Volume control program. Volumeouse is the most convenient way to adjust volume in Windows

The volume control in Windows is an integral part operating system. A computer without sound is only good for work. At home, if there is no sound on the computer, this is already a disaster. Speakers or headphones must be connected. You won’t watch a movie, study online, or play a game without sound. Operating room developers Windows systems took care of that too.

Volume control in Windows

You don't have to deal with settings sound card, it is enough to know how to use the volume control, which is located in the notification area on. Just left-click on the icon with the image of a speaker, and a small panel will open in which you can use the mouse to move the slider towards increasing or decreasing the sound. The number to the right of the slider shows the sound level.

Some keyboards have special keys, with the help of which you can also either turn off the sound or adjust it. They usually show a speaker icon.

Laptops also have special keys for adjusting or muting the sound. They usually begin to act only after pressing simultaneously one of these keys and additional key « Fn».

If you click on the sound icon on the taskbar right click mouse, then you can get into additional settings sound.

You can go through each of them and get acquainted with them, but you don’t need to change anything in them yet, otherwise the sound may , and you yourself will not be able to set everything up as it was.

It happens that the sound icon disappears from the taskbar. In Windows 10, this problem can be solved by right-clicking on free space taskbar and select from the drop-down context menu paragraph " Options».

On the " Task bar" (at the very bottom left) check that the icons are enabled by following the links " Select the icons shown in the taskbar" And " Turn system icons on or off».

Virtually all music playback devices have the ability to adjust the volume level. There are + and - buttons on the phone, on the speakers variable resistor, the car radio is controlled by an encoder, etc. But there’s a problem with the computer - to adjust the volume you need to move the mouse to the tray system volume or player volume. And it's inconvenient. To solve this problem, I assembled some device...

I decided that the easiest and most convenient way would be to implement volume control by rotating the encoder handle.

What is an encoder and how it works

An encoder is a rotation angle sensor. There are two types: absolute and relative (incremental).
In the case of the incremental encoder that I used, when you rotate the handle, we get information about the direction of rotation: clockwise or counterclockwise. To greatly simplify, when rotating by a certain degree a signal is received, and so on every N degrees. In my case, every 18 degrees (the encoder has 20 pulses per 360 degrees).

You can read about the operation of the encoder clearly and in detail.

The values ​​from the encoder will be transmitted to the computer via arduino digispark - a compact variation on the Arduino theme, where the atiny85 microcontroller itself acts as a programmer. The trick of Digispark is that it can be programmed as a hid device: after connecting to the computer, it will be detected as a keyboard/mouse/etc and there is no need to install additional programs on the computer.

Remember the joke about how any of your ideas has already been perfectly realized by some Asian? In search of answers on how to make my bike work, I found 5 options for assembling such devices. And 2 of them are on the same element base, which I also used. In the end, I simply copied the code from the guys from , reconnected the encoder as they recommended, and everything worked! Straightaway. No dancing with a tambourine.

But first things first.


We take it and connect it according to my sketch:

2 top contact The encoder is a button (you can not only turn the handle, but also press it). One of them is connected to pin P1, the second to 5V. Which one goes where - it doesn't matter.
3 lower contacts - encoder output. We connect the middle one to GND, the extreme ones to P0 and P2.

This is how it looks to me

Initially, I did not plan to do a review, so I took the MGTF that came to hand....


To begin with (digispark developers), download Digistump.Drivers.zip from which we install drivers according to the bitness of your OS (DPinst.exe or DPinst64.exe).
Then we install and open it. Add a link for the board manager, download “Digistump AVR Boards” in the board manager and select the board. How to do it .
Now we download the library from which we copy the “TrinketHidCombo” folder to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries” (or where the arduino ide was installed).
Open this very folder “TrinketHidCombo”, open the subfolder “examples/TrinketVolumeKnobPlus” and open the file “TrinketVolumeKnobPlus.ino” in it.
Click “download” (forward arrow), wait until the sketch is compiled and an invitation to connect digispark appears:
Only after this we connect our device to the computer and wait for the download to complete.
After 5 seconds, the digispark will “fall off” (the sound of the device disconnecting will be heard) and will reconnect as a hid input device.

We turn the encoder handle and are surprised that everything works. When rotated clockwise, the sound increases, counterclockwise it decreases. When pressed, the sound is muted.

How it works

If you turn the encoder handle, p.o. interprets this as a signal to turn up or turn down the volume. To do this, the library tool emulates pressing the multimedia keyboard buttons “volume up” and “volume down”. And also “mute”.

A couple of tambourine jumps

Because he doesn’t live up to dancing.

The first time it turned out a little differently than I wanted and the adjustment worked the other way around (when rotating clockwise the sound decreased). The solution was simple and banal:
I replaced
#define PIN_ENCODER_A 0 #define PIN_ENCODER_B 2 to #define PIN_ENCODER_A 2 #define PIN_ENCODER_B 0 that is, the input pins have been swapped.

Then I decided that changing the volume by 24% with a full turn of the knob was too slow. And I simply duplicated the code emulating pressing the volume up and down buttons:
if (enc_action > 0) ( TrinketHidCombo.pressMultimediaKey(MMKEY_VOL_UP); ) else if (enc_action< 0) { TrinketHidCombo.pressMultimediaKey(MMKEY_VOL_DOWN); } было заменено на if (enc_action >0) ( TrinketHidCombo.pressMultimediaKey(MMKEY_VOL_UP); TrinketHidCombo.pressMultimediaKey(MMKEY_VOL_UP); ) else if (enc_action< 0) { TrinketHidCombo.pressMultimediaKey(MMKEY_VOL_DOWN); TrinketHidCombo.pressMultimediaKey(MMKEY_VOL_DOWN); }
And then I thought that a separate mute button for music music is useless - you can just turn the control to the left. But the ability to pause the music will be much more interesting.
To implement this, I replaced
on TrinketHidCombo.pressMultimediaKey(MMKEY_PLAYPAUSE); List possible keys

can be seen in the file “TrinketHidCombo/TrinketHidCombo.h”.

I came across this iron box and used it. I drilled a hole for the encoder rod, clamped it, placing several washers. Drilled a hole for usb wires

. I stuffed the insides with foam rubber so that nothing would dangle or ring.

Ideas for improvement There is an idea to implement track switching. Additional buttons I don’t want to add, but I can play with the existing one. First possible variant - it’s like on a telephone headset:- the next track, triple - the previous one. The second option is to press the handle and turn: turning clockwise is the next track, counterclockwise is the previous one. Or even a combined option, when double/triple pressing will switch, and turning with pressing will work as fast forward/backward. I haven't decided which way I like best yet, so I haven't implemented any of the options yet.

Shopping list or element base

  1. 1. - $1.25
  2. 2. - $0.99
  3. 3. - $3.99
  4. 4. Some wires, a soldering iron, solder, a USB cable, some kind of housing - shareware
  5. 5. More or less straight arms - priceless
Total $6.23, you can save on the handle, but you can spend well on a beautiful body.


The most important thing is that the device works. Works without delays, without failures. On any computer, with any OS.
At the same time, there are thoughts on improving the body and adding additional actions.

And as it turned out, everything is quite simple. The main thing is the idea, and implementation is the tenth question. So go for it)
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The standard volume control for Windows is located on the desktop in the tray. Special icon Speaker allows you to mute the sound or adjust the overall volume. When you hover over the wave horn icon, the current sound level as a percentage is displayed.

When you click on the icon in the taskbar, a slider-controller and the “Mixer” option appear. This menu contains settings controls separately for programs and system notifications. But they are also designed as sliders without special functions.

Setting up sound via the taskbar
The precise volume control can be found in the Hardware and Sound section. The main advantage of the built-in Windows volume control is the ability to change the pitch of the sound for each separate application, even out and improve tone.

In addition to managing the speakers, the options “Change system sounds" and "Management sound devices».

The sound is quiet or absent
If there are no audio devices connected to the computer, there will be no corresponding button on the taskbar. Second possible problemoutdated drivers for a sound card. In order for sound to be output to the speakers, you need to update the drivers or install them again.

To increase the volume in a separate audio or video file, you can use special applications(eg Sound Booster).

Free programs to control speakers
For more convenient control, you can download a volume control. Special gadget installed on the desktop, opening fast access To flexible configuration speakers.

Volume Control THLE- electronic regulator volumes with different backgrounds and skins.
CV BG Collection – all-in-one utility: it’s also a regulator Windows volume, and battery status indicator, basket and clock.
Volume2 is a program that can be easily downloaded for free and installed for Windows.

Today I will tell you how, in my opinion, it is most convenient to control the volume and not only that, on a computer running Windows.

It is very convenient to change the volume by holding the left mouse button and scrolling the mouse wheel. I've been using Volumouse to control volume for a long time. But now I decided to share it with the readers of my blog.

Volumouse program

First you need to download the program. You need to do this from the official website - download volumemouse.

Choose the option for your operating system. There you can download an archive with a crack. It will need to be unpacked and copied to the program folder.

In total, the program can install 12 different rules. They will determine how and when to use the mouse wheel to adjust volume.

Basic management rules

  1. “Use wheel when:” Defines the condition for the rule to work. For example, if the left mouse button is pressed.
  2. “Component:” Responsible for what we will control (speakers, headphones, microphone, etc.).
  3. “Channels:” By default, the “All Channels” mode is enabled. But you can enable control of individual channels.
  4. “Steps:” sets the step with which the volume will be adjusted in one movement. For example, if it costs 1000, the effect will be achieved more slowly; if you put 3000, it will be faster.

Additional rules

“Enable rule after” For example, you can specify that the rule starts working after 3 scrolls with the mouse. Left/Right Balance Controls the balance of the left and right channels.

Screen Indicator

If desired, you can adjust the volume level indicator. Set its size, transparency, horizontal or vertical position, etc.

Volume adjustment

We launch the program and the rule is Use the wheel when we press the arrow button. In the drop-down menu select “ Left button mouse pressed"

In the “Component” column, select “Speakers” (or the device for which you want to set adjustment settings)

Then select desired channel(default all)

In the column steps. You ask desired value, I set 3000 for volume control and 1000 for screen brightness control.

Adjusting screen brightness

With this program I control not only sound. Here you can adjust the screen brightness. Adjustable in the same way as volume. I made it so that I held alt key You can make the screen brighter or darker.

For greater clarity, I recorded a video, I also recommend watching it. How to control volume on a computer:

Volume 2-program volume control. Very convenient, practical, lightweight, Russian, free. I advise you to install it. An excellent replacement for the standard regulator. Stop aiming for the little tray icon.

Along with other programs ( F.lux , gMote , CCleaner , USB Disk Security...), making the hard life of ordinary computer users easier, Volume 2 is doomed to be popular - such is its heavy cross.

With a slight movement of your hand... (no, your pants are in place), you can adjust the sound on your computer using the mouse. Even a child can figure out this convenient volume control in 2 minutes. Do you agree that it is difficult to move the mouse to the edge of the screen and move it higher? Or press the button on it and spin the wheel? That's right - nothing.

Having installed Volume 2 You will forget about it, but the convenience will remain for years. Save the downloaded installation file on a flash drive - you will 100% need it, or your (poor) friend who does not yet know about this wonderful program.

Volume control Volume 2 download


Setting the Volume Control

Setting the Volume Control

Everything is in Russian and logical...

Can different ways adjust the sound - at the edge of the screen, with a drop-down bar, simply moving the mouse up and down...

...or by rotating the mouse wheel. It's up to you to choose.