How to install a new version of Android on a smartphone. The process of updating Android OS in three ways

You would like to update the firmware on your Android smartphone or tablet, but the latest version does not arrive over the air. Is there any new firmware for your gadget? Where can you find it, and how to update Android on your phone or tablet? Let's understand the issue together.

It would seem that what could be simpler than updating the firmware on Android? Even a person who has absolutely no knowledge of operating systems and devices can press the desired button, agreeing to the offer to update the platform. But, as it turned out, this seemingly simple process also has a number of nuances that can puzzle many experienced users and professionals. And yet, let's go point by point...

How do Android devices receive updates?

Beginner users are often concerned with the question: how Android updates come, and how often this happens. There is no single answer to this question. Specific timing depends on the device manufacturer, as well as general situation with correct operation operating system. We can definitely say: devices belonging to the model line receive updates as regularly and promptly as possible. Google Nexus.

Update all other gadgets to the same short term It’s simply impossible - manufacturers always need some time to create their own version of the platform based on the latest version of Android. Testing the so-called beta version and eliminating bugs still takes some time. Only after the final debugging of the software is the update sent “over the air” to smartphones and tablets. Approximate dates - from one month to six months.

Sometimes users are perplexed: the gadget was running , and then an update comes straight to . Where are all the other versions? Why didn't they come? The answer is simple: having a big the lineup(sometimes three or more dozen devices are produced simultaneously), the manufacturing company simply does not have time to work on each new version for all models. Therefore, updates are developed whenever possible and “rolled out” when ready for a particular smartphone or tablet.

How long will the manufacturing company send (develop) Android updates for specific device? Will she lose interest in him? From this point of view, of course, it is more profitable to purchase popular models. A whole army of users becomes their owners, and it is important for manufacturers to maintain the software of such a device at the proper level for as long as possible, so that owners can always update the Android version and not be disappointed in the brand and with next purchase remained faithful to him.

How can you find out when an Android update is available for your gadget? There are a lot of options here: communication on specialized forums and in groups social networks, reading news on resources dedicated to the Android OS. But the surest way is to regularly view the official website of the manufacturer. New look platforms for manual update Android on your device will definitely appear there first. One way or another, the corresponding notification will definitely come to your device.

How to update Android over the air?

It happens that some time passes between the announcement of a new version of the platform and the receipt of updates. Sometimes someone familiar with the same model as yours has already updated Android, and you are still waiting for the coveted notification. There is nothing critical about this - manufacturers simply send out the update to users of their gadgets, gradually covering the entire audience, and not all at once. It may take from several hours to two to three weeks before you receive a notification, and you will learn about the opportunity to update the system the next time you connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. However, you can periodically go to “Settings” and check the “ System update" in the "About device" section (located at the bottom of the settings menu).

If, when checking the “System Update” item, you see the “Download” button, then it’s time to install the latest version of the platform.

1. Click the "Download" button and wait for the download to finish;

2. To initiate the installation process updated system click the "Restart and Install" button;
3. The device will then reboot on its own. After rebooting the device, it will work with the updated Android version.

How to speed up receiving Android updates over the air?
You can speed up receiving OTA updates as follows:
1. Go to "Settings" -> "Applications" -> "All";

2. Open " Google Services Framework";

3. Select the "Erase data" function;

4. Check for updates: "Settings" -> "About device" -> "System update".

Sometimes you need to repeat these steps several times, and in some cases it is enough to wait a few minutes and check again for updates (they may not appear immediately).

How to update Android manually?

We have already said that you can find the latest firmware version on the official website of the manufacturer. If you don’t want to wait for OTA updates, you can update the Android version manually using the platform mirror provided by the manufacturers of your smartphone or tablet computer. The first thing you need to do is go to the website and download ZIP archive with the firmware on your gadget, placing it in the device’s memory in any place convenient for you. Next, follow the step-by-step instructions below:
1. Turn off your device.

2. Enable it again using a specific key combination - find it on the Internet for your smartphone or tablet model (even better if you use the instructions “How to enter Recovery” (Recovery Menu) for your device). The most common keyboard shortcuts:
Power button/"Volume +";
Power button/"Volume -";
"Volume +/-" + power button + Home;
“Volume +” + “Volume –” + power button.
Navigation by Recovery menu carried out using the "Volume +" and "Volume –" keys, selection - with the power/lock button (if navigation through the menu is not touch-sensitive).
3. After entering the Recovery menu, select "Apply update".

4. If the ZIP archive with the firmware is located on a memory card, then select "Choose from sdcard". If the archive is located in the device’s own memory, you need to select “Choose from internal storage”.

5. Next, find the folder where you saved the firmware and select it - the update installation process will begin automatically.

Upon completion of the update installation process, you will need to return to the main Recovery menu, where select " Reboot system now" - the gadget will reboot with the latest firmware version.

Now you know how to update Android over the air and manually. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article - we will be happy to help.

From time to time, every owner of a device running Android OS needs to update the system. Moreover, this procedure is not mandatory; you can simply forget about it completely and use the version that was installed from the factory.

However, this decision will deprive you of many benefits. For example, all new games and applications are installed only on the “fresh” versions of Android. In addition, developers release updates with a very specific goal: to get rid of shortcomings and bugs previous version and introduce new functions useful to the user.

First of all, we will look at the easiest way to update the system, which does not require any skills.

Important! Before any update or firmware procedure, make sure your device is fully charged. Otherwise, during the process, the smartphone may discharge and then not turn on, because... the update process was interrupted. Also, before any operation, do data backup so that in case software errors, return the previous stable version.

Official firmware

Android update over the air

The easiest way is to update automatically using Wi-Fi or regular Mobile Internet. The most important point here is that there is an officially released update for your device.

Go to the device settings, look for the “About phone” section.

Inside the section we are interested in the “System Update” item, click on it.

Here you can move the top slider to the active position to have your device automatically check for released updates. Or click the "Check Now" button.

After this, the system will automatically update. Or a message will appear that the device does not need to be updated because... The latest OS version is installed.

Sometimes it happens that your acquaintances or friends who have the same smartphone as you have already received an update “over the air”, but it never arrived to you. To solve this problem, do the following:

Go to the device settings and click on the “Applications” tab.

In the window that opens, go to the “All” tab. In the list that appears, you need to find “Google Services Framework”.

We go inside and click the “Erase data” button.

After that, in the “About phone” section, check for new updates.

Manual update

If the above methods did not help, perform the following steps:

We go to the official website of the manufacturer of our device and look for an archive there with updated version OS for your device. Download it and dump it onto the device’s SD card or internal memory.

We go into Recovery mode. To do this, turn off the smartphone, and then turn it on while holding down the power key and the volume up/down button (on different models combinations may vary).

Here we are interested in the point " apply update from sdcard" if we dumped the archive onto the SD card or "apply update from internal storage" if the archive with the firmware is located in internal memory. Choose desired item and click on it using the power key.

In the window that opens, select the archive with the updated firmware and press the power key. After this, the system update process will begin. After rebooting, the device will delight you with the new OS version.

Updating Android Using PC

If for some reason it was not possible to update the operating system using the above methods, proceed to more difficult option. We will need a PC, smartphone, USB cable, installed drivers For specific model of our device, as well as a special program for firmware. For different brands and smartphone models, programs and drivers will vary. We will describe the process in general terms.


1. Download the PC client for your model. For example, for Samsung it is Odin or Kies, and for Xiaomi it is XiaoMiFlash, etc.

2. Then download ADB drivers so that the PC can recognize our device.

3. Download official firmware for your device from the manufacturer's website.

4. In the smartphone settings, go to the “For Developers” section and enable “USB Debugging”.

5. After this, connect the phone to the PC and install the updated firmware using the appropriate program.

Unofficial firmware

It may also happen that the manufacturer no longer releases updates for older smartphone models. In this case, you will have to use unofficial Android OS firmware, of which there are a great many. However, it is worth remembering that installing such software may cause malfunctions of the device or even turn it into a “brick”.


Download unofficial firmware in the form of an archive and dump it into the internal or external memory devices.

We go into Recovery mode. To do this, turn off the smartphone, and then start it by holding the power key + volume up/down button (combinations may differ on different models.

Click the Install button and find the archive with the firmware. For me this is Update Click on it.

Then we swipe in the specified area, and the installation process will begin, after which the device will reboot with the new firmware and, as a result, the updated version of Android OS

Read more about how to flash an Android device in this guide. Official and unofficial firmware for various models you will find it there.

Ask any questions you have in the comments and we will definitely help you!

A typical question that owners of Android devices ask is updating the OS. The need to update the system most often arises when some applications cannot be installed due to outdated version, do not start modern games or you just want to use the most advanced software. Developers present the modernized platform with enviable regularity, trying in each subsequent version to eliminate past defects and provide device users with maximum comfort.

Of course, no one is forcing you to update, but you must agree, why use an ancient system on a smartphone when there are more advanced options? Moreover, there are a lot of options for how to update Android on your phone, and the process does not take much time, especially if you first study the tips and step-by-step recommendations which we have prepared in this article.

Unofficial or official firmware?

Before you update Android to 6.0, 7.0, 5.0, etc., you need to decide which software to use: from an official or unofficial source. There are different opinions, but objectively the first option is preferable. Firstly, there is less risk that everything will be updated without disruption to the device. Files downloaded from the Internet may contain viruses or the software may simply not be made professionally, as a result of which you will receive a device that is impossible to use normally. Secondly, you need to understand that it is possible to update the Android version using unofficial firmware, but it is much more difficult and time-consuming. Consider whether you are willing to take risks and spend a lot of time and effort if you have the opportunity to use software from a reliable developer. In addition, for new version you don’t have to pay, which is also important.

Update via phone

You can update in a variety of ways (as you wish), but most often when deciding how best to update Android, preference is given to the option through the phone. The advantage is that the process is automated and that the device does not need to have the latest version of the system. The only caveat is this method Only works for smartphones running Android 4.0 and later. Remember also that the process involves downloading from the Internet, therefore, “Mobile data” or Wi-fi must be turned on, and there is enough memory to download the installation files. So, let's look into the details of how to update the Android version directly using your phone:

  1. Open the main menu of the device and find the section with settings (you can use a separate key if it is provided for by the design of the gadget).
  2. Select the item “About phone” and see detailed information O current version and build number. It is possible that you already have the latest version and will not need to update.
  3. Go to the section whose title contains the word “update”, then activate checking for updates. If they are available, the download and installation process will begin immediately. If you have previously set restrictions regarding update automation, you will need to give additional confirmation. On the screen you will see how the system is updated, and if the version is the latest, a corresponding notification will appear.

It is possible that to improve to latest version, you will need to do additional actions, for example, entering your login and password to activate your Samsung account. If your device is new or for some other reason you have not yet gone through the registration procedure with Samsung system, then this is easy to do using the “Account and Synchronization” section in the smartphone settings.

We update the system via PC

There is a way to install new firmware using a laptop or desktop PC. To update via a computer, you will additionally need to have a cable to connect the device itself. installation file the selected OS variation (if the disk is not included, download from the Internet) and a special program. You can use different utilities for updating installed version systems, but the most popular are Sony PC Companion and Kies.

When you have everything you need, perform the following steps:

  • connect the phone to the laptop using a wire or desktop computer, we wait until they “see” him;
  • run the program and wait a bit for it to be done automatic check for updates – the version is selected based on the modification of the phone;
  • as soon as a notification about the possibility of an update appears on the screen, click “Update” and carefully read the system warning about the likely consequences of the procedure;
  • we confirm that we are aware and activate the process of downloading files;
  • as soon as the updates are downloaded, their installation begins (in some devices the system asks for additional consent);
  • We evaluate the benefits of using the latest generation software.

Alternative option

Along with the already described methods of how to update Android to 7 or 6, performed in automatic mode, it is possible to act forcibly. This need arises when difficulties arise with flashing the firmware or messages about the availability of updates are simply not displayed, although the owner knows for sure that they exist and can be installed on his smartphone model. Because the root rights are not needed, everyone can use this method, and there are no risks for the device.

Updating the Android operating system usually occurs by default, that is telephone device periodically it prompts you to update the software (software).

Important points before updating Android on your phone

Before agreeing to automatically update the operating system, it is recommended to ensure a sufficient speed of your Internet connection (mobile Internet is not suitable). Automatic software updates occur at least once every six months, and the phone itself asks you for permission to update the software. If this does not happen, then you can check and set the update settings yourself. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to update the Android OS manually.

Why doesn't Android update automatically on my phone?

Android OS has a large number of variations depending on the type of device (phones, tablets, smartphones), but the principle of placing the settings is the same. Software updates do not occur automatically in two cases:

  • The "automatic software update" option is not enabled.
  • Or do you have old model phone that no longer receives Android OS updates.

Old phone model – from one to three years. In this case, you can update the OS by downloading it manually on the official Android website (you will need to enter your mobile phone model).

How to set Android OS update settings on your phone manually?

The first thing you need for exhibiting required settings– this is a good Internet connection. We connect the telephone device to the Wi-fi router:

  • Go to the main menu and select the “Settings” option.

  • Next, click “Wi-fi”.

  • We connect the phone to an available network.

Instructions for updating Android OS on your phone

  • Now let’s move on to setting up automatic software updates - go again to the “Settings” menu.

  • We find the menu item “About the device” - depending on the phone model, this item may have a different name, similar in meaning: “About the system”, or “About the tablet/smartphone”.

  • Next, select the “Software Update” option (check for updates).

Next to this option you can find the option “available for download only when Wi-fi connection", to save your money, it is recommended to check the box.

  • On the phone screen, the “software update” command is executed, connection to the server - connection to the Internet. IN this moment for the phone model in question no latest updates Android OS, which is what the system described.

The OS update for your phone can also be found on the official Android website, after downloading it in accordance with your phone manufacturer.

We looked at the easiest way to update the Android operating system on your phone manually. In some phone models, it is enough to check the box next to “ Automatic update Software”, and immediately after that the phone itself finds updates and asks for permission to restart and install new software. We remind you that for successful installation of new software, a fast Internet connection is very important.

All Android users sooner or later think about updating the system. This is not surprising, because software developers do not hesitate to release the next new version. New updates usually open the door to new features, so users are often looking for a software update solution. In this article, we will offer you two options to solve this problem.

1) Software update via phone settings

This method is one of the simplest and most accessible for all users. You don't need to apply special effort, just follow the instructions. Screenshots were taken on Android 4.4 - KitKat.

Step 1

Backup. Typically, updating software through your phone settings is a virtually harmless process, but to avoid unwanted problems, you need to make a backup.

Step 3

Once you've opened Settings, scroll down the settings panel to System. Click on the "About device" item. Typically, depending on your device, this item may be titled "About Tablet" or "About Phone"

Step 4

Click on the "System Update" option.

Step 5

Next, click the “Download” or “Check Now” button. After this action you will see a message about availability available updates for your system. It is worth noting that updating the system may take you a little time. Also a necessary condition is connecting the device to Wi-Fi. After all the steps, reboot your devices.

That's probably all. If after updating your device you experience any performance issues, errors or freezes, then you need to reboot your device again.

2) Software update via computer

To install the latest updates, you can also use special programs. The most famous such programs are Kies, as well as New PC Studio.

Step 1

Download the program to your computer. Install it.

Step 2

We connect the phone via a USB cable to the computer. If you have installed Kies program you need to open it and click on the "Tools" tab.

Step 3

Next, select “Firmware update and initialization”. As a rule, after completing this procedure, the program itself will determine if there are available updates for your device. After all the steps, you need to restart the phone. Also, do not forget that even if you update the software via a computer, you still need the Internet.


Whatever software update option you choose, remember that the slightest error or glitch can lead to your phone losing important data or simply turning into a brick. So be careful when installing updates. Don't forget to do backups. Good luck!