How to connect additional megabytes of Internet to MTS. How to disable additional Internet on MTS

Subscribers of the MTS operator using the Smart tariff can connect to the “Additional Mobile Internet” service on their phone or smartphone if they have completely exhausted the traffic provided for by the monthly payment.

This offer is available for almost all Smart packages from MTS:

  • Smart Mini (112013, 102014, 022015), Smart (022013, 102014) - 500 MB/ 75 RUR;
  • Smart+ (102014), Smart Nonstop/Top - 1GB / 150 rub.

The remaining traffic is monitored on

How to connect and disconnect a package?

The ability to use additional traffic is activated automatically immediately after switching or connecting to Smart series packages.

To turn off the Internet on MTS Smart Mini, send the USSD command *111*936# to the service and follow the voice menu prompts. Deactivation can also be performed in your Personal Account on the operator’s offsite.

Advice! When additional traffic is disabled, in case of exhaustion of the limit, in order to use the Network, you can activate the “Turbo buttons”.

Features of using the service

  1. Activation of the first package is available only after the default traffic volume has been exhausted. In turn, the second additional package becomes available only if the first one is completely exhausted.
  2. Unused service traffic is not carried over to the next month.
  3. Within 1 month, the “Additional Internet” service can be activated no more than 15 times. But after reaching this limit, the subscriber can still use the “Turbo buttons”.
  4. In Nonstop and Nonstop 082015 tariffs, the limit is calculated based on the depletion of the daily package by default.
  5. The initiator of the “Unified Internet” group can provide its participants only with the traffic of his main package, and use the additional one exclusively individually.
  6. In "Mini" tariffs additional. packages are enabled by default. To refuse them, you need to dial -*111*936# and go to item “2” of the voice menu.

Using the “MiniBit” and “Superbit” packages

“Minibit” is the optimal solution for those who rarely use the Internet on their device. It does not require a monthly fee and charges money from the subscriber in fact, directly on the days of going online.

The “Minibit” connection is carried out with the command - *111*62# (→ item “1”). And the shutdown is *111*62# (→ “2”).

Plus, activation and deactivation of the minimum “BIT” can be carried out on the MTS office.

BIT traffic monitoring is provided via USSD request - *217#.
All owners of “Super Bit Smart” are provided with 3GB of traffic every month + additional packages of 500 MB (up to 15 activations/1 month). The service is valid in all regions of the Russian Federation.

“Superbit” is activated automatically after consuming 5 MB of traffic in the following tariff plans: “Super MTS”, RED Energy, “Your Country”, “Per Second”. Before activation, payment is made according to the “Mini” tariff.

To disable this service, send *111*8650#. If you want to refuse only additional packages (+500 MB) within the “Super” tariff, send “1” in an SMS to 6290.

Most tariff offers provide fixed-size Internet packages. If the provided volume is not enough, then for such situations special services have been implemented that make it possible to extend traffic on MTS. In this article we will tell you how to do this, the main restrictions and conditions of use.

How to renew on a smartphone

If you have used up all the provided traffic ahead of time, and there is nowhere to top up your account and you still need to wait until the start of the next billing period, then activate the “Turbo Button” service from MTS. After activation, you will receive an additional set of gigabytes of a certain size. The operation includes several variations of kits, all of them differ from each other in the duration of work and traffic volumes.

You can choose the desired package yourself based on your personal needs and wishes. Depending on the size and duration of the renewal package, the cost of the feature is set. You do not have to constantly pay a subscription fee; funds are debited only for connection. The set amount will be withdrawn from the balance automatically at the time the offer is launched. If you are unable to make payment on time, the service is unavailable.

All possible variations and types of options are divided into several groups, depending on the equipment and device. If you use a mobile phone, then two sets are provided with volumes of 100 and 500 megabytes. Such sets will be enough to last you until the beginning of the next billing period, while you can actively correspond on social networks. Let's consider the features of providing each kit separately.

At 100 MB

An additional renewal kit is provided for 30 rubles. The amount is debited automatically during activation. In addition, the service has the following characteristics and features of operation on the phone:

  1. The provider has limited the duration of the package, it is only 24 hours. The option is disabled by default if the assigned work period has expired or if all available traffic has been used.
  2. When a consumer is in international roaming outside his home state, mobile Internet is consumed according to the current tariff plan and prices in another country. The turbo button kit will not be consumed.
  3. The function is valid throughout Russia, with the exception of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. In a given area, each downloaded megabyte is subject to tariffs at a fixed price.
  4. If the main Internet package within the tariff plan has not yet expired, then megabytes from the additional renewal set will be taken into account first.
  5. If the SIM card has a daily button at the same time as a monthly button, the one-day service is consumed first.
  6. When using the “Turbo nights” option and renewal kits simultaneously, the Internet is not subject to tariffs in the period from 00.00 to 07.00.
  7. To activate the optimizing option, enter the command *111*05*1# and receive a confirmation notification.

At 500 MB

In this case, you will receive an additional 500 MB package. The price for use is 95 rubles, it is charged only at the time of activation of the offer. Once launched, the service has a limited validity period of one month, but it can be extended. It will be automatically deactivated if its service life has expired or all traffic has been used. If you are outside the Russian Federation, the renewal package is not consumed; Internet is provided based on conditions in a particular country. The option has no restrictions throughout Russia.

The received package will be spent first, only after full consumption will the standard package of the tariff plan be available. In the case of connecting several offers of the same type, the total size of the limit is summed up, the same applies to the duration of validity. To install the function, use the USSD short command service and enter *167#.

Extend on tablet

The “Turbo button” service category includes offers for tablet computers. They are distinguished by larger packets of network traffic, the size of which is 1 or 2 gigabytes. Such a quota is quite enough for listening to music and watching videos, as well as for active correspondence online. There is no restriction that these MTS traffic extension kits can only be used on a tablet. You can connect additional GB to your mobile device, depending on your wishes.

For 1 GB

After connecting, you will receive a set of additional traffic of 1 GB, but it has a limited validity period. After the end of 30 days, the function will be disabled automatically or after the entire quota is consumed ahead of time. To use the service, make a payment for its activation, the amount of which is 175 rubles. If you do not have the required amount of funds on your balance, you cannot count on an extension.

If you are in international roaming, the service will not work in standard mode. Mobile Internet will be charged according to the current tariff plan and prices in a particular state. The option is valid throughout the Russian Federation, except for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. In the area of ​​this region, a calculation system has been installed for each megabyte downloaded.

The additional package will be spent first, only after its completion will access to the main sets of the contract open. If several renewal services are launched simultaneously, the total number of gigabytes is summed up, and the duration increases depending on the last activation. The function is installed by entering the code *467#.

For 2 GB

This is a more extensive offer from MTS. After launch, you will receive 2 gigabytes of Internet for any network resources. The validity period is limited to one month; the option will be automatically deactivated when the validity period expires or you use up the entire amount. To activate the offer, a payment of 250 rubles is charged at the time of installation. It works correctly, only throughout Russia, except for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. While abroad in another country, additional megabytes are not consumed. When you connect several similar offers at once, the volume of traffic is summed up and the validity period increases. If you decide to connect the option, enter the code *168#.

Increasing traffic on the modem

Consumers who use USB modems or routers to access the network download large amounts of traffic from the World Wide Web, so these users require impressive renewal offers. The provider provides a set of 5 or 20 gigabytes. This size of kits is enough for active use of Internet resources, watching movies and listening to music online, as well as for downloading files. Let's look at the features of each variety:

  1. For 5 GB. 350 rubles are automatically deducted for connecting the service. In return you will receive 5 gigabytes of internet. The validity period is indicated by 30 days of work. The option will be deleted if the entire set is used up or the period has expired. The function is valid throughout Russia; when roaming abroad, the provided traffic package is not subject to consumption. When launching several identical sets, the total volume is summed up, thereby increasing the validity period of the service. The offer is activated using the combination *169#.
  2. Extension button for 20 GB. This is the most maximum configuration within the option that an MTS subscriber can count on. After a successful launch, the provider allocates 20 gigabytes for 500 rubles. Funds will be debited automatically when the function is activated. If you don't have enough money, try launching another offer from the line. The provided set will be spent first, even if the standard quota of the current tariff plan has not been used up. The period of correct operation is 30 days, after which the option ceases to be valid by default. If you launch several turbo buttons at the same time, their volumes will be summed up and their duration will increase depending on the last launch. The coverage area is limited to the Russian Federation; the option does not work in other countries. To install the service, enter the combination *469# and wait for confirmation from the provider.

Unlimited option for 3 hours

Some tariff plans, for example, “For a laptop” and additional services from the provider set traffic limits and download speeds. Using this option, you will get unlimited access to the network space at maximum speed for 3 hours. During this time period you will be able to download heavy files, watch movies in high definition, and you should not be afraid that the standard set of gigabytes will run out. To activate the offer, 95 rubles will be charged from your balance. After 3 hours of active operation, the service is deactivated from the SIM card by default. To activate the option, just dial *637#.

Option Unlimited for 6 hours

This is a more attractive offer from the operator. After activation, you will receive 6 hours of unlimited mobile Internet use at maximum speed. During this time, you can download many movies or watch them online. The provider set the cost for installation - 150 rubles. As soon as 6 hours have passed, the service will be canceled independently. To connect an additional option, use the code *638#. After this, you will receive a notification from the company with confirmation. When you are outside your home country, the function stops working.

Turbo nights

The service provides complete unlimited consumption of network resources from 00.00 to 07.00 at maximum speed. At this time, the traffic spent is not subject to charging. For the offer you must pay 200 rubles each billing month. If there is not enough money on the balance to cover the next payment, then a fee of 8 rubles will be charged for each day. This will continue until there is sufficient funds in the account for repayment.

Attention! To install the service, dial *111*776# and wait for a response from the operator.

Currently, you can pay for renewal options using savings within the bonus program. To do this, just go to the page in your personal account or launch the mobile application. In the main menu you will see an icon depicting the number of available points. After clicking on it, the system will offer to spend them on a list of available destinations. Select any turbo button and launch it for bonuses.

Attention! Prices for options and features of their provision are presented in the article for residents of the Leningrad region. If you are in another region, request information on the official website or from local representatives of the operator.

If the standard traffic quota within the established tariff plan is coming to an end, do not worry, the provider has prepared solutions that will help you extend MTS Internet on your own at any time. Choose the right size add-on package to suit your requirements.

When connecting a new tariff plan or purchasing a SIM card, you need to carefully study the terms of its operation, paying special attention to the services included in the basic content of the tariff. Some of them are capable of being inactive for a long time, but if the subscriber accidentally uses them, they will require payment. All of the above also applies to the “First Internet Package” option of MTS.

This service can be extremely useful and profitable. But in order to properly take advantage of all the benefits, users must promptly read its description and decide whether they need it.

The main characteristics of the mentioned option are extremely simple and will not surprise subscribers. According to the information provided by the mobile operator, the offer includes:

  1. 3 GB Internet traffic;
  2. available within a month;
  3. the balance of the package is not carried over to the next reporting period;
  4. speed depends on the client's location.

Additionally, you need to know that exhausting the limit will lead to automatic activation of an additional package of 500 MB. The subscriber is provided with up to 15 additional packages per month. Their exhaustion will require the owner of the SIM card to independently activate the option with additional megabytes.

To whom is it available?

The service is basic on 3 tariff plans for mobile phones:

  • Red Energy;
  • Per second;
  • Your country.

It remains in “sleep” inactive mode while the user is not using the Internet. Its activation is triggered by the first visit to the network using at least 3 MB of traffic. If the SIM card owner spends less on the Internet, the option will remain unused, and the connection to the World Wide Web will occur under the terms of the “Basic Internet Tariff”. At the same time, the operator provides a 100% discount on the use of the basic tariff.


According to the current conditions, the option is available throughout Russia. At the same time, the cost and procedure for use do not change even while the client travels around the country. Changes in connection speed are possible, but they are related to the characteristics and quality of communication in each individual subject, therefore it is impossible to influence this fact.

The interaction and compatibility of the option with similar MTS services deserves special attention. At the moment, simultaneous use of several Internet options is not allowed. The exception is the mentioned basic tariff.


After activating the “First Internet Package” option, MTS debits 12 rubles from the client’s account daily. The debit occurs regardless of the amount of funds on the SIM card balance. The exception is when the card is blocked due to lack of funds and negative balance. The subscription fee is renewed immediately after unblocking.

When using additional packages, 75 rubles are debited from the SIM card account. This is the cost of each additional 500 MB of Internet traffic.

How to connect your first MTS Internet package?

At several of the tariffs listed above, activation of the service is not required, since it is among the main ones and is available to subscribers initially. In other cases, you can connect the offer using standard methods:

  1. through your personal account;
  2. by calling the contact center;
  3. by turning to the employees of the company's communication salon for help.

Connection is free and will not lead to debiting of funds.

How to disable the “First Internet Package” on MTS?

It will not be difficult for users to find an answer to the question of how to disable the “first Internet package” of MTS. To deactivate the service, you should:

  • make the appropriate changes in your personal account on the operator’s official website;
  • ask support service consultants to perform similar actions;
  • dial and send the special USSD command *111*1431# ;
  • contact the employees of the communication salon;
  • use the service guide;
  • disconnect via the official mobile application.

Activating an alternative Internet option that is incompatible with the one described will also lead to disconnection.

In fact, this, of course, cannot be called theft. But it is clear that MTS does some things on purpose in order to write off more money from you, while according to the law there is no way you can get under them. I will tell you how not to fall for this trick in this article.

How the “Additional Internet Smart for Your Own” service works

By default, this service is activated for all subscribers of the “Smart for Our Own” tariff. What it means is that when you run out of traffic included in the subscription fee, you will automatically be connected to 500 MB Internet packages costing 75 rubles. However, you will not be asked to confirm this operation in any way.

Even if, for example, you have one day left before the subscription fee is charged, and you are ready to spend this time without the Internet, the package will still be connected to you. In total, 15 such packages can be connected within a month (more than 7 GB, as in your case).

  • And if I change the operator, after 2 months, I change to MTS Krasnodar?
  • What is the deception?

    The deception in this case is that in your personal account and in the “My MTS” application the maximum possible traffic is shown (that is, the sum of 15 packages of 500 MB each), and not what is actually connected. So you don't see that you only have 500MB left.

    After the end of the 500 MB package, the next one is automatically connected to you. And so on until 15 packages are connected, or until the money in the account runs out.

    How to avoid unnecessary spending

    All you need to do is activate the “Smart. Ban on connecting additional Internet” and decide for yourself when and which Internet package to connect:

    The fastest way to do this is by dialing *111*936*2# and pressing the call key. Make sure that you have received an SMS about activating the service.

    If your traffic quota is exhausted, connect the required package yourself or by contacting MTS subscriber service at 0890.

    If you have any questions, we will definitely help you!

  • How to disable additional Internet on MTS Internet Maxi in the amount of 1GB for 150 rubles, if it is forcibly turned on?
  • If you use one of the tariff offers that are indicated in the title of the material, then you have the opportunity to take advantage of the offer of the MTS company and connect an additional Internet package at the specified tariffs.

    This will allow you to save money that you will spend on access to the global network at a standard rate. More detailed information will be provided below

    For those who like to use the mobile Internet, you don’t have to think about the number of available MB of traffic that is provided in the standard service package, since it can now always be extended by ordering an additional MTS Internet package. This offer is valid only for Smart, Hype and Ultra tariff plans.

    Other tariff plans are not included in this promotion. But users of these packages will be automatically connected to an additional traffic package, which they will use until they are credited with the main Internet package.

    Please note that an additional traffic package is activated only when the subscriber has exhausted the entire main traffic package. Otherwise, the additional package will not be connected.

    Additional Internet in Smart, Ultra and Hype tariffs

    As for additional Internet, for each tariff plan a certain amount of Internet traffic is allocated, which will depend on the tariff plan in which the subscriber is located. So here they are:

    1. In the MTS Hype, Ultra, Smart Zabugorishche, Smart +, Smart Top, Smart Unlimited tariffs, the user is provided with 1 GB of additional Internet traffic
    2. All other tariff plans will provide only 500 MB

    As for the coverage area, these packages work both in the home region and throughout Russia. But in the Smart Mini tariff it is available only in the home region, but if you need access throughout the country, then you can activate the additional service “Smart Everywhere at Home”.

    Additional packages will be activated automatically one by one until the main package according to the tariff is charged.

    Cost of additional internet packages

    And one of the most interesting questions is how much does an additional MTS Internet package cost?? The issue of price also depends on what tariff plan the subscriber is served with.

    If you have a Smart Unlimited, Smart Top, Smart nonstop, Smart Zaugorishche, Smart + tariff, then the cost of such a package will be 150 rubles.

    If the subscriber is on the Hype or Smart Mini tariff plans, then the cost of such a package will be 95 rubles. But in all other tariff plans, the cost of this Internet package will be 75 rubles.

    As for the consumption and balance of additional traffic, you should pay attention to the fact that all unused traffic is not carried over to the next month and is not combined with the main package. It will simply be reset to zero as soon as the main traffic is credited.

    How to connect additional Internet

    As for the connection, so here it is connect additional Internet MTS possible in several ways. There is a simpler one - use a USSD request. To do this, the subscriber should dial the combination on the phone *111*936# and press the call button.

    The connection is also available through the user’s personal account. But there are also times when the subscriber cannot connect on his own; to do this, you should check your tariff - you can read about that in another material.

    After that, you should compare your plan with those that may be participating in the promotion.