Tricolor TV confirmation of subscriber data: by phone. Tricolor TV confirm data - easy

Do you need to connect to satellite TV? Bad signal from shared antenna? Or maybe you want to be able to watch TV channels that are not included in the list offered by local television? Then your choice is “Tricolor TV”!

Why Tricolor?

But because it is convenient and accessible. It is he who is the largest and most popular provider of low-cost satellite television services in Russia. Connecting it is very simple: you just need to find out which company is installing it in your region. They themselves will deliver you a receiver and other equipment necessary for broadcasting television programs. They will connect and configure it themselves. All you need to do is pay for the services and sign the subscription service agreement. That's all! Watch dozens of TV channels on various topics to suit every taste, even if you are in remote areas of the Russian Federation, where regular television is not available. Now you are a subscriber of "Tricolor TV"!

Confirm personal data

This is what will be required of you within 90 days of entering into the contract. If this is not the first time you have entered into an agreement with a company and previously no one required any action from you after concluding the agreement, now this is mandatory. This rule appeared starting January 14, 2013.

Why is this necessary?

It is better not to ignore the demands of Tricolor TV to confirm the subscriber’s data. The need for this action is indicated in the agreement that you concluded at the beginning of your cooperation. Tricolor TV's requirement to confirm the data is justified by the fact that when concluding an agreement, an error may well be made in the information about a new subscriber. This could be a simple typo or typo, as well as other erroneous information. Agree that such “work on mistakes” is the right action, excluding the entry of false data that could make the concluded contract invalid, which is not necessary for either you or Tricolor TV.

Is it impossible to confirm the data?

After 90 days, or almost three months, the television broadcast will be stopped and you will only have access to some of the channels that are provided to you for free, i.e. included in the Basic package. This will happen regardless of how many channels and for how long you previously paid for Tricolor TV. It is necessary to confirm personal data - this will make the information specified when concluding the contract reliable and verified. So that you do not forget to do this, you will be sent a reminder in the form of SMS. You will be notified of the end of the 90-day period given to you by Tricolor TV. It is better to confirm your data immediately after receiving such a message!

How to confirm data?

It's very easy to do. There is no need to go anywhere or wait for a specialist. In order to confirm your data, you need to:

  • Go to the official website of Tricolor TV. On the main page in the menu you need to select the “Confirm data” item, after which a special form will open. To confirm the data using any of the available methods, you will need to keep in front of you the agreement that you entered into to receive satellite television services. You must indicate the contract number and model of your receiver. All other necessary information is known to you without prompting: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address where the equipment is installed, your phone number and e-mail. This is all the information that is necessary for Tricolor TV. You can confirm your personal data in other ways.
  • If you are already registered on the company’s official website and have access to your personal account, then you can go through the process by using the “Data Confirmation” menu item in your account. If you have not previously registered, it is recommended that you do so. In your personal account, you can find out about the status of your subscriber account and receive other information that you need no less.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to confirm your data via the Internet, then there is also an equally simple and convenient way for you. Just dial 8-800-500-01-23 from any phone (the call is free to all subscribers in the Russian Federation). Contact center specialists will ask you the necessary questions, and the data will be confirmed.

What happens after?

After you fulfill Tricolor TV's requirement to confirm your personal data, you will become their full-fledged subscriber. If you indicated your email address when confirming, you will receive an electronic certificate indicating that you are an Honorary Subscriber. If the service was suspended, it will resume again within three days. Now you can fully enjoy watching your favorite TV shows. The main thing is to remember to pay for Tricolor TV services on time!

The Tricolor TV company obliges all clients to confirm their registration data. This is warned about when signing the contract, and later reminders are sent to the phone, but many clients wonder why at some point they are not able to use the company’s services. There are 5 ways to confirm personal data. Why is this needed, and what kind of methods are we will discuss in this article.

Not all subscribers understand why there is a need to confirm individual data, and are surprised that their account was blocked. The answer to the question posed lies on the surface.

Tricolor TV provides services based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation. At the legislative level, the company is required to fill out and update information in the subscriber database. Moreover, in the agreement concluded between the company and the subscriber, there are rights and obligations of the parties.

In the event of conflict situations, the company has the right to bring a claim against the opposite party, therefore each subscriber must be individualized. When concluding an agreement, the subscriber consents to the processing of individual data, and the provision of this data in accordance with the agreement rests with the client.

Based on this, the company has the right to suspend the services provided if the client does not update personal information on time. Also, data updating must occur if the satellite equipment has been transferred to another owner.

Data must be confirmed no later than 90 days from the date of subscriber registration, after information has been changed, and at least once a year.

Methods for confirming data

To confirm the information, the company requires you to provide the following information:

  • Client's full name;
  • model and number of the satellite receiver;
  • Client ID;
  • customer agreement number;
  • contact and mobile phone numbers;
  • legal address;
  • email address.

Confirmation by phone

When choosing this method, you need to call 8-800-500-01-23. This is a federal toll-free telephone number for city network subscribers. For calls from mobile phones, tariffs are based on operator rates. By calling the number, the data is transmitted to the operator in voice mode. It is recommended to prepare all data in advance to make registration faster.

Sending data by postal service

Data can be sent by letter. The method is somewhat outdated, but it has not lost its relevance.

A letter with data should be sent to the following address:

  • 197022
  • Saint Petersburg
  • PO Box 170
  • CJSC National Satellite Company.

Please take into account the fact that mail is slow and not very high quality. Very often letters are lost or take quite a long time to arrive. Therefore, it is advisable to send a letter with a completed questionnaire immediately after concluding an agreement and registering the subscriber in the system.

Visit to the company office

This option involves visiting the nearest company office with documents. Employees will confirm your identity and enter all the necessary data into the client database.

Application form on the Tricolor TV website

To verify, you need to go to the website and go to the subscriber assistance section at You can get to the section through the menu located at the top left of the page or scroll all the way down and click the “Help” link. Next in order:

Subscriber's personal account

This option is the most convenient method, and is similar to the previous method. However, in order to carry out verification, you must first register in your personal account. This is not difficult to do, and anyone, even a novice user, can figure it out. After registration, you are logged into the user's account.

For verification in your personal account, there is a separate section, which is called “Data Confirmation”. This section provides current information. Which can be changed by clicking on the pencil picture, or confirmed. To do this, click on the checkmark icon.

After confirming personal data, the subscriber can change and supplement them. Changing information occurs in the same way, but select the “Change data” item.

Tricolor TV does not limit its clients, and has developed several ways to confirm data. Each client will be able to choose the most convenient one for himself. The main condition is not to forget to update your data so as not to violate the terms of the contract for the services provided.

Customer data is recorded in the Tricolor TV Subscriber Registration System and is used to contact support, also to participate in equipment exchange promotions, resolve payment issues and renew Tricolor TV packages, etc. A very important point is to indicate the correct data when drawing up a subscription agreement.(/jb_bluebox)

The modern world of high technology dictates to us the need to register the goods we have purchased. Yes, your personal data is not written on the cash receipt, but the manufacturers ask you to register the same laptop. For what? In order to provide high-quality technical support, which can only be personal. You will use this technique for a long period of time. Plus, this equipment belongs to you personally. That is why Tricolor TV strongly recommends that its users confirm their data by registering. It’s nice to know that the data you specified during registration is entered into the Tricolor TV Subscriber Registration System so that you can participate in all the sweepstakes and promotions that are regularly held by the company.

How to confirm data on Tricolor TV

Confirmation of registration details
This procedure must be completed after your Tricolor TV receiver is registered.

Note! Confirmation of the data indicated when activating the receiver is a mandatory procedure.

In the event that you activated your equipment from January 14, 2013, in accordance with the service agreements, you must, within 90 days from the date of activation, confirm the following information: last name, first name, patronymic, installation address of the receiving equipment (indicate the address located in the territory of the Russian Federation), mobile and contact phone numbers that were specified when drawing up the Tricolor TV contract.

In order to confirm the data on Tricolor TV

The data confirmation procedure can be completed in one of the following ways:

1) on the Tricolor TV website, to do this, follow the link (section “Declare yourself”)
2) in the Tricolor TV Personal Account, section My Data (Instructions for working with the Tricolor TV Personal Account)
3) by calling the Tricolor TV support service t.8-800-500-01-23 (there is no charge for calls within the territory of the Russian Federation)
4) by sending a letter to the following address: St. Petersburg, 197022, PO Box 170, CJSC National Satellite Company

Note! If, within 90 days from the date of registration of the satellite receiver, you go through the procedure of confirming the data listed in the Tricolor TV contract, the operator has grounds to stop broadcasting TV channels on your receiving equipment, excluding the “Basic” package. Channel broadcasts will be suspended until you confirm your details. After confirming the data, the service will be resumed within three days after confirmation.

How to change the owner data of the Tricolor receiver

Changing registration data for Tricolor TV

If your registration data has changed, or if the owner of Tricolor TV equipment has changed, you must change your data in the customer database. You can change the data in the following way:

1) You need to download and fill out an Application for changing personal data of Tricolor TV. Be sure to indicate the ID of the satellite receiver (), full name, passport details, address of its installation of Tricolor TV equipment
2) Sign the application, scan the application, also scan the 2nd, 3rd and 5th pages of your Russian passport
3) Send a signed application with correct data and scans of your passport to Email: [email protected]
4) Send the signed original application for changing data, and photocopies of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th pages of your Russian passport by mail to the following address: index: 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170, ZAO " National Satellite Company"

After this, your data will be changed in the Tricolor TV subscriber database, and you will become the authorized owner of the equipment

Many "" subscribers are faced with the need to confirm their own registration data. Typically, the operator notifies its subscribers about the need to carry out this procedure via SMS message. Some are faced with the following situation: the subscription period has not yet expired, but paid channels are not shown. We hasten to assure you: there is nothing wrong with this. Just confirm the data in your Tricolor personal account, and access to TV channels will be restored.

We offer three options for confirming data in your Tricolor personal account.

1. Dial the number 8-800-333-29-33 and provide the operator who will be in touch with all the necessary information. Please note that calls to this number are free.

2. Go to the official website of the operator in your personal account and confirm the data you entered earlier. If something has changed, make the change.

3. You can also fill out a special form, which can be found on the operator’s website

How to change personal data in your Tricolor personal account

Video instructions on how to find out your ID

With data confirmation, everything is clear and if nothing has changed, the procedure will take you less than 5 minutes. But if something has changed for you since registration, we suggest you do the following.

1. We go to the website In the right corner, at the top, you will see the “enter your personal account” button, click on it.

A) If you registered earlier, enter the receiver ID, subscriber agreement number and your password in the fields that open.

b) If you have not registered, then you need to create a personal account. In the fields that appear, enter the receiver ID or subscriber agreement number. Next you will see the message “Get password”.

Click on it. You will be asked to send the password to the set-top box, as an SMS message, or by email. Choose the most suitable option. After receiving the password, remember it. To be sure, you can write it down in a notepad or organizer. Click the back button, enter the received password, read the terms of the agreement with the operator, click “I have read and agree.”

2. After logging into your personal account, on the left you will see a confirmation message. If you click it, you will be taken to a confirmation page. If you agree, just click on the green checkmark. But if something has changed, you need to click on the pencil and change the necessary parameters.

But there is one peculiarity here. In most cases, you need to re-enter the receiver model, since it is not confirmed when the data is changed.

To comply with the requirements of current legislation, as well as in accordance with clause 3.8 " Terms of service», « Tricolor TV» is obliged to maintain an up-to-date database of its subscribers. To do this, at least once a year, as well as when changing personal data, subscribers are required to confirm the data specified in the contract: DRE ID of the receiver, the actual address of installation of the equipment, as well as Last Name, First Name, Patronymic, contact phone number and email address of the owner of the receiving equipment .

Please click on the "Data Confirmation" button and fill out the form.

When concluding a Subscription Agreement and registering Tricolor TV receiving equipment, the subscriber’s personal data is entered into the Tricolor TV Subscriber Registration System and is used when the subscriber requests information and reference services, as well as to participate in promotions, lotteries, drawings and in other cases.

Attention! We draw your attention to the mandatory procedure for confirming your personal data specified when registering the receiving equipment.

If you registered on January 14, 2013. in accordance with the Tricolor TV Terms of Service, you undertake to confirm the data within 90 days from the date of registration as a Subscriber, and then at least once a year throughout the entire term of the subscription agreement and/or each time the data changes about the last name, first name, patronymic, address of installation of the software located within the Russian Federation, as well as about the contact telephone numbers specified in the Subscription Agreement, by choosing one of the following methods:

1. by filling out a special form on the website in the “Declare yourself" section;

2. in the subscriber’s Personal Account in the “Data Confirmation” section;

IMPORTANT!!! Special attention to subscribers with ID equipment of series 11-13 - for YOU (according to the new conditions for the provision of Tricolor TV services), a mandatory procedure for confirming registration data has also begun to operate.

Therefore, if your paid package does not work "OPTIMUM" and/or free package "BASIC", you also need to re-confirm your details via subscriber's personal account and there you can request keys to activate packages:

That is, in the column " Data confirmation“Click on the pencil and then, without changing anything, immediately click on the green checkmark - confirm in this way on all points.

Then we go to service management - package " OPTIMUM"must be active!!!

Go to the button to send activation keys to the " section HELP" and after an hour (maximum 8 hours) package "OPTIMUM"must earn it.

3. by calling the Contact Center of CJSC National Satellite Company at 8-800-500-01-23 (the call is free within the Russian Federation);

4. by sending a postal item to the address: St. Petersburg, 197022, PO Box 170, CJSC National Satellite Company, or in any other way not prohibited by law.

If within 90 days from the date of registration the Subscriber does not confirm the data specified in the Subscription Agreement, CJSC National Satellite Company has the right to suspend the provision of the service, through which the subscriber line was formed, except for the “Basic” service , for a period of until the subscriber confirms the specified data . CJSC National Satellite Company resumes the service, the provision of which was suspended, no later than the 3rd (third) day following the day the subscriber confirmed the data on the last name, first name, patronymic, software installation address located within the Russian Federation, as well as on the numbers contact numbers specified in the Subscription Agreement.

Changing registration details

If you are the owner of Tricolor TV receiving equipment and your personal data has changed, you need to make changes in the Tricolor TV subscriber database. To do this, do the following:

    Download and fill out the “Application for changing personal data”, indicating the DRE ID of your receiver, the current Last Name, First Name, Patronymic, passport details of the owner of the equipment and the correct address of its installation;

    Scan the signed application and pages 2, 3, 5 of your passport;

    Send scanned documents to the postal address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. ;

    Send the original application and photocopies of 2, 3, 5 pages of the passport by mail to the following address: 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170, CJSC National Satellite Company

After completing these steps, your registration data will be corrected in the Tricolor TV Subscriber Registration System, and you will be the full owner of the equipment.

*Receipt and processing of personal data is carried out within the framework of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. Personal data can be used when a subscriber requests information and reference services, as well as to participate in promotions, lotteries, sweepstakes and in other cases.