Selling space for teaser advertising. th method “Active”

The Internet has entangled almost the entire world in its web and entered almost every home. In its vastness you can now find almost everything your heart desires: information, news, friends on social networks, films, music and much more. Millions of global network users daily conduct own blogs, buy goods in online stores, communicate. There is probably no such topic that is not covered on web pages. Almost all organizations have their own websites where you can learn about their activities and contact the administration. Millions of people play online games and download millions of files every day, totaling hundreds of thousands of terabytes. Online casino players lose and win every day great amount money.

It goes without saying that such popularity of the World Wide Web cannot help but attract advertisers offering their goods and services. Web pages are simply loaded with various banners and are full of advertising slogans. Among this multitude of information noise, there are also many offers to make money on the Internet or offer to find out ways to make money on the site. People are offered to earn a lot of money every day, with almost no effort, which naturally poses the question: “ Is it really possible to make real money on the Internet?" You will be presented with several basic, time-tested and us-tested ways to make money on your websites.

Ways to make money on the site

Now let's look at them in more detail:

1. Earning money from contextual advertising

A fairly common way to make money on websites is contextual advertising. Its essence is simple - articles contain links to third party resources, however advertising text fully or partially corresponds to the topic of the article. Earning money from contextual advertising carried out from the funds of the advertiser, who pays for the number of clicks on the advertising link, and the owner of the resource that places contextual advertising receives a certain amount for the number of clicks of unique users. The amount that such earnings on the site will bring can be calculated, taking into account the percentage that the contextual advertising system retains for intermediation. This percentage is determined by the system itself, since the advertiser and the webmaster find each other there.

Today, earning money from contextual advertising is the most prestigious type of earning money on the Internet. The level of requirements for sites for systems that provide this type of income is quite high, which puts the resources registered in these systems an order of magnitude higher than sites that cannot register in the system due to non-compliance with the system requirements. Many people call making money from contextual advertising the most legal and prestigious way to make money on the Internet.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular systems contextual advertising:

  • Yandex.Direct. The advantages of this system, which provides earnings from contextual advertising, are a huge number of different tools for webmasters and a very large coverage of the target audience the advertiser needs. The service interface is intuitive, so beginners will not feel out of place when they first try to make money on the site. However, we should not forget that to work with Yandex.Direct, the traffic to your site must be at least 300 unique visitors per day;
  • Google Edsense (Google Edsense). The Google search engine occupies a leading position in the English-language segment of the World Wide Web, but in the RuNet the leader position is still held by Yandex. The Google Edsense interface is quite complex, however, for those who are not deterred by this, many new opportunities open up that are not available in either Yandex.Direct or Begun. Therefore, Google Adsense is most often used in conjunction with other systems to make money on contextual advertising.

2. Earning money on link exchanges

Monetizing a website using link exchanges with automatic placement is a fairly simple and not labor-intensive process. In fact, link exchanges allow you to make your dream come true - a person does not need to do anything, and the money will flow into his account. Considering ways to monetize a website, we can safely say that link exchanges are often the most profitable way to make money on the Internet.

Earnings on link exchanges with automatic placement is carried out as follows: the owner of a site registers in the system, receives a specialized code, which he is obliged to place on his resource. Next, the webmaster determines the place on the pages of his site where advertising links will be placed and begins to receive income. Money is credited to the site owner’s account every day, debited from the advertiser’s account. The exchange, of course, deducts intermediary fees from this money.

The exchange administration also assumes responsibility for monitoring the correctness of the placement of links and the correctness of monetary calculations. Earnings on link exchanges depends on many factors, including page indexing by search engines, TIC and PR indicators of the page and the site as a whole, level of nesting specific page and others.

Let's consider short review main link exchanges:

  • Sape. The very first link exchange with automatic placement. Among optimizers and webmasters, the word “Sapa” has long become a common noun, which is synonymous with the phrase site monetization. A pioneer in the market for selling links, Sape has a huge base of both sites for placing links and advertisers who are willing to pay for placing links;
  • TrustLink. Monetizing a site with the help of this youngest, but very promising link exchange, has many advantages, such as manual site moderation, appearance placed links look like contextual advertising ads and a guaranteed buyout of 60% of the link spaces within 2 weeks. This exchange works directly with SeoPult, which provides high profitability in a very short time;
  • Mainlink. This link exchange places a strong emphasis on placing links on the main pages of sites, however, users of the system who make money on link exchanges have the opportunity to sell space on other pages of their sites;

3. Earning money on article exchanges

You can also make money on the site through services such as article and review exchanges. Monetizing a site using such exchanges is somewhat different from the methods of earning money described above. Links placed using article and review exchanges are surrounded by a large amount of text and have the status of eternal, that is, they are placed on the page on a permanent basis, which makes them more or less natural to the human eye, do not repel the page and are extremely attractive to advertisers.

Earnings on article exchanges more labor-intensive, but the prices for posted links are much higher.

The main exchanges for articles and reviews are:

  • MiraLinks. This service offers a number of services for posting articles on the best sites Russian-speaking segment Internet networks. Its advantages include a guarantee of placement, placement unique articles forever and manual moderation;
  • Gogetlinks. This exchange has one distinctive feature, extremely attractive for those who are going to make money on the site. The service makes it possible to post both short notes and contextual links and picture links. Links, like reviews, are posted on sites forever with a guarantee of indexing; We recommend!
  • RotaPost. An exchange of articles and reviews that deserves your attention is RotaPost. The service is also focused on placing advertising posts and posts on blogs. The system is very easy to use. We recommend!
  • Liex. Monetizing a site using this article exchange is reminiscent of working with Sapa, with one small exception - instead of links, advertising articles that contain these very links are sold and bought. Liex is a leader among article and link exchanges;
  • Blogger. Popular service, through which you can make money on article exchanges. Distinctive feature A blogger is that he is focused on posting advertising reviews exclusively on blogs. The placement system is not much different from other exchanges - the Blogger communicates between the blogger and the advertiser, for which he takes a commission;

4. Earning money from banner networks

Earning money on the site using the methods described above can be done in conjunction with each other and with placement banner advertising. Banner networks offer advertisers effective promotion their projects by placing banners on third-party websites. Methods of monetizing a website by selling space on a website for banner advertising are extremely popular on the Internet. The cost of a click on a banner is usually lower than that of contextual advertising, but banner networks have their advantages, such as very well-thought-out targeting that does not allow displaying banners of undesirable topics and banners of competitors.

Depending on the traffic to your site, you can receive money for the number of times a banner is displayed, or for the number of clicks on it. To do this, you just need to register your site in one of the banner networks and install it on the site special code to call banners.

The most popular banner networks:

  • RotaBan. It has many advantages for both advertisers and website owners. For the latter, it is extremely attractive that 85% of the money that advertisers pay goes to the webmaster. RotaBan charges very low commissions. We recommend!

5. Earning money on file sharing systems

Earning money from file sharing systems extremely simple and suitable even for those who do not have their own site. The essence of this method is this: you simply upload your files to file hosting services and receive money for the number of downloads. For all file hosting services, this system is very similar, but for many of them, in addition to money for downloads, you can receive bonuses for ordering by users who follow your links for additional services.

Naturally, in order for your files to download, you need to post links to them. Placing links on your own website is usually not enough. You can also post links to your files on thematic forums, on community pages on social networks, on a microblog, in general, wherever possible. Your earnings will also depend on the popularity of the file, so it is best to upload new movies, programs, etc. to file hosting services.

List of the most profitable file sharing systems:

  • DepositFiles. Perhaps the most popular file hosting service on the Runet. Offers up to $30 per 1000 downloads. Various bonus programs are constantly running;
  • Vip-file. Earnings when using this exchanger are made at the rate of half the cost of premium access, which was purchased through your link. Quite a lot of earnings from affiliate programs, in comparison with other file-sharing systems;

6. Earning money from affiliate programs

In addition to the most common ways to make money on the Internet, site monetization can also be done through making money on affiliate programs. Most of the above services are ready to pay for the people you attract (in other words, referrals who register on the service using your link). Therefore, an important point is the correct and timely delivery of affiliate links to users. It is advisable to consider this method of earning money in the long term, since it takes time to attract referrals and distribute your referral link.

For more than 4 years, our site has been operating under an affiliate program with largest online store Runet - We recommend!

In addition, there is a fairly wide range of resources on the Internet that provide cooperation based on affiliate programs. One of the most full lists affiliate programs are presented on the website - Affiliate Programs Guide.

7. Cooperation with direct advertisers

Direct advertisers- one of the methods that is probably much more labor-intensive than all other ways to make money on the site. Direct advertisers are willing to pay a lot of money to the owner of a good website, but communicating with them directly takes a lot of effort and time, and advertising has to be placed manually.

In conclusion

Earning money on the site- this is no longer a fairy tale. You can earn very good money on the Internet, but you don’t need to think that it will pour into your pocket. Don't believe it intrusive advertising that you can earn thousands of dollars a week without doing anything.

This is completely impossible, because in order to start receiving income you need work hard. Above your site you need to constantly work - develop it and promote it in search engines, because no advertiser will be interested in a site that no one knows anything about. The main thing to remember is the Russian proverb “ A rolling stone gathers no moss" In order to make money on the site you need to work. Believe in yourself and you will succeed, because money loves those who strive to earn it through hard work.

However, you won’t be able to immediately monetize your resource on the Internet. To do this, you need to work a lot with your website, which should be interesting to people.

Contextual advertising provides an excellent opportunity to earn money Google Adsense, if the site has good traffic and the resource meets all Google requirements.

After registering on the Google Adsense website, wait for moderation results from it. Once your site is approved, you can post advertising blocks. By experimenting you will find best options their installations. The theme of your site, the space for banners, their size, type and color matter.

Little secret- square blocks provide more income than rectangular banners.

The most expensive clicks will be on a site on finance, construction, ecommerce, making money on the Internet. The subject of the advertisement matches the theme of your site.

Therefore, interested visitors will click on banners. The cost of an Adsense advertising click is from 2 cents to $10 per click, average price usually $0.05 - $0.50 depending on the topic of the site and advertising. Sites with high traffic (For example, about 10,000 unique visitors per knock) receive income of up to 50 thousand rubles. and more.

Many webmasters know secrets, how to make very good money on a blog with Adsense. Previously, it was possible to install only 3 blocks of banners and 3 blocks of Adsense links on one page. Now there are no restrictions, but usually there is no point in placing more than 4 Adsense blocks on a page.

There is nothing more profitable than Google Adsense except direct advertisers (companies that negotiate directly with the site owner to place a banner, article, link). But for your site to be of interest to a direct advertiser, traffic must be at least 3000-5000 unique visitors per day. Depends on the topic. They usually pay 1.5-2 times more than Adsense brings.

Contextual advertising provides excellent income Yandex Direct. For every 1,000 pages viewed by users, there are an average of 15 clicks on such advertising. It can be placed on a website that has at least 300 unique visitors per day.

Popular site with an attendance of up to 2000 people. can earn about 10 thousand rubles. Average prices for clicks in Yandex Direct are 5-20 rubles, but for example: mutual funds – 29 rubles, lending – 37 rubles, forex – 57 rubles.

Selling space for teaser advertising

Teasers(small pictures with text) with teasing pictures are always good at attracting the attention of visitors. Typically, with 1000 unique site visitors, you can get an average of $10-20 per month or more from one block of 5 teasers.

We recently tested, in which 12 teaser networks participated and the best ones that generated the most income were BodyClick (Site and MediaVenus. The worst in terms of income were Tizernet and TizersMedia. AdLabs also pays well.

Earning money with affiliate programs

Nowadays, on the Internet, numerous affiliate programs pay a certain percentage of the sales of their services and goods to webmasters, who act as intermediaries in these sales. This is how books, CDs, gadgets, clothes and other goods are successfully sold.

But! Typically, the income from these affiliate programs is lower than from Adsense, YAN (Yandex Direct) and teasers. The best companies in this area are Admitad(website and which have thousands of advertisers of goods and services.

Banner advertising

Banners are usually placed either by direct advertisers, which we wrote about above, or you can connect special services to the site. You can negotiate with advertisers about the placement of such advertising either directly or with the help of special services. For example, is convenient. Rotaban pays up to 400 rubles. for 10 thousand impressions, 1000 rub. for 25 thousand impressions. He takes a small percentage for his services.

Selling articles with links

Additional income can be wholesale trade small articles written by you or for you with sponsored links inserted there and the necessary anchor (link below the text).

Robots need them for searching, and sponsors need them to receive traffic. If the site is 3-5 months old, you can already start selling links. Sites with a traffic of about 10 thousand people per day can receive significant income from such a sale. But sites with less traffic also make good money. A site with, for example, TIC 20 and PR 2(no longer relevant, Google canceled this indicator for all sites) , can sell links from 50 rubles to 150 for each (depending on the topic). Well-visited sites with large TICs ( thematic index citations) sell links for 600-2000 rubles per link or more.

For example, link on the website of the Kommersant publishing house (TIC 28,000) costs 22,000 rubles. The website (TIC 17,000) sells links for 18,000 rubles each. The RIA Novosti news agency (website, TIC 25,000) has 1 link that costs 86,000 rubles.

Intermediaries in the placement of such links are the exchanges WebArtex, Getgoodlinks, Miralinks, Advego. Selling such links is also possible through specialized universal systems. The best and the most popular exchanges are Sape and GGL

How much do websites and blogs earn?

There can be many ways to earn income. Profit depends on many indicators of the site or blog. One site may give $50 per month, and another $500. There are sites that bring their owners 20-80 thousand dollars a month, but these are old, trust (reputable) sites that were created in 2001-2003.

If you create a website now, persistently, and work on it every day for 2-3 years, then you can realistically reach a net monthly income of 800-2000 dollars. It’s unrealistic to make money by creating a website. Although it is possible to sell, sites without traffic or with minimal traffic (50 people per day) cannot be sold for more than 2000-5000 rubles.

Is it possible for a beginner in this field to make money from scratch?

Really. Even the humanities. If you study a lot and work tirelessly with your virtual resource every day, there will definitely be results. And you will be able to earn from your resource the amount that you consider worthy. The main thing is to do a lot and not give up when something doesn’t work out.

"23 real ways to make money with your website" - this is not just a list of possible ways to make money online using your website. Your website is much more than online brochure or a book. It truly is a valuable Internet asset. It can be used to earn additional or even main income.

There are quite a lot real ways earning money with your website, which can give you a significant financial increase. Depending on the topic of your site, some of these ways may work better than others.

Unfortunately, too many people lack the skill or patience and stop halfway because, despite all their efforts, they still don't make money. My advice: don't give up! It takes time to create your own website that will help you make money. Of course, by moving in the right direction, planning and working hard, this can be achieved faster. Remember - everything depends on the content of your site!

Please note that the ways to make money using your website are different from methods earn money more money From him. Methods to increase traffic or clicks will help you earn money more money, but they are not a way to make money.

For example, you might assume that placing relevant AdSense ads amid the page context is a way to make money from your site. This isn't really true, it's just a method to make more money by improving your ad click rates. The real way to make money behind this method is through PPC advertising networks.

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The list offered to you is a list 23 real ways to make money with your website. Depending on the content of your website, a large number of of these 23 ways can be implemented to help you make money. Don't be discouraged if one method doesn't work for you, try others until you find what works for you!

1. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

You can guess from the name how you can make money with this method. You get paid for each click (pay per click, PPC) that visitors to your site make on such ads.

Google AdSense, along with Yandex.Direct, are the most popular options in this category, but there are many other providers of similar services. Typically, you need to register with advertising network

and paste some code snippets on your site. Pay-per-click advertisements vary in profitability depending on the amount of traffic your site receives. Only a small percentage of people will click on these ads, so in order to receive good earnings

, you will need a lot of traffic.

The number of clicks your visitors receive also largely depends on the design of your website. Some parts of a website's pages attract more attention from visitors than others, so to increase your PPC ad click-through rate, you should place it in those areas.

The profitability of contextual advertising depends on the overall level of website traffic and, most importantly, click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC). CTR (click through rate) - means the ratio of the number of clicks on a banner to its impressions in % (CTR = number of clicks / number of impressions * 100). The CTR rate depends on the website design. Ads placed at the top of the page or mixed with context tend to get higher CTRs.

Cost per click (CPC), on the other hand, depends on the theme of the website. Mortgage lending, financial products and higher education are examples of high-paying topics (clicks costing a few dollars are not uncommon), while ads related to technical topics tend to fetch a lower price (sometimes as little as a couple of cents per click).

The traffic source may also affect general level CTR. Organic traffic (that which comes from search engines) is most effective because these visitors are already searching for something on that topic and they tend to click on ads more often. Traffic from social networks, on the other hand, gives a very low click-through rate since these visitors are tech-savvy and they most often simply ignore the advertisement.

However, to make serious money using the described method, you will need high-quality traffic in large quantities. For example, to be able to place advertisements from Google with minimum payment per click, the site must exist for at least 6 months and be visited by at least 300 visitors per day.

2. Cost-per-view (CPM) advertising

This type of advertising is similar to pay-per-click advertising, however, instead of getting paid per click, you get paid based on the number of impressions (page views) you advertise. Payment is made for every 1000 impressions. For example, a website that gets 200,000 page views per month, at $1 CPM, will allow you to earn $200 per month!

There are a number of different suppliers (providers) of this type of advertising. They differ in how much they will be willing to pay you - generally, the better the supplier, the more you will be paid. This happens because the best suppliers have access to a larger number of high-quality advertisers, who are a priori willing to pay webmasters more.

Just like with pay-per-click advertising, earnings from pay-per-impression advertising depend on where the ad is placed on your site. The closer you place your ad to the top of the page on your site, the higher your CPM. The larger the format (in terms of pixels), the higher the cost per thousand impressions.

3. Advertisements with relevant links (Text-Link-Ads)

This type of advertising allows you to place text ads in the body of your article. For example, if you are writing an article about a certain software, then you can place an advertising link in the text that will send your visitors to the manufacturer of that particular software.

In this case, you cannot simply insert any link into the text of your article, because... you will have to subscribe to a specific affiliate program or for a specialized service that will automate the process. Text-Link-Ads is pretty good as it offers a non-intrusive way of advertising that won't put your visitors off further visiting.

After Google announced that sites selling text links without NOFOLLOW tags will be punished, this method earnings became less popular. Many website owners still continue to use relevant text links to monetize their sites, some using the NOFOLLOW tag and some not.

The advantage of this method is that he is not intrusive. You can sell text links directly through your website or use specialized networks to automate this process.

4. Inside text (contextual) advertising

Very similar to Text Link Ads, inside text ads are ads that are placed inside text content, such as articles or blog posts. You can subscribe to inside text advertising from a supplier who will place advertising links within the text.

Such links are underlined with two lines to distinguish them from other links. When the user moves the mouse pointer over one of them, a small advertising pop-up window appears. The visitor can then click on it, which will earn you a small amount of money.

These types of ads are a little more natural than the previous type, which may turn off some people. When used correctly, they will help you earn money a small amount of money.

5. Advertising widgets

This method is relatively new on the scene. All large quantity people use widgets on their sites to receive money. These elements are designed so that they can be easily placed on the website without any hassle. The widgets are a mix of PPC, Text Link Ads and affiliate programs.

6. Renting advertising space into the arena

Selling your own advertising space is one of the most profitable ways to earn money. First of all, because it allows you to set your own tariffs and not pay commissions to intermediaries. Typically this method involves displaying an advertisement a certain number of times for an agreed time at a price agreed with the advertiser.

The disadvantage of this way is that you need to spend some time to coordinate the entire process with the advertiser, in addition, your site must have a large amount of traffic so that the advertiser is interested in placing their advertising.

7. RSS advertising

With the use of RSS technology by millions of Internet users, owners their sites start looking for ways to get earnings from this new content distribution channel

If you have an RSS feed (which you should!), then you can follow in the footsteps of millions of other webmasters and start advertising on on your website. Many RSS feed generators offer this service, so now it's even easier to implement it. They offer either CPM or CPC advertising, but you can do it yourself and offer sponsored posts and banners for sale directly on your RSS feed.

8. Audio advertising

This is a type of advertising you may not have even considered, Pay per Play (PPP) ads are audio ads that play every time someone visits your site. Such advertising usually lasts for several seconds, and the visitor is unable to stop it. This way to earn money creates a 100% conversion rate with unique visitor, so you can get paid up to $5 per visit, but it is very intrusive and may not appeal to visitors, making them less likely to visit your site again.

Another form of audio advertising that can be used is podcast advertising. Podcast is sound file(most often in MP3 format) or a video file (most often in FLV streaming flash video format), which is distributed free of charge via the Internet for mass listening or viewing of your target audience: users of personal or laptop computers, as well as owners of portable players.

If you run a podcast, you might have weekly audio messages letting visitors know what's new on the site, for example. In this case, you may consider turning on advertising during such transmission. I find this type of advertising to be less intrusive than the first because your podcast will be more like a short radio show with commercial breaks. If you don't overdo it with the amount of advertising, then this way

The modern world cannot be imagined without the Internet. The global web has long become a part of our lives. Therefore, sooner or later, every Internet user asks the question - how to create your own web resource and ensure stable earnings on your site?

  • Ways to make money on your website
  • Selling links
  • Posting articles
  • Context
  • Partnership programs
  • File sharing systems
  • Direct advertisers

Even a small site can bring a lot of money to its owner. It's very easy to start making money on the Internet. The most important thing is that it does not require special effort and initial capital. Think about the possibility of earning money today, especially since there are many ways to do this.

Ways to make money on your website

Ways to make money online on your website

  • Selling links.
  • Posting articles.
  • Contextual advertising.
  • Affiliates.
  • File sharing services.
  • Direct advertisers.

Selling links

Trading links is a very profitable and stable option online earnings. It is not affected in any way by your site’s position in search engines or its traffic. Only TIC and PR indicators are important, since the final cost of links will depend on them. The more pages you create on a site, the more money you can earn, and the more sites on the Internet, the higher the return on sales. To start selling links, you need to create a site indexed by search engines, otherwise it will not pass the moderation process.

First you need to add your site to the link sales system and place part of the code on the main page. Next, go through moderation and adjust the number and price of links. Now all that remains is to wait for advertisers and enjoy receiving passive income every day.

Increase your link mass gradually. You shouldn’t suddenly place several thousand links on the pages of your project. This is fraught with the imposition of pessimistic filters from search engines. It's better to imitate natural promotion on the Internet and don’t chase high scores.

You will start receiving profit daily. This is very important point, as you will be able to track statistics. You will understand how you can make money on the Internet on a website, especially since you can control how much profit each project brings in separately.

Buying links provides webmasters with accelerated website promotion, and sales bring significant profits. We have sorted the most popular exchanges for buying and selling links where you can earn money:


Payment on these exchanges is made daily, at the time the link is posted on the site. That is, this is a kind of rental of a reference space. At the moment of termination of payment, the link on the resources is no longer shown.

Perpetual link exchanges are great for both website promotion and making money. They have a one-time payment and are posted in articles on the site.

  1. Kazapa
  2. GoGetTop
  3. GoGetLinks

In fact, there are a lot of services offering services for buying and selling links. And their number is constantly growing every day, as this is a highly competitive industry. But only a few actually help solve the assigned problems. Therefore, you should not change exchanges “like gloves,” but choose one of the proven and reliable ones.

Having your own website and brains, you can make money.
With only your brains, you can create a website and make money.
Without a brain, you can kick manure. Which is also, in principle, sometimes useful.
Alexey Vostrov.

This is the section about money, what methods exist for this and what pitfalls are found in this path. I am sure that if there are direct hands and desire, decent money is possible for a resource of absolutely any subject. This is discussed in more detail below.

When I started writing this article, of all the methods using a website, the ones that were more or less familiar to me were selling links and placing contextual advertising. And my knowledge about these methods would only be enough to simply list by name the link exchanges and services of this very contextual advertising. Even a monkey could write such an “article,” so it was decided to postpone this “work” until better times and continue to gain experience.

On this moment I also don’t consider myself to know everything about , but...

IN Lately visitors to my site (who are dearly loved by me personally), who “part-time” are very good people who recommend my site on various forums and blogs, leave links to pages and sections of my site on other resources and simply write kind words about my site wherever they can, more and more often ask me questions regarding different ways how to make money using the site, and which of these methods is better.

As a result, I decided to summarize all the knowledge I have about making money on the site and post it here. Of course, it was not possible to describe everything in detail. But I think it worked out to indicate the direction in which you should move in order to start earning decent money on your website.

§ 1. On which site can you make money, and on which site should you not even try?

Remember the main thing: you won’t be able to get normal money using a site created exclusively “for making money.” By at least, until you gain experience. A newcomer from such a site will either receive nothing at all, or will “knock down” mere pennies.

To have a stable and high income from the site, you need to replace the question “How to make a lot of money on the site?” First, think about another question: “How to create a website that will be interesting and useful to people?”

And only if you already have such a website (or at least a complete plan for creating it), you can think about how to make money on it.

It is also urgent I don't recommend it! you create websites about or with “adults only” content. And in general, create websites on topics that you either don’t understand at all, or understand, but very poorly. Remember, the better and more interesting your website is, the more money you can earn with it.

Another question that is often asked to me is the question of which hosting (paid or free) is better to create a website in order to further develop it and make money on it. There is only one answer here and it is obvious: if you, dear visitor, have firmly decided, weighed and thought about everything, you know what the site will be about and who it is intended for, and most importantly, you have something useful in your head that can be posted on the site and interest others people, then run at a fast trot. And don't even think about it. I assure you, a high-quality website on absolutely any topic will, at a minimum, recoup the costs, and at a maximum, allow its author to also earn money on vermicelli pies.

B can be used in the following cases:

  • ~ to support the main site(we'll talk about this in a separate article);

  • ~ just to indulge and quit(no pity);

  • ~ if it itches very much in one place and you want to feel like a cool guy who has his own website, but there are only a bunch of photos with naked women, there is neither knowledge nor desire to get them, hands grow from nowhere, and instead of brains there is a vacuum.

In all other cases, create a website on free hosting, to put it mildly, stupid and unreasonable.

And the only exception here is, perhaps, and. Some of the ways to make money on your website described below are quite feasible using these resources. But only a few and with great difficulty. Having a high-quality website on your own will make making money much easier.

Now let’s move on directly to the very ways to make money on the site and then not give a damn about the Americans with their financial crisis. Let's start with, perhaps, the most popular, legal and safe - advertising on the site.

§ 2. Advertising on the site

The most legal and convenient way making money on your website is on it. This option can be used and how extra income on the site, and also has every chance of becoming the main source of income. There are two types of advertising on the site: contextual and in the form of various banners. There are some other types, but it is better to work with them if you already have experience and knowledge.

For me personally, banner advertising has two serious disadvantages. The first is the banners themselves (pictures, swf files etc.). They increase page loading time, and also flash and shimmer in all colors, which distracts from the main content.

The second disadvantage is the search for advertisers. How to make money on a website by placing banners? You need to find a person who agrees to pay for this placement. For a young site that does not yet have much traffic, this is practically unrealistic, because it makes no sense for an advertiser to pay money for advertising on a site that is visited by 20-30 people a day. Of course, if you are a well-known specialist in your field, you will quickly sell all the advertising space on your site, because it will be profitable for the advertiser, because your authority will attract both colleagues and simply interested people to your site. But what about “non-specialists”? The services that host it will also help them, or rather us.

This is why contextual advertising has become so popular and in demand. After all, it is beneficial to both advertisers (their ads will be seen only by those who need it), and resource owners (good earnings on the site and do not annoy visitors), and the users themselves (they see advertisements only for those goods and services that relate to the topic they are viewing at the moment pages, and, accordingly, may be useful to them).

The amount of money that a site owner receives is directly proportional to the number of clicks on advertisements that visitors make. The cost per click depends on the topic of the site. The most expensive clicks are in construction, automobiles or finance. Thus, by the amount earnings The placement of contextual advertising is primarily influenced by site traffic and its subject matter.

There are three most popular in RuNet: Begun, Yandex.Direct and AdSense. The first two are Russian, the last one is from the search engine Google systems (AdSense advertising you can see at the beginning of this article and a little lower in the text). The runner has now practically left the race. The service has fallen into disrepair and trying to make money on your website with its help is only possible out of complete despair.

The conditions in Yandex.Direct are strict. Both in terms of site traffic and contract execution. It’s unlikely that a young site will be accepted into Direct. And not a young person has to try very hard to get into the system.

A dSense is the world leader in contextual advertising. In Russia make money on the site using AdSense In general, it could have become the main one, if not for one thing: withdrawing money from the system is extremely difficult. It is carried out using checks, which are sent by mail and are difficult to cash (especially in small towns). But recently certain steps have been taken in this direction and, I hope, that soon make money on your website using AdSense will be as easy as using next method- selling links from the site.

§ 3. Selling links as a way to make money from your site

I’ll say right away that selling links is strongly discouraged by search engines. And if you get too impudent, you can quickly get banned by the search engines. At the same time, selling links from a site is still a very popular way to make money on your site.

They buy from the link in order to raise the necessary queries or in order to increase the site’s performance (TIC and PR). You can sell links manually or through various. The second is faster and more convenient.

The price of a link depends on the page indicators (TIC and PR, TIC is assigned to the entire site, PR to each page separately), the number of external links on the page, the quality of the site itself and the level of page nesting (LP). The most expensive links are from the main one (1 HC), then there are pages 2 HC (i.e. pages to which there is a link from the main page) and the cheapest - 3 HC (for which there is a link from page 2 of UV). Other levels of nesting (i.e. more than 3 HC), as a rule, are not accepted by exchanges. The price of a link does not depend in any way on site traffic.

A couple of tips from me personally:

  • ~ Sell no more than 5 links per page. And even better, no more than 3. This way you can set the price above the system average and minimize the risk of getting banned. Remember, you can sell 10 links and earn more than selling 100.

  • ~ Place links only to high-quality sites, preferably on approximately the same topics as yours.

  • ~ Do not sell links from a new site. First, at least spin it a little.

It is better to provide links on a blog (so-called post links) not through link exchanges, but using services for . These services will make it possible make money on a blog, posting posts (i.e. links in the posts themselves), advertising reviews etc.

In general, search engines are slowly neutralizing the impact of purchased links on search results. And very soon they will reduce it to nothing. Therefore, this way of making money with a website gradually evolved into another - posting articles on a website for money.

§ 4. Posting articles on the site

In my opinion, this is not only a good way to make money on a website, but also the most promising option for website promotion. This type earning money, like contextual advertising, is beneficial to everyone: the optimizer, by posting his articles on other sites, receives the most natural links to his own; the site owner, agreeing to such placement, not only earns money on his site, but also receives, which in turn attracts new visitors; visitors receive new information.

The only disadvantage for website owners is that they try to automate this method of website promotion (like all others). I mean the so-called reproduction of articles using various programs. That is, they take one article and, by replacing words with synonyms, make 200-300 articles out of it. Of course, there is no talk about the readability of such masterpieces. The only readers of such articles will be search engine robots. It all depends on you. Will you agree to turn your site into a trash heap and post such “creations” or will you post only high-quality articles?

As well as for selling links, for this method make money on the site created your own. In them you can indicate your requirements for articles: the number of characters, the number of links in the article, etc. I recommend setting the number of characters from 2000, and the number of links no more than 2. Well, and, of course, post only high-quality, “human” articles .

The amount of income from posting articles depends on the quality of the site and its PR and TIC indicators.

Now let’s talk about the most controversial way to make money on your website - making money through affiliate programs.

§ 5. Affiliate programs

In my opinion, making money on the site using affiliate programs- this is both the simplest and the most the hard way generating income from the site. You can write more than one article about this option to make money, and here I will try to only briefly explain the very essence of affiliate programs.

What are affiliate programs?
- this is a type of cooperation between the user and the service (any online store, link exchange, article exchange, hosting, etc.), in which the service shares with the user part of its income received from buyers who came to this service according to the user's recommendation. Wow, I bent it.

If we’re going to explain it “on the fly,” then let’s say there is an online store. You register in it, receive a referral or, in other words, an affiliate link (a regular link plus your affiliate ID) and place this referral link in one form or another on your website (or in any other accessible place on the Internet). Visitors to your website follow this link to your online store and make purchases there. The store remembers them (visitors, not purchases) as invited by you, and pays you from your income a certain percentage of these purchases. Moreover, it pays not once, but with each purchase.

It seems very simple: just send customers and earn money from the site. But this is only at first glance. Here are some cons.


1. First, the user must follow your link, and, having clicked, spend his money in the affiliate service. Achieving this is not as easy as it seems.

2. Usually the affiliate percentage is very small. Taking into account the fact that it is calculated from the profit of the service, and not from the entire amount spent by the user, it turns out that in order to earn decent money on affiliate programs, you need many users who will spend their money in the affiliate service. Or the services (products) of the service must be very expensive.

These are the main problems of making money on a website using affiliate programs. But there are advantages that are much more significant than the disadvantages.

These are the main points how to make money on a website using affiliate programs. The amount of income depends entirely on the brains and straightforwardness of the site owner. You can choose a couple of affiliate programs and work only with them, or you can work with a couple of dozen affiliate programs. Everything is learned through experience, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

Now let's talk about one more thing in a good way passive (and for some, active) earnings on the site - earnings on file hosting services.

§ 6. How to make money on file sharing services?

Update from September 2017. To date earnings on file hosting services are dead. The maximum that can be obtained today with file hosting- additional space on your account (for attracting new users). Earn using the above methods.

Personally, I believe that making money on file hosting services not only brings you money, but in general is a very convenient thing. Especially for a website owner with a small budget. After all, you can save money and upload a file of considerable size to such a file hosting service, and then give visitors a download link without wasting traffic and space on your hosting. And then they pay money for it. I tried different file hosting services, but I liked . That's what I use.

In principle, you can make money on file hosting services without your own website. But, having a resource that hosts many popular files (programs, films, music, pictures, etc.), this will be much easier.

The principle of making money on file hosting services is simple: you register, upload a file, receive a link to it and place this link where you need it. Users download your file, and you get paid for it. The amount of income depends on the number of downloads, on the size of the files you uploaded (the more, the better) and on the region from which the user came (not all regions are counted). That's basically it.

§ 7. Conclusion

I have described here the most popular ways to how to make money on your website. Their literate and sharing will provide an opportunity for a novice Internet oligarch to calmly develop his resource and gradually increase his earnings on the site, while simultaneously gaining experience. And, of course, no one is stopping you from scratching your pumpkin and coming up with something of your own.

In the future, I plan to write more detailed articles on each of the methods listed above. If you have questions or comments, be sure to voice them in the comments on the blog (link below).

The most important thing to remember is that you can read articles and stories about making money on a website until you are very old, or you can create a website and learn from your own experience how to make money on it. Don't mash your boobs, try and try!

Have fun!


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