Latest comments to the youtube entry. Setting up YouTube comments

If your channel allows discussions, you can add comments to videos, edit them, and rate other viewers' posts. You can also reply to existing comments.

View comments

Video comments appear below the player window. To view them, just scroll down the page. In the comments section you can not only leave new messages, but also respond to other users. Replies are combined into threads. Comments are visible to everyone: every user can read them and join the discussion.

If you can't find the comment you're looking for, it may have been deleted. This may have happened because a violation was detected in the message or the user who left it or the channel owner decided to delete the post.

Note. The YouTube app lacks some commenting functionality. So, to rate a message “I liked” or “I didn’t like” from a mobile device, you need to open the video on

Comment history

You can see every comment you've ever left on YouTube. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to comment history.
  2. Open the tab Comment history at the top of the page.
  3. Go to the page with the comment by clicking on it.

If a video you commented on has been deleted, the post will not appear in your history. Also in this section you cannot view messages that were deleted due to violations.

If you open the video on your computer, you can change the order in which the comments appear. A drop-down list with sorting options is located below the message field. Comments can be sorted by popularity, that is, in descending order of the number of “I liked” marks, and by date added– from new to old.

If you click on the timestamp above a comment, the message and replies to it will begin to appear first in the list. A link to the entry will also be generated in the address bar of the browser.

Comments. Finally, YouTube introduced a new comment system and provided new features:

  • You'll now see posts from the video creator, popular people who commented on the video, and people in your Google+ circles at the top of the list.
  • You can choose who sees your comments. Either they will be seen by all users on YouTube and Google+, or only by people in your circles, or by users from a favorite list.
  • You have new tools to review and approve comments before they are posted on your channel. You can block certain words or save time by automatically approving comments from some of your subscribers. This will give you more time to distribute and create your videos.

This is a significant development of YouTube for the better, since now setting up YouTube comments helps the channel owner save time on moderation.

So, the new comment system provides new opportunities for YouTube channel owners. What should they do and how to set everything up correctly?

1. Turn on comments now.

If you have disabled comments on your videos, then it's time to enable them. This can be done as follows:

1. Click the arrow next to the Add Video button at the top of the page.

2. Select Video Manager.

3. Click the "Edit" button under the video you want to edit.

4. Click the "Advanced Settings" button.

5. Change the settings in the “Comments” section, then “Save changes”.

And don't worry: You now have anti-spam tools (as YouTube comment settings have become more extensive). If you would like all comments to be moderated before they are posted, please follow steps 1-4 (listed above). Then, under Allow Comments, select Approved.

When someone leaves a comment, you will receive an email notification that will direct you to a page where you can approve or delete the comment.

2. Turn on the “Discussion” block on your channel

If you have disabled commenting on , then enable the Discussion tab now. If discussions are enabled on your channel, you can choose whether your comments will appear immediately or after approval.

To enable discussions:

1. Click on the pencil at the top right of the page and select "Change review settings."

2. Click on the “Enable” button and then save the changes by clicking on “Save”.

If the Discussions tab is enabled, other YouTube users can post comments on your channel. And don't worry: the new YouTube comments setting gives you tools to combat spam and unwanted comments.

To see possible actions for comments left, click on the arrow in the upper right corner of a comment on your channel.

Setting up YouTube comments in the “Discussions” tab:

  • "Delete" - removes the comment from your YouTube channel.
  • “Complain” - a channel ban prohibits the user from leaving comments on your channel. You can remove a user from the banned list later.

Additionally, you can require approval for all new comments before they are posted on your channel. When someone leaves a comment, a blue banner at the top will let you know. You can then review the comment and approve or delete it. You can also mark comments to prevent spam. You can enable this feature in your channel settings.

There are also several automated filters. In your comments settings, you can find a list of allowed users and users who are prohibited from posting comments on your channel.

To configure them, go to the “Community” tab - “Comment Settings”

  • Approved users.

Tags for your YouTube videos - how to write them correctly, why are they needed and are they important for promoting videos? Now let's look at it in detail.

More and more often on YouTube you can hear statements like “it’s not necessary to write tags, they don’t give anything,” etc., and often the arguments are a link to something without optimization, which is “good enough anyway.” However, you need to take into account that top channels already have a subscriber base, which provides excellent traffic dynamics in the first hours of viewing, as a result of which their videos are promoted and ranked well.

Do you have a large channel with a large audience of viewers and good retention, long watch time and good traffic dynamics? If yes, then you can still ignore any optimization. But if not, then watch this video:

Tags are not some magical solution that will solve all your problems. Tagging your videos and keywords for your channel is just one component of optimizing your videos.

A total of 500 characters are allocated for tags. Therefore, you should make a list of tags from 3 categories:

  1. A list of 10-15 high-volume search queries. High frequency keywords that are relevant to the topic of the video should be mentioned here.
  2. General high-frequency search queries (also about 10-15 tags). They are taken from the semantic core of your channel.
    What search terms can describe your channel and the content on it in general? The answer to this question will be the list of tags for this category.
  3. Branding key search queries. They are needed to make it easier to find your content and for some linking between your videos. There should be 2-3 tags of this type. This could include your name and channel name and a unique phrase that you say in your videos.

How many tags should be included in a video? For greater coverage, of course, the more the better. But don't be tied to the maximum limit and use as much as you need. If you feel that you need to take some tag, but according to the VidIQ plugin it is not worth taking, you can ignore the competitiveness indicators.

To what extent can tags duplicate channel keywords? General tags about a channel may echo the channel's keyword search tags from the advanced settings - this is normal.

Watch the video for a breakdown of the following points:

  • Create a semantic core (more details: 1 minute 55 seconds)
  • Track trends (3 minutes 22 seconds)
  • Avoid duplicate and similar tags in different variations (6 minutes 55 seconds)
  • How to choose the right language for tags (7 minutes 40 seconds)
  • About the intersection and duplication of tags from video to video (8 minutes 48 seconds)
  • In what order should the tags be indicated (9 minutes 7 seconds)
  • In what cases should you change video tags (9 minutes 40 seconds)
  • Are tags needed for streams (10 minutes 44 seconds).

When composing tags, you do not need to limit yourself to any standard templates. Use your imagination.

You should pay attention to tags at least until the channel becomes large enough. However, it is worth remembering about other components of success for the channel - these are:

  • Ability to make attractive thumbnails for videos
  • Interesting catchy names

If you have something to say on the topic of selecting tags on YouTube, write a comment on this article.

Hello friends! Today we will discuss the features of comments on YouTube, their useful features, as well as those features that have appeared recently.

Below you can watch my video on this topic:

Let's start with innovations in the comments

1. Now you can attach a comment at the top. How to use it? For example, you want to draw attention to some important information or you are often asked a recurring question in the comments. Answer this question with a separate comment and attach it to the top of the list. You can pin a single comment, not a reply to someone else's. This way, when viewing comments, the one you attached will always be seen first.

To pin, click on the three dots icon next to the comment and select “Pin” from the list that appears. Only the channel owner can attach a comment.

2. You can mark your favorite comment with a heart. This mark is available only to the channel owner; regular likes and dislikes also remain - they are available to both you and viewers.

This option looks like this: under each comment there is a gray heart, if you click on it, it will turn red and your avatar (channel icon) will appear next to it.

These are the newbies that appeared in the comments on YouTube recently.

About other settings in the comments

There are other comment settings that may be useful to the channel owner. I'll tell you about them too.

Offensive, inappropriate and spam comments can be deleted both from the page for viewing the video to which they were left, and through the Creative Studio of your channel.

In the first case, again, click on the icon in the form of three dots next to the comment and select the desired action.

If you choose action "Block user", then he goes into a separate list and all new comments from this person will be automatically hidden. This list is located in the “Creative Studio” - section “Community” - “Community Settings”. By the way, it is possible to unban users from this list.

In the same section you can appoint moderators(indicating the link to the user's channel). This person will be able to delete comments under your videos. At the same time, the comments he deleted are saved in the “Under Review” tab (Section “Community” - “Comments”), from where you can delete them permanently or restore them if the comment was deleted accidentally.

There is a block under the list of blocked users "Black List". In it you can specify a list of “objectionable” words and phrases, comments with which will be sent for verification before becoming visible to all viewers. You can also add comments with links to the list by adding the word “*links*” or “*links*” to it.

Below are displayed "Default Settings", which can also be changed.

Filter comments, answer them, etc., you can from the “Comments” subsection in the “Community” section. There are three tabs here:

Report – the comment is marked as spam or a message with inappropriate content. This is a signal to YouTube to take action against a specific user.

Block (the person ends up on a separate list, this was discussed above).

Post this user's comments without verification (this person will also be included in a separate "Approved Users" list in "Community Settings" and their comments will be displayed immediately).

And appoint him as a moderator (I’ve already talked about this too).

2. Under consideration– viewer comments come here if you have specified “Send comments for review” before publishing in the settings, as well as comments with words from the blacklist. Here they can be approved, hidden, etc.

3. "Spam"– here are comments that were marked as spam, or YouTube automatically identified them as spam. This happens when there are links in a comment, the same comment is duplicated several times, this user leaves many of the same type of comments on different channels, short comments - “thanks to the author,” etc. Comments can be approved, deleted, or complained from the Spam folder , or block the user.

When publishing or editing an individual video, you can also set some comment settings. To do this, switch to the “Advanced Settings” tab.

Here you can disable comments under videos, simply by unchecking the box next to “Allow comments”. Set up display of comments for viewers - all or only approved ones. And also arrange the display - popular or new first. When you make changes to your video settings, don't forget to save them!

And there is also a possibility set up the “Discussion” tab on the channel’s main page. It displays comments left on your channel. To enable it, you need to click on the gear next to the “Subscribe” button.

In the window that appears opposite the “Discussion” tab, move the slider to the right so that it turns blue. And configure the display of comments - immediately or send them for approval first. Click "Save".

And for dessert...

Highlighting comments

For example:

To make text bold, put the following symbols before and after it: * your text*

For italics, use underscore: _ your text _

Use hyphens to strikethrough: -your text-

These basic formatting options are available for now. By the way, they also work in Google Plus.

Friends, in the article I looked at the basic comment settings that will be useful to the owner of a YouTube channel. Use them as intended. If you have questions, I will be glad to answer them.

Thank you for your attention!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

What kind of problems do Internet users have to face? Even something as simple as posting a comment can be fraught with complications.

Lately, many people have been asking “Why can’t I leave a comment on YouTube?”, so we decided to talk about the reasons and solution to this problem.

How to leave a comment on YouTube? To leave comments on videos, you need to log in to the most popular video hosting site.

But it also happens that you can’t leave entries even after logging into your profile. This may be due to various reasons, so you will have to figure out what exactly is not working.

What's with YouTube comments, they don't work?

Each site is modernized, although it is not noticeable from the outside. YouTube video hosting is no exception, and changes occur quite often.

Developers try to immediately optimize everything for Google Chrome (their own browser) and only after that check how everything works in other platforms.

Most often, Mozilla users encounter problems when commenting on YouTube videos. If you can't leave a note under the video, just try using a different browser.

If you have to leave comments often and don’t want to switch to another browser, then open the tools, go to settings, then select privacy and allow to accept cookies from third-party sites:

Additional lines appear only after you select the use of your settings in the first field. Opposite “Accept cookies from supporting sites” you must set “Always”.

Some users encounter a problem when no one sees their comments. In this case, you can leave a note under someone's comment or wait for YouTube to resolve the issue ().

If you happen to encounter this problem, just try clearing your cookies first (