How to put a password on a folder in Windows. How to put a password on a folder using special programs or archivers

Greetings to all blog readers. If you do most of your work on a computer where you are not the only one working, then in some cases it is better to protect personal information from unwanted viewing.

How to put a password on a folder or file is the topic of our article today. Unfortunately, Windows developers did not take care of such a simple function as the ability to set a password to access data. The most they can offer you is to limit access to data to certain users. But since we are used to working at the computer through one user, this method will not give us anything. How to put a password on a folder?

2 Put a password on the folder 2nd method

Download the program Password Protect.

How to put a password on a folder using - Password Protect. Unpack the archive and run the program. This is a Portable version, so no installation is required.

Unpack one of archives 600kb. Go to the unpacked folder and run the program Password Protect The following window will open in front of us:

Click lock the folders. And select from the list the one for which you want to set a password.

Enter the same password twice and optionally leave a hint in case you forget the password.

All passwords are set. Now, when accessing a folder, you will need to enter a password. This way you can set passwords for any folders. Well, to hide files from prying eyes, place them in a folder with a password.

3 Folder password - 3rd method

We set a password using the popular archiver program WinRar. Since many data have an archiver installed, I will not provide a link to the program. If suddenly you don’t have this program, then just enter download in any search engine WinRar and download the program from the first link.

In this way, we put a password on the archive in which you can store files and other data together. Adding data to the archive

An archive creation window will open.

Go to the advanced tab and click set password. A password setting window will open.

Enter the password twice. Don't forget to check the box - Encrypt file names and press OK.

We are creating an archive. Now, to open the created archive, you will need to enter a password.

One of the winners crossword competition runs his own blog moneymaker's notes — I recommend checking it out 😉

Well, that’s all, now you know how to put a password on a folder or hide it. Happy holiday to everyone. Good luck!

There are many ways to protect a folder on your computer with a password, but most of them require the installation of special software. However, many of these programs are paid. There is an easy way to put a password on a folder using a batch file. Although this method does not provide 100% protection, it can be used as an option to protect your data.

Setting a password for a folder

First, let's create a regular folder anywhere with an arbitrary name. For example, Personal.

Then you need to enter this folder and create a text document with any name in it. This is easy to do using the context menu.

Open a text document and paste the following code:

title Folder Private
if EXIST "Compconfig Locker" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Compconfig Locker"
attrib +h +s "Compconfig Locker"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "Compconfig Locker"
ren "Compconfig Locker" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

Now we find the field in the code PASSWORD_ GOES_ HERE and replace it with the password we need. Save the file and rename it to locker.bat.

! If you have file extensions disabled on your system, you may have difficulty changing the file name. The point is that in the file locker.bat, locker is the name of the file, and .bat- extension. When displaying file extensions is disabled, you only see the file name and when you rename a text file, you assign a name to it locker.bat, but the extension remains the same - txt. Therefore, to avoid such problems, before renaming the file you need .

Checking the code

We run the file locker.bat, as a result of which a Private folder should be created, in which you need to place all your documents that you want to protect. After that, run the batch file locker.bat again.

You will now be prompted to lock the folder. Select Y.

This will make your Private folder disappear.

If you run the locker.bat file again, you will be prompted to enter a password.

When you enter the password you specified in the batch file, the Private folder will be displayed and you can work with it again.


This method of setting a folder password is not the most secure. The fact is that an experienced user can see your documents if he turns on the display of hidden and system files in the system. You can also find out your password by viewing the contents of the locker.bat file. The advantage of this method is that no additional software is used. Therefore, it can be used as an option to protect your documents from inexperienced users or children.

On a computer to which several people have physical access, confidential or proprietary information of a specific user can be stored in a certain directory. In this case, in order to ensure that the data located there is not declassified or changed by mistake by someone, it makes sense to think about how to limit access to this folder to other persons. The easiest way to do this is to set a password. Let's find out in what ways you can put a password on a directory in Windows 7.

You can password-protect a directory in the specified operating system either using special software for assigning a password, or using archiver applications. Unfortunately, there are no proprietary tools specifically designed for imposing a password on a directory in Windows 7. But, at the same time, there is an option with which you can do without third-party software to solve the problem. Now let's look at all these methods in more detail.

Method 1: Anvide Seal Folder

One of the most convenient programs for setting a password for a directory is Anvide Seal Folder.

  1. Run the downloaded Anvide Seal Folder installation file. First of all, you need to select the installation language. As a rule, the installer selects it in accordance with the operating system settings, so here just click "OK".
  2. Then the shell opens "Installation Wizard". Click "Next".
  3. A shell is launched where you need to confirm your agreement with the current developer license agreement. Place the radio button in position "I accept the terms of the agreement". Click "Next".
  4. In a new window you need to select the installation directory. We recommend not changing this parameter, that is, installing it in the standard program storage folder. Click "Next".
  5. In the next window, you can configure the creation of an icon on "Desktop". If you want to observe it in this area, then just click "Next". If you do not need this shortcut, then first uncheck the item “Create an icon on the desktop”, and only then click on the indicated button.
  6. The application installation procedure is performed, which will take you very little time.
  7. In the last window, if you immediately want to activate the application, leave a mark next to the item "Launch Anvide Seal Folder". If you want to launch later, uncheck this box. Click "Finish".
  8. Sometimes running the above method via "Installation Wizard" fails and an error appears. This is because the executable file must be run with administrative rights. This can be done by simply clicking on its shortcut on "Desktop".
  9. A window for selecting the program interface language opens. Click on the flag of the country from the presented options whose language you want to use when working with the application, and then click on the green checkmark below.
  10. The program license agreement window opens. It will be in the previously selected language. Check it out and if you agree, click "accept".
  11. After this, the functional interface of the Anvide Seal Folder application itself will be launched directly. First of all, you need to set a password to log into the application. This must be done to prevent an unauthorized user from entering the program and removing the protection. So, click on the icon “Password to enter the program”. It is located on the far left side of the toolbar and looks like a lock.
  12. A small window opens, in the only field of which you need to enter the desired password and click "OK". After this, you will always be required to enter this key to launch Anvide Lock Folder.
  13. Returning to the main application window, to add a directory that should be password protected, click on the icon in the form of a sign «+» called "Add folder" on the toolbar.
  14. The directory selection window opens. Going through it, highlight the directory for which you want to set a password. After that, click on the green checkmark at the bottom of the window.
  15. The address of the selected folder will be displayed in the main Anvide Lock Folder window. To set a password for it, select this element and click on the icon "Close access". It looks like a closed padlock icon on the toolbar.
  16. A window opens where in two fields you need to enter twice the password that you are going to apply to the selected directory. After completing this operation, press "Close access".
  17. Next, a dialog box will open asking you whether to set a password hint. Setting a reminder will allow you to remember the code word if you suddenly forget it. If you want to enter a hint, click "Yes".
  18. In the new window, enter a hint and click "OK".
  19. After this, the selected folder will be password protected, as evidenced by the presence of a closed lock icon to the left of its address in the Anvide Lock Folder interface.
  20. In order to enter the directory, you need to highlight the directory name in the program again and click on the button "Open access" in the form of an open lock on the toolbar. After this, a window will open in which you must enter the previously set password.

Method 2: WinRAR

Another option to password-protect the contents of a folder is to archive it and apply a password to the archive. This can be done using the WinRAR archiver.

  1. Launch WinRAR. Using the built-in file manager, go to the directory where the folder you are going to password-protect is located. Select this object. Click on the button "Add" on the toolbar.
  2. The archive creation window opens. Click on the button there "Set password...".
  3. A password entry shell opens. In two fields of this window you need to alternately enter the same key expression, with which you will open a folder placed in a password-protected archive. If you want to further protect the directory, check the box next to the parameter "Encrypt file names". Click "OK".
  4. Returning to the archiving settings window, click "OK".
  5. After archiving is completed, resulting in a file with the RAR extension, you need to delete the source folder. Select the specified directory and click on the button "Delete" on the toolbar.
  6. A dialog box opens in which you must confirm your intention to delete the folder by clicking the button "Yes". The directory will be moved to "Basket". To ensure complete confidentiality, be sure to clean it.
  7. Now, in order to open the password-protected archive in which the data folder is located, you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button ( LMB). A password entry form will open, where you should enter a key expression and click the button "OK".

Method 3: Create a BAT file

You can also password-protect a folder in Windows 7 without using any third-party programs. This task can be accomplished by creating a file with the BAT extension in the standard Notepad of the specified operating system.

  1. First of all, you need to launch Notepad. Click the button "Start". Next, select "All programs".
  2. Navigate to folder "Standard".
  3. A list of various programs and utilities opens. Select a name "Notebook".
  4. Notepad is running. Paste the following code into the window of this application:

    title Secret folder
    if EXIST "Secret" goto DOSTUP
    if NOT EXIST Folder goto RASBLOK
    ren Papka "Secret"
    attrib +h +s "Secret"
    echo Folder locked
    goto End
    echo Vvedite cod, chtoby otcryt catalog
    set/p "pass=>"
    if NOT %pass%== secretnyj-cod goto PAROL
    attrib -h -s "Secret"
    ren "Secret" Papka
    echo Catalog uspeshno otkryt
    goto End
    echo Nevernyj code
    goto end
    md Papka
    echo Catalog uspeshno sozdan
    goto End

    Instead of the expression "secretnyj-code" enter the code expression that you are going to install on the secret folder. It is important not to use spaces when entering it.

  5. Next, click on the item in Notepad "File" and press "Save as...".
  6. A save window opens. Go to the directory where you intend to create a password-protected folder. In the field "File Type" instead of option "Text files" select "All files". In the field "Encoding" select from the drop-down list "ANSI". In the field "File name" enter any name. The main condition is that it ends with the next extension - ".bat". Click "Save".
  7. Now with the help "Conductor" move to the directory where you placed the file with the BAT extension. Click on it LMB.
  8. In the same directory where the file is located, a directory called "Papka". Click on the BAT object again.
  9. After this, the name of the previously created folder changes to the name "Secret" and it automatically disappears after a few seconds. Click on the file again.
  10. A console opens in which you can see the entry: “Vvedite code, chtoby otcryt catalog”. Here you need to enter the code word that you previously wrote down in the BAT file. Then click Enter.
  11. If you enter the wrong password, the console will close and you will need to click on the BAT file again to launch it again. If the code was entered correctly, the folder will be displayed again.
  12. Now copy into this directory the content or information that you want to password protect, naturally, subsequently deleting it from the original location. Then hide the folder by clicking on the BAT file again. How to display the directory again in order to access the information stored there has already been described above.

As you can see, there is a fairly wide range of options for password-protecting a folder in Windows 7. To do this, you can use a number of programs specifically designed for these purposes, use archivers that support data encryption, or create a BAT file with the appropriate code.

Today, I want to raise a topical question for many PC users: how to put a password on a folder or file to protect it from unauthorized opening. This simple procedure will help limit access to personal information that you want to keep secret from other people.

The operating system itself does not provide the ability create passwords to open files and folders. Therefore, you will have to install additional software (programs) for this. You can go in two ways - which can be opened only after entering a password, or use special programs.

How to put a password on a folder using archiving?

Let's look at the first option first. So, we need to archive the selected folder. To do this, right-click on its name. A menu will appear in which you should select “Add to archive”:

The archiving menu will open. Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “Set Password” button.

A window will appear. In it, you must enter the combination of numbers and letters chosen for the password twice. After that, click “OK”. It would also be a good idea to check the “Encrypt file names” checkbox. This will ensure the maximum level of information protection.

That's it, the archive with the password has been created. You can check. Try opening a classified folder. As soon as you try to do this, a window will appear requiring you to enter a password:

How to put a password on a folder or file using the program?

Now let's move on to special programs that will help us put a password on a folder or file. There are quite a lot of them. Some of them are paid, but you can find many online. The principle of operation of such programs is almost the same, the menu is also similar. I suggest you consider one of the most convenient ones - Password Protect, you can find and download it in Yandex or Google without any problems.

To make it possible to open a folder or file only after entering a password, first launch the program. A window will appear asking you to purchase this software. But this is not necessary, so click the “Run Trial Version” button:

A window will open in which, first, click the “Lock folders” button.

A list of all files and folders that exist on the computer will appear. We look in this list for the object that we want to “password” and click “OK”:

Now you need to come up with a password and enter it in the window that opens. Enter the invented combination of numbers and letters twice, press the “Lock folders” button. Also in this window you can write a short explanation of the password, which will help you decrypt it in the future if for some reason the code is forgotten or lost. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, check the box next to “Hint” and in the next line enter information that will help remember your password. But this is not at all necessary.

After clicking on the “Lock folders” button, on the . This will be reported in the window that opens:

That's it, the program has done its job. Now you can open the folder only after entering the selected password. Let's check: is everything okay? Try to open the folder - a window appears in which you must enter a password:

I hope the question how to put a password on a folder or your file has disappeared, because it’s not at all difficult.

Finally, I would like to advise you to select more complex combinations of symbols, which will include both numbers and letters. This password is difficult to guess. But the combination should be easy to remember, so that you can easily remember it later. But write down passwords not worth it. Where is the guarantee that no one will find your records with passwords?

Good luck to you. Let all the most personal and valuable information be maximally protected from the prying eyes of others!

Hi all. There is often a need to limit access to some important information. We won’t go into the reasons for this, we don’t need it, we need a simple solution, so today we’ll figure out how to put a password on a folder. In Windows 7, this option is not provided in the standard capabilities, or rather, it is, but there is not exactly password protection, the main point is that you need to have several accounts, where in each account you can limit access to certain folders.

But we’ll probably turn to third-party software, since there are plenty of such applications.

So the first one program for password protection of folders - Wise Folder Hider Free. You can download it at . But there is one caveat: in the free version you can only hide your files/directories; you can encrypt them only in the paid version, which costs $20. But, in principle, the free version is enough for most users. This is not the usual hiding of files, as through Windows Explorer (we will consider this method at the end of the article). But still, through a password, that is, without entering a password, you will not see this folder, although no, you will see it... Through Total Commander, I still see what is hidden by the Wise Folder Hider program - but I cannot enter it. Even if you manage to log in through some kind of , the directory will be empty.

How to use Wise Folder Hider Free

Download, install, everything is as usual. Next, when you launch Wise Folder Hider for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a master password, enter the password twice and click “OK”:

First, let's go over the settings.

Each time you start the program, you will need to enter a password:

enter it, and in the main window you will see all your hidden folders/files:

Yes, I switched to English, because Russian is a problem, for some reason it’s crap. Well, that’s not a problem, everything is clear here. To change the language, click on the horizontal stripes with the arrow (1), select “Languages” -> and select the desired language:

To block access to your important information, you can directly select the desired directory or file from Explorer and select “Hide folder with Wise Folder Hider”:

She will become invisible. To get to it, you need to launch Wise Folder and double-click on the desired directory, or click “Open” and the requested file or folder will open:

In this case, in the Status line you will see the inscription, in red, Visible, that is, access is open:

which will be open while the program is running. When it is closed, access to all password-protected directories will be closed.

You can hide your secret materials from the program itself. To do this, select the appropriate item at the bottom of the main window:

Wise Folder Hider also allows you to set a password for a folder/file. It’s easy to install, in the “Operation” field opposite the required data for which you want to set a password, click on the small triangle (next to Open) and select Set Password, enter the password twice and that’s it.

But this all works only through the program window, that is, when you try to open the desired directory, an additional password entry window will appear, in general this is some kind of additional protection.

Another program for setting a password for a folder is Flash Crypt

Flash Crypt- this is a full-fledged, and free program to set a password for a folder .