How to make a backup copy on Android and make a backup from it. How to make a backup on Android - effective methods and the best programs

Backup or backup allows you to make a copy of all data from the device’s hard drive, which can be restored if damaged. Backup is most often done for computers, but today we will look at options on how to make a full backup of the system firmware on Android.

You can create a backup copy for an Android device in several ways: using a computer, using special applications, using services built into the device.

Recovery is a special program, different from regular applications for the Android system, that creates backup copies and then allows you to roll back to them. Stock recovery is installed on devices initially when they are purchased. This type of backup is performed only if you have root rights to the device.

You can install custom recovery yourself. The latter allow you to perform more different actions, and therefore are popular. The most common of them are: TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) and CWM (ClockworkMod). Next, you will see how to install backup on Android through recovery.


ClockworkMod is an older program that has less functionality compared to TWRP. You can replace the stock recovery with it (if it is not already installed as the main one) using the ROM Manager utility in the “Setup recovery” section. One of the features of CWM is the control of only “hard” buttons, i.e., volume control and power buttons, which all Android phones and tablets have.

Algorithm for creating a backup using CWM:

  1. The phone charge should be at least 60%, and preferably 100%.
  2. Free up 500 MB or more of free space.
  3. Turn off, wait about a minute.
  4. Press and hold the power button and “-” or “+”, depending on the phone model.
  5. When the upside-down Android icon appears, briefly press the power button and the opposite volume control button to go to the menu.
  6. In the menu that appears, use the “-” or “+” buttons to select the “backup and restore” section, and confirm the selection with the power button
  7. In the next menu, select and click “Backup” in the same way
  8. All! Within 10–15 minutes, a backup of the firmware and all files will be created on your phone.

How to make a backup on Android without applications? Use the same algorithm, since often installed recoveries have similar menus, as well as control methods. In this case, you do not have to get root access.

If this option seems too inconvenient or you need a backup copy of only part of the data, then below you will read how to make an Android backup using TWRP recovery.


TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) is a more advanced utility for the Android system that allows you to use the touchpad and has an almost complete set of functions for working with file storage, software and the operating system. For example, you can back up only selected files. TWRP has a more convenient menu compared to CWM.

To install TWRP, you will need one of the special applications, such as GooManager. In the program menu you need to select “Install OpenRecovery Script”. Then, using the same program, click “Reboot Recovery” and get to the TWRP menu.

IMPORTANT. It is worth noting that the Android device must also have a high battery level and free storage space.

Click “Backup” and select the required partitions. We swipe across the part of the screen highlighted at the bottom, and the program begins creating a copy for the Android system. After a few minutes, click “Reboot system”. The copy is ready.

Using a PC

Obtaining root access, and at the same time mastering various applications, can be difficult for the user, while making a backup of Android firmware on a computer will be much easier for someone than with TWRP. Moreover, you don’t have to download any additional applications for the device.

All you need for this:

  1. Enabled USB debugging on the Android device (you can do this from the settings).
  2. Install ADB RUN for your computer, download it for free.
  3. PC drivers, which are often installed automatically, and a USB cable.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We connect the phone to the computer and launch the ADB program.
  2. Select Backup in the window that opens.
  3. Next, select the first item in the new menu.
  4. On your Android device, click “Back up data.” You are also prompted to create a password, but this action is optional.

A copy has been created for you to use if necessary!

Here we discussed the main ways to create a full backup for Android, that is, a firmware backup. In addition, there are various functions and utilities that allow you to make copies of applications or various Android games, contacts, SMS, etc. separately.

With the release of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, a truly necessary feature became available to users - automatic backup of user application data to the Google Drive service. But even though Google took care of users by adding this feature, not all developers are in a particular hurry to update their products and add a similar function to them. So after changing the device or resetting to factory settings, you have to play through the games again, change program settings to your taste, etc. Of course, having root rights on the device can help you out of such a situation. But what if it is not possible to get them? In addition, to do this you will often need to unlock the bootloader, which automatically leads to the loss of all information on the device. In this case, ADB comes to the rescue.

Few Android device users know that it is possible to make a backup copy of all installed applications and their data without additional manipulations with their device. And in today’s article we will tell you how to make a backup of the entire system, without unlocking the bootloader and obtaining superuser rights.

How to backup all information on your device

In order not to bother yourself and save all the accumulated photos, music, videos yourself, this method will be an excellent choice. And here's what you need:

  1. Create a folder named Android in the root of the C:\ drive.
  2. Install USB drivers for your device (you can find links to universal drivers for some devices).
  3. In some cases, installing drivers will require you to disable authentication.
    • For Windows 7:
      When turning on the computer, after loading the BIOS, you must press the F8 key. In the “Advanced boot options” menu that appears, select “Disable mandatory driver signing.” This method may not work the first time, so you should repeat the action or open a command prompt as an administrator and enter two commands:
      "bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS";
      "bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON."
    • For Windows 8:
      You need to press the Win+I key combination, hold down the Shift key and select “Shutdown” > “Restart”. When you turn on your computer, select Diagnostics > Advanced Options > Boot Options > Restart. When loading, select the “Disable mandatory driver signature verification” mode by pressing the F7 key.
    • For Windows 10:
      You need to hold down the Shift key and select the Start menu > Shutdown > Restart. After booting, select Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > Boot Options > Restart. Then select “Disable mandatory driver signature verification” by pressing F7.
  4. Download the archive and unpack the files into the Android folder.
  5. Activate the “USB Debugging” item on your smartphone.
    This can be done in the “For Developers” section. If this section is hidden, instructions will help you open it.
  6. Change the duration of the standby mode.
    To do this, in the screen settings you need to select the “Sleep mode” item and set the switch to the maximum possible time.
  7. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable.
    It is recommended to use an original or good quality cable, as well as the USB 2.0 port located on the motherboard (for PC).
  8. Change the connection type from “Charging only” to “File transfer (MTP)”.
    This is not required on every device, but many manufacturers require it as a security measure before allowing ADB to work.
  9. Open a command line and go to the created Android folder with the command “cd c:\Android\” (commands are written without quotes).
  10. Make sure that the computer finds the device via ADB.
    To do this, you need to enter “adb devices” into the command line. When a request appears on your phone for permission to debug via ADB on this computer, you must click “Ok” and select “Always allow from this computer.” If the device is visible, the text “List of devices attached” and a list of all devices (for example, xxxxxxx device) will be displayed. If instead of “device” it says “offline” or the list is empty, then you need to update ADB, check the drivers/cord, change the USB port/computer.
  11. At the command line, enter “adb backup -apk -shared -all -f path/to/backup.ab”, where path/to/backup.ab is the path to the directory and the name of the backup file.

The operation may take quite a long time, everything will depend on the amount of information on the smartphone.

How to Backup Only App Data

Unfortunately, like everything in this life, the previous method is not ideal. Not all data can always be saved correctly. It is recommended to manually save media files and documents to your PC or to the cloud, and then start backing up user application data. To do this, you will need to follow steps 1 to 10 and then enter “adb backup -apk -all -f path/to/backup.ab” in the command line, where path/to/backup.ab is the path to the directory and backup file name. After that, on your smartphone, enter a password to protect the backup copy and click the “Back up data” button in the lower right corner.

How to back up some apps

If you do not need to back up all programs installed on the device and it is enough to save the data of some applications, then you will need the following:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 10 from the first method.
  2. Install the App Inspector application on your smartphone.
  3. Launch the App Inspector utility and select App List (Ordered by name). Find and select the application that you want to restrict from running in the background. The package name and version will be displayed below the program name.
  4. Enter the command “adb backup -f path/to/backup.ab -apk name.of.package”, where path/to/backup.ab is the path to the directory and the name of the backup file, and name.of.package is the name of the package , which was previously recognized in the App Inspector.
  5. A window will appear on your smartphone asking you to enter a password to further protect your backup. After entering it, you need to click the “Back up data” button in the lower right corner.

How to restore data from a backup

To restore data, you only need to enter “adb restore path/to/backup.ab” on the command line, where path/to/backup.ab is the path to the backup file and press Enter. On your smartphone, enter the password in the window that appears and click the “Recover data” button. After a certain time, depending on the file size, the phone will display “Recovery complete” in a pop-up window.

Additional Information

In addition to the above, I would like to supplement the article with several more commands and parameters that can help in certain situations.

Command format for creating a backup:

Adb backup [-f ] [-apk | -noapk] [-shared | -noshared] [-all] [-system | nosystem] [

The simplest command to create a backup is:

adb backup -all

After entering this command, a backup copy of only the data of all applications (without APK files) will be created in the current directory with the name backup.ab.

If after running this command an error occurs (something like “adb: cannot open file ./backup.ab”) you need to enter the following:

Adb backup -all -f C:\backup.ab

In this case, the backup file will be created in the root directory of the C:\ drive. Instead of C:\backup.ab, you can specify any necessary address and file name.

Here is a description of some of the options you can use when creating a backup:


This parameter is used to indicate the path and name of the backup file. For example, "-f C:\Backup\mybackup.ab" points to the Backup folder located on drive C. The backup name is mybackup.ab.

Apk | -noapk

This flag indicates whether the application's APK files should be included in the backup or only the corresponding data. It is recommended to use "-apk" when the application is not available on Google Play or is using an older version than the one on the Market. The default is "-noapk".

Shared | -noshared

This flag is used to enable/disable backup of the contents of the device's internal memory/SD card. The default is "noshared". It is recommended not to back up the internal memory in this way, but to manually save all necessary files, since not all data can be saved/restored.

This flag is the easiest way to backup your entire system.

System | -nosystem

This setting determines whether system applications will be included in the backup. The default is "-system". It is recommended not to include system applications in the backup to avoid possible errors during recovery in the future.

Here you can specify the names of the packages (for example, that you want to save. Only used if you need to back up a specific application.

That's all. Write in the comments whether these instructions helped you and whether all the information was saved correctly.

To quickly recover lost data on your smartphone, you need to know what a backup is and how to create it on Android.

With its help, you will quickly return all deleted files, restore game and program settings, as well as IMEI, identification numbers, passwords and all other information contained on the device.



Backup is an archived backup copy of your phone or computer files. A backup can be created on any operating system. Its purpose is to save all user data and configure the system at the time the archive was created.

After a factory reset or a forced system restore using a backup, you can quickly return all lost data and avoid wasting time re-installing programs and configuring the OS.

A copy of the data is created using special programs. The most popular utilities:

  • Titanium Backup;
  • Super Backup;
  • Nandroid Manager;
  • Helium and others;
  • SP FlashTools.

Types of backups inAndroid

On Android OS, users can create a backup copy of the entire system or its individual components:

Why is it important to create Backups periodically?

Backup allows you to get rid of the problems associated with sudden loss of data on your smartphone.

If errors occur that require you to reset your phone, you can easily get back all deleted information. In the Android OS, a backup can be created using the built-in system options or using special programs.

In what cases should you make a backup?

1 Before updating the firmware . It doesn't matter whether you download a new version of Android over the air or install updates manually, create a copy of the installed OS. We recommend moving all photos, videos and music to a memory card or uploading this data to cloud storage;

2 Before resetting. Over time, smartphone users may experience a decrease in the performance of their gadget. This happens due to RAM load and viruses. The easiest way to restore devices is to reset the OS to factory settings. Before doing this, it is better to create a backup of your phone book and SMS so as not to lose important data;

3 To reset the lock password. If you set a password, pattern or PIN code and forgot it, you can reset it without losing data by using a backup. The only requirement is that an archive with a copy of the data must be created before setting the password.

Also, periodically creating a backup phone book will allow you to quickly return lost numbers in the event of a SIM card error or after clearing the memory card.

What is needed to create a copy?

To create a backup in Android OS in the standard way, you will need:

  • Superuser rights – ROOT must be active on the smartphone at the time the copy is generated;
  • Storage media for copies – this can be a built-in memory card, any cloud storage or the memory of your computer;
  • Backup program . Software that works with backups with active ROOT rights allows you to create a copy of all data in the operating system - from contacts to arbitrary files and settings of each program.

Another way to create a backup- This is the use of third-party programs that do not require superuser rights. They allow you to back up only basic OS data. For example, a phone book, messages, accounts linked to the OS. Creating and restoring a copy can be done using one program that must be installed on your smartphone.

Backup programs

After flashing your gadget, you get an absolutely “clean” software shell.

You will not be able to return any programs, accounts or settings from the previous version of the OS if you did not take care of creating a backup copy in advance.

Many users prefer to install applications from scratch. However, it is much easier to use a backup and return all application settings using one archive.

Restoring previous settings does not affect the operation of the OS in any way and does not cause bugs or errors.

Backup programs will be relevant for those applications that are not in the official Play Market .

Titanium Backup and Helium– these are the two most popular programs for working with backup copies of applications in the Android OS of any version. To get started with each of these utilities, you will need superuser rights.

To create a backup of one installed program or several types of software at once, use the instructions for one of the following utilities.

Titanium Backup

The utility has more than 5 million official downloads on the Play Market.

The application not only allows you to restore operating system data, but also works with software installed by the manufacturer, removing components and settings that a regular user cannot remove using the standard settings window.

Main features of Titanium Backup:

  • Setting up backup according to a specific schedule;
  • Move programs between internal and external memory without having to close the application;
  • Quick scan for a new firmware version;
  • Firmware installation;
  • Storing the history of calls and text messages from a mobile operator;
  • Backup browser bookmarks;
  • Backup router access point;
  • Data synchronization with cloud services DropBox, OneDrive, Google Drive;
  • Assigning a system status to any program (the option is configured by the user);
  • Creating a backup archive that can be re-installed on a smartphone using the console;
  • Synchronize settings and application data between several gadgets.

Convenient transfer of settings from one gadget to another is the most useful feature of Titanium Backup.

If it happens that your smartphone breaks down or you lose it, thanks to a backup you can easily restore all contacts and messages in popular instant messengers and transfer the information to another device.

You don't need an old SIM card to transfer data. All you need is a second gadget, a backup archive and the Titanium Backup utility.

All backups created in the program automatically synchronizes with one of your cloud storages:

  • Go to the utility window Titanium Backup;
  • In the list of programs installed on the smartphone, select the desired messenger or other application to create a backup copy of its settings. In our case, we will archive all numbers and messages from Whatsapp;
  • Tap on the program name for a few seconds. In the pop-up window, click on the field "Save";
  • Next, select cloud storage, to which an archive with software settings will be sent.

To move program data to a second gadget or restore settings after a factory reset, reinstall Titanium Backup.

Open the recovery tool and sync the utility with the cloud.

In the list of all programs installed on your smartphone, select the desired messenger, click on it and in the options menu click on “Restore”.

Titanium Backup will automatically create the required backup copy in the cloud and return all lost files to the program. You will be able to use all your contacts again and access lost chats.

In the same way, you can transfer data from any other program to a second gadget. Most often, the application backup function is useful for transferring messenger data and saving progress in games.


Helium is another simple and useful utility for quickly restoring your device. The software works on all devices, regardless of whether you have superuser rights. The only requirement is . The utility does not save backups to a memory card or external drive.

Helium features:

1 Sync applications on multiple devices;

2 System backup;

3 Convenient file explorer;

4 Uninstalling programs and rolling back their updates.

To create a backup copy of the installed program data, follow the instructions:

  • Open the Helium app. The Carbon file explorer will appear in the main window of the utility - this is a built-in service for viewing a list of all installed applications. Click on the desired program and select from the action menu "Backup";
  • Wait until the copy is completed. The created archive will be sent to the cloud;

To restore information from a copy using Helium, open the utility on another device. In the settings, activate the item "Synchronization with the cloud".

Select the program whose data you want to return and click on “Restore”.

To create any other type of backup, go to the “Browse” tab and select one of the backup options.

Saving IMEI

IMEI is the international numeric identifier of your device. Using this set of numbers, you can find out the manufacturer of the gadget, its model and status. without IMEI are considered stolen and are unofficially prohibited for use in the CIS.

As a result of resetting settings or software errors, it may be lost. However, you can restore it using a backup copy.

Signs of a lost IMEI:

You can restore the ID only with superuser rights.

To return the IMEI, you will need to install the Android Terminal Emulator console emulator utility (if the phone does not see the network, download and then move the file to the phone).

Follow the instructions:

  • First we need to know the EFS code. To do this, enter the command mount and press Enter to execute it;
  • A text will appear in the console window in which you should find the EFS command, written through a slash. The text identifier before the command is the code we need. Code search example:

  • Write down the found code on a piece of paper and restart the application. After restarting the emulator, enter the command to restore IMEI (each line must be entered via Enter). XXXXX is the EFS code found;

  • To save IMEI settings without leaving the program, enter the following lines:

After successfully completing all commands, exit the emulator window, restart your smartphone and check the cellular network, geolocation and Internet connection.

Everything should work fine. If desired, you can check the presence of IMEI using the engineering menu.

Backup photos and videos

As a result of your smartphone being stolen or reset to factory settings, the most unpleasant thing is the loss of photos, videos, music and other personal data.

All programs can be reinstalled, but it is almost impossible to return personal information without premature preparation.

Using the Google+ app

The standard Google application is pre-installed on all Android devices. The purpose of Google+ is to unite and sync everyone into one account.

If the Google+ application is also installed on your device, this does not mean that file synchronization is configured.

2 Further, for devices with Android OS 0 and higher, it is not necessary to allow access to all folders and files on the smartphone. To do this, simply open the FolderSync program immediately after the first installation and press the button in the pop-up window "Allow";

3 To set up automatic backup of photos, videos and other files in the main FolderSync window, click the button "Create New Sync";

4 Then the built-in assistant window will open. In it you need to enter a name for the created “folder-cloud storage” pair;

6 In the window that appears, select either another site, with whom you want to set up a binding;

8 To confirm the action and save the settings, click on "Authenticate Account";

All user data is added to the repository. No matter what happens to your phone, you can always get your photos back using any computer or browser.

At the directory selection stage, you will be prompted configure one of the following options for connecting to cloud storage:

  • Connecting to a local folder(select if the backup data will be created and located only on your smartphone);
  • Sync with a remote folder(if you want to create a backup for a folder on your computer);
  • Hybrid option(to create a backup of this smartphone and other remote gadgets).

In the connection settings, you can select a schedule according to which synchronization will occur. We recommend sending data to the cloud every day.

In case of an error or breakdown of the phone, that's it.

other methods

In addition to Google Drive storage, you can also choose any of the following services:

    DropBox – the most popular cloud storage in the world. Its peculiarity is that the program can automatically create a backup of your phone’s photos and immediately delete them, freeing up memory. You can access the folder with all the images at any time from all devices. All you need is an Internet connection;

    MEGA – a cloud that provides 50 GB of virtual disk space for free. The user can set up synchronization with any device, download client programs for PCs and smartphones, control access to folders and files;

    Mail . ru cloud – after registration you will have access to 100 GB completely free of charge. Manage simple file synchronization and view in any browser.

All these cloud storages have client and the ability to synchronize phone data with the server through the usual program settings.

We create a backup of any files

In addition to the options described above for creating a backup of photos, music, videos, users can download the following programs to their smartphone for work with backup copies of documents of any format:

  • DataSync;
  • DropSync.


The application works in a similar way to FolderSync discussed above and allows you to create a backup of any information that is stored in the internal or external memory of the device (with the exception of installed programs and system settings).

Also, DataSync allows you to configure sending a backup from one device to another, which is convenient in moments when you need to save important information but there is no Internet connection.

Thanks to the two-way synchronization option, two gadgets will be able to exchange game data. This way, all missions and progress will be saved on both devices at once.


DropSync is another popular utility for sending backups. Its peculiarity is additional monitoring of the phone’s performance. If the smartphone has low battery power, the application will not sync data, so as not to reduce the operating time of the device.

Users can select the synchronization type:

(after synchronization, the data remains in the smartphone’s memory);(automatically deletes information from the phone’s memory to free up space. Users can access files using cloud storage linked to the program);
  • Download only– receiving a backup from the cloud and adding its contents to the smartphone’s memory.
  • Fig. 15 - viewing the history of backup creation in the DropSync program

    Good afternoon, dear readers. Read the article on how to make a backup on Android without root rights, or with them, what a backup is. Useful programs to help you make a backup copy.

    The Android operating system is fraught with a lot of possibilities. The most useful of them is backup. Or backup - this function is also called that. If a failure occurs or you lose your smartphone, you can restore almost all the information. You just need to remember to regularly backup your Android system. How exactly? This article will try to answer this question.

    Types of backup

    First, let's figure out what exactly is meant by the word “backup”. This is usually the name for copying certain files for their subsequent recovery. You can copy data to the following places:

    • microSD card or permanent memory- you copy the data into a separate file or archive, and then move it somewhere else yourself;
    • Computer- backup of Android firmware or copying of some third-party files to a PC is usually carried out via a USB cable or via Wi-Fi;
    • Cloud services- in some cases, the backup can be automatically uploaded to Dropbox, Google Drive and other similar sites.

    What exactly can you copy? This is a more serious question. The operating system itself by default uploads data about your contacts, call logs, messages and much more to Google servers. Usually this is enough for any user.

    Third-party applications can copy all kinds of media content. For example, these could be downloaded videos or . In this case, you often specify the folders with the necessary files yourself, so there can be no mistakes - absolutely everything will be copied.

    There is also a backup on Android of application settings. It works correctly, however, not on all smartphones. And not all programs allow you to copy their settings. But you need to know about this possibility.

    Finally, there is a full backup on Android. This is when the current state of the firmware is copied - completely, from settings to some files hidden from the user. This is done in the most difficult way and often in a special way. And this is required only for those who regularly experiment with their device.

    Backup on Android: Do you need root rights?

    Some files cannot be copied without . The fact is that the most serious operating system settings are hidden deep in hidden folders. As such, the user does not have access to read them. It is root rights that solve the problem - they provide access to copy absolutely any files.

    But most often, no root rights are required. For example, you can back up your messages, contact book, and other aspects of the Android operating system without them. Moreover, this process is often carried out automatically - you may not even know about it.

    Backup using the operating system

    Android, almost from its first versions, learned to copy user information to Google servers. But at the same time, only basic information is copied - messages, call logs, content of services from the Google Play series, calendar, contacts and documents. If this is enough for you, then get ready to do the following:

    1. Go to "Settings".
    2. Go to the "Accounts" section.
    3. Select Google.
    4. In the window that opens, activate the switches next to all the items that you consider necessary. Please note that there is also an “Application Data” item here. But it does not work in the best way - if you reinstall the operating system or some kind of system failure, many programs will still start working from scratch. But all applications will be installed automatically.

    Don't forget that you need a Google account for this sync to work. However, without it you can only implement an Android backup to a computer. For other actions, special applications are required, and they need to be downloaded from, where you cannot get there without the appropriate account. Of course, there are all sorts of tricks like downloading programs from third-party resources, but this is a topic for a separate article.

    Branded programs for backup on Android

    Nowadays, many smartphones come with proprietary shells created by the manufacturer. They can implement additional backup - the data is sent to the device manufacturer’s server. For example, let's look at how to make a backup on Android installed on a Samsung smartphone or tablet:

    1. Go to "Settings".
    2. Enter the "Cloud and Accounts" section.
    3. Click on "Backup and Restore".
    4. Select "Backup Settings".
    5. Here you can enable automatic backup, which will be uploaded to the server once every 24 hours. Here you can also select the types of information sent to the server. More often than not, Samsung complements Google in this regard. For example, this way you can regularly copy desktop shortcuts, the contents of the Phone application, a list of all installed applications, almost all device parameters, and much more.

    The best backup programs for Android

    Not all people are satisfied with the standard features of the operating system. Some users are looking for information on how to make a backup on Android using special utilities. They seem to trust them more. In addition, such programs allow you to send a backup to your favorite “cloud,” while the operating system only offers servers from Google and some other companies involved in the production of smartphones.

    Without root rights, third-party programs do approximately the same thing as Android itself. They are able to copy contacts and messages, but nothing more. But if you give such a program superuser rights, then everything will change. The breadth of its capabilities will increase significantly. The most popular backup applications and tools are the following:

    • Titanium Backup;
    • SP FlashTools;
    • (CWM).
    Titanium Backup

    And these are just the three most popular titles! On Google Play you can find at least a dozen other programs of this kind. For now, let's figure out how Android applications are backed up using Titanium Backup. This is the most popular backup program. It is free to use, although some useful features are only available in the advanced version. However, it is not too expensive; $5.99 is a reasonable price to pay for keeping your information safe.

    So, what does Titanium Backup copy? It seems like absolutely everything! If you give the application superuser rights (without them it simply does not work), you will get a bunch of possibilities.

    • Firstly, you can regularly copy the settings of all programs and games installed on your device. Moreover, you can even copy their APK files!
    • Secondly, you can make a backup of all operating system settings. Absolutely everyone! This means you can experiment without worrying about system files.
    • Thirdly, although this does not concern our topic, Titanium Backup allows you to freeze user and system software. This is useful in cases where the device is provided to a child - this way you will be sure that he will definitely not install anything by accident.
    How exactly to use Titanium Backup?

    Everything is very simple:

    1. Install and run Titanium Backup.
    2. Give the application superuser rights. The utility may also ask you to change some settings - for example, enable the ability to install programs from unknown sources.
    3. Click on the button located in the upper right corner. It shows a piece of paper with a check mark.
    4. Here is a list of program features. Select the feature you want and click the Start button next to it. For example, you can select “Make r.k. all user software and system data." In this case, absolutely everything will be copied.

    The backup copy will be in the form of a separate file. In the application settings, you can specify where exactly to save the backup. The safest way is to save it to a memory card. The PRO version allows you to use Box, Dropbox and Google Drive. You can also set up an automatic backup - it will be created according to a schedule. The paid version of the program can also compress files - in this case, they will take up less space in your cloud storage or on your memory card.

    Backup of all Android firmware

    And even Titanium Backup does not copy the entire state of the operating system. In this case it simply doesn't make sense. If you experience a system crash and Android won't boot, you won't be able to use the recovery because you won't be able to launch the app itself. Then how to make a backup of Android firmware?

    Developers from Google have implemented another method that works using .

    Make sure the battery is at least 50% charged before proceeding further. Otherwise, there is minimal risk of the device turning into a “brick”.

    Different smartphones and tablets may use different methods for visiting the Recovery menu. In any case, you will need to completely turn off the device. Then the following actions are usually performed:

    1. You must hold down the volume up button;
    2. Next, the power button is pressed.

    Some devices use different buttons. For example, Samsung devices can also use the Home button. Please note that all buttons are released after a green robot with an exclamation mark appears on the screen. Otherwise, a normal reboot will occur. Well, in the Recovery Menu you need to find the “Backup and Restore” item. Navigate through the menu using the volume buttons (the touch screen does not work here) and press the appropriate item using the power button. Next, click on “Backup” in the same way. Then all that remains is to wait for the process to complete.

    Copying all firmware files can take from five to ten minutes - the exact value depends on the processor power and operating system load.

    When the process is complete, click on “Reboot now”. This will reboot the device.

    Unfortunately, this method may not work on some smartphones. Almost always, the “Backup and Restore” item is present in the custom Recovery menus. If you have never flashed a device, then you may simply not have this item.

    Backup using a computer

    Many programs have been written for the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems to receive data from a smartphone. Software developers who regularly test and experiment with portable devices typically use A.D.B.. This is a special program that is used to debug a smartphone or tablet. It has virtually no interface, and all actions are carried out by entering the appropriate commands. But before that, you need to enable USB debugging on your smartphone. This is done as follows:

    1. Go to "Settings".
    2. If you've never enabled USB debugging, you'll likely need to visit the About Phone section first. Here, click on the “Build number” item several times until you receive a message indicating that you have become a developer.
    3. Now go back to the main settings menu and click on the “For Developers” button.
    4. Activate the switch next to “USB Debugging”.

    When the checkbox is activated, you need to connect the smartphone to the computer and run the ADB program (its exe file). In fact, only with the help of this utility can you create a backup without root. For the most complete backup, enter the following command:

    $ adb backup -f "D:\Backup\ADB-2017-08-15.ab" -apk -shared -all -system

    If you don’t need APK files, then you don’t have to write the corresponding key. Of course, the path and name of the backup file may be different - we have provided only an example.

    If you only need to transfer contacts, messages and other information to your computer, then you can use more understandable programs. For example, an application will allow you to make such a backup on Android MyPhoneExplorer. This computer application has a clear Russian-language interface; it does not ask for any text commands. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to create a backup copy on your own. We will only say that this program also requires activation of USB debugging.


    Now you know what backup is on Android. And from now on you will not have any difficulties creating it. In conclusion, we only note that ordinary people only need to create backup copies in order to then restore the most important information in the event of a smartphone being lost or broken. And for this, the usual synchronization with Google, which we talked about at the very beginning, is enough.

    Many users of the Android operating system sooner or later think about changing the firmware. This can be facilitated by its gradual clogging with various applications that slow down loading, attempts to perform one or another manipulation related to obtaining superuser rights. All this can make the platform unstable. But before carrying out the firmware procedure, you need to make a backup copy of the current shell. This article will discuss in detail the question of how to make a backup of Android firmware.

    How to get ROOT rights: Video

    Applications for creating copies

    First of all, it is necessary to mention that for the operation of almost all programs that make a copy of the firmware, superuser or ROOT rights are required. One of the easiest to use applications for such an operation is ROM Manager.

    Rolling back any firmware or Android update: Video

    Saving games and files

    To save games and files, it is better to use another program - Titanium Backup.

    After launching it, go to the “Backups” tab. To save files or programs, you need to select them in the list and click “Save” among the options offered.

    After this, the exclamation point next to the program will change to a smiley face. To restore, you need to click on the program again and select “Restore”. To create a backup with all data, you need to click on the checkmark symbol in the upper right corner and the subsequent menu. Then click “Start” next to “Back up all user software.” Recovery occurs in the same way.