Test programs for LCD monitors. Testing the monitor online using Online Monitor Test

When buying a monitor for a PC or laptop, not the last thing you should pay attention to is the quality and condition of the display. This statement is equally true if the device is being prepared for sale. One of the most unpleasant defects, which very often can simply not be detected during a cursory examination, is the presence dead pixels.

To find damaged areas on the display, you can use special programs, such as or . But in some situations, for example, when buying a laptop or monitor, installing additional software is not the most convenient solution. However, with access to the network, web services for testing screen quality come to the rescue.

Of course, none of them software tools It will not be able to detect any damage on the display on its own. This is understandable - the problem, if there is one, lies in the “hardware” part of the device without the appropriate sensors. The operating principle of screen testing solutions is rather auxiliary: the tests consist of “flooding” the monitor with various backgrounds, patterns and fractals, allowing you to independently determine whether there are prominent pixels on the display.

“Well,” you might think, “it won’t be difficult to just find similar pictures on the Internet and check with them.” Yes, but there is also nothing complicated in special online tests and they are more revealing in assessing defects than regular images. It is these resources that you will become acquainted with in this article.

Method 1: Monteon

This tool is a complete solution for monitor calibration. The service allows you to thoroughly check various parameters of PC displays and mobile devices. There are tests for flicker, sharpness, geometry, contrast and brightness, gradients, as well as screen color rendition. It is the last item on this list that we will need.

The service developers recommend carrying out the test in a dim or darkened room as much as possible, since it is in these conditions that it will be easier for you to detect a defect. For the same reasons, you should disable any video card monitoring software, if any.

Method 2: CatLair

A simple and convenient website for searching for dead pixels, as well as minimal diagnostics of desktop and mobile device monitors. Among available options, in addition to what we need, it is possible to check the display synchronization frequency, color balancing and picture “floating”.

For each test, the service offers detailed description and a hint on what to pay attention to. As for convenience, the resource can be used without problems even on smartphones with very small displays.

How to check a monitor or TV for dead pixels, glare and other defects? For these purposes there are a huge variety of in various ways, and we will look at some of them in this article. But, friends, in such a delicate matter as checking the screen, what is more important is not the specific method of checking, not the tools used, but a clear understanding of what possible defects we are looking for. And we will also talk about this below. So, you are going to buy a monitor or TV. How to check it before buying it in a store or before accepting it postal parcel, if this is an online order?


To check the quality and integrity of a monitor or TV screen, there are a lot of different Windows programs and web services. Among the first:

There are narrow-profile utilities only for checking for dead pixels, for example:

  • Dead Pixel Tester and
  • Pestretsov Dead Pixel Test.

From web services offering services for various tests for the quality and integrity of screens:

  • Monteon.Ru,
  • Tft.Vanity.Dk etc.

Each of these programs, each service, of course, has its own advantages, but I, friends, will tell you that you don’t need any particularly ornate tools to check your monitor or TV. Some of the tests included in such tools are needed not for verification, but for image adjustment. To check the screen for quality and integrity, you can use simple means at hand.

If we, for example, are looking only for dead pixels, in Windows environment 10 do this:

Go to the “Personalization” section of the “Settings” application;

In the “Background” subsection set “ Solid color", click "Additional color";

Choose a white, light gray or red shade on the color scale. Click “Finish”;

We go down to the last subsection and hide the Windows taskbar;

Finally, we remove the display of shortcuts on the desktop in context menu the last one.

We do the same in others Windows versions taking into account differences in personalization settings.

Like this in a simple way We can check your monitor for dead pixels, glare and color quality. If you need to check for glare, then, accordingly, as background picture choose black color. We evaluate the behavior of problematic pixels when transmitting other colors, as well as the quality of color rendering in general, by alternately changing the color of the desktop background. We use blue, green, yellow, red, cyan and violet.

Regarding other nuances of the screen - smooth transition between colors, sharpness, correct geometry, absence of blurred boundaries, absence of trails during frame dynamics, etc. – You can check your monitor or TV using a video on YouTube. We go to the video hosting site and enter the query “monitor test” into the search engine. In the search results, we bypass all sorts of reviews and guides, and only run video tests directly.

We expand the video to full screen. Where you need to look closely, press the space bar to pause and then continue playing the video.

Video tests on YouTube - often these are recorded screencasts of screen tests being completed by the same specialized programs and web services. But, friends, what is another advantage of video hosting is that with its help you can check the quality of the screen on “live” pictures. Those. the same way we would use a monitor or TV in everyday life. For example, Samsung has a special video to present all the beauties of the company’s products, which perfectly demonstrates the quality of color rendering and the reproduction of dynamic scenes by the screens.

How effectively does the monitor display video footage? high resolution, we can see with the help of artistic videos on search queries"4K" or "8K".

Foreign inspection territory

The above screen testing methods are applicable when we have a Windows device or the Internet. These conditions will not be in the mail. It’s also not a fact that an electronics store will allow us to install some of their programs or surf the Internet on their test computer. You can only count on reproduction universal format content. If you need to check a monitor or TV on foreign territory, a flash drive will help. You can transfer test images and videos to it. Almost everything modern televisions and some functional monitors include built-in USB media players. Only if we buy a monitor with basic functionality will we have to ask the supermarket to arrange a connection to some image source. In the case of mail, of course, there is nothing left to do but drag your device and cable there.

  • Note: friends, please read this first. full specifications purchased monitor. If the model provides support for MHL technology, video and audio output from mobile devices via HDMI port or MicroUSB, you can check the quality of the screen when accepting a package at the post office using your smartphone. To do this, of course, you need an appropriate connection cable, as well as an application or media content for testing screens. The same goes for wireless connection technologies.

Where can I get media content to check my monitor or TV and put it on a flash drive? Pictures and videos need to be downloaded from the Internet. For example, I found a special selection of pictures with images for testing screens on Rutreker.

Well, now friends, let's get to the point. What screen defects should you look for? And how to look for them?

Correct color rendering

Color accuracy is a check of primary colors and shades to see how correctly the screen displays them. It can be checked using pictures like this.

Such images can also be used when setting up a monitor or TV - testing ready-made presets, adjusting brightness/contrast settings manually.

Smoothness of transitions (gradients)

Gradients - transitions of color shades - should be displayed smoothly, without sudden changes, without steps. Checked with pictures like this one.

You can also view gradient fills for each of the primary colors, for example, like this picture for the green spectrum.


Banding is vertical or horizontal stripes with excellent shade of color.

Whether this defect is present is checked using pictures with a solid fill. Such pictures with primary colors (white, gray, black, yellow, blue, green, red, purple) must be part of the test content.


Tint is chaotic areas incorrect display white, usually with pinkish or greenish tints. To find this defect, we use an image with a solid white fill.

Geometric proportions

Images with grids of different sizes will help determine how correctly the geometric proportions of the screen are displayed.

Trail during dynamic video sequence

Test animation with fast moving objects will allow you to determine whether trails - traces from objects - remain on the screen during dynamic playback of the video sequence.

Defective pixels

When searching for dead pixels, we use a single-color image of white, light gray or red. Broken or dead pixels can be detected immediately; these are dark dots on the screen. So-called stuck pixels can glow as dots of white, red, green, purple, yellow or other colors. Stuck pixels, accordingly, will be visible when a contrasting single-color image is presented on the screen.

To detect any kind of pixel defects, you need to close range explore the screen. You can use a magnifying glass. If the TV or monitor is under warranty, it needs to be checked additionally to look for defective pixels, but after purchase, when it has worked for a couple of hours. Problem pixels may not appear immediately, only when the matrix is ​​heated.


Highlights are the light areas on dark background along the edges of the screen.

PLS matrices usually do not suffer from the problem of screen glare; MVA matrices do have them, but rarely. And here IPS matrices and old TNs, alas, have this problem. When purchasing an IPS or TN monitor, especially a model in the budget segment, you must check the purchase for the presence of glare. To do this, you need to present a monochromatic black image on the screen and turn up the brightness to the maximum. It is advisable to carry out the test itself in a darkened room.

Here, friends, are the main problems of monitors and TVs that need to be checked before purchasing. If you have anything to add on the topic, write in the comments.

One of the most common problems LCD screens are a "dead pixel". This happens when one of the millions of pixels on the monitor is not working correctly. Technically this term " dead pixel" occurs due to a manufacturing fault where the pixel is black and there is no way to make it work properly. We can also tell when a white pixel is stuck in the colors (RGB) and glows more or less than the others.

If the pixel is defective from the factory, there is nothing we can do, that pixel is truly broken. However, if a pixel is only "sleeping", meaning it remains a blank or fixed color, it can even be restored by causing it to load sequences of colors until they are reactivated.

Let's look at a series of websites that will allow you to determine if your monitor has dead pixels and try to repair them for free. These sites can also be used to check for dead pixels mobile phones and televisions.

Sites for checking dead pixels on monitors and LCD displays

A stuck pixel can be corrected by testing and repeating them several times, but if there is a dead “dead” pixel on the monitor, this is a manufacturing defect. If the monitor is under warranty, bring it back for a replacement.

This simple site will allow us to check the pixel status of our monitor. By filling the entire screen with solid color, we can identify a dead pixel and determine its condition. Simply select the color you want to check and press the F11 key to go full screen, or you can swipe with the left and right arrows to change the colors on your monitor.

More automatic service than the previous one. By clicking the "Start test" button, the browser is automatically displayed in full screen mode, and we can scroll through the colors by clicking the mouse on the screen. There are also other monitor analysis tools available, such as Dynamic Range Test or Color-shift Test to see the accuracy with which our monitor shows colors.

Another alternative web page to check the pixel health of any screen or LCD monitor. This service allows us to see the response of all pixels to white, black or red, green or blue.

After all, it is he who is responsible for the beauty of the picture. No matter how wonderful and powerful the video card on your computer is, without good monitor, which can present the graphics in all their glory, is indispensable. But, in addition to how good the monitor is in its characteristics, it is also important how efficient it is, because any equipment can be defective or fail due to the most various reasons. In this article we will take a closer look at how to check the monitor for performance, dead pixels and others. possible problems. Let's get started. Go!

The monitor is one of the most important components of a computer.

If you are purchasing a new or used monitor, be sure to check it thoroughly. The tips below will help you identify any possible problems and problems.

Start by inspecting the cables. Banal cable damage is one of the most common problems. If everything is in order, connect the monitor to the computer and turn it on. Keep in mind that even if the screen is new, it may have dead pixels. You can detect them by eye, but this is not the best approach, since modern screens With high resolutions and with a high pixel density this will be very problematic. Fortunately, there are special programs that allow you to quickly and effectively detect a defect. One of the most popular software products of this kind is the Tireal TFT Test utility. Working with this program is very simple. Run each of the available tests in turn. There are four of them in total. It’s worth starting with a primary color test, which will reveal which pixels do not display the main range of colors (red, black, blue, green, pink, white). As a rule, this test is sufficient, but it will not be superfluous to run the rest so that the test is as effective and complete as possible.

Tireal TFT Test Program

Tireal TFT Test makes it possible to check the screen for the absence or presence of noise, how well it is displayed grey colour and all its shades. If you're going to be working on a computer with graphics, be sure to run the RGB test. This software makes it possible to fully test the monitor for performance, so it is recommended to use the Tireal TFT Test functionality to the maximum.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to carry out full testing right in the store. As described above, detection of dead pixels requires special software, which most likely no one will provide to you in the store, so you should check this aspect at home. But even in a store you can conduct quite extensive testing.

Start with shimmer. Go to your display settings and set lower values ​​for brightness and contrast. This will make flickering much easier to detect. Then turn on some video and watch to see if any artifacts appear. Artifacts refer to trails that occur when objects move on the screen. Next, see how the picture is displayed from different viewing angles. Shine something on the screen to see if glare appears. Do not neglect the sounds that the monitor makes during operation. Any strange or loud noises indicate that the product is poorly built or something is not working as it should.

Monitor testing programs invariably attract the attention of PC users. Perhaps among all information and diagnostic utilities they are the most popular. And all because every user will sooner or later worry about buying a new monitor. Simply choosing a manufacturer and model is not enough. According to the rules, when purchasing a monitor, it is necessary to meticulously test it, especially for dead pixels.

Why we test the monitor:

Monitor testing programs make the task of testing and adjusting a CRT monitor easier. Special test images (templates) make it possible to identify defects such as lack of convergence of rays for different colors, insufficient focusing and voltage stabilization, geometry distortions, low contrast, uneven glow of the phosphor, broken pixels. Having looked at several copies, we can select the one with deviations from standards are minimal.

LCD monitors require a different approach. All LCD panel based monitors cannot have problems with geometry, convergence, stabilization, focus, etc. And the spread of parameters is generally not typical for them, with the exception of “broken” pixels, which are still encountered, despite all the efforts of manufacturers. However, LCD monitors should also be tested. Just not different specimens, but models various manufacturers. LCD monitors differ significantly from each other in such parameters as viewing angles, inertia (afterglow and smearing), natural color reproduction, color resolution, brightness and contrast, backlight uniformity. These parameters are either not indicated at all in the characteristics, or are measured using completely inadequate methods.

IsMyLcdOK- a universal and portable utility. Using it we will check how much is on the LCD TFT lcd led The monitor has dead pixels. When we first launch it will open detailed menu choose colors and they will immediately show you what keys are responsible for..
Nokia Monitor Test version 2.0- a set of tests required for verification TFT work, CRT monitors. The utility contains the necessary templates for checking geometry, convergence, resolution, moire, contrast, brightness, focusing, text readability, and color rendition.
TFT Monitor test 1.52- a program with this name was developed by domestic programmers. Unlike existing analogues, it is, firstly, completely free, and secondly, equipped detailed information with a description of the available templates in Russian and tips for solving typical problems. The program consists of one file (plus an optional help file), does not require installation, and takes up only 650 KB when unpacked!
Dead Pixel Tester 3.0 - a program for finding so-called “dead pixels” on your screen. A fairly clear, simple interface (though in English).
CheckeMON 1.1- a small utility for testing monitors. Does not require installation and is absolutely free. CheckeMON is implemented in the form of a window with links to various tests: gradients, geometry, color spectrum, etc. There are 11 of them in total; when you hover over each one, a hint with a description of the test appears at the bottom. And if you know a little English, then it won’t be difficult for you to understand what’s what.
EIZO Monitortest 1.6- the interface is in English, there is no Russian, but German and Czech are supported. She has simple interface and includes twenty-four tests, each of which has short description
. Tests, for example, are: geometry, brightness, clarity, brightness, contrast, moiré, inertia, etc., accompanied by brief tips. PixPerAn 1.011e is an interesting utility for testing monitors, but, unlike others, it offers to check the operation of the screen when changing images. Using PixPerAn, you can identify flaws that may appear due to the inertia of LCD matrices (for example, when viewing a dynamic image, nasty multi-colored trails may remain on the screen). Includes original tests, for example, in the form of a small computer game