Where is the best place to store passwords? Secure password storage.

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

Have you ever thought about how and where to store passwords and logins for your mailboxes, online wallets and various accounts on websites and services?

After all, if you leave them in open access, then sooner or later the playful hands of cunning hackers or crafty pests such as Trojan horses will get to them. Since I have several mailboxes, a hosting account and domain registrar, data for logging into the blog admin area and a bunch of other things, each service with its own login and password, then the question raised is very relevant for me.

Of course, you can register everywhere with the same set of data, but then you shouldn’t cry if one fine day they start sending spam from your mailboxes, all the money is taken from your wallets, and the admin panel of your own blog shows an indecent figure of a raised middle finger . In short, friends, passwords must be long, complex, individual and for each case, therefore, they must be stored in a safe place accessible only to you. I have chosen such a place for myself and below I will tell you which one, but first I want to say a few words about how you cannot store your registration data.

How and where to store your passwords and logins is under no circumstances

To do this, let's take a look at what most Internet users do, especially if they have recently come online. A person gets himself a mailbox, registers on some social networks, creates an account on some services, and at the same time makes the first most common mistake, which I briefly mentioned above, entering the same login and password everywhere. And okay, if the login is rare, and the password is long and complex, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to find it, but... here the majority of novice conquerors world wide web make the second mistake, choosing the username and, especially, the password to the outrageous simple options. Eg:

  • Enter your first and last name as both login and password
  • Enter your first name in your login and last name in your password.
  • Enter your first and last name in the login, and your birthday or home phone number in the password

I have given the most common and most unacceptable options, I think you understand me. But all this is not so bad, if not for the third mistake - storing registration data where they can easily fall into hands strangers. There are at least three of these places:

1. Email. Well, you can’t deny that mailboxes are often hacked, even despite the rather intricate and long passwords that are invented for them. Personally, I had this kind of trouble a couple of times. And even now postal services they know how to track such things and block access of idle hackers to our mail, store confidential information there such as the login and password for the blog admin area, or I would not recommend it.

2. Record in the browser. Everyone must have seen it system message“you want to remember the password for the xxx service” and two buttons “Remember” or “Close”. If you choose the first of the two proposed options, your password will be recorded in a special place in your browser, the program with which you access the Internet. “Well, what’s wrong with that?” newcomers will naively shrug their shoulders, “it’s convenient, you go to the desired site, and the login editors are already filled out. Press the login button and that’s it.” I agree, it’s convenient, and there’s no need to bother your head with all sorts of combinations of letters and numbers, but there is one big “but” that cancels out all the apparent convenience. A browser is a program, and it works directly on the network where it is found. great amount all sorts of viruses, and the browser quite often comes into close contact with these viruses against its will. Consequently, if the antivirus installed on your computer is weak, the virus will sneak into the browser and first of all rush to those places where registration data can be stored. Do you want an evil Trojan to take your online wallet account information to its owner? I don’t at all, so I always select the “Close” option, and when I’m finished working in one or another of my accounts, I click the “Logout” button.

3. In a text file on your computer's hard drive. Guys, this is absolutely brutal. Not only can a computer become infected with viruses from the Internet, but our beloved children and household members often look there. Someone will say, why should I now hide my computer from my children and wife? No, you don’t need to hide anything from anyone, but putting all logins and passwords in a regular txt or doc is also the height of carelessness. Even if your antivirus is as accurate as a Swiss watch, and your family is educated like English aristocrats, there are still a lot of different accidents that can simply destroy your document, and then what? As a last resort, if without alternatives it is more convenient for you to use this particular method of storing passwords, then at least do not leave this file on the computer, but transfer it to a flash drive specially placed for important documents, this will make everything more reliable.

Oh, now someone will probably grin sarcastically and say, San, no need to be paranoid, maybe you could also say, get a paper notepad for logins and passwords? And I will answer that paper media remains the most reliable of all. known variant, but, unfortunately, not the most convenient. You can, of course, keep a paper notebook, everything is better than in a mailbox, but in our age high technology There are better helpers, here are some of them.

2 programs that will protect your registration data

In general, there are quite a few programs that can store registration data inside themselves and protect them from unauthorized access. If you go to any of the search engines, enter the query “How and where to store passwords and logins, a program for storing passwords” into the editor and click the “Search” button, you will get a lot of options in response, just choose. But I would like to highlight these two programs, please meet:

1. RoboForm. This little program has many advantages and only one disadvantage. The advantages include:

  • The ability to easily remember and securely store any of your registration data from an unlimited number of accounts, invoices and accounts
  • Fill out login and password editors with just one click
  • getting along not only with the computer, but with everyone modern platforms For mobile devices
  • Availability of a portable option
  • The ability to synchronize all your devices with each other and backup a file with passwords

The only negative of RoboForm is this is her payment. In the first year of use, you will have to fork out 495 rubles, and in the second and all subsequent years, 895, this is the current price. In my opinion, this is not at all expensive, considering the capabilities and functionality of this software.

You can download this program, or learn more about its capabilities on the official website.

2.KeePass Password Safe. And this is an option for those who are not yet ready to pay and are not fluent in English. The KeePass Password Safe program has all the advantages of the previous version, moreover, it is completely Russified and does not require cash injections. I think it’s just right for young bloggers and novice explorers of the World Wide Web, and now I’ll show you how to install it on your PC and put it to work.

Installing and configuring the free password storage program KeePass Password Safe

First of all, we need to download the program to our computer. To do this, we go to its official website and select Professional version Edition.

In response to the click, a standard download window will open, just select the location on your hard drive where you want to save the installer, and click the “Download” button. Once the program is downloaded, we proceed to installation.

  1. By pressing the “Enter” key or clicking the left mouse button, open the installer file and in the first window that opens, select the Russian language, and then click on “Ok”.
  2. We get to the installation wizard window, where we simply click the “Next” button.
  3. In the next window we accept the terms license agreement and click on “Next”.
  4. We are taken to a window where we can select the installation folder. I recommend leaving the one indicated, check the box “ Full installation" and click "Next" again.
  5. In the next window, be sure to check the box “Link KeePass with files with the extension .kdbx”; other items are at your own discretion. We go to the next window, where we click on “Install”, and when the installation is complete, “Finish”. Don’t forget to check the “Launch KeePass” checkbox so that the program will automatically reveal its welcoming functionality immediately after installation.

Did everything work out for you? Then congratulations, you have installed the KeePass program in its desktop version. To install the portable version, you just need to go to the program website indicated above, select Portable version version and unpack it to any flash drive. That's it, the program is almost ready for use, all that remains is to teach it the Russian language.

To do this, click on the “View” button, and then on the “Change Language” button. In response to these actions, a window with languages ​​will open, where you will only see the presence of English. Just below is the “Get more language...” button, click on it and you will be taken to the page with the choice of language in the browser window.

Go to the very bottom of the page, download the Russian package 2.28+ (the version may be different, depending on the version of your program) and unpack it into comfortable spot on your hard drive. Then we drop the Russian.lngx file into the root of the folder with our program (by default it is C:\Program Files\KeePass Password Safe) and restart the program. Then change the language to Russian in the “View” tab, “Change Landguage” item. That's it, now it is Russified, and we just need to make the last settings.

1. Create a database

2. Create key file(optional)

To create a database, click on the button in the form white sheet“Create”, in the window that opens, select any location on the computer except the disk with operating system, give this place a name (preferably in Latin) and click on “Save”.

The program will ask you to create and enter a password, which is what we do. We will need this password every time we start the program; it will be the access to our credentials for various accounts. The most right action will remember it firmly and never tell anyone.

If you want to create a key file, check the appropriate box and click the “New” button. In the next step, select the location where this file will be saved and click “Save”. In response to this, a window will open in which you will need to enter any chaotic set of letters and numbers, or randomly move the cursor until the entire scale is filled. Remember given password No need, last step Click the “Ok” button. After this, we find ourselves in the final settings window, if everything suits us here, click the “Ok” button and rejoice at the result.

To add it to KeePass Password Safe for storage. Our passwords and logins, we must first log in using the password created above for the database. Once in the program, click on the key icon and we will be taken to a window where we will enter our registration data. In the “Name” field we enter the login, in the “Address” field - the address of the site to which the password and login relate. In the “Name” field - the name of the account, which includes the login and password.

By the way, the latter will be generated automatically. I recommend not to neglect this function, because this way your password will be unique and reliable. Although you can always change it if you wish.

Now, go to the site where you registered, for example, in my case, Makhost hosting.

Go to the main window of the “KeePass Password Safe” program (or launch it if it was closed). We find the line with the data we need.

Click right button mice. And in the menu that appears, select required action. You can copy your login and password separately and paste them into the form. Or you can select the “Start auto-dialing” item, and then the program itself will enter the data and you will find yourself in your account.

This is how you can easily and simply store your logins and passwords using this program.

That's all I wanted to tell you today about how and where to store your passwords and logins. I hope the article was useful to you. If there are any questions or additions, I’m waiting for them in the comments and say goodbye to new posts.

Best regards, Alexander Bobrin

When is the problem of storing passwords relevant?

Any user knows that access to many Internet resources is possible only after registering and receiving a login and password. There are several mechanisms that make the authorization process simpler than unique details individual for each resource. OpenID or Google services allow you to enter one account information to access several (but not all) services. As a result, active users have up to several dozen login/password combinations (forums, social media, blogs, thematic sites, payment services, Internet banking, online stores, torrent trackers), and by adding personal data to programs (antivirus, IM client, Skype, mail), you can count the number of accounts and, as a result, come to a disappointing conclusion: you need to remember the data of many accounts. Sooner or later this will become a serious problem, because it is physically impossible to keep in mind a huge number of logins, passwords, secret phrases, access codes, and identifiers. However, practice shows that it is difficult to remember even five or six different authorization formulas - you have to find means to store them.

When is it better to remember passwords and when to store them electronically?

The answer to this question is based on Golden Rule information security: “Never, under any circumstances, tell or transfer your username and password to anyone!” It is clear that the recorded password is good remedy in order not to lose it. But, unfortunately, this path is a blatant violation of security rules: another person can accidentally see it and easily gain access to personal data. For example, if you use Internet banking, then a potential attacker will have access to all your money, but do you need it? Therefore, it is best to memorize account data that relates to important financial information without trusting any media. Which information is of particular importance and which is not is up to you to decide. For one person access to network game, for the other – to e-mail or photo album. However, email is often the weakest link, because it receives letters with registration data and not all users destroy them. At the same time, it is unnecessary to remember passwords from torrent trackers or forums where you are an active participant - even after gaining access to them, an attacker is unlikely to be able to extract any useful information. But even here one should be extremely careful: it is possible that in personal section Forum, you told someone your phone number or other personal details. And if you are not sure of the low significance of the information stored on any resource, rely only on your memory. But if you don’t hope for it, well, at least memorize the most important passwords, and the rest can be written down, but not just like that (on the first piece of paper you come across), but using special means.

Methods for storing passwords electronically

Apart from remembering passwords for frequently visited Internet resources in browsers, the most common way to store accounts is in email. Unfortunately, this is the most dangerous method, especially if you use a public mailbox (for example, Mail.ru or Yandex.Mail). In the event of a hack, security failure, or loss of your recorded password, the one who gains access to your mailbox will receive everything else.

The same applies to storing passwords in a regular text file, documents Microsoft Word or Excel: in open form information very quickly becomes available to third parties. This problem is especially relevant for owners of laptops, tablets, smartphones and others. laptop computers and to a lesser extent - for stationary PCs. However, even if you choose this path, there are options that can protect the file. For example, you can store it not on your hard drive, but in the cloud, using the services Google Docs, then it will still be accessible from any computer and protected to some extent - if you do not set the “Remember login and password to access this site” option active, but enter them manually each time.

You can protect a file on your hard drive: already in Windows XP, the “Encrypt file or folder” option was available. For such encryption, you only need to remember the login parameters for your own account, because no one except you will be able to read the contents of the file/folder. The problem is different: it is impossible to access the content either from another computer or from another account. And if you reinstall the system, you will also not be able to access the encrypted content. Another way is to use an archiver, creating an archive with password protection

You can also hide a file with passwords on your hard drive, disguising it as something else. For example, for a musical composition, changing the file type to some not very common format: among the gigabytes of your music collection it will not be easy to find; The main thing is not to forget about the storage location and not to copy it to a friend along with the music. Or, using converter utilities (like TxtToBmp), you can “hide” the text in any suitable image (even in your desktop wallpaper!) - who will guess that an innocent photo of a domestic cat hides all the passwords? True, if someone figures out what is going on and what is hiding behind such a disguise, they will be able to carry out the reverse transformation.

You can use specialized programs. Which one to prefer - Locker, X-Files or Animabilis RS File Encryption - is a personal matter for everyone. I like the latter the most due to the ability to create self-extracting crypto archives and functions portable installation on any external storage device (flash drive or hard drive).

The advantage of special programs for storing information about user accounts is that they create their own database, the contents of which are encrypted using reliable algorithms, and access to records is provided with a password or a pre-prepared file (combinations are possible). This is very convenient for the user: it is enough to remember one single password and do not forget to make changes to the content in a timely manner (that is, keep the account database up to date).

Among such programs it is worth noting KeePass Password Safe - free utility for storing passwords, with simple interface and allowing you to solve all user problems in this area. Reliability of data storage is achieved through the use of cryptographic algorithm AES, and for ease of access there is a built-in synchronization mechanism between multiple computers or external media. The created database contains several categories in which you can store data by topic: OS passwords, email clients, websites, financial records. For each entry, not only a name and password are indicated, but also a link to the site, comments and other details important for registration. The user is provided with three types of authentication in the program: based on a password, using a key file and account parameters Windows entries. They can be included either individually or together in any combination. When opening the program, you will need to provide it with all the key components selected during creation, and, of course, if you lose any of them, access to the password database becomes impossible. Undoubtedly, the easiest way is access using a key file, which can be placed anywhere: from Internet resources to mobile phone. By itself, this file is completely useless: in order to obtain information, you will also need a database file. If you want to achieve the optimal level of security, use both a password and a key file (of course, you need to remember the password).

Confidentiality and the right to privacy of personal information are very important things, especially in our time, when all personal life is in plain sight. And here no one will come to the rescue if something irreparable happens and your personal data is damaged or stolen. Such excesses most often end sadly: loss of money, problems on the personal front, loss of work and friends - that’s just a small list possible consequences. Against their background forgotten password to a sparsely visited forum looks like a minor nuisance, but it’s also useless.

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, so do not neglect any opportunities to ensure your safety and prevent unpleasant consequences caused by forgetfulness or absent-mindedness. You only need to use one program and memorize one password to avoid trouble and at the same time free your head from excess information.

Observer, analyst, systems engineer. Full member of the Intel Experts Club, certified specialist (Munich) in networking and server technologies since 1993. Has been involved in computers and related solutions since 1985, has participated in numerous exhibitions, and has won awards for original circuit design and software development. He received his first diploma in 1984 from the Patent Bureau of the Young Technician magazine. He is interested in hunting, fishing, and water-motor sports. “Tired of the bustle of civilization, I prefer a solitary life away from it. All free time I give it to my family and children.”

Passwords play enough important role in our digital lives. They protect our accounts on social networks, cloud storage, postal services. We hide important data and content behind passwords. Accordingly, we are concerned about the strength of passwords and their resistance to hacking. In this article, we will share tips for creating strong passwords and tell you how to store them.

An indisputable fact is that any password can be hacked. The only question is time and money. If access to your information brings good income to attackers, they will get it. Here you can both complicate and significantly simplify this task for them. It's all about the password, of course. More specifically, in its complexity. According to statistics, most crackers do not complicate their work with complex password guessing methods. They take combinations that are easy to guess. The same merciless statistics say that 10% of all existing on this moment Passwords can be guessed after 4 attempts.

You can check the strength of your password by visiting the Microsoft Security Center secure page.

Things to avoid when choosing passwords:

  • You should not use banal and common passwords, for example “ password», « 12345678 ", or " qwerty" Each password must be unique.
  • Do not use one password for all services (mail, social networks, forums).
  • Do not use events and dates from your life that anyone can find out for your passwords.
  • Do not use meaningful words and phrases as passwords.
  • Don't use online generators passwords if they are located in an unprotected area of ​​the Internet.

Finding out if a generator is safe is easy. All services with an address like http://website. A secure connection will have an address of the form https://website.

How to create passwords correctly

A correct (read complex) password can make life much more difficult for cyber criminals. To do this, you need to follow certain simple rules:

  • Passwords should be unforgettable. When choosing between Password And Jfhru195ki1@_) give preference to the second. Any password with a semantic load is unsafe.
  • Use all available symbols, uppercase, and transliteration. Password G@h0kM!# much more reliable than usual gfhjkm
  • Use acronyms. Take any phrase you can remember. Create a password from the first letters of each word, leave all punctuation marks, and supplement it with one or two symbols.

The simplest acronym password: “May the Force be with you, Luke” is converted into MtFbwy,L

  • Regardless of the method of creation, the password must be no shorter than 8 characters. If you use letters, numbers, and case in an 8-character password, you will get 218 trillion possible options. This means that hackers will have to try very hard to find such a password.

If you are too lazy to come up with passwords yourself, entrust this task to the Random.org generator. This is a proven resource that can generate passwords of any complexity and length.

How to properly store passwords

Okay, you came up with, or generated a few dozen for yourself complex passwords for all services. It's good if you have absolute memory and can remember these character sets with precision. Otherwise, you risk forgetting, if not all, then at least half of your passwords. Of course, you can write down all your passwords on a piece of paper and always carry it with you, but it is much more convenient and safer to use electronic password managers.

Password managers- these are services that store all your confidential information in encrypted form on remote servers, or in a local protected folder. Information is encrypted, as a rule, using the method AES with a key length of 256 bits. To access the data, you must enter a master password. You come up with it yourself, and this is the only password you now need to remember.

Password managers integrates into your web browser for more comfortable work. Also most of them have mobile applications for smartphones and tablets on iOS and Android. This way, your data is available to you from any device. As an example, we will give the three most popular password managers, and you choose which one you like best.


Great free manager passwords with open source code. Open access guarantees that the application is safe, because everyone can download the source code and check it. KeePass stores all information locally on your computer, protected by a master password. It is possible to configure synchronization of the bath database via Dropbox to all your devices. A mandatory option is the presence of a built-in password generator. The program is available on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android, Blackberry, and translated into Russian.

Download KeePass from the official website ( for free)


LastPass is a shareware password manager. It stores the entire database on its secure servers. At the same time, the company guarantees that your data is not accessible to anyone except you. Cloud storage conveniently so. that you can access passwords and other confidential information from anywhere in the world. Password generator available. The application works under Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android, and is installed absolutely free. Convention is as follows: if you want to use LastPass on your computer and smartphone at the same time, and even with synchronization, you will have to buy a subscription to the program. True, she is not expensive - only $12 per year.

Download LastPass from the official website ( for free)


The most advanced and powerful personal data manager. In addition to such standard features like password storage and synchronization, password generator, and encryption, 1Password can store your data credit cards, documents, private notes. There is support for multiple safes that can be shared with your loved ones. The application is available on Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android. 1Password is free for mobile devices. For computers you need to purchase a license. The cost is not the lowest, but the capabilities of the application are worth every hryvnia.

Download 1Password from the official website ( $49,99 )

Hello, my beloved readers!

IN modern world computer technology Passwords are needed for almost everything.

And in order to protect this same data from unwanted eyes, we come up with a new password again and again. How can you remember so many passwords and not confuse them?

Let's talk about how and where to store passwords so that attackers cannot get to them.


This is the most safe way for people with excellent memory. Let's look at its pros and cons.

The advantages without a doubt include the following:

  • Strangers, programs and machines will not recognize him. Of course, if you don't tell me.
  • Information is always available to you, wherever you are. Password is always in your head;
  • No software needed. Everything you need is given by nature.

But there are also disadvantages. Human memory is not a reliable subject.

During times of stress and at the most inopportune moment, you can simply forget or mix up passwords. Well, not everyone can remember the most reliable and safe long set of characters (especially if there are several of them)

It turns out that when large quantities It is extremely difficult, and most likely impossible, to rely only on memory for passwords.

Keep a notepad

Good old notepads, sticky notes and other paper media are still relevant in some cases.

  • keys of any length and complexity will not be forgotten, unless, of course, the carrier is lost;
  • You can always add logins and passwords to lists. The only limitation is the number of pages;
  • no electronic media required;
  • The notepad/notebook is easy to take with you.

The disadvantages include:

  • risk of losing all data at once;
  • such records are usually not encrypted, so it will not be difficult to spy on them and use them;
  • the possibility of losing the notebook under unforeseen circumstances - fire, flooding, children painted, etc.;
  • If there is a lot of data, it becomes problematic to find the right ones.

This means that this option is better than relying on your own memory, but only if you have a small number of passwords.

Text files

It’s practically the same as storing information on paper, but it also has its own characteristics. The advantages include:

  • the ability to copy keys without using the keyboard;
  • Easier to work with than a password manager.

There are also disadvantages:

Program Managers

Many users consider program managers to be the best option. Let's look at this option too.

  • convenient search and organization of data;
  • ease of adding new information;
  • You don’t have to type the password, but copy it from the program;
  • the file with the saved data is automatically encrypted on the hard drive;
  • . You can store multiple copies to avoid data loss (for example, on a computer and on an Android device);
  • Basically, synchronization with your phone is possible, so that important symbols are always in your pocket.
  • A device with the program installed is required;
  • viruses are still a danger (e.g. interceptors);
  • the file can still fall into the wrong hands and be decrypted;
  • However, you will have to remember one password. Master password that allows access to all data.

As a result, we get that this is a good option for storing a large amount of information. You can put notes and so on. But remembering or writing down the main key remains necessary.

One of popular programs is KeePass Password Safe. This manager uses advanced encryption algorithms, therefore ensuring maximum security.

I can also recommend Scarab. This is a simple and intuitive manager that has a built-in password generator.


When you first enter your password on a particular site, it asks whether to save it or not. If you agree, then when you re-enter the same site, you will not have to enter your password and login again.

  • Data is entered manually only once. The system then enters them automatically;
  • no one will be able to spy on your password, even standing behind your back;
  • Such repositories are constantly being improved.

But there are also a lot of disadvantages in such a system:

  • whoever needs it can still find out your password;
  • if you change the browser, crash or reinstall the system, all data will be lost. But by the way, this can be avoided if you prepare in advance. Read about it;
  • no backup;
  • Since passwords do not need to be entered, they are simply forgotten. So, if you want to log into your account from another device or through another browser, there is a risk of encountering difficulties;

Cloud storage + password manager

The advantages are obvious:

  • all the advantages from the password manager list;
  • files from any are subject to synchronization with any devices. The reserve can also be saved in the iPhone;
  • access files from anywhere. In case of breakdown own device You can access the necessary data from any device.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • all the disadvantages of a manager;
  • You need to be connected to the Internet for synchronization to be possible;
  • connection to a device with Internet access to access your own data;
  • dependence on the operation of the service.

The most popular service is LastPass. It stores all passwords in the cloud on remote server in a special personalized storage.

A special feature of LastPass is the presence of a function for exporting passwords from the browser (all passwords entered on sites are offered to be sent to the LastPass storage).

As you can see, any of the proposed options has its positive and negative sides. Decide for yourself what to choose. Significant factors for the right choice are the number and importance of keys.

For example, if there are a lot of them (more than 20) or they are extremely important (passwords for bank cards, electronic wallets and other things), then of course it is worth taking care of the reliability of data protection.

Unfortunately, with the purchase of a computer there is no allowance for it. effective use. But data storage is very important, and it is not so easy to understand all the variety of offers. A training course can help with this “ Secrets productive work at computer».

In 15 lessons of the course, E. Popov covers this topic in detail. Such information will be useful not only to people whose work is closely related to the computer, but also to ordinary users.

That's all I wanted to tell you. Subscribe to my blog's newsletter, share a link to this article on social media. networks and see you soon.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Everyone has it active user Over time, the Internet accumulates a lot of logins and passwords from various accounts. Mailboxes, social networks, payment accounts, hosting and other services that require registration. Everywhere you need a login and password to log in. For greater security, each account must have unique passwords, and passwords must be complex and difficult to remember. And here the question arises about where to store passwords and logins.

The place to store passwords must meet certain requirements:

  • Reliability. The password should not get to other people.
  • Availability for the user.
  • Deletion protection.

The easiest way is to write them down on paper, in a notepad or notebook. Simple, but not without its drawbacks. Your notes can easily fall into the hands of strangers, they can get lost, your small child can use a notebook with passwords as an album for his drawings, etc. Of course, this method cannot be used by those who consider themselves to be more or less an IT specialist.

You can store passwords in one or more text files. This method differs little from the previous one in terms of reliability and safety. True, such files are more convenient to use. Logins and passwords can be copied rather than entered manually. Password files can be stored on multiple media. For a long time I stored my passwords this way. But when there were a lot of them, this method became inconvenient. Passwords need to be changed periodically, which means you need to rewrite the corresponding files. If there are a large number of files stored in different places, confusion arises.

All modern browsers have the function of autofilling and saving passwords. It is very comfortable. There is no need to fill out the login and password fields. Just click the “Login” button. Convenient, but unsafe. There are programs for stealing passwords (stealers), which steal secret data from other people's computers. Therefore, it is not recommended to store passwords using browsers. important accounts. In addition, when you reinstall the system, all passwords will be lost.

The best way to store passwords is more convenient to use special programs. Many such programs have been developed. The most famous are KeePass, Daslane, LastPass, Kaspersky Password Manager. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The KeePass program is considered the most popular, and therefore convenient. Let's take a closer look at working with it.

Storing passwords using KeePass.

Installing the program is not difficult. Let's launch installation file, select Russian language for installation, accept the terms of the license agreement.

IN additional tasks put a tick Link KeePass to files with the extension .kdbx and select the ones we need additional icons.

After launching the program, it must be Russified. To do this, in the main menu click Viev and choose Change Language.

A window opens with a choice installed languages.

If there is no Russian language, then you need to download the Russification file. The KeePass program makes this very convenient. Click on the button Get more languages and immediately go to the site from which you can download required file.

This file, of course, after unpacking we copy it to the program folder.

Now we launch the program again, select the Russian language, restart and start working with the Russified version.

Let's start by creating a new file

You will be asked to specify the folder in which the file with encrypted passwords will be stored. It is advisable to create a separate one. Also come up with a file name instead New Password Database.

Now a window opens, you need to pay special attention to filling it out. You are prompted to create a compound master password. This is the only password you will need to remember, so think carefully about it. It should be such that you yourself can always remember it, but so that strangers cannot pick it up.

In fact, the main password is composite; up to three sources can be used to enter it

If you have ticked Key file, then after pressing the button Further You will be prompted to create one. We give it a name, indicate the storage location and begin to create it.

To do this, enter arbitrary characters in the right field, and randomly move the mouse in the left field. Having created the key file, we proceed to setting up the password database. First we give her a name

On tabs Safety And Compression you can leave everything as default. On the tab Basket it is desirable to have a check mark Use cart. If you accidentally delete your password, it will first go to the Trash and you can recover it.

On the tab Additionally pay attention to the point Recommend changing password in (days). Here you can configure the program to certain time informed you that you need to change the main password. This increases the security of your passwords.

Now you can proceed to filling out the database. By default, it contains two entries. These are just examples and can be removed. On the left is a list of categories; we can supplement it, create subfolders, creating a structure convenient for us. You can add entries by clicking the button or using LMB.

When adding a record, several fields are filled in. There are two buttons next to the password entry fields. One allows you to turn on and off the display of characters, the second starts a password generator. If you do not yet have a password for the entry you are entering, using this generator you can get a complex and strong password.

Now, if we need to log into one of our accounts, just click LMB on the corresponding entry, copy the necessary data and paste it into the form.

So, we got acquainted with the methods of storing passwords, looked at one of best programs created for this purpose, and now you can decide for yourself how and where to store passwords and logins.