboard and help develop your reaction time.
    5. 5. Step-by-step learning of the keyboard - develops muscle memory.

    Online keyboard simulators

    In this section, Teach This will talk about online resources that are designed to master touch typing.

    Keyboard solo online

    You can study for free. The methodology and learning process are practically no different from those presented in the program. Everything is done with care for the student and is of very high quality. Only here you have the opportunity to compete with other “online students,” of which there are quite a lot. In general, both the Solo program and the online simulator are what a beginner needs. This is the best option.

    All 10

    This is a new project that promises to save us from two-finger poking. At the beginning, you will be given a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises will begin. There are two courses - English and Russian. The training section contains detailed recommendations and instructions for completing all tasks.


    The rules of the game are quite simple. The game randomly selects a passage of text that your opponents and you must repeat exactly, and this is all at speed. When you type without error, your typewriter, which is at the top of the list, moves forward. If you make a typo, you must correct it, otherwise you will not be able to move forward. At the end, the winners will be determined and the parameters of completing the “marathon” will be demonstrated - the percentage of characters in which you made mistakes, typing speed and time. The results of all races are saved in your statistics. For each completed text you will be awarded points, the number of which depends on the length of the text.

Want to become a speed dial master? Type 100 words per minute and type boring documents faster?

Fast typing is almost a vital necessity. Proper use of the keyboard greatly affects our productivity. By typing quickly, you become more productive and “keep pace with your brain.” The skill of fast typing allows you to write down the thoughts that constantly sound in your head before you lose them.

In addition, it reduces fatigue. When you type long text and constantly move your eyes from the keyboard to the screen and back, your eyes get tired very quickly and begin to hurt. The thing is that they constantly have to change their focus. And if you add the difference in lighting, it becomes clear why unpleasant sensations appear even after short work on the computer.

These 7 tips will help you type quickly and efficiently even while blindfolded:

1. Get rid of bad habits

This point is the most difficult on the path to the art of fast typing. And I'm not talking about eating cakes at 2 am. Although it’s better to get rid of this habit too :) Most likely, you type the text in the same way that you used when you first got acquainted with the keyboard. Right? This also applies to the placement of hands on the keyboard and peeking.

If you like to play games, then most likely you keep your hands over the “C”, “F”, “Y”, “V” keys. And there are those who use only 2 fingers out of 10. If you are one of them, you have to keep looking at the keyboard to press the correct letter.

But do you want to work for speed? You urgently need to get rid of this habit and start using your hands correctly.

2. Use all 10 fingers

You ask What is the correct way to place your hands on the keyboard? If you look closely at your keyboard, you will see that the letters "A" and "O" ("F" and "J" on the Latin layout) have small protrusions. This will help you find the correct place for each finger without looking at the keyboard.

Place your left hand fingers on the “F”, “Y”, “B”, “A” keys, and your right hand on the “F”, “D”, “L”, “O” keys. This is the middle main row of the keyboard. Place the index fingers of both hands on the keys with protrusions.And then look at this diagram:

The colors indicate the keys that are convenient to press with each finger from the starting position.

There is an alternative hand position that many will find more comfortable. Place the fingers of your right hand over the letters “Y”, “B”, “A”, “M”, and your right hand over “T”, “O”, “L”, “D”. In this case, the hands are in a more natural position, but your little finger will have to work hard.

Choose the position you like best. This factor does not greatly affect the speed.

3. Learn to touch type

People who type large volumes of text every day remember where each key is located. Looking at the keyboard only slows down the process.Learning to keep your eyes open takes practice. And it will take you more than one hour. But if you constantly train, you will notice within a few weeks thatyour fingers “remember” which area “each of them is responsible for”.

Even if it slows you down a lot right now, try not to look at the keyboard. Try entering a sentence. Remember where each letter is. You can sneak a peek at one symbol just once. But you don't need to look where each letter is located. Every day it will become easier for you to type.Once you remember where everything is, all you have to do is choose your typing speed.

4. Remember basic keyboard shortcuts

Not surprisingly, every operating system has a set of “hot keys” that perform different functions. Your hands are already on the keyboard, so why waste time and be distracted by the mouse?You don't have to remember absolutely every combination.Only the most basic:

  • Ctrl+C – copy;
  • Ctrl+X – cut;
  • Ctrl+V – paste;
  • Ctrl+Z – cancel;
  • Ctrl+S – save;
  • Ctrl+F – find a word;
  • Ctrl+A – select all;
  • Shift+→/← — select the next letter;
  • Ctrl+Shift+→/← — select the next word;
  • Ctrl+→/← — go to the next word without highlighting;
  • Home – go to the beginning of the line;
  • End – go to the end of the line;
  • Page Up – go up;
  • Page Down – go down.

You can use some keyboard shortcuts for quickly working with pages in browsers. Here are some of them that will be useful for you:

  • Ctrl + Tab – go to the next tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab – go to the previous tab;
  • Ctrl + T – open a new tab;
  • Ctrl + W – close the current tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + T – open a tab that was just closed;
  • Ctrl + R – refresh page;
  • Ctrl + N – open in a new browser window;
  • Shift + Backspace – go forward one page;
  • Backspace – go back one page.

Most of these keys are located near the little finger, so it will be involved in typing “hot combinations” most often.

5. How to learn to type online at speed

You don't have to turn the art of super-fast typing into a boring, gray task. There are many programs you can use to add fun to the process. Here are a few “allies” that will help you conquer the keyboard and enjoy typing:

  • TypeRacer

This fun program will teach you how to quickly type on a Latin layout. Your typing speed is shown as a typewriter. You are given a small piece of text that you need to type faster than other users. It's like racing. The one who completes it first is the winner.

  • Touch Typing Study

This app allows you to learn to type in a wide variety of languages. There are even hieroglyphs. You are offered a list of lessons. With each new one the task becomes more difficult. It all starts with memorizing the main row. In the first lessons you are asked to type a meaningless set of letters. This helps to concentrate not on the meaning, but on the arrangement of symbols, in order to print full-fledged texts at speed in the future.

  • Stamina

One of the most popular simulators in the CIS. This small program can be downloaded from the official website. Adds a little fun to your workouts and offers a selection of different letters and words.

  • Sense-lang

Also provides you with a set of lessons. First, you need to type a set of letters; with increasing complexity and speed, words and sentences appear. You can take a test to test your typing speed and select any language, or type a piece of text of your choice.

6. Practice the rhythm

Typing rhythm is the amount of time between key presses. The smoother it is, the faster you will learn the technique of touch typing. Return your fingers to the starting position after pressing the key.

7. How to learn to type quickly

Take your time when you first start learning touch typing techniques. Increase the speed only when you feel that you have learned the location of the keys and press them out of habit without thinking. Take your time to avoid , and always keep 1-2 words in mind that come next. By gradually increasing your speed, you will not only type quickly, but also begin to do it efficiently.


Now you know how to learn to type quickly. You may ask, does it make a difference on what type of device and manufacturer you type text on? No!Of course, there are several designs, models and layouts. Choose their design to suit your taste. And these recruitment rules are universal. The only thing that changes if you have a keyboard with a layout different from the standard “QWERTY” is the location of the letter “Ё” and some other symbols.

Talks about the ten-finger touch typing method, teaching principles, advantages and features of our typing courses. Watch this video and a lot will become clear to you.

You have come to our full-time school!

You have decided, after all, to make your life more comfortable, and to make your typing skills on a computer keyboard more modern.

For us it is an honor, luck and joy. Because Ergosolo's main goal is to improve the quality of life of people.

The company’s employees will do everything they can so that, after completing our course, you say: “We have come to the right place!”

After you come to us and before you receive your school completion certificate, we will take you through several steps.

  1. Choosing a training format.
  2. Drawing up a training schedule.
  3. Education.
  4. Ceremonial procedure for issuing a certificate.

“Why do we need to study at school, and not at home, by disk, or by online course?” - you ask, and you are asking the right question.

Our answer is:

The Ergosolo company has developed a program and online course so that everyone, anywhere in the world, can learn to print in a modern way. Vladimir Vladimirovich Shakhidzhanyan’s program and other training programs come to every home, every office, as soon as a computer appears there.

And those who live in Moscow have an exclusive opportunity to study faster, more efficiently and with better quality.

Together with the teacher. In full-time school.

The Ergosolo full-time school is distinguished by its revolutionary approach to teaching methods.

You choose the training format, and we offer the most convenient option for you to attend classes.

It is important to us that you are satisfied with your training, gain a new skill and, at the same time, understand the issues of interacting with a computer that are hindering your creative plans.

Please get acquainted with the different training formats that we offer:

  1. Standard course.
  2. While studying, you can come to school on any day convenient for you. The trainer will introduce you to the program. You will need to register on the website and go through all the course exercises lesson by lesson.

    The "SOLO on the keyboard" program makes it possible to consistently learn to type with all ten fingers on the corresponding areas of the keyboard. First the middle reference row, then the top, bottom and finally the number with punctuation marks. The latest simulators of the program make it possible to train all the techniques of high-speed typing.

    At the first meeting, the trainer will show you how to hold your hands and give you the first task that you will perform on our website. After the task is completed, you come back to class, where you learn new skills and a new task. With a trainer you will have the opportunity to work until the result is achieved. The number of training sessions is not limited: you will only need to coordinate the time of coming to school.

    You can spend 1.5 – 2.5 hours at school. If you practice the program every day, it will take less time to master the typing skill. Here everything depends only on you. Typically, students complete the course in 3 months with 6 or 10 meetings with a trainer. You complete the main part of the standard course at home or at your workplace.

    Price - 12,000 rubles for Russian layout. Price - 10,000 rubles (after Russian) for English layout. If you need both layouts, then first you learn one, then the other.

  3. Training according to an individual program.
  4. You will immediately immerse yourself in the work of your fingers on all rows of the keyboard and will work only on those tasks that will lead you to your goal in the shortest possible way. With your own vocabulary and the topics of your current work.

    The program tailored to your goal will be completely individual. You will only do your own exercises prepared for you by your trainer.

    Training is carried out in two layouts - Russian and English. This fact makes the cost of an individual course comparable to classes on two layouts (Russian - 12,000 rubles and English - 10,000 rubles) of the standard course.

    You agree on your study schedule with the teacher, who will completely tailor the course to your capabilities, abilities and expectations.

    There can be any options, since the main rule of the school is that the student should be comfortable studying.

    Usually, a good result is achieved after three or four meetings with a trainer, since the training technology is based on modern and original techniques. The number of workouts is not limited: we do as much as is needed for lasting results.

    If these classes are not enough for you, they can be continued without additional payment for the course.

    The class schedule is tailored to your capabilities: convenient and flexible. Typically, our cadets allocate the first date for an orientation session (lasting up to three hours). Next, they negotiate with the coach. (You can calculate a daily work schedule, you can meet with a trainer once or twice a week.)

    Cost - 24,800 rubles.

  5. Course for children
  6. Children often come to us. We work with them only in the format of training according to an individual program.

    We adapt the schedule to the child’s free time. Age - from 11 years.

    If parents unite, a group of three children can work. Then the cost of the express course will be 30,000 rubles for the entire group.

  7. Blitz course
  8. The blitz course is carried out in one meeting with the trainer. This training prepares the student for independent work with the SOLO on the Keyboard program.

    On the day of study, the lesson is given as much time as necessary so that you, together with the teacher, learn the keyboard using special techniques and understand the essence of hand movements when learning and typing. There is only one time limit - no less than an academic lesson of one and a half hours. The teacher adapts to your time limit to give you the information and training you need.

    Cost - 8000 rubles.

  9. Corrective course
  10. The correction course is designed for those who have already completed “SOLO on the keyboard” on their own and want the teacher to correct the acquired skill.

    Based on the test results, a certificate is issued. In terms of time, this course is calculated in the same way as the blitz course. One meeting with a trainer.

    If necessary, the number of meetings with the teacher is increased at the discretion of the trainer.

    Cost - 12,000 rubles.

  11. Field course for organizations
  12. On-site training for employees of organizations takes place in groups of five people. The cost of training is 19,800 rubles per student.

    If organizations send their employees to study at a full-time school (to us at Sushchevsky Val, 64), then the cost of training one group of 5 people will be 45,000 rubles.

  13. For senior managers
  14. Free typing lessons are included in the complete Learn to Type package. Animated keyboard layout and on-screen hints (hand graphics) are designed to correct typos by showing you the correct way to enter characters during training and practice. The difficulty of the tasks gradually increases, from 2 letters at the beginning of the course to using the entire keyboard. At the end of the lesson, statistics are available: typing accuracy, number of words per minute and number of errors made.

    Helpful Hints:

    • When practicing typing, don't look at the keyboard. Only on the screen.
    • Even without looking at the keyboard, you can place your fingers in the basic position - to do this, you need to use your fingertips to find the bulges on the letters A and O.
    • The first lessons use a set of letters. And only when your fingers remember the keys do words and sentences appear. This is the best way to learn to type without errors.
    • It is important to periodically check your typing speed - an online test will help you monitor your learning progress. Complete tasks over and over again to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard - online lessons are created specifically for this!

    High speed typing is necessary for schoolchildren, students, adults - everyone who often uses computer typing - both for personal, educational and professional purposes.
    Touch typing allows you to write with greater productivity, fewer typos, and significantly less fatigue. The writer's vision is occupied only with reading the original and is not distracted by reading the letters of the keyboard, and precise rhythmic movements of the fingers are performed reflexively when writing not only individual letters, but also the most common letter combinations.
    The typing course program involves mastering the “blind ten-finger typing method.” The professional system for teaching typing using the ten-finger blind method is based on the sequential implementation of special exercises.
    Graduates of typing courses receive a standard certificate confirming the acquired skills.

    Program name:

    • "Typescript"

    Course duration:

    • 20 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 7-10 people
    • 10 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 4-6 people
    • 10 academic hours - classroom lessons for individual training 1-2 people
    • 4 academic hours - for home study

    Class schedule:

    • 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) 4 academic hours a day.
    • 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) 4 academic hours a day.
    • 1 day a week (Saturday or Sunday) for 4 or 8 academic hours per day.

    EXPRESS group:

    • training 4-5 days a week on weekdays in the morning or afternoon.

    Floating chart:

    • Taking into account your visiting capabilities.

    Class time:

    • morning groups from 9-00 to 12-00 or from 10.00-13.00;
    • day groups from 12-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00;
    • evening groups from 18-00 to 21-00 or 18.30-21.30;
    • Weekend groups: Saturday or Sunday.

    Required knowledge to take the course:

      At least basic general education

    Document upon completion of the course:

    • Certificate

    1 academic hour is equal to 45 minutes.

    If a lesson(s) falls on a holiday, the lesson will be rescheduled in accordance with the selected attendance schedule.

    • Basic principles of the “blind” ten-finger writing method.
    • Recommendations for quickly mastering the method.
    • Mastering finger positions on the keyboard.
    • Mastering the zones of the index, middle, and ring fingers; little fingers.
    • Printing capital letters and numbers. Punctuation marks.
    • Practicing cryptograms of vowel letters.
    • Printing syllables like “vowel-consonant”, “consonant-vowel”.
    • Working with syllables like “consonant - vowel - consonant”, “consonant - consonant - vowel”.
    • Practicing cryptograms of letters of the main position of the fingers.
    • Practicing cryptograms of the letters of the entire keyboard.
    • Printing syllables like “consonant-vowel-2 consonants”, “2 consonants – vowel-consonant”.
    • Printing two- and three-letter final letter combinations.
    • Strengthening work skills.
    • Determination of printing speed.
    • Test (interview).

    The interactive schedule will allow you to find out the date, time and place of classes.

    To find out if there are free places in a group, click on the selected group.

    Please note that the interactive schedule is common to all areas of study, is updated periodically and the time, start and end dates of classes may shift.

    To clarify the relevance of the schedule, contact the center managers.

    Our addresses in Moscow:

    Service and auditorium office near VDNH metro station, Alekseevskaya

    Address: Moscow, st. Yaroslavskaya, house 8, bldg. 5

    The center is located in a historical location in a business center minutes from the metro and train stations. platforms Malenkovskaya Address: Moscow, Novaya Basmannaya st., building 4/6, building 3 Auditoriums near Komsomolskaya metro station, Krasnye VorotaAddress: Moscow, Krasnovorotsky proezd, 3, building 1 The classrooms are located within walking distance from the metro and Yaroslavsky, Kazansky and Leningradsky railway stations. Auditoriums near Aviamotornaya metro station, Shosse EntuziastovAddress: Moscow, 1 Entuziastov street, building 3 Travel time will be no more than 5 minutes.

    Our offices and classrooms in the Moscow region:

    Service and audience office in Korolev, st. 50 years of the Komsomol, building 4-G (near the Megapolis shopping center) The training center office is located 5 minutes from the railway. Bolshevo and Podlipki platforms and 100 meters from a public transport stop. This center is convenient for those who live in the cities of Korolev, Yubileiny, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo, Pushkino, Ivanteevka and Sergiev Posad and other nearby settlements. Service and audience office in Balashikha, Lenina Avenue, building 10-A (opposite the Luxor cinema) It will be convenient for you to study at this center if you live in the cities of Balashikha, Elektrostal, Zhukovsky and Lyubertsy. Service and auditorium office in Podolsk, Lenin Avenue, building 99 (near Red Rows) It will be convenient for you to study at this center if you live in Podolsk, Klimovsk, Butovo, Zheleznodorozhny, Domodedovo, Chekhov, Serpukhov and other nearby settlements.