Copying broken files. Ddrescue or saving data from HDD

If suddenly your external hard the disk refused to work, when turned on it does not open and asks to format it, then do not rush to format it, all important data can still be saved and copied to another HDD. This can be done with a program for data recovery and whole hard drives- R-Studio. All you have to do is run the program, select the drive that won't open and create an image of it on another hard drive. Then you can open this image and copy necessary information, which was on the damaged disk.

If you suddenly find that your computer is missing important files that most likely they were accidentally deleted, do not worry, they can be restored with the R-Studio program. The program is capable of restoring any file format and you can do it even after multiple formatting. hard drive. The program is capable of maximizing data recovery remote file. R-Studio will also help if suddenly your drive stops opening and there is still important information. The R-Studio program will help you create an image of the drive and then restore all the data.

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Just recently the hard drive on one of the computers at my work was replaced. Almost immediately after Windows replacement XP started crashing into BSOD several times a day and complaining about errors. The driver detected an error in the \Device\Harddisk0\ controller.

Initially, I sinned on the fact that it was installed standard driver IDE controller (in Motherboard BIOS boards for SATA controller supplied IDE mode compatible), although motherboard on the VIA chip - I changed the driver, but this did not solve the problem. I also tried changing the SATA cable - that didn’t help either.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Disk

Event code: 11
Date: 03/10/2011
Time: 16:22:36
User: N/A
Computer: MPS-F01EC7424DE
The driver encountered a controller error \Device\Harddisk0\D.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: atapi
Event Category: None
Event code: 5
Date: 03/10/2011
Time: 16:22:36
User: N/A
Computer: MPS-F01EC7424DE
A parity error was detected on \Device\Ide\IdePort0.

It became clear that the problem was that the disk itself was defective. I decided to replace it. But, since on this computer Quite a lot of specific software was installed (accounting 😉), so it was decided to remove the image and upload it to a new disk.

No sooner said than done! I downloaded the BartPE build called NervOS - it contains Acronis, Ghost and a whole bunch of other utilities. Got hooked second HDD, booted from CD, started Disk-to-Disk copying from using Ghost and prepared to wait. But it was not there! Around 2%, Ghost stated that it could not read the bad sectors and passed out. Also, the disk fell off from Windows PE and reappeared only after a reboot.

I decided to try Acronis - the same result. I thought about checking the disk with the native WD utility - “Too many bad sectors. FAIL." And the image needs to be removed!

After a little consultation with a fellow Linux system administrator, it was decided to merge the image using Ubuntu:

2. There we also look at the instructions on how to burn the image to a CD or USB. I recorded to USB using Universal USB Installer

3. Boot from USB with two connected hdds - old and new

4. Launch Ubuntu from USB

5. Launch Terminal

6. Switch to superuser mode - sudo su

7. Use the command fdisk -l in order to see the “names” of the hard drives, in my case: /dev/sdb- old, damaged disk, /dev/sda- new

8. Now let’s start actually transferring the image from disk to disk:

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=4096 conv=noerror

Where if- source, of- purpose

conv=noerror- dd will skip sectors with errors

A full description of the dd parameters can be found by running man dd

The process has begun. The process took me about 1 hour - 160 Gb disk at 20% full.

9. After the process is completed, you must remember to transfer MBR:

dd if=/dev/sdb of=MBR-backup bs=512 count=1- from the old disk to backup

dd if=MBR-backup of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1- from backup to new disk

That's all, the image has been successfully transferred! Disconnect the flash drive old disk and successfully boot from the new one!

Hi all. I think that everyone, sooner or later, has encountered a situation where it is necessary recover data from hard drive. A utility comes to our aid ddrescue. I didn't get around either this problem side. Just the other day, my home file washer started to squeak and start throwing errors onto the console and into the log. Something like:

Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda: Input/output error Input/output error during read on /dev/sda Input/output error during read on /dev/sda

I was lucky that: 1. I have a backup, which calmed my soul (it’s good that I didn’t need it). 2. The problem turned out to be with the surface of the disk, and not with the controller/electronics.

Procedure for dealing with a broken hdd

The typical procedure that I try to follow when faced with problems such as read/write errors, unusual crackling sound disk and others symptoms of hard drive failure:

  1. Turning off the computer with the problem disk
  2. I boot from LiveCD\LiveUSB - MHDD or Victoria utilities
  3. I check whether the hard drive is detected and whether it is possible to perform a disk read test. If the disk check runs successfully, this can be considered a positive indicator of the health of the electronics. I'm stopping the check.
  4. Next I move on to transferring data using ddrescue.
  5. After successful recovery I I'm trying to remap bad sectors. Usually, I follow an algorithm: if remap starts to detect a very large number of bad sectors, then I stop it. The disc goes into the trash. If there are not too many bad sectors, then the disk after remap can work for many years as a means for transferring non-critical data between PCs.
  6. I run a check of the transferred file system (fsck for Linux, chkdsk for Windows partitions).

In general, if you do not take problems with hard electronics disk, but consider the situation when you have HDD- what is called - fell down. Then according to this scheme I restored more than a dozen disks with varying degrees of damage with virtually no significant data loss. So, in this article we'll talk about steps 4 and 5.

Recovering a broken hdd using ddrescue

Historically, there was a dd utility for byte-by-byte copying in Linux. Disadvantage of dd, in in this case is that it can only copy data from working devices. This disadvantage deprived ddrescue. Let's take a quick look:

GNU ddrescue - Data recovery tool. It copies data from one file or block device (hard disc, cdrom, etc) to another, trying to rescue the good parts first in case of read error.<...>

If you use the mapfile feature of ddrescue, the data is rescued very efficiently, (only the needed blocks are read). Also you can interrupt the rescue at any time and resume it later at the same point. The mapfile is an essential part of ddrescue's effectiveness. Use it unless you know what you are doing.<...>

Which in Russian sounds like:

GNU ddrescue - Data recovery utility. The utility copies data from one file or block device (hard disk, CDROM, etc.) to another, and tries to save the data in case of read errors.

If you use the logfile function, data recovery is very efficient (only the necessary blocks are copied). You can interrupt copying at any time and resume it at any time, and copying will continue from where it left off. The log file is an integral part of successful data recovery using ddrescue. Use it if you don't know what you're doing.

With his ddrescue work does not write zeros to the output file when it finds bads on the input file, and does not truncate the output file unless this is specified in the parameters. Thus, each time ddrescue is sent to the same output file, it tries to fill in the gaps without touching the already rescued data. In general, everything looks simple. Let's listen to the advice to use a log file. The log file after a certain version of ddrescue became known as mabfile.

Recommendations for data recovery or Be vigilant and careful

Again, taken from the manual:

  • ddrescue- quite a powerful tool data destruction, if you are not careful. You need to understand what you are going to do. Measure 7 times...
  • never run data recovery from\to a partition that is mounted for read\write. Sections it will work with ddrescue In general, it is better not to mount, even in RO mode;
  • never try restore file system with I/O errors on the disk, because the size of the damaged ones may increase significantly;
  • if you try to restore data to a device or partition, all data on that device will be overwritten;
  • Some systems may change device names after reboot (for example, those that use udev). If the OS has been rebooted, check the device names before restart ddrescue;
  • if the need arises abort ddrescue to reboot, be careful that the reboot does not start from the partition being recovered. This may result in changes to the data on the disk and re-running ddrescue will be inconsistent.

ddrescue format

ddrescue starts in the following format:

Ddrescue infile outfile

In most cases, only a few options are sufficient:

-A or --try-again

Without going into the details of how ddrescue works, you can mark all error areas as areas that have not yet been read. It is recommended to use this option if the drive stops responding.

-d or --idirect

When this option is specified, ddrescue uses direct disk access, bypassing kernel caches.

-i bytes or --input-position=bytes

The key specifies where (from which bytes) to start reading from infile. Default is set to zero.

-m file or --domain-mapfile=file

Limit the size of the restored partition to the last block indicated in the logfile. Used to merge recovery images. For example, if the outfile disk fails during recovery.

-n or --no-scrape

Skips the so-called scrape phase. Reduces recovery time because reduces the time spent trying to read the most difficult parts of the file.

-r n or --retry-passes=n

Sets the number of retries to read damaged areas. The default is 0. -1 implies an infinite number of attempts. Every bad sector read once, and re-read 0 times by default, or the number of times specified in the current option.

-R or --reverse

Reverse the sequence of each recovery phase. That is, ddrescue reads data in reverse order.

-f or --force

Force ddrescue to overwrite the outfile disk. Required when a device is used as an outfile. Used to protect against erroneous data corruption.

-v or --verbose

Verbose mode, aka verbose mode. You can specify several -vs (up to 4x), which will increase the detail of the output.

Let's now look at the data options with examples.

ddrescue examples

Example 1: Recovering an entire disk with several ext3 partitions (or any other, even NTFS) from /dev/hda to /dev/hdb.

Note: There is no need to create a partition table on /dev/hdb, because The data is copied byte by byte along with the partition structure.

Ddrescue -f -n /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile fdisk /dev/hdb e2fsck -v -f /dev/hdb1 e2fsck -v -f / dev/hdb2

Example 2: Recovering one partition from /dev/hda2 to /dev/hdb2.

Note: The resulting partition must exist with the same type and size as the original partition, or must be created.

Ddrescue -f -n /dev/hda2 /dev/hdb2 mapfile ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/hda2 /dev/hdb2 mapfile e2fsck -v -f /dev/hdb2 mount -t ext2 -o ro /dev/hdb2 /mnt # (try reading data from the recovered partition)

Example 3: While rebuilding the entire /dev/hda drive to /dev/hdb, /dev/hda stalled and became unresponsive at position 12345678.

Ddrescue -f /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile # (<-- /dev/hda freezes here -->) # (reconnect /dev/hda or reboot the computer) # restart recovery from byte 12350000 ddrescue -f -i 12350000 /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile # Try to recover from the end of the disk ddrescue -f -R /dev/hda /dev /hdb mapfile

Example 4: While restoring the entire disk /dev/hda to /dev/hdb, /dev/hdb generated an error and we are trying to restore data to the third disk /dev/hdc

Ddrescue -f -n /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile1 # (<-- /dev/hdb выдал ошибку -->) ddrescue -f -m mapfile1 /dev/hdb /dev/hdc mapfile2 ddrescue -f -n /dev/hda /dev/hdc mapfile2 ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/hda /dev/hdc mapfile2

Example 5: While restoring an entire disk /dev/hda to /dev/hdb, /dev/hda stopped responding, became inaccessible and invisible in /dev

Ddrescue -f -n /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile # (<-- /dev/hda fails here -->) # Reconnect /dev/hda or reboot the computer as many times as necessary ddrescue -f -n -A /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/hda /dev/hdb mapfile

That's all. I hope that this material Helped you. More information can be found in the links below. Also, in the links you can find information about Live distributions that I use for recovery work. - the main resource for ddrescue developers - Live distribution, specially tailored for data recovery is also an interesting Live distribution with necessary tools for working with HDD

Best regards, McSim.

CDCheck – compact, but very effective program, which can recover data lost due to damage to a CD. It detects errors, corrects them if possible, and makes damaged files available for reading.

Key Features

  • comparative analysis of a CD-ROM with a copy stored on a hard drive in order to determine their identity (relevant for users who made backups in advance);
  • checking the readability of a file on different media - hard, ZIP, CD, floppy, etc.;
  • recovery of damaged files;
  • saving diagnostic results in the form of text or table.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • high performance;
  • stability of work;
  • the ability to recover information from disks lost for various reasons.
  • if the damage is very severe, then the data can only be partially restored;
  • at large quantities bad sectors, the recovery process may take a long time.


BadCopy Pro. Professional solution to recover information from unreadable or poorly readable floppy disks, CD/DVDs, memory cards and other media. The program works with all types of files.

ISO Buster. A functional package of tools that work with disk images and recover files from broken CDs and DVD discs. Supports all image formats, works with optical media.

A program that can recover lost data that was stored on damaged flash drives, external drives and other media. Able to restore deleted messages Email And Word documents that were not saved. It has a fast and deep scanning mode.

Work principles

In order to diagnose bad sectors in one of the disk folders, select it and click on the “Check” button.

During processing it will be displayed detailed statistics process: average speed reading information, estimated time for its processing, number of scanned files. If an error is detected, the name of the broken file with its code will be displayed in the lower window.

Recovery specific folder or the entire disk, select the object, click on the “Check” button and specify the location to copy the information. You can configure individual parameters: the number of repetitions for reading sectors, the level of correctness, etc.

During this process, progress, files with problems and their status will be displayed.

CDCheck will help you quickly and easily recover important data lost due to damage to its storage media.