What does additional Internet on MTS mean? Additional Internet package in MTS Smart, Hype and Ultra tariffs

If you have come to this page, you are probably already puzzled by the problem of overspending on the account of your smartphone or tablet. You used the services of the MTS operator, Red Energy tariff or some other with the “Superbit” option. They paid themselves 200 rubles a month and didn’t worry - if the allotted traffic quota was used up, access to the Internet was maintained, but at a snail’s speed - it was enough for email, navigator and other light tasks.

But it was too early to rejoice. Recently, MTS put a screw on “thrifty” users like you and me and the rules for providing the Internet under the “Superbit” tariff option were changed. Now you are given 3 gigabytes of traffic per month, but if you exceed it, the speed does not decrease as before, but you are given another 500 megabytes. But they don’t give it just like that, they debit 50 rubles from your account (the numbers may be different in different regions). Used up? No problem! Here's another 500 megabytes for 50 rubles. And so on up to 15 times.

Yes, when the quota is exceeded, “some SMS” arrive on the phone, but who reads them? We continue to listen to music on VKontakte and watch videos! When all conceivable and inconceivable traffic has been used up, the user is deprived of Internet access until the end of the month. Outraged by the situation, he asks for his balance and receives an answer that he has approximately -700 rubles in his account. Brilliant! What should I do?

There are two ways out - either change the tariff plan or operator, or simply disable the provision of additional traffic packages. I chose the second one. I looked for a very long time how to do this, and finally found it.

To disable MTS additional traffic packages on the Superbit tariff option, you need to send an SMS with the number 1 to 6280. After this, the provision of additional traffic will be disabled. If you want to return it, send an SMS with the number 2 to the same number.

How to disable Superbit altogether?

To do this you need to use the command *111*628*2#

When I bought a SIM card for the tablet, MTS employees swore that if the balance reached zero, the service would be suspended and no money would be debited (the balance would not go into the minus). It's a lie! If the balance is zero, services are indeed not provided, and the money continues to be debited. Moreover, an SMS notification about this comes when the balance is already in deep minus. If you don’t use the service, it’s better to turn it off so you don’t get money later.

Not all unlimited Internet users who are MTS subscribers fit into the tariff plan limit. As a rule, traffic ends some time before the new billing period begins. At the same time, some subscribers simply stop using the Internet until a new volume of traffic is provided. But the majority uses additional Smart Internet and a number of turbo buttons that allow you to prolong the use of the Internet at a good speed. Under what conditions is additional traffic provided for some tariff plans of the Smart line connected? Is it possible to refuse the automatic increase in its volume?

Additional Internet Smart - what is it?

The MTS operator has provided for the possibility of subscribers exhausting their Internet traffic limit before the start of a new billing period and has developed an auto-renewal functionality. An additional Internet package is connected automatically as soon as the main volume of megabytes under the tariff plan runs out. It is impossible to forcefully activate such a service. Automatic activation will occur if the corresponding ban is not set on the number and the traffic included in the subscription fee has been completely spent by the client. The option is controlled directly by the subscriber. If desired, you can simply refuse it.

Additional terms

If the additional package has been spent, and the volume of gigabytes under the main tariff has not been added (i.e., a new billing period has not begun), then a second such package is activated . At the same time, no more than fifteen such options can be connected per month. Connection occurs automatically only if the client’s balance contains the amount required for connection.

Also, potential users of this option and those who already use it should be aware that you should not save on additional Internet traffic. In particular, this applies to cases when it is connected one or two days before the next billing period and the provision of the next volume of traffic. This is due to the fact that the balance of the additional package is not carried over to the next month and all balances are cancelled.

Cost of additional internet

Additional Smart Internet connection is not free of charge. On a number of tariff plans its cost is 150 rubles. The volume of the package is one gigabyte. Tariff plans that use similar conditions include:

  • TP "Smart Non-stop";
  • TP "Smart Plus";
  • TP "Smart 092016";
  • TP "Smart Top".

On all other tariffs in the Smart line, the additionally connected Internet package has a volume of 500 megabytes. Its cost is 75 rubles.
How to connect additional Smart Internet to an MTS number?

As mentioned earlier, on tariff plans of the “Smart” line, additional traffic is activated automatically after the end of the main package according to the tariff plan. The subscriber may refuse such an extension and establish an appropriate ban. You can also monitor the status of the additional Internet package, namely the remaining megabytes, via the Internet. To do this, just register on the official resource on your personal web account page. For ease of viewing, it is recommended to use the mobile application. Additional Smart Internet will be displayed in the list of activated options and the balance will be displayed for it.

Is it possible to disable automatic activation of additional Internet?

To disable the automatic renewal of traffic and, as a result, unplanned debits of funds from the balance, just dial the request on your mobile device: *111*936#. In response to this, the subscriber will receive a corresponding notification from the operator. After setting the ban, you will be able to access the Internet after the traffic is exhausted only by activating the turbo buttons. You can refuse the ban and restore automatic traffic renewal by typing the same request.


The additional Internet Smart service on MTS is available on tariff plans of the Smart line. Whether to use it or not is up to the subscriber to decide. At any time, you can refuse its automatic activation whenever the limit on the basic tariff comes to an end. You can also increase the number of gigabytes by connecting turbo buttons of various denominations. Unlike additional Internet, they can be connected not only when the balance of the main traffic is zero, but also combined with each other (for example, activate a 1 gigabyte turbo button together with a 5 gigabyte package). By the way, the traffic that remains connected to the turbo button is also not transferred to the new month. When a new period begins, all megabytes for additional Internet and turbo buttons are burned.

The question of how to disable an additional Internet package on MTS does not often arise. Mobile devices have long outgrown themselves and from simple devices for calls have turned into a serious station for connecting all possible types of communication: visual, text, auditory. The adaptation of mobile phones with the Internet helped raise cellular communications to this level. It is no longer possible to imagine mobile devices without access to it. Through it, users fulfill a huge part of their diverse needs:

  • work,
  • having fun,
  • find the information they need,
  • ways and roads,
  • places to eat,
  • overnight accommodation points.

Individual applications that are supported on many devices are constantly synchronized with remote servers. This ensures a strong connection over the Internet. The more Internet packages are connected, the longer and more extensively you can use it and download volumes of information in accordance with the purchased traffic.

Cellular network operators are constantly developing and offering their users more and more different options and tariffs. Unfortunately, such care does not explain the desire to provide comfort to users, but an increase in profits. Therefore, the conditions for providing services for connecting Internet packages are very confusing. Users do not want to waste their time delving into long lists of all the nuances of connection and simply agree, giving up on everything.

The Internet “eats” money, and noticeably. Thus, it becomes relevant to disable the additional Internet package.

Current tariffs include various options that guarantee access to the network at the highest speed. Unfortunately, in fact, often the Internet from cellular operators on mobile devices suddenly becomes slow, making further work impossible. To restore acceptable speeds, you must purchase additional traffic.

500 MB from MTS

This option is available for 30 days. If the package is exhausted before 30 days, an additional payment will be required. It is advisable to use this option from mobile devices that are connected to the “Smart” and “Smart Plus” tariffs.

2 GB from MTS

This is an option that allows you to connect 2 GB of Internet. When the available package is not enough. Like the previous package, this one lasts for 30 days or until it runs out. It is well suited for users of Smart tariffs. It is also ideal for users of USB modems who consume average amounts of traffic.

Turbo nights

This option is great for those who are used to staying up at night or working at this time of day. It allows you to download large files. The operating hours of this option are from one in the morning to seven in the morning. There are no restrictions on speed or traffic volume.

Disabling additional Internet on MTS

Often life circumstances change and at the same time there is no need to connect additional traffic at high speed. Then subscribers begin measures to refuse this service.

The Turbo Night and 2 GB packages cannot be disabled by themselves. To ensure that the Internet no longer “devours” your balance, you need to disable these options yourself. The same method applies to both: you need to type the command *111*776# and add a “call” key.

The option provided by the 500 MB package is neutralized in the following ways:

  1. team *111*526# + “challenge”.
  2. by sending the code 5260 on 111 .

If the package is 1GB, you should:

  1. typing shutdown command is ok *111*527# ,
  2. send code 2570 via SMS to number 111 .

“How to disable the additional Internet package on MTS” is often asked by customers of this operator.

This service is activated automatically when switching to some tariffs, and therefore needs to be disabled independently.

In contact with

What is an additional package and why is it needed?

Mobile Internet has long become a part of everyday life: it is included in most modern tariffs.

When connecting to the Internet, the client is given a certain number of GB per month, which are spent as they use the World Wide Web: when accessing social networks, listening to music, watching movies, etc.

It often happens that this traffic is not enough, and the client is faced with a choice - either switch to another tariff and pay more, or give up all the Internet capabilities for the sake of saving.

MTS solved this problem by offering additional Internet volume. This is additional traffic of a certain size that can be obtained for an additional fee without changing the main tariff.

It is worth noting: This offer is beneficial when the cost of calls and SMS suits you, but the amount of traffic does not satisfy you.

How to easily check the package balance

This is done in several ways.

You will need to dial on your phone:

  1. For a general balance check: “*217#” - “Call”.
  2. To check additional packages: “*111*217#” - “Call”.
  3. To check the “Smart” tariff: “*100*1#” - “Call”.

Note: information will be sent in response via free SMS.

You can use your MTS personal account. To do this, you will need to go to the website and register by typing the phone number in the column. A login password will be sent to it, after which the client will have access to all information. Information is also available through the mobile application.

Connecting an additional package

There are 2 types of additional packages:

  1. One-time: suitable in cases where there is usually enough traffic, but one day it ran out faster. In such a situation, the client will receive traffic once with any tariff plan. This can be done through the Turbo buttons.
  2. Regular: Suitable for clients who experience difficulties on a regular basis. Once connected, MTS will automatically add volume when the Internet runs out. This service is valid only on the “Smart” tariff plan. They are connected automatically; if you do not want to use them, you must disable them.

Connection “Smart for your own”

This is an ongoing service that only needs to be activated once.

Its job is to automatically connect a 500 Megabyte package, which you can buy for 75 rubles, as soon as the traffic comes to an end.

For the “Smart+”, “Smart NonStop” and “Smart Top” tariffs, 1 GB is connected for 120 rubles.

You can use no more than 7 GB per month – that’s 15 “small” volumes or 7 “large” ones.

Note: the total volume will be reflected in your personal account, although in reality 500 MB or 1 GB will be available - it is important to remember this so as not to spend extra money.

The disadvantages of this option include its permanence. The service will be renewed from month to month, and the cost will be debited every month until the service is disconnected. The first time it will be written off immediately, then every month on the same day. Unused traffic “goes away”, that is, you won’t be able to save and use it next month.

To connect you need:

  1. To connect 500 MB: send SMS “111” to number “5260” or dial “*111*526#”.
  2. To connect 1 GB: send SMS “111” to number “5720” or dial “*111*527#”.

What is a turbo button and how to connect it

This option allows you to get additional traffic once, for example, if the Internet suddenly ends early and you don’t want to wait.

The money will also be written off once: there is no need to constantly replenish your traffic.

Replenishment options vary in volume:

Volume Cost, rub. Activation
SMS text to number “5340” Number to call
100 MB 35 "05" "*111*05*1# »
500 MB 95 "167" "*111*05*167# »
1 GB 175 "467" "*111*05*467# »
2 GB 300 "168" "*111*05*168# »
5 GB 450 "169" "*111*05*169# »
20 GB 900 "469" "*111*05*469# »

Good to know: 500 MB will be credited in just one day, after which the balance disappears, all the rest are valid for a month.

Disabling MTS Internet on your phone

Regular traffic replenishment can be switched off if it is no longer needed.

This needs to be done only for “Smart”, since the Turbo buttons are already rare.

Below are ways to disable different programs:

Add. plastic bag. We are mainly talking about “Smart” packages - they will withdraw money every month, even if the additional volume is not used up. To disable you need to send:

  1. For 500 MB: SMS “111” to “5260”, or dial “*111*526#”;
  2. For 1 GB: SMS “111” to “5270”, or dial “*111*527#”;
  3. For “Smart for your own”: dial “*111*936#”.

There is no point in disabling the Turbo buttons option, since it will not work without the client’s consent. You can only disable the “Turbo Night” tariff, which allows you to use the Internet at night without taking into account traffic. It can no longer be connected, but you can use it if it is installed. To disconnect, dial “*111*776#”;

Take note: If, after replenishing your traffic, it turns out that you don’t need it, you can cancel the remaining MB so as not to waste money. To do this, dial “*111*776#”.

Maxi. This traffic offers 12 GB of Internet, as well as 12 GB at night without a speed limit for 700 rubles.

Please note: At night the time is considered to be from 1:00 to 7:00.

If the specified traffic is not enough, 1 GB packages will be automatically added, the cost of which is 150 rubles.

This option does not need to be enabled, as it is built in automatically.

To disconnect, you need to send SMS “1” to number “1610”, you can also contact the MTS subscriber service or go to the operator’s branch. To connect back, you will need to send an SMS with the text “2” to the same number;

MTS BIT. The best option if the client does not want to spend extra money and at the same time uses the Internet for small procedures. The tariff offers 75 MB every day, the monthly cost is 200 rubles. If this volume runs out, 50 MB will be automatically added for 5 rubles.

Note: if there is insufficient funds, the tariff automatically changes to daily (8 rubles/day); after replenishing the account, the amount is debited and the tariff returns to its usual state.

To disable additional packages, you need to send SMS “1” to the number “2520” or dial “*111*931#”. To connect back you need to send SMS “2” to the same number”;

Super MTS. The main difference between this tariff is the absence of a subscription fee: money is withdrawn only upon use. Most often, “Mini BIT” Internet is connected to this tariff: it offers 10 MB for 20 rubles in Moscow (40 rubles in Russia) per day. When it ends, 10 MB packages will be automatically connected for 10 and 20 rubles, respectively.

Do you know that: You can also connect other Internet tariffs to “Super MTS”: “BIT”, “Super BIT” and others.

Depending on which tariff is selected, the methods for disabling additional packages also differ. You need to find your specific tariff: for example, with the “Super BIT” tariff, you need to send SMS “1” to the number “6280”;

Internet for 1 day. This option is offered by the operator for those who need a connection for a couple of days: by paying 50 rubles, the client will receive 500 MB for a day. Payment will be made after use:

  1. To connect, you need to send SMS “67” to the number “111” or dial “*111*67#”.
  2. To disconnect, you need to send SMS “670” to the number “111”.
  3. To check your balance, dial “*217#”.

The tariff does not offer additional packages, since the volume is quite enough for all needs, and you can use the service only with your own consent. If the volume is still not enough, you can activate the service again and get additional MB.

Take into account: if the entire service is disabled, it will be unavailable not only in the disabled area, but throughout Russia.

An additional Internet package on MTS can be extremely useful, but in some cases it is completely unnecessary: ​​for example, when there are several hours left before the subscription fee is charged, which can be tolerated without the World Wide Web. To do this, it is better to disable any debiting of funds and use single Turbo buttons.

Helpful advice: It is important to check through your personal account that everything is turned off, otherwise you may find that the money continues to “go away” in an unknown direction.

We bring to your attention a video on how to disable MTS unlimited Internet:

You may also be interested

Question, how to connect additional Internet to MTS, relevant for those who have used up the megabytes included in the monthly Smart tariff plan. After automatic connection, the user still has access to Internet services until the main package is updated.

The offer applies to a fairly large number of tariff plans.

The amount of additional Internet provided varies depending on the tariff set on the phone:

  • SmartNonstop, Smart+, SmartTop – 1 GB. The price of the service is 150 rubles;
  • other packages – 500 MB. The connection price is 75 rubles.

The Smart mini tariff provides access to the Network within your home region. If the “Smart at home everywhere” option is enabled, then the Internet is available throughout the Russian Federation. With other packages, the Network is available anywhere in Russia.

Specifics of connecting and disconnecting this service

How to connect or disable additional internet package for MTS? Additional Internet service
smart is available automatically after switching to one of the Smart tariffs.

To independently connect an additional MTS smart Internet package, you can use one of the following options:

  • dial the following combination *111*936# +call;
  • go to your personal account. After registration, you can go to your personal page, where you can get additional megabytes using the online assistant;
  • After refusing additional traffic and exhausting the paid package, you can use the “Turbo buttons”.

Besides, how to connect additional internet to MTS smart, it is important to know the conditions under which it is provided:

  • if the main amount of traffic is not used, then the service is not provided;
  • The additional package is activated after all the main megabytes have been used. The Internet is connected until the main tariff is renewed. Each additional Internet package is paid for immediately during activation;
  • if the main package is updated, but there are additional megabytes remaining, the latter will not be added up or transferred;
  • The additional package can be activated no more than 15 times each month. In the future, it is possible to use “Turbo buttons”;
  • most tariff plans provide for automatic activation of the function immediately after the monthly daily package is exhausted;
  • In some packages, an additional package of megabytes is a mandatory condition of the tariff plan.

There's nothing complicated about how to connect additional Internet traffic to MTS. To disable the service, just dial *111*936#C and press number 2.