You need the latest version of flash player. Reasons for Flash Player not working in Internet Explorer

Do you want to browse websites without any restrictions? So that all the pictures, videos and online games are available to you? Well, then you need to download Adobe Flash Player for free and install it on your computer for Windows 7, 8, XP.

This is a kind of tool for displaying and correct operation of multimedia content posted on websites. We are talking about videos, animations, banners, pop-ups, online games. Without this player, the web browser simply will not display all this. Some browsers already have a built-in Adobe Flash Player (such as the integrated plugin in Google Chrome), and for some you need to install it specifically.


  • two versions: for Internet Explorer and for other browsers (Opera, Mozilla, Safari, etc.);
  • provides playback of multimedia content on the Internet;
  • contains the necessary elements for the correct operation of online games;
  • supports FLV and SWF files;
  • has integrated hardware acceleration for 2D/3D graphics rendering;
  • is automatically updated.

Principle of operation:

The development we are considering is essentially a component for the browser, and therefore it does not have an interface as such. However, the user can still customize some options. By right-clicking on the flash content, you will open a small context menu where you can adjust hardware graphics acceleration and determine the degree of privacy.

We can safely say that this software supports all versions of Internet Explorer, starting from 6, Mozilla Firefox (from 3), Opera (from 9.5), Google Chrome and Safari (from 4.0).


  • compatible with any web browser;
  • does not require settings;
  • makes Internet surfing more vibrant and exciting;
  • You can always download Adobe Flash Player for free.


  • insufficient error control, which leads to failures.
  • Despite the rapid development of HTML 5, Adobe Flash Player remains one of the key technologies of the World Wide Web. Flash player, whose analogues have not yet been so successful in cross-platform and ubiquity, is the optimal tool for playing multimedia. And the fact that it does not require attention allows you to simply “set it and forget it,” and then enjoy all the delights of Internet content. If Adobe Flash Player is out of date or does not work, it is recommended to update to a newer version.

    Adobe Flash Player- a plugin for Internet Explorer, AOL browsers that allows you to play Flash videos (SWF files). Without this program, the browser will not correctly display web pages and interactive web elements developed using Flash technology.

    Changes in version 11

    Adobe Flash Player 11 brings many improvements that will change the type of content you see on the web. Just like Flash Player 7 changed the web with the introduction of progressive video, or ActionScript 3 changed the way developers develop Flash content, Flash Player 11 brings the experience on the web to a whole different level, mainly with the introduction of 3D GPU acceleration, known as Stage 3D.

    Below is a list of significant features introduced in Flash Player 11:
    . Native 64-bit support (Flash Player desktop): Take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
    . Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering: Stage 3D (formerly called "Molehill") is a new architecture for hardware-accelerated graphics rendering developed by Adobe. Stage 3D provides a set of low-level APIs that enable advanced 2D/3D rendering capabilities across screens and devices (desktop, mobile, and TV). It gives 2D and 3D app and framework developers access to high-performance GPU hardware acceleration, enabling the creation of new classes of rich, interactive experiences. (This release includes Flash Player and Adobe AIR desktop support; AIR for Android and iOS support will be enabled in a future prerelease build.)
    . Adobe Flash Access content protection support for mobile: Flash Access content protection support is now available on mobile devices.
    . H.264/AVC software encoding for cameras (desktop): Stream high-quailty video from your computer"s camera with higher compression efficiency and industry-wide support, enabling both immersive real-time communications (e.g., video chat and video conferencing) and live video broadcasts.
    . Native JSON (Object Notation) support: ActionScript developers can now take advantage of high-performance native parsing and generation of JSON-formatted data. Developers can integrate existing data seamlessly into their projects.
    . G.711 audio compression for telephony: Support interoperability with legacy phone systems via the Flash Media Gateway (FMG) and other third-party clients (through the open RTMP protocol) without the need for transcoding.
    . Garbage collection advice: Provide smoother, more responsive user experiences by allowing developers to provide hints (through System.pauseForGCIfCollectionImminent) to optimize garbage collection scheduling.
    . Cubic Bzier curves: With the Graphics.cubicCurveTo drawing API, developers can easily create complex cubic Bzier curves without requiring custom ActionScript code.
    . Secure random number generator: Developers can now take advantage of cryptographically secure random number generation to build more secure algorithms and protocols.
    . Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) and Flash Access enhancements: Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) provides protection for streaming video across screens while eliminating the deployment complexity of a license server. New Flash Access content protection features include key rotation support, V3 license chaining, domain support, and enhanced output protection and device filtering.
    . TLS secure sockets support (new for Flash Player): Enable secure communications for client/server applications.
    . Socket progress events: Improve management of data transfer using the Socket class by providing a new property to determine the number of bytes remaining in the write buffer and a new event for when data is being sent to the network layer. The new APIs (Socket.bytesPending, Event.OutputProgressEvent) allow applications to easily track progress and provide responsive feedback.
    . Native text input UI (mobile): Mobile apps can now take advantage of the native text input controls on mobile platforms, including platform-specific user interaction behaviors such as magnification and text selection. Native text controls are available on iOS, Android, and BlackBerry Tablet OS.
    . JPEG-XR support: Flash Player and AIR now include support for the JPEG-XR advanced image compression standard (ISO/IEC 29199-2). The computationally lightweight JPEG-XR format provides more efficient compression than JPEG, enables both lossy and lossless compression support, and adds support for alpha channel transparency.
    . Enhanced high-resolution bitmap support: BitmapData objects are no longer limited to a maximum resolution of 16 megapixels (16,777,215 pixels) and maximum bitmap width/height is no longer limited to 8,191 pixels, enabling the development of apps that utilize very large bitmaps.
    . High-efficiency SWF compression support: Developers can now take advantage of LZMA compression for their SWF files. LZMA compression can reduce SWF size by up to 40 percent, enabling users to benefit from richer experiences with shorter download times and reduced bandwidth consumption. Use Tinic Uro"s LZMA compression tool or a custom utility to compress your SWFs.
    . DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren and MovieClip.isPlaying: DisplayObjectContainer now implements a removeChildren API, allowing developers to remove all of a container"s children quickly using a single API.
    . Sound.loadCompressedDataFromByteArray and Sound.loadPCMFromByteArray: Developers can now inject compressed or raw PCM sound data into a Sound object to play sounds.
    . Asynchronous bitmap decoding: Improve application responsiveness and deliver smoother animation by decoding images on initial load instead of on demand. Images are cached as needed.

    Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
    Release year: 2011
    Version: 11.0..1.152 Final
    Interface language: English
    Medicine: Not required (freeware)
    Size(exe): 3.62 Mb

    Flash technology has long been used to create animated elements on websites. To display them, you had to install Adobe Flash Player.

    Now many browsers are moving to a new level - players are launching in more modern formats. How is Flash Player for Internet Explorer doing?

    Current version

    It must be remembered that any programs and add-ons need to be regularly updated in order to improve both the level of security and operational efficiency. Flash Player is no exception to this, therefore, when the system requests its update, it is strongly recommended to download and install it immediately. This way, you will be sure that all flash animations will open successfully, and your computer will be protected from spyware that can penetrate the device through vulnerable plugins.

    The latest version today is considered to be Adobe Flash Player 26. The version was designed to support 64-bit Windows and Mac operating systems. What's new in the version? The main update is the introduction of Stage 3D graphics processing technology.

    How to install?

    Flash is still a relevant plugin for Internet Explorer. Thus, it must be on the PC in any case, and its version must be up to date.

    Most likely, you already have a flash player on your computer. It just needs to be updated if the media content is not loading in IE. The browser will notify you about this. You will need to agree to the update: the system will redirect you to the official website of the plugin.

    If the plugin is not on your system, you will need to install it from scratch. In this case, you also need to go to the official resource. Now we'll tell you how to do this.

    The flash player is freely available, that is, it can be downloaded and installed for free on a PC running any OS. The procedure does not take much time if the Internet is fast.

    1. Go to the official resource of the program: It is always better to download all software from such resources, since on third-party sites you risk downloading a virus.

    2.The page will consist of three columns. Uncheck the second section if you do not want the McAfee scanner to be downloaded and installed on your PC. Click on the yellow “Install Now” button.

    3.The initialization process will start. The installer will be downloaded automatically. Next, you need to run the file you just downloaded.

    4.In the window that appears, select one of the options to configure the update. It is recommended to check the first box next to “Allow Adobe to install updates.” Click on "Next".

    5.The installation will start. The system will do everything for you. At the end you just need to click on the “Done” button.

    Does the player work?

    Now let's check if everything is fine. Go to any site that has multimedia content and try to launch it. If nothing plays, the player is most likely disabled.

    How to turn it on?

    How can I enable the flash if, for example, it turned off or was not automatically activated after installation?

    1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the panel.
    2. Select "Manage add-ons".
    3. Click on the “Toolbars and Extensions” link on the left side of the window.
    4. We are looking for Shockwave Flash (another name for flash).
    5. Look at what is written in the “Status” column. If it is Enabled, then the plugin works. If Disabled, click on the line with the player. This will highlight it.
    6. At the bottom of the window, click on Enable or “Enable” if your browser interface is in Russian.
    7. Click on Close to close the window.

    Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer (the ending Active X can also be added to the name) is a player from Adobe for high-quality playback of video, audio, various animations, and online games on websites. You need to download it from the official resource - do not risk the “health” of your PC.

    Adobe Flash Player is a free program for displaying videos and animations on websites. It will help if you can’t play movies, clips and games.

    Flash player is an essential program. Without it, sites with flash (.swf) files will not load correctly. And these files are responsible for videos, games and even music on the Internet.

    How to download flash player for free

    You can get the latest version of the program on the official website But often the download fails and the module cannot be installed. Then download Adobe Flash Player using direct links:

    Adobe Flash Player for Chrome, Opera, Yandex, etc.
    (size 20.1 MB)

    Adobe Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox
    (size 20.3 MB)

    Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer
    (size 19.8 MB)

    These are three free versions of the plugin. Each of them is suitable for a specific type of browser. If you don’t understand which version you need, download everything - it won’t make you any worse.

    How to install

    1 . Close the browser.

    The plugin is built directly into the Internet program. Therefore, before installation, you need to close the browser if it is open.

    2. Run the installation file. It is usually located in your Downloads folder.

    To do this, go to any folder on your computer and on the left side click on the “Downloads” item.

    Inside we find the installation file and open it.

    3. Check the box for “I have read and accepted the terms of the Flash Player License Agreement” and click the “Install” button.

    4 . Click on “Finish”.

    That's all: the program is installed and configured! She has already updated your browser. You don't need to do anything else. Just launch Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, Mazila or whatever you use. Animations and videos should now display correctly.


    • Adobe Flash Player version dated February 13, 2019. Downloaded from the official website
    • The plugin is suitable for all popular operating systems of the Windows family (XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10).
    • Works even on old weak computers.
    • All files are scanned by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

    Note: Many services have already switched to using the capabilities HTML5 and no longer require installation Adobe Flash Player for full work.

    No matter what some people say, Adobe Flash is still a highly sought-after technology on the Internet. And no HTML5 I am not yet able to completely replace it.

    Opponents Flash First of all, people like to remember the annoying advertising banners made using this technology. However, there are more worthy examples of use.

    First of all, I would mention various services for watching videos ( YouTube, Vimeo) and listening to music ( Yandex.Music, Pandora).

    Also, it would not be amiss to recall the huge number of different games developed using Flash(see, for example,).

    The third niche would include all sorts of online applications, from simple chats to sophisticated image editors.

    Well, in order to use the mentioned services, you must first install a special browser plugin on your computer, called Adobe Flash Player. Let's talk about this.


    The most important rule to remember: set Adobe Flash Player only from the official website of the developer company.

    On the Internet, you will more than once come across offers to update supposedly outdated Flash Player. Under no circumstances fall for such provocations, and if in any doubt, go to the official website and download the plugin there.

    Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of attackers who, under the guise of an update, will gladly slip you a malicious program.

    Online installation of Adobe Flash Player

    To be certain, it is worth understanding that for Windows There are actually 3 versions of the plugin that can be downloaded from the Adobe website:

    • For Internet Explorer V Windows 7/Vista/XP
    • For Mozilla Firefox
    • For Opera and others Chromium-browsers

    Google Chrome already has a built-in Adobe Flash Player, which is updated along with the browser. The same is true for Internet Explorer V Windows 8/10 and newer.

    1. So, open a special page on the company website Adobe. A version of the plugin suitable for your browser and operating system will be offered for download.

    2. Uncheck “Yes, install Google Chrome (optional)”, if available, and click on the orange button Download.

    3. You will be redirected to another page and after a couple of moments you should see a dialog box (if you are using Opera), in which you should press the button Launch.

    Depending on the browser you are using and its settings, the file download may begin automatically, without any dialog boxes appearing. In this case, wait until the download process is completed and run the downloaded file yourself.

    4. Wait a moment until the title window appears on the screen. Make sure the first radio button, “Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended),” is selected and click Further.

    5. Now you need to wait until the download and installation completes Adobe Flash Player. The waiting time depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

    6. After installation is complete, click Complete.

    7. A page will open stating that the installation was successful.

    Installing Adobe Flash Player using an offline installer

    In the previous section we learned how to install the plugin Adobe Flash Player using the so-called online installer. In this case, a small installer program is launched first, and then it independently downloads and installs the latest version Adobe Flash Player. In most cases, this option can be used.

    However, if you want to install Adobe Flash Player to your friends or acquaintances who have not yet set up an Internet connection, or you are simply accustomed to keeping the installers of the necessary programs at hand, then you need to download full versions of the installation files in advance.

    On the company website Adobe There is a separate page that contains links to download offline installers for all available platforms.

    1. First open this page.
    Update: Unfortunately, this page has been removed from the Adobe website.
    The links to offline installers at the beginning of the article still work.

    2. Scroll to the section Downloads.

    3. At the top of the table in the last column Installers there will be links to the latest versions of installation files for Windows:

    4. Download 3 files to your computer:

    • install_flash_player_ax.exe[plugin for Internet Explorer]
    • install_flash_player.exe[plugin for Firefox]
    • install_flash_player_ppapi.exe[plugin for Opera and others Chromium-browsers]

    5. Run the desired file.

    6. In the window that opens, check the box next to “I have read and accepted the terms of the Flash Player License Agreement” and click the button Installation.

    7. If you have a browser running at this point, you will be asked to close it to continue with the installation.

    8. After closing the browser, the plugin installation will automatically continue.

    9. Now leave the switch in the first position next to “Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)” and click Ready.

    Another version of the plugin is installed in exactly the same way.

    Automatic update and security of Adobe Flash Player

    Due to its popularity, the plugin Adobe Flash Player has become a favorite target for attackers who continue to try to exploit security issues present in older versions of the plugin to install malware on your computer. Therefore it is very important that Adobe Flash Player was promptly updated to the latest version.

    Starting from version, the plugin has a built-in ability to automatically check for updates. I hope you left the switch set to "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" during installation.

    If you want to make sure that automatic plugin updates are actually enabled, you can do this in Control panels.

    1. Open Control Panel and double click on the icon Flash Player.

    2. Will open. Go to the last tab Additionally.

    Make sure the switch is in the "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" position. In this case, all unscheduled updates will be installed automatically.

    When scheduled updates are available, you will receive a notification prompting you to update to the latest version.

    In the same window you can find out the versions of installed plugins for Internet Explorer(version ActiveX) and other browsers (plug-in version).

    3. Close Flash Player Settings Manager.

    Task scheduler and automatic check for updates

    There is one important nuance in how automatic updates work. Adobe Flash Player V Windows. It is connected with the fact that a regular system service is used to check for updates - Task Scheduler.

    Thus, if this service is disabled, automatic check for updates Adobe Flash Player won't work. Usually this service is not disabled, but if you are not sure, it doesn’t hurt to check.

    1. Press the keyboard shortcut Windows+R and in the window that appears, enter the command services.msc. Click Enter.

    2. A window will open Services. Find in the list Task Scheduler.

    3. Make sure that in the column State written Works, and in the column Startup type costs Auto.

    4. Otherwise double click on the element Task Scheduler and in the window that opens, select the first tab Are common. Install Startup type How Auto and press Apply.

    5. Now click Start, and then OK.

    If when you try to start Task Scheduler an error message appears, find it in the list of services The event log and make sure this service is running. Without her Task Scheduler won't work.

    6. Open Control Panel and double click on the icon Assigned Tasks.

    If there is a task in the list with the name Adobe Flash Player Updater, then everything is in order. Otherwise, try installing the plugin again.


    Well, I hope the information was useful to you. Leave any comments and questions in the comments.