Connect your smartphone to your home Wi-Fi. Setting up an Android smartphone

Some people think that Wi-Fi is free Internet, but it is not so. It is, of course, free, but it requires an access point.

Typically, this service is provided by cafes and supermarkets, and you can also install a router at home or via a computer if it is equipped with a Wi-Fi module.


Wi-Fi option is available on many phone models. Let's take a closer look at the features of connection and use on some of them.

How to connect a wireless Wi-Fi network on a phone running the Android operating system

Before connecting to a wireless network, make sure that Wi-Fi module connected. Do the following:

  • go to your phone settings
  • select the Wi-Fi module in the " quick setup" by clicking on it
  • move the slider to the right

After a few seconds, a list of wireless networks that you can connect to will appear in this section below. If you see a diagram of a lock next to the wireless network icon, it means it is password protected.

At this stage, decide which network you want to connect your phone to:

  • click on it
  • after that, a small dialog box will appear on the smartphone display with the name of the network you have selected, information about the signal level, type of protection and coded password, if it is protected
  • if you know the password, then enter it in the special field with a blinking cursor
  • In order not to make a mistake when entering your password, check the special box below “Show password”

This way you can see exactly what characters you are entering.

After entering the password, press the “Connect” button. The phone will inform you that you have successfully connected to the selected network.

Wi-Fi won't connect to phone

The first thing you need to do is make sure your device has the current date and time. If it is a smartphone and you removed the battery from it, then when you turn it on, the wrong date may be displayed. Because of this, it will not be possible to connect to Wi-Fi.

To solve this problem, set the correct date:

  • open the “Settings” menu item
  • find the item “System” section “Date and time”
  • set the current date, time and save the settings
  • connect to Wi-Fi

If after these manipulations the problem is not solved, then check the Wi-Fi password:

  • Find in the settings the access point to which you cannot connect
  • Hold your finger down until a window appears with “delete” and “edit” options.
  • select “change network”
  • in the “password” line, enter the Wi-Fi password, following all the rules of capital and small letters (if they are there)
  • click “save”
  • connect and check if your problem is solved

If you entered the password correctly, but there is no connection, use special program Wifi Fixer. It can be downloaded completely free of charge from Google Play. Install the application and restart your smartphone.

Turn on this program and connect to the network. In the “KNOWN” section, the application will show those access points that are ready to connect. Wifi program Fixer works in automatic mode, i.e. eliminates all problems that have arisen.

If the program did not cope with the task, scan your phone for viruses. To do this, run antivirus application, which is installed on your smartphone (or you install it from Play Market).

Wi-Fi connection problems on Chinese smartphones

It often happens that when entering incorrect password and trying to connect to Wi-Fi phone Instead of a connection message, it will give you the message: “Saved, network type.” This will be followed by several authentication attempts and a connection error. To troubleshoot, do the following:

  • call the dialog box by clicking on the selected network
  • in this window, select “delete”

Do not worry! The network will not disappear anywhere. She will appear on this list again. After which you can repeat the operations performed by entering the password.

If you entered correct password, but the phone gives an authentication error:

  • turn off the Wi-Fi module and then turn it on
  • try rebooting your phone
  • connect to Wi-Fi

The problem may be in the router itself that distributes the wireless network. Try connecting to a different router.

If you can’t connect, then reset your smartphone to factory settings, after doing backup copy settings.

IMPORTANT! If you plan to use Wi-Fi, then in the phone settings, display the access point “with request”.

Incorrect operation of Wi-Fi and DNS server

There are cases when incorrect work Wi-Fi network depends on the DNS server. For example, if you go to the Play Market and pictures do not load, games and applications do not download.

Typically modems are configured in such a way that they receive automatic DNS servers from the company's providers. It happens that servers do not work entirely correctly or are configured incorrectly. Universal method- this is to enter public DNS server from Google:

  • go to your phone settings
  • Wi-Fi networks
  • hold your connection
  • in the window, select “change” or “Statistical IP” (for different models telephones)
  • enter DNS: 1
  • enter DNS2:

Save and check application downloads.

Once you are connected to the Wi-Fi network, check your Internet access. Open your browser and use it!

Video: Hotspot

The process of enabling and connecting Wi-Fi on devices on Android based is extremely simple, which we will tell you about today. We hope this instruction will be useful to users, especially those who have just joined the Android club.

Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that you can join almost any network that is available to you. It could be like home router, and a public access point in a park or cafe. The main thing is that you have a password for the access point, if one is required. However, first things first.

How to connect to Wi-Fi on your phone?

First of all, we need the device itself. In our case, an example will be shown in Samsung smartphone Galaxy.

On the desktop, find the “Settings” item and click on it.

In the settings, find the Wi-Fi section and tap on it.

Move the switch at the top of the screen and turn on Wi-Fi. Immediately after this you will see a list in front of you available networks— those that your device sees.

To connect to a network, click on it. A window for entering a password will appear in front of you. As you remember, you must have a password to connect to the network, and you need to enter it.

After the password has been entered, click on the “Connect” button. If the password is entered correctly, the connection will occur and you will see a connection icon in the bar at the top of the screen.

When you click on connection, you will see the parameters of the connected network.

If the password is entered incorrectly, the connection will not occur.

If the network is open and a password is not required, you do not need to enter anything, just click on the network name.

IN additional parameters you can specify an IP address, proxy, etc. But in most cases the user does not need to do this.

If you continue to connect to the specified network, for example, if you are at home, then next time you can do it much easier. Swipe from top to bottom on the screen to make a curtain appear, and click on wifi icon. In this case, the connection to the network will occur automatically.

If you experience problems or problems when connecting to the network, you can read about their solution in.

Currently, wireless connection technology is developing rapidly, so Internet users actively use WI-FI. Modern gadgets They allow you to access the network not only from computers or laptops, but also from smartphones. That is why knowledge of how to connect wifi on your phone is quite relevant. A service such as wireless Internet is offered in cafes, restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers. This is very convenient, since the data transfer speed is quite high.

Setting up the modem

Many people prefer to use instead of the usual wired WI-FI connections. Before connecting wifi on your phone, you need to make sure that the router supports this function. As a rule, this is indicated by a small retractable antenna. But to be sure, it is more advisable to look at the technical documentation.

To configure the modem, you need to open a browser and enter a group of numbers. After filling out the “login” and “password” fields, you need to go to parameters and settings. In the “ConnectionSetting” tab, you need to check the box next to the “AlwaysOn” mode. Once saved, you need to go to the Wireless menu. Everything can be done here. Make sure that the switch is in “Activated” mode.

In the “SSID” tab you need to enter with Latin letters the name of the network to which the phone will subsequently connect. In the “Pre-Shared Key” tab, you need to enter a password that must be kept secret. It is more expedient to make it complex by combining small and capital letters, numbers and punctuation marks. All changes must be saved.

If all settings are made correctly, the Internet will appear automatically after rebooting the device.

How to set up Wi-Fi on your phone

Before it is produced wifi setup on your phone, you need to make sure that this model devices support this feature. Then you need to go to the “Settings” section. In the “Wireless Networks” menu, select “Wi-Fi”.

After Wi-Fi activation a list of networks will appear, closed networks will be marked with a padlock. In this case, you will need to enter a password and confirm the connection. If your phone connects to your home network, you can check the “remember password” checkbox so you don’t have to enter it every time. The icon located at the top will inform the user which network the connection was made to. You can check whether all actions were performed correctly in the following way: open the browser and enter any request. If the connection is established, the request will be completed.

Phones have the ability to remember the networks to which they were once connected. Therefore, next time the device will automatically transmit data through this network. To avoid this, you need to manual mode connect to a specific network.

If, before granting access, the user receives a notification that they need to register on a web page, it is worth contacting which will give more complete information.

Phone - mobile Wi-Fi hotspot

Knowing how to connect wifi on a phone will help the user use own phone as mobile point access. In this case, up to 8 other devices will be able to connect to Wi-Fi.

To configure an access point, you must complete the following steps:

  • Find the App Screens icon and tap it.
  • In the “Parameters” tab there is an item “ Wireless connections..." You need to enter the “Binding and zone...” section and go to “Access point settings”.
  • Next, you need to enter the network name, select “Security” and create a password. All changes must be saved.

The phone will now transmit network signal, and up to 8 devices can simultaneously use the Internet. If this feature is not needed, it can be easily disabled. To do this, you need to uncheck the “Wi-Fi access point” checkbox.

Mobile hotspot protection

It is important to know not only how to create wifi on your phone, but also how to protect your mobile hotspot. To do this you need to set the following parameters:

  • By clicking the “Application Screens” icon, you must enter the “Settings” tab, and then select “Wireless Connections” and “Binding and Zone...”.
  • Check the box next to “Access Point”.
  • In the “Security” field, you need to select the type of protection by setting a password. It should be quite complex, this will help avoid hacking. All changes must be saved.

Android devices

If the phone does not see wifi, this may be due to the fact that the access point operates on channels above 12. To correct this situation, you need to go to the router settings and set the value to 1-9.

Mobile phones that work on Android system, may cause minor inconvenience to users. It's connected with incorrect settings network, router or channel on which the network operates.

Causes of problems

If you try to connect on your phone, the reasons may be the following:

  • Endless connection. If the device connects, but you still cannot access the Internet, this may be due to the fact that it is not on the router. In this case, you need to change the routing settings.
  • Authentication problems. If the word “Authentication” is displayed on the screen, most likely the password has been entered incorrectly or the security settings have been configured incorrectly. To troubleshoot, you must re-enter the password, keeping the case correct. The security type should be set to WPA2.
  • In this case, you should contact your provider and find out if there are any problems with the provision of the service.

Before you begin to solve the problem and figure out how to connect wifi on your phone, you need to restart the device.

Question “How to set up wifi on your phone?” is asked quite often by inexperienced users. In this article I will try to describe as thoroughly as possible all the nuances of this operation. Will be considered various options connections, the main differences between switching on different mobile platforms And additional features. So, next you will learn how to set up wifi on your phone.

Basic information

The abbreviation Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity; if translated literally, the phrase “wireless precision” is obtained. To date this technology is a standard for many both mobile and stationary devices. Wi-Fi was created in 1991, and since then it has had a huge application, which makes this wireless network rapidly develop. Can be transmitted via Wi-Fi different kinds information that allows users to create personal home network for distributing the Internet from one device. Today, this technology is built into almost all electronic equipment, ranging from mobile devices to washing machines. Below you will find information from which you will learn how to set up wifi on your phone.


As a rule, mobile devices such as phones are most often connected to a ready-made Wi-Fi network. Therefore, there is no need to make any settings on the device itself. You just need to turn it on and connect to already existing network. You may need to enter secret password, which is set during Connection and wifi installation always possible using standard means the phone itself. But setting up a password and other parameters is done in preparation for using the router. And we will talk about this further.


A router, or in other words, a router, is a device that allows you to transmit signals through wi-fi network. It also happens local equipment, no support possible wireless technologies. Parameters such as network password, a certain amount of connected devices, limiting incoming and outgoing traffic are set exactly when setting up the router. In some cases, this process can be particularly difficult. Especially when there is no “setup wizard” application. Giving precise instructions does not make sense, since the setup process depends on the device model. If you do not have experience in this matter, then it is better to entrust it to specialists.

Additional features

Some devices on iOS platform and android allow you not only to receive wifi signals, but also to distribute them. In this case, such mobile phones turn into an access point. Such wifi phone must have its own source for connecting to the Internet, for example 3G or GRPS. Setting up a password and other parameters is done through mobile device. Most often, such a function in a phone is called “modem mode”. But in different software the name may vary.


Wi-Fi network is a really useful development. After all, it allows you to get rid of constantly tangled wires that always get in the way. I hope you understood from this article how to set up wifi on your phone.

A very common situation: a user tries to connect to Wi-Fi from his phone, but nothing works. After reading the information below, you will learn why this is happening and how to solve the problem.

Initial phone check

Manufacturers are actively working to improve the stability of mobile phones. operating systems, but periodically any program crashes. That is why it is recommended to start solving the problem by checking the functionality of the phone. For Android, iOS and Windows Phone ( Windows Mobile) recommendations in in this case identical. Follow the sequence below.

1. Restart your device and try connecting to Wi-Fi again.

2. Evaluate the number of connection signal strength indicators. If there are less than 3, try moving closer to the router or other source you are using wireless internet to improve connection quality.

3. Make sure Battery Saver mode is turned off. If necessary, connect the network adapter.

4. Turn off Bluetooth. Wireless connections can operate in the same range, which is why interference is created.

5. Turn off Airplane mode, if active.

6. Try to activate access to information about your location and connect to Wi-Fi - the legislation of some countries blocks the connection via wireless network when the mentioned option is inactive.

If the WiFi connection worked previously

If you have successfully used the currently problematic network in the past, remove this connection from your phone's memory. To do this, go to the list of networks, click on the problematic connection for a few seconds (until the context menu) and delete the connection.

If all else fails, try connecting from your phone to any other available connection. Failure in this case will most likely indicate a breakdown of the radio module - only service center employees will help correct the situation.

Check if the connection is working. To do this, try connecting to it using any other device that has Wi-Fi function. If the connection does not work, change the router settings.

Important note! The procedure for entering the router settings varies depending on the manufacturer and model of the equipment. In most cases, to gain access you need to enter address bar browser address or The standard login and password are admin. If this doesn’t work, check the manufacturer’s instructions for the information relevant to your router.

First, try simply rebooting the router - quite often they freeze, which is why access to the Internet is blocked.

The further procedure is as follows.

First, you must ensure that the security key you entered is correct. Try entering the password to connect to the selected access point again, but more carefully, with activated option“Display symbols” (show password).

If you don't remember the password, check it in the router settings.

As an example, the order of interaction with D-Link router. In your case, everything will be almost the same; minor changes may only affect the interface, menu item names and other little things.

Once on the router settings page, do the following:
click the “Advanced settings” button;
in the Wi-Fi window, open the “Security Settings” link;
in the “PSK encryption key” line, look at the password and make sure that this is the combination you enter when trying to connect to Wi-Fi from your phone.

Secondly, make sure your router settings are correct - you need to check if DHCP technology is enabled. If it is turned off, the phone will not be able to obtain an IP address, which is why the connection will not work.

On the router settings page, click “Advanced settings” again and in the “Network” window, find the “LAN” category.

Enable DHCP if the function is disabled by changing the “Mode” line to the “Allow” state.

Save the changes, restart the router and try connecting to Wi-Fi from your phone.

If this does not help, there are 3 options left:
call the provider’s support service and find out whether the Internet works at all and whether any changes have been made to the connection settings;
submit your phone for repair;
have your Internet router repaired/replaced.

If our instructions did not help solve the problem, then write in the comments and we will definitely look into your problem.