Not included in VKontakte. Server error when logging in to VKontakte

How many people are faced with the fact that they “do not get in touch”. Either he writes an error, or he doesn’t want to log into his favorite browser.

Almost always the problem is with you. Let's try to figure it out in each individual case...

What to do if you don’t make contact?

You are offered to send an SMS...

If they write that only in this case you will be able to access the site “in contact”, under no circumstances fall for it and do not send anything! Do not fall for deception, otherwise you will lose your money and will not get in touch. Such a sentence via SMS definitely means that you have contracted a virus. Don't worry, it's very easy to fix. Follow the instructions.

  1. Open drive C, then the “WINDOWS” folder, find “system32” there, then “drivers”, “etc” there and finally what we need - “hosts”.
  2. Now look at this "hosts" file. If the file does not open, then right-click on it and select “open with”. Find “notepad” and use it to open it.
  3. It doesn’t matter what icons we see there, it is important to find and delete lines there with the inscriptions “” or “”. And then don’t forget to save the changes to the file.
  4. If the “hosts” file still doesn’t open for you, don’t be upset. It happens that a virus blocks its opening. We can handle this too. Click "start" and select the "restart computer" option. When the computer boots, press F8. From all the inscriptions that appear, click on “safe mode”. When the computer has booted, follow the first three steps of our instructions. Then we restart the computer again.

It also happens that people just delete the “hosts” file, restart the computer, and after that the contact is normally established.

What to do if you don’t get in touch after correcting or deleting “hosts”...

Surely these are some other viruses. Let's try to deal with them. We go to “start”, click on search, select “files and folders”, then “my computer”. We need to find “vkontakte.exe” and “svc.exe”, so we enter these names in turn in the search column, and then simply delete these files when our computer finds them. Don't forget to restart your computer.

In general, it would be good to check your computer for viruses if you have an anti-virus program. If not, then be sure to install it. After all, your computer constantly needs protection, not only in order to make contact without problems.

Why can’t I get into contact - select a browser

Strange as it may seem, it often happens that contact cannot be made through opera. Either a nickname asks another to enter, then it gives some kind of error. Why it doesn’t make contact through Mozilla is also unclear to users. It may be a matter of settings. See if the browser asks for permission to open a particular site. You can download the Google Chrome browser. If this is the case, then you will definitely get in touch with him.

Writes that the server cannot find and does not contact

The reason may be in a remote server, that is, not on yours. This could be technical work. which are held on the site. Then all your friends at this time will also have problems getting in touch. It's worth waiting a while, an hour or two.

Another reason is that you simply do not have an Internet connection. Check everything carefully.

Why can’t I get in touch - just in case, check the following points:

  • Do you have an Internet connection? Go to any other site and see if it loads.
  • If you are not at home, find out if access to the VKontakte site is allowed in this organization. Often in schools, institutes, and at work, access to social networks is prohibited.
  • Perhaps you were blocked by site administrators for sending spam, frequently changing your name, or something else, although this happens extremely rarely. But if this happens, wait a day or two, then try to log in again.

We have looked at the most common options for why you may not make contact. We really hope that this information will help you. Good luck!

It’s very disappointing when you manage to find time to communicate on the VKontakte social network, and on the screen of your smartphone or tablet, instead of your page, you see a message: “We were unable to log in due to problems with the Internet connection. Please check your network connection and try again." What’s most annoying is that everything is fine with the Internet. And you can even log in without any problems, but either through a mobile browser or through an unofficial client. But the official client stubbornly rejects all attempts by the user to log into his account. Sometimes it is still possible to redirect the application, and the official client begins to work normally on its own. But in some cases, the authorization error does not disappear anywhere - you have to look for ways to correct the situation. We will tell you about some of them today.

Solving the problem with Wi-Fi connection when DNS servers are not working correctly: :
This problem can occur if the DNS server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information with the domain name of the resource (in this case that you are accessing. This is the fault of the provider, or rather, its DNS servers, which do not work correctly. You can solve the problem as follows:
1) Connect to a Wi-Fi access point;

2) Long press “Wi-Fi Network”;

3) Select “Change network”;

We see the name “Advanced settings”, put a tick in the window;

5) In the IP settings, select custom settings;

6) We see the DNS lines, and in these lines we register the DNS servers from Google (

* An easier way to solve this problem is to install the program on your smartphone or tablet and then select it in the settings GoogleDNS. The program is downloaded for free; superuser rights are not required to use it in the PRO version. When accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi connection, in the router settings we specify as the DNS server .

In most cases, this is enough for the error to disappear, and login to VKontakte is carried out as normal.

Clearing Hosts when using a mobile network or Wi-Fi:
The method of cleaning the hosts file gives good results. It is effective if the VKontakte resource has been blocked in some way. You can remove it as follows:
1) Download from Google Play and install ES Explorer on your device;
2) Go to “Settings”, then to Root rights, where we check the boxes “Root-explorer”, “Connect system folders” and “Root folder”;
3) Go to “/” -> “etc”, where we find the hosts file and open it (while holding down the “Open as..” -> Text -> ES Editor position).

4) We delete all the contents, leaving only one line: localhost

5) We save and reboot the device - logging into VK through the official client should go without problems.

If you have the Freedom program on your tablet or smartphone:
1) Go to the Freedom program;
2) In Freedom, select Menu -> Stop.

* If you initially uninstalled Freedom, install it back temporarily.
3) Reboot the smartphone;
4) If the problem is not solved, remove the Freedom program;
5) We use the above method for cleaning Hosts;
6) Reboot the device.

None of these methods helped? Don’t be upset - in addition to the official VKontakte client, there are no less convenient alternatives: “Kate” and “Lynt”, which even surpass it in terms of functionality - try working with them and you will not regret it.

Regardless of the cause, fix any possible mechanical problems first. Check the existing connection to the Internet, unplug the network cable from the connector and reinstall it, additionally reboot the computer, pausing without turning it on for about 15 seconds. If such manipulations do not help, then follow the instructions below. Read to the end to determine exactly what your problem is.

No access to Contact when logging in from phone

If at some point you were unable to log into your page from your phone, then the browser on your device may have crashed. Try installing a new Yandex browser (download link

Or update the software on your phone itself. Clear your browser's cache, preferably your phone's as well.

Start with the simplest steps, hoping that the problem is not viruses or scammers hacking your page:

  • restart your phone;
  • You use mobile devices to enter the site - as a rule, you are redirected to the mobile version of the site. Log in directly;
  • try to log in from another phone, change the telecom operator;
  • reinstall your browser.

Local blocking

One of the simplest reasons is local blocking of access to certain pages. If other sites load without problems, but there is only access to Contact, and you access the Internet using the network of an employer, organization, school, or university, then with a high degree of probability access to these pages is blocked directly by the owners of the network. That is, school, organization, etc. Try again from your home computer or from another computer where similar restrictions may not occur.

When you try to log in, the text on the monitor is approximately the same as in the photo below.

Another reason for lack of access is the blocking of the page by social networks for sending spam. The Contact administration blocks for a certain period of time those accounts from which mass messages of the same type were sent. Even if they are not advertising in nature, such actions may be perceived as spam. The same measures can be applied to the page if the account name is changed frequently, so you should not get carried away with “encrypting” the identity.

In such cases, unlocking occurs automatically after a certain period of time. When your account is re-identified as a spammer, the time of removal from the social network increases.

Technical work or “Server not found”

You received the message “Server not found” or something similar on the monitor. Don't be discouraged, this is the simplest thing. Apparently, technical work is currently underway on the remote server of the social network. And your computer has nothing to do with it, which should make you happy. Please try to sign in again later.

To make sure that this problem is not really on your end, check with your friends if they can get in touch from their machines. If no one has access, then the site is really under maintenance. Wait an hour or two.

You're living in the wrong time

One of the simplest problems is that the computer you are using actually has the wrong date and time set. Perhaps there was a glitch, maybe they changed something themselves. Please enter correct values.

It's very easy to do. In the lower taskbar in the right corner (arrow 1), click on the digital date and time value.

Following arrow 2, a window will open where you need to enter the correct data. Or switch to Internet time.

Login impossible: password not entered

Check for yourself whether the data entered is accurate, whether all letters and numbers are entered in the required format, capital or lowercase, in your password and nickname. Specify the keyboard layout: enter in English mode or in Russian. Disable the key responsible for the case of entered characters - “Caps Lock”.

If you tried everything and nothing helped, and you are still “knocking” at your account without visible results, use password recovery. Follow this link: A window will open:

You need the email address to which your personal page was registered, as well as access to the mobile phone number to which the account is “linked”.

Enter the correct phone number or email number (arrow 1). Click the “Next” button, enter the captcha (a set of letters and numbers to certify that you are not a machine gun, but a person), confirm the entry.

An SMS will be sent to the specified number containing an access code. Enter this code in the form in a new window, create and confirm a new password. Within a few minutes you should receive another SMS with updated data on your phone.

If you do not have access to the phone and the registration data is not saved in memory, then follow the link indicated by arrow 2 in the figure above.

Be sure to check your computer for viruses, and it is advisable not to postpone this process “for later.” This way you will protect yourself from the page being hacked again.

Fraudsters and SMS

What you should not do under any circumstances: do not send any SMS if you are asked to do so in exchange for unblocking the page. Contact has never taken and never takes money for registering or unblocking an account.

So, you are persistently asked to send a message from your phone. It looks something like the images below. Very similar to Contact administrative messages.

Under no circumstances should you ever send anything, as scammers are simply scamming you out of money. Unfortunately, access will remain blocked. This development of events only indicates the fact that your computer has become friends with the virus. That the page was hacked. And the problem needs to be solved not by SMS.

Changing settings and the browser itself

It is possible that viruses have nothing to do with it. Sometimes a simple page refresh or memory cleaning helps. Press F5 and the browser will refresh the page. Or two keys at the same time: Ctr F5.

Another way is to delete from your computer’s hard drive all pages and all elements that were downloaded by your browser from the Internet. Such an operation will also reset information about the pages you have visited and the paths you have taken to surf the Internet. Need to remove:

  • visit log;
  • cookies;
  • search history;
  • authentication sessions;
  • saved passwords.

If you made all attempts to get to your page in one browser, for example, in Opera, then you should do this in another. Go to Mozilla Firefox, to Google Chrome. If they are not installed, install them, it is quite simple, and you will have a reliable tool for checking functionality at critical moments.

How to find and neutralize virus-infected files

Treatment with antivirus programs

The first and, perhaps, the most successful action: “run” the computer through a couple of antivirus programs. Do not rely too much on the installed software, even licensed Kaspersky or Doctor Web. Refer to remote online utilities, it will be more reliable. For example, free Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, Dr.Web CureIt.

After cleaning the machine, reboot and try to log into Contact again.

Search for the “responsible” hosts file

If antivirus software doesn’t help, then look for the problem manually. Open the “My Computer” folder, from it go to drive C, and find the “Windows” folder among others. Next, open the sequentially nested folders “system32”, “drivers”, “etc”, “hosts”.

It is in the latter that the file you are looking for to correct the operation of Contact is located.

Open the “hosts” file in Notepad to edit. Hint: right-click on the file icon and activate the “open with” command. Find and click “Notepad” in the drop-down list. You will receive a text version of this file.

Did you do everything correctly, but the file did not open? This means the virus got to him before you. Do the following.

  • Reboot your computer into safe mode. You can get into this mode when you reboot. When the monitor screen is black, at the very beginning of the reboot, press F8. You can click several times to “catch” the moment.
  • A black monitor screen will open again, asking you to choose a further download method. If you have multiple operating systems installed, they will also be present in the list. But your choice is clear: “Safe Mode”, it is in it that you need to debug inconsistencies with files.
  • Boot and search for the “hosts” file as above.
  • Make the edit (see point below), save and reboot the computer again in normal mode.

Sometimes simply deleting this file, then rebooting in normal mode, helps. Access is restored automatically.

What corrections are required in the hosts file?

When you open the file, you will find a lot of entries in text mode. Many lines begin with a # sign. This is a non-system line and don't pay attention to it, just skip it.

Examine lines that do not have such a character at the beginning.

If the file contains lines containing the names of social networks:, or, then delete them immediately. They are the ones responsible for your torment with Contact.

After deleting the specified lines, save the notepad file in the same folder from which you opened it. That is, in the folder C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. Please note that you need to save without any extension. Namely, the hosts file cannot have an entry of the type “hosts.txt”. Only one word “hosts”.

How to detect a hidden hosts file

If your file still does not want to open despite all the manipulations, then most likely you have not gotten rid of the viruses that block this action. Or viruses “slip” their created file to you and hide the one you need.

To show hidden files, go through the “Start” button to the “Control Panel”. Find the Appearance tab, then open Folder Options, Show hidden files and folders. You need to activate the “Show hidden files” command.

Changing the display of hidden folders

After allowing access to hidden files, look for hosts. It is quite possible that you have two of them. Open both and delete the one that has extra lines. Alternatively, delete both and restart your computer.

Automatically fix the hosts file

This option is valid only for licensed operating systems!

Problem: “hosts” is fixed, but still no access

To continue solving the problem, you will have to try to find a couple of virus files freely living in your folders and destroy them. Depending, again, on the operating system, the file search is performed in different ways. You can do this in Explorer, or from the Start menu: Search, Files and Folders.

You need to find files named “vkontakte.exe” and “svc.exe”. Remove them, at the same time empty the basket and reload the machine. Then try to log into your Vkotakte account.

How to avoid problems with blocking and viruses

Typically, virus infection occurs through the fault of the user himself. Downloading programs from unreliable sources, allowing access to information on various sites is a direct path to disrupting the operation of the computer in general and the accessibility of social networks in particular.

If the source of the virus is detected, immediately begin treatment. And in the future, do not forget about prevention.

User Andrey sent us a message in which he says that he encountered an error in VK. When logging in on the main page, Andrey receives a warning with the message “Unable to authenticate via a secure connection. Most often this happens when the current date and time are set incorrectly on your computer. Please check your system date and time settings and restart your browser." Accordingly, it is impossible to access the page. The question is - what to do?

The error itself:

Most likely, this is a virus or Trojan that prevents you from accessing your page. But first, it’s still worth trying to restart the browser (or better yet, try logging in in a different browser), and also synchronize the time with the network: you need to click on the clock, after which a window will appear. In the window, select the “Internet time” tab - “Change settings”. Here, check the box next to “Synchronize with an Internet time server,” select the server and click the “Update now” button.

If restarting the browser and synchronizing the time do not help, then the problem is definitely a virus or Trojan. What to do in this case? First of all, update your anti-virus databases and scan your system for malicious files. If the antivirus finds such files or programs and deletes them, great, but this is unlikely to solve the problem, since the malicious file manages to make changes to the system, namely to the hosts file.

To check the contents of the hosts file, open it with notepad - the file is located at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\ (this is a hidden document - you need to make all files visible first). If in the hosts file you see entries like ip - VKontakte address after localhost, feel free to delete them. The fact is that when you log into VK, a redirect occurs to another site (possibly malicious), which has nothing to do with the social network.

Be sure to save the file afterwards. If it does not save, then you need to open it as an administrator, as shown below:

If you don’t want to edit the hosts file, there is an easier way - the Dr. utility. Web Cure. Download it from the official website (it is distributed completely free of charge) and run it. The utility itself checks the hosts file for additional entries and, if any, will ask you whether it needs to be restored to its normal state. You agree. At the same time, the utility can find other malicious files.

If these methods helped you, we would be grateful if you let us know in the comments.

Almost every sixth inhabitant of the Earth is registered in some social network. Facebook is popular in Europe, QQ is popular in China, and VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are popular in our country and the post-Soviet space. The slightest glitch in the operation of a social network leads to panic among its users, who communicate on social media for hours on end. But often users themselves are to blame for losing access to VKontakte. Why doesn’t he log in to Contact and how to deal with it?

Of course, the unavailability of a social network may well be due to technical work on the servers or force majeure circumstances. For example, in the summer of 2014, VKontakte was unavailable for 3 hours due to abnormal heat, which disabled the company’s data center in St. Petersburg. But this happens quite rarely, as a result of which you should not associate the unavailability of a social network with any force majeure. Perhaps you are the one having problems with the Internet, computer or account.

Internet connection problem

If when you try to open the site An error pops up in your browser, don’t rush to panic. Your Internet provider may have problems with the equipment or the channel. But if other sites open normally, then this is a serious reason to think about resolving this issue. True, if you access Contact from a work computer, then it is likely that access to the social network is blocked by the system administrator. You can use “anonymizers” to access blocked sites, for example, the 2ip service, available at Enter the address of the social network, select the IP of any country and click “Open”.

Also be sure to look in the system hosts file and check if there are any unnecessary entries there. As a matter of fact, changes made by the virus to the hosts are the most common reason for the inaccessibility of social networks. The principle of operation of this file is quite simple. Before accessing the site, the browser checks the hosts file and, if it does not contain the site’s IP address, opens the site directly. Attackers take advantage of this by registering “fake” IPs in hosts. Thus, they “force” the user to open a completely different site on a different server.

This is the main reason why he doesn’t get into Contact. Fixing the problem with the “hosts” file is very simple. First, you need to open the hosts file in Notepad, which is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. It does not have an extension, so when opening it, specify Notepad as the program.

In Windows 7, finding this file will be a little more difficult, since this path is hidden from the user. Go to drive C, enter the word “hosts” in the search and click ENTER. After finishing the search, open the found file in Notepad. You may need to first open Notepad in administrator mode by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator."

If the file contains entries related to Contact, Odnoklassniki, then feel free to delete them, leaving “localhost” as the last line.

Save the changes made to hosts, close Notepad and restart the computer. After these actions, in most cases, access to the social network is restored.

If you have installed various programs related to the social network on your computer (downloaders, VKontakte clients), then immediately uninstall them through the “Programs and Features” item in the “Control Panel”.

Also check the system for the presence of files such as “vkontakte.exe”, “svnhost.exe”, “svc.exe”. Open the Start menu and enter the names of these files in order. If Windows detects them on your computer, remove them immediately and restart the system.

Account problem

Often, users are unable to log into the social network because they enter the wrong password, use the wrong layout, or type the password while Caps Lock is on. If, when you try to open a page, the social network tells you that your profile is frozen, do not worry.

Just enter your phone number and confirm your account ownership with the SMS code sent to your phone. Remember that the social network will never ask you to send an SMS to restore access to your account. If you manage to get into your profile, then immediately change the password to it so that attackers will no longer be able to use your profile. Never install programs on your computer that cheat likes, votes, etc. Such programs are viruses that use your account for personal purposes. Haven't figured out the problem? Watch the following video: