What is a domain, how to choose and register a domain name. How to come up with a beautiful domain name

Hello to all readers of my blog!

If you are reading this article, then perhaps you have already come to the period when you need to create your own blog? Where does a blog start? From the domain, of course! So let’s discuss this topic: “What is a website domain name » so that you don’t have any gaps in this matter! After all, the future administrator of a web resource must be competent in these concepts!

In this article we will address the following questions:

  • IP address.
  • About the domain name in simple terms.
  • Domain zone.
  • Domain name levels.
  • Where and how much do you buy domains?
  • Brief conclusions.

IP address

What does an IP address mean? Let's look at an example. Do you have a passport? Eat. Fine. Your details are recorded there: first and last name? But the passport has its own number (and series), by which the passport service can find out your full name. Similarly, on the Internet, any point (server, computer, smartphone and your blog) has an IP address - its own unique number.

How to find out the IP address of your blog? Let's, for example, determine the IP of Yandex. Let's come here www.cy-pr.com, enter “yandex.ru” into the blank field and press “Enter”. After reloading the page, we observe the data of this resource, among which its IP is visible.

We get Yandex IP: Now check your blog's IP! Happened? Wonderful!

These addresses are managed by special web resources - the management of the address space of the web, of which there are five in the world:

  • ARIN – North America;
  • LACNIC - South America;
  • APNIC – Southeast Asia;
  • RIPE NCC - Rest of Asia and Europe;
  • AfriNIC – Africa;

But such numbers are difficult to remember. That's why they came up with domain names.

About the domain name in simple terms

Domain name - this is a more convenient version of the IP address, i.e. you can access any web resource by IP and domain name.

Let me give you an analogy again:

1. Each store in your city can be found by its address. Right?

A blog on the Internet can also be found by IP address.

Note. Although this was true in the early years of the Internet. Now technology is moving forward, the situation is changing and not everything remains in its original form. There are many "buts". The IP entry site may not open due to the fact that many of them are on shared hosting. Virtual hosting technology allows you to host several websites on one IP.

2. In addition, any store can be found by name. Is it true?

You can also find a website by its name, or rather by domain name, by entering it into the address bar of your browser.

Of course, in a big city this can be problematic, and names can be repeated. But this is just an example! Therefore, let's assume the ideal scenario that all stores have unique names, and every taxi driver knows any of the stores you need by name. Agreed?

Domain names are served by a Domain Name System server system, which contains all the necessary information about them. It also converts the IP address into a registered site name.

The main DNS database contains information about the owner and registration date of the domain name, as well as the IP.

The unified Internet directory is located in an organization located in the United States. It's called SRI International - Menlo Park.

The domain may contain letters, numbers and symbols

But not all letters and symbols can be used. At the dawn of the creation of the web, it was possible to use only Latin letters, because... she came from America. Today you can also give a name in Russian letters: adverts.com.rf. The symbols used are the dash and the underscore. Spaces are inappropriate here!

Specifically, on this blog the domain name is “int-net-partner”.

Registering this name costs money. Which ones? Small: now this can be done for 300-700 rubles. in year. But there is also much cheaper - 99 rubles, but read about that below.

Domain zone

A domain zone is also a domain name. It combines other lower level names. Confused? I'll explain now.

Here we can again give an analogy with a name: if “int-net-partner” is a name, then “ru” is a surname. But, unlike human names, here there should not be two identical names in one surname. But if I choose a different last name (i.e. domain zone), say “su”, then for the site I can buy the same name “int-net-partner”. Then the site name will be int-net-partner.su.

Domain name levels

What do these levels mean? On the news resource vesti.ru: “ru” is the first level, “vesti” is the second. That is, in other words, the first level is a zone.

They are called thus: “first-level domain”, “second-level domain”. It's clear? Here it’s like the Arabs: from right to left. In the same way, we can write a domain one level lower. Let’s say here “society.yoread.ru”: “society” is already the third level.

Let's break down the vrn.org.ru domain into parts. Here it turns out like this: ru - first level (root); org is the second, vrn is the third.

Domains can be divided into levels up to 127 times, but practically it rarely goes beyond the third. The entire name length cannot be more than 255 characters. But who will read such a “snake”? Remember: “Brevity is the sister of talent!” - as A.P. Chekhov noted.

First level domain structure

They are divided into general and national.

Generic TLDs are divided according to their professional affiliation or focus, namely:

  • gov – state governments;
  • edu – universities;
  • com – commercial structures.

Service domains of various directions can also be attributed to the general category.

National domains(country code TLDs) are divided by territorial basis, namely: ru (Russian), fr (French), de (German), etc. There are now more than 200 country code domains in the world

There are national domains in the language of your nationality, for example, the Russian Federation zone.

RU is in 10th place in the world in terms of the number of second-level domains registered in it: 3.5 million.

Now any Internet user has the right to register a 1st level domain. Let’s choose, say, this: “dom”. Then the blog name will look like this: int-net-partner.dom.

But it costs fabulous sums, so only transnational corporations and megacities purchase such goods.

Registration of 2nd level domains is carried out ICANN accredited organizations. Their list can be found here: www.icann.org.

What is a subdomain? Let's just say I decided to create a subdomain called "forum". Then the address of another of my resources, which I will place on a subdomain, will look like this “forum.. If I have a website, then I can create subdomains with any name, and for free.

Where and how much do you buy domains?

It is better to buy names for your domain from accredited registrars, which you can find on this page: www.cctld.ru/ru/registrators.

Today, every hoster (service for hosting a website) tries to give you a domain as a gift if you have paid for hosting for a year in advance.

The offer is tempting, but there is a “other side of the coin”!

The point is that when you decide to change hosting, the question may arise: “What to do with the domain?” Therefore, so that this does not create additional headaches, I register domains separately from hosting. To register, I recommend using the following resource: webnames.ru or 2domains.ru(the cheapest).

Are domains free?

Yes. Free third-level names offer to get, for example, on ucoz.ru.

Which domain level is best for a website?

Naturally, if you have a choice, then take the 2nd level. Should I take the 3rd one? Also an option, even cheaper, and sometimes free. But in terms of promotion, the second level is better.

Which domains are better indexed: 2nd or 3rd level?

There is no consensus here: the 2nd level is indexed well, although the 3rd can serve you well if you make a great website!

Business cards and home pages will do just fine on the third level.

What is DNS? I will explain again using an example from life. I hope you have seen any phone book? It contains phone numbers, and by phone number you can find out the owner's name and address. This data can also be obtained from the help desk, where all this information is embedded in a database. A similar service exists on the Internet. We have already mentioned it above - this is the DNS system, which consists of a network of servers all over the world. These servers constantly exchange information with each other.

NS servers.

When you buy a domain, the NS servers of the registrar itself will be registered for it, which will convert the IP into the site name. But you won’t see your web resource right away. Why? Because you need to wait until the root DNS server cache is updated with your information. This time can be up to 72 hours, but most often it happens much faster. In my practice, this happened within 24 hours. When this process happens, type the name of your site in the address bar of your browser, and you will see a miracle: your resource will become a part of the World Wide Web! (if, of course, you created it)

Each hosting service has its own NS servers, which will be offered to you. You should use this service. On the registrar's resource, in the settings of your domain, enter NS from your hoster. Please note that here again you will have to wait up to 72 hours! Therefore, in the course of your activities, you do not need to change the NS data unnecessarily. But don’t worry too much about this, because... the site will not disappear from the network: it will function until the moment of switching. After switching, it will start working from other NSs (usually there are two).

I wrote in detail about how domains and websites themselves work on the Internet in the article?

Greetings, colleagues!

Join our team of Russian bloggers! Register a domain, post interesting content! I wish you to find yourself on the Internet!

I hope you understand Internet technologies. But will you understand yourself? First of all, your success depends on it! Go ahead, friends!

On my blog you can always learn new information for yourself! You can ask questions about this article below in the comments field. Good luck in your endeavors!


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

You need to know what a domain and hosting are if you plan to create your own page and start doing business on the World Wide Web. There is nothing particularly complicated about these concepts, but understanding them is really important. These two terms are the basic ones for work related to creating your own page on the vastness of the limitless virtual web.

Their essence should be clear not only to businessmen, but also to those planning to open their own blog. The quality of services provided by the provider will determine the reliability and consistency of access for users and administrators to the portal, and a successful choice of name will ensure the popularity of the resource among visitors and the favor of search engines.

What is a website?

For the user, this is an object on the World Wide Web that can be seen through a browser. This is a page that contains pictures and texts, videos and animated images. You can get acquainted with information, add your own or make purchases - in a word, there are a lot of possibilities. But for a developer, a website is a much more complex system formed by files, scripts, databases, and other components. For the project to work properly, all these elements must be stored in one place around the clock and be accessible from different parts of the world via the Internet.

So, why do you need hosting and a domain? The first is precisely to provide access to files that form the technical side of the issue. We'll deal with the second a little later: everything is in order. A special server is created by the company and leased to interested parties free of charge or for a fee. A heavy-duty computer equipped with specialized programs is used as a server. The customer must rent disk space that is sufficient to accommodate all the files of his project.

How it works?

The main idea of ​​your hosting is round-the-clock access, technical control and regular updates. When choosing the best option, you need to study reviews, evaluate the stability of the service and check how responsive the company’s technical support is. Only a responsible company is worth renting disk space from. It is known: if a site is unavailable for at least some time, it quickly loses its position among search engine results. In order not to spoil your reputation and undermine your business (and it will be very difficult to restore the situation), it is better to immediately take a responsible approach to choosing a company to rent space on the server.

Paid and free hosting are provided by providers. There are several accommodation options. Virtual hosting is quite popular, when one server provides sufficient capacity to host numerous websites. The user has his own unique control panel in his personal account.

The amount of resources allocated for its needs is determined by the tariff plan. If there is a shortage of capacity, it is usually enough to increase the tariff to solve the problem. Virtual hosting is considered the best option when you need to open one or a small number of projects on the electronic web.

Alternative options

When determining for yourself the most favorable conditions for creating domains and hosting, you should definitely consider the possibilities of VPS and VDS. Such servers are provided for use by the client, which gives access to extensive resources and increased power. The advantage of the technology is absolute control and maximum independence, advanced project management functions.

The option of a physical server looks no less interesting. In this case, the provider offers to rent a car, and all its resources will be the temporary property of the client. You don't have to share with anyone!

Quality and result

When choosing free hosting, you should not count on great technical capabilities or particularly responsive support service. But when renting a place for a certain fee, you should carefully select a provider in order to pay for real high-quality service.

The technical base of the enterprise and the level of service maintained by the company determine the effectiveness of the client project. If the hosting is productive and stable, then the site will be accessible at any time of the day or night, 365 days a year. Neither the workload nor the scale of the project will play a role.

The task of hosting (Yandex, by the way, regularly issues updated recommendations for choosing providers) is to ensure that pages on the user’s computer load quickly. At the same time, specialists constantly check the hardware, make backups every day and carry out preventive maintenance, preventing possible breakdowns. If force majeure occurs, it is the provider who must provide maximum useful information for data recovery.

Domain: what is it?

Hosting has already been discussed above, so it is worth paying attention to this most important term, understanding of which should be the basic task of a person starting to work with websites. A domain is usually understood as a unique name that helps identify a project on the World Wide Web. An alternative term (absolute synonym) is domain name.

The domain is formed by two levels of component. The first order is an index of letters written in a line after a dot: com, edu, ru. From this information you can get an understanding of which country the site operates in. The second level is a unique name, the invention of which is the responsibility of the project owner. The total is the user's domain: for example, name.ru.

Why is it important?

On the one hand, a domain name is the very first sign that distinguishes a site from all others, that is, through it you can present a project to a potential client or visitor. But this is only the most obvious function of the name. The name is no less significant for the search engine, which understands through the domain what the page is about.

You can only successfully promote a project for which the site’s domain name was responsibly and successfully selected. When choosing a name, you need to remember some expert advice, first of all, inventing a bright, sonorous, understandable phrase. It is recommended to make it as short as possible and memorable.

When considering different options for top-level domains, it is better to choose the one that best matches the geographic location of the target audience. For example, focusing on the whole world, preference is given to com, but for our country the current option is ru. He gives good useful advice on choosing a domain and Yandex hosting. In particular, you can learn from the first-class specialists of this largest domestic company that search engines (by the way, Yandex itself too) perceive sites whose addresses are written in Latin characters better.

Cyrillic domains are undoubtedly good, but it is almost impossible to promote them abroad. When choosing a name, you need to put meaning into the word, choosing something that reflects the theme of the project. For commercial projects, you must enter the name of the company in the address.

What's in a name?

Having chosen a site name that seems most relevant to the topic and effective for future promotion, it is necessary to check the domain. This is a special procedure that allows you to find out if such a name has been registered by someone before. If it turns out that a site with such an address already existed, you can use special resources to check whether it still exists, what its topic was, its reputation, and who the owner was.

Some enterprising people register popular names, which they then resell. If you really want a domain name that has been assigned to someone in this way, you can negotiate to purchase the address for a reasonable price.

To some extent, a human name and a domain can be compared. An address that already belongs to someone is not available to a potential site owner.

The fact is that many people can be called by the same names, but on the Internet such a trick will not work: each name, each address must be strictly unique, individual, inimitable. This allows you to maintain order on the virtual web and makes it possible to quickly find a resource in the system without confusion and misdirection of the user.

Selecting a domain name: important aspects

As practice shows, not all entrepreneurs, when opening their own business on the Internet, and not every blogger, when starting their own page, seriously think about choosing an address. Many people prefer to entrust this to a company developing a design solution. Needless to say that the selected address in this case may disappoint? As experts say, it is better to do domain registration yourself.

On the one hand, this will allow you to have access to your account at any time in order to block a name or extend service, and the user will receive the necessary skills and will be able to register a new address or change the old one at any time. In addition (and this is the most important thing!), with all responsibility you can choose a truly suitable option.

A name is the face of a company, website, project. Others compose real gobbledygook, but it will be of little use. If the name does not mean anything to the visitor, then it will not stick in memory. Abbreviations are suitable for those enterprises that already have a name known to the general public - for example, the Air Force. There will be no difficulties in remembering the site or understanding what it refers to. But some kind of ABCG? Will he remain in memory? Experts say you shouldn't count on this.

Alternative Approach

For an enterprise or publication, the most successful choice of name is one that is consonant with the name of the company. It will not always be possible to find one - most likely, the option that comes to mind will be taken. In this case, it is worth approaching the task of registering a domain “from the other end”: analyzing the main area of ​​activity. For example, if the project is dedicated to sports news, then the address may contain an indication of the topic - sports, news, and not just the name.

If a company is just getting started and does not plan to promote its website on the Internet, but is considering this option for the future, it is better to register the name in advance. Renewing from year to year costs really little money, but in the future, when the time comes to create your website, you won’t have to worry that all the suitable addresses have already been occupied by more efficient people.

By the way, history is full of such examples a la “didn’t have time”! The same McDonald's and Microsoft. By the way, some people make a serious business out of this - they register successful names and then sell them for decent money.

Hosting: which one?

Having understood what a domain and hosting are, you can begin to choose the best option for yourself. If everything is relatively simple with the name - the features are discussed above - then you will have to work hard to choose a site for placing files. There are many offers on the market, some companies are based abroad, others in our country. The cost of services varies quite a lot. How to choose something for yourself? Experts assure that it is not too difficult, you just need to approach the process thoroughly.

In particular, for a start-up company, as professionals convince, shared hosting is the best option. If at some point its capacity is not enough, you can always organize a transfer of hosting, there are no problems with this, there are special tools that form a package from files that can be read by another provider. On average, shared hosting costs 100-600 rubles for one month of use, the specific cost is determined by the settings, capacity provided, and the financial policy of the enterprise.

When is it suitable?

Having understood what a domain and hosting are, it is also necessary to predict the scale of the project and the possibilities of the business, if it is supposed to be conducted through a virtual representative office. In particular, the proposed shared hosting option is good if the page’s monthly traffic varies within three thousand users.

The scripts that were preferred and the settings that were set (depending on the tariff plan) determine how many users the hosting can support. If the boundary is violated, the project will hang. You need to remember: not only users will notice this, but also search engines.

Despite serious restrictions on traffic, shared hosting has a number of important advantages, and the first place is rightfully given to the availability of this option. You need to realize that domain renewal, regular payments to the provider for space to host site files - all this costs money. If a business that needs to recoup the costs of a website is still poorly promoted, you should not settle for the most expensive options. When the flow of visitors increases, it will be possible to expand the possibilities.


Shared hosting is good for basic level, budding entrepreneurs. To use such a service, no special skills or knowledge of administration are required, everything will be handled by the provider. A simple control panel, the ability to access it at any time and from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access are the undoubted advantages of this option. The provider will help with the initial setup and will support the project in the future.

More business - more opportunities

You need to enter into an agreement with a hosting provider after selecting and checking a domain. If the initial test of capabilities shows that the minimum tariff plan is not enough, it makes sense to consider options for expanding resources. Many modern providers are ready to offer improvements to the basic tariffs. This mainly concerns greater technical capabilities, that is, the project will better cope with the average daily load.

Such an improvement is necessary if the resource is becoming increasingly popular. Please note: it is necessary to constantly monitor the number of visits in order to increase technical capabilities not at the moment when users are already having problems, but in advance.

Another good opportunity that providers provide in addition to the basic tariff is increasing disk space. Thanks to this, the owner can simultaneously host several sites in the zone allocated to him and administer projects simultaneously. As a rule, such a “feature” is added for an adequate fee - it is cheaper than concluding a new contract.

Weak sides

Shared hosting has not only positive parameters, but also certain disadvantages. The most significant is the daily CPU load limit. Once the set limit is reached, the provider blocks the site until the counter is updated.

VPS: the optimal choice

The abbreviation hides a virtual dedicated server. This is more expensive than the described option, but is powerful enough to satisfy the needs of most modern virtual pages. The price per month is from five to seven thousand rubles, the specific amount is determined by the capabilities to which the provider provides access. The values ​​will depend on both the processor power and the amount of memory (retention, RAM).

It is recommended to subscribe to such a tariff plan only for an already well-established business, an enterprise that is characterized by a stable flow of clientele, in a situation where the provider’s most high-tech offers seem too expensive. Mostly VPS is chosen by news sites, other media, as well as popular online stores.

A company can open several websites at the same time; hosting supports multiple domain names and simultaneously allows you to work with different databases and email. It will be possible to install advanced applications, libraries and other improvements that will help administer projects more efficiently.

Are there any weaknesses?

Of course, VPS seems like a good option, but it has certain disadvantages. For example, you will have to fork out money for a professional system administrator (unless, of course, the entrepreneur himself has all the necessary skills), since the provider is not responsible for the technical aspects of administration. You will have to configure everything yourself, and no one from the outside will be responsible for the functionality of the software.

On the Internet you have often come across the word “domain” in various versions - domain, domain zone, domain name, etc. Today we will deal with these concepts, but I want to immediately warn you that the question is largely theoretical in nature and no matter how hard I tried to present it more simply... However, you be the judge.

So, today the following questions will be considered:

  1. What's happened domain(Domain name)?
  2. What is a domain zone?
  3. What is a second level domain name?
  4. What are level 3,4,5… domains? What are subdomains (subdomains)?
  5. How do a website and a domain relate?
  6. Which domains are more profitable to have: 2nd or 3rd level?
  7. Which domain zone should a novice webmaster choose?
  8. What is DNS
  9. Brief conclusions: everything is the same (items 1-8), but much shorter and simpler

1.What is a domain (domain name)? What are they needed for?

You're about to make your own website, great! But it must have some kind of name - by analogy with a book: You don’t say in the library - “Give me a book.” They will immediately ask you “which one?” The same is true with websites. Every site should have a name so that other people can find it. Your website is a domain, and its name is a domain name.

When you and I said that a site is a collection of files united by one address, we meant that they (the files) are united by a domain name. In other words, a domain name is the address of your website.

For example, my website is also a domain, its domain name is novichkoff. And that’s it, no - ru, org, net after the dot, just - novichkoff, just this one word. But after all, many people from different countries might want to create sites with that name (novichkoff), and in order to somehow place all these sites correctly on the Internet and subsequently differentiate among themselves, they created so-called domain zones.

2. What is a domain zone?

A domain zone is also a domain that unites domain names of a certain level. Unclear? Let's figure it out now.

All domain names are in a certain hierarchy - some are included in others and are parent (senior) in relation to lower-level domains. To make it clearer, I will give the following example: a mother is a mother in relation to her daughter, and she is also a daughter in relation to her grandmother.

The highest level of domain zones is called root, it has no name and is simply designated by a dot (.).. – and the dot after the word ru is an indication of the root domain.

Such an address (with a dot at the end) will be called absolute, in contrast to a relative one - without a dot at the end. The fact is that in everyday life they usually don’t put a full stop, it is implied, since all the domains - absolutely everything - are included in this root domain.

First of all, the root domain includes top level domains. The structure of top-level domains is quite complex - there are general and national domains. Common top-level domains include, for example, gov – government domains, edu – domains of educational institutions, com – commercial sites, etc. , i.e. here the sites are divided according to their professional affiliation or focus. In addition, general domains include various top-level service domains, which we will not discuss today.

National top-level domains include domains distributed geographically - ru, fr, de (Russian, French, German), etc., regardless of their profession. accessories. National top-level domains can also be written in the language of this nationality (people), for example, zone of the Russian Federation.

Russia includes three domain zones (geographical) - ru, su and RF. The largest of them is the ru zone: it ranks 10th among all zones (approximately 3.5 million domains) and 5th among purely national domain zones - after DE, UK, CN, NL.

Since January 2012 any Internet user can create his own top-level domain, for example, I can create a top-level domain vaulin, then the addresses of the sites that will be located there will sound like this - novichkoff.vaulin. But this pleasure is very expensive and is intended for transnational corporations. Or megacities. For example, Moscow has applied for the creation of such a domain zone.

We will talk about which domain zone to choose below.

3.What is a second level domain name?

Each domain zone of the 1st (or highest) level includes many smaller domains, which, in fact, are our sites. The domains that make up this zone are called 2nd level domains..e. the domain name of the site is indicated, and then the domain zone is written, in our example - ru. They are always separated by dots.

4.What are level 3, 4, 5 domains? What are subdomains (subdomains)?

Domains that are part of a 2nd level domain are called 3rd level domains (sites). They are often called subdomains or subdomains (the second is rare), although from a theoretical point of view this is incorrect: the domain zone.ru is a subdomain in relation to the root domain, a 2nd level site is a subdomain in relation to zone.ru, etc.

In everyday life, it turns out that when they say subdomain, they mean the subdomain of the 2nd level site. We will also adhere to this practice.

In theory, a 3rd level domain can also have its own subdomains, they will already belong to 4th level domains, etc. There can be a total of 128 domain levels. And all of them will be written according to the same rule: first a domain of a lower level, then a higher one, then an even higher one, etc., and at the end - an indication of the domain zone .

To make it clearer, I’ll give a practical example: I have training sites on which I practice certain techniques, test plugins, etc. One of them is called test331.site. Now it is clear to you that this is a 3rd level subdomain (test331) of my main site (novichkoff), which belongs to the ru domain zone.

Before finishing this part of our conversation, I will note that 2nd level domain names, as a rule, are paid; they are usually purchased for a period of one year with the right to renew. Subdomains (3rd level domains) are usually free, you can create as many of them as you like - only your hosting provider can limit this (due to the load on the servers or for other reasons).

5.What is the relationship between a website and a domain?

Website and domain are not entirely equivalent concepts. Most often, yes, they are understood as one and the same thing: one site corresponds to one domain name (one address). But this doesn't always happen. One site can occupy several domains and, conversely, one domain can consist of several sites. This vague phrase needs to be clarified.

There are very large sites, they are called portals. Such sites can provide a large amount of information (on various topics) and many services. For example, Yandex is one site, but it occupies many domains (in areas of activity - Yandex.Search, Yandex.Images, Yandex.Webmaster, Yandex.Mail, Yandex.Weather, etc.). Then the Mail domain will be mail.yandex.ru, the Weather domain will be pogoda.yandex.ru, etc.

We see that Yandex itself occupies one 2nd level domain - yandex.ru and many subdomains (3rd level domains).

Sometimes site owners allocate their own sites into separate domains, but in other languages, for example, Google created a separate domain specifically for Russia - Google.ru, located even in a different domain zone (ru). It turns out that although from a logical point of view Google.com and Google.ru are the same site, from a technical point of view they are different sites.

Quite often, several or even many sites are united under one domain. This happens, for example, when creating websites on free hosting. Free hosting is actually a 2nd level domain, and the sites that are located on it are actually its subdomains, i.e. they are 3rd level domains.

6. Which domains are more profitable to have: 2nd or 3rd level?

Disputes about this will never subside, but I am far from thinking of acting as an arbiter in them. Supporters of free websites (and these are usually 3rd level domains) have two arguments:

  • As a rule, it is free
  • Indexed no worse than 2nd level sites.

There are also two arguments from supporters of second-level sites:

  • I am the rightful owner of the domain and no one will ever take it away from me,
  • The opportunity to earn money on second-level sites is many times greater than on subdomains.

Sometimes the following argument is added: the second level is more solid. But this is only in the eyes of supporters of 2nd level sites, and then: why is Yandex.Search less reputable than, for example, novichkoff?

All these arguments are fair; it’s up to you to decide which camp you join. I'll give my opinion. I am a supporter of autonomy, I don’t like to depend on anyone. Therefore, I always create only 2nd level sites, except for auxiliary ones: among them there are 3rd level sites.

If you are a convinced opponent of making money on a website, then a 3rd level domain is quite suitable for you (it will still be cheaper), but if you don’t mind making extra money, then choose the 2nd level: money for a year of payment for a domain name novichkoff is easily earned on this site in 1 (one) day.

7.Which domain zone should a novice webmaster choose?

There are also many opinions on this issue, although the polarity is not as sharp as the previous issue.

Some believe that the tightening of the screws, which has been observed recently in the RuNet, is forcing webmasters to look for other zones, more democratic ones, for example, com. By nuts, I mean the trend when more and more different documents are required from the webmaster, for example, now when registering a domain it is now required to provide a scan of a passport, etc. This didn't happen before.

We will look at this issue from a different point of view: search engine promotion of the site. The main search engine of the Runet, Yandex, directly says that its priority is the ru domain zone and Russian-language sites in general. Since the majority of ordinary RuNet users use Yandex, they should be more focused on it.

For example, approximately 56% of visitors come to my blog (according to LI today) from Yandex and 36% from Google. Although my data cannot be a reference (my readers are webmasters, including beginners, who use Google more - it has more relevant, i.e. corresponding to the MEANING of the query, results), they still approximately accurately reflect the state of affairs - search Yandex's share is larger today.

And one more important argument in favor of the ru domain zone: registering domain names in it is somewhat cheaper (and sometimes significantly) than, for example, in the com zone.

Based on these two considerations, I advise novice webmasters to register their first site in the ru zone, and then you yourself will know everything and be able to decide for yourself whether to remain in the ru zone or move to some other one.

8.What is DNS

Again, you and I will have to plunge into theory. But this question is worth understanding, at least superficially. Moreover, we are talking about the principles of functioning of the Internet.

So, what happens when you type an address in the address bar of your browser? That's right, your browser sends this request to the nearest server, and that server... But really, where is your request sent next and how does the search for the desired site occur?

Your server, through which you access the Internet, sends your request to a special server called a DNS server. For what? Then, to translate the address you typed into another form that is more understandable for Internet servers. You write the site address in letters, and the DNS server translates them into numbers - into the IP address of the site you need (it can also do the reverse translation - from numbers to letters).

Therefore, DNS servers serve to translate a domain name into an IP address. In general, the term DNS comes from the English expression Domain Name System - domain name system.

It is important to understand that a domain name is not identical to an IP address: there can be several websites on one IP address - this is called virtual hosting.

Let's continue. The DNS server begins to query other DNS servers (and there are a lot of them - a whole hierarchy) where such and such an IP address is located and either finds it, or the answer is returned to you that the site was not found. And then everything is simple: having found the server that owns this IP address, you can easily find your site and the requested page of this site.

Therefore, you cannot do without DNS servers on the Internet.

What does all this mean for webmasters in practice? Here's what. You register a domain name with some domain name registrar and your domain name is immediately assigned the IP address of that registrar. The registrar's servers notify the required DNS servers that a new domain name has appeared and that its IP address is such and such.

Next, you buy space on virtual hosting from a hosting company, but its servers have different IP addresses. You are (usually in a letter) given these addresses, which you must inform your registrar to make changes (or you change them yourself, it depends on the registrar).

When IP addresses change, your registrar notifies other DNS servers so that they know where to look for your site. It is clear that this takes some time; you will have to wait several hours. Otherwise, even you, knowing the domain name of your site, will not be able to get there.

The same is true when transferring a site from one hosting company to another: You will have to rewrite the NS addresses with the registrar.

9. Brief conclusions: everything is the same, but much shorter and simpler

  • For everyday life, we can think of a domain as a website.
  • A domain name is the address of a website.
  • A domain zone is the segment of the Internet where the website is located. It's better for us to choose the ru zone.
  • It is also better to choose a 2nd level domain - in fact, the highest rank among ordinary domains (sites).
  • Searching for any site in any domain zone is carried out using special DNS servers.

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Greetings, dear readers! In this article I will try to tell you in simple words what a domain is and why it is needed. And also, for those who are planning to launch their own website on the Internet, I will give a few additional instructions that you must know.

Domain(more precisely called “ fully qualified domain name” is the address of the Internet space (site) on which it is located and where it can be found on the global Internet.

If you now go to blog home page and look at the browser line, you will see the following.

This address is called the full domain name of the site. This address may look different in the browser you are using.

  • . Many modern browsers hide it.

Prefixes http, https And www do not relate to domains in any way.

A domain name can be compared to the address of any house in the world. Knowing the address, you can find the right house.

In principle, the average user doesn’t need to know more. I hope I answered your question.

Now let's take it to a more advanced technical level.

The definition is not for dummies

I'll start with an analogy. Each place on our globe has its own coordinates at which it is located. For example, a couple of days ago we passed through Volgograd and visited the famous place Mamayev Kurgan with the highest monument in Russia and Europe “The Motherland Calls!”, which is located at coordinates 48°44′32″N, 44°32′14″E48 .742286, 44.537112.

Naturally, we did not look for this place by its coordinates, but by its name.

The same thing happens on the global Internet, each place (space) where website data is stored has its own IP address (unique network address). Thus, you can get to the site not only by domain, but also by its IP address.

For example, if you enter the following IP address in the address bar of your browser, the Yandex home page will open. But sometimes several sites can be stored at one such address, and so that the user can get to the resource he needs, unique domain names are used in a convenient human form.

It's like apartments in a building at the same address.

Domain name structure

All domain names consist of areas - domains (from English domain is translated as region, territory).

Each name includes a top (first) level domain, which is used to define a zone. In my case it is “ru”. Next comes my unique second-level domain “iklife”..site.

It turns out that no one except me can locate their website in this domain zone; it belongs only to me.

Again, by analogy, they have a similar structure: country, region, city, street, etc.

From the author: Hello, dear reader. A modern web resource requires quite a lot of things to function: a database, an engine, a server, etc. But there must also be a domain. What is a website domain? If you still don’t fully understand, now everything will become clear.

A domain or domain name is the name by which it is available on the network. Vk.com is the domain of the most popular social network. networks in RuNet VKontakte.

And if you remember, this social network used to be located at vkontakte.ru. Why did the address change? Firstly, the network has long grown from the rank of only Russian; today there are many registered users from other countries. Secondly, in colloquial speech everyone referred to the social network as VK. Lest you think I'm going off topic, this all has a lot to do with domains.

The name of a site plays a huge role in how people perceive it. Many people even pay freelancers to come up with a cool name for their project. Indeed, a good name already ensures a certain success. This service is known as naming; I even met a freelance exchange that specialized only in providing such services.

What does a domain consist of?

Perhaps the question is a little incorrect, but still. It consists of the site name itself and the domain zone. In our example, webformyself is the name, and.com is the zone. There are actually quite a lot of such zones. Almost every country has its own. For example:

Ru – Russia

Ua – Ukraine

By – Belarus

Kz – Kazakhstan

And so on. In addition, there are those that are even tied to a specific city. By the way, they appeared quite recently. For example, you have an online store only for residents of Kyiv. Its online address may be: Internet-magazin.kiev.ua

Well, this is just an example. Large cities today already have such zones. For example, near Moscow and St. Petersburg, but every year more and more similar zones appear.

By the way, the above domain is a so-called third-level domain, and there are also second and fourth. What is their difference? To put it simply, how many words are separated by a period? Second level:

Third level:


Third-level domains can clarify that the site is aimed only at people from a certain country or city, or say that the site is on free hosting. In this case, the domain is free. That is, for names like:

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There is no need to pay, as they are created using website builders. For other domains, in most cases, you will have to pay once a year. At the moment, there are about 750 domain zones, but every year there are more of them, as the Internet continues to actively develop.

How much does registration cost on average?

To register a site name, firstly, it must not be taken. If you try to register something like sport.ru or internet.com, you will not succeed, because such domain names have been taken for a long time.

Today, it is most likely to find a beautiful name consisting of 2-3 words. The cost of domain registration depends mainly on the registrar’s website, as well as on the zone in which the domain is registered.

For example, in zone.com (international commercial) it will be more expensive than in zone.ru (global Russian). Now, due to the emergence of new domain zones, you have a great chance of finding beautiful names.

As you can see, I checked the address - car-spare parts. Moscow and it is still free. In my opinion, this is the ideal website name for an online store of relevant spare parts in Moscow. And it is still not taken, like hundreds of other beautiful names. Are we running to register?)

As you can see, the cost of registration in the new zones is slightly more expensive. The largest registrars in RuNet are 2Domains and Reg.ru.

What to do after purchase?

After the purchase, you don't have to do anything. Just wait for the moment when you have a website on a relevant topic, and then add this domain to it. That is, you can reserve a name for yourself in advance so that others do not take it.

In most cases, a domain is purchased immediately before the start of an Internet project. To associate a domain name with the hosting on which the site files will be stored, during registration or later you will need to specify the DNS addresses of your hosting provider. If anything, ask him.

After this, you will only have to create the appropriate domain in the server control panel. A folder will be created for it, into which you need to place the files necessary for the site to work.

Can a second level domain be free?

In most cases, no. But not so long ago, new domain zones appeared for some countries and registration in these zones is free. For example, in zone ml, which represents the state of Mali, as well as zones of some other African countries. Some registrars offer such domain names for free.

So we figured out what a website domain name is and what it is needed for. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Just as a person must have some kind of name, so does a web resource, otherwise how to address it?

How to choose a good name?

So that you do not search the Internet for useful online services for choosing a name, I will share with you a link. Copy it and paste it into the address bar of your browser http://www.mastername.ru/namegen/

There you will see an interesting service from one registrar. Here you can enter 2-3 words and the service will automatically show you all possible combinations, and what’s even more convenient, it will immediately show you what is occupied and what is free. In general, I myself have never selected a domain name using it, but I really liked the idea itself.

With this I bid you farewell. I hope you have gained enough knowledge to soon acquire beautiful domains and use them in your online business.

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