Selecting an operating system when loading Windows 7. How to remove the selection of an operating system when turning on the computer


After you have installed the second operating room system, turn on the computer. When the system boots, a dialog box should appear containing a list of operating systems that are installed on the computer's hard drive.

Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, select the operating system you currently need and press Enter. After this, your chosen OS will boot in normal mode.

If the dialog box in which you could select an operating system did not appear, but one of the OSes simply loaded, you need to enter some settings. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” from the context menu. In the next window, click on “Advanced system settings”.

Then, in the “Advanced” tab, find the section called “Boot and Recovery” and select “Options” in it. Find the item “Display a list of operating systems” and check it. After that, click OK. In the next window also click OK.

Restart your computer. Now the dialog box where you can select your operating system will appear for sure.

If you have two hard drives installed, and each has an OS installed, the operating system selection window may not appear. In this case, you can select the OS by selecting the hard drive on which the desired operating system is installed.

Turn on the computer and immediately after that press the Del key several times. This will take you to the computer's BIOS. Now use the arrows on your keyboard to select the boot device priority section. In this section, set the hard drive with the operating system you currently need to number “1”. Save your settings. The computer will reboot and start from the hard drive you selected with the desired OS.

Many users install several operating systems on their computer at once. This solution has both its advantages and disadvantages. By correctly configuring the OS boot, you can significantly improve the comfort of working on your computer.


If two Windows operating systems are installed on the computer, then the user at system start at You need to select the desired OS and press Enter or wait 30 seconds until the default operating system starts automatically. These settings can be changed by selecting more convenient system startup options.

Open: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System” - “Advanced”. In the Startup and Recovery section, click the Options button. At the top of the window that opens, in the drop-down list, select the OS that should boot by default. If you already have the required OS loading, and you don’t at You have to select it, do not change anything in the drop-down list.

You can disable display of the list of operating systems at start, unchecking the “Display list of operating systems” item, then at loading The computer will immediately start the OS loaded by default. This may seem convenient, but it is better not to disable the display of the list of operating systems. If something happens to the main OS, you can always boot from the second one and save valuable data. If the list is not shown, you will not have this option.

For convenience, change the time in the “Display list of operating systems” line from 30 seconds to 3 - this is enough to select at if necessary, a second OS. In the “Show recovery options” line, leave 30 seconds. You can see recovery options by clicking at system start F8.

If you have the Linux operating system installed along with Windows, then Grub performs the bootloader functions. In some distributions - on at measures, ASPLinux, you can change the list of bootable operating systems through the corresponding option in the settings. In some distributions you need to edit the file: boot/grub/menu.lst. Edit it, putting the OS you need first. You can take a simpler route by using the StartUp Manager utility. With its help you can easily and quickly configure the system boot.

Video on the topic


  • list of operating system downloads in 2019

An operating system (OS) is the software part of a computer that manages memory, processes, and hardware. The OS serves for the stable functioning of the computer and without it, using the hardware component is not possible.


Operating systems come in several varieties. Today, the most common type is multi-user systems with shared access. They allow multiple users to access a computer simultaneously using a graphical shell, a terminal, or using a network console. Among the most popular operating systems are the Windows and Unix families.

Single-user systems are distinguished by the fact that only one user can operate. They do not have the above properties of multi-user systems and at the moment can be considered obsolete. A striking example of such operating systems were MS DOS and OS/2.

A network operating system has a specific structure and is used on server computers to ensure the operation of computer networks. Examples of server operating systems are versions of Windows Server, Linux, FreeBSD and many others, which differ in their characteristics and features.

OSes can also be classified according to certain parameters. For example, depending on the availability of a graphical shell, there are graphical and textual systems. You can also distinguish paid and free operating systems, open and closed (depending on the ability to edit the source code of the program), client and server, simple and difficult to administer. Systems are also classified by bitness: 32 or 64-bit OS.

Helpful advice

Today, the most popular operating systems are the Windows and Unix families. These systems are used on most user computers and are most adapted to the average user. On remote servers, server versions of the Unix family of operating systems are most often used, which have increased security and open source code, which allows you to completely customize the system to your needs. Windows Server is used comparatively less frequently.

Many users have had the question of installing or reinstalling the system on their PC or laptops. Technology moves forward every day, and it is simply impossible to keep up with the newness. In order to decide on a system, you must first find out whether it will fit your computer and whether it will be convenient for you. The most common system is the Windows operating system. Let's talk about her.

First, you will need a Windows installation disk. You can buy a disc in a store, ask friends, or download it from the Internet. If you still decide to download from the Internet and burn and make the disk or USB drive bootable, we will talk about this in the next article.

Secondly, we go into the BIOS and load our boot disk with the OS. All you have to do is wait for the system to install, but it is advisable not to press anything. Which Windows system is better to install on your PC or laptop? As mentioned earlier, one of the most common and convenient to use is Windows OS.

At the moment, the most common systems are Windows XP, 7, 8 and Vista. The peak of popularity of Windows XP was observed from 2003 to 2011. So it is already outdated today, it copes with the tasks perfectly. But, taking into account that many programs and games are developed for earlier versions of the system. Therefore, if you intend to use the latest programs and games, then I advise you to install this version of the system. Windows Vista was released in 2007. It did not become popular; the only advantage over XP is its design with various effects, etc. It’s very inconvenient to use; after XP, for example, I couldn’t get used to it. I advise you not to install it.

Windows 7 is already the most popular today. It is somewhat similar to Vista, but it is much simpler, faster and more stable compared to XP; it does not need to be reinstalled often. Less. Windows 8 is already the latest version. We can say this is a modified "seven", it works much faster, has a flat design (no shadows and volume) and there is no Start button.

Thus, I can say one thing: if your PC is considered outdated, then of course it is better to install XP, and if it is newer, then “seven” or “eight” - the choice is yours.

Sometimes when the computer boots, several operating system options are displayed on the screen (Fig. 1).

There can be many operating system options, and there can be identical systems (for example, two Windows XP Professional). Some operating systems load normally, while others simply hang. Why is this happening? The answer is very simple: the operating systems presented here were installed on the hard drive, and if you are currently using only one, the others can be removed. In our opinion, the most correct solution is to reinstall Windows. And at the installation stage, select the formatting type " Format partition in NTFS system" In this case, the hard drive will be completely cleared of all old files and previous operating systems; one operating system will be installed on it, which will boot by default (Fig. 2).

However, with this approach, as you understand, you will have to reinstall Windows. If this method seems too radical to you, you can simply assign the “correct” version of the operating system to boot by default and disable the diagnostic message about choosing operating systems. Now let's look at how to do this.

So let's get started. All actions are done using standard Windows tools.

Go to Control Panel ( Start - Control Panel) and select System(Fig. 3).

The following window will open in front of you (Fig. 4):

Select the " Additionally"(Fig. 5).

) click on the button Options(Fig. 6).

Above is the operating system that boots by default. You can change this. Click on the blue arrow and from the pop-up list select the system that you want to load as default.

note: operating systems follow the same sequence as in Fig. 1. That is, for example, if you have 3 identical Windows XP Professional, and when you boot the computer (Fig. 1) you select the second one, then in the list of systems (Fig. 6) you also need to select the second system.

Now the version of Windows we need will load by default. And in order to disable the diagnostic message about operating system selection options (Fig. 1), uncheck the item Display a list of operating systems.

You can also manually edit the list of operating systems to boot, for this you can use the button Edit. However, we do not recommend doing this, because an error may make it impossible to load the operating system. If you do decide to edit the list of operating systems to download, be careful not to delete the “correct version” of Windows.

If you have any questions, ask them on our website.

I saw a question in the comments about how to remove OS selection when turning on computer, and decided to write about it.

One indirect question - is it possible to somehow get rid of the system selection at boot? You can, of course, uncheck the “system selection” box, but somehow it’s not feng shui. But I don’t know how to fix something like BOOT.INI in HP (to delete a line) (((

Apparently the person is not looking for easy ways :), but that’s okay, we’ll figure it out now.

By the way, I’m not working from my computer. Today I work on Windows XP and weak hardware, also via 3G Internet. So sorry if something is wrong :).

Why does the window with the choice of operating system appear when the computer boots? And because you do not carefully read my blog, in particular the articles on how to correctly install Windows 7 and Windows XP. During the installation process, various failures and errors appear, you install Windows from the beginning, or install it on an unformatted partition. I had this happen before, and I couldn’t figure out what it was from.

First of all, I will say that in the complex method we will edit the system boot.ini file. And if you make incorrect changes to this file, the computer may not turn on. A simple method is quite enough to prevent the OS selection window from appearing.

So, right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”. Go to the “Advanced” tab and in the “Boot and Recovery” section click on options.

A new window will appear in which we select the operating system that will boot by default (look carefully, you need to select a working system, otherwise the computer may not boot).

Then uncheck the “Display list of operating systems” option and click “Ok”.

That's all, now when you turn on the computer, a window asking which OS to load will not appear.

We remove the OS selection using the boot.ini file. The hard way.

As I promised, the second method. Please be aware that editing the boot.ini file may cause your system to crash.

We go there in the same way as in the first method, only we don’t change anything, but click on “Edit” (screenshot above).

A window will open with editing the boot.ini file.

The correct contents of the boot.ini file for Windows XP Professional look like this:


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS=”Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /fastdetect

If two systems are installed and a choice appears, it looks like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS=”Windows XP Professional” /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINNT=”Windows 2000 Professional” /fastdetect

You can read more about editing boot.ini on the Microsoft website

But again, I do not advise you to flattery into these jungles. It’s better to use the first method, and the OS selection window will disappear.

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances and other personalities.

If you have on your computer 2 and more operating systems, then probably at a certain stage of your computer boot a list of these operating systems appears, prompting you to select them within, say, 30 seconds Or, it happens that after installing another operating system, the second one suddenly disappeared from the list, or even stopped loading altogether. Another common problem is when you have not installed (or completely removed) the system, but it has already managed to register itself in the bootloader and hangs there as a dead line, or .. Or something else :-)

Today I will help you eliminate a number of confusions with this very list and generally make working with it more convenient or remove it for good, as well as edit it and so on.

A little more about what is possible, and then how to do it.

Editing the Windows Boot List

A few words about the desired, in my opinion, and in some places even useful, settings and methods of using editing the list of operating systems, as well as about frequently encountered problems where it may be needed.

  • Firstly, as for me, 30 seconds are a lot for some, not enough for others. How can there be too much? Well, for example, you turn on the computer and go to put the kettle on, and when you return you see that the system, even if it got out, is still loading. So you can change this very time to, in general, any value from 1 before n. Perhaps there is a limit to this value, but I have not checked, and I strongly doubt that anyone needs the system to boot through 30 minutes :)
  • Secondly, as I said above, perhaps you (or your friends) put the second\third\fifth Windows(or another operating system), but the installation was interrupted or something went wrong during it, or you completely deleted one of the systems with . Only here is an entry about this very under-delivered/deleted Windows stayed and is annoying in every possible way, because... you have to constantly select a working system from the list. So you can get rid of extra lines.
  • Third. Many people love all sorts of funny gadgets. In this case, you can, for example, rename the systems in the list as you like, for example, instead of putting Mega Winda Vasi.
  • Fourth, let's say a friend brought you a hard drive with his Windows, but you don’t know how to add an operating system to the list of available ones so that you can select it. Again, this can be done where I will tell you now.
  • Fifthly, There is a somewhat crazy idea to use the method described below for editing the list of systems available for download. We can create a list of say 25 systems, but only one of them will be loaded, the rest, due to their non-existence, will generate an error. Only you will know which one is running, because you will create this list, and the attacker who turned on your computer will have to 20 restart the computer in search of a working system. By the way, you can use this not only, but also simply as a prank on a friend;)

In the boot menu when the computer starts, the second operating system is displayed if several working operating systems are installed, for example, Windows 7 and XP, or if Windows 7/8 was reinstalled without formatting the system partition. How to remove the extra (unnecessary) OS and remove or configure the selection option, read this article.

How to remove the second OS from boot?

1. Open the “Start” system menu (Win key).

2. In the line “Search for programs...” type - execute.

3. Click on the “Run” icon that appears at the top of the menu bar.

4. In the new window, in the “Open” field, enter - msconfig. And then click on the “OK” button or press the “Enter” key.

5. In the “System Configuration” settings, open the “Download” tab.

6. Select the Windows you want to get rid of from the list.

Note. When choosing, pay attention to the labels. Next to the working OS (current) the status “Current operating system” is indicated. And next to an inactive one, as a rule, there is no additional information (explanation).

7. Click the “Delete” button, and then “Apply” and “OK”.

8. After closing the “System Configuration” window, in the additional “System Settings” window, select “Reboot”.

If all operations in the instructions were completed correctly, when the PC is restarted, neither the boot menu nor the other OS will be visible.

Using the Command Line

If you are an experienced computer user and know how to work with the command line (CMD.exe), you can use the integrated software tool BCDEdit.

The /deletevalue parameter to this directive removes the selected item from the load. More details about BCDEdit parameters and its capabilities can be found on the official Microsoft website -

How to delete a second Windows folder?

If for some reason there are two Windows folders on the system partition (one working and the other not) and the boot menu is not displayed at startup, to remove the operating system, follow these steps:

1. Determine which Windows folder belongs to the working OS (currently active):

  • press Win+R;
  • in the “Open” field enter - %windir%;
  • Click “OK” (the contents of the Windows folder will open, which does not need to be deleted);
  • remember this folder (additionally, look at its properties - creation date, size, number of files).

2. Go up to the directory above: click on the top line of the “Disk C” window (system partition).

3. Find the old or broken Windows folder. Once again, additionally compare its properties with the working one (so as not to confuse it!): Right-click → Properties. And then drag it to the trash or delete it through the context menu (right button → Delete).

How to customize the boot menu?

1. Press the Win+Break key combination.

2. Go to the “Advanced options...” section.

3. In the “System Properties” window, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “Boot and Recovery” block, click the “Options” button.

4. In the settings panel, you can change the OS that boots by default and the time the boot menu is displayed when the PC starts.