How to access the Recovery menu? Options for getting to Recovery. Older models and some tablets

I wanted a one click method of going to download and/or recoverymode on my phone, So figured I"ll write my own application to doso. Options provided:Reboot: Restarts the phone.Recovery: Restarts the phone into recovery.Download: Restart the phone in downloadmode. Bootloader: Restarts to bootloader mode. Hot Boot: Restartsthe Android GUI processes/threads. (required busybox)Shutdown:Shuts down the phone. The application needs just 1 permission:android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER** This application will requireroot access(SuperUser and busybox). It works on my GalaxySIII(TouchWiz Rom). I"m not responsible for any damage because ofthe use of this application. Again: Do not download if you don"twant to*****This application is not an replacement for the stockpower menu***Thanks to Yunlin Xu for the Chinese translation,Trekminal for the Spanish translation and Catalin Marius for Romanian translations.

The Recovery menu is a special service mode of the Android mobile system. Available on all smartphones and tablets. Used to launch if the user wants to quickly clear all information in the device, restore factory settings, change the firmware, and also in some other situations.

If the Recovery on the device has never been changed, it is called STOCK. If this menu has been stitched, then it is already called CUSTOM.

Among custom recovery, CWM and TWRP are considered the most popular due to their functionality.

To enter the recovery menu on a switched off device, use a special combination of pressing HOME, POWER, VOLUME+ and VOLUME-. In this case, you need to use different of these buttons on different devices.

Below in the article you can find a method for your device. By the way, there are special programs for launching this menu. We will look at one of the most convenient ones called Quick Boot here.

A universal way to enter recovery on Android

Nowadays, the same key combination is suitable for many models from different manufacturers. Therefore, it makes sense to consider this method first. Perhaps it can be called a universal method.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Turn off your Android smartphone or tablet.
  2. Press the power button and then briefly press the volume up control.
  3. The device will go into Recovery.

  1. With the device turned on, press the on/off button for a few seconds.
  2. A menu with some parameters will appear on the screen, where there may be a button “Go to recovery” or something like that.

If on your Android these key combinations do not lead to the desired result, then see below all the possible combinations specifically for each popular line of devices. For all other devices, one of the universal options described above is suitable.

Recovery on Samsung

If you have a device from the popular Galaxy line from Samsung Electronics, then one of the following methods will suit you. Keep in mind that all key combinations apply when the smartphone or tablet is turned off.


Recovery on Sony Xperia

If you are the owner of a Sony Xperia line device, then turn off the device, and then turn it on and When the indicator lights up or the SONY logo appears on the screen, hold down the volume down or up key. On some models, clicking on the logo works.

This option is also possible: turn off the device, hold down the power button and wait for a few vibrations, then release the ON/OFF button and quickly press “Volume +”.

Recovery on HTC

First of all, the user needs to switch to Bootloader mode. In most cases, this requires removing and installing the battery again:

Recovery on Nexus

With the device turned off, hold down the following key combination: volume down and on/off (power).

Now find the Recovery option and go to it by pressing the Power button.

Enter recovery using the Quick Boot application

There are also special programs that help you switch to Recovery with one touch of your finger. The procedure in this case is not at all complicated. Just open the Play Store, search for the application and install it. I decided to introduce you to one of the most convenient ones called Quick Boot.

After installation and launch, select Recovery from the program menu.

The device will successfully reboot into Recovery mode, and you will be able to continue working with those partitions that you need, depending on the task at hand. For example, if you need to restore all factory settings on your device, you will work with the Wipe data (Factory reset) section, to update the firmware use the Apply update from section, etc.

How to work in the recovery menu

Navigation here is done by pressing the side volume up and down keys. To confirm the selected option, briefly press the on/off button.

Advice: if you are not sure of your actions, it is better not to experiment in this menu, as the consequences will be irreversible. Android mobile devices, unlike PCs, will not issue warnings about possible problems.

What's in the Recovery menu

This menu contains the following sections:

  1. Reboot system. When you click on this item, Android will reboot in normal mode. In case you just went into Recovery out of curiosity, use this command to exit.
  2. Apply update from . This section is used to update installed firmware from an existing distribution, install patches, etc. In this section, you can select the type of update from the following list:
    1) Internal storage - from an existing option, including from system memory, file storage, memory card;
    2) External storage - from some external device;
    3) Cache - from the internal system cache.
  3. Backup/Restore. Each device stores a backup image of the system. When you click on this item, recovery from this image will be started. That is, the system will be completely updated to the state it was in after purchase.
  4. Wipe cache partition. The contents of the system cache will be completely deleted.
  5. Wipe data|Factory reset . Selecting this item will allow you to reset all settings made by the user during the entire period of operation. The device will completely return to its factory preset settings. Please note that during the reset process, all information entered and saved by the user will be lost. Including all files, folders, music, videos, etc. However, the performance of the tablet usually increases by an order of magnitude after resetting the settings.

Perhaps rebooting the mobile device is the most extreme way to solve various types of problems. There are a number of situations where it is simply impossible to do without it. It is for such purposes that Reboot Menu Widget, a program for rebooting Android, is used.

Why does Android freeze? There may be several answers. These include mechanical problems (overheating of the hardware platform), software problems (errors in the source code of applications), an incorrectly implemented algorithm for accessing device resources, and even incorrect distribution of RAM between the program and applications.

In any case, restarting Android is one of the options for solving the problems described above. So, let's install Reboot Menu Widget on your tablet or smartphone and start understanding how it works.

Best Reboot App for Android: Video

Installing the Reboot Menu Widget application

The process of downloading the program is very banal and practically no different from the already familiar algorithm for obtaining installation files in the Android operating environment.

Therefore, simply go to the address of the developer’s page in the Google Play store and select “Install”. The application will ask for permission to grant certain rights on the system.

We agree by clicking the “Accept” button in the pop-up window and wait for the installation to complete. After a few moments, the application will complete the installation process and place its shortcut in the main menu of the mobile device.

Setting up the Reboot Menu Widget application

Let's launch the program. For high-quality work, this little script simply requires superuser rights. We agree.

At this point, it is worth drawing your attention to the mediocre localization of the application. This fact does not particularly affect the functionality, but nevertheless it introduces some inconvenience for the average user. We hope that in subsequent releases the developer will eliminate this shortcoming.

We continue to understand the intricacies of the Reboot Menu Widget. Go to the application settings. As the name of the program suggests, the main operating mode of the script is a screen widget.

In the parameters you can define both its appearance and the size it will occupy on the virtual desktop.

In the same menu, the developers provide the user with the ability to choose between several preset themes for displaying the reboot menu and the main program widget.

If your gadget belongs to the family of mobile devices from Samsung and HTC, then we advise you to pay close attention to the following Reboot Menu Widget options. They will help resolve specific problems. In particular, incorrect restart of the Android operating system.

Well, at the very end of the settings menu there are items responsible for the lines that will be displayed in the application pop-up window.

Mark only the actions you need, do not clutter the screen of your smartphone or tablet.

Using the Reboot Menu Widget App

We examined in detail setting the program parameters. Now it's time to test the application in action. Place the Reboot Menu Widget on the desktop of your mobile device.

When we long press the power button of a smartphone or tablet, we usually bring up the shutdown menu with two options: “Shut down” and “Restart”. By and large, this is quite enough for an ordinary user, and he will not change anything. Another thing is for advanced users who know first-hand what Recovery Mode, Bootloader, and “soft reboot” are and would not mind expanding the meager menu with these functions. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

What can you add to the Android shutdown menu?

It is worth understanding that the system shutdown menu on Android is an element of the user interface, which can also be modified. In principle, you can add almost any parameters here. Most often, these are various options for rebooting the device, sound profiles and other system settings.

Experienced users of Android mobile devices have reflashed their gadgets at least once in their lives. At the same time, very often they use a special Android boot mode – Recovery Mode. It allows you not only to flash the device, but also to do a full system reset to factory settings, create a backup copy, clear the phone's memory, get ROOT and much more. To enter this mode, combinations of device button presses are usually used. Moreover, for each brand of smartphone or tablet they can be different. In order not to ask yourself this question and not to press the designated buttons every time, this option can be added to the shutdown menu.

We will look at several options for changing the system shutdown menu using a module for Xposed and the Material Power Menu and Quick Reboot applications. To work correctly, they all require .

Attention! You perform the actions described in this article at your own peril and risk. If you don't quite understand why you need it, it's better not to do anything. The editors of the Treshbox website are not responsible for the “bricking” of your devices.

Advanced Power Menu Module for Xposed

The advantage of this method is that all changes are integrated directly into the Android system shutdown menu. To change device shutdown settings, you will need a special runtime. Open the application, go to the repository and find there Advanced Power Menu (APM+). Install the module and don't forget to activate it in Xposed settings. Reboot your device.

APM+ is very easy to use. When you first start, you will see system shutdown menu items. Here you can delete existing items, create new ones and change their location by dragging and dropping. For some options, the utility allows you to configure advanced parameters within each menu item. For example, by clicking on “Reboot”, the system will prompt you to select the type of reboot: normal, “soft”, Recovery Mode and Bootloader.

With APM+ you can add flashlight, Wi-Fi, sound profiles, mobile network modes, data transfer, screenshot, speed dial and screen recording to the menu. In addition to this, the appearance of the menu itself can also be slightly decorated by applying one of the design themes.

But the most useful feature of the APM+ module is its anti-theft functions. They allow you to disable some menu items or protect them with a password, add a text warning on the lock screen, and more. Also interesting is the ability to create a fake “Turn Off” item, which simulates turning off the device, but in fact performs other actions specified by the user in the settings.

Advanced Power Menu is best suited for devices running stock Android 4.0 and above. The module does not work on many branded shells; the developer only claims to support Xperia UI and TouchWiz. Now, apparently, work on the module has been suspended. The utility has not received an update for more than a year, and its latest version only partially supports Android 6.0. However, if you have a KitKat or Lollipop device, you can try installing APM+ on it.

As you know, Android KitKat contains a more advanced shutdown menu than Lollipop and Marshmallow. In addition to the “Switch off” and “Reboot” items, it also contains “Airplane mode” and sound profiles. The Material Power Menu app brings them back to the menu on devices running Android 5.0 and above. As a bonus, the utility contains options for entering bootloader and recovery mode, as well as a “soft” reboot, which restarts only the system interface. Another interesting feature of the program is Safe Mode. In this mode, similar to a computer, the Android system boots with third-party applications disabled. If, for example, you have picked up a Trojan or other malware, you can use Safe Mode to remove it from the system.

Material Power Menu works independently of the device's mechanical power button. To make it easier to call the shutdown menu, you can place the application shortcut on the desktop. Thus, the utility will be useful if your power button is broken. If you have ROOT and Xposed, Material Power Menu is integrated into the environment as a software module and completely replaces the Android system shutdown menu. True, turning on this menu is not very convenient - by repeatedly pressing the power button for a long time. But on some firmware this may not work.

The only significant drawback of the application is the lack of Russian language, as well as the fact that the program does not allow you to add new or change existing items in the shutdown menu.

Unlike previous solutions, this method using the Quick Reboot application does not involve any changes to the Android system shutdown menu. Quick Reboot is a fairly simple utility whose task is to replace the device's power button. That is, you can turn off your smartphone or tablet the old fashioned way (using the power button), or through this application. In addition to the basic parameters of the shutdown menu, the program allows you to reboot into recovery or bootloader mode without remembering key combinations. To make it easier to launch commands, Quick Reboot has widgets.

The application has a simple interface with support for the Russian language, design themes and more than 10 user options for the shutdown menu. In general, all menu items work properly, but you shouldn’t expect anything more from the utility.


To summarize, we can highlight two main points in which such utilities can be useful. The first is when you want to modify the Android system shutdown menu and expand its functionality with the options you need. In this case, we recommend trying the Xposed module Advanced Power Menu with an excellent set of functions.

The second is the moment when your power or volume button does not work (for a combination to enter bootloader or recovery mode) or you have problems pressing them. In this situation, applications such as Material Power Menu and Quick Reboot will come in handy.

Hard Reset (hard reset, hard reboot) - Reboot the device, which restores the system to factory settings and deletes all user information, including installed programs, contacts and SMS. Deleted information cannot be recovered after this procedure, so it is recommended to save all important data before resetting.

Important! Data from memory cards, SIM cards, and the internal memory of the phone is not deleted (data from the internal memory and memory card can be deleted during a soft reset by selecting the appropriate menu item).

Why do you need Hard Reset?

Hard Reset is used as a last resort when errors and malfunctions occur in the device, when it is impossible to eliminate the failure by other methods. The fact is that the more complex the device, the greater the likelihood of various problems arising in it during operation: repeated installation and reinstallation of programs, cluttering the device’s memory with various files, etc. and it is usually impossible to determine the exact cause of the malfunction. The device may begin to operate unstably, slow down, or even not turn on at all. Hard Reset will return the device to its original state, canceling any actions with it.

Soft reset

If the smartphone/tablet boots up, you can reset the settings through the device menu. For this:

Go to the application menu...


...the “Accounts” tab (or the “Personal Data” item) and select “Backup and reset” (or “Restore and reset”)...

…Reset data (Reset settings)…

...Device reset...

…Erase/Delete everything

All. We are waiting for the device to reboot.

Hard reset

If the device does not turn on, then you can try to revive it by performing a hardware reset. The procedure is generally standard. There are mechanical buttons on the device body that are pressed in a certain combination, which allows you to enter the menu Android system recovery and reset the settings.

Typical menu view Android system recovery:

Combination of buttons for devices from different manufacturers:

1. Turn off the device. Then press and hold the button inclusion and a key increase the volume
2. After the menu appears, press the key increase the volume select item Recovery Mode and press the key decrease volume
3. After the Android image with a red triangle appears, press the button inclusion
4. After this, press decrease volume select item Wipe data/factory reset and press the volume up key. Choose Yes

1. Turn off the device. Lever arm screen lock move to left position
2. Hold down the key increase the volume and a button inclusion simultaneously
3. After the device vibrates, move the lever blocking right and left until we see 2 lines on the display [i]Erasing Userdata And Erasing Cache(You must continue to hold the button volume)
4. Formatting lines will appear in the upper left corner

1. Turn off the device. Press and hold the keys at the same time increase the volume and a button inclusion until the corresponding indication appears on the screen
2. Keys volume select an item Wipe data/factory reset and press the button nutrition
3. Scrolling with the keys volume to point YES and confirm the choice with the button nutrition

All devices:
1. Turn off the device. Then press and hold the key decrease volume, while simultaneously pressing the button inclusion on 3 sec
2. Release the button inclusion and hold the key decrease volume until the menu appears
3. Buttons volume choose Enter recovery mode
4. In the menu that appears, select Wipe data/Factory reset and confirm your choice Yes - delete all data
5. After reset Reboot now

1. Turn off the device
2. Remove the battery
3. Connect the device to the charger ( specifically to the charger from the network, and not to the PC)
4. Insert battery
5. Press and hold buttons nutrition and a key increase the volume until the dim Android logo appears (10-15 seconds)
6. Press the button once nutrition
7. In the menu that appears, select " wipe data" (menu navigation - volume keys, select - button nutrition), in the next menu select " Yes -- delete all user data"

1. Turn off device
2. Press and hold keys increase the volume And decrease volume, then briefly press the button nutrition
3. Continue holding keys increase the volume And decrease volume until the message appears on the screen Warning
4. Press key increase the volume to execute hard reset

1. Turn off device
2. Simultaneously press the key decrease volume, button nutrition And cameras

1. The tablet must be turned off
2. Press the buttons " Home" And " Vol-" and only then the button nutrition
3. Keep them pressed until it appears Oysters logo, release the button nutrition. When a picture appears with a lying robot and an exclamation mark, release the rest
4. Press the button nutrition and, without releasing it, press and release " Vol+"
5. From the menu select " wipe data/factory reset", then " reboot" and you're done

Alternative option:
1. Press and hold the key decrease volume sound
2. Press and hold the " on off»;
3. Hold this combination of buttons until the message “ upgrade, please wait……»
4. Select from the list wipedata/factoryreset(switching between lines - key decrease sound, select – key increase sound);
5. In the drop-down list, select " Yes – delete all user data».