Authentication error when connecting to WiFi - Effective solutions. How to fix authentication error when connecting to WiFi

Many happy owners tablets actively use Wi-Fi to solve daily tasks. But from time to time when trying to connect, a verification error occurs Wi-Fi authenticity. The reasons why such a problem occurs usually lie in inattention when entering data, failure of wireless equipment, or incorrect work tablet. Let's consider solution options.

This function allows you to exclude unwanted connections to wireless network

What is authentication

First, you need to understand that authentication is control of the security key and the method of encoding the transmitted information. This is important so that no one else can connect to the access point in your home. Security options include strong password and the correct encryption standard.

If you have an authentication error, the reasons may be:

  • Incorrect network access password.
  • Tablet and router use different types encryption.
  • Inappropriate communication channels.

The error most often occurs when you enter the password incorrectly. Enter it as carefully as possible. You can check and change the security key in the router settings, where you can also change the channel and encryption. Change settings network access possible without special effort even to a non-specialist.

Changing your security password

We have already written in detail. In short, you need:

  1. Enter the IP address, login and password of the router in the browser. You can view them on the back or bottom of the device or in the user manual. If you can't find it, enter Win+R - cmd - ipconfig. The “Default Gateway” line displays the router’s address. The default login and password is admin/admin.
  2. Go to the Wi-Fi security tab. In the “Encryption Key” or “Security Password” line, look at the existing one or enter a new password.
  3. On your Samsung or other Android tablet, turn on Wi-Fi, go to Settings - Wireless networks - Wi-Fi - press the name of the connection with your finger - Change this network. Check the “Show password” checkbox and enter it again, carefully checking it with what was entered in the router.

Changing the encryption standard

If the error remains after changing the key, then:

  1. In the router interface, go to “Security Settings”, select the authentication type “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK” and encryption “AES”.
  2. On the tablet in Wi-Fi settings hold down the connection name - Delete network. Then connect again.

Changing the Wi-Fi channel

To organize the operation of the wireless network, a frequency of 2.4 GHz is used. To signals different equipment did not overlap each other, the router is capable of working on 11 channels, automatically selecting the most suitable one. But sometimes there are glitches, the signal gets better, which can cause a Wi-Fi authentication error. To change the channel manually:

  1. Enter the router interface - Wireless network settings.
  2. Check that the region is correctly defined - Russia.
  3. In the “Channel” tab, select one of the 11. Test several times until the tablet connects successfully.

You can check the congestion of each channel using the Free Wi-Fi Scanner utilities for Windows or WiFi Analyzer for Android. Once launched they will scan everything available networks indoors and displays the load level of each channel. Choose one that is not loaded at all or is minimally busy.

If all else fails

Although the Wi-Fi authentication error should not occur again when you run specified settings, in some cases you will have to act more radically. You can also try:

  • Reboot the router. Unplug the power cord, wait half a minute or a minute, then plug it back in.

So, what to do if this unfortunate inscription appears? There are several reasons for this unpleasant situation and options for getting out of it.
Sometimes the phone does not connect to wifi and says wpa2 protection is saved. This can happen both when trying to connect to a public network or to a home one. This mostly applies to Android devices. This can be done equally by tablets and smartphones.
So, what to do if this unfortunate inscription appears? There are several reasons for this unpleasant situation and options for getting out of it.
Let's start by rebooting the router
1. Select the correct region. To do this, go to the "Wireless" tab and in the "Region" line, select the name of your country and save.
2. Check the wireless network password. Before changing your password, try connecting again. To do this, click on your network and delete it. Then click on the network again, enter the password, make sure it is correct and try to connect.
3. Check the operating mode Wi-Fi networks in the router settings. This is exactly what it could be main reason occurrence of a problem. Your tablet or smartphone may simply not support the operating mode of this router. Check whether the device will work with other parameters, remembering after each the change made reboot the router and disconnect and connect Wi-Fi on your smartphone or tablet.
4. Check the security type and encryption type, change the router password in the settings. You need to set the following: WPA/WPA2 – Personal, WPA-PSK version, AES encryption. The PSK password must consist of eight digits. Then we save the new settings, reboot the router and disconnect and reconnect the phone. Don't forget to do the same on other devices running on the same wireless network.
5. Change the working Wi-Fi channel. Of course, this rarely happens, but it’s worth trying to experiment with the channels to be one hundred percent sure.
6. Change the width of the connection channel. To do this, you need to go to the router settings. In the “wireless network” tab, change the value opposite the “channel width” line, save the changes and reboot the device.
In conclusion, answering the question why the Android phone does not connect to wifi, writes saved protected, it is worth noting this can be like technical problems, as well as a number of errors associated with forgetfulness or inattention of users. There is an opinion that the reason lies in the Android OS itself, or rather in small flaws that cause various unpleasant moments. But if it happens that there is a problem with your Wi-Fi connection, you can successfully deal with it using these tips.

An authentication error occurs when connecting to a WiFi network - this is a very common problem. That is why it is so important to understand why it appears and how to eliminate it. But before moving on to network settings and troubleshooting, you should understand what authentication is. This will help you understand why it appears this error and how to quickly and permanently eliminate it.

What is authentication

This is a wireless network security system that prevents outsiders from connecting to your group. Today, there are several types of authentication. Choose the most suitable option possible in the settings of the router or access point that is used to create home network. As a rule, nowadays the encryption type (authentication) used is WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 mixed.

This is the most secure type of data encryption and is very difficult to crack or bypass. However, it can also be divided into two types. For example, at home, an option with one key phrase for all subscribers is used. The user himself sets the key, which is subsequently required to connect to the network.

The second type of encryption is used in organizations that require an increased level of security. In this case, each trusted subscriber is assigned a unique passphrase. That is, you will be able to enter the group only from your computer and only after entering a unique key. In the vast majority of cases, there is an authentication error when connecting to WiFi networks occurs precisely when there is a mismatch between the encryption types and the entered passphrase.

Why WiFi Authentication Error Occurs: Video

Why does the authentication error appear and how to fix it

As mentioned above, if when connecting to a WiFi network the system writes “Authentication error”, then first of all you should check the correct spelling key phrase, and whether it is enabled Caps Lock. , then you can check it in the router settings. But to do this you will have to connect to it using a cable.

Let's look at how to find out the password using the D-LinkDir-615 router as an example. After connecting to the device, open your favorite browser and address bar register the IP of the router. You can find it in the instructions or on the body of the device itself (carefully inspect it from all sides).

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

You can also find out the router's IP using command line. Press the Windows key combination + R, type CMD and press Enter. In the window that appears, write the ipconfig command. Find the line “Main gateway” - this is the address we need.

Write it in the address bar of your browser and press “Enter”. Next, the system will ask you to enter your username and password. We write admin, admin respectively.

Now at the bottom of the screen, find and click the “Advanced Settings” button. Several additional windows will appear. We are interested in the section called “WiFi”. You need to find security settings in it. This is where you can select the type of authentication (encryption) and change the password.

Connecting to a WiFi router in Windows 8: Video

Sometimes an authentication problem when connecting a computer to WiFi appears even if the key is entered correctly. This may mean that the router has crashed or is simply frozen. This can be resolved by simply rebooting the device. This can be done in settings or simple shutdown food for 7-10 minutes.

You should also check the channel on which the router is operating. For this we return to start menu. In the WiFi section, click “Basic settings” and find the “Channel” line. It is recommended to set the value to “Automatic”.

There are also cases when such an error does not appear due to problems in the router or due to an incorrectly entered key. In this case, you should check the settings in the operating system.

OS check when authentication fails

To connect to a wireless network, the computer uses a Wi-Fi adapter. It is because of its incorrect operation that problems with WiFi network authentication may appear. First of all, you should check the presence and correct operation of drivers. This is done in the device manager, which can be launched as follows. Find the “My Computer” shortcut and click on it right click mice.

Select “Properties” and open “Device Manager”. You can also press two keys simultaneously – Windows + R, in the window that appears, write mmc devmgmt.msc and press “Enter”. In the window that appears, we are interested in “ Network adapters" Open the thread and see if yours is on the list WiFi module. As a rule, it has Wireless Network Adapter in its name. If the device is marked with an exclamation mark, then the drivers are not working correctly.

If Android does not connect to WiFi, then most often the user sees the “Obtaining an IP address” message or the “Authentication Error” notification. Another common connection error is that Android writes “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protection,” but does not connect to the Internet.

This article Suitable for all brands that produce phones running Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Possible causes of failure

If Android can't connect to Wi-Fi - for example, instead of active icon wifi you see gray button and icon Exclamation point- then the reason for this could be:

  1. Wrong from Wi-Fi.
  2. Setting an unsupported security type or standard wireless communication in the router settings.
  3. Problems with Android firmware.

The first step is to understand which device is having problems. If only your phone does not connect to the point, then the reason should be sought in its settings and firmware. If no device finds the wireless network, then you should check the router settings.

"Obtaining an IP Address" message

If, when you try to connect, a message with the text “ ” appears, but the connection is not established, then the reason for this may be that the DHCP server is disabled in the router settings or problems in Android work. A simple reboot of the router can help.

If the DHCP server fails, restarting the device will fix it. When saving an error:

  1. Open your router settings.
  2. Make sure the DHCP server is enabled.

Depending on the router model, the procedure for enabling/disabling DHCP may vary, so you will need to look for instructions for your device.

Authentication Error

If connection authentication fails, the problem is most likely due to incorrect input Wi-Fi password. To resolve the error:

  1. Forget it wireless point on your phone/tablet.
  2. Reboot your router.
  1. Change your password using only letters and numbers.
  2. Make sure for network authentication WPA2-PSK standard is selected.


If your phone does not support the WPA2-PSK standard, then select another mode - WPA, WPA2. It is clear that in the subway or mall you can't do it, so all you have to do is accept it. But at home or in a hotel, you can access the router and check the wireless network settings.

Saved, WPAWPA2 protection

If the connection is made without a password, then there cannot be an authentication error. However, there is another situation - the network is saved, but . Usually rebooting the router helps, but sometimes you have to go into the settings quite deeply.


Also, look at the number of devices allowed. If it is “0”, then there are no restrictions.