How to restart the tablet if it does not turn on. How to restart the tablet if it is frozen? Reboot Software

The tablet and phone are capable of working non-stop twenty-four hours a week, even in the background or in sleep mode. Such a load can greatly affect their performance, so it’s worth giving the android a break, in other words, rebooting it. There are several ways to reboot your Android.

How often should you reboot your Android?

Rebooting your phone, tablet, and computer helps them restart all systems again. This is necessary when one of the processes freezes or throws an error. Let's say it stopped working for you Play Market or music player- in most cases, rebooting the device will solve the problem.

If you want your phone or tablet to last longer, reboot it two to three times a month. This will restart all active processes and shut down unnecessary programs running in the background.

How to reboot a phone or tablet on the Android operating system

There are several ways to perform this operation. First, let's look at the simplest, fastest and most convenient.

Lock (on) button

On each phone, on the right, left or top of the case there is a key with which you can lock the gadget.

To restart the device, hold your finger on the lock (power) button

If you hold down the lock button for 3–6 seconds, a menu will appear with a list of available actions:

  • turn off the power,
  • turn on airplane mode,
  • reboot the device,
  • activate silent mode.
  • Obviously, you need to select the third option - reboot. We select it, after which the device will automatically turn off and turn on almost instantly.

    Click on the device reboot button

    Removing the Battery

    Before resorting to more complicated methods, check whether it is possible to remove the battery from the device. After removing the battery, the phone will turn off, then you need to return the battery to its place and turn on the gadget.

    Temporarily remove the battery from its connector

    Many smartphones have non-removable batteries. If this is what you have, then use the following methods.

    Reset button for forced reboot

    Few companies supply their devices additional button Reset, which allows you to reboot the device if the first method does not work. But be careful: if you use this button, all device settings will be reset to factory settings, and personal data, applications and files will be permanently erased.

    This button is located on the side or back, but can be hidden near the charging connector. The Reset key is tiny - specifically so that it is not accidentally pressed. You can reach the button with a needle or toothpick.

    Button combinations instead of Reset If your gadget does not have a Reset button, you can use a special menu, which is similar in functionality to the BIOS. Various manufacturers assign this menu call to various combinations

  • buttons There are not many options:

    lock + volume up button;

  • Press the lock and volume up button to bring up the menu

    lock + volume down button;

  • Press and hold the volume down and lock button to bring up a special menu

    Lock button + Home button + Volume up key;

  • Press and hold the Home, Lock and Volume Up buttons to bring up a special menu

    Lock button + Home button + Volume down key;

  • Press and hold the Home, Lock and Volume Down buttons to bring up a special menu

    volume up + down buttons.

  • Press the volume down and volume up buttons to bring up the bootloader menu

    After you use one of the combinations, the device will start and the bootloader menu will appear.

    The cursor is moved to the bootloader menu using the volume up and down buttons; selection is made using the “Menu” or “Home” button. First, try selecting reboot system now - it will cause a normal reboot without losing data or resetting settings. If the device still does not work, call up the bootloader menu again and select wipe data/factory reset. This operation will reset the settings to factory defaults and remove files and programs on the device.

    Selecting the action reboot system now will immediately reboot the android

    Video: how to reset your Android tablet or smartphone to factory settings

    There is also a way to reboot the device using the RegawMOD Rebooter program via a computer or laptop. Find it online and install it. The computer must have drivers installed that will allow it to recognize your phone or tablet when it is connected via a USB cable. Drivers can be installed automatically when you connect the gadget. Or they may not install, then you will have to download them from the official website of the phone (tablet) manufacturer. After installing all components, follow the instructions:
    You must select one of the Android reboot modes

    Is it possible to reboot the phone while charging?

    You can reboot your phone while it's charging; this will not affect the battery life in any way. Rebooting the device will not harm the charging process, and if you turn it off completely while charging with energy, it will charge faster, since background processes will not waste charge.

    If the device begins to work slower, freezes, or refuses to perform any functions, do not rush to repair it yourself or take it to service. The first thing the repairmen will ask you is whether you have tried rebooting your gadget. So just do it. Restarting all programs and processes will most likely solve your problem.

    If you are active user Lenovo technicians may encounter problems such as slowdowns and lags. Of course, this is common to everyone electronic device without exception, but I want to talk specifically about this brand, since I myself am a user of products from this brand. In this article we will try to analyze in as much detail as possible how to reboot a Lenovo tablet if it freezes. I'm sure this will be useful to someone.

    In this article I will try to give universal advice for all devices of the brand, although I used the specific Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 model, and I also used the methods described below for a tablet lenovo tab 2.Different models can use different keys for reboot and reset, so some tips for Tab 2 will not work for others, but we’ll discuss this below.

    How to determine the causes of the problem

    First of all, try to analyze the current situation. There is a significant difference between when the device periodically works slowly and when the tablet freezes completely - it simply stops working and responding to any actions with it. Can you use the sensor, does the screen and basic functions of the device work, or does everything stop after turning it on - stuck on the screensaver and unresponsive?

    It is also important to distinguish, does this happen all the time or only under certain conditions? Is your device working fine right now, but experiencing poor performance in some situations, or not functioning at all? Having decided on the answers to the questions posed above, look at the main causes of your problem and understand how to make it work.

    1. Software glitch - common reason Why does the tablet freeze? You have installed a lot different applications, some of them conflict with each other. This is easy to determine if immediately after installing/updating/launching third-party software lenovo tablet stuck, does not react to anything and does not turn off. The solution to such a problem is described below.
    2. Problems with hardware. This is a serious problem. When the device turns off after a fall and does not want to function when turned on, you will probably have to contact a service center. Try the methods at the bottom of the article and if they helped, great, but if not, take the device for repair.

    How to bring your Android device back to life

    If you still have the ability to use the touchscreen or at least the device responds to button presses, you can do a “soft” restart. To do this, press and hold the device's Power key until it turns off completely - about 5-10 seconds. Launch with the same button. It worked - good, no - move on. You will have to restart using the “hard” method, the so-called Hard Reset. This method involves completely deleting all data from the gadget, so if you have something important there, try to make a backup (save the files) if possible. But if everything is frozen and not working, this will not always be possible.

    To begin with, if your gadget has a Reset key on its body, use it. It is made specifically for such cases, but modern androids you don't see her often. To prevent accidental pressing, such keys are made to sink inwards and can only be pressed with a thin stick. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then turn on the device as usual.

    Hard Reset

    What to do, how to restart the Lenovo tablet? This is responsible for this on different devices. different combinations keys, these could be:

    • Power and volume up button (Volume+);
    • volume down (Volume-) and Home button;
    • Home, Volume+ and power key;
    • the same thing, but with Volume-;
    • Volume+, Volume-, Power.

    After pressing and holding the key combination (the buttons must be pressed simultaneously), a window with various options should appear. Search for " Wipe data», « Factory reset"or something similar. We switch between the items using the volume down/up buttons, select desired item at help Power. Select Wipe data, then Yes. Wait until all data is deleted. After that, look for an item similar to Reboot and select it. The computer should restart.

    When will it appear main screen, I advise you to perform another reset - through the settings (“Data reset” or something similar).

    Well, now you have done the basics to bring life back to your gadget. If the described actions did not help, I am very sorry for you - apparently, you will have to go to a service center or give it to some technician for repair. If mechanical failure led to similar results, without specialized knowledge you cannot fix anything.


    I hope our tips helped you. Try universal algorithm described above. If I missed some way that you similar problem helped, it is very advisable to write about it in the comments below: this will definitely help some of our visitors. See you on the pages of the site!

    Video instruction

    Increasingly, most people prefer to use tablets to access the Internet. However, like any device, the tablet freezes from time to time. Therefore, users are faced with the need to sometimes reboot their gadgets. What does this depend on and how to deal with it?

    The fact is that the most popular Android operating system, used on most devices, tends to “glitch” from time to time. After fixing the error in the smartphone, it turns out that it freezes not due to a large-scale failure, but only due to incompatibility of programs or large quantity simultaneously running applications.

    Option #1

    Currently, there are a couple of main ways to restart the tablet if it is frozen, namely:

  • the hard way.
  • In general, the simplest restart method is used when you need to restart devices on Android based This:

    • pressing the power key and holding it until the gadget turns off completely;
    • turning on the tablet with the same button.

    If the tablet slows down, then you should reset the factory settings, not forgetting that all information will be deleted and therefore it is advisable to make a backup in advance.

    Option No. 2

    Usually on inexpensive or outdated devices small is used to reboot Reset button, which most manufacturers equip their gadgets with and is intended for use in the most extreme cases. This is the most extreme method reboot, which is used if the tablet is frozen. So it is advisable to first save all the data on the memory card before resetting the settings.

    You need to press the button for 5-10 seconds, as a result of which you will get a completely clean gadget, as if it had just come off the assembly line. The device will start and be completely ready for use.

    Option #3

    Also, most often in tablets freezing and the need to reboot the device occur due to failures in software, and therefore it is worth knowing the most simple ways resuscitating the system.

    Not all manufacturers have equipped their devices with an emergency reset button. But for almost every device running on the operating Android system There are different ways to update if your smartphone is frozen:

    1. Simultaneously press the volume (up) and power buttons.
    2. Simultaneously press the volume Home key on + or -.
    3. Usage special programs, if the simplest methods did not help. It is worth considering that all drivers must be installed on the device and administrator rights must be present.

    Helpful advice! There is nothing wrong with a device freezing. The most important thing is to ensure that this situation does not recur in the future, you should monitor the condition RAM device and promptly turn off applications not used by the tablet.

    How to reboot the tablet?– for the time being, tablet owners do not ask this question. But modern devices unfortunately, they are not 100% reliable, but they really like to “freeze” at the wrong moment and annoy the user. How can I return the device to normal?How to reboot the tablet?I will answer these questions.

    First of all, it is better to understand why it froze, then perhaps you will be able to solve the problem much faster.

    I). If a program or game is frozen, in most cases it is enough to simply disable it.

    On iPad

    this can be done by pressing the front panel button 2 times and holding your finger on desired application, click on minus.

    On Android

    you must go to “Settings” \ “Applications” \ “Running applications”, click on the one you need, and then on “Stop”.

    II). If your tablet does not react at all to your actions, then you will still have to reboot.

    There are several ways to do this:

    1). The easiest way is to simply press the power button, turn it off, wait a couple of minutes and turn it back on. And for greater reliability, you should remove the memory card and SIM card, disconnect the DOCK station, and then insert it back.

    2). If this does not help, then you can use a hard reboot. For this purpose, each device has special combination, which will restore operation. For example, on an iPad you need to press the Home button and the power button at the same time, and then wait for the image of an apple to appear.

    3). You can also use different . For example, the SBSettings application for iOS (There are other analogues, both on this system and on Android). After installation, swipe your finger across the top of the screen to the left and you will see a reboot icon, by clicking on which you will achieve the desired action.

    III). AND last problem. What happened if the image on the tablet disappeared and it won’t turn on? The answer is simple: most likely, the battery simply died. Put it on charge and everything will be fine.

    Thank you for reading. Put “Like” and tell your friends how to solve the problem of a frozen tablet.

    From time to time all owners mobile devices facing freezing problem. If on a desktop computer or laptop this problem is solved by calling the task manager, then the tablet does not have this option.

    Reasons for tablet freezing

    The problem causing the freeze may come from:

    • from a hardware failure;
    • from a software glitch;
    • due to lack of RAM.

    The problem may also be due to slow internet performance.

    If the tablet freezes in case of mechanical damage, it is best to “treat” it in service center. Doing this yourself is not recommended. Since the device will spend a considerable amount of time in the workshop, you can try to rule out a software glitch by fixing it yourself. If it fails and freezes again, we can say that the problem most likely lies in mechanical damage components.

    There are several tips on how to reboot a frozen tablet in different situations:

    1. The tablet responds to touches, but is slower than usual. Press the power button and hold for a couple of seconds. A reboot window will appear. Confirm its necessity. After 20-30 seconds the tablet will reboot.
    2. Some models have a Reset button. Most often it is recessed and located next to the power off button. When completely frozen you can use it. To reboot, press it with a stylus or toothpick.
    3. If there is no such button or it does not work, hold down the power button for five seconds - the tablet will turn off. Keep it turned off for at least a minute and then turn it back on.
    4. The device does not turn off using any of the buttons. Carefully disconnect all accessories, open the case and remove the battery, memory card and SIM card. After five minutes, install them back and turn on the tablet.

    How to avoid tablet freezing?

    A freezing tablet can fail you at the most inopportune moment. But you can avoid this if you adhere to the following recommendations:

    • To prevent your tablet from freezing, do not load multiple applications at the same time by launching new process before the previous task finishes.
    • Configure updates so that they do not interfere with your work. For example, by setting a schedule at night.
    • Remove unnecessary applications.
    • Remove infrequently used programs from startup.
    • If you want to watch movies, play games, listen to music on your tablet while performing multiple tasks at the same time, choose devices that meet these system requirements.

    Resetting your tablet

    Modern tablets are in no way inferior in performance desktop computers. But failures still happen. Sometimes we ourselves are unable to estimate the amount installed applications and their need. A malfunction may be caused by a conflict between programs. Freezing is often caused by a lack of memory due to a large number of applications running simultaneously. There are several ways to get the device working on your own, other than rebooting.

    If a simple reboot does not help and the tablet continues to freeze periodically, working more slowly, then you can restore operating system. How to reboot a tablet on Android? The procedure will restore the tablet to factory settings while saving all data: contacts, photos, music and videos. This will clear it of unnecessary applications.

    A quick way is to go to the settings menu, find “Reset and recovery” or “Privacy” in systems before 3.2. Once you are sure your actions are correct, click “Reset”. This must be done by connecting the charger to the tablet. After the reset, recovery will automatically begin; if it is interrupted due to lack of battery power, it will not start again. Since it will not be possible to restart the tablet, it can only be restored in the service.

    For Apple devices provided special service to restore settings. According to the manufacturer, for a device with iOS software failures are unusual, and the appearance of a flashing apple on the screen indicates mechanical damage.

    Hard reboot

    For radical solution problems, you can use the Hard Reset function, which many tablets have. Hard reboot will erase all information from your tablet. For some devices this procedure may differ, so before restarting the tablet completely, it is advisable to copy all data to removable media or HDD computer. To avoid loss of information, it is necessary to clarify all points in the instructions for the tablet. Also remove the memory card before resetting the settings.

    To save data you can use cloud services. In most devices, the procedure starts by simultaneously pressing the power button and volume control. After a few seconds, a sign should appear asking for the Hard Reset procedure. Confirm its start, then go to “Settings”, open “Format System” (Settings - Format System). Click “Reset Android” or “Reset Android”.

    Navigation in the menu is carried out using the volume control button. Up - louder, down - quieter. Confirmation of the task is by pressing the power button. Read the menu carefully before rebooting your tablet to avoid errors. After the reset, we install applications step by step to determine which one is causing the software failure.

    For most devices the procedure is similar. Before restarting your Samsung tablet, read the instructions. U different models This manufacturer's method of resetting the settings is significantly different. If you follow all the instructions, you may not need to contact the service.