Removing fatal Yandex webmaster errors. Review of fatal errors of Yandex webmaster

This section contains solutions to common problems in the “Fatal” category, identified during site diagnostics in Yandex.Webmaster. Problems in this category lead to the exclusion of individual pages or an entire site from search results.

The main page of the site returns an error

If you receive this message, do the following:

After making changes, wait until the next robot visit. You can also send the page for crawling - the robot will crawl it within two weeks.

If, as a result of the scan, the page responds with code 200 OK and there are no problems with content availability, then the warning in Yandex.Webmaster will disappear within a few days.

Failed to connect to server due to DNS error

Once a day, the indexing robot contacts DNS servers to determine the IP address of the server on which the site is located. If DNS records are configured incorrectly on a site, the robot does not receive the site's IP address. Therefore, the site cannot be indexed and added to search results.

Check the correctness of the server's response to the indexing robot. If the site is still unavailable, contact your hosting provider to adjust your domain's DNS records. When access to the site appears, the information in Yandex.Webmaster will be updated within a few days.

The problem with accessing the site may be short-lived. If you re-check the server response and no errors are found, wait for the information to be updated in the Webmaster; this should happen within a few days.

If the domain name is not renewed on time, the site becomes unavailable for indexing. Renew your domain registration. After this, the message in Yandex.Webmaster will disappear within a few days.

The site is closed for indexing in the robots.txt file

Several times a day, the indexing robot requests the robots.txt file and updates information about it in its database. If during the next call the robot received a prohibiting directive, a corresponding warning appears in Yandex.Webmaster.

Check the contents of the robots.txt file. If the ban is still present, remove it from the file. If you can't do this yourself, contact your hosting provider or domain name registrar. After the ban is lifted, the data in Yandex.Webmaster is updated within a few days.

If the domain name was not renewed on time, the robots.txt file will contain disallowing directives for the robot. Renew your domain registration. After this, the message in Yandex.Webmaster will disappear within a few days.

Violations or security issues detected

If a search rule violation is found If a security threat is found

On the page Diagnostics → Security and violations do the following:

When you solve the problem:

    Verify that the problem is resolved. If the service detects a threat again during the scan, you will be able to report its elimination only after a month. Further this period will increase and may reach three months.

    In the Yandex.Webmaster interface on the page Diagnostics → Security and violations Click the I fixed it button. This will give an additional signal to Yandex algorithms that the site needs to be rechecked. If the review is completed successfully, the restrictions will be lifted over time and information about violations will no longer be displayed.

Since September 2017, the number of notifications in the Yandex Webmaster panel about a fatal error has sharply increased, and often sites that have nothing to do under the search conspiracy theory filter are subject to sanctions. What is this... where did the chieftain get his money and how to get rid of the filter? Let's start by diving into the depths of the problem:

Violations or security issues detected

The root cause of the sanctions

Over the past years, Platon Shchukin and Co. have repeatedly organized St. Bartholomew's Night for webmasters. It all started with a struggle with links and over time grew into something more that required immersion in the basics of the business.

Yandex is a commercial company and shareholders want, at best, to make a profit, and at worst, to see innovations from management. The best case was closely intertwined with the worst, and under the banner of the fight for the quality of search results, Yandex began to take 80% of the profits from website creators. Since commercial projects are richer, we started with them, convincingly explaining without using violence that Direct is good for business.

Links have gone into oblivion by 90%, commerce with its head bowed low has gone to Direct and the time has come for information sites. It will not be possible to attract them into contextual advertising en masse, but the holes in the budget must be closed, if not with profit, then with activity (read above). The massive appearance of a fatal error in the panel indicates that the search results are being cleaned up. What's the profit here? It's simple - sites with small and medium traffic are being cut down, they are being replaced by defective portals, who themselves eat from Direct’s table and feed him.

Formal cause of fatal error

Yasha’s ranking algorithms take into account thousands of different factors, so there will always be a cockroach outside the door that the site owner did not manage to kill with a slipper. Bots scurry around sites and if the resource does not have a roof in the form of high traffic and Direct advertising, then the resource receives a fatal error.

Remember “if only there were a person, there would be an article”? Yandex uses the saying 100%, adding only the twist “stranger”.

So, a fatal error appears in 90% of cases due to:

  1. Google ads in the first window,
  2. Large % of pages with a small amount of information,
  3. Webmaster's life karma,
  4. Just.

If you saw in the panel:

The site's position in search results has been lowered

Then the sad clown came to your street.

Signs of sanctions are a drop in traffic by 40-80% and a rollback of positions by 20-30 places in the search depth.

We are being treated

It’s hard to be treated if the doctor came up with a diagnosis for you on the fly, but life requires a heartbeat, so you have to try to get rid of Yasha’s fatality. Here is a list of actions that can help with sanctions:

  1. Shooting advertising from the first screen,
  2. Removing or disallowing small pages (of little use),
  3. Formatting large but casual pages,
  4. Healthy sleep.

In 2 cases out of 5, the error disappears when the site is resubmitted for verification without any further action. In another case, filming advertising helps. At the end of October 2017, I can’t say what will help in the 2 remaining cases, perhaps Yandex itself will understand that if you cut down the forest like this, you will soon have to live among the stumps and will roll back the sanctions, restoring hope to the webmaster.

I also advise you not to be sad if you make a fatal mistake, because life is much broader than the loss of a third of your traffic and the mark of a sanctioner on your forehead.

Today we will analyze in detail the section of fatal errors that not only prevent the site from being indexed in search engines - due to the presence of these errors, the site may simply not be shown in search results.

So, the list of fatal errors in Yandex Webmaster consists of the following items:

1. The site is closed for indexing in the robots.txt file

Robots.txt is a key file that explains to search engine robots where on the site they can go and where they cannot. If robots.txt completely blocks the ability of Yandex robots to visit the site, then you can basically forget about further work. Search engines simply will not see any changes to the site. Therefore, it is very important that robots.txt directives not only allow search engine robots to visit the site, but also guide them through the site in the manner necessary for proper optimization.

2. Failed to connect to the server due to a DNS error.

DNS errors usually occur either on the server side, or due to the user’s incorrect configuration of the domain and hosting to work together. Due to DNS errors, the search engine does not understand which domain is linked to your site and simply does not show the domain in the search results.

3. The main page of the site returns an error

When a search engine sends a request to a site about its existence, it must receive one of the response codes that matches the search engine's knowledge. Most common codes:
200 - the page exists and is displayed
301 - the page redirects everyone to another page
404 - page does not exist
500 - page problem on the server side

It is important that the site gives code 200 when requested. Only in this way will Yandex understand that everything is in order with the site and offer it for search ranking.

4. Violations or security issues detected

Yandex carefully ensures that visiting sites from search results is safe for users’ computers. Therefore, if there is the slightest threat from the site, the search robot first places a warning about possible problems next to the site in the search results, and if the problem is not resolved after some time, it will simply remove the resource from the search results. Therefore, it is very important to monitor both the condition of the resource and its safety. It is necessary to change passwords on time and scan the site using an antivirus.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site, today I open the Yandex web account and find an exclamation mark on my two sites, when I went to the first site I saw a fatal error with the following content: “The site may threaten the user’s security, or violations have been detected on it search engine rules. The presence of this problem negatively affects the site's position in search results." Let's see what the reason is and how you can fix it.

A more detailed view of the error" The site may pose a threat to user safety"

And so there is a patient, my one of the blogs (http://moscow-rossiya.rf/) on it I share my experience of living in Moscow, where and where to go there and what and where to see, if you haven’t seen it yet, then welcome. I go into the webmaster’s office and see, as I wrote above, a warning.

Having gone into the settings of the site itself, I saw the following picture: 1 fatal error, click on it to see the details.