Ceiling program for suspended ceilings. An excellent assistant in business, a program for suspended ceilings: modeling, design and calculation of the cost of the ceiling

They have become very popular and an increasing number of repairs are being carried out using this technology. To calculate suspended ceilings more accurately, you need special program, which you can buy or download on the Internet for free.

What programs are there?

All presented in the public domain software products can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Free
  • Requiring payment for use

The first option includes many products that allow you to pre-calculate the amount of material, determine the design and sometimes evaluate appearance future design. As a rule, free programs for calculating suspended ceilings are quite limited in functionality and do not provide such a variety of options as paid versions.

Paid programs are much more functional. They have the ability to more accurately design, build in one file, and other features that free versions usually lack. Such software solutions are intended primarily for dealers of suspended ceilings, but they can also be used ordinary users who want to calculate everything themselves.

Good news for those who want to first try the functionality of the product and evaluate how this program for the construction of suspended ceilings it will be suitable; there will be trial versions for almost every product. The functionality of such versions is usually reduced, but, as a rule, the reduction consists in the inability to print or copy the project. All other functionality remains available.

Program Reviews

It is not possible to consider all the options for such programs presented on the Internet. Therefore, the most popular and functional solutions according to experts will be considered here.


The program is distinguished by the fact that its capabilities allow you not only to design or calculate the cost of suspended ceilings, but also to monitor the work of dealers, maintain a file of reports, and also provides rich design capabilities. Among its main features:

  • Formation of custom-shaped cutouts
  • Optimization of the cutting process
  • Cutting shapes taking into account the shrinkage coefficient of the canvas
  • Printout of cutting data for each blade
  • Automatic accounting of all clients and orders completed for them
  • Editing the database of available materials and cost of work
  • Output all calculations and reports to an Excel or Word file

It is very difficult to list all the features of this program. This is a serious tool that can be used both for organizing the production of tension coverings and directly for working on the creation of a specific fabric.

Thanks to the capabilities of working with AutoCAD, the program is suitable not only for creating detailed drawings, but also for work on creating realistic 3D models of designed suspended ceilings. The capabilities of these two powerful software solutions allow you to achieve impressive results.

The cost of a license ranges from 5,000 rubles for one year of use on one computer, to 35,000 for an unlimited license. Available special application for Android and iOS, which will allow you to quickly enter data about a specific ceiling for later use.

Easy Ceiling

Another program with very rich functionality, which will be useful to both dealers and manufacturers of tension coverings. Used for designing ceilings of any complexity.

Among distinctive features solutions – the ability to download exactly those additional modules that are necessary for each specific user. Since the program is paid, everything additional modules also apply for additional fee and this feature will save money.

The main functionality will allow you to work with various tasks and includes many features:

  • Constructing drawings with intersecting diagonals
  • Automatic rounding of selected corner
  • Unloading internal cutouts from a finished drawing
  • Shift selected walls or segments in the drawing by a specified distance
  • Optimization of blade cutting to reduce material consumption
  • Uploading the finished drawing to the clipboard and then pasting it into a file Word format or Excel
  • Working with third-party file formats

In addition, the basic kit already contains many ready-made printed forms, allowing you to create various documentation for clients, installers and those who will be involved in cutting the fabric.

Additionally, you can purchase more than 10 different modules that increase the capabilities of the program. The cost of such components starts from 1000 rubles per module for devices running on operating system Android and reaches 12,000 for the ability to change the name and interface of the program at your discretion.

The component for the Android system allows you to open drawings of the main program saved on your computer, as well as create and send them via e-mail directly from your mobile device.


This product is a freeware product. However, there is a caveat - the program is only available to authorized dealers. However, on the company’s website it is possible to download a trial version, which will require free activation upon first launch.

  • Quick construction of oval ceilings
  • Manual editing of the base drawing and subsequent saving to a file
  • Accelerate calculations when creating complex ceilings by specifying a level transition
  • Creating free-form cutouts by adding the necessary geometric shapes to the base sides of the ceiling
  • Setting the locations of recessed luminaires
  • Shifting one or more walls to design niches or indentations of the canvas from existing walls

Distribution occurs through company offices or by email, which simplifies the process of receiving the program. What the program interface looks like is shown in the photo below.

Ceiling Calc

A freely distributed program for constructing suspended ceilings. Despite the fact that you do not need to pay for use, the functionality is quite rich. The available tools allow you to enter data for creating a new drawing of suspended ceilings, optimize the cutting process and save material, as well as take measurements on ready-made drawings.

Among the main tools there are all the necessary options:

  • Calculation of simple canvases based on room perimeter measurements
  • Calculation special forms with cutouts
  • Cutting the fabric taking into account the shrinkage coefficient
  • Editing the database of existing materials
  • Expanded capabilities for cutting fabrics separated by structures, which are considered as two separate fragments
  • Using basic tools to edit the appearance of printed forms
  • Calculating the amount of materials used in the project and their surplus

The program is similar in tools to previous paid versions, but, unlike them, it is distributed without any payment.


Another representative of freely distributed products. It is often used as a program for the production of suspended ceilings; it has a not particularly rich, but quite sufficient list of tools for work. Cannot build internal cutouts using standard tools without software modification. The tools are represented by the following positions:

  • Base of six types of materials
  • Drawing a drawing of the future ceiling using triangles
  • Manual selection of material width
  • Cutting the canvas according to the specified parameters

Having mastered working with this product, it is much easier to move on to more complex and functional packages.


This package can be considered separately. It is designed to reduce labor costs by reducing the amount of information that needs to be entered manually. The package is used to take into account the material of suspended ceilings when creating primary drawings, based on measurement data of the perimeter of the room.

Adapted for use on iPad and mobile devices with the Android system, the program has a simple and intuitive interface. There are quite a lot of tools:

  • Step-by-step construction of a drawing
  • Creating drawings with intersecting diagonals
  • Applying additional forms to baselines perimeter in the drawing
  • Creating cuts and outlines of fabric of various shapes: oval, circle, rectangle, triangle, arc
  • Choice of fabric texture
  • Taking into account material shrinkage and using this data in calculations
  • Formation of a finished drawing for the production of a ceiling

At the same time, the program can be used to select the color of suspended ceilings from the existing color database. There are a lot of functions and novice users sometimes get confused. But this only happens at the stage of getting to know each other software package. After the initial acquaintance, everything becomes clear.


This product will allow you to quickly create the drawings necessary for cutting and producing tension coverings. It is possible to download a large database of colors and textures of the canvas to visualize the project.

The difference between this package and the others is that there are several different versions programs for different levels user and perform various tasks. It is not supplied free of charge, but there is a demo version on the supplier’s website that will allow you to try out the capabilities of the program without upfront payment.

There are quite a lot of tools, especially in those product variants that are intended for full automation production process:

  • Construction of figures of any complexity
  • Cutting the canvas both as a whole and in fragments
  • The area of ​​the material can be calculated with possible shrinkage
  • There is a choice of cutting side - both from the front and from the back side
  • Seams can be laid both parallel and perpendicular to any sides of the fabric or its diagonals
  • General calculation of the order amount
  • Printing of all kinds of reports and drawings
  • Ability to maintain a database of clients and completed orders
  • Automatic calculation of perimeters and curved sections

And this is not all the possibilities that are available to you. of this product. Additional modules are constantly appearing that can be downloaded and installed after purchasing the main program.


There are a lot of software packages online that make it easier to design and produce tension coverings. Everyone will be able to choose the most suitable functionality for themselves. There are both very complex programs that require detailed study, and simpler ones that can be installed even on mobile devices. Each is intended for its own purposes and has corresponding functionality.

Free programs for calculating suspended ceilings are not always inferior to those for which you have to pay, but they are more focused on one-time or short-term use. Paid platforms have a very rich set of tools and are provided with support from the manufacturer.

Using the built-in editor, you can independently create an online design of suspended ceilings. The program will help you imagine what the room will look like after renovation. There is no limit on the number of options, so you are allowed to bring your ideas to life. Visualizing a stretch ceiling is a great way to quickly recreate the desired result on the screen.

How to work with a design program

We do not impose design options from our employees on suspended ceilings. You can create yourself, creating projects that will be used in the bedroom or kitchen, suitable for the hallway or living room. You can choose options with spotlights or choose a chandelier for lighting.

The operating procedure is quite simple:

  1. Choose the ceiling material: gloss, matte or satin.
  2. Choose the color of the first and second levels from the catalogue.
  3. Determine the shape of the ceiling by choosing one option from the seventeen offered.
  4. Move cursor to desired color walls and furniture.
  5. If necessary, decorate the ceiling with photo printing.

All that remains is to enjoy the photo that has already appeared below. This is your creation.

Did you like experimenting? Place your order, and we will bring your created project to life. You will make sure that modern design gives endless possibilities and transforms even the most boring room into a cozy corner of paradise.

Attention!!!Depending on the color rendering of your monitor, the colors of the textures depicted on the website may differ from the real one.

To accurately select the color of your ceiling, you need to use the catalog of textures in the office at st. Vikulova, 28a

You can also create on our website3D project of a multi-level, with curved joint and carved stretch ceiling

The initial stage of any repair is the creation of a drawing or at least a sketch. Designing plasterboard ceilings will allow you to take into account all the design nuances, dimensions, and also calculate the exact amount of material required.

Plasterboard structure on the ceiling, the design of which was compiled using computer program

Of course, you can do everything the old fashioned way, using pencil and paper, drawing a detailed drawing with the indicated dimensions, or just a diagram with the parameters of the suspended structure. But, with modern progress, almost everyone has a computer, and the presence of suitable software will allow you to design a plasterboard ceiling and evaluate the overall picture of the room.

Having decided to make a project to create a suspended ceiling from plasterboard, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • first, you need to watch a video review of the selected software and understand what features are provided (especially if the program is paid). After all, you can simply buy something that is not exactly what you need;
  • secondly, do not overestimate own capabilities, otherwise you may not be able to deal with professional program, requiring engineering knowledge;
  • thirdly, you should definitely make sure of the capabilities own computer. Not all older models can support this or that software. This also applies to installed software (supported software is usually indicated in the description of project programs).

    Using programs to design a two-level ceiling

    So, what specific programs can you look at to design a plasterboard ceiling?

    Review of some design software

    Designing a plasterboard ceiling using a computer program

    There are a lot of programs for drawing and creating projects; they allow you to make a preliminary plan even for a multi-story residential building or a separate room. However, when purchasing paid software, you should make sure that it can perform a sketch of the ceiling, and not the arrangement of interior elements.


    Updated version AutoCAD programs

    This software first appeared more than 30 years ago and today it is one of the most common programs among design engineers. Although simple, the design will require some knowledge when creating a drawing.

    To figure it out, you can use the “training” item, where there are tips for performing certain tasks.

    And also to make a drawing on AutoCAD, it is advisable to watch a video on the Internet, which shows in detail how to perform this or that action.

    Watch the video: AutoCad program training.


    This program will allow you to design any type of suspended, tensioned or. Brief instructions is this:

    In addition to the rectangle, you can choose other shapes: polyhedra, cones, circles and others.

Until recently, the choice of options for finishing the ceiling was very narrow. We had to limit ourselves to whitewash, paint, wallpaper or simple plaster. But with the advent of suspended ceilings, a lot has changed.

People have it at their disposal powerful tool, allowing you to transform any room for a small amount, be it a bathroom or a huge living room.

The advantages of stretch fabric are the ability to abandon annoying plaster and mask existing wall defects, cover various communications with film, resistance to moisture and grease, as well as an original appearance.

But there are also disadvantages. Among them are the risk of damage to the canvas using a sharp object, immunity to low temperatures(applies to PVC films), an unpleasant “aroma” in the first few days after installation and a relatively high price.

Regarding the last drawback, many legends arise, caused by a misunderstanding of the principles of formation of the cost of installation work and the costs of the structure itself.

In fact, planning the appearance of the stretch fabric and estimating its price is not difficult.

All that is required is to have a program for calculating suspended ceilings. What are the features of such software? What software is the most popular today, and what are its features?

How much does it cost to download a calculation program?

The first question that inexperienced users ask concerns the costs of downloading and installing a suitable product.

Based on general practice, all programs are divided into two categories:

  • free software. Such software is located in free access, and you don’t need to spend money to download it;
  • paid programs are a product that can only be obtained for a certain fee. In this case, money may be charged both for downloading and for using certain functionality.

TO free programs This includes software that allows you to perform simple manipulations, for example, calculate the required volume of material to cover the ceiling in a room, choose the appropriate design, and evaluate the appearance the room will take after the work is completed.

main feature free products– presence of functional limitations. That is, the program is easy to use and reliable, but allows you to perform only the simplest manipulations.

Programs for constructing suspended ceilings that are purchased for money are of higher quality.

Their features are the ability to accurately design the future ceiling (including multi-level design), stability of operation, availability of many additional functions, which are “closed” in simple free versions of the program.

Paid software is more suitable for specialists who professionally deal with stretch ceilings and set themselves the task of performing independent calculations and providing quick results to clients.

Great advantage paid programs– availability of trial versions, thanks to which you can personally evaluate the capabilities and functionality before making a payment. Of course, some options in trial version are not available, but this does not prevent you from making the right decision.

Generally speaking, “probe” programs, as a rule, do not allow you to print the completed project or copy it to external media. All other options remain available.

Easy Ceiling – a high-quality program for cutting suspended ceilings

On the background wide choice With software, it is sometimes difficult to decide on the most suitable option. One of best solutions– Easy Ceiling. This program for cutting suspended ceilings is distinguished by its wide functionality and stable operation.

The wide range of product capabilities will come in handy as ordinary people, as well as professional dealers or manufacturing plants, for whom such a program is an opportunity to develop their business.

The main feature of the software is the ability to download and install only those extensions that are necessary. It is worth noting that you will have to pay for the program.

In addition, most of the modules from developers are also paid. So you shouldn’t install everything - it’s better to select only those options that are necessary during the work process. With this approach, you can get a sufficient amount of options for work and save money.

The available functionality of the program allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • create drawings with several diagonals;
  • optimize the volume of fabric used and subsequently save on material;
  • automatically round a certain corner;
  • unload internal cutouts from an already prepared drawing;
  • move selected segments or entire walls in a finished drawing to a certain distance;
  • copying the finished drawing to the clipboard and then formatting it in required format, be it Excel or Word;
  • working with files of various formats.

The options listed above are just the beginning. Modern programs provide a variety of printables that allow you to create various documents needed by customers, manufacturers or installation organizations who will take on the functions of cutting the product.

If necessary, you can purchase one or more add-ons that expand the capabilities of the software. The price of such components varies - from a thousand rubles or more.

The most interesting options include:

  • function that allows you to work with the ceiling catalog different types(Apply). The special feature of the option is preparing a file for the machine, calculating the length and price;
  • a light version of the program for tablets or mobile phones. The capabilities of such software will allow you to make drawings and then send them by e-mail;
  • an option that allows you to combine different colors and textures with automatic calculation of the area of ​​​​each texture. In this case, it is allowed to set the positions of the seams within each of the areas for a specific texture;
  • option for measuring ceilings with several levels. This is possible by subtracting structural elements with several levels from the main ceiling.

In addition, you can purchase an option that allows you to upload sketches to standard formats(jpeg, bmp), open the finished file in other programs, make changes to the names, automatically calculate the cost of the ceiling, and so on.

The most expensive option (15 thousand rubles) is personalization, thanks to which you can change the program name, logo and interface selection at your own discretion.

At the same time, the list additional options is not limited to those listed above - there are more of them. More detailed information can be found on the official website of the program.

Program for design of suspended ceilings

If you need a high-quality and inexpensive program that allows you to design suspended ceilings, then the option with Ceiling Calc looks the most attractive.

The main advantage of the software is that it is free. At the same time, the functionality remains at a high level.

For example, with the help of available options and add-ons, the user has the opportunity to enter additional data to create a new drawing, improve the cutting process, save material and take measurements of already made drawings.

Their main tools available to the user, it is worth highlighting:

  • the ability to calculate simple ceilings using information obtained from simple measurements of the perimeter of the room;
  • calculation of web cutting using the shrinkage coefficient;
  • carrying out calculations taking into account special cuts and shapes;
  • adjusting the base of existing materials;
  • calculating the volume of material that is necessary to complete the task, as well as calculating the film remaining after completing the work;
  • more ample opportunities when performing work on cutting films that are separated by certain structures. In this case, the calculation is carried out separately for each specific fragment;
  • the use of basic tools that allow you to adjust the appearance of printed forms.

If desired, the user can purchase and paid version program, but the “free” option is sufficient to solve key problems.

Thus, the Ceiling Calc program is one of best options, both for designers and for people who need to calculate their own costs when installing the canvas.

Using the program, it is possible to select the dimensions of the canvas, reduce material consumption and, as a result, future costs. In addition, it is enough to indicate only the perimeter of the room to get the main calculations for installing a regular canvas.

The advantage is that Ceiling Calc displays ready-made drawings in any of the popular formats, and the software itself interacts well with similar software.

Such programs include:

  • SBPotilok is software that is understandable even for beginners and does not require additional costs. Typically it is available for free download(we'll look at it in more detail later);
  • NewMatRos is software that allows you to implement the most daring designer solutions. Here you can plan ceilings that have the most different shape, characterized by multi-texture or several levels, a large number lamps or other features.

The Ceiling Calc program is often used by companies involved in the installation of tensile structures.

The popularity of the software is easy to explain.

For example, when a client calls on the phone and wants to quickly find out the cost of his own costs (with subsequent comparison of the information received from competitors), then the mentioned product will come in handy.

It is enough to enter some data (size of the room, number of corners, presence of baguettes and lamps, type of canvas, etc.) to get an accurate calculation.

In this case, the calculation can be made taking into account the established premium. As a result, it is possible to calculate the approximate amount of expenses (including work).

If the person who dialed the company’s phone number is interested in the offer, then you can subsequently use a paid (more functional) version of the application, which allows you to configure the ceiling taking into account the client’s preferences.

Calculation programs: overview

In addition to those mentioned above, there are many other programs that make life easier for manufacturers of tension fabrics, companies that install them, as well as directly for customers.

Below we consider the applications that are in greatest demand and have earned respect due to their reliability and wide functionality:

1. Easy Ceiling. There are situations when visiting a site is carried out together with a phone or laptop. In such a situation it will be useful Easy program Ceiling, capable of running on the Android operating system.

Thanks to its capabilities, it is possible to draw a ceiling of any shape. In addition, at the stage of constructing a drawing, you can immediately indicate the location of the light sources, as well as perform cutting using the available information.

There is also an optimization function with which you can minimize the amount of waste and, as a result, reduce the amount of fabric used, reducing costs.

IN free version Only a limited (demo) version is presented, but in the future it is recommended to purchase the program with a license. It contains big number options and additions that you will have to deal with.

That's why this software is very difficult for novice users. On the other hand, if you set aside a little time to study the program, then problems are eliminated.

2.DEXCeil- a product that allows you not only to create projects or calculate the price of the finished canvas, but also to keep control over the activities of dealers, design future structures and maintain a report card.

The main features of DEXCeil include:

  • creating cutouts with unusual shapes;
  • optimization of the cutting process of PVC film or fabric;
  • the ability to print out information for cutting each individual segment;
  • cutting sections using the shrinkage coefficient;
  • automatic accounting of clients and work that was performed;
  • making changes to the existing database of materials, as well as adjusting prices to make more accurate calculations in the future;
  • output the report in a format convenient for use. This can be Word or Excel.

Listing all the functionality of the software is a difficult task. But this is not necessary. Advanced users know the benefits of the program and successfully use them in practice.

If desired, such a tool can be used by large companies that install and (or) manufacture ceiling structures. A big plus is the ability to work with AutoCAD, which opens up new perspectives on creating models in 3D format.

If you combine the functionality of these two programs, the result is amazing. Of course, for licensed version you will have to pay, but if used correctly, the program will fully cover the costs.

In addition, the developers have released an application to the market that can run on iOS or Android.

3. Prestige is another powerful product, which is available to users in free version. But there is a nuance here - only authorized dealers can use the software. At the same time, a “free” version is available on the company’s website for anyone who wants to familiarize themselves with the functionality of the program.

Thanks to the capabilities of "Prestige" you can solve whole line tasks - calculate required material, build drawings. In addition, the software can also be used for cutting tension fabrics.

Among the most interesting tools available to the user, it is worth highlighting:

  • ease of construction of oval-shaped ceilings;
  • ease manual editing main drawing with further saving to a file;
  • quick calculations when forming webs complex design by setting the transition level;
  • creating custom cutouts by adding suitable options shapes to the base sides of the structure;
  • ease of determining the places where built-in lamps will be installed;
  • displacement of a wall (one or more) in order to introduce indents or niches into the project.

Despite the fact that the program is freely available, its distribution mostly occurs within the “ceiling” sphere - for example, by e-mail between companies operating in this sector.

4. SbPotolok – program, which has already been mentioned above. Its advantages are that it is free and easy to use. The main disadvantage is limited functionality.

On the other hand, the options available on board are sufficient to solve basic problems. Experts note that SbPotolok is not able to create internal cutouts using standard tools (without using additional software options).

As for the functions available for use, it is worth highlighting a decent base of materials (on this moment there are six of them), constructing a pattern using triangles, the convenience of manually selecting the width of the product, cutting the ceiling according to available data.

Practice shows that after studying the free version of the program, it is easier to deal with more complex versions of the software with advanced functionality.

5. SAROS DESIGNER 2 – software, allowing the user to minimize costs and labor by reducing the amount of information entered by manual entry.

Thus, the package can be used to take into account tension fabrics when organizing primary drawings based on available information about the perimeter of the room. The main advantage of the program is its adaptation to work on Android, ease of use and simple interface.

The main tools that are available immediately after downloading include: step by step construction drawing, the use of additional shapes to the already existing (basic) perimeter lines, the ease of choosing one of the canvas options, creating the outline and cutouts of the film of different variations (rectangular, round, oval or triangular).

In addition, the calculation can take into account the shrinkage of the material, which allows additional savings during the installation process. At the end, the program produces a ready-made drawing for the implementation of the ceiling. A big plus is the ability to use different colors from those in the base.

6. NewMatRos – software, thanks to which you can quickly and with maximum accuracy cut the ceiling and issue drawings for the manufacture of the canvas. Manufacturers provide an option that allows you to add additional colors and textures to the database to evaluate the final result.

The main advantage of the program is the presence of several versions, each of which is suitable for certain category users. Software paid, but official resource From the creator company, a demo version is available to everyone, allowing them to test the capabilities of the software for free.

The tools provided are sufficient to solve most complex tasks and automate the calculation process. Among the main tools, it is worth highlighting - quick calculation of the order amount, the ability to construct figures of varying complexity, the convenience of cutting the canvas in fragments or as a whole, calculation of the area of ​​material with shrinkage, the ability to select the side of the ceiling when cutting.

In addition, the finished drawing can be printed as a picture or displayed in a report. It is also possible to maintain a database of clients and the fact of work performed.

The advantage is that the developers do not stop at the achieved results, constantly expanding the functionality of the program.

Programs for calculating suspended ceilings are real assistants for dealers, manufacturers and ordinary people.

All that remains is to choose suitable program, understand its functionality and apply it in practice.